/* BEGIN_HEADER */ #include "mbedtls/poly1305.h" #include <stddef.h> /* END_HEADER */ /* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_POLY1305_C */ void mbedtls_poly1305( char *hex_key_string, char *hex_mac_string, char *hex_src_string ) { unsigned char src_str[375]; /* max size of binary input */ unsigned char key[32]; /* size set by the standard */ unsigned char mac[16]; /* size set by the standard */ unsigned char mac_str[33]; /* hex expansion of the above */ size_t src_len; memset( src_str, 0x00, sizeof( src_str ) ); memset( mac_str, 0x00, sizeof( mac_str ) ); memset( key, 0x00, sizeof( key ) ); memset( mac, 0x00, sizeof( mac ) ); src_len = unhexify( src_str, hex_src_string ); unhexify( key, hex_key_string ); mbedtls_poly1305_mac( key, src_str, src_len, mac ); hexify( mac_str, mac, 16 ); TEST_ASSERT( strcmp( (char *) mac_str, hex_mac_string ) == 0 ); } /* END_CASE */ /* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_POLY1305_C:MBEDTLS_SELF_TEST */ void poly1305_selftest() { TEST_ASSERT( mbedtls_poly1305_self_test( 0 ) == 0 ); } /* END_CASE */