using ChocolArm64.Instructions; using ChocolArm64.Memory; using ChocolArm64.State; using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection.Emit; namespace ChocolArm64.Decoders { static class Decoder { private delegate object OpActivator(Inst inst, long position, int opCode); private static ConcurrentDictionary _opActivators; static Decoder() { _opActivators = new ConcurrentDictionary(); } public static Block DecodeBasicBlock(MemoryManager memory, long start, ExecutionMode mode) { Block block = new Block(start); FillBlock(memory, mode, block); return block; } public static Block DecodeSubroutine( TranslatorCache cache, MemoryManager memory, long start, ExecutionMode mode) { Dictionary visited = new Dictionary(); Dictionary visitedEnd = new Dictionary(); Queue blocks = new Queue(); Block Enqueue(long position) { if (!visited.TryGetValue(position, out Block output)) { output = new Block(position); blocks.Enqueue(output); visited.Add(position, output); } return output; } Block entry = Enqueue(start); while (blocks.Count > 0) { Block current = blocks.Dequeue(); FillBlock(memory, mode, current); //Set child blocks. "Branch" is the block the branch instruction //points to (when taken), "Next" is the block at the next address, //executed when the branch is not taken. For Unconditional Branches //(except BL/BLR that are sub calls) or end of executable, Next is null. if (current.OpCodes.Count > 0) { bool hasCachedSub = false; OpCode64 lastOp = current.GetLastOp(); if (lastOp is IOpCodeBImm op) { if (op.Emitter == InstEmit.Bl) { hasCachedSub = cache.HasSubroutine(op.Imm); } else { current.Branch = Enqueue(op.Imm); } } if (!IsUnconditionalBranch(lastOp) || hasCachedSub) { current.Next = Enqueue(current.EndPosition); } } //If we have on the graph two blocks with the same end position, //then we need to split the bigger block and have two small blocks, //the end position of the bigger "Current" block should then be == to //the position of the "Smaller" block. while (visitedEnd.TryGetValue(current.EndPosition, out Block smaller)) { if (current.Position > smaller.Position) { Block temp = smaller; smaller = current; current = temp; } current.EndPosition = smaller.Position; current.Next = smaller; current.Branch = null; current.OpCodes.RemoveRange( current.OpCodes.Count - smaller.OpCodes.Count, smaller.OpCodes.Count); visitedEnd[smaller.EndPosition] = smaller; } visitedEnd.Add(current.EndPosition, current); } return entry; } private static void FillBlock(MemoryManager memory, ExecutionMode mode, Block block) { long position = block.Position; OpCode64 opCode; do { opCode = DecodeOpCode(memory, position, mode); block.OpCodes.Add(opCode); position += opCode.OpCodeSizeInBytes; } while (!(IsBranch(opCode) || IsException(opCode))); block.EndPosition = position; } private static bool IsBranch(OpCode64 opCode) { return opCode is OpCodeBImm64 || opCode is OpCodeBReg64 || IsAarch32Branch(opCode); } private static bool IsUnconditionalBranch(OpCode64 opCode) { return opCode is OpCodeBImmAl64 || opCode is OpCodeBReg64 || IsAarch32UnconditionalBranch(opCode); } private static bool IsAarch32UnconditionalBranch(OpCode64 opCode) { if (!(opCode is OpCode32 op)) { return false; } //Note: On ARM32, most instructions have conditional execution, //so there's no "Always" (unconditional) branch like on ARM64. //We need to check if the condition is "Always" instead. return IsAarch32Branch(op) && op.Cond >= Condition.Al; } private static bool IsAarch32Branch(OpCode64 opCode) { //Note: On ARM32, most ALU operations can write to R15 (PC), //so we must consider such operations as a branch in potential aswell. return opCode is IOpCodeBImm32 || opCode is IOpCodeBReg32 || (opCode is IOpCodeAlu32 op && op.Rd == RegisterAlias.Aarch32Pc); } private static bool IsException(OpCode64 opCode) { return opCode.Emitter == InstEmit.Brk || opCode.Emitter == InstEmit.Svc || opCode.Emitter == InstEmit.Und; } public static OpCode64 DecodeOpCode(MemoryManager memory, long position, ExecutionMode mode) { int opCode = memory.ReadInt32(position); Inst inst; if (mode == ExecutionMode.Aarch64) { inst = OpCodeTable.GetInstA64(opCode); } else { if (mode == ExecutionMode.Aarch32Arm) { inst = OpCodeTable.GetInstA32(opCode); } else /* if (mode == ExecutionMode.Aarch32Thumb) */ { inst = OpCodeTable.GetInstT32(opCode); } } OpCode64 decodedOpCode = new OpCode64(Inst.Undefined, position, opCode); if (inst.Type != null) { decodedOpCode = MakeOpCode(inst.Type, inst, position, opCode); } return decodedOpCode; } private static OpCode64 MakeOpCode(Type type, Inst inst, long position, int opCode) { if (type == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type)); } OpActivator createInstance = _opActivators.GetOrAdd(type, CacheOpActivator); return (OpCode64)createInstance(inst, position, opCode); } private static OpActivator CacheOpActivator(Type type) { Type[] argTypes = new Type[] { typeof(Inst), typeof(long), typeof(int) }; DynamicMethod mthd = new DynamicMethod($"Make{type.Name}", type, argTypes); ILGenerator generator = mthd.GetILGenerator(); generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_2); generator.Emit(OpCodes.Newobj, type.GetConstructor(argTypes)); generator.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); return (OpActivator)mthd.CreateDelegate(typeof(OpActivator)); } } }