# Unit test for generate_code.py # # Copyright (C) 2006-2017, ARM Limited, All Rights Reserved # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This file is part of mbed TLS (https://tls.mbed.org) from StringIO import StringIO from unittest import TestCase, main as unittest_main from mock import patch from generate_code import * """ Unit tests for generate_code.py """ class GenDep(TestCase): """ Test suite for function gen_dep() """ def test_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = ['DEP1', 'DEP2'] dep_start, dep_end = gen_deps(deps) ifdef1, ifdef2 = dep_start.splitlines() endif1, endif2 = dep_end.splitlines() self.assertEqual(ifdef1, '#if defined(DEP1)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(ifdef2, '#if defined(DEP2)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(endif1, '#endif /* DEP2 */', 'endif generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(endif2, '#endif /* DEP1 */', 'endif generated incorrectly') def test_disabled_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = ['!DEP1', '!DEP2'] dep_start, dep_end = gen_deps(deps) ifdef1, ifdef2 = dep_start.splitlines() endif1, endif2 = dep_end.splitlines() self.assertEqual(ifdef1, '#if !defined(DEP1)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(ifdef2, '#if !defined(DEP2)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(endif1, '#endif /* !DEP2 */', 'endif generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(endif2, '#endif /* !DEP1 */', 'endif generated incorrectly') def test_mixed_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = ['!DEP1', 'DEP2'] dep_start, dep_end = gen_deps(deps) ifdef1, ifdef2 = dep_start.splitlines() endif1, endif2 = dep_end.splitlines() self.assertEqual(ifdef1, '#if !defined(DEP1)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(ifdef2, '#if defined(DEP2)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(endif1, '#endif /* DEP2 */', 'endif generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(endif2, '#endif /* !DEP1 */', 'endif generated incorrectly') def test_empty_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = [] dep_start, dep_end = gen_deps(deps) self.assertEqual(dep_start, '', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(dep_end, '', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') def test_large_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = [] count = 10 for i in range(count): deps.append('DEP%d' % i) dep_start, dep_end = gen_deps(deps) self.assertEqual(len(dep_start.splitlines()), count, 'ifdef generated incorrectly') self.assertEqual(len(dep_end.splitlines()), count, 'ifdef generated incorrectly') class GenDepOneLine(TestCase): """ Test Suite for testing gen_deps_one_line() """ def test_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = ['DEP1', 'DEP2'] dep_str = gen_deps_one_line(deps) self.assertEqual(dep_str, '#if defined(DEP1) && defined(DEP2)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') def test_disabled_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = ['!DEP1', '!DEP2'] dep_str = gen_deps_one_line(deps) self.assertEqual(dep_str, '#if !defined(DEP1) && !defined(DEP2)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') def test_mixed_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = ['!DEP1', 'DEP2'] dep_str = gen_deps_one_line(deps) self.assertEqual(dep_str, '#if !defined(DEP1) && defined(DEP2)', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') def test_empty_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = [] dep_str = gen_deps_one_line(deps) self.assertEqual(dep_str, '', 'ifdef generated incorrectly') def test_large_deps_list(self): """ Test that gen_dep() correctly creates deps for given dependency list. :return: """ deps = [] count = 10 for i in range(count): deps.append('DEP%d' % i) dep_str = gen_deps_one_line(deps) expected = '#if ' + ' && '.join(['defined(%s)' % x for x in deps]) self.assertEqual(dep_str, expected, 'ifdef generated incorrectly') class GenFunctionWrapper(TestCase): """ Test Suite for testing gen_function_wrapper() """ def test_params_unpack(self): """ Test that params are properly unpacked in the function call. :return: """ code = gen_function_wrapper('test_a', '', ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')) expected = ''' void test_a_wrapper( void ** params ) { test_a( a, b, c, d ); } ''' self.assertEqual(code, expected) def test_local(self): """ Test that params are properly unpacked in the function call. :return: """ code = gen_function_wrapper('test_a', 'int x = 1;', ('x', 'b', 'c', 'd')) expected = ''' void test_a_wrapper( void ** params ) { int x = 1; test_a( x, b, c, d ); } ''' self.assertEqual(code, expected) def test_empty_params(self): """ Test that params are properly unpacked in the function call. :return: """ code = gen_function_wrapper('test_a', '', ()) expected = ''' void test_a_wrapper( void ** params ) { (void)params; test_a( ); } ''' self.assertEqual(code, expected) class GenDispatch(TestCase): """ Test suite for testing gen_dispatch() """ def test_dispatch(self): """ Test that dispatch table entry is generated correctly. :return: """ code = gen_dispatch('test_a', ['DEP1', 'DEP2']) expected = ''' #if defined(DEP1) && defined(DEP2) test_a_wrapper, #else NULL, #endif ''' self.assertEqual(code, expected) def test_empty_deps(self): """ Test empty dependency list. :return: """ code = gen_dispatch('test_a', []) expected = ''' test_a_wrapper, ''' self.assertEqual(code, expected) class StringIOWrapper(StringIO, object): """ file like class to mock file object in tests. """ def __init__(self, file_name, data, line_no = 1): """ Init file handle. :param file_name: :param data: :param line_no: """ super(StringIOWrapper, self).__init__(data) self.line_no = line_no self.name = file_name def next(self): """ Iterator return impl. :return: """ line = super(StringIOWrapper, self).next() return line def readline(self, limit=0): """ Wrap the base class readline. :param limit: :return: """ line = super(StringIOWrapper, self).readline() if line: self.line_no += 1 return line class ParseUntilPattern(TestCase): """ Test Suite for testing parse_until_pattern(). """ def test_suite_headers(self): """ Test that suite headers are parsed correctly. :return: """ data = '''#include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 /* END_HEADER */ ''' expected = '''#line 1 "test_suite_ut.function" #include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data, line_no=0) headers = parse_until_pattern(s, END_HEADER_REGEX) self.assertEqual(headers, expected) def test_line_no(self): """ Test that #line is set to correct line no. in source .function file. :return: """ data = '''#include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 /* END_HEADER */ ''' offset_line_no = 5 expected = '''#line %d "test_suite_ut.function" #include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 ''' % (offset_line_no + 1) s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data, offset_line_no) headers = parse_until_pattern(s, END_HEADER_REGEX) self.assertEqual(headers, expected) def test_no_end_header_comment(self): """ Test that InvalidFileFormat is raised when end header comment is missing. :return: """ data = '''#include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(InvalidFileFormat, parse_until_pattern, s, END_HEADER_REGEX) class ParseSuiteDeps(TestCase): """ Test Suite for testing parse_suite_deps(). """ def test_suite_deps(self): """ :return: """ data = ''' * depends_on:MBEDTLS_ECP_C * END_DEPENDENCIES */ ''' expected = ['MBEDTLS_ECP_C'] s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) deps = parse_suite_deps(s) self.assertEqual(deps, expected) def test_no_end_dep_comment(self): """ Test that InvalidFileFormat is raised when end dep comment is missing. :return: """ data = ''' * depends_on:MBEDTLS_ECP_C ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(InvalidFileFormat, parse_suite_deps, s) def test_deps_split(self): """ Test that InvalidFileFormat is raised when end dep comment is missing. :return: """ data = ''' * depends_on:MBEDTLS_ECP_C:A:B: C : D :F : G: !H * END_DEPENDENCIES */ ''' expected = ['MBEDTLS_ECP_C', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F', 'G', '!H'] s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) deps = parse_suite_deps(s) self.assertEqual(deps, expected) class ParseFuncDeps(TestCase): """ Test Suite for testing parse_function_deps() """ def test_function_deps(self): """ Test that parse_function_deps() correctly parses function dependencies. :return: """ line = '/* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED:MBEDTLS_FS_IO */' expected = ['MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED', 'MBEDTLS_FS_IO'] deps = parse_function_deps(line) self.assertEqual(deps, expected) def test_no_deps(self): """ Test that parse_function_deps() correctly parses function dependencies. :return: """ line = '/* BEGIN_CASE */' deps = parse_function_deps(line) self.assertEqual(deps, []) def test_poorly_defined_deps(self): """ Test that parse_function_deps() correctly parses function dependencies. :return: """ line = '/* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_FS_IO: A : !B:C : F*/' deps = parse_function_deps(line) self.assertEqual(deps, ['MBEDTLS_FS_IO', 'A', '!B', 'C', 'F']) class ParseFuncSignature(TestCase): """ Test Suite for parse_function_signature(). """ def test_int_and_char_params(self): """ Test int and char parameters parsing :return: """ line = 'void entropy_threshold( char * a, int b, int result )' name, args, local, arg_dispatch = parse_function_signature(line) self.assertEqual(name, 'entropy_threshold') self.assertEqual(args, ['char*', 'int', 'int']) self.assertEqual(local, '') self.assertEqual(arg_dispatch, ['(char *) params[0]', '*( (int *) params[1] )', '*( (int *) params[2] )']) def test_hex_params(self): """ Test hex parameters parsing :return: """ line = 'void entropy_threshold( char * a, HexParam_t * h, int result )' name, args, local, arg_dispatch = parse_function_signature(line) self.assertEqual(name, 'entropy_threshold') self.assertEqual(args, ['char*', 'hex', 'int']) self.assertEqual(local, ' HexParam_t hex1 = {(uint8_t *) params[1], *( (uint32_t *) params[2] )};\n') self.assertEqual(arg_dispatch, ['(char *) params[0]', '&hex1', '*( (int *) params[3] )']) def test_non_void_function(self): """ Test invalid signature (non void). :return: """ line = 'int entropy_threshold( char * a, HexParam_t * h, int result )' self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_function_signature, line) def test_unsupported_arg(self): """ Test unsupported arguments (not among int, char * and HexParam_t) :return: """ line = 'int entropy_threshold( char * a, HexParam_t * h, int * result )' self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_function_signature, line) def test_no_params(self): """ Test no parameters. :return: """ line = 'void entropy_threshold()' name, args, local, arg_dispatch = parse_function_signature(line) self.assertEqual(name, 'entropy_threshold') self.assertEqual(args, []) self.assertEqual(local, '') self.assertEqual(arg_dispatch, []) class ParseFunctionCode(TestCase): """ Test suite for testing parse_function_code() """ def test_no_function(self): """ Test no test function found. :return: """ data = ''' No test function ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(InvalidFileFormat, parse_function_code, s, [], []) def test_no_end_case_comment(self): """ Test missing end case. :return: """ data = ''' void test_func() { } ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(InvalidFileFormat, parse_function_code, s, [], []) @patch("generate_code.parse_function_signature") def test_parse_function_signature_called(self, parse_function_signature_mock): """ Test parse_function_code() :return: """ parse_function_signature_mock.return_value = ('test_func', [], '', []) data = ''' void test_func() { } ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(InvalidFileFormat, parse_function_code, s, [], []) self.assertTrue(parse_function_signature_mock.called) parse_function_signature_mock.assert_called_with('void test_func()\n') @patch("generate_code.gen_dispatch") @patch("generate_code.gen_deps") @patch("generate_code.gen_function_wrapper") @patch("generate_code.parse_function_signature") def test_return(self, parse_function_signature_mock, gen_function_wrapper_mock, gen_deps_mock, gen_dispatch_mock): """ Test generated code. :return: """ parse_function_signature_mock.return_value = ('func', [], '', []) gen_function_wrapper_mock.return_value = '' gen_deps_mock.side_effect = gen_deps gen_dispatch_mock.side_effect = gen_dispatch data = ''' void func() { ba ba black sheep have you any wool } /* END_CASE */ ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) name, arg, code, dispatch_code = parse_function_code(s, [], []) #self.assertRaises(InvalidFileFormat, parse_function_code, s, [], []) self.assertTrue(parse_function_signature_mock.called) parse_function_signature_mock.assert_called_with('void func()\n') gen_function_wrapper_mock.assert_called_with('test_func', '', []) self.assertEqual(name, 'test_func') self.assertEqual(arg, []) expected = '''#line 2 "test_suite_ut.function" void test_func() { ba ba black sheep have you any wool exit: ;; } ''' self.assertEqual(code, expected) self.assertEqual(dispatch_code, "\n test_func_wrapper,\n") @patch("generate_code.gen_dispatch") @patch("generate_code.gen_deps") @patch("generate_code.gen_function_wrapper") @patch("generate_code.parse_function_signature") def test_with_exit_label(self, parse_function_signature_mock, gen_function_wrapper_mock, gen_deps_mock, gen_dispatch_mock): """ Test when exit label is present. :return: """ parse_function_signature_mock.return_value = ('func', [], '', []) gen_function_wrapper_mock.return_value = '' gen_deps_mock.side_effect = gen_deps gen_dispatch_mock.side_effect = gen_dispatch data = ''' void func() { ba ba black sheep have you any wool exit: yes sir yes sir 3 bags full } /* END_CASE */ ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) name, arg, code, dispatch_code = parse_function_code(s, [], []) expected = '''#line 2 "test_suite_ut.function" void test_func() { ba ba black sheep have you any wool exit: yes sir yes sir 3 bags full } ''' self.assertEqual(code, expected) class ParseFunction(TestCase): """ Test Suite for testing parse_functions() """ @patch("generate_code.parse_until_pattern") def test_begin_header(self, parse_until_pattern_mock): """ Test that begin header is checked and parse_until_pattern() is called. :return: """ def stop(this): raise Exception parse_until_pattern_mock.side_effect = stop data = '''/* BEGIN_HEADER */ #include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 /* END_HEADER */ ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(Exception, parse_functions, s) parse_until_pattern_mock.assert_called_with(s, END_HEADER_REGEX) self.assertEqual(s.line_no, 2) @patch("generate_code.parse_until_pattern") def test_begin_helper(self, parse_until_pattern_mock): """ Test that begin helper is checked and parse_until_pattern() is called. :return: """ def stop(this): raise Exception parse_until_pattern_mock.side_effect = stop data = '''/* BEGIN_SUITE_HELPERS */ void print_helloworld() { printf ("Hello World!\n"); } /* END_SUITE_HELPERS */ ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(Exception, parse_functions, s) parse_until_pattern_mock.assert_called_with(s, END_SUITE_HELPERS_REGEX) self.assertEqual(s.line_no, 2) @patch("generate_code.parse_suite_deps") def test_begin_dep(self, parse_suite_deps_mock): """ Test that begin dep is checked and parse_suite_deps() is called. :return: """ def stop(this): raise Exception parse_suite_deps_mock.side_effect = stop data = '''/* BEGIN_DEPENDENCIES * depends_on:MBEDTLS_ECP_C * END_DEPENDENCIES */ ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(Exception, parse_functions, s) parse_suite_deps_mock.assert_called_with(s) self.assertEqual(s.line_no, 2) @patch("generate_code.parse_function_deps") def test_begin_function_dep(self, parse_function_deps_mock): """ Test that begin dep is checked and parse_function_deps() is called. :return: """ def stop(this): raise Exception parse_function_deps_mock.side_effect = stop deps_str = '/* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED:MBEDTLS_FS_IO */\n' data = '''%svoid test_func() { } ''' % deps_str s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(Exception, parse_functions, s) parse_function_deps_mock.assert_called_with(deps_str) self.assertEqual(s.line_no, 2) @patch("generate_code.parse_function_code") @patch("generate_code.parse_function_deps") def test_return(self, parse_function_deps_mock, parse_function_code_mock): """ Test that begin case is checked and parse_function_code() is called. :return: """ def stop(this): raise Exception parse_function_deps_mock.return_value = [] in_func_code= '''void test_func() { } ''' func_dispatch = ''' test_func_wrapper, ''' parse_function_code_mock.return_value = 'test_func', [], in_func_code, func_dispatch deps_str = '/* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED:MBEDTLS_FS_IO */\n' data = '''%svoid test_func() { } ''' % deps_str s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) suite_deps, dispatch_code, func_code, func_info = parse_functions(s) parse_function_deps_mock.assert_called_with(deps_str) parse_function_code_mock.assert_called_with(s, [], []) self.assertEqual(s.line_no, 5) self.assertEqual(suite_deps, []) expected_dispatch_code = '''/* Function Id: 0 */ test_func_wrapper, ''' self.assertEqual(dispatch_code, expected_dispatch_code) self.assertEqual(func_code, in_func_code) self.assertEqual(func_info, {'test_func': (0, [])}) def test_parsing(self): """ Test case parsing. :return: """ data = '''/* BEGIN_HEADER */ #include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 /* END_HEADER */ /* BEGIN_DEPENDENCIES * depends_on:MBEDTLS_ECP_C * END_DEPENDENCIES */ /* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED:MBEDTLS_FS_IO */ void func1() { } /* END_CASE */ /* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED:MBEDTLS_FS_IO */ void func2() { } /* END_CASE */ ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) suite_deps, dispatch_code, func_code, func_info = parse_functions(s) self.assertEqual(s.line_no, 23) self.assertEqual(suite_deps, ['MBEDTLS_ECP_C']) expected_dispatch_code = '''/* Function Id: 0 */ #if defined(MBEDTLS_ECP_C) && defined(MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED) && defined(MBEDTLS_FS_IO) test_func1_wrapper, #else NULL, #endif /* Function Id: 1 */ #if defined(MBEDTLS_ECP_C) && defined(MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED) && defined(MBEDTLS_FS_IO) test_func2_wrapper, #else NULL, #endif ''' self.assertEqual(dispatch_code, expected_dispatch_code) expected_func_code = '''#if defined(MBEDTLS_ECP_C) #line 3 "test_suite_ut.function" #include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 #if defined(MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED) #if defined(MBEDTLS_FS_IO) #line 14 "test_suite_ut.function" void test_func1() { exit: ;; } void test_func1_wrapper( void ** params ) { (void)params; test_func1( ); } #endif /* MBEDTLS_FS_IO */ #endif /* MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED */ #if defined(MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED) #if defined(MBEDTLS_FS_IO) #line 20 "test_suite_ut.function" void test_func2() { exit: ;; } void test_func2_wrapper( void ** params ) { (void)params; test_func2( ); } #endif /* MBEDTLS_FS_IO */ #endif /* MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED */ #endif /* MBEDTLS_ECP_C */ ''' self.assertEqual(func_code, expected_func_code) self.assertEqual(func_info, {'test_func1': (0, []), 'test_func2': (1, [])}) def test_same_function_name(self): """ Test name conflict. :return: """ data = '''/* BEGIN_HEADER */ #include "mbedtls/ecp.h" #define ECP_PF_UNKNOWN -1 /* END_HEADER */ /* BEGIN_DEPENDENCIES * depends_on:MBEDTLS_ECP_C * END_DEPENDENCIES */ /* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED:MBEDTLS_FS_IO */ void func() { } /* END_CASE */ /* BEGIN_CASE depends_on:MBEDTLS_ENTROPY_NV_SEED:MBEDTLS_FS_IO */ void func() { } /* END_CASE */ ''' s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) self.assertRaises(AssertionError, parse_functions, s) class ExcapedSplit(TestCase): """ Test suite for testing escaped_split(). Note: Since escaped_split() output is used to write back to the intermediate data file. Any escape characters in the input are retained in the output. """ def test_invalid_input(self): """ Test when input split character is not a character. :return: """ self.assertRaises(ValueError, escaped_split, '', 'string') def test_empty_string(self): """ Test empty strig input. :return: """ splits = escaped_split('', ':') self.assertEqual(splits, []) def test_no_escape(self): """ Test with no escape character. The behaviour should be same as str.split() :return: """ s = 'yahoo:google' splits = escaped_split(s, ':') self.assertEqual(splits, s.split(':')) def test_escaped_input(self): """ Test imput that has escaped delimiter. :return: """ s = 'yahoo\:google:facebook' splits = escaped_split(s, ':') self.assertEqual(splits, ['yahoo\:google', 'facebook']) def test_escaped_escape(self): """ Test imput that has escaped delimiter. :return: """ s = 'yahoo\\\:google:facebook' splits = escaped_split(s, ':') self.assertEqual(splits, ['yahoo\\\\', 'google', 'facebook']) def test_all_at_once(self): """ Test imput that has escaped delimiter. :return: """ s = 'yahoo\\\:google:facebook\:instagram\\\:bbc\\\\:wikipedia' splits = escaped_split(s, ':') self.assertEqual(splits, ['yahoo\\\\', 'google', 'facebook\:instagram\\\\', 'bbc\\\\', 'wikipedia']) class ParseTestData(TestCase): """ Test suite for parse test data. """ def test_parser(self): """ Test that tests are parsed correctly from data file. :return: """ data = """ Diffie-Hellman full exchange #1 dhm_do_dhm:10:"23":10:"5" Diffie-Hellman full exchange #2 dhm_do_dhm:10:"93450983094850938450983409623":10:"9345098304850938450983409622" Diffie-Hellman full exchange #3 dhm_do_dhm:10:"9345098382739712938719287391879381271":10:"9345098792137312973297123912791271" Diffie-Hellman selftest dhm_selftest: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) tests = [(name, function, deps, args) for name, function, deps, args in parse_test_data(s)] t1, t2, t3, t4 = tests self.assertEqual(t1[0], 'Diffie-Hellman full exchange #1') self.assertEqual(t1[1], 'dhm_do_dhm') self.assertEqual(t1[2], []) self.assertEqual(t1[3], ['10', '"23"', '10', '"5"']) self.assertEqual(t2[0], 'Diffie-Hellman full exchange #2') self.assertEqual(t2[1], 'dhm_do_dhm') self.assertEqual(t2[2], []) self.assertEqual(t2[3], ['10', '"93450983094850938450983409623"', '10', '"9345098304850938450983409622"']) self.assertEqual(t3[0], 'Diffie-Hellman full exchange #3') self.assertEqual(t3[1], 'dhm_do_dhm') self.assertEqual(t3[2], []) self.assertEqual(t3[3], ['10', '"9345098382739712938719287391879381271"', '10', '"9345098792137312973297123912791271"']) self.assertEqual(t4[0], 'Diffie-Hellman selftest') self.assertEqual(t4[1], 'dhm_selftest') self.assertEqual(t4[2], []) self.assertEqual(t4[3], []) def test_with_dependencies(self): """ Test that tests with dependencies are parsed. :return: """ data = """ Diffie-Hellman full exchange #1 depends_on:YAHOO dhm_do_dhm:10:"23":10:"5" Diffie-Hellman full exchange #2 dhm_do_dhm:10:"93450983094850938450983409623":10:"9345098304850938450983409622" """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) tests = [(name, function, deps, args) for name, function, deps, args in parse_test_data(s)] t1, t2 = tests self.assertEqual(t1[0], 'Diffie-Hellman full exchange #1') self.assertEqual(t1[1], 'dhm_do_dhm') self.assertEqual(t1[2], ['YAHOO']) self.assertEqual(t1[3], ['10', '"23"', '10', '"5"']) self.assertEqual(t2[0], 'Diffie-Hellman full exchange #2') self.assertEqual(t2[1], 'dhm_do_dhm') self.assertEqual(t2[2], []) self.assertEqual(t2[3], ['10', '"93450983094850938450983409623"', '10', '"9345098304850938450983409622"']) def test_no_args(self): """ Test AssertionError is raised when test function name and args line is missing. :return: """ data = """ Diffie-Hellman full exchange #1 depends_on:YAHOO Diffie-Hellman full exchange #2 dhm_do_dhm:10:"93450983094850938450983409623":10:"9345098304850938450983409622" """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) e = None try: for x, y, z, a in parse_test_data(s): pass except AssertionError, e: pass self.assertEqual(type(e), AssertionError) def test_incomplete_data(self): """ Test AssertionError is raised when test function name and args line is missing. :return: """ data = """ Diffie-Hellman full exchange #1 depends_on:YAHOO """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.function', data) e = None try: for x, y, z, a in parse_test_data(s): pass except AssertionError, e: pass self.assertEqual(type(e), AssertionError) class GenDepCheck(TestCase): """ Test suite for gen_dep_check(). It is assumed this function is called with valid inputs. """ def test_gen_dep_check(self): """ Test that dependency check code generated correctly. :return: """ expected = """ case 5: { #if defined(YAHOO) ret = DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED; #else ret = DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } break;""" out = gen_dep_check(5, 'YAHOO') self.assertEqual(out, expected) def test_noT(self): """ Test dependency with !. :return: """ expected = """ case 5: { #if !defined(YAHOO) ret = DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED; #else ret = DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } break;""" out = gen_dep_check(5, '!YAHOO') self.assertEqual(out, expected) def test_empty_dependency(self): """ Test invalid dependency input. :return: """ self.assertRaises(AssertionError, gen_dep_check, 5, '!') def test_negative_dep_id(self): """ Test invalid dependency input. :return: """ self.assertRaises(AssertionError, gen_dep_check, -1, 'YAHOO') class GenExpCheck(TestCase): """ Test suite for gen_expression_check(). It is assumed this function is called with valid inputs. """ def test_gen_exp_check(self): """ Test that expression check code generated correctly. :return: """ expected = """ case 5: { *out_value = YAHOO; } break;""" out = gen_expression_check(5, 'YAHOO') self.assertEqual(out, expected) def test_invalid_expression(self): """ Test invalid expression input. :return: """ self.assertRaises(AssertionError, gen_expression_check, 5, '') def test_negative_exp_id(self): """ Test invalid expression id. :return: """ self.assertRaises(AssertionError, gen_expression_check, -1, 'YAHOO') class WriteDeps(TestCase): """ Test suite for testing write_deps. """ def test_no_test_deps(self): """ Test when test_deps is empty. :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_deps = [] dep_check_code = write_deps(s, [], unique_deps) self.assertEqual(dep_check_code, '') self.assertEqual(len(unique_deps), 0) self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), '') def test_unique_dep_ids(self): """ :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_deps = [] dep_check_code = write_deps(s, ['DEP3', 'DEP2', 'DEP1'], unique_deps) expect_dep_check_code = ''' case 0: { #if defined(DEP3) ret = DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED; #else ret = DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } break; case 1: { #if defined(DEP2) ret = DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED; #else ret = DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } break; case 2: { #if defined(DEP1) ret = DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED; #else ret = DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } break;''' self.assertEqual(dep_check_code, expect_dep_check_code) self.assertEqual(len(unique_deps), 3) self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), 'depends_on:0:1:2\n') def test_dep_id_repeat(self): """ :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_deps = [] dep_check_code = '' dep_check_code += write_deps(s, ['DEP3', 'DEP2'], unique_deps) dep_check_code += write_deps(s, ['DEP2', 'DEP1'], unique_deps) dep_check_code += write_deps(s, ['DEP1', 'DEP3'], unique_deps) expect_dep_check_code = ''' case 0: { #if defined(DEP3) ret = DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED; #else ret = DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } break; case 1: { #if defined(DEP2) ret = DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED; #else ret = DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } break; case 2: { #if defined(DEP1) ret = DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED; #else ret = DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } break;''' self.assertEqual(dep_check_code, expect_dep_check_code) self.assertEqual(len(unique_deps), 3) self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), 'depends_on:0:1\ndepends_on:1:2\ndepends_on:2:0\n') class WriteParams(TestCase): """ Test Suite for testing write_parameters(). """ def test_no_params(self): """ Test with empty test_args :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_expressions = [] expression_code = write_parameters(s, [], [], unique_expressions) self.assertEqual(len(unique_expressions), 0) self.assertEqual(expression_code, '') self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), '\n') def test_no_exp_param(self): """ Test when there is no macro or expression in the params. :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_expressions = [] expression_code = write_parameters(s, ['"Yahoo"', '"abcdef00"', '0'], ['char*', 'hex', 'int'], unique_expressions) self.assertEqual(len(unique_expressions), 0) self.assertEqual(expression_code, '') self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), ':char*:"Yahoo":hex:"abcdef00":int:0\n') def test_hex_format_int_param(self): """ Test int parameter in hex format. :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_expressions = [] expression_code = write_parameters(s, ['"Yahoo"', '"abcdef00"', '0xAA'], ['char*', 'hex', 'int'], unique_expressions) self.assertEqual(len(unique_expressions), 0) self.assertEqual(expression_code, '') self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), ':char*:"Yahoo":hex:"abcdef00":int:0xAA\n') def test_with_exp_param(self): """ Test when there is macro or expression in the params. :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_expressions = [] expression_code = write_parameters(s, ['"Yahoo"', '"abcdef00"', '0', 'MACRO1', 'MACRO2', 'MACRO3'], ['char*', 'hex', 'int', 'int', 'int', 'int'], unique_expressions) self.assertEqual(len(unique_expressions), 3) self.assertEqual(unique_expressions, ['MACRO1', 'MACRO2', 'MACRO3']) expected_expression_code = ''' case 0: { *out_value = MACRO1; } break; case 1: { *out_value = MACRO2; } break; case 2: { *out_value = MACRO3; } break;''' self.assertEqual(expression_code, expected_expression_code) self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), ':char*:"Yahoo":hex:"abcdef00":int:0:exp:0:exp:1:exp:2\n') def test_with_repeate_calls(self): """ Test when write_parameter() is called with same macro or expression. :return: """ s = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', '') unique_expressions = [] expression_code = '' expression_code += write_parameters(s, ['"Yahoo"', 'MACRO1', 'MACRO2'], ['char*', 'int', 'int'], unique_expressions) expression_code += write_parameters(s, ['"abcdef00"', 'MACRO2', 'MACRO3'], ['hex', 'int', 'int'], unique_expressions) expression_code += write_parameters(s, ['0', 'MACRO3', 'MACRO1'], ['int', 'int', 'int'], unique_expressions) self.assertEqual(len(unique_expressions), 3) self.assertEqual(unique_expressions, ['MACRO1', 'MACRO2', 'MACRO3']) expected_expression_code = ''' case 0: { *out_value = MACRO1; } break; case 1: { *out_value = MACRO2; } break; case 2: { *out_value = MACRO3; } break;''' self.assertEqual(expression_code, expected_expression_code) expected_data_file = ''':char*:"Yahoo":exp:0:exp:1 :hex:"abcdef00":exp:1:exp:2 :int:0:exp:2:exp:0 ''' self.assertEqual(s.getvalue(), expected_data_file) class GenTestSuiteDepsChecks(TestCase): """ """ def test_empty_suite_deps(self): """ Test with empty suite_deps list. :return: """ dep_check_code, expression_code = gen_suite_deps_checks([], 'DEP_CHECK_CODE', 'EXPRESSION_CODE') self.assertEqual(dep_check_code, 'DEP_CHECK_CODE') self.assertEqual(expression_code, 'EXPRESSION_CODE') def test_suite_deps(self): """ Test with suite_deps list. :return: """ dep_check_code, expression_code = gen_suite_deps_checks(['SUITE_DEP'], 'DEP_CHECK_CODE', 'EXPRESSION_CODE') exprectd_dep_check_code = ''' #if defined(SUITE_DEP) DEP_CHECK_CODE #endif ''' expected_expression_code = ''' #if defined(SUITE_DEP) EXPRESSION_CODE #endif ''' self.assertEqual(dep_check_code, exprectd_dep_check_code) self.assertEqual(expression_code, expected_expression_code) def test_no_dep_no_exp(self): """ Test when there are no dependency and expression code. :return: """ dep_check_code, expression_code = gen_suite_deps_checks([], '', '') self.assertEqual(dep_check_code, '') self.assertEqual(expression_code, '') class GenFromTestData(TestCase): """ Test suite for gen_from_test_data() """ @patch("generate_code.write_deps") @patch("generate_code.write_parameters") @patch("generate_code.gen_suite_deps_checks") def test_intermediate_data_file(self, gen_suite_deps_checks_mock, write_parameters_mock, write_deps_mock): """ Test that intermediate data file is written with expected data. :return: """ data = ''' My test depends_on:DEP1 func1:0 ''' data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', data) out_data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.datax', '') func_info = {'test_func1': (1, ('int',))} suite_deps = [] write_parameters_mock.side_effect = write_parameters write_deps_mock.side_effect = write_deps gen_suite_deps_checks_mock.side_effect = gen_suite_deps_checks gen_from_test_data(data_f, out_data_f, func_info, suite_deps) write_deps_mock.assert_called_with(out_data_f, ['DEP1'], ['DEP1']) write_parameters_mock.assert_called_with(out_data_f, ['0'], ('int',), []) expected_dep_check_code = ''' case 0: { #if defined(DEP1) ret = DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED; #else ret = DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } break;''' gen_suite_deps_checks_mock.assert_called_with(suite_deps, expected_dep_check_code, '') def test_function_not_found(self): """ Test that AssertError is raised when function info in not found. :return: """ data = ''' My test depends_on:DEP1 func1:0 ''' data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', data) out_data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.datax', '') func_info = {'test_func2': (1, ('int',))} suite_deps = [] self.assertRaises(AssertionError, gen_from_test_data, data_f, out_data_f, func_info, suite_deps) def test_different_func_args(self): """ Test that AssertError is raised when no. of parameters and function args differ. :return: """ data = ''' My test depends_on:DEP1 func1:0 ''' data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', data) out_data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.datax', '') func_info = {'test_func2': (1, ('int','hex'))} suite_deps = [] self.assertRaises(AssertionError, gen_from_test_data, data_f, out_data_f, func_info, suite_deps) def test_output(self): """ Test that intermediate data file is written with expected data. :return: """ data = ''' My test 1 depends_on:DEP1 func1:0:0xfa:MACRO1:MACRO2 My test 2 depends_on:DEP1:DEP2 func2:"yahoo":88:MACRO1 ''' data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.data', data) out_data_f = StringIOWrapper('test_suite_ut.datax', '') func_info = {'test_func1': (0, ('int', 'int', 'int', 'int')), 'test_func2': (1, ('char*', 'int', 'int'))} suite_deps = [] dep_check_code, expression_code = gen_from_test_data(data_f, out_data_f, func_info, suite_deps) expected_dep_check_code = ''' case 0: { #if defined(DEP1) ret = DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED; #else ret = DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } break; case 1: { #if defined(DEP2) ret = DEPENDENCY_SUPPORTED; #else ret = DEPENDENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED; #endif } break;''' expecrted_data = '''My test 1 depends_on:0 0:int:0:int:0xfa:exp:0:exp:1 My test 2 depends_on:0:1 1:char*:"yahoo":int:88:exp:0 ''' expected_expression_code = ''' case 0: { *out_value = MACRO1; } break; case 1: { *out_value = MACRO2; } break;''' self.assertEqual(dep_check_code, expected_dep_check_code) self.assertEqual(out_data_f.getvalue(), expecrted_data) self.assertEqual(expression_code, expected_expression_code) if __name__=='__main__': unittest_main()