diff --git a/include/tinycrypt/ecc.h b/include/tinycrypt/ecc.h
index 9c53f3e7e..3996cd4b2 100644
--- a/include/tinycrypt/ecc.h
+++ b/include/tinycrypt/ecc.h
@@ -309,6 +309,20 @@ void EccPoint_mult(uECC_word_t * result, const uECC_word_t * point,
 		   const uECC_word_t * scalar, const uECC_word_t * initial_Z,
 		   bitcount_t num_bits, uECC_Curve curve);
+ * @brief Point multiplication algorithm using Montgomery's ladder with co-Z
+ * coordinates. See http://eprint.iacr.org/2011/338.pdf.
+ * Uses scalar regularization and coordinate randomization (if a global RNG
+ * function is set) in order to protect against some side channel attacks.
+ * @note Result may overlap point.
+ * @param result OUT -- returns scalar*point
+ * @param point IN -- elliptic curve point
+ * @param scalar IN -- scalar
+ * @param curve IN -- elliptic curve
+ */
+int EccPoint_mult_safer(uECC_word_t * result, const uECC_word_t * point,
+			const uECC_word_t * scalar, uECC_Curve curve);
  * @brief Constant-time comparison to zero - secure way to compare long integers
  * @param vli IN -- very long integer
diff --git a/tinycrypt/ecc.c b/tinycrypt/ecc.c
index f7a6f0665..91bec5604 100644
--- a/tinycrypt/ecc.c
+++ b/tinycrypt/ecc.c
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
 #include <tinycrypt/ecc.h>
+#include "mbedtls/platform_util.h"
 #include <string.h>
 /* IMPORTANT: Make sure a cryptographically-secure PRNG is set and the platform
@@ -873,7 +874,7 @@ static void XYcZ_addC_rnd(uECC_word_t * X1, uECC_word_t * Y1,
 void EccPoint_mult(uECC_word_t * result, const uECC_word_t * point,
 		   const uECC_word_t * scalar,
 		   const uECC_word_t * initial_Z,
-		   bitcount_t num_bits, uECC_Curve curve) 
+		   bitcount_t num_bits, uECC_Curve curve)
 	/* R0 and R1 */
 	uECC_word_t Rx[2][NUM_ECC_WORDS];
@@ -936,6 +937,44 @@ uECC_word_t regularize_k(const uECC_word_t * const k, uECC_word_t *k0,
 	return carry;
+int EccPoint_mult_safer(uECC_word_t * result, const uECC_word_t * point,
+			const uECC_word_t * scalar, uECC_Curve curve)
+	uECC_word_t tmp[NUM_ECC_WORDS];
+	uECC_word_t s[NUM_ECC_WORDS];
+	uECC_word_t *k2[2] = {tmp, s};
+	wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words;
+	bitcount_t num_n_bits = curve->num_n_bits;
+	uECC_word_t carry;
+	uECC_word_t *initial_Z = 0;
+	int r;
+	/* Regularize the bitcount for the private key so that attackers cannot use a
+	 * side channel attack to learn the number of leading zeros. */
+	carry = regularize_k(scalar, tmp, s, curve);
+	/* If an RNG function was specified, get a random initial Z value to
+         * protect against side-channel attacks such as Template SPA */
+	if (g_rng_function) {
+		if (!uECC_generate_random_int(k2[carry], curve->p, num_words)) {
+			r = 0;
+			goto clear_and_out;
+		}
+		initial_Z = k2[carry];
+	}
+	EccPoint_mult(result, point, k2[!carry], initial_Z, num_n_bits + 1, curve);
+	r = 1;
+	/* erasing temporary buffer used to store secret: */
+	mbedtls_platform_zeroize(k2, sizeof(k2));
+	mbedtls_platform_zeroize(tmp, sizeof(tmp));
+	mbedtls_platform_zeroize(s, sizeof(s));
+	return r;
 uECC_word_t EccPoint_compute_public_key(uECC_word_t *result,
 					uECC_word_t *private_key,
 					uECC_Curve curve)
diff --git a/tinycrypt/ecc_dh.c b/tinycrypt/ecc_dh.c
index 853c50dca..52208ad9d 100644
--- a/tinycrypt/ecc_dh.c
+++ b/tinycrypt/ecc_dh.c
@@ -72,12 +72,6 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include "mbedtls/platform_util.h"
-#if default_RNG_defined
-static uECC_RNG_Function g_rng_function = &default_CSPRNG;
-static uECC_RNG_Function g_rng_function = 0;
 int uECC_make_key_with_d(uint8_t *public_key, uint8_t *private_key,
 			 unsigned int *d, uECC_Curve curve)
@@ -160,11 +154,6 @@ int uECC_shared_secret(const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *private_key,
 	uECC_word_t _public[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2];
 	uECC_word_t _private[NUM_ECC_WORDS];
-	uECC_word_t tmp[NUM_ECC_WORDS];
-	uECC_word_t *p2[2] = {_private, tmp};
-	uECC_word_t *initial_Z = 0;
-	uECC_word_t carry;
 	wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words;
 	wordcount_t num_bytes = curve->num_bytes;
 	int r;
@@ -186,30 +175,15 @@ int uECC_shared_secret(const uint8_t *public_key, const uint8_t *private_key,
 			       public_key + num_bytes,
-	/* Regularize the bitcount for the private key so that attackers cannot use a
-	 * side channel attack to learn the number of leading zeros. */
-	carry = regularize_k(_private, _private, tmp, curve);
-	/* If an RNG function was specified, try to get a random initial Z value to
-	 * improve protection against side-channel attacks. */
-	if (g_rng_function) {
-		if (!uECC_generate_random_int(p2[carry], curve->p, num_words)) {
-			r = 0;
-			goto clear_and_out;
-    		}
-    		initial_Z = p2[carry];
-  	}
-	EccPoint_mult(_public, _public, p2[!carry], initial_Z, curve->num_n_bits + 1,
-		      curve);
+	r = EccPoint_mult_safer(_public, _public, _private, curve);
+        if (r == 0)
+            goto clear_and_out;
 	uECC_vli_nativeToBytes(secret, num_bytes, _public);
 	r = !EccPoint_isZero(_public, curve);
 	/* erasing temporary buffer used to store secret: */
-	mbedtls_platform_zeroize(p2, sizeof(p2));
-	mbedtls_platform_zeroize(tmp, sizeof(tmp));
 	mbedtls_platform_zeroize(_private, sizeof(_private));
 	return r;
diff --git a/tinycrypt/ecc_dsa.c b/tinycrypt/ecc_dsa.c
index e8c0e0b2b..8462860c6 100644
--- a/tinycrypt/ecc_dsa.c
+++ b/tinycrypt/ecc_dsa.c
@@ -114,13 +114,11 @@ int uECC_sign_with_k(const uint8_t *private_key, const uint8_t *message_hash,
 	uECC_word_t tmp[NUM_ECC_WORDS];
 	uECC_word_t s[NUM_ECC_WORDS];
-	uECC_word_t *k2[2] = {tmp, s};
 	uECC_word_t p[NUM_ECC_WORDS * 2];
-	uECC_word_t *initial_Z = 0;
-	uECC_word_t carry;
 	wordcount_t num_words = curve->num_words;
 	wordcount_t num_n_words = BITS_TO_WORDS(curve->num_n_bits);
-	bitcount_t num_n_bits = curve->num_n_bits;
+	int r;
 	/* Make sure 0 < k < curve_n */
   	if (uECC_vli_isZero(k, num_words) ||
@@ -128,21 +126,8 @@ int uECC_sign_with_k(const uint8_t *private_key, const uint8_t *message_hash,
 		return 0;
-	/* Regularize the bitcount for the private key so that attackers cannot use a
-	 * side channel attack to learn the number of leading zeros. */
-	carry = regularize_k(k, tmp, s, curve);
-	/* If an RNG function was specified, get a random initial Z value to
-         * protect against side-channel attacks such as Template SPA */
-	if (g_rng_function) {
-		if (!uECC_generate_random_int(k2[carry], curve->p, num_words)) {
-			return 0;
-		}
-		initial_Z = k2[carry];
-	}
-	EccPoint_mult(p, curve->G, k2[!carry], initial_Z, num_n_bits + 1, curve);
-	if (uECC_vli_isZero(p, num_words)) {
+	r = EccPoint_mult_safer(p, curve->G, k, curve);
+	if (r == 0 || uECC_vli_isZero(p, num_words)) {
 		return 0;