#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Script to sort the game controller database entries in SDL_gamecontroller.c import re filename = "SDL_gamecontrollerdb.h" input = open(filename) output = open(f"{filename}.new", "w") parsing_controllers = False controllers = [] controller_guids = {} conditionals = [] split_pattern = re.compile(r'([^"]*")([^,]*,)([^,]*,)([^"]*)(".*)') guid_crc_pattern = re.compile(r'^([0-9a-zA-Z]{4})([0-9a-zA-Z]{2})([0-9a-zA-Z]{2})([0-9a-zA-Z]{24},)$') def find_element(prefix, bindings): i=0 for element in bindings: if element.startswith(prefix): return i i=(i + 1) return -1 def save_controller(line): global controllers match = split_pattern.match(line) entry = [ match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(3) ] bindings = sorted(match.group(4).split(",")) if (bindings[0] == ""): bindings.pop(0) crc = "" pos = find_element("crc:", bindings) if pos >= 0: crc = bindings[pos] + "," bindings.pop(pos) # Look for CRC embedded in the GUID and convert to crc element crc_match = guid_crc_pattern.match(entry[1]) if crc_match and crc_match.group(2) != '00' and crc_match.group(3) != '00': print("Extracting CRC from GUID of " + entry[2]) entry[1] = crc_match.group(1) + '0000' + crc_match.group(4) crc = "crc:" + crc_match.group(3) + crc_match.group(2) + "," pos = find_element("sdk", bindings) if pos >= 0: bindings.append(bindings.pop(pos)) pos = find_element("hint:", bindings) if pos >= 0: bindings.append(bindings.pop(pos)) entry.extend(crc) entry.extend(",".join(bindings) + ",") entry.append(match.group(5)) controllers.append(entry) entry_id = entry[1] + entry[3] if ',sdk' in line or ',hint:' in line: conditionals.append(entry_id) def write_controllers(): global controllers global controller_guids # Check for duplicates for entry in controllers: entry_id = entry[1] + entry[3] if (entry_id in controller_guids and entry_id not in conditionals): current_name = entry[2] existing_name = controller_guids[entry_id][2] print("Warning: entry '%s' is duplicate of entry '%s'" % (current_name, existing_name)) if (not current_name.startswith("(DUPE)")): entry[2] = f"(DUPE) {current_name}" if (not existing_name.startswith("(DUPE)")): controller_guids[entry_id][2] = f"(DUPE) {existing_name}" controller_guids[entry_id] = entry for entry in sorted(controllers, key=lambda entry: f"{entry[2]}-{entry[1]}"): line = "".join(entry) + "\n" line = line.replace("\t", " ") if not line.endswith(",\n") and not line.endswith("*/\n") and not line.endswith(",\r\n") and not line.endswith("*/\r\n"): print("Warning: '%s' is missing a comma at the end of the line" % (line)) output.write(line) controllers = [] controller_guids = {} for line in input: if parsing_controllers: if (line.startswith("{")): output.write(line) elif (line.startswith(" NULL")): parsing_controllers = False write_controllers() output.write(line) elif (line.startswith("#if")): print(f"Parsing {line.strip()}") output.write(line) elif (line.startswith("#endif")): write_controllers() output.write(line) else: save_controller(line) else: if (line.startswith("static const char *s_ControllerMappings")): parsing_controllers = True output.write(line) output.close() print(f"Finished writing {filename}.new")