//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2011 Intel Corporation // All Rights Reserved // // Permission is granted to use, copy, distribute and prepare derivative works of this // software for any purpose and without fee, provided, that the above copyright notice // and this statement appear in all copies. Intel makes no representations about the // suitability of this software for any purpose. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." // INTEL SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND ALL LIABILITY, // INCLUDING CONSEQUENTIAL AND OTHER INDIRECT DAMAGES, FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, // INCLUDING LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PROPRIETARY RIGHTS, AND INCLUDING THE // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Intel does not // assume any responsibility for any errors which may appear in this software nor any // responsibility to update it. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __RGBA_SIMD_ENDPOINTS_H__ #define __RGBA_SIMD_ENDPOINTS_H__ #include "TexCompTypes.h" #include #include #include #include static const int kNumColorChannels = 4; static const int kMaxNumDataPoints = 16; static const __m128 kEpsilonSIMD = _mm_set1_ps(1e-8f); class RGBAVectorSIMD { public: union { struct { float r, g, b, a; }; struct { float x, y, z, w; }; float c[4]; __m128 vec; }; RGBAVectorSIMD() : r(-1.0), g(-1.0), b(-1.0), a(-1.0) { } RGBAVectorSIMD(uint32 pixel) : r(float(pixel & 0xFF)), g(float((pixel >> 8) & 0xFF)), b(float((pixel >> 16) & 0xFF)), a(float((pixel >> 24) & 0xFF)) { } explicit RGBAVectorSIMD(float _r, float _g, float _b, float _a) : r(_r), g(_g), b(_b), a(_a) { } explicit RGBAVectorSIMD(float cc) : r(cc), g(cc), b(cc), a(cc) { } RGBAVectorSIMD (const __m128 &newVec) : vec(newVec) { } RGBAVectorSIMD (const RGBAVectorSIMD &other) : vec(other.vec) { } RGBAVectorSIMD operator +(const RGBAVectorSIMD &p) const { return RGBAVectorSIMD( _mm_add_ps(this->vec, p.vec) ); } RGBAVectorSIMD &operator +=(const RGBAVectorSIMD &p) { this->vec = _mm_add_ps(this->vec, p.vec); return *this; } RGBAVectorSIMD operator -(const RGBAVectorSIMD &p) const { return RGBAVectorSIMD( _mm_sub_ps(this->vec, p.vec) ); } RGBAVectorSIMD &operator -=(const RGBAVectorSIMD &p) { this->vec = _mm_sub_ps(this->vec, p.vec); return *this; } RGBAVectorSIMD operator /(const float s) const { return RGBAVectorSIMD( _mm_div_ps(this->vec, _mm_set1_ps(s) ) ); } RGBAVectorSIMD &operator /=(const float s) { this->vec = _mm_div_ps(this->vec, _mm_set1_ps(s) ); return *this; } float operator *(const RGBAVectorSIMD &p) const { __m128 mul = _mm_mul_ps(this->vec, p.vec); mul = _mm_hadd_ps(mul, mul); mul = _mm_hadd_ps(mul, mul); return ((float *)(&mul))[0]; } void Normalize() { __m128 rsqrt = _mm_rsqrt_ps( _mm_set1_ps( (*this) * (*this) ) ); vec = _mm_mul_ps( vec, rsqrt ); } float Length() const { return sqrt((*this) * (*this)); } RGBAVectorSIMD &operator *=(const RGBAVectorSIMD &v) { this->vec = _mm_mul_ps(this->vec, v.vec); return *this; } RGBAVectorSIMD operator *(const float s) const { return RGBAVectorSIMD( _mm_mul_ps( this->vec, _mm_set1_ps(s) ) ); } friend RGBAVectorSIMD operator *(const float s, const RGBAVectorSIMD &p) { return RGBAVectorSIMD( _mm_mul_ps( p.vec, _mm_set1_ps(s) ) ); } RGBAVectorSIMD &operator *=(const float s) { this->vec = _mm_mul_ps( this->vec, _mm_set1_ps(s) ); return *this; } float &operator [](const int i) { return c[i]; } friend bool operator ==(const RGBAVectorSIMD &rhs, const RGBAVectorSIMD &lhs) { __m128 d = _mm_sub_ps(rhs.vec, lhs.vec); d = _mm_mul_ps(d, d); __m128 cmp = _mm_cmpgt_ps(d, kEpsilonSIMD); cmp = _mm_hadd_ps(cmp, cmp); cmp = _mm_hadd_ps(cmp, cmp); return ((float *)(&cmp))[0] == 0.0f; } friend bool operator !=(const RGBAVectorSIMD &rhs, const RGBAVectorSIMD &lhs) { return !(rhs == lhs); } operator float *() { return c; } // Quantize this point. __m128i ToPixel(const __m128i &channelMask, const int pBit) const; __m128i ToPixel(const __m128i &channelMask) const; }; class RGBAMatrixSIMD { private: union { float m[kNumColorChannels*kNumColorChannels]; struct { float m1, m5, m9, m13; float m2, m6, m10, m14; float m3, m7, m11, m15; float m4, m8, m12, m16; }; __m128 col[kNumColorChannels]; }; RGBAMatrixSIMD(const float *arr) { memcpy(m, arr, sizeof(m)); } RGBAMatrixSIMD(const __m128 newcol[kNumColorChannels]) { for(int i = 0; i < kNumColorChannels; i++) col[i] = newcol[i]; } public: RGBAMatrixSIMD() : m1(1.0f), m2(0.0f), m3(0.0f), m4(0.0f), m5(0.0f), m6(1.0f), m7(0.0f), m8(0.0f), m9(0.0f), m10(0.0f), m11(1.0f), m12(0.0f), m13(0.0f), m14(0.0f), m15(0.0f), m16(1.0f) { } RGBAMatrixSIMD &operator =(const RGBAMatrixSIMD &other) { memcpy(m, other.m, sizeof(m)); return (*this); } RGBAMatrixSIMD operator +(const RGBAMatrixSIMD &p) const { RGBAMatrixSIMD newm; for(int i = 0; i < kNumColorChannels; i++) { newm.col[i] = _mm_add_ps(col[i], p.col[i]); } return newm; } RGBAMatrixSIMD &operator +=(const RGBAMatrixSIMD &p) { for(int i = 0; i < kNumColorChannels; i++) { col[i] = _mm_add_ps( col[i], p.col[i] ); } return *this; } RGBAMatrixSIMD operator -(const RGBAMatrixSIMD &p) const { RGBAMatrixSIMD newm; for(int i = 0; i < kNumColorChannels; i++) { newm.col[i] = _mm_sub_ps( col[i], p.col[i] ); } return newm; } RGBAMatrixSIMD &operator -=(const RGBAMatrixSIMD &p) { for(int i = 0; i < kNumColorChannels; i++) { col[i] = _mm_sub_ps( col[i], p.col[i] ); } return *this; } RGBAMatrixSIMD operator /(const float s) const { __m128 f = _mm_set1_ps(s); RGBAMatrixSIMD newm; for(int i = 0; i < kNumColorChannels; i++) { newm.col[i] = _mm_div_ps( col[i], f ); } return newm; } RGBAMatrixSIMD &operator /=(const float s) { __m128 f = _mm_set1_ps(s); for(int i = 0; i < kNumColorChannels; i++) { col[i] = _mm_div_ps(col[i], f); } return *this; } RGBAMatrixSIMD operator *(const float s) const { __m128 f = _mm_set1_ps(s); RGBAMatrixSIMD newm; for(int i = 0; i < kNumColorChannels; i++) { newm.col[i] = _mm_mul_ps( col[i], f ); } return newm; } friend RGBAMatrixSIMD operator *(const float s, const RGBAMatrixSIMD &p) { __m128 f = _mm_set1_ps(s); RGBAMatrixSIMD newm; for(int i = 0; i < kNumColorChannels; i++) { newm.col[i] = _mm_mul_ps( p.col[i], f ); } return newm; } RGBAMatrixSIMD &operator *=(const float s) { __m128 f = _mm_set1_ps(s); for(int i = 0; i < kNumColorChannels; i++) col[i] = _mm_mul_ps(col[i], f); return *this; } float &operator ()(const int i, const int j) { return (*this)[j*4 + i]; } float &operator [](const int i) { return m[i]; } friend bool operator ==(const RGBAMatrixSIMD &rhs, const RGBAMatrixSIMD &lhs) { __m128 sum = _mm_set1_ps(0.0f); for(int i = 0; i < kNumColorChannels; i++) { __m128 d = _mm_sub_ps(rhs.col[i], lhs.col[i]); d = _mm_mul_ps(d, d); __m128 cmp = _mm_cmpgt_ps(d, kEpsilonSIMD); cmp = _mm_hadd_ps(cmp, cmp); cmp = _mm_hadd_ps(cmp, cmp); sum = _mm_add_ps(sum, cmp); } if(((float *)(&sum))[0] != 0) return false; else return true; } operator float *() { return m; } RGBAVectorSIMD operator *(const RGBAVectorSIMD &p) const; }; class RGBADirSIMD : public RGBAVectorSIMD { public: RGBADirSIMD() : RGBAVectorSIMD() { } RGBADirSIMD(const RGBAVectorSIMD &p) : RGBAVectorSIMD(p) { this->Normalize(); } }; // Makes sure that the values of the endpoints lie between 0 and 1. extern void ClampEndpoints(RGBAVectorSIMD &p1, RGBAVectorSIMD &p2); class RGBAClusterSIMD { public: RGBAClusterSIMD() : m_NumPoints(0), m_Total(0.0f), m_PointBitString(0), m_Min(FLT_MAX), m_Max(-FLT_MAX), m_PrincipalAxisCached(false) { } RGBAClusterSIMD(const RGBAClusterSIMD &c) : m_NumPoints(c.m_NumPoints), m_Total(c.m_Total), m_PointBitString(c.m_PointBitString), m_Min(c.m_Min), m_Max(c.m_Max), m_PrincipalAxisCached(false) { memcpy(this->m_DataPoints, c.m_DataPoints, m_NumPoints * sizeof(RGBAVectorSIMD)); } RGBAClusterSIMD(const RGBAClusterSIMD &left, const RGBAClusterSIMD &right); RGBAClusterSIMD(const RGBAVectorSIMD &p, int idx) : m_NumPoints(1), m_Total(p), m_PointBitString(0), m_Min(p), m_Max(p), m_PrincipalAxisCached(false) { m_DataPoints[0] = p; m_PointBitString |= (1 << idx); } RGBAVectorSIMD GetTotal() const { return m_Total; } const RGBAVectorSIMD &GetPoint(int idx) const { return m_DataPoints[idx]; } int GetNumPoints() const { return m_NumPoints; } RGBAVectorSIMD GetAvg() const { return m_Total / float(m_NumPoints); } void AddPoint(const RGBAVectorSIMD &p, int idx); void GetBoundingBox(RGBAVectorSIMD &Min, RGBAVectorSIMD &Max) const { Min = m_Min, Max = m_Max; } // Returns the error if we were to quantize the colors right now with the given number of buckets and bit mask. float QuantizedError(const RGBAVectorSIMD &p1, const RGBAVectorSIMD &p2, const uint8 nBuckets, const __m128i &bitMask, const int pbits[2] = NULL, __m128i *indices = NULL) const; bool AllSamePoint() const { return m_Max == m_Min; } int GetPointBitString() const { return m_PointBitString; } private: // The number of points in the cluster. int m_NumPoints; RGBAVectorSIMD m_Total; // The points in the cluster. RGBAVectorSIMD m_DataPoints[kMaxNumDataPoints]; RGBAVectorSIMD m_Min, m_Max; int m_PointBitString; RGBADirSIMD m_PrincipalAxis; bool m_PrincipalAxisCached; }; extern void GetPrincipalAxis(const RGBAClusterSIMD &c, RGBADirSIMD &axis); #endif //__RGBA_SIMD_ENDPOINTS_H__