#include "polarssl/rsa.h"
#include "polarssl/md2.h"
#include "polarssl/md4.h"
#include "polarssl/md5.h"
#include "polarssl/sha1.h"
#include "polarssl/sha256.h"
#include "polarssl/sha512.h"
#include "polarssl/entropy.h"
#include "polarssl/ctr_drbg.h"


void rsa_pkcs1_sign( char *message_hex_string, int padding_mode, int digest,
                     int mod, int radix_P, char *input_P, int radix_Q,
                     char *input_Q, int radix_N, char *input_N, int radix_E,
                     char *input_E, char *result_hex_str, int result )
    unsigned char message_str[1000];
    unsigned char hash_result[1000];
    unsigned char output[1000];
    unsigned char output_str[1000];
    rsa_context ctx;
    mpi P1, Q1, H, G;
    int msg_len;
    rnd_pseudo_info rnd_info;

    mpi_init( &P1 ); mpi_init( &Q1 ); mpi_init( &H ); mpi_init( &G );
    rsa_init( &ctx, padding_mode, 0 );

    memset( message_str, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( hash_result, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( output, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( output_str, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( &rnd_info, 0, sizeof( rnd_pseudo_info ) );

    ctx.len = mod / 8;
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.P, radix_P, input_P ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.Q, radix_Q, input_Q ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.N, radix_N, input_N ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.E, radix_E, input_E ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_sub_int( &P1, &ctx.P, 1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_sub_int( &Q1, &ctx.Q, 1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_mul_mpi( &H, &P1, &Q1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_gcd( &G, &ctx.E, &H  ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_inv_mod( &ctx.D , &ctx.E, &H  ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_mod_mpi( &ctx.DP, &ctx.D, &P1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_mod_mpi( &ctx.DQ, &ctx.D, &Q1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_inv_mod( &ctx.QP, &ctx.Q, &ctx.P ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_privkey( &ctx ) == 0 );

    msg_len = unhexify( message_str, message_hex_string );

    if( md_info_from_type( digest ) != NULL )
        TEST_ASSERT( md( md_info_from_type( digest ), message_str, msg_len, hash_result ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_pkcs1_sign( &ctx, &rnd_pseudo_rand, &rnd_info, RSA_PRIVATE, digest, 0, hash_result, output ) == result );
    if( result == 0 )
        hexify( output_str, output, ctx.len );

        TEST_ASSERT( strcasecmp( (char *) output_str, result_hex_str ) == 0 );

    mpi_free( &P1 ); mpi_free( &Q1 ); mpi_free( &H ); mpi_free( &G );
    rsa_free( &ctx );
/* END_CASE */

void rsa_pkcs1_verify( char *message_hex_string, int padding_mode, int digest,
                       int mod, int radix_N, char *input_N, int radix_E,
                       char *input_E, char *result_hex_str, int result )
    unsigned char message_str[1000];
    unsigned char hash_result[1000];
    unsigned char result_str[1000];
    rsa_context ctx;
    int msg_len;

    rsa_init( &ctx, padding_mode, 0 );
    memset( message_str, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( hash_result, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( result_str, 0x00, 1000 );

    ctx.len = mod / 8;
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.N, radix_N, input_N ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.E, radix_E, input_E ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_pubkey( &ctx ) == 0 );

    msg_len = unhexify( message_str, message_hex_string );
    unhexify( result_str, result_hex_str );

    if( md_info_from_type( digest ) != NULL )
        TEST_ASSERT( md( md_info_from_type( digest ), message_str, msg_len, hash_result ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_pkcs1_verify( &ctx, NULL, NULL, RSA_PUBLIC, digest, 0, hash_result, result_str ) == result );

    rsa_free( &ctx );
/* END_CASE */

void rsa_pkcs1_sign_raw( char *message_hex_string, char *hash_result_string,
                         int padding_mode, int mod, int radix_P, char *input_P,
                         int radix_Q, char *input_Q, int radix_N,
                         char *input_N, int radix_E, char *input_E,
                         char *result_hex_str )
    unsigned char message_str[1000];
    unsigned char hash_result[1000];
    unsigned char output[1000];
    unsigned char output_str[1000];
    rsa_context ctx;
    mpi P1, Q1, H, G;
    int hash_len;
    rnd_pseudo_info rnd_info;

    mpi_init( &P1 ); mpi_init( &Q1 ); mpi_init( &H ); mpi_init( &G );
    rsa_init( &ctx, padding_mode, 0 );

    memset( message_str, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( hash_result, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( output, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( output_str, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( &rnd_info, 0, sizeof( rnd_pseudo_info ) );

    ctx.len = mod / 8;
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.P, radix_P, input_P ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.Q, radix_Q, input_Q ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.N, radix_N, input_N ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.E, radix_E, input_E ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_sub_int( &P1, &ctx.P, 1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_sub_int( &Q1, &ctx.Q, 1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_mul_mpi( &H, &P1, &Q1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_gcd( &G, &ctx.E, &H  ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_inv_mod( &ctx.D , &ctx.E, &H  ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_mod_mpi( &ctx.DP, &ctx.D, &P1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_mod_mpi( &ctx.DQ, &ctx.D, &Q1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_inv_mod( &ctx.QP, &ctx.Q, &ctx.P ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_privkey( &ctx ) == 0 );

    unhexify( message_str, message_hex_string );
    hash_len = unhexify( hash_result, hash_result_string );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_pkcs1_sign( &ctx, &rnd_pseudo_rand, &rnd_info, RSA_PRIVATE, POLARSSL_MD_NONE, hash_len, hash_result, output ) == 0 );

    hexify( output_str, output, ctx.len );

    TEST_ASSERT( strcasecmp( (char *) output_str, result_hex_str ) == 0 );

    /* For PKCS#1 v1.5, there is an alternative way to generate signatures */
    if( padding_mode == RSA_PKCS_V15 )
        memset( output, 0x00, 1000 );
        memset( output_str, 0x00, 1000 );

        TEST_ASSERT( rsa_rsaes_pkcs1_v15_encrypt( &ctx,
                    &rnd_pseudo_rand, &rnd_info, RSA_PRIVATE,
                    hash_len, hash_result, output ) == 0 );

        hexify( output_str, output, ctx.len );

        TEST_ASSERT( strcasecmp( (char *) output_str, result_hex_str ) == 0 );

    mpi_free( &P1 ); mpi_free( &Q1 ); mpi_free( &H ); mpi_free( &G );
    rsa_free( &ctx );
/* END_CASE */

void rsa_pkcs1_verify_raw( char *message_hex_string, char *hash_result_string,
                           int padding_mode, int mod, int radix_N,
                           char *input_N, int radix_E, char *input_E,
                           char *result_hex_str, int correct )
    unsigned char message_str[1000];
    unsigned char hash_result[1000];
    unsigned char result_str[1000];
    unsigned char output[1000];
    rsa_context ctx;
    size_t hash_len, olen;

    rsa_init( &ctx, padding_mode, 0 );
    memset( message_str, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( hash_result, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( result_str, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( output, 0x00, sizeof( output ) );

    ctx.len = mod / 8;
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.N, radix_N, input_N ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.E, radix_E, input_E ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_pubkey( &ctx ) == 0 );

    unhexify( message_str, message_hex_string );
    hash_len = unhexify( hash_result, hash_result_string );
    unhexify( result_str, result_hex_str );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_pkcs1_verify( &ctx, NULL, NULL, RSA_PUBLIC, POLARSSL_MD_NONE, hash_len, hash_result, result_str ) == correct );

    /* For PKCS#1 v1.5, there is an alternative way to verify signatures */
    if( padding_mode == RSA_PKCS_V15 )
        int ok;

        TEST_ASSERT( rsa_rsaes_pkcs1_v15_decrypt( &ctx,
                    NULL, NULL, RSA_PUBLIC,
                    &olen, result_str, output, sizeof( output ) ) == 0 );

        ok = olen == hash_len && memcmp( output, hash_result, olen ) == 0;
        if( correct == 0 )
            TEST_ASSERT( ok == 1 );
            TEST_ASSERT( ok == 0 );

    rsa_free( &ctx );
/* END_CASE */

void rsa_pkcs1_encrypt( char *message_hex_string, int padding_mode, int mod,
                        int radix_N, char *input_N, int radix_E, char *input_E,
                        char *result_hex_str, int result )
    unsigned char message_str[1000];
    unsigned char output[1000];
    unsigned char output_str[1000];
    rsa_context ctx;
    size_t msg_len;
    rnd_pseudo_info rnd_info;

    memset( &rnd_info, 0, sizeof( rnd_pseudo_info ) );

    rsa_init( &ctx, padding_mode, 0 );
    memset( message_str, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( output, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( output_str, 0x00, 1000 );

    ctx.len = mod / 8;
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.N, radix_N, input_N ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.E, radix_E, input_E ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_pubkey( &ctx ) == 0 );

    msg_len = unhexify( message_str, message_hex_string );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_pkcs1_encrypt( &ctx, &rnd_pseudo_rand, &rnd_info, RSA_PUBLIC, msg_len, message_str, output ) == result );
    if( result == 0 )
        hexify( output_str, output, ctx.len );

        TEST_ASSERT( strcasecmp( (char *) output_str, result_hex_str ) == 0 );

    rsa_free( &ctx );
/* END_CASE */

void rsa_pkcs1_encrypt_bad_rng( char *message_hex_string, int padding_mode,
                                int mod, int radix_N, char *input_N,
                                int radix_E, char *input_E,
                                char *result_hex_str, int result )
    unsigned char message_str[1000];
    unsigned char output[1000];
    unsigned char output_str[1000];
    rsa_context ctx;
    size_t msg_len;

    rsa_init( &ctx, padding_mode, 0 );
    memset( message_str, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( output, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( output_str, 0x00, 1000 );

    ctx.len = mod / 8;
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.N, radix_N, input_N ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.E, radix_E, input_E ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_pubkey( &ctx ) == 0 );

    msg_len = unhexify( message_str, message_hex_string );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_pkcs1_encrypt( &ctx, &rnd_zero_rand, NULL, RSA_PUBLIC, msg_len, message_str, output ) == result );
    if( result == 0 )
        hexify( output_str, output, ctx.len );

        TEST_ASSERT( strcasecmp( (char *) output_str, result_hex_str ) == 0 );

    rsa_free( &ctx );
/* END_CASE */

void rsa_pkcs1_decrypt( char *message_hex_string, int padding_mode, int mod,
                        int radix_P, char *input_P, int radix_Q, char *input_Q,
                        int radix_N, char *input_N, int radix_E, char *input_E,
                        int max_output, char *result_hex_str, int result )
    unsigned char message_str[1000];
    unsigned char output[1000];
    unsigned char output_str[1000];
    rsa_context ctx;
    mpi P1, Q1, H, G;
    size_t output_len;
    rnd_pseudo_info rnd_info;

    mpi_init( &P1 ); mpi_init( &Q1 ); mpi_init( &H ); mpi_init( &G );
    rsa_init( &ctx, padding_mode, 0 );

    memset( message_str, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( output, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( output_str, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( &rnd_info, 0, sizeof( rnd_pseudo_info ) );

    ctx.len = mod / 8;
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.P, radix_P, input_P ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.Q, radix_Q, input_Q ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.N, radix_N, input_N ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.E, radix_E, input_E ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_sub_int( &P1, &ctx.P, 1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_sub_int( &Q1, &ctx.Q, 1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_mul_mpi( &H, &P1, &Q1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_gcd( &G, &ctx.E, &H  ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_inv_mod( &ctx.D , &ctx.E, &H  ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_mod_mpi( &ctx.DP, &ctx.D, &P1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_mod_mpi( &ctx.DQ, &ctx.D, &Q1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_inv_mod( &ctx.QP, &ctx.Q, &ctx.P ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_privkey( &ctx ) == 0 );

    unhexify( message_str, message_hex_string );
    output_len = 0;

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_pkcs1_decrypt( &ctx, rnd_pseudo_rand, &rnd_info, RSA_PRIVATE, &output_len, message_str, output, max_output ) == result );
    if( result == 0 )
        hexify( output_str, output, ctx.len );

        TEST_ASSERT( strncasecmp( (char *) output_str, result_hex_str, strlen( result_hex_str ) ) == 0 );

    mpi_free( &P1 ); mpi_free( &Q1 ); mpi_free( &H ); mpi_free( &G );
    rsa_free( &ctx );
/* END_CASE */

void rsa_public( char *message_hex_string, int mod, int radix_N, char *input_N,
                 int radix_E, char *input_E, char *result_hex_str, int result )
    unsigned char message_str[1000];
    unsigned char output[1000];
    unsigned char output_str[1000];
    rsa_context ctx, ctx2; /* Also test rsa_copy() while at it */

    rsa_init( &ctx, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0 );
    rsa_init( &ctx2, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0 );
    memset( message_str, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( output, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( output_str, 0x00, 1000 );

    ctx.len = mod / 8;
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.N, radix_N, input_N ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.E, radix_E, input_E ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_pubkey( &ctx ) == 0 );

    unhexify( message_str, message_hex_string );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_public( &ctx, message_str, output ) == result );
    if( result == 0 )
        hexify( output_str, output, ctx.len );

        TEST_ASSERT( strcasecmp( (char *) output_str, result_hex_str ) == 0 );

    /* And now with the copy */
    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_copy( &ctx2, &ctx ) == 0 );
    /* clear the original to be sure */
    rsa_free( &ctx );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_pubkey( &ctx2 ) == 0 );

    memset( output, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( output_str, 0x00, 1000 );
    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_public( &ctx2, message_str, output ) == result );
    if( result == 0 )
        hexify( output_str, output, ctx2.len );

        TEST_ASSERT( strcasecmp( (char *) output_str, result_hex_str ) == 0 );

    rsa_free( &ctx );
    rsa_free( &ctx2 );
/* END_CASE */

void rsa_private( char *message_hex_string, int mod, int radix_P, char *input_P,
                  int radix_Q, char *input_Q, int radix_N, char *input_N,
                  int radix_E, char *input_E, char *result_hex_str, int result )
    unsigned char message_str[1000];
    unsigned char output[1000];
    unsigned char output_str[1000];
    rsa_context ctx, ctx2; /* Also test rsa_copy() while at it */
    mpi P1, Q1, H, G;
    rnd_pseudo_info rnd_info;
    int i;

    mpi_init( &P1 ); mpi_init( &Q1 ); mpi_init( &H ); mpi_init( &G );
    rsa_init( &ctx, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0 );
    rsa_init( &ctx2, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0 );

    memset( message_str, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( &rnd_info, 0, sizeof( rnd_pseudo_info ) );

    ctx.len = mod / 8;
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.P, radix_P, input_P ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.Q, radix_Q, input_Q ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.N, radix_N, input_N ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.E, radix_E, input_E ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_sub_int( &P1, &ctx.P, 1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_sub_int( &Q1, &ctx.Q, 1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_mul_mpi( &H, &P1, &Q1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_gcd( &G, &ctx.E, &H  ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_inv_mod( &ctx.D , &ctx.E, &H  ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_mod_mpi( &ctx.DP, &ctx.D, &P1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_mod_mpi( &ctx.DQ, &ctx.D, &Q1 ) == 0 );
    TEST_ASSERT( mpi_inv_mod( &ctx.QP, &ctx.Q, &ctx.P ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_privkey( &ctx ) == 0 );

    unhexify( message_str, message_hex_string );

    /* repeat three times to test updating of blinding values */
    for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
        memset( output, 0x00, 1000 );
        memset( output_str, 0x00, 1000 );
        TEST_ASSERT( rsa_private( &ctx, rnd_pseudo_rand, &rnd_info,
                                  message_str, output ) == result );
        if( result == 0 )
            hexify( output_str, output, ctx.len );

            TEST_ASSERT( strcasecmp( (char *) output_str,
                                              result_hex_str ) == 0 );

    /* And now one more time with the copy */
    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_copy( &ctx2, &ctx ) == 0 );
    /* clear the original to be sure */
    rsa_free( &ctx );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_privkey( &ctx2 ) == 0 );

    memset( output, 0x00, 1000 );
    memset( output_str, 0x00, 1000 );
    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_private( &ctx2, rnd_pseudo_rand, &rnd_info,
                              message_str, output ) == result );
    if( result == 0 )
        hexify( output_str, output, ctx2.len );

        TEST_ASSERT( strcasecmp( (char *) output_str,
                                          result_hex_str ) == 0 );

    mpi_free( &P1 ); mpi_free( &Q1 ); mpi_free( &H ); mpi_free( &G );
    rsa_free( &ctx ); rsa_free( &ctx2 );
/* END_CASE */

void rsa_check_privkey_null()
    rsa_context ctx;
    memset( &ctx, 0x00, sizeof( rsa_context ) );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_privkey( &ctx ) == POLARSSL_ERR_RSA_KEY_CHECK_FAILED );
/* END_CASE */

void rsa_check_pubkey( int radix_N, char *input_N, int radix_E, char *input_E,
                       int result )
    rsa_context ctx;

    rsa_init( &ctx, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0 );

    if( strlen( input_N ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.N, radix_N, input_N ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_E ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.E, radix_E, input_E ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_pubkey( &ctx ) == result );

    rsa_free( &ctx );
/* END_CASE */

void rsa_check_privkey( int mod, int radix_P, char *input_P, int radix_Q,
                        char *input_Q, int radix_N, char *input_N,
                        int radix_E, char *input_E, int radix_D, char *input_D,
                        int radix_DP, char *input_DP, int radix_DQ,
                        char *input_DQ, int radix_QP, char *input_QP,
                        int result )
    rsa_context ctx;

    rsa_init( &ctx, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0 );

    ctx.len = mod / 8;
    if( strlen( input_P ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.P, radix_P, input_P ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_Q ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.Q, radix_Q, input_Q ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_N ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.N, radix_N, input_N ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_E ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.E, radix_E, input_E ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_D ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.D, radix_D, input_D ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_DP ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.DP, radix_DP, input_DP ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_DQ ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.DQ, radix_DQ, input_DQ ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_QP ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &ctx.QP, radix_QP, input_QP ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_privkey( &ctx ) == result );

    rsa_free( &ctx );
/* END_CASE */

void rsa_check_pubpriv( int mod, int radix_Npub, char *input_Npub,
                        int radix_Epub, char *input_Epub,
                        int radix_P, char *input_P, int radix_Q,
                        char *input_Q, int radix_N, char *input_N,
                        int radix_E, char *input_E, int radix_D, char *input_D,
                        int radix_DP, char *input_DP, int radix_DQ,
                        char *input_DQ, int radix_QP, char *input_QP,
                        int result )
    rsa_context pub, prv;

    rsa_init( &pub, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0 );
    rsa_init( &prv, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0 );

    pub.len = mod / 8;
    prv.len = mod / 8;

    if( strlen( input_Npub ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &pub.N, radix_Npub, input_Npub ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_Epub ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &pub.E, radix_Epub, input_Epub ) == 0 );

    if( strlen( input_P ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &prv.P, radix_P, input_P ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_Q ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &prv.Q, radix_Q, input_Q ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_N ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &prv.N, radix_N, input_N ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_E ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &prv.E, radix_E, input_E ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_D ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &prv.D, radix_D, input_D ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_DP ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &prv.DP, radix_DP, input_DP ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_DQ ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &prv.DQ, radix_DQ, input_DQ ) == 0 );
    if( strlen( input_QP ) )
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_read_string( &prv.QP, radix_QP, input_QP ) == 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_pub_priv( &pub, &prv ) == result );

    rsa_free( &pub );
    rsa_free( &prv );
/* END_CASE */

void rsa_gen_key( int nrbits, int exponent, int result)
    rsa_context ctx;
    entropy_context entropy;
    ctr_drbg_context ctr_drbg;
    const char *pers = "test_suite_rsa";

    entropy_init( &entropy );
    TEST_ASSERT( ctr_drbg_init( &ctr_drbg, entropy_func, &entropy,
                                (const unsigned char *) pers,
                                strlen( pers ) ) == 0 );

    rsa_init( &ctx, 0, 0 );

    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_gen_key( &ctx, ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg, nrbits,
                 exponent ) == result );
    if( result == 0 )
        TEST_ASSERT( rsa_check_privkey( &ctx ) == 0 );
        TEST_ASSERT( mpi_cmp_mpi( &ctx.P, &ctx.Q ) > 0 );

    rsa_free( &ctx );
    ctr_drbg_free( &ctr_drbg );
    entropy_free( &entropy );
/* END_CASE */

void rsa_selftest()
    TEST_ASSERT( rsa_self_test( 0 ) == 0 );
/* END_CASE */