//! main.rs //! //! The main entrypoint for the application. Orchestrates the building of the installation //! framework, and opens necessary HTTP servers/frontends. #![cfg_attr(not(debug_assertions), windows_subsystem = "windows")] #![deny(unsafe_code)] #![deny(missing_docs)] extern crate web_view; extern crate futures; extern crate hyper; extern crate url; extern crate number_prefix; extern crate reqwest; extern crate serde; #[macro_use] extern crate serde_derive; extern crate serde_json; extern crate toml; extern crate regex; extern crate semver; extern crate dirs; extern crate tar; extern crate xz2; extern crate zip; extern crate fern; #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate chrono; extern crate clap; #[cfg(windows)] extern crate winapi; #[cfg(windows)] extern crate widestring; #[cfg(not(windows))] extern crate slug; #[cfg(not(windows))] extern crate sysinfo; extern crate jsonwebtoken as jwt; mod archives; mod config; mod frontend; mod http; mod installer; mod logging; mod native; mod self_update; mod sources; mod tasks; use installer::InstallerFramework; use logging::LoggingErrors; use clap::App; use clap::Arg; use config::BaseAttributes; static RAW_CONFIG: &'static str = include_str!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/bootstrap.toml")); fn main() { let config = BaseAttributes::from_toml_str(RAW_CONFIG).expect("Config file could not be read"); logging::setup_logger(format!("{}_installer.log", config.name)) .expect("Unable to setup logging!"); // Parse CLI arguments let app_name = config.name.clone(); let app_about = format!("An interactive installer for {}", app_name); let app = App::new(format!("{} installer", app_name)) .version(env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION")) .about(app_about.as_ref()) .arg( Arg::with_name("launcher") .long("launcher") .value_name("TARGET") .help("Launches the specified executable after checking for updates") .takes_value(true), ) .arg( Arg::with_name("swap") .long("swap") .value_name("TARGET") .help("Internal usage - swaps around a new installer executable") .takes_value(true), ); let reinterpret_app = app.clone(); // In case a reparse is needed let mut matches = app.get_matches(); info!("{} installer", app_name); // Handle self-updating if needed let current_exe = std::env::current_exe().log_expect("Current executable could not be found"); let current_path = current_exe .parent() .log_expect("Parent directory of executable could not be found"); self_update::perform_swap(¤t_exe, matches.value_of("swap")); if let Some(new_matches) = self_update::check_args(reinterpret_app, current_path) { matches = new_matches; } self_update::cleanup(current_path); // Load in metadata + setup the installer framework let metadata_file = current_path.join("metadata.json"); let mut framework = if metadata_file.exists() { info!("Using pre-existing metadata file: {:?}", metadata_file); InstallerFramework::new_with_db(config, current_path).log_expect("Unable to parse metadata") } else { info!("Starting fresh install"); InstallerFramework::new(config) }; let is_launcher = if let Some(string) = matches.value_of("launcher") { framework.is_launcher = true; framework.launcher_path = Some(string.to_string()); true } else { false }; // Start up the UI frontend::launch(&app_name, is_launcher, framework); }