#!/bin/sh # Copyright 2022 Collabora Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib set -eu ref_major=$(sed -ne 's/^#define SDL_MAJOR_VERSION *//p' include/SDL_version.h) ref_minor=$(sed -ne 's/^#define SDL_MINOR_VERSION *//p' include/SDL_version.h) ref_micro=$(sed -ne 's/^#define SDL_PATCHLEVEL *//p' include/SDL_version.h) ref_version="${ref_major}.${ref_minor}.${ref_micro}" tests=0 failed=0 ok () { tests=$(( tests + 1 )) echo "ok - $*" } not_ok () { tests=$(( tests + 1 )) echo "not ok - $*" failed=1 } major=$(sed -ne 's/^SDL_MAJOR_VERSION=//p' configure.ac) minor=$(sed -ne 's/^SDL_MINOR_VERSION=//p' configure.ac) micro=$(sed -ne 's/^SDL_MICRO_VERSION=//p' configure.ac) version="${major}.${minor}.${micro}" if [ "$ref_version" = "$version" ]; then ok "configure.ac $version" else not_ok "configure.ac $version disagrees with SDL_version.h $ref_version" fi major=$(sed -ne 's/^SDL_MAJOR_VERSION=//p' configure) minor=$(sed -ne 's/^SDL_MINOR_VERSION=//p' configure) micro=$(sed -ne 's/^SDL_MICRO_VERSION=//p' configure) version="${major}.${minor}.${micro}" if [ "$ref_version" = "$version" ]; then ok "configure $version" else not_ok "configure $version disagrees with SDL_version.h $ref_version" fi major=$(sed -ne 's/^set(SDL_MAJOR_VERSION \([0-9]*\))$/\1/p' CMakeLists.txt) minor=$(sed -ne 's/^set(SDL_MINOR_VERSION \([0-9]*\))$/\1/p' CMakeLists.txt) micro=$(sed -ne 's/^set(SDL_MICRO_VERSION \([0-9]*\))$/\1/p' CMakeLists.txt) version="${major}.${minor}.${micro}" if [ "$ref_version" = "$version" ]; then ok "CMakeLists.txt $version" else not_ok "CMakeLists.txt $version disagrees with SDL_version.h $ref_version" fi major=$(sed -ne 's/^MAJOR_VERSION *= *//p' Makefile.os2) minor=$(sed -ne 's/^MINOR_VERSION *= *//p' Makefile.os2) micro=$(sed -ne 's/^MICRO_VERSION *= *//p' Makefile.os2) version="${major}.${minor}.${micro}" if [ "$ref_version" = "$version" ]; then ok "Makefile.os2 $version" else not_ok "Makefile.os2 $version disagrees with SDL_version.h $ref_version" fi major=$(sed -ne 's/^MAJOR_VERSION *= *//p' Makefile.w32) minor=$(sed -ne 's/^MINOR_VERSION *= *//p' Makefile.w32) micro=$(sed -ne 's/^MICRO_VERSION *= *//p' Makefile.w32) version="${major}.${minor}.${micro}" if [ "$ref_version" = "$version" ]; then ok "Makefile.w32 $version" else not_ok "Makefile.w32 $version disagrees with SDL_version.h $ref_version" fi tuple=$(sed -ne 's/^ *FILEVERSION *//p' src/main/windows/version.rc | tr -d '\r') ref_tuple="${ref_major},${ref_minor},${ref_micro},0" if [ "$ref_tuple" = "$tuple" ]; then ok "version.rc FILEVERSION $tuple" else not_ok "version.rc FILEVERSION $tuple disagrees with SDL_version.h $ref_tuple" fi tuple=$(sed -ne 's/^ *PRODUCTVERSION *//p' src/main/windows/version.rc | tr -d '\r') if [ "$ref_tuple" = "$tuple" ]; then ok "version.rc PRODUCTVERSION $tuple" else not_ok "version.rc PRODUCTVERSION $tuple disagrees with SDL_version.h $ref_tuple" fi tuple=$(sed -Ene 's/^ *VALUE "FileVersion", "([0-9, ]*)\\0"\r?$/\1/p' src/main/windows/version.rc | tr -d '\r') ref_tuple="${ref_major}, ${ref_minor}, ${ref_micro}, 0" if [ "$ref_tuple" = "$tuple" ]; then ok "version.rc FileVersion $tuple" else not_ok "version.rc FileVersion $tuple disagrees with SDL_version.h $ref_tuple" fi tuple=$(sed -Ene 's/^ *VALUE "ProductVersion", "([0-9, ]*)\\0"\r?$/\1/p' src/main/windows/version.rc | tr -d '\r') if [ "$ref_tuple" = "$tuple" ]; then ok "version.rc ProductVersion $tuple" else not_ok "version.rc ProductVersion $tuple disagrees with SDL_version.h $ref_tuple" fi version=$(sed -Ene '/CFBundleShortVersionString/,+1 s/.*<string>(.*)<\/string>.*/\1/p' Xcode/SDL/Info-Framework.plist) if [ "$ref_version" = "$version" ]; then ok "Info-Framework.plist CFBundleShortVersionString $version" else not_ok "Info-Framework.plist CFBundleShortVersionString $version disagrees with SDL_version.h $ref_version" fi version=$(sed -Ene '/CFBundleVersion/,+1 s/.*<string>(.*)<\/string>.*/\1/p' Xcode/SDL/Info-Framework.plist) if [ "$ref_version" = "$version" ]; then ok "Info-Framework.plist CFBundleVersion $version" else not_ok "Info-Framework.plist CFBundleVersion $version disagrees with SDL_version.h $ref_version" fi # For simplicity this assumes we'll never break ABI before SDL 3. dylib_compat=$(sed -Ene 's/.*DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION = (.*);$/\1/p' Xcode/SDL/SDL.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj) case "$ref_minor" in (*[02468]) major="$(( ref_minor * 100 + 1 ))" minor="0" ;; (*) major="$(( ref_minor * 100 + ref_micro + 1 ))" minor="0" ;; esac ref="${major}.${minor}.0 ${major}.${minor}.0 ${major}.${minor}.0 ${major}.${minor}.0" if [ "$ref" = "$dylib_compat" ]; then ok "project.pbxproj DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION is consistent" else not_ok "project.pbxproj DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION is inconsistent, expected $ref, got $dylib_compat" fi dylib_cur=$(sed -Ene 's/.*DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION = (.*);$/\1/p' Xcode/SDL/SDL.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj) case "$ref_minor" in (*[02468]) major="$(( ref_minor * 100 + 1 ))" minor="$ref_micro" ;; (*) major="$(( ref_minor * 100 + ref_micro + 1 ))" minor="0" ;; esac ref="${major}.${minor}.0 ${major}.${minor}.0 ${major}.${minor}.0 ${major}.${minor}.0" if [ "$ref" = "$dylib_cur" ]; then ok "project.pbxproj DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION is consistent" else not_ok "project.pbxproj DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION is inconsistent, expected $ref, got $dylib_cur" fi echo "1..$tests" exit "$failed"