//! installer.rs //! //! Contains the main installer structure, as well as high-level means of controlling it. use serde_json; use std::fs::File; use std::fs::OpenOptions; use std::env; use std::env::var; use std::path::Path; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::sync::mpsc::Sender; use std::io::copy; use std::io::Cursor; use std::process::Command; use std::process::{exit, Stdio}; use crate::config::BaseAttributes; use crate::config::Config; use crate::sources::types::Version; use crate::tasks::install::InstallTask; use crate::tasks::uninstall::UninstallTask; use crate::tasks::uninstall_global_shortcut::UninstallGlobalShortcutsTask; use crate::tasks::DependencyTree; use crate::tasks::TaskMessage; use crate::logging::LoggingErrors; use dirs::home_dir; use std::fs::remove_file; use crate::http; use number_prefix::{NumberPrefix, Prefixed, Standalone}; use crate::native; /// A message thrown during the installation of packages. #[derive(Serialize)] pub enum InstallMessage { Status(String, f64), PackageInstalled, Error(String), EOF, } /// Metadata about the current installation itself. #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)] pub struct InstallationDatabase { pub packages: Vec, pub shortcuts: Vec, } impl InstallationDatabase { /// Creates a new, empty installation database. pub fn new() -> InstallationDatabase { InstallationDatabase { packages: Vec::new(), shortcuts: Vec::new(), } } } /// The installer framework contains metadata about packages, what is installable, what isn't, /// etc. pub struct InstallerFramework { pub base_attributes: BaseAttributes, pub config: Option, pub database: InstallationDatabase, pub install_path: Option, pub preexisting_install: bool, pub is_launcher: bool, // If we just completed an uninstall, and we should clean up after ourselves. pub burn_after_exit: bool, pub launcher_path: Option, } /// Contains basic properties on the status of the session. Subset of InstallationFramework. #[derive(Serialize)] pub struct InstallationStatus { pub database: InstallationDatabase, pub install_path: Option, pub preexisting_install: bool, pub is_launcher: bool, pub launcher_path: Option, } /// Tracks the state of a local installation #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)] pub struct LocalInstallation { pub name: String, pub version: Version, /// Relative paths to generated files pub files: Vec, /// Absolute paths to generated shortcut files pub shortcuts: Vec, } macro_rules! declare_messenger_callback { ($target:expr) => { &|msg: &TaskMessage| match *msg { TaskMessage::DisplayMessage(msg, progress) => { if let Err(v) = $target.send(InstallMessage::Status(msg.to_string(), progress as _)) { error!("Failed to submit queue message: {:?}", v); } } TaskMessage::PackageInstalled => { if let Err(v) = $target.send(InstallMessage::PackageInstalled) { error!("Failed to submit queue message: {:?}", v); } } } }; } impl InstallerFramework { /// Returns a copy of the configuration. pub fn get_config(&self) -> Option { self.config.clone() } /// Returns the default install path. pub fn get_default_path(&self) -> Option { let app_name = &self.base_attributes.name; let base_dir = match var("LOCALAPPDATA") { Ok(path) => PathBuf::from(path), Err(_) => home_dir()?, }; let file_name = if cfg!(unix) { format!(".{}", app_name.to_ascii_lowercase()) } else { app_name.to_string() }; let file = base_dir.join(file_name); Some(file.to_str()?.to_owned()) } /// Sends a request for something to be installed. /// items: Array of named packages to be installed/kept /// messages: Channel used to send progress messages /// fresh_install: If the install directory must be empty pub fn install( &mut self, items: Vec, messages: &Sender, fresh_install: bool, ) -> Result<(), String> { info!( "Framework: Installing {:?} to {:?}", items, self.install_path .clone() .log_expect("Install directory not initialised") ); // Calculate packages to *uninstall* let mut uninstall_items = Vec::new(); if !fresh_install { for package in &self.database.packages { if !items.contains(&package.name) { uninstall_items.push(package.name.clone()); } } info!( "Framework: Uninstalling {:?} additionally.", uninstall_items ); } let task = Box::new(InstallTask { items, uninstall_items, fresh_install, }); let mut tree = DependencyTree::build(task); info!("Dependency tree:\n{}", tree); tree.execute(self, declare_messenger_callback!(messages)) .map(|_x| ()) } /// Sends a request for everything to be uninstalled. pub fn uninstall(&mut self, messages: &Sender) -> Result<(), String> { let items: Vec = self .database .packages .iter() .map(|x| x.name.clone()) .collect(); let task = Box::new(UninstallTask { items }); let mut tree = DependencyTree::build(task); info!("Dependency tree:\n{}", tree); tree.execute(self, declare_messenger_callback!(messages)) .map(|_x| ())?; // Uninstall shortcuts let task = Box::new(UninstallGlobalShortcutsTask {}); let mut tree = DependencyTree::build(task); tree.execute(self, declare_messenger_callback!(messages)) .map(|_x| ())?; // Delete the metadata file let path = self .install_path .as_ref() .log_expect("No install path specified"); remove_file(path.join("metadata.json")) .map_err(|x| format!("Failed to delete metadata: {:?}", x))?; // Logging will have to be done later self.burn_after_exit = true; Ok(()) } /// Verifies that the config has all requirements met (no need to update the /// updater, for example). This will terminate if this is the case after applying /// the correct actions. pub fn update_updater(&mut self, messages: &Sender) -> Result<(), String> { let tool = self .config .as_ref() .log_expect("Config should exist by now") .new_tool .as_ref() .log_expect("Frontend asked for updater update when one doesn't exist"); let mut downloaded = 0; let mut data_storage: Vec = Vec::new(); http::stream_file(tool, |data, size| { { data_storage.extend_from_slice(&data); } downloaded += data.len(); let percentage = if size == 0 { 0.0 } else { (downloaded as f64) / (size as f64) }; // Pretty print data volumes let pretty_current = match NumberPrefix::decimal(downloaded as f64) { Standalone(bytes) => format!("{} bytes", bytes), Prefixed(prefix, n) => format!("{:.0} {}B", n, prefix), }; let pretty_total = match NumberPrefix::decimal(size as f64) { Standalone(bytes) => format!("{} bytes", bytes), Prefixed(prefix, n) => format!("{:.0} {}B", n, prefix), }; if let Err(v) = messages.send(InstallMessage::Status( format!( "Downloading self-update ({} of {})...", pretty_current, pretty_total ), percentage as _, )) { error!("Failed to submit queue message: {:?}", v); } })?; info!("Launching new updater..."); // Save to file in current dir let current_exe = env::current_exe().log_expect("Current executable could not be found"); let path = current_exe .parent() .log_expect("Parent directory of executable could not be found"); let platform_extension = if cfg!(windows) { "maintenancetool_new.exe" } else { "maintenancetool_new" }; let new_app = path.join(platform_extension); let mut file_metadata = OpenOptions::new(); file_metadata.write(true).create(true); #[cfg(unix)] { use std::os::unix::fs::OpenOptionsExt; file_metadata.mode(0o770); } { let mut new_app_file = match file_metadata.open(&new_app) { Ok(v) => v, Err(v) => return Err(format!("Unable to open installer binary: {:?}", v)), }; if let Err(v) = copy(&mut Cursor::new(data_storage), &mut new_app_file) { return Err(format!("Unable to copy installer binary: {:?}", v)); } } // Save current command line arguments let args_file = path.join("args.json"); let args: Vec = env::args_os() .map(|x| { x.to_str() .log_expect("Unable to convert argument to String") .to_string() }) .collect(); { let new_app_file = match File::create(&args_file) { Ok(v) => v, Err(v) => return Err(format!("Unable to open args file: {:?}", v)), }; serde_json::to_writer(new_app_file, &args).log_expect("Unable to write args"); } let current_exe = env::current_exe().log_expect("Current executable could not be found"); // Launch this new process Command::new(new_app) .arg("--swap") .arg(current_exe) .spawn() .log_expect("Unable to start child process"); exit(0); } /// Saves the applications database. pub fn save_database(&self) -> Result<(), String> { // We have to have a install path for us to be able to do anything let path = match self.install_path.clone() { Some(v) => v, None => return Err("No install directory for installer".to_string()), }; let metadata_path = path.join("metadata.json"); let metadata_file = match File::create(metadata_path) { Ok(v) => v, Err(v) => return Err(format!("Unable to open file handle: {:?}", v)), }; match serde_json::to_writer(metadata_file, &self.database) { Ok(v) => v, Err(v) => return Err(format!("Unable to write to file: {:?}", v)), }; Ok(()) } /// Configures this installer to install to the specified location. /// If there was a currently configured install path, this will be left as-is. pub fn set_install_dir(&mut self, dir: &str) { self.install_path = Some(Path::new(dir).to_owned()); } /// Returns metadata on the current status of the installation. pub fn get_installation_status(&self) -> InstallationStatus { InstallationStatus { database: self.database.clone(), install_path: match self.install_path.clone() { Some(v) => Some(v.display().to_string()), None => None, }, preexisting_install: self.preexisting_install, is_launcher: self.is_launcher, launcher_path: self.launcher_path.clone(), } } /// Shuts down the installer instance. pub fn shutdown(&mut self) -> Result<(), String> { info!("Shutting down installer framework..."); if let Some(ref v) = self.launcher_path.take() { info!("Launching {:?}", v); Command::new(v) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .spawn() .map_err(|x| format!("Unable to start application: {:?}", x))?; } if self.burn_after_exit { info!("Requesting that self be deleted after exit."); native::burn_on_exit(&self.base_attributes.name); self.burn_after_exit = false; } Ok(()) } /// Creates a new instance of the Installer Framework with a specified Config. pub fn new(attrs: BaseAttributes) -> Self { InstallerFramework { base_attributes: attrs, config: None, database: InstallationDatabase::new(), install_path: None, preexisting_install: false, is_launcher: false, burn_after_exit: false, launcher_path: None, } } /// Creates a new instance of the Installer Framework with a specified Config, managing /// a pre-existing installation. pub fn new_with_db(attrs: BaseAttributes, install_path: &Path) -> Result { let path = install_path.to_owned(); let metadata_path = path.join("metadata.json"); let metadata_file = match File::open(metadata_path) { Ok(v) => v, Err(v) => return Err(format!("Unable to open file handle: {:?}", v)), }; let database: InstallationDatabase = match serde_json::from_reader(metadata_file) { Ok(v) => v, Err(v) => return Err(format!("Unable to read metadata file: {:?}", v)), }; Ok(InstallerFramework { base_attributes: attrs, config: None, database, install_path: Some(path), preexisting_install: true, is_launcher: false, burn_after_exit: false, launcher_path: None, }) } }