include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/SDL2Targets.cmake") # provide ${SDL2_LIBRARIES}, ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS} etc, like sdl2-config.cmake does, # for compatibility between SDL2 built with autotools and SDL2 built with CMake # the following seems to work on Windows for both MSVC and MINGW+MSYS and with both SDL2Config/Target.cmake # from vcpkg and from building myself with cmake from latest git # AND on Linux when building SDL2 (tested current git) with CMake # the headers are easy - but note that this adds both .../include/ and .../include/SDL2/ # while the SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS of sdl2-config.cmake only add ...include/SDL2/ # But at least if building worked with sdl2-config.cmake it will also work with this. get_target_property(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS SDL2::SDL2 INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) # get the paths to the .lib files for both SDL2 and SDL2main # for the "normal"/release build they could be in lots of different properties.. set(relprops IMPORTED_IMPLIB_RELEASE IMPORTED_IMPLIB_NOCONFIG IMPORTED_IMPLIB IMPORTED_IMPLIB_MINSIZEREL IMPORTED_IMPLIB_RELWITHDEBINFO IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE IMPORTED_LOCATION_NOCONFIG IMPORTED_LOCATION IMPORTED_LOCATION_MINSIZEREL IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELWITHDEBINFO) # fewer possibilities for debug builds set(dbgprops IMPORTED_IMPLIB_DEBUG IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG) foreach(prop ${relprops}) get_target_property(sdl2implib SDL2::SDL2 ${prop}) if(sdl2implib) #message("set sdl2implib from ${prop}") break() else() #message("no luck for sdl2implib with ${prop}") endif() endforeach() foreach(prop ${relprops}) get_target_property(sdl2mainimplib SDL2::SDL2main ${prop}) if(sdl2mainimplib) #message("set sdl2mainimplib from ${prop}") break() else() #message("no luck for sdl2mainimplib with ${prop}") endif() endforeach() foreach(prop ${dbgprops}) get_target_property(sdl2implibdbg SDL2::SDL2 ${prop}) if(sdl2implibdbg) #message("set sdl2implibdbg from ${prop}") break() else() #message("no luck for sdl2implibdbg with ${prop}") endif() endforeach() foreach(prop ${dbgprops}) get_target_property(sdl2mainimplibdbg SDL2::SDL2main ${prop}) if(sdl2mainimplibdbg) #message("set sdl2mainimplibdbg from ${prop}") break() else() #message("no luck for sdl2mainimplibdbg with ${prop}") endif() endforeach() if( sdl2implib AND sdl2mainimplib AND sdl2implibdbg AND sdl2mainimplibdbg ) # we have both release and debug builds of SDL2 and SDL2main, so use this ugly # generator expression in SDL2_LIBRARIES to support both in MSVC, depending on build type configured there set(SDL2_LIBRARIES $,${sdl2mainimplibdbg},${sdl2mainimplib}> $,${sdl2implibdbg},${sdl2implib}>) else() if( (NOT sdl2implib) AND sdl2implibdbg ) # if we only have a debug version of the lib set(sdl2implib sdl2implibdbg) endif() if( (NOT sdl2mainimplib) AND sdl2mainimplibdbg ) # if we only have a debug version of the lib set(sdl2mainimplib sdl2mainimplibdbg) endif() if( sdl2implib AND sdl2mainimplib ) set(SDL2_LIBRARIES ${sdl2mainimplib} ${sdl2implib}) elseif(WIN32 OR APPLE) # I think these platforms have a non-dummy SDLmain? message(FATAL_ERROR, "SDL2::SDL2 and/or SDL2::SDL2main don't seem to contain any kind of IMPORTED_IMPLIB* or IMPORTED_LOCATION*") elseif(sdl2implib) # on other platforms just libSDL2 will hopefully do? set(SDL2_LIBRARIES ${sdl2implib}) message(STATUS, "No SDL2main lib not found, I hope you don't need it..") else() message(FATAL_ERROR, "SDL2::SDL2 doesn't seem to contain any kind of lib to link against in IMPORTED_IMPLIB* or IMPORTED_LOCATION*") endif() endif() get_filename_component(SDL2_LIBDIR ${sdl2implib} PATH) # NOTE: SDL2_LIBRARIES now looks like "c:/path/to/SDL2main.lib;c:/path/to/SDL2.lib" # which is different to what it looks like when coming from sdl2-config.cmake # (there it's more like "-L${SDL2_LIBDIR} -lSDL2main -lSDL2" - and also -lmingw32 and -mwindows) # This seems to work with both MSVC and MinGW though, while the other only worked with MinGW # We *could* use if(MSVC) here and make the MinGW case oldschool, BUT keep in mind that # for some reason vcpkg has SDL2.lib and SDL2main.lib in different directories! # On Linux it looks like "/tmp/sdl2inst/lib/libSDL2main.a;/tmp/sdl2inst/lib/" which also seems to work if(FALSE) # this (not tested much) could be used to make SDL2_LIBRARIES look/behave more like the original from sdl2-config.cmake #if(NOT MSVC) # this is GCC/ld syntax (should also work for mingw and clang), not suitable for MSVC if(sdl2mainimplib) # we have libSDL2main # first set libSDL2main and its directory get_filename_component(sdl2main_libdir ${sdl2mainimplib} PATH) set(SDL2_LIBRARIES "-L${sdl2main_libdir} -lSDL2main") # SDL2main can be in a different directory than libSDL2 itself, at least when using vcpkg # if that's the case, add an additional "-L" part for libSDL2's libdir if( NOT (sdl2main_libdir STREQUAL SDL2_LIBDIR) ) set(SDL2_LIBRARIES "${SDL2_LIBRARIES} -L${SDL2_LIBDIR}") endif() # lastly, add -lSDL2 itself set(SDL2_LIBRARIES "${SDL2_LIBRARIES} -lSDL2") unset(sdl2main_libdir) else() # no SDL2main, just libSDL2 itself set(SDL2_LIBRARIES "-L${SDL2_LIBDIR} -lSDL2") endif() endif() # the exec prefix is one level up from lib/ - TODO: really, always? at least on Linux there's /usr/lib/x86_64-bla-blub/ .. get_filename_component(SDL2_EXEC_PREFIX ${SDL2_LIBDIR} PATH) set(SDL2_PREFIX ${SDL2_EXEC_PREFIX}) # TODO: could this be somewhere else? parent dir of include or sth? unset(sdl2implib) unset(sdl2mainimplib) unset(sdl2implibdbg) unset(sdl2mainimplibdbg) unset(relprops) unset(dbgprops)