#!/usr/bin/env perl # Generate error.c # # Usage: ./generate_errors.pl or scripts/generate_errors.pl without arguments, # or generate_errors.pl include_dir data_dir error_file # # Copyright (C) 2011-2018, Arm Limited, All Rights Reserved # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later # # This file is provided under the Apache License 2.0, or the # GNU General Public License v2.0 or later. # # ********** # Apache License 2.0: # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # ********** # # ********** # GNU General Public License v2.0 or later: # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # ********** # # This file is part of Mbed TLS (https://tls.mbed.org) use strict; my ($include_dir, $data_dir, $error_file); if( @ARGV ) { die "Invalid number of arguments" if scalar @ARGV != 3; ($include_dir, $data_dir, $error_file) = @ARGV; -d $include_dir or die "No such directory: $include_dir\n"; -d $data_dir or die "No such directory: $data_dir\n"; } else { $include_dir = 'include/mbedtls'; $data_dir = 'scripts/data_files'; $error_file = 'library/error.c'; unless( -d $include_dir && -d $data_dir ) { chdir '..' or die; -d $include_dir && -d $data_dir or die "Without arguments, must be run from root or scripts\n" } } my $error_format_file = $data_dir.'/error.fmt'; my @low_level_modules = qw( AES ARC4 ARIA ASN1 BASE64 BIGNUM BLOWFISH CAMELLIA CCM CHACHA20 CHACHAPOLY CMAC CTR_DRBG DES ENTROPY GCM HKDF HMAC_DRBG MD2 MD4 MD5 NET OID PADLOCK PBKDF2 PLATFORM POLY1305 RIPEMD160 SHA1 SHA256 SHA512 THREADING XTEA ); my @high_level_modules = qw( CIPHER DHM ECP MD PEM PK PKCS12 PKCS5 RSA SSL X509 ); my $line_separator = $/; undef $/; open(FORMAT_FILE, "$error_format_file") or die "Opening error format file '$error_format_file': $!"; my $error_format = ; close(FORMAT_FILE); $/ = $line_separator; my @files = <$include_dir/*.h>; my @necessary_include_files; my @matches; foreach my $file (@files) { open(FILE, "$file"); my @grep_res = grep(/^\s*#define\s+MBEDTLS_ERR_\w+\s+\-0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+/, ); push(@matches, @grep_res); close FILE; my $include_name = $file; $include_name =~ s!.*/!!; push @necessary_include_files, $include_name if @grep_res; } my $ll_old_define = ""; my $hl_old_define = ""; my $ll_code_check = ""; my $hl_code_check = ""; my $headers = ""; my %included_headers; my %error_codes_seen; foreach my $line (@matches) { next if ($line =~ /compat-1.2.h/); my ($error_name, $error_code) = $line =~ /(MBEDTLS_ERR_\w+)\s+\-(0x\w+)/; my ($description) = $line =~ /\/\*\*< (.*?)\.? \*\//; die "Duplicated error code: $error_code ($error_name)\n" if( $error_codes_seen{$error_code}++ ); $description =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; if ($description eq "") { $description = "DESCRIPTION MISSING"; warn "Missing description for $error_name\n"; } my ($module_name) = $error_name =~ /^MBEDTLS_ERR_([^_]+)/; # Fix faulty ones $module_name = "BIGNUM" if ($module_name eq "MPI"); $module_name = "CTR_DRBG" if ($module_name eq "CTR"); $module_name = "HMAC_DRBG" if ($module_name eq "HMAC"); my $define_name = $module_name; $define_name = "X509_USE,X509_CREATE" if ($define_name eq "X509"); $define_name = "ASN1_PARSE" if ($define_name eq "ASN1"); $define_name = "SSL_TLS" if ($define_name eq "SSL"); $define_name = "PEM_PARSE,PEM_WRITE" if ($define_name eq "PEM"); my $include_name = $module_name; $include_name =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # Fix faulty ones $include_name = "net_sockets" if ($module_name eq "NET"); $included_headers{"${include_name}.h"} = $module_name; my $found_ll = grep $_ eq $module_name, @low_level_modules; my $found_hl = grep $_ eq $module_name, @high_level_modules; if (!$found_ll && !$found_hl) { printf("Error: Do not know how to handle: $module_name\n"); exit 1; } my $code_check; my $old_define; my $white_space; my $first; if ($found_ll) { $code_check = \$ll_code_check; $old_define = \$ll_old_define; $white_space = ' '; } else { $code_check = \$hl_code_check; $old_define = \$hl_old_define; $white_space = ' '; } if ($define_name ne ${$old_define}) { if (${$old_define} ne "") { ${$code_check} .= "#endif /* "; $first = 0; foreach my $dep (split(/,/, ${$old_define})) { ${$code_check} .= " || " if ($first++); ${$code_check} .= "MBEDTLS_${dep}_C"; } ${$code_check} .= " */\n\n"; } ${$code_check} .= "#if "; $headers .= "#if " if ($include_name ne ""); $first = 0; foreach my $dep (split(/,/, ${define_name})) { ${$code_check} .= " || " if ($first); $headers .= " || " if ($first++); ${$code_check} .= "defined(MBEDTLS_${dep}_C)"; $headers .= "defined(MBEDTLS_${dep}_C)" if ($include_name ne ""); } ${$code_check} .= "\n"; $headers .= "\n#include \"mbedtls/${include_name}.h\"\n". "#endif\n\n" if ($include_name ne ""); ${$old_define} = $define_name; } if ($error_name eq "MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_FATAL_ALERT_MESSAGE") { ${$code_check} .= "${white_space}if( use_ret == -($error_name) )\n". "${white_space}\{\n". "${white_space} mbedtls_snprintf( buf, buflen, \"$module_name - $description\" );\n". "${white_space} return;\n". "${white_space}}\n" } else { ${$code_check} .= "${white_space}if( use_ret == -($error_name) )\n". "${white_space} mbedtls_snprintf( buf, buflen, \"$module_name - $description\" );\n" } }; if ($ll_old_define ne "") { $ll_code_check .= "#endif /* "; my $first = 0; foreach my $dep (split(/,/, $ll_old_define)) { $ll_code_check .= " || " if ($first++); $ll_code_check .= "MBEDTLS_${dep}_C"; } $ll_code_check .= " */\n"; } if ($hl_old_define ne "") { $hl_code_check .= "#endif /* "; my $first = 0; foreach my $dep (split(/,/, $hl_old_define)) { $hl_code_check .= " || " if ($first++); $hl_code_check .= "MBEDTLS_${dep}_C"; } $hl_code_check .= " */\n"; } $error_format =~ s/HEADER_INCLUDED\n/$headers/g; $error_format =~ s/LOW_LEVEL_CODE_CHECKS\n/$ll_code_check/g; $error_format =~ s/HIGH_LEVEL_CODE_CHECKS\n/$hl_code_check/g; open(ERROR_FILE, ">$error_file") or die "Opening destination file '$error_file': $!"; print ERROR_FILE $error_format; close(ERROR_FILE); my $errors = 0; for my $include_name (@necessary_include_files) { if (not $included_headers{$include_name}) { print STDERR "The header file \"$include_name\" defines error codes but has not been included!\n"; ++$errors; } } exit !!$errors;