import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:path/path.dart' as path; void main(List arguments) async { ascii_art(); sleep(Duration(seconds: 5)); try { final String url = ''; final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(url)); if (response.statusCode != 200) { throw Exception("Failed to fetch JSON file: ${response.reasonPhrase}"); } if (!response.body.contains("data")) { throw Exception('⛔ JSON does not have a "data" property at its root.'); } final Map data = jsonDecode(response.body)["data"]; final downloadDir = Directory("downloads"); if (!downloadDir.existsSync()) { downloadDir.createSync(recursive: true); print("📁 Created directory: ${downloadDir}`"); } for (String key in data.keys) { final subDir = Directory("${downloadDir.path}/$key"); if (!subDir.existsSync()) { subDir.createSync(recursive: true); } Map subproperty = data[key]; for (String subKey in subproperty.keys) { final String imageURL = subproperty[subKey]; final uri = Uri.parse(imageURL); final String ext = path.extension(uri.path).isNotEmpty ? path.extension(uri.path) : '.jpg'; final String filename = "${subKey}${ext}"; final String filePath = path.join(subDir.path, filename); await downloadImage(uri, filePath); print("🖼️ Saved image to ${filePath}"); sleep(Duration(milliseconds: 250)); } } } catch (e) { print("Error: $e"); } } Future downloadImage(Uri uri, String savePath) async { final response = await http.get(uri); if (response.statusCode != 200) { throw Exception("Failed to download image: ${response.reasonPhrase}"); } final file = File(savePath); await file.writeAsBytes(response.bodyBytes); } void ascii_art() { print(""" /\$\$ /\$\$ /\$\$ /\$\$ /\$\$\$\$\$\$\$ /\$\$\$\$\$\$ /\$\$\$\$\$\$\$ | \$\$\$ /\$\$\$| \$\$ /\$\$/| \$\$__ \$\$ /\$\$__ \$\$| \$\$__ \$\$ | \$\$\$\$ /\$\$\$\$| \$\$ /\$\$/ | \$\$ \\ \$\$| \$\$ \\__/| \$\$ \\ \$\$ | \$\$ \$\$/\$\$ \$\$| \$\$\$\$\$/ | \$\$\$\$\$\$\$ | \$\$\$\$\$\$ | \$\$ | \$\$ | \$\$ \$\$\$| \$\$| \$\$ \$\$ | \$\$__ \$\$ \\____ \$\$| \$\$ | \$\$ | \$\$\\ \$ | \$\$| \$\$\\ \$\$ | \$\$ \\ \$\$ /\$\$ \\ \$\$| \$\$ | \$\$ | \$\$ \\/ | \$\$| \$\$ \\ \$\$| \$\$\$\$\$\$\$/| \$\$\$\$\$\$/| \$\$\$\$\$\$\$/ |__/ |__/|__/ \\__/|_______/ \\______/ |_______/"""); print(""); print("🤑 Starting downloads from your favorite sellout grifter's wallpaper app..."); }