INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${TexC_SOURCE_DIR}/Core/include) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${TexC_SOURCE_DIR}/BPTCEncoder/include) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${TexC_BINARY_DIR}/BPTCEncoder/include) INCLUDE(CheckCXXSourceRuns) SET(OLD_CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS}) IF(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCC) # Test whether or not the compiler allows inline # assmbly... CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_RUNS(" \#ifdef _MSC_VER int main() { int x = 1, y = 0; __asm { mov eax, x mov y, eax } return !y; } \#else int main() { int x = 1, y = 0; __asm__ (\"movl %1, %%eax;\" \"movl %%eax, %0;\" :\"=r\"(y) /* output */ :\"r\"(x) /* input */ :\"%eax\" /* clobbered register */ ); return !y; } \#endif" HAS_INLINE_ASSEMBLY ) # If the compiler doesn't allow it, then try with a # compiler flag... IF( NOT HAS_INLINE_ASSEMBLY ) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS -fasm-blocks) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_RUNS(" \#ifdef _MSC_VER int main() { int x = 1, y = 0; __asm { mov eax, x mov y, eax } return !y; } \#else int main() { int x = 1, y = 0; __asm__ (\"movl %1, %%eax;\" \"movl %%eax, %0;\" :\"=r\"(y) /* output */ :\"r\"(x) /* input */ :\"%eax\" /* clobbered register */ ); return !y; } \#endif" HAS_INLINE_ASSEMBLY_WITH_FLAGS ) ENDIF() SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS -msse4.1) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_RUNS(" #include <smmintrin.h> int main() { const __m128 fv = _mm_set1_ps(1.0f); const __m128 fv2 = _mm_set1_ps(2.0f); const __m128 ans = _mm_blend_ps(fv, fv2, 2); return ((int *)(&ans))[0]; }" HAS_SSE_41 ) IF(HAS_SSE_41) SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS -msse4.2) CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_RUNS(" #include <smmintrin.h> int main() { const unsigned int testMe = 5; return !(2 == _mm_popcnt_u32(testMe)); }" HAS_SSE_POPCNT ) ENDIF(HAS_SSE_41) ELSEIF(MSVC) #!FIXME! ENDIF() SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS ${OLD_CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS}) IF( NOT HAS_INLINE_ASSEMBLY AND NOT HAS_INLINE_ASSEMBLY_WITH_FLAGS ) SET( NO_INLINE_ASSEMBLY true ) ENDIF() CONFIGURE_FILE( "config/" "include/BC7Config.h" ) SET( HEADERS src/BC7CompressionMode.h src/BitStream.h src/RGBAEndpoints.h ) SET( SOURCES src/BC7Compressor.cpp src/RGBAEndpoints.cpp ) IF( HAS_SSE_41 ) IF ( HAS_SSE_POPCNT ) IF( MSVC ) ADD_DEFINITIONS( /arch:SSE4.2 ) ELSE() #Assume GCC ADD_DEFINITIONS( -msse4.2 ) ENDIF() ELSE() IF( MSVC ) ADD_DEFINITIONS( /arch:SSE4.1 ) ELSE() #Assume GCC ADD_DEFINITIONS( -msse4.1 ) ENDIF() ENDIF() SET( HEADERS ${HEADERS} src/RGBAEndpointsSIMD.h src/BC7CompressionModeSIMD.h ) SET( SOURCES ${SOURCES} src/BC7CompressorSIMD.cpp src/RGBAEndpointsSIMD.cpp ) ENDIF( HAS_SSE_41 ) IF( HAS_INLINE_ASSEMBLY_WITH_FLAGS ) IF( MSVC ) # !FIXME! ELSE() ADD_DEFINITIONS( -fasm-blocks ) ENDIF() ENDIF() ADD_LIBRARY( BPTCEncoder ${HEADERS} ${SOURCES} )