using Ryujinx.HLE.Exceptions; using Ryujinx.HLE.Utilities; using System.IO; using System.Text; namespace Ryujinx.HLE.Loaders.Npdm { // // // class Npdm { private const int MetaMagic = 'M' << 0 | 'E' << 8 | 'T' << 16 | 'A' << 24; public bool Is64Bits { get; private set; } public int AddressSpaceWidth { get; private set; } public byte MainThreadPriority { get; private set; } public byte DefaultCpuId { get; private set; } public int SystemResourceSize { get; private set; } public int ProcessCategory { get; private set; } public int MainEntrypointStackSize { get; private set; } public string TitleName { get; private set; } public byte[] ProductCode { get; private set; } public ACI0 ACI0 { get; private set; } public ACID ACID { get; private set; } public Npdm(Stream Stream) { BinaryReader Reader = new BinaryReader(Stream); if (Reader.ReadInt32() != MetaMagic) { throw new InvalidNpdmException("NPDM Stream doesn't contain NPDM file!"); } Reader.ReadInt64(); //MmuFlags, bit0: 64-bit instructions, bits1-3: address space width (1=64-bit, 2=32-bit). Needs to be <= 0xF. byte MmuFlags = Reader.ReadByte(); Is64Bits = (MmuFlags & 1) != 0; AddressSpaceWidth = (MmuFlags >> 1) & 7; Reader.ReadByte(); MainThreadPriority = Reader.ReadByte(); //(0-63). DefaultCpuId = Reader.ReadByte(); Reader.ReadInt32(); //System resource size (max size as of 5.x: 534773760). SystemResourceSize = EndianSwap.Swap32(Reader.ReadInt32()); //ProcessCategory (0: regular title, 1: kernel built-in). Should be 0 here. ProcessCategory = EndianSwap.Swap32(Reader.ReadInt32()); //Main entrypoint stack size. MainEntrypointStackSize = Reader.ReadInt32(); byte[] TempTitleName = Reader.ReadBytes(0x10); TitleName = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(TempTitleName, 0, TempTitleName.Length).Trim('\0'); ProductCode = Reader.ReadBytes(0x10); Stream.Seek(0x30, SeekOrigin.Current); int ACI0Offset = Reader.ReadInt32(); int ACI0Size = Reader.ReadInt32(); int ACIDOffset = Reader.ReadInt32(); int ACIDSize = Reader.ReadInt32(); ACI0 = new ACI0(Stream, ACI0Offset); ACID = new ACID(Stream, ACIDOffset); } } }