#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; if (!@ARGV || $ARGV[0] == '--help') { print <<EOF; Usage: $0 mbedtls_test_foo <file.pem $0 TEST_FOO mbedtls_test_foo <file.pem Print out a PEM file as C code defining a string constant. Used to include some of the test data in /library/certs.c for self-tests and sample programs. EOF exit; } my $pp_name = @ARGV > 1 ? shift @ARGV : undef; my $name = shift @ARGV; my @lines = map {chomp; s/([\\"])/\\$1/g; "\"$_\\r\\n\""} <STDIN>; if (defined $pp_name) { foreach ("#define $pp_name", @lines[0..@lines-2]) { printf "%-72s\\\n", $_; } print "$lines[@lines-1]\n"; print "const char $name\[\] = $pp_name;\n"; } else { print "const char $name\[\] ="; foreach (@lines) { print "\n$_"; } print ";\n"; }