using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gal; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Texture { static class ImageUtils { struct ImageDescriptor { public TextureReaderDelegate Reader; public bool HasColor; public bool HasDepth; public bool HasStencil; public bool Compressed; public ImageDescriptor( TextureReaderDelegate Reader, bool HasColor, bool HasDepth, bool HasStencil, bool Compressed) { this.Reader = Reader; this.HasColor = HasColor; this.HasDepth = HasDepth; this.HasStencil = HasStencil; this.Compressed = Compressed; } } private const GalImageFormat Snorm = GalImageFormat.Snorm; private const GalImageFormat Unorm = GalImageFormat.Unorm; private const GalImageFormat Sint = GalImageFormat.Sint; private const GalImageFormat Uint = GalImageFormat.Uint; private const GalImageFormat Sfloat = GalImageFormat.Sfloat; private static readonly Dictionary s_TextureTable = new Dictionary() { { GalTextureFormat.R32G32B32A32, GalImageFormat.R32G32B32A32 | Sint | Uint | Sfloat }, { GalTextureFormat.R16G16B16A16, GalImageFormat.R16G16B16A16 | Snorm | Unorm | Sint | Uint | Sfloat }, { GalTextureFormat.R32G32, GalImageFormat.R32G32 | Sint | Uint | Sfloat }, { GalTextureFormat.A8B8G8R8, GalImageFormat.A8B8G8R8 | Snorm | Unorm | Sint | Uint }, { GalTextureFormat.A2B10G10R10, GalImageFormat.A2B10G10R10 | Snorm | Unorm | Sint | Uint }, { GalTextureFormat.G8R8, GalImageFormat.G8R8 | Snorm | Unorm | Sint | Uint }, { GalTextureFormat.R16, GalImageFormat.R16 | Snorm | Unorm | Sint | Uint | Sfloat }, { GalTextureFormat.R8, GalImageFormat.R8 | Snorm | Unorm | Sint | Uint }, { GalTextureFormat.R32, GalImageFormat.R32 | Sint | Uint | Sfloat }, { GalTextureFormat.A4B4G4R4, GalImageFormat.A4B4G4R4 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.A1B5G5R5, GalImageFormat.A1R5G5B5 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.B5G6R5, GalImageFormat.B5G6R5 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.BF10GF11RF11, GalImageFormat.B10G11R11 | Sfloat }, { GalTextureFormat.Z24S8, GalImageFormat.D24_S8 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.ZF32, GalImageFormat.D32 | Sfloat }, { GalTextureFormat.ZF32_X24S8, GalImageFormat.D32_S8 | Unorm }, //Compressed formats { GalTextureFormat.BC6H_SF16, GalImageFormat.BC6H_SF16 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.BC6H_UF16, GalImageFormat.BC6H_UF16 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.BC7U, GalImageFormat.BC7 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.BC1, GalImageFormat.BC1_RGBA | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.BC2, GalImageFormat.BC2 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.BC3, GalImageFormat.BC3 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.BC4, GalImageFormat.BC4 | Unorm | Snorm }, { GalTextureFormat.BC5, GalImageFormat.BC5 | Unorm | Snorm }, { GalTextureFormat.Astc2D4x4, GalImageFormat.ASTC_4x4 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.Astc2D5x5, GalImageFormat.ASTC_5x5 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.Astc2D6x6, GalImageFormat.ASTC_6x6 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.Astc2D8x8, GalImageFormat.ASTC_8x8 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.Astc2D10x10, GalImageFormat.ASTC_10x10 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.Astc2D12x12, GalImageFormat.ASTC_12x12 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.Astc2D5x4, GalImageFormat.ASTC_5x4 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.Astc2D6x5, GalImageFormat.ASTC_6x5 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.Astc2D8x6, GalImageFormat.ASTC_8x6 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.Astc2D10x8, GalImageFormat.ASTC_10x8 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.Astc2D12x10, GalImageFormat.ASTC_12x10 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.Astc2D8x5, GalImageFormat.ASTC_8x5 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.Astc2D10x5, GalImageFormat.ASTC_10x5 | Unorm }, { GalTextureFormat.Astc2D10x6, GalImageFormat.ASTC_10x6 | Unorm } }; private static readonly Dictionary s_ImageTable = new Dictionary() { { GalImageFormat.R32G32B32A32, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16Bpp, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.R16G16B16A16, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read8Bpp, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.R32G32, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read8Bpp, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.A8B8G8R8, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read4Bpp, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.A2B10G10R10, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read4Bpp, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.R32, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read4Bpp, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.A4B4G4R4, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read2Bpp, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.BC6H_SF16, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture4x4, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.BC6H_UF16, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture4x4, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.A1R5G5B5, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read5551, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.B5G6R5, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read565, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.BC7, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture4x4, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.R16G16, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read4Bpp, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.R8G8, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read2Bpp, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.G8R8, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read2Bpp, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.R16, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read2Bpp, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.R8, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read1Bpp, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.B10G11R11, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read4Bpp, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.A8B8G8R8_SRGB, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read4Bpp, true, false, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.BC1_RGBA, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read8Bpt4x4, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.BC2, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture4x4, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.BC3, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture4x4, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.BC4, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read8Bpt4x4, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.BC5, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture4x4, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.ASTC_4x4, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture4x4, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.ASTC_5x5, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture5x5, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.ASTC_6x6, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture6x6, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.ASTC_8x8, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture8x8, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.ASTC_10x10, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture10x10, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.ASTC_12x12, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture12x12, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.ASTC_5x4, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture5x4, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.ASTC_6x5, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture6x5, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.ASTC_8x6, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture8x6, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.ASTC_10x8, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture10x8, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.ASTC_12x10, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture12x10, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.ASTC_8x5, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture8x5, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.ASTC_10x5, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture10x5, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.ASTC_10x6, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read16BptCompressedTexture10x6, true, false, false, true) }, { GalImageFormat.D24_S8, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read4Bpp, false, true, true, false) }, { GalImageFormat.D32, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read4Bpp, false, true, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.D16, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read2Bpp, false, true, false, false) }, { GalImageFormat.D32_S8, new ImageDescriptor(TextureReader.Read8Bpp, false, true, true, false) }, }; public static GalImageFormat ConvertTexture( GalTextureFormat Format, GalTextureType RType, GalTextureType GType, GalTextureType BType, GalTextureType AType) { if (RType != GType || RType != BType || RType != AType) { throw new NotImplementedException("Per component types are not implemented"); } if (!s_TextureTable.TryGetValue(Format, out GalImageFormat ImageFormat)) { throw new NotImplementedException("Texture with format " + ((int)Format).ToString("x2") + " not implemented"); } GalTextureType Type = RType; GalImageFormat FormatType = GetFormatType(RType); if (ImageFormat.HasFlag(FormatType)) { return (ImageFormat & GalImageFormat.FormatMask) | FormatType; } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Texture with format " + Format + " and component type " + Type + " is not implemented"); } } public static GalImageFormat ConvertSurface(GalSurfaceFormat Format) { switch (Format) { case GalSurfaceFormat.RGBA32Float: return GalImageFormat.R32G32B32A32 | Sfloat; case GalSurfaceFormat.RGBA16Float: return GalImageFormat.R16G16B16A16 | Sfloat; case GalSurfaceFormat.RG32Float: return GalImageFormat.R32G32 | Sfloat; case GalSurfaceFormat.RG32Sint: return GalImageFormat.R32G32 | Sint; case GalSurfaceFormat.RG32Uint: return GalImageFormat.R32G32 | Uint; case GalSurfaceFormat.BGRA8Unorm: return GalImageFormat.R8G8B8A8 | Unorm; //Is this right? case GalSurfaceFormat.BGRA8Srgb: return GalImageFormat.A8B8G8R8_SRGB; //This one might be wrong case GalSurfaceFormat.RGB10A2Unorm: return GalImageFormat.A2B10G10R10 | Unorm; case GalSurfaceFormat.RGBA8Unorm: return GalImageFormat.A8B8G8R8 | Unorm; case GalSurfaceFormat.RGBA8Srgb: return GalImageFormat.A8B8G8R8_SRGB; case GalSurfaceFormat.RGBA8Snorm: return GalImageFormat.A8B8G8R8 | Snorm; case GalSurfaceFormat.RG16Snorm: return GalImageFormat.R16G16 | Snorm; case GalSurfaceFormat.RG16Float: return GalImageFormat.R16G16 | Sfloat; case GalSurfaceFormat.R11G11B10Float: return GalImageFormat.B10G11R11 | Sfloat; case GalSurfaceFormat.R32Float: return GalImageFormat.R32 | Sfloat; case GalSurfaceFormat.RG8Unorm: return GalImageFormat.R8G8 | Unorm; case GalSurfaceFormat.RG8Snorm: return GalImageFormat.R8 | Snorm; case GalSurfaceFormat.R16Float: return GalImageFormat.R16 | Sfloat; case GalSurfaceFormat.R8Unorm: return GalImageFormat.R8 | Unorm; } throw new NotImplementedException(Format.ToString()); } public static GalImageFormat ConvertZeta(GalZetaFormat Format) { switch (Format) { case GalZetaFormat.Z32Float: return GalImageFormat.D32 | Sfloat; case GalZetaFormat.S8Z24Unorm: return GalImageFormat.D24_S8 | Unorm; case GalZetaFormat.Z16Unorm: return GalImageFormat.D16 | Unorm; //This one might not be Uint, change when a texture uses this format case GalZetaFormat.Z32S8X24Float: return GalImageFormat.D32_S8 | Uint; } throw new NotImplementedException(Format.ToString()); } public static TextureReaderDelegate GetReader(GalImageFormat Format) { return GetImageDescriptor(Format).Reader; } public static int GetSize(GalImage Image) { switch (Image.Format & GalImageFormat.FormatMask) { case GalImageFormat.R32G32B32A32: return Image.Width * Image.Height * 16; case GalImageFormat.R16G16B16A16: case GalImageFormat.D32_S8: case GalImageFormat.R32G32: return Image.Width * Image.Height * 8; case GalImageFormat.A8B8G8R8: case GalImageFormat.A8B8G8R8_SRGB: case GalImageFormat.A2B10G10R10: case GalImageFormat.R16G16: case GalImageFormat.R32: case GalImageFormat.D32: case GalImageFormat.B10G11R11: case GalImageFormat.D24_S8: return Image.Width * Image.Height * 4; case GalImageFormat.B4G4R4A4: case GalImageFormat.A1R5G5B5: case GalImageFormat.B5G6R5: case GalImageFormat.R8G8: case GalImageFormat.R16: case GalImageFormat.D16: return Image.Width * Image.Height * 2; case GalImageFormat.R8: return Image.Width * Image.Height; case GalImageFormat.BC1_RGBA: case GalImageFormat.BC4: { return CompressedTextureSize(Image.Width, Image.Height, 4, 4, 8); } case GalImageFormat.BC6H_SF16: case GalImageFormat.BC6H_UF16: case GalImageFormat.BC7: case GalImageFormat.BC2: case GalImageFormat.BC3: case GalImageFormat.BC5: case GalImageFormat.ASTC_4x4: return CompressedTextureSize(Image.Width, Image.Height, 4, 4, 16); case GalImageFormat.ASTC_5x5: return CompressedTextureSize(Image.Width, Image.Height, 5, 5, 16); case GalImageFormat.ASTC_6x6: return CompressedTextureSize(Image.Width, Image.Height, 6, 6, 16); case GalImageFormat.ASTC_8x8: return CompressedTextureSize(Image.Width, Image.Height, 8, 8, 16); case GalImageFormat.ASTC_10x10: return CompressedTextureSize(Image.Width, Image.Height, 10, 10, 16); case GalImageFormat.ASTC_12x12: return CompressedTextureSize(Image.Width, Image.Height, 12, 12, 16); case GalImageFormat.ASTC_5x4: return CompressedTextureSize(Image.Width, Image.Height, 5, 4, 16); case GalImageFormat.ASTC_6x5: return CompressedTextureSize(Image.Width, Image.Height, 6, 5, 16); case GalImageFormat.ASTC_8x6: return CompressedTextureSize(Image.Width, Image.Height, 8, 6, 16); case GalImageFormat.ASTC_10x8: return CompressedTextureSize(Image.Width, Image.Height, 10, 8, 16); case GalImageFormat.ASTC_12x10: return CompressedTextureSize(Image.Width, Image.Height, 12, 10, 16); case GalImageFormat.ASTC_8x5: return CompressedTextureSize(Image.Width, Image.Height, 8, 5, 16); case GalImageFormat.ASTC_10x5: return CompressedTextureSize(Image.Width, Image.Height, 10, 5, 16); case GalImageFormat.ASTC_10x6: return CompressedTextureSize(Image.Width, Image.Height, 10, 6, 16); } throw new NotImplementedException((Image.Format & GalImageFormat.FormatMask).ToString()); } public static bool HasColor(GalImageFormat Format) { return GetImageDescriptor(Format).HasColor; } public static bool HasDepth(GalImageFormat Format) { return GetImageDescriptor(Format).HasDepth; } public static bool HasStencil(GalImageFormat Format) { return GetImageDescriptor(Format).HasStencil; } public static bool IsCompressed(GalImageFormat Format) { return GetImageDescriptor(Format).Compressed; } private static ImageDescriptor GetImageDescriptor(GalImageFormat Format) { GalImageFormat TypeLess = (Format & GalImageFormat.FormatMask); if (s_ImageTable.TryGetValue(TypeLess, out ImageDescriptor Descriptor)) { return Descriptor; } throw new NotImplementedException("Image with format " + TypeLess.ToString() + " not implemented"); } private static GalImageFormat GetFormatType(GalTextureType Type) { switch (Type) { case GalTextureType.Snorm: return Snorm; case GalTextureType.Unorm: return Unorm; case GalTextureType.Sint: return Sint; case GalTextureType.Uint: return Uint; case GalTextureType.Float: return Sfloat; default: throw new NotImplementedException(((int)Type).ToString()); } } private static int CompressedTextureSize(int TextureWidth, int TextureHeight, int BlockWidth, int BlockHeight, int Bpb) { int W = (TextureWidth + (BlockWidth - 1)) / BlockWidth; int H = (TextureHeight + (BlockHeight - 1)) / BlockHeight; return W * H * Bpb; } } }