This is SDL2#, a C# wrapper for SDL2.

SDL2 and SDL2# are released under the zlib license. See LICENSE for details.

About SDL2
For more information about SDL2, visit the SDL wiki:

About the C# Wrapper
The C# wrapper was written to be used for MonoGame's desktop platforms. However,
this is written in a way that can be used for any general Mono application.

The wrapper will include bindings for the following libraries:
- SDL2
- SDL2_image
- SDL2_mixer
- SDL2_net
- SDL2_ttf

Note that SDL2# will not provide every single SDL2 function. This is due to
limitations in the C# language that would cause major conflicts with the native
SDL2 library and its extensions.

- Implement the SDL2 libraries.
	- For SDL2 itself, organize it according to this API reference page:
- Document the SDL2 methods.
	- I have some parameter info, but having full SDL2 docs would be great.
- Add OpenGL and OpenAL support.
	- Just rip this off of OpenTK for now. Too much work, not enough time...