#include "discord-rpc.h" #include "backoff.h" #include "discord_register.h" #include "rpc_connection.h" #include "serialization.h" #include "msg_queue.h" #include #include #include #ifndef DISCORD_DISABLE_IO_THREAD #include #include #endif constexpr size_t MaxMessageSize{16 * 1024}; constexpr size_t MessageQueueSize{8}; constexpr size_t JoinQueueSize{8}; struct QueuedMessage { size_t length; char buffer[MaxMessageSize]; void Copy(const QueuedMessage& other) { length = other.length; if (length) { memcpy(buffer, other.buffer, length); } } }; static RpcConnection* Connection{nullptr}; static DiscordEventHandlers Handlers{}; static std::atomic_bool WasJustConnected{false}; static std::atomic_bool WasJustDisconnected{false}; static std::atomic_bool GotErrorMessage{false}; static std::atomic_bool WasJoinGame{false}; static std::atomic_bool WasSpectateGame{false}; static char JoinGameSecret[256]; static char SpectateGameSecret[256]; static int LastErrorCode{0}; static char LastErrorMessage[256]; static int LastDisconnectErrorCode{0}; static char LastDisconnectErrorMessage[256]; static std::mutex PresenceMutex; static QueuedMessage QueuedPresence{}; static MsgQueue SendQueue; static MsgQueue JoinAskQueue; // We want to auto connect, and retry on failure, but not as fast as possible. This does expoential // backoff from 0.5 seconds to 1 minute static Backoff ReconnectTimeMs(500, 60 * 1000); static auto NextConnect{std::chrono::system_clock::now()}; static int Pid{0}; static int Nonce{1}; #ifndef DISCORD_DISABLE_IO_THREAD static std::atomic_bool KeepRunning{true}; static std::mutex WaitForIOMutex; static std::condition_variable WaitForIOActivity; static std::thread IoThread; #endif // DISCORD_DISABLE_IO_THREAD static void UpdateReconnectTime() { NextConnect = std::chrono::system_clock::now() + std::chrono::duration{ReconnectTimeMs.nextDelay()}; } #ifdef DISCORD_DISABLE_IO_THREAD DISCORD_EXPORT void Discord_UpdateConnection(void) #else static void Discord_UpdateConnection(void) #endif { if (!Connection) { return; } if (!Connection->IsOpen()) { if (std::chrono::system_clock::now() >= NextConnect) { UpdateReconnectTime(); Connection->Open(); } } else { // reads for (;;) { JsonDocument message; if (!Connection->Read(message)) { break; } const char* evtName = GetStrMember(&message, "evt"); const char* nonce = GetStrMember(&message, "nonce"); if (nonce) { // in responses only -- should use to match up response when needed. if (evtName && strcmp(evtName, "ERROR") == 0) { auto data = GetObjMember(&message, "data"); LastErrorCode = GetIntMember(data, "code"); StringCopy(LastErrorMessage, GetStrMember(data, "message", "")); GotErrorMessage.store(true); } } else { // should have evt == name of event, optional data if (evtName == nullptr) { continue; } if (strcmp(evtName, "ACTIVITY_JOIN") == 0) { auto data = GetObjMember(&message, "data"); auto secret = GetStrMember(data, "secret"); if (secret) { StringCopy(JoinGameSecret, secret); WasJoinGame.store(true); } } else if (strcmp(evtName, "ACTIVITY_SPECTATE") == 0) { auto data = GetObjMember(&message, "data"); auto secret = GetStrMember(data, "secret"); if (secret) { StringCopy(SpectateGameSecret, secret); WasSpectateGame.store(true); } } else if (strcmp(evtName, "ACTIVITY_JOIN_REQUEST") == 0) { auto data = GetObjMember(&message, "data"); auto user = GetObjMember(data, "user"); auto userId = GetStrMember(user, "id"); auto username = GetStrMember(user, "username"); auto avatarUrl = GetStrMember(user, "avatar"); auto joinReq = JoinAskQueue.GetNextAddMessage(); if (userId && username && joinReq) { StringCopy(joinReq->userId, userId); StringCopy(joinReq->username, username); if (avatarUrl) { StringCopy(joinReq->avatarUrl, avatarUrl); } else { joinReq->avatarUrl[0] = 0; } JoinAskQueue.CommitAdd(); } } } } // writes if (QueuedPresence.length) { QueuedMessage local; PresenceMutex.lock(); local.Copy(QueuedPresence); QueuedPresence.length = 0; PresenceMutex.unlock(); if (!Connection->Write(local.buffer, local.length)) { // if we fail to send, requeue PresenceMutex.lock(); QueuedPresence.Copy(local); PresenceMutex.unlock(); } } while (SendQueue.HavePendingSends()) { auto qmessage = SendQueue.GetNextSendMessage(); Connection->Write(qmessage->buffer, qmessage->length); SendQueue.CommitSend(); } } } #ifndef DISCORD_DISABLE_IO_THREAD static void DiscordRpcIo(void) { const std::chrono::duration maxWait{500LL}; while (KeepRunning.load()) { Discord_UpdateConnection(); std::unique_lock lock(WaitForIOMutex); WaitForIOActivity.wait_for(lock, maxWait); } } #endif static void SignalIOActivity() { #ifndef DISCORD_DISABLE_IO_THREAD WaitForIOActivity.notify_all(); #endif } static bool RegisterForEvent(const char* evtName) { auto qmessage = SendQueue.GetNextAddMessage(); if (qmessage) { qmessage->length = JsonWriteSubscribeCommand(qmessage->buffer, sizeof(qmessage->buffer), Nonce++, evtName); SendQueue.CommitAdd(); SignalIOActivity(); return true; } return false; } DISCORD_EXPORT void Discord_Initialize(const char* applicationId, DiscordEventHandlers* handlers, int autoRegister, const char* optionalSteamId) { if (autoRegister) { if (optionalSteamId && optionalSteamId[0]) { Discord_RegisterSteamGame(applicationId, optionalSteamId); } else { Discord_Register(applicationId, nullptr); } } Pid = GetProcessId(); if (handlers) { Handlers = *handlers; } else { Handlers = {}; } if (Connection) { return; } Connection = RpcConnection::Create(applicationId); Connection->onConnect = []() { WasJustConnected.exchange(true); ReconnectTimeMs.reset(); if (Handlers.joinGame) { RegisterForEvent("ACTIVITY_JOIN"); } if (Handlers.spectateGame) { RegisterForEvent("ACTIVITY_SPECTATE"); } if (Handlers.joinRequest) { RegisterForEvent("ACTIVITY_JOIN_REQUEST"); } }; Connection->onDisconnect = [](int err, const char* message) { LastDisconnectErrorCode = err; StringCopy(LastDisconnectErrorMessage, message); WasJustDisconnected.exchange(true); UpdateReconnectTime(); }; #ifndef DISCORD_DISABLE_IO_THREAD KeepRunning.store(true); IoThread = std::thread(DiscordRpcIo); #endif } DISCORD_EXPORT void Discord_Shutdown() { if (!Connection) { return; } Connection->onConnect = nullptr; Connection->onDisconnect = nullptr; Handlers = {}; #ifndef DISCORD_DISABLE_IO_THREAD KeepRunning.exchange(false); SignalIOActivity(); if (IoThread.joinable()) { IoThread.join(); } #endif RpcConnection::Destroy(Connection); } DISCORD_EXPORT void Discord_UpdatePresence(const DiscordRichPresence* presence) { PresenceMutex.lock(); QueuedPresence.length = JsonWriteRichPresenceObj( QueuedPresence.buffer, sizeof(QueuedPresence.buffer), Nonce++, Pid, presence); PresenceMutex.unlock(); SignalIOActivity(); } DISCORD_EXPORT void Discord_Respond(const char* userId, /* DISCORD_REPLY_ */ int reply) { // if we are not connected, let's not batch up stale messages for later if (!Connection || !Connection->IsOpen()) { return; } auto qmessage = SendQueue.GetNextAddMessage(); if (qmessage) { qmessage->length = JsonWriteJoinReply(qmessage->buffer, sizeof(qmessage->buffer), userId, reply, Nonce++); SendQueue.CommitAdd(); SignalIOActivity(); } } DISCORD_EXPORT void Discord_RunCallbacks() { // Note on some weirdness: internally we might connect, get other signals, disconnect any number // of times inbetween calls here. Externally, we want the sequence to seem sane, so any other // signals are book-ended by calls to ready and disconnect. if (!Connection) { return; } bool wasDisconnected = WasJustDisconnected.exchange(false); bool isConnected = Connection->IsOpen(); if (isConnected) { // if we are connected, disconnect cb first if (wasDisconnected && Handlers.disconnected) { Handlers.disconnected(LastDisconnectErrorCode, LastDisconnectErrorMessage); } } if (WasJustConnected.exchange(false) && Handlers.ready) { Handlers.ready(); } if (GotErrorMessage.exchange(false) && Handlers.errored) { Handlers.errored(LastErrorCode, LastErrorMessage); } if (WasJoinGame.exchange(false) && Handlers.joinGame) { Handlers.joinGame(JoinGameSecret); } if (WasSpectateGame.exchange(false) && Handlers.spectateGame) { Handlers.spectateGame(SpectateGameSecret); } // Right now this batches up any requests and sends them all in a burst; I could imagine a world // where the implementer would rather sequentially accept/reject each one before the next invite // is sent. I left it this way because I could also imagine wanting to process these all and // maybe show them in one common dialog and/or start fetching the avatars in parallel, and if // not it should be trivial for the implementer to make a queue themselves. while (JoinAskQueue.HavePendingSends()) { auto req = JoinAskQueue.GetNextSendMessage(); if (Handlers.joinRequest) { Handlers.joinRequest(req); } JoinAskQueue.CommitSend(); } if (!isConnected) { // if we are not connected, disconnect message last if (wasDisconnected && Handlers.disconnected) { Handlers.disconnected(LastDisconnectErrorCode, LastDisconnectErrorMessage); } } }