diff --git a/tests/suites/helpers.function b/tests/suites/helpers.function
index 316c06e31..da843b2b3 100644
--- a/tests/suites/helpers.function
+++ b/tests/suites/helpers.function
@@ -90,13 +90,23 @@ typedef struct data_tag
         }                                           \
     } while( 0 )
+/** Evaluate two expressions and fail the test case if they have different
+ * values.
+ *
+ * \param expr1     An expression to evaluate.
+ * \param expr2     The expected value of \p expr1. This can be any
+ *                  expression, but it is typically a constant.
+ */
+#define TEST_EQUAL( expr1, expr2 )              \
+    TEST_ASSERT( ( expr1 ) == ( expr2 ) )
 /** Evaluate an expression and fail the test case if it returns an error.
  * \param expr      The expression to evaluate. This is typically a call
  *                  to a \c psa_xxx function that returns a value of type
  *                  #psa_status_t.
-#define PSA_ASSERT( expr ) TEST_ASSERT( ( expr ) == PSA_SUCCESS )
+#define PSA_ASSERT( expr ) TEST_EQUAL( ( expr ), PSA_SUCCESS )
 /** Allocate memory dynamically and fail the test case if this fails.