diff --git a/src/processor/stackwalker_x86.cc b/src/processor/stackwalker_x86.cc
index 0d8b3edc..29d98e4b 100644
--- a/src/processor/stackwalker_x86.cc
+++ b/src/processor/stackwalker_x86.cc
@@ -217,14 +217,27 @@ StackFrameX86* StackwalkerX86::GetCallerByWindowsFrameInfo(
   dictionary[".cbLocals"] = last_frame_info->local_size;
   uint32_t raSearchStart = last_frame->context.esp +
-                            last_frame_callee_parameter_size +
-                            last_frame_info->local_size +
-                            last_frame_info->saved_register_size;
+                           last_frame_callee_parameter_size +
+                           last_frame_info->local_size +
+                           last_frame_info->saved_register_size;
   uint32_t raSearchStartOld = raSearchStart;
   uint32_t found = 0;  // dummy value
   // Scan up to three words above the calculated search value, in case
   // the stack was aligned to a quadword boundary.
+  //
+  // TODO(ivan.penkov): Consider cleaning up the scan for return address that
+  // follows.  The purpose of this scan is to adjust the .raSearchStart
+  // calculation (which is based on register %esp) in the cases where register
+  // %esp may have been aligned (up to a quadword).  There are two problems
+  // with this approach:
+  //  1) In practice, 64 byte boundary alignment is seen which clearly can not
+  //     be handled by a three word scan.
+  //  2) A search for a return address is "guesswork" by definition because
+  //     the results will be different depending on what is left on the stack
+  //     from previous executions.
+  // So, basically, the results from this scan should be ignored if other means
+  // for calculation of the value of .raSearchStart are available.
   if (ScanForReturnAddress(raSearchStart, &raSearchStart, &found, 3) &&
       last_frame->trust == StackFrame::FRAME_TRUST_CONTEXT &&
       last_frame->windows_frame_info != NULL &&
@@ -241,11 +254,6 @@ StackFrameX86* StackwalkerX86::GetCallerByWindowsFrameInfo(
     ScanForReturnAddress(raSearchStart, &raSearchStart, &found, 3);
-  // The difference between raSearch and raSearchStart is unknown,
-  // but making them the same seems to work well in practice.
-  dictionary[".raSearchStart"] = raSearchStart;
-  dictionary[".raSearch"] = raSearchStart;
   dictionary[".cbParams"] = last_frame_info->parameter_size;
   // Decide what type of program string to use. The program string is in
@@ -330,6 +338,27 @@ StackFrameX86* StackwalkerX86::GetCallerByWindowsFrameInfo(
     recover_ebp = false;
+  // Check for alignment operators in the program string.  If alignment
+  // operators are found, then current %ebp must be valid and it is the only
+  // reliable data point that can be used for getting to the previous frame.
+  // E.g. the .raSearchStart calculation (above) is based on %esp and since
+  // %esp was aligned in the current frame (which is a lossy operation) the
+  // calculated value of .raSearchStart cannot be correct and should not be
+  // used.  Instead .raSearchStart must be calculated based on %ebp.
+  // The code that follows assumes that .raSearchStart is supposed to point
+  // at the saved return address (ebp + 4).
+  // For some more details on this topic, take a look at the following thread:
+  // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-breakpad-dev/ZP1FA9B1JjM
+  if ((StackFrameX86::CONTEXT_VALID_EBP & last_frame->context_validity) != 0 &&
+      program_string.find('@') != string::npos) {
+    raSearchStart = last_frame->context.ebp + 4;
+  }
+  // The difference between raSearch and raSearchStart is unknown,
+  // but making them the same seems to work well in practice.
+  dictionary[".raSearchStart"] = raSearchStart;
+  dictionary[".raSearch"] = raSearchStart;
   // Now crank it out, making sure that the program string set at least the
   // two required variables.
   PostfixEvaluator<uint32_t> evaluator =
diff --git a/src/processor/stackwalker_x86_unittest.cc b/src/processor/stackwalker_x86_unittest.cc
index 690f5f31..008b496b 100644
--- a/src/processor/stackwalker_x86_unittest.cc
+++ b/src/processor/stackwalker_x86_unittest.cc
@@ -565,15 +565,18 @@ TEST_F(GetCallerFrame, WindowsFrameDataAligned) {
                    " $ebp $T1 4 - ^ ="
                    " $eip $T1 ^ ="
                    " $esp $T1 4 + =");
+  Label frame0_esp, frame0_ebp;
   Label frame1_esp, frame1_ebp;
   stack_section.start() = 0x80000000;
     // frame 0
+    .Mark(&frame0_esp)
     .D32(0x0ffa0ffa)                    // unused saved register
     .D32(0xdeaddead)                    // locals
     .D32(0)                             // 8-byte alignment
-    .D32(frame1_ebp)
+    .Mark(&frame0_ebp)
+    .D32(frame1_ebp)                    // saved %ebp
     .D32(0x5000129d)                    // return address
     // frame 1
@@ -584,8 +587,8 @@ TEST_F(GetCallerFrame, WindowsFrameDataAligned) {
   raw_context.eip = 0x4000aa85;
-  raw_context.esp = stack_section.start().Value();
-  raw_context.ebp = 0xf052c1de;         // should not be needed to walk frame
+  raw_context.esp = frame0_esp.Value();
+  raw_context.ebp = frame0_ebp.Value();
   StackFrameSymbolizer frame_symbolizer(&supplier, &resolver);
   StackwalkerX86 walker(&system_info, &raw_context, &stack_region, &modules,
@@ -606,8 +609,8 @@ TEST_F(GetCallerFrame, WindowsFrameDataAligned) {
     ASSERT_EQ(StackFrameX86::CONTEXT_VALID_ALL, frame0->context_validity);
     EXPECT_EQ(0x4000aa85U, frame0->instruction);
     EXPECT_EQ(0x4000aa85U, frame0->context.eip);
-    EXPECT_EQ(stack_section.start().Value(), frame0->context.esp);
-    EXPECT_EQ(0xf052c1deU, frame0->context.ebp);
+    EXPECT_EQ(frame0_esp.Value(), frame0->context.esp);
+    EXPECT_EQ(frame0_ebp.Value(), frame0->context.ebp);
     EXPECT_TRUE(frame0->windows_frame_info != NULL);
@@ -1462,6 +1465,206 @@ TEST_F(GetCallerFrame, ReturnAddressIsNotInKnownModule) {
+// Test the .raSearchStart/.raSearch calculation when alignment operators are
+// used in the program string.  The current %ebp must be valid and it is the
+// only reliable data point that can be used for that calculation.
+TEST_F(GetCallerFrame, HandleAlignmentInProgramString) {
+  MockCodeModule chrome_dll(0x59630000, 0x19e3000, "chrome.dll", "version1");
+  SetModuleSymbols(&chrome_dll,  // chrome.dll
+                   "FUNC 56422 50c 8 base::MessageLoop::RunTask"
+                   "(base::PendingTask const &)\n"
+                   "56422 e 458 4589\n"
+                   "STACK WIN 4 56422 50c 11 0 8 c ac 0 1 $T1 .raSearch = $T0 "
+                   "$T1 4 - 8 @ = $ebp $T1 4 - ^ = $eip $T1 ^ = $esp $T1 4 + = "
+                   "$20 $T0 176 - ^ =  $23 $T0 180 - ^ =  $24 $T0 184 - ^ =\n"
+                   "FUNC 55d34 34a 0 base::MessageLoop::DoWork()\n"
+                   "55d34 11 596 4589\n"
+                   "STACK WIN 4 55d34 34a 19 0 0 c 134 0 1 $T1 .raSearch = "
+                   "$T0  $T1 4 - 8 @ = $ebp $T1 4 - ^ = $eip $T1 ^ = $esp "
+                   "$T1 4 + = $20 $T0 312 - ^ =  $23 $T0 316 - ^ =  $24 $T0 "
+                   "320 - ^ =\n"
+                   "FUNC 55c39 fb 0 base::MessagePumpForIO::DoRunLoop()\n"
+                   "55c39 d 518 19962\n"
+                   "STACK WIN 4 55c39 fb d 0 0 c 34 0 1 $T1 .raSearch = $T0 "
+                   "$T1 4 - 64 @ = $ebp $T1 4 - ^ = $eip $T1 ^ = $esp $T1 4 + "
+                   "= $20 $T0 56 - ^ =  $23 $T0 60 - ^ =  $24 $T0 64 - ^ =\n"
+                   "FUNC 55bf0 49 4 base::MessagePumpWin::Run(base::"
+                   "MessagePump::Delegate *)\n"
+                   "55bf0 49 48 4724\n"
+                   "STACK WIN 4 55bf0 49 c 0 4 0 10 0 1 $T0 $ebp = $eip $T0 4 "
+                   "+ ^ = $ebp $T0 ^ = $esp $T0 8 + =\n"
+                   "FUNC 165d de 4 malloc\n"
+                   "165d 6 119 54\n"
+                   "STACK WIN 4 165d de d 0 4 8 0 0 1 $T1 .raSearch = $T0 "
+                   "$T1 4 - 8 @ = $ebp $T1 4 - ^ = $eip $T1 ^ = $esp $T1 4 "
+                   "+ = $23 $T0 4 - ^ =  $24 $T0 8 - ^ =\n"
+                   "FUNC 55ac9 79 0 base::MessageLoop::RunInternal()\n"
+                   "55ac9 d 427 4589\n"
+                   "STACK WIN 4 55ac9 79 d 0 0 8 10 0 1 $T1 .raSearch = $T0 "
+                   "$T1 4 - 8 @ = $ebp $T1 4 - ^ = $eip $T1 ^ = $esp $T1 4 + = "
+                   "$23 $T0 20 - ^ =  $24 $T0 24 - ^ =\n");
+  // Create some modules with some stock debugging information.
+  MockCodeModules local_modules;
+  local_modules.Add(&chrome_dll);
+  Label frame0_esp;
+  Label frame0_ebp;
+  Label frame1_esp;
+  Label frame1_ebp;
+  Label frame2_esp;
+  Label frame2_ebp;
+  Label frame3_esp;
+  Label frame3_ebp;
+  stack_section.start() = 0x046bfc80;
+  stack_section
+    .D32(0)
+    .Mark(&frame0_esp)
+    .D32(0x01e235a0)
+    .D32(0x00000000)
+    .D32(0x01e9f580)
+    .D32(0x01e9f580)
+    .D32(0x00000020)
+    .D32(0x00000000)
+    .D32(0x00463674)
+    .D32(0x00000020)
+    .D32(0x00000000)
+    .D32(0x046bfcd8)
+    .D32(0x046bfcd8)
+    .D32(0x0001204b)
+    .D32(0x00000000)
+    .D32(0xfdddb523)
+    .D32(0x00000000)
+    .D32(0x00000007)
+    .D32(0x00000040)
+    .D32(0x00000000)
+    .D32(0x59631693)  // chrome_59630000!malloc+0x36
+    .D32(0x01e9f580)
+    .D32(0x01e9f580)
+    .D32(0x046bfcf8)
+    .D32(0x77da6704)  // ntdll!NtSetIoCompletion+0xc
+    .D32(0x046bfd4c)
+    .D32(0x59685bec)  // chrome_59630000!base::MessageLoop::StartHistogrammer..
+    .D32(0x01e235a0)
+    .Mark(&frame0_ebp)
+    .D32(frame1_ebp)  // Child EBP    .D32(0x046bfd0c)
+    .D32(0x59685c2e)  // Return address in
+                      // chrome_59630000!base::MessagePumpWin::Run+0x3e
+    .Mark(&frame1_esp)
+    .D32(0x01e75a90)
+    .D32(0x046bfd4c)
+    .D32(0x01e75a90)
+    .D32(0x00000000)
+    .D32(0x00000300)
+    .D32(0x00000001)
+    .Mark(&frame1_ebp)
+    .D32(frame2_ebp)  // Child EBP    .D32(0x046bfd30)
+    .D32(0x59685b3c)  // Return address in
+                      // chrome_59630000!base::MessageLoop::RunInternal+0x73
+    .Mark(&frame2_esp)
+    .D32(0x01e75a90)
+    .D32(0x00000000)
+    .D32(0x046bfd4c)
+    .D32(0x59658123)  // chrome_59630000!std::deque..
+    .D32(0x046bfda0)
+    .D32(0x01e79d70)
+    .D32(0x046bfda0)
+    .Mark(&frame2_ebp)  // .D32(0x046bfd40)
+    .D32(0)             // saved %ebp (stack end)
+    .D32(0);            // saved %eip (stack end)
+  RegionFromSection();
+  raw_context.eip = 0x59685c46;  // Context frame in
+                                 // base::MessagePumpForIO::DoRunLoop
+  raw_context.esp = frame0_esp.Value();
+  raw_context.ebp = frame0_ebp.Value();
+  StackFrameSymbolizer frame_symbolizer(&supplier, &resolver);
+  StackwalkerX86 walker(&system_info, &raw_context, &stack_region,
+                        &local_modules, &frame_symbolizer);
+  vector<const CodeModule*> modules_without_symbols;
+  vector<const CodeModule*> modules_with_corrupt_symbols;
+  ASSERT_TRUE(walker.Walk(&call_stack, &modules_without_symbols,
+                          &modules_with_corrupt_symbols));
+  ASSERT_EQ(0U, modules_without_symbols.size());
+  ASSERT_EQ(0U, modules_with_corrupt_symbols.size());
+  frames = call_stack.frames();
+  ASSERT_EQ(3U, frames->size());
+  {  // To avoid reusing locals by mistake
+    StackFrameX86 *frame = static_cast<StackFrameX86 *>(frames->at(0));
+    EXPECT_EQ(StackFrame::FRAME_TRUST_CONTEXT, frame->trust);
+    ASSERT_EQ(StackFrameX86::CONTEXT_VALID_ALL, frame->context_validity);
+    EXPECT_EQ("base::MessagePumpForIO::DoRunLoop()", frame->function_name);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0x59685c46U, frame->instruction);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0x59685c46U, frame->context.eip);
+    EXPECT_EQ(frame0_esp.Value(), frame->context.esp);
+    EXPECT_EQ(frame0_ebp.Value(), frame->context.ebp);
+    EXPECT_EQ(&chrome_dll, frame->module);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(frame->windows_frame_info != NULL);
+    EXPECT_EQ(WindowsFrameInfo::VALID_ALL, frame->windows_frame_info->valid);
+              frame->windows_frame_info->type_);
+    EXPECT_EQ("$T1 .raSearch = $T0 "
+              "$T1 4 - 64 @ = $ebp $T1 4 - ^ = $eip $T1 ^ = $esp $T1 4 + "
+              "= $20 $T0 56 - ^ =  $23 $T0 60 - ^ =  $24 $T0 64 - ^ =",
+              frame->windows_frame_info->program_string);
+    EXPECT_FALSE(frame->windows_frame_info->allocates_base_pointer);
+  }
+  {  // To avoid reusing locals by mistake
+    StackFrameX86 *frame = static_cast<StackFrameX86 *>(frames->at(1));
+    EXPECT_EQ(StackFrame::FRAME_TRUST_CFI, frame->trust);
+               StackFrameX86::CONTEXT_VALID_ESP |
+               StackFrameX86::CONTEXT_VALID_EBP),
+              frame->context_validity);
+    EXPECT_EQ("base::MessagePumpWin::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate *)",
+              frame->function_name);
+    EXPECT_EQ(1500011566U, frame->instruction + 1);
+    EXPECT_EQ(1500011566U, frame->context.eip);
+    EXPECT_EQ(frame1_esp.Value(), frame->context.esp);
+    EXPECT_EQ(frame1_ebp.Value(), frame->context.ebp);
+    EXPECT_EQ(&chrome_dll, frame->module);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(frame->windows_frame_info != NULL);
+    EXPECT_EQ(WindowsFrameInfo::VALID_ALL, frame->windows_frame_info->valid);
+              frame->windows_frame_info->type_);
+    EXPECT_EQ("$T0 $ebp = $eip $T0 4 + ^ = $ebp $T0 ^ = $esp $T0 8 + =",
+              frame->windows_frame_info->program_string);
+    EXPECT_FALSE(frame->windows_frame_info->allocates_base_pointer);
+  }
+  {  // To avoid reusing locals by mistake
+    StackFrameX86 *frame = static_cast<StackFrameX86 *>(frames->at(2));
+    EXPECT_EQ(StackFrame::FRAME_TRUST_CFI, frame->trust);
+               StackFrameX86::CONTEXT_VALID_ESP |
+               StackFrameX86::CONTEXT_VALID_EBP),
+              frame->context_validity);
+    EXPECT_EQ("base::MessageLoop::RunInternal()", frame->function_name);
+    EXPECT_EQ(1500011324U, frame->instruction + 1);
+    EXPECT_EQ(1500011324U, frame->context.eip);
+    EXPECT_EQ(frame2_esp.Value(), frame->context.esp);
+    EXPECT_EQ(frame2_ebp.Value(), frame->context.ebp);
+    EXPECT_EQ(&chrome_dll, frame->module);
+    ASSERT_TRUE(frame->windows_frame_info != NULL);
+    EXPECT_EQ(WindowsFrameInfo::VALID_ALL, frame->windows_frame_info->valid);
+              frame->windows_frame_info->type_);
+    EXPECT_EQ("$T1 .raSearch = $T0 "
+              "$T1 4 - 8 @ = $ebp $T1 4 - ^ = $eip $T1 ^ = $esp $T1 4 + = "
+              "$23 $T0 20 - ^ =  $24 $T0 24 - ^ =",
+              frame->windows_frame_info->program_string);
+    EXPECT_FALSE(frame->windows_frame_info->allocates_base_pointer);
+  }
 // Scan the stack for a return address and potentially skip frames when the
 // current IP address is not in a known module.  Note, that that the span of
 // this scan is limited to 120 search words for the context frame and 30