#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ This file is part of Mbed TLS (https://tls.mbed.org) Copyright (c) 2018, Arm Limited, All Rights Reserved Purpose This script is a small wrapper around the abi-compliance-checker and abi-dumper tools, applying them to compare the ABI and API of the library files from two different Git revisions within an Mbed TLS repository. The results of the comparison are either formatted as HTML and stored at a configurable location, or a brief list of problems found is output. Returns 0 on success, 1 on ABI/API non-compliance, and 2 if there is an error while running the script. Note: must be run from Mbed TLS root. """ import os import sys import traceback import shutil import subprocess import argparse import logging import tempfile import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET class AbiChecker(object): """API and ABI checker.""" def __init__(self, report_dir, old_repo, old_rev, new_repo, new_rev, keep_all_reports, brief, skip_file=None): """Instantiate the API/ABI checker. report_dir: directory for output files old_repo: repository for git revision to compare against old_rev: reference git revision to compare against new_repo: repository for git revision to check new_rev: git revision to check keep_all_reports: if false, delete old reports brief: if true, output shorter report to stdout skip_file: path to file containing symbols and types to skip """ self.repo_path = "." self.log = None self.setup_logger() self.report_dir = os.path.abspath(report_dir) self.keep_all_reports = keep_all_reports self.should_keep_report_dir = os.path.isdir(self.report_dir) self.old_repo = old_repo self.old_rev = old_rev self.new_repo = new_repo self.new_rev = new_rev self.skip_file = skip_file self.brief = brief self.mbedtls_modules = ["libmbedcrypto", "libmbedtls", "libmbedx509"] self.old_dumps = {} self.new_dumps = {} self.git_command = "git" self.make_command = "make" @staticmethod def check_repo_path(): current_dir = os.path.realpath('.') root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) if current_dir != root_dir: raise Exception("Must be run from Mbed TLS root") def setup_logger(self): self.log = logging.getLogger() self.log.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.log.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) @staticmethod def check_abi_tools_are_installed(): for command in ["abi-dumper", "abi-compliance-checker"]: if not shutil.which(command): raise Exception("{} not installed, aborting".format(command)) def get_clean_worktree_for_git_revision(self, remote_repo, git_rev): """Make a separate worktree with git_rev checked out. Do not modify the current worktree.""" git_worktree_path = tempfile.mkdtemp() if remote_repo: self.log.info( "Checking out git worktree for revision {} from {}".format( git_rev, remote_repo ) ) fetch_process = subprocess.Popen( [self.git_command, "fetch", remote_repo, git_rev], cwd=self.repo_path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) fetch_output, _ = fetch_process.communicate() self.log.info(fetch_output.decode("utf-8")) if fetch_process.returncode != 0: raise Exception("Fetching revision failed, aborting") worktree_rev = "FETCH_HEAD" else: self.log.info( "Checking out git worktree for revision {}".format(git_rev) ) worktree_rev = git_rev worktree_process = subprocess.Popen( [self.git_command, "worktree", "add", "--detach", git_worktree_path, worktree_rev], cwd=self.repo_path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) worktree_output, _ = worktree_process.communicate() self.log.info(worktree_output.decode("utf-8")) if worktree_process.returncode != 0: raise Exception("Checking out worktree failed, aborting") return git_worktree_path def update_git_submodules(self, git_worktree_path): process = subprocess.Popen( [self.git_command, "submodule", "update", "--init", '--recursive'], cwd=git_worktree_path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) output, _ = process.communicate() self.log.info(output.decode("utf-8")) if process.returncode != 0: raise Exception("git submodule update failed, aborting") def build_shared_libraries(self, git_worktree_path): """Build the shared libraries in the specified worktree.""" my_environment = os.environ.copy() my_environment["CFLAGS"] = "-g -Og" my_environment["SHARED"] = "1" make_process = subprocess.Popen( self.make_command, env=my_environment, cwd=git_worktree_path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) make_output, _ = make_process.communicate() self.log.info(make_output.decode("utf-8")) if make_process.returncode != 0: raise Exception("make failed, aborting") def get_abi_dumps_from_shared_libraries(self, git_ref, git_worktree_path): """Generate the ABI dumps for the specified git revision. It must be checked out in git_worktree_path and the shared libraries must have been built.""" abi_dumps = {} for mbed_module in self.mbedtls_modules: output_path = os.path.join( self.report_dir, "{}-{}.dump".format(mbed_module, git_ref) ) abi_dump_command = [ "abi-dumper", os.path.join( git_worktree_path, "library", mbed_module + ".so"), "-o", output_path, "-lver", git_ref ] abi_dump_process = subprocess.Popen( abi_dump_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) abi_dump_output, _ = abi_dump_process.communicate() self.log.info(abi_dump_output.decode("utf-8")) if abi_dump_process.returncode != 0: raise Exception("abi-dumper failed, aborting") abi_dumps[mbed_module] = output_path return abi_dumps def cleanup_worktree(self, git_worktree_path): """Remove the specified git worktree.""" shutil.rmtree(git_worktree_path) worktree_process = subprocess.Popen( [self.git_command, "worktree", "prune"], cwd=self.repo_path, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) worktree_output, _ = worktree_process.communicate() self.log.info(worktree_output.decode("utf-8")) if worktree_process.returncode != 0: raise Exception("Worktree cleanup failed, aborting") def get_abi_dump_for_ref(self, remote_repo, git_rev): """Generate the ABI dumps for the specified git revision.""" git_worktree_path = self.get_clean_worktree_for_git_revision( remote_repo, git_rev ) self.update_git_submodules(git_worktree_path) self.build_shared_libraries(git_worktree_path) abi_dumps = self.get_abi_dumps_from_shared_libraries( git_rev, git_worktree_path ) self.cleanup_worktree(git_worktree_path) return abi_dumps def remove_children_with_tag(self, parent, tag): children = parent.getchildren() for child in children: if child.tag == tag: parent.remove(child) else: self.remove_children_with_tag(child, tag) def remove_extra_detail_from_report(self, report_root): for tag in ['test_info', 'test_results', 'problem_summary', 'added_symbols', 'removed_symbols', 'affected']: self.remove_children_with_tag(report_root, tag) for report in report_root: for problems in report.getchildren()[:]: if not problems.getchildren(): report.remove(problems) def get_abi_compatibility_report(self): """Generate a report of the differences between the reference ABI and the new ABI. ABI dumps from self.old_rev and self.new_rev must be available.""" compatibility_report = "" compliance_return_code = 0 for mbed_module in self.mbedtls_modules: output_path = os.path.join( self.report_dir, "{}-{}-{}.html".format( mbed_module, self.old_rev, self.new_rev ) ) abi_compliance_command = [ "abi-compliance-checker", "-l", mbed_module, "-old", self.old_dumps[mbed_module], "-new", self.new_dumps[mbed_module], "-strict", "-report-path", output_path, ] if self.skip_file: abi_compliance_command += ["-skip-symbols", self.skip_file, "-skip-types", self.skip_file] if self.brief: abi_compliance_command += ["-report-format", "xml", "-stdout"] abi_compliance_process = subprocess.Popen( abi_compliance_command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) abi_compliance_output, _ = abi_compliance_process.communicate() if abi_compliance_process.returncode == 0: compatibility_report += ( "No compatibility issues for {}\n".format(mbed_module) ) if not (self.keep_all_reports or self.brief): os.remove(output_path) elif abi_compliance_process.returncode == 1: if self.brief: self.log.info( "Compatibility issues found for {}".format(mbed_module) ) report_root = ET.fromstring(abi_compliance_output.decode("utf-8")) self.remove_extra_detail_from_report(report_root) self.log.info(ET.tostring(report_root).decode("utf-8")) else: compliance_return_code = 1 self.can_remove_report_dir = False compatibility_report += ( "Compatibility issues found for {}, " "for details see {}\n".format(mbed_module, output_path) ) else: raise Exception( "abi-compliance-checker failed with a return code of {}," " aborting".format(abi_compliance_process.returncode) ) os.remove(self.old_dumps[mbed_module]) os.remove(self.new_dumps[mbed_module]) if not self.should_keep_report_dir and not self.keep_all_reports: os.rmdir(self.report_dir) self.log.info(compatibility_report) return compliance_return_code def check_for_abi_changes(self): """Generate a report of ABI differences between self.old_rev and self.new_rev.""" self.check_repo_path() self.check_abi_tools_are_installed() self.old_dumps = self.get_abi_dump_for_ref(self.old_repo, self.old_rev) self.new_dumps = self.get_abi_dump_for_ref(self.new_repo, self.new_rev) return self.get_abi_compatibility_report() def run_main(): try: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=( """This script is a small wrapper around the abi-compliance-checker and abi-dumper tools, applying them to compare the ABI and API of the library files from two different Git revisions within an Mbed TLS repository. The results of the comparison are either formatted as HTML and stored at a configurable location, or a brief list of problems found is output. Returns 0 on success, 1 on ABI/API non-compliance, and 2 if there is an error while running the script. Note: must be run from Mbed TLS root.""" ) ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--report-dir", type=str, default="reports", help="directory where reports are stored, default is reports", ) parser.add_argument( "-k", "--keep-all-reports", action="store_true", help="keep all reports, even if there are no compatibility issues", ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--old-rev", type=str, help=("revision for old version." "Can include repository before revision"), required=True, nargs="+" ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--new-rev", type=str, help=("revision for new version" "Can include repository before revision"), required=True, nargs="+" ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--skip-file", type=str, help="path to file containing symbols and types to skip" ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--brief", action="store_true", help="output only the list of issues to stdout, instead of a full report", ) abi_args = parser.parse_args() if len(abi_args.old_rev) == 1: old_repo = None old_rev = abi_args.old_rev[0] elif len(abi_args.old_rev) == 2: old_repo = abi_args.old_rev[0] old_rev = abi_args.old_rev[1] else: raise Exception("Too many arguments passed for old version") if len(abi_args.new_rev) == 1: new_repo = None new_rev = abi_args.new_rev[0] elif len(abi_args.new_rev) == 2: new_repo = abi_args.new_rev[0] new_rev = abi_args.new_rev[1] else: raise Exception("Too many arguments passed for new version") abi_check = AbiChecker( abi_args.report_dir, old_repo, old_rev, new_repo, new_rev, abi_args.keep_all_reports, abi_args.brief, abi_args.skip_file ) return_code = abi_check.check_for_abi_changes() sys.exit(return_code) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # Print the backtrace and exit explicitly so as to exit with # status 2, not 1. traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(2) if __name__ == "__main__": run_main()