diff --git a/cogs/sar.py b/cogs/sar.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4feda4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cogs/sar.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+import config
+from discord.ext import commands
+from discord.ext.commands import Cog
+from helpers.checks import check_if_staff_or_ot
+class SAR(Cog):
+    def __init__(self, bot):
+        self.bot = bot
+    @commands.guild_only()
+    @commands.command()
+    @commands.check(check_if_staff_or_ot)
+    async def sar(self, ctx, role: str):
+        """Gets you a self assignable role."""
+        return await ctx.send(
+            "Self assignable roles in this guild: "
+            + ",".join(config.self_assignable_roles)
+            + f"\nRun {config.prefixes[0]}iam role_name_goes_here to get or remove one."
+        )
+    @commands.cooldown(1, 30, type=commands.BucketType.user)
+    @commands.guild_only()
+    @commands.command(aliases=["iamnot"])
+    @commands.check(check_if_staff_or_ot)
+    async def iam(self, ctx, role: str):
+        """Gets you a self assignable role."""
+        if role not in config.self_assignable_roles:
+            return await ctx.send(
+                "There's no self assignable role with that name. Run .sar to see what you can self assign."
+            )
+        target_role = ctx.guild.get_role(config.self_assignable_roles[role])
+        if target_role in ctx.author.roles:
+            await ctx.author.remove_roles(target_role, reason=str(ctx.author))
+            await ctx.send(
+                f"{ctx.author.mention}: Successfully removed your `{role}` role. Run the command again if you want to add it again."
+            )
+        else:
+            await ctx.author.add_roles(target_role, reason=str(ctx.author))
+            await ctx.send(
+                f"{ctx.author.mention}: Successfully gave you the `{role}` role. Run the command again if you want to remove it."
+            )
+def setup(bot):
+    bot.add_cog(SAR(bot))
diff --git a/config_template.py b/config_template.py
index b662def..cc5bc6f 100644
--- a/config_template.py
+++ b/config_template.py
@@ -135,19 +135,19 @@ suspect_words = [
     "tx",  # piracy-enabling cfw
     "reinx",  # piracy-enabling cfw
     "gomanx",  # piracy-enabling cfw
-    "neutos", # piracy-enabling cfw
-    "underpack", # piracy-enabling cfw
-    "underos", # piracy-enabling cfw
+    "neutos",  # piracy-enabling cfw
+    "underpack",  # piracy-enabling cfw
+    "underos",  # piracy-enabling cfw
     "tinfoil",  # title manager
     "dz",  # title manager
     "goldleaf",  # potential title manager
     "lithium",  # title manager
     "cracked",  # older term for pirated games
     "xci",  # "backup" format
-    "xcz", # "backup" format
+    "xcz",  # "backup" format
     "nsz",  # "backup" format
-    "hbg", # piracy source
-    "jits", # piracy source
+    "hbg",  # piracy source
+    "jits",  # piracy source
 # List of words that will be ignored if they match one of the
@@ -311,3 +311,8 @@ list_files_channel = 0
 # == Only if you want to use cogs.lists ==
 # Channels that are lists that are controlled by the lists cog.
 list_channels = []
+# == Only if you want to use cogs.sar ==
+self_assignable_roles = {
+    "streamnotifs": 715158689060880384,