using System.Threading; using OpenTK; using OpenTK.Input; using Ryujinx.Common; namespace Ryujinx.Profiler.UI { public class ProfileWindowManager { private ProfileWindow _window; private Thread _profileThread; private Thread _renderThread; private bool _profilerRunning; // Timing private double _prevTime; public ProfileWindowManager() { if (Profile.ProfilingEnabled()) { _profilerRunning = true; _prevTime = 0; _profileThread = new Thread(ProfileLoop) { Name = "Profiler.ProfileThread" }; _profileThread.Start(); } } public void ToggleVisible() { if (Profile.ProfilingEnabled()) { _window.ToggleVisible(); } } public void Close() { if (_window != null) { _profilerRunning = false; _window.Close(); _window.Dispose(); } _window = null; } public void UpdateKeyInput(KeyboardState keyboard) { if (Profile.Controls.TogglePressed(keyboard)) { ToggleVisible(); } Profile.Controls.SetPrevKeyboardState(keyboard); } private void ProfileLoop() { using (_window = new ProfileWindow()) { // Create thread for render loop _renderThread = new Thread(RenderLoop) { Name = "Profiler.RenderThread" }; _renderThread.Start(); while (_profilerRunning) { double time = (double)PerformanceCounter.ElapsedTicks / PerformanceCounter.TicksPerSecond; _window.Update(new FrameEventArgs(time - _prevTime)); _prevTime = time; // Sleep to be less taxing, update usually does very little Thread.Sleep(1); } } } private void RenderLoop() { _window.Context.MakeCurrent(_window.WindowInfo); while (_profilerRunning) { _window.Draw(); Thread.Sleep(1); } } } }