//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright 2011 Intel Corporation // All Rights Reserved // // Permission is granted to use, copy, distribute and prepare derivative works of this // software for any purpose and without fee, provided, that the above copyright notice // and this statement appear in all copies. Intel makes no representations about the // suitability of this software for any purpose. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS." // INTEL SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND ALL LIABILITY, // INCLUDING CONSEQUENTIAL AND OTHER INDIRECT DAMAGES, FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, // INCLUDING LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PROPRIETARY RIGHTS, AND INCLUDING THE // WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Intel does not // assume any responsibility for any errors which may appear in this software nor any // responsibility to update it. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "StopWatch.h" #include "TexCompTypes.h" #include class StopWatchImpl { uint64 frequency; uint64 start; uint64 stop; uintptr affinityMask; StopWatchImpl() : start(0), stop(0), affinityMask(0) { // Initialize the performance counter frequency. LARGE_INTEGER perfQuery; BOOL supported = QueryPerformanceFrequency(&perfQuery); assert(supported == TRUE); this->frequency = perfQuery.QuadPart; } }; StopWatch::StopWatch(const StopWatch &other) { impl = new StopWatchImpl(); memcpy(impl, other.impl, sizeof(StopWatchImpl)); } StopWatch &StopWatch::operator=(const StopWatch &other) { if(impl) { delete impl; } impl = new StopWatchImpl(); memcpy(impl, other.impl, sizeof(StopWatchImpl)); } StopWatch::~StopWatch() { delete impl; } // Start the stopwatch. void StopWatch::Start() { // MSDN recommends setting the thread affinity to avoid bugs in the BIOS and HAL. // Create an affinity mask for the current processor. impl->affinityMask = (DWORD_PTR)1 << GetCurrentProcessorNumber(); HANDLE currThread = GetCurrentThread(); DWORD_PTR prevAffinityMask = SetThreadAffinityMask(currThread, impl->affinityMask); assert(prevAffinityMask != 0); // Query the performance counter. LARGE_INTEGER perfQuery; BOOL result = QueryPerformanceCounter(&perfQuery); assert(result); impl->start = perfQuery.QuadPart; // Restore the thread's affinity mask. prevAffinityMask = SetThreadAffinityMask(currThread, prevAffinityMask); assert(prevAffinityMask != 0); } // Stop the stopwatch. void StopWatch::Stop() { // MSDN recommends setting the thread affinity to avoid bugs in the BIOS and HAL. // Use the affinity mask that was created in the Start function. HANDLE currThread = GetCurrentThread(); DWORD_PTR prevAffinityMask = SetThreadAffinityMask(currThread, impl->affinityMask); assert(prevAffinityMask != 0); // Query the performance counter. LARGE_INTEGER perfQuery; BOOL result = QueryPerformanceCounter(&perfQuery); assert(result); impl->stop = perfQuery.QuadPart; // Restore the thread's affinity mask. prevAffinityMask = SetThreadAffinityMask(currThread, prevAffinityMask); assert(prevAffinityMask != 0); } // Reset the stopwatch. void StopWatch::Reset() { impl->start = 0; impl->stop = 0; impl->affinityMask = 0; } // Get the elapsed time in seconds. double StopWatch::TimeInSeconds() const { // Return the elapsed time in seconds. assert((impl->stop - impl->start) > 0); return double(impl->stop - impl->start) / double(frequency); } // Get the elapsed time in milliseconds. double StopWatch::TimeInMilliseconds() const { // Return the elapsed time in milliseconds. assert((impl->stop - impl->start) > 0); return double(impl->stop - impl->start) / double(frequency) * 1000.0; } // Get the elapsed time in microseconds. double StopWatch::TimeInMicroseconds() const { // Return the elapsed time in microseconds. assert((impl->stop - impl->start) > 0); return double(impl->stop - impl->start) / double(impl->frequency) * 1000000.0; }