#!/usr/bin/perl # Find functions making recursive calls to themselves. # (Multiple recursion where a() calls b() which calls a() not covered.) # # When the recursion depth might depend on data controlled by the attacker in # an unbounded way, those functions should use interation instead. # # Typical usage: scripts/recursion.pl library/*.c use warnings; use strict; use utf8; use open qw(:std utf8); # exclude functions that are ok: # - mpi_write_hlp: bounded by size of mbedtls_mpi, a compile-time constant # - x509_crt_verify_child: bounded by MBEDTLS_X509_MAX_INTERMEDIATE_CA my $known_ok = qr/mpi_write_hlp|x509_crt_verify_child/; my $cur_name; my $inside; my @funcs; die "Usage: $0 file.c [...]\n" unless @ARGV; while (<>) { if( /^[^\/#{}\s]/ && ! /\[.*]/ ) { chomp( $cur_name = $_ ) unless $inside; } elsif( /^{/ && $cur_name ) { $inside = 1; $cur_name =~ s/.* ([^ ]*)\(.*/$1/; } elsif( /^}/ && $inside ) { undef $inside; undef $cur_name; } elsif( $inside && /\b\Q$cur_name\E\([^)]/ ) { push @funcs, $cur_name unless /$known_ok/; } } print "$_\n" for @funcs; exit @funcs;