/* * Multi-precision integer library * * Copyright (C) 2006-2009, Paul Bakker * All rights reserved. * * Joined copyright on original XySSL code with: Christophe Devine * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* * This MPI implementation is based on: * * http://www.cacr.math.uwaterloo.ca/hac/about/chap14.pdf * http://www.stillhq.com/extracted/gnupg-api/mpi/ * http://math.libtomcrypt.com/files/tommath.pdf */ #include "polarssl/config.h" #if defined(POLARSSL_BIGNUM_C) #include "polarssl/bignum.h" #include "polarssl/bn_mul.h" #include #include #include #define ciL ((int) sizeof(t_int)) /* chars in limb */ #define biL (ciL << 3) /* bits in limb */ #define biH (ciL << 2) /* half limb size */ /* * Convert between bits/chars and number of limbs */ #define BITS_TO_LIMBS(i) (((i) + biL - 1) / biL) #define CHARS_TO_LIMBS(i) (((i) + ciL - 1) / ciL) /* * Initialize one or more mpi */ void mpi_init( mpi *X, ... ) { va_list args; va_start( args, X ); while( X != NULL ) { X->s = 1; X->n = 0; X->p = NULL; X = va_arg( args, mpi* ); } va_end( args ); } /* * Unallocate one or more mpi */ void mpi_free( mpi *X, ... ) { va_list args; va_start( args, X ); while( X != NULL ) { if( X->p != NULL ) { memset( X->p, 0, X->n * ciL ); free( X->p ); } X->s = 1; X->n = 0; X->p = NULL; X = va_arg( args, mpi* ); } va_end( args ); } /* * Enlarge to the specified number of limbs */ int mpi_grow( mpi *X, int nblimbs ) { t_int *p; if( X->n < nblimbs ) { if( ( p = (t_int *) malloc( nblimbs * ciL ) ) == NULL ) return( 1 ); memset( p, 0, nblimbs * ciL ); if( X->p != NULL ) { memcpy( p, X->p, X->n * ciL ); memset( X->p, 0, X->n * ciL ); free( X->p ); } X->n = nblimbs; X->p = p; } return( 0 ); } /* * Copy the contents of Y into X */ int mpi_copy( mpi *X, const mpi *Y ) { int ret, i; if( X == Y ) return( 0 ); for( i = Y->n - 1; i > 0; i-- ) if( Y->p[i] != 0 ) break; i++; X->s = Y->s; MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( X, i ) ); memset( X->p, 0, X->n * ciL ); memcpy( X->p, Y->p, i * ciL ); cleanup: return( ret ); } /* * Swap the contents of X and Y */ void mpi_swap( mpi *X, mpi *Y ) { mpi T; memcpy( &T, X, sizeof( mpi ) ); memcpy( X, Y, sizeof( mpi ) ); memcpy( Y, &T, sizeof( mpi ) ); } /* * Set value from integer */ int mpi_lset( mpi *X, int z ) { int ret; MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( X, 1 ) ); memset( X->p, 0, X->n * ciL ); X->p[0] = ( z < 0 ) ? -z : z; X->s = ( z < 0 ) ? -1 : 1; cleanup: return( ret ); } /* * Return the number of least significant bits */ int mpi_lsb( const mpi *X ) { int i, j, count = 0; for( i = 0; i < X->n; i++ ) for( j = 0; j < (int) biL; j++, count++ ) if( ( ( X->p[i] >> j ) & 1 ) != 0 ) return( count ); return( 0 ); } /* * Return the number of most significant bits */ int mpi_msb( const mpi *X ) { int i, j; for( i = X->n - 1; i > 0; i-- ) if( X->p[i] != 0 ) break; for( j = biL - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) if( ( ( X->p[i] >> j ) & 1 ) != 0 ) break; return( ( i * biL ) + j + 1 ); } /* * Return the total size in bytes */ int mpi_size( const mpi *X ) { return( ( mpi_msb( X ) + 7 ) >> 3 ); } /* * Convert an ASCII character to digit value */ static int mpi_get_digit( t_int *d, int radix, char c ) { *d = 255; if( c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39 ) *d = c - 0x30; if( c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46 ) *d = c - 0x37; if( c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66 ) *d = c - 0x57; if( *d >= (t_int) radix ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_INVALID_CHARACTER ); return( 0 ); } /* * Import from an ASCII string */ int mpi_read_string( mpi *X, int radix, const char *s ) { int ret, i, j, n, slen; t_int d; mpi T; if( radix < 2 || radix > 16 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); mpi_init( &T, NULL ); slen = strlen( s ); if( radix == 16 ) { n = BITS_TO_LIMBS( slen << 2 ); MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( X, n ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( X, 0 ) ); for( i = slen - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++ ) { if( i == 0 && s[i] == '-' ) { X->s = -1; break; } MPI_CHK( mpi_get_digit( &d, radix, s[i] ) ); X->p[j / (2 * ciL)] |= d << ( (j % (2 * ciL)) << 2 ); } } else { MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( X, 0 ) ); for( i = 0; i < slen; i++ ) { if( i == 0 && s[i] == '-' ) { X->s = -1; continue; } MPI_CHK( mpi_get_digit( &d, radix, s[i] ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_mul_int( &T, X, radix ) ); if( X->s == 1 ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_add_int( X, &T, d ) ); } else { MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_int( X, &T, d ) ); } } } cleanup: mpi_free( &T, NULL ); return( ret ); } /* * Helper to write the digits high-order first */ static int mpi_write_hlp( mpi *X, int radix, char **p ) { int ret; t_int r; if( radix < 2 || radix > 16 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); MPI_CHK( mpi_mod_int( &r, X, radix ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_div_int( X, NULL, X, radix ) ); if( mpi_cmp_int( X, 0 ) != 0 ) MPI_CHK( mpi_write_hlp( X, radix, p ) ); if( r < 10 ) *(*p)++ = (char)( r + 0x30 ); else *(*p)++ = (char)( r + 0x37 ); cleanup: return( ret ); } /* * Export into an ASCII string */ int mpi_write_string( const mpi *X, int radix, char *s, int *slen ) { int ret = 0, n; char *p; mpi T; if( radix < 2 || radix > 16 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); n = mpi_msb( X ); if( radix >= 4 ) n >>= 1; if( radix >= 16 ) n >>= 1; n += 3; if( *slen < n ) { *slen = n; return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); } p = s; mpi_init( &T, NULL ); if( X->s == -1 ) *p++ = '-'; if( radix == 16 ) { int c, i, j, k; for( i = X->n - 1, k = 0; i >= 0; i-- ) { for( j = ciL - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) { c = ( X->p[i] >> (j << 3) ) & 0xFF; if( c == 0 && k == 0 && (i + j) != 0 ) continue; p += sprintf( p, "%02X", c ); k = 1; } } } else { MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( &T, X ) ); if( T.s == -1 ) T.s = 1; MPI_CHK( mpi_write_hlp( &T, radix, &p ) ); } *p++ = '\0'; *slen = p - s; cleanup: mpi_free( &T, NULL ); return( ret ); } /* * Read X from an opened file */ int mpi_read_file( mpi *X, int radix, FILE *fin ) { t_int d; int slen; char *p; char s[1024]; memset( s, 0, sizeof( s ) ); if( fgets( s, sizeof( s ) - 1, fin ) == NULL ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_FILE_IO_ERROR ); slen = strlen( s ); if( s[slen - 1] == '\n' ) { slen--; s[slen] = '\0'; } if( s[slen - 1] == '\r' ) { slen--; s[slen] = '\0'; } p = s + slen; while( --p >= s ) if( mpi_get_digit( &d, radix, *p ) != 0 ) break; return( mpi_read_string( X, radix, p + 1 ) ); } /* * Write X into an opened file (or stdout if fout == NULL) */ int mpi_write_file( const char *p, const mpi *X, int radix, FILE *fout ) { int n, ret; size_t slen; size_t plen; char s[1024]; n = sizeof( s ); memset( s, 0, n ); n -= 2; MPI_CHK( mpi_write_string( X, radix, s, (int *) &n ) ); if( p == NULL ) p = ""; plen = strlen( p ); slen = strlen( s ); s[slen++] = '\r'; s[slen++] = '\n'; if( fout != NULL ) { if( fwrite( p, 1, plen, fout ) != plen || fwrite( s, 1, slen, fout ) != slen ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_FILE_IO_ERROR ); } else printf( "%s%s", p, s ); cleanup: return( ret ); } /* * Import X from unsigned binary data, big endian */ int mpi_read_binary( mpi *X, const unsigned char *buf, int buflen ) { int ret, i, j, n; for( n = 0; n < buflen; n++ ) if( buf[n] != 0 ) break; MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( X, CHARS_TO_LIMBS( buflen - n ) ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( X, 0 ) ); for( i = buflen - 1, j = 0; i >= n; i--, j++ ) X->p[j / ciL] |= ((t_int) buf[i]) << ((j % ciL) << 3); cleanup: return( ret ); } /* * Export X into unsigned binary data, big endian */ int mpi_write_binary( const mpi *X, unsigned char *buf, int buflen ) { int i, j, n; n = mpi_size( X ); if( buflen < n ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ); memset( buf, 0, buflen ); for( i = buflen - 1, j = 0; n > 0; i--, j++, n-- ) buf[i] = (unsigned char)( X->p[j / ciL] >> ((j % ciL) << 3) ); return( 0 ); } /* * Left-shift: X <<= count */ int mpi_shift_l( mpi *X, int count ) { int ret, i, v0, t1; t_int r0 = 0, r1; v0 = count / (biL ); t1 = count & (biL - 1); i = mpi_msb( X ) + count; if( X->n * (int) biL < i ) MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( X, BITS_TO_LIMBS( i ) ) ); ret = 0; /* * shift by count / limb_size */ if( v0 > 0 ) { for( i = X->n - 1; i >= v0; i-- ) X->p[i] = X->p[i - v0]; for( ; i >= 0; i-- ) X->p[i] = 0; } /* * shift by count % limb_size */ if( t1 > 0 ) { for( i = v0; i < X->n; i++ ) { r1 = X->p[i] >> (biL - t1); X->p[i] <<= t1; X->p[i] |= r0; r0 = r1; } } cleanup: return( ret ); } /* * Right-shift: X >>= count */ int mpi_shift_r( mpi *X, int count ) { int i, v0, v1; t_int r0 = 0, r1; v0 = count / biL; v1 = count & (biL - 1); /* * shift by count / limb_size */ if( v0 > 0 ) { for( i = 0; i < X->n - v0; i++ ) X->p[i] = X->p[i + v0]; for( ; i < X->n; i++ ) X->p[i] = 0; } /* * shift by count % limb_size */ if( v1 > 0 ) { for( i = X->n - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { r1 = X->p[i] << (biL - v1); X->p[i] >>= v1; X->p[i] |= r0; r0 = r1; } } return( 0 ); } /* * Compare unsigned values */ int mpi_cmp_abs( const mpi *X, const mpi *Y ) { int i, j; for( i = X->n - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) if( X->p[i] != 0 ) break; for( j = Y->n - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) if( Y->p[j] != 0 ) break; if( i < 0 && j < 0 ) return( 0 ); if( i > j ) return( 1 ); if( j > i ) return( -1 ); for( ; i >= 0; i-- ) { if( X->p[i] > Y->p[i] ) return( 1 ); if( X->p[i] < Y->p[i] ) return( -1 ); } return( 0 ); } /* * Compare signed values */ int mpi_cmp_mpi( const mpi *X, const mpi *Y ) { int i, j; for( i = X->n - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) if( X->p[i] != 0 ) break; for( j = Y->n - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) if( Y->p[j] != 0 ) break; if( i < 0 && j < 0 ) return( 0 ); if( i > j ) return( X->s ); if( j > i ) return( -X->s ); if( X->s > 0 && Y->s < 0 ) return( 1 ); if( Y->s > 0 && X->s < 0 ) return( -1 ); for( ; i >= 0; i-- ) { if( X->p[i] > Y->p[i] ) return( X->s ); if( X->p[i] < Y->p[i] ) return( -X->s ); } return( 0 ); } /* * Compare signed values */ int mpi_cmp_int( const mpi *X, int z ) { mpi Y; t_int p[1]; *p = ( z < 0 ) ? -z : z; Y.s = ( z < 0 ) ? -1 : 1; Y.n = 1; Y.p = p; return( mpi_cmp_mpi( X, &Y ) ); } /* * Unsigned addition: X = |A| + |B| (HAC 14.7) */ int mpi_add_abs( mpi *X, const mpi *A, const mpi *B ) { int ret, i, j; t_int *o, *p, c; if( X == B ) { const mpi *T = A; A = X; B = T; } if( X != A ) MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( X, A ) ); /* * X should always be positive as a result of unsigned additions. */ X->s = 1; for( j = B->n - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) if( B->p[j] != 0 ) break; MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( X, j + 1 ) ); o = B->p; p = X->p; c = 0; for( i = 0; i <= j; i++, o++, p++ ) { *p += c; c = ( *p < c ); *p += *o; c += ( *p < *o ); } while( c != 0 ) { if( i >= X->n ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( X, i + 1 ) ); p = X->p + i; } *p += c; c = ( *p < c ); i++; } cleanup: return( ret ); } /* * Helper for mpi substraction */ static void mpi_sub_hlp( int n, t_int *s, t_int *d ) { int i; t_int c, z; for( i = c = 0; i < n; i++, s++, d++ ) { z = ( *d < c ); *d -= c; c = ( *d < *s ) + z; *d -= *s; } while( c != 0 ) { z = ( *d < c ); *d -= c; c = z; i++; d++; } } /* * Unsigned substraction: X = |A| - |B| (HAC 14.9) */ int mpi_sub_abs( mpi *X, const mpi *A, const mpi *B ) { mpi TB; int ret, n; if( mpi_cmp_abs( A, B ) < 0 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_NEGATIVE_VALUE ); mpi_init( &TB, NULL ); if( X == B ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( &TB, B ) ); B = &TB; } if( X != A ) MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( X, A ) ); /* * X should always be positive as a result of unsigned substractions. */ X->s = 1; ret = 0; for( n = B->n - 1; n >= 0; n-- ) if( B->p[n] != 0 ) break; mpi_sub_hlp( n + 1, B->p, X->p ); cleanup: mpi_free( &TB, NULL ); return( ret ); } /* * Signed addition: X = A + B */ int mpi_add_mpi( mpi *X, const mpi *A, const mpi *B ) { int ret, s = A->s; if( A->s * B->s < 0 ) { if( mpi_cmp_abs( A, B ) >= 0 ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_abs( X, A, B ) ); X->s = s; } else { MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_abs( X, B, A ) ); X->s = -s; } } else { MPI_CHK( mpi_add_abs( X, A, B ) ); X->s = s; } cleanup: return( ret ); } /* * Signed substraction: X = A - B */ int mpi_sub_mpi( mpi *X, const mpi *A, const mpi *B ) { int ret, s = A->s; if( A->s * B->s > 0 ) { if( mpi_cmp_abs( A, B ) >= 0 ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_abs( X, A, B ) ); X->s = s; } else { MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_abs( X, B, A ) ); X->s = -s; } } else { MPI_CHK( mpi_add_abs( X, A, B ) ); X->s = s; } cleanup: return( ret ); } /* * Signed addition: X = A + b */ int mpi_add_int( mpi *X, const mpi *A, int b ) { mpi _B; t_int p[1]; p[0] = ( b < 0 ) ? -b : b; _B.s = ( b < 0 ) ? -1 : 1; _B.n = 1; _B.p = p; return( mpi_add_mpi( X, A, &_B ) ); } /* * Signed substraction: X = A - b */ int mpi_sub_int( mpi *X, const mpi *A, int b ) { mpi _B; t_int p[1]; p[0] = ( b < 0 ) ? -b : b; _B.s = ( b < 0 ) ? -1 : 1; _B.n = 1; _B.p = p; return( mpi_sub_mpi( X, A, &_B ) ); } /* * Helper for mpi multiplication */ static void mpi_mul_hlp( int i, t_int *s, t_int *d, t_int b ) { t_int c = 0, t = 0; #if defined(MULADDC_HUIT) for( ; i >= 8; i -= 8 ) { MULADDC_INIT MULADDC_HUIT MULADDC_STOP } for( ; i > 0; i-- ) { MULADDC_INIT MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_STOP } #else for( ; i >= 16; i -= 16 ) { MULADDC_INIT MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_STOP } for( ; i >= 8; i -= 8 ) { MULADDC_INIT MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_STOP } for( ; i > 0; i-- ) { MULADDC_INIT MULADDC_CORE MULADDC_STOP } #endif t++; do { *d += c; c = ( *d < c ); d++; } while( c != 0 ); } /* * Baseline multiplication: X = A * B (HAC 14.12) */ int mpi_mul_mpi( mpi *X, const mpi *A, const mpi *B ) { int ret, i, j; mpi TA, TB; mpi_init( &TA, &TB, NULL ); if( X == A ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( &TA, A ) ); A = &TA; } if( X == B ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( &TB, B ) ); B = &TB; } for( i = A->n - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) if( A->p[i] != 0 ) break; for( j = B->n - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) if( B->p[j] != 0 ) break; MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( X, i + j + 2 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( X, 0 ) ); for( i++; j >= 0; j-- ) mpi_mul_hlp( i, A->p, X->p + j, B->p[j] ); X->s = A->s * B->s; cleanup: mpi_free( &TB, &TA, NULL ); return( ret ); } /* * Baseline multiplication: X = A * b */ int mpi_mul_int( mpi *X, const mpi *A, t_int b ) { mpi _B; t_int p[1]; _B.s = 1; _B.n = 1; _B.p = p; p[0] = b; return( mpi_mul_mpi( X, A, &_B ) ); } /* * Division by mpi: A = Q * B + R (HAC 14.20) */ int mpi_div_mpi( mpi *Q, mpi *R, const mpi *A, const mpi *B ) { int ret, i, n, t, k; mpi X, Y, Z, T1, T2; if( mpi_cmp_int( B, 0 ) == 0 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_DIVISION_BY_ZERO ); mpi_init( &X, &Y, &Z, &T1, &T2, NULL ); if( mpi_cmp_abs( A, B ) < 0 ) { if( Q != NULL ) MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( Q, 0 ) ); if( R != NULL ) MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( R, A ) ); return( 0 ); } MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( &X, A ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( &Y, B ) ); X.s = Y.s = 1; MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( &Z, A->n + 2 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( &Z, 0 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( &T1, 2 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( &T2, 3 ) ); k = mpi_msb( &Y ) % biL; if( k < (int) biL - 1 ) { k = biL - 1 - k; MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_l( &X, k ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_l( &Y, k ) ); } else k = 0; n = X.n - 1; t = Y.n - 1; mpi_shift_l( &Y, biL * (n - t) ); while( mpi_cmp_mpi( &X, &Y ) >= 0 ) { Z.p[n - t]++; mpi_sub_mpi( &X, &X, &Y ); } mpi_shift_r( &Y, biL * (n - t) ); for( i = n; i > t ; i-- ) { if( X.p[i] >= Y.p[t] ) Z.p[i - t - 1] = ~0; else { #if defined(POLARSSL_HAVE_LONGLONG) t_dbl r; r = (t_dbl) X.p[i] << biL; r |= (t_dbl) X.p[i - 1]; r /= Y.p[t]; if( r > ((t_dbl) 1 << biL) - 1) r = ((t_dbl) 1 << biL) - 1; Z.p[i - t - 1] = (t_int) r; #else /* * __udiv_qrnnd_c, from gmp/longlong.h */ t_int q0, q1, r0, r1; t_int d0, d1, d, m; d = Y.p[t]; d0 = ( d << biH ) >> biH; d1 = ( d >> biH ); q1 = X.p[i] / d1; r1 = X.p[i] - d1 * q1; r1 <<= biH; r1 |= ( X.p[i - 1] >> biH ); m = q1 * d0; if( r1 < m ) { q1--, r1 += d; while( r1 >= d && r1 < m ) q1--, r1 += d; } r1 -= m; q0 = r1 / d1; r0 = r1 - d1 * q0; r0 <<= biH; r0 |= ( X.p[i - 1] << biH ) >> biH; m = q0 * d0; if( r0 < m ) { q0--, r0 += d; while( r0 >= d && r0 < m ) q0--, r0 += d; } r0 -= m; Z.p[i - t - 1] = ( q1 << biH ) | q0; #endif } Z.p[i - t - 1]++; do { Z.p[i - t - 1]--; MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( &T1, 0 ) ); T1.p[0] = (t < 1) ? 0 : Y.p[t - 1]; T1.p[1] = Y.p[t]; MPI_CHK( mpi_mul_int( &T1, &T1, Z.p[i - t - 1] ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( &T2, 0 ) ); T2.p[0] = (i < 2) ? 0 : X.p[i - 2]; T2.p[1] = (i < 1) ? 0 : X.p[i - 1]; T2.p[2] = X.p[i]; } while( mpi_cmp_mpi( &T1, &T2 ) > 0 ); MPI_CHK( mpi_mul_int( &T1, &Y, Z.p[i - t - 1] ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_l( &T1, biL * (i - t - 1) ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_mpi( &X, &X, &T1 ) ); if( mpi_cmp_int( &X, 0 ) < 0 ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( &T1, &Y ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_l( &T1, biL * (i - t - 1) ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_add_mpi( &X, &X, &T1 ) ); Z.p[i - t - 1]--; } } if( Q != NULL ) { mpi_copy( Q, &Z ); Q->s = A->s * B->s; } if( R != NULL ) { mpi_shift_r( &X, k ); mpi_copy( R, &X ); R->s = A->s; if( mpi_cmp_int( R, 0 ) == 0 ) R->s = 1; } cleanup: mpi_free( &X, &Y, &Z, &T1, &T2, NULL ); return( ret ); } /* * Division by int: A = Q * b + R * * Returns 0 if successful * 1 if memory allocation failed * POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_DIVISION_BY_ZERO if b == 0 */ int mpi_div_int( mpi *Q, mpi *R, const mpi *A, int b ) { mpi _B; t_int p[1]; p[0] = ( b < 0 ) ? -b : b; _B.s = ( b < 0 ) ? -1 : 1; _B.n = 1; _B.p = p; return( mpi_div_mpi( Q, R, A, &_B ) ); } /* * Modulo: R = A mod B */ int mpi_mod_mpi( mpi *R, const mpi *A, const mpi *B ) { int ret; if( mpi_cmp_int( B, 0 ) < 0 ) return POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_NEGATIVE_VALUE; MPI_CHK( mpi_div_mpi( NULL, R, A, B ) ); while( mpi_cmp_int( R, 0 ) < 0 ) MPI_CHK( mpi_add_mpi( R, R, B ) ); while( mpi_cmp_mpi( R, B ) >= 0 ) MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_mpi( R, R, B ) ); cleanup: return( ret ); } /* * Modulo: r = A mod b */ int mpi_mod_int( t_int *r, const mpi *A, int b ) { int i; t_int x, y, z; if( b == 0 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_DIVISION_BY_ZERO ); if( b < 0 ) return POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_NEGATIVE_VALUE; /* * handle trivial cases */ if( b == 1 ) { *r = 0; return( 0 ); } if( b == 2 ) { *r = A->p[0] & 1; return( 0 ); } /* * general case */ for( i = A->n - 1, y = 0; i >= 0; i-- ) { x = A->p[i]; y = ( y << biH ) | ( x >> biH ); z = y / b; y -= z * b; x <<= biH; y = ( y << biH ) | ( x >> biH ); z = y / b; y -= z * b; } /* * If A is negative, then the current y represents a negative value. * Flipping it to the positive side. */ if( A->s < 0 && y != 0 ) y = b - y; *r = y; return( 0 ); } /* * Fast Montgomery initialization (thanks to Tom St Denis) */ static void mpi_montg_init( t_int *mm, const mpi *N ) { t_int x, m0 = N->p[0]; x = m0; x += ( ( m0 + 2 ) & 4 ) << 1; x *= ( 2 - ( m0 * x ) ); if( biL >= 16 ) x *= ( 2 - ( m0 * x ) ); if( biL >= 32 ) x *= ( 2 - ( m0 * x ) ); if( biL >= 64 ) x *= ( 2 - ( m0 * x ) ); *mm = ~x + 1; } /* * Montgomery multiplication: A = A * B * R^-1 mod N (HAC 14.36) */ static void mpi_montmul( mpi *A, const mpi *B, const mpi *N, t_int mm, const mpi *T ) { int i, n, m; t_int u0, u1, *d; memset( T->p, 0, T->n * ciL ); d = T->p; n = N->n; m = ( B->n < n ) ? B->n : n; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { /* * T = (T + u0*B + u1*N) / 2^biL */ u0 = A->p[i]; u1 = ( d[0] + u0 * B->p[0] ) * mm; mpi_mul_hlp( m, B->p, d, u0 ); mpi_mul_hlp( n, N->p, d, u1 ); *d++ = u0; d[n + 1] = 0; } memcpy( A->p, d, (n + 1) * ciL ); if( mpi_cmp_abs( A, N ) >= 0 ) mpi_sub_hlp( n, N->p, A->p ); else /* prevent timing attacks */ mpi_sub_hlp( n, A->p, T->p ); } /* * Montgomery reduction: A = A * R^-1 mod N */ static void mpi_montred( mpi *A, const mpi *N, t_int mm, const mpi *T ) { t_int z = 1; mpi U; U.n = U.s = z; U.p = &z; mpi_montmul( A, &U, N, mm, T ); } /* * Sliding-window exponentiation: X = A^E mod N (HAC 14.85) */ int mpi_exp_mod( mpi *X, const mpi *A, const mpi *E, const mpi *N, mpi *_RR ) { int ret, i, j, wsize, wbits; int bufsize, nblimbs, nbits; t_int ei, mm, state; mpi RR, T, W[64]; if( mpi_cmp_int( N, 0 ) < 0 || ( N->p[0] & 1 ) == 0 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); /* * Init temps and window size */ mpi_montg_init( &mm, N ); mpi_init( &RR, &T, NULL ); memset( W, 0, sizeof( W ) ); i = mpi_msb( E ); wsize = ( i > 671 ) ? 6 : ( i > 239 ) ? 5 : ( i > 79 ) ? 4 : ( i > 23 ) ? 3 : 1; j = N->n + 1; MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( X, j ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( &W[1], j ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( &T, j * 2 ) ); /* * If 1st call, pre-compute R^2 mod N */ if( _RR == NULL || _RR->p == NULL ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( &RR, 1 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_l( &RR, N->n * 2 * biL ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_mod_mpi( &RR, &RR, N ) ); if( _RR != NULL ) memcpy( _RR, &RR, sizeof( mpi ) ); } else memcpy( &RR, _RR, sizeof( mpi ) ); /* * W[1] = A * R^2 * R^-1 mod N = A * R mod N */ if( mpi_cmp_mpi( A, N ) >= 0 ) mpi_mod_mpi( &W[1], A, N ); else mpi_copy( &W[1], A ); mpi_montmul( &W[1], &RR, N, mm, &T ); /* * X = R^2 * R^-1 mod N = R mod N */ MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( X, &RR ) ); mpi_montred( X, N, mm, &T ); if( wsize > 1 ) { /* * W[1 << (wsize - 1)] = W[1] ^ (wsize - 1) */ j = 1 << (wsize - 1); MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( &W[j], N->n + 1 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( &W[j], &W[1] ) ); for( i = 0; i < wsize - 1; i++ ) mpi_montmul( &W[j], &W[j], N, mm, &T ); /* * W[i] = W[i - 1] * W[1] */ for( i = j + 1; i < (1 << wsize); i++ ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( &W[i], N->n + 1 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( &W[i], &W[i - 1] ) ); mpi_montmul( &W[i], &W[1], N, mm, &T ); } } nblimbs = E->n; bufsize = 0; nbits = 0; wbits = 0; state = 0; while( 1 ) { if( bufsize == 0 ) { if( nblimbs-- == 0 ) break; bufsize = sizeof( t_int ) << 3; } bufsize--; ei = (E->p[nblimbs] >> bufsize) & 1; /* * skip leading 0s */ if( ei == 0 && state == 0 ) continue; if( ei == 0 && state == 1 ) { /* * out of window, square X */ mpi_montmul( X, X, N, mm, &T ); continue; } /* * add ei to current window */ state = 2; nbits++; wbits |= (ei << (wsize - nbits)); if( nbits == wsize ) { /* * X = X^wsize R^-1 mod N */ for( i = 0; i < wsize; i++ ) mpi_montmul( X, X, N, mm, &T ); /* * X = X * W[wbits] R^-1 mod N */ mpi_montmul( X, &W[wbits], N, mm, &T ); state--; nbits = 0; wbits = 0; } } /* * process the remaining bits */ for( i = 0; i < nbits; i++ ) { mpi_montmul( X, X, N, mm, &T ); wbits <<= 1; if( (wbits & (1 << wsize)) != 0 ) mpi_montmul( X, &W[1], N, mm, &T ); } /* * X = A^E * R * R^-1 mod N = A^E mod N */ mpi_montred( X, N, mm, &T ); cleanup: for( i = (1 << (wsize - 1)); i < (1 << wsize); i++ ) mpi_free( &W[i], NULL ); if( _RR != NULL ) mpi_free( &W[1], &T, NULL ); else mpi_free( &W[1], &T, &RR, NULL ); return( ret ); } /* * Greatest common divisor: G = gcd(A, B) (HAC 14.54) */ int mpi_gcd( mpi *G, const mpi *A, const mpi *B ) { int ret, lz, lzt; mpi TG, TA, TB; mpi_init( &TG, &TA, &TB, NULL ); MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( &TA, A ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( &TB, B ) ); lz = mpi_lsb( &TA ); lzt = mpi_lsb( &TB ); if ( lzt < lz ) lz = lzt; MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &TA, lz ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &TB, lz ) ); TA.s = TB.s = 1; while( mpi_cmp_int( &TA, 0 ) != 0 ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &TA, mpi_lsb( &TA ) ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &TB, mpi_lsb( &TB ) ) ); if( mpi_cmp_mpi( &TA, &TB ) >= 0 ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_abs( &TA, &TA, &TB ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &TA, 1 ) ); } else { MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_abs( &TB, &TB, &TA ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &TB, 1 ) ); } } MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_l( &TB, lz ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( G, &TB ) ); cleanup: mpi_free( &TB, &TA, &TG, NULL ); return( ret ); } #if defined(POLARSSL_GENPRIME) /* * Modular inverse: X = A^-1 mod N (HAC 14.61 / 14.64) */ int mpi_inv_mod( mpi *X, const mpi *A, const mpi *N ) { int ret; mpi G, TA, TU, U1, U2, TB, TV, V1, V2; if( mpi_cmp_int( N, 0 ) <= 0 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); mpi_init( &TA, &TU, &U1, &U2, &G, &TB, &TV, &V1, &V2, NULL ); MPI_CHK( mpi_gcd( &G, A, N ) ); if( mpi_cmp_int( &G, 1 ) != 0 ) { ret = POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_NOT_ACCEPTABLE; goto cleanup; } MPI_CHK( mpi_mod_mpi( &TA, A, N ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( &TU, &TA ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( &TB, N ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( &TV, N ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( &U1, 1 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( &U2, 0 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( &V1, 0 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( &V2, 1 ) ); do { while( ( TU.p[0] & 1 ) == 0 ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &TU, 1 ) ); if( ( U1.p[0] & 1 ) != 0 || ( U2.p[0] & 1 ) != 0 ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_add_mpi( &U1, &U1, &TB ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_mpi( &U2, &U2, &TA ) ); } MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &U1, 1 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &U2, 1 ) ); } while( ( TV.p[0] & 1 ) == 0 ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &TV, 1 ) ); if( ( V1.p[0] & 1 ) != 0 || ( V2.p[0] & 1 ) != 0 ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_add_mpi( &V1, &V1, &TB ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_mpi( &V2, &V2, &TA ) ); } MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &V1, 1 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &V2, 1 ) ); } if( mpi_cmp_mpi( &TU, &TV ) >= 0 ) { MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_mpi( &TU, &TU, &TV ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_mpi( &U1, &U1, &V1 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_mpi( &U2, &U2, &V2 ) ); } else { MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_mpi( &TV, &TV, &TU ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_mpi( &V1, &V1, &U1 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_mpi( &V2, &V2, &U2 ) ); } } while( mpi_cmp_int( &TU, 0 ) != 0 ); while( mpi_cmp_int( &V1, 0 ) < 0 ) MPI_CHK( mpi_add_mpi( &V1, &V1, N ) ); while( mpi_cmp_mpi( &V1, N ) >= 0 ) MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_mpi( &V1, &V1, N ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( X, &V1 ) ); cleanup: mpi_free( &V2, &V1, &TV, &TB, &G, &U2, &U1, &TU, &TA, NULL ); return( ret ); } static const int small_prime[] = { 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997, -103 }; /* * Miller-Rabin primality test (HAC 4.24) */ int mpi_is_prime( mpi *X, int (*f_rng)(void *), void *p_rng ) { int ret, i, j, n, s, xs; mpi W, R, T, A, RR; unsigned char *p; if( mpi_cmp_int( X, 0 ) == 0 || mpi_cmp_int( X, 1 ) == 0 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_NOT_ACCEPTABLE ); if( mpi_cmp_int( X, 2 ) == 0 ) return( 0 ); mpi_init( &W, &R, &T, &A, &RR, NULL ); xs = X->s; X->s = 1; /* * test trivial factors first */ if( ( X->p[0] & 1 ) == 0 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_NOT_ACCEPTABLE ); for( i = 0; small_prime[i] > 0; i++ ) { t_int r; if( mpi_cmp_int( X, small_prime[i] ) <= 0 ) return( 0 ); MPI_CHK( mpi_mod_int( &r, X, small_prime[i] ) ); if( r == 0 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_NOT_ACCEPTABLE ); } /* * W = |X| - 1 * R = W >> lsb( W ) */ s = mpi_lsb( &W ); MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_int( &W, X, 1 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_copy( &R, &W ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &R, s ) ); i = mpi_msb( X ); /* * HAC, table 4.4 */ n = ( ( i >= 1300 ) ? 2 : ( i >= 850 ) ? 3 : ( i >= 650 ) ? 4 : ( i >= 350 ) ? 8 : ( i >= 250 ) ? 12 : ( i >= 150 ) ? 18 : 27 ); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { /* * pick a random A, 1 < A < |X| - 1 */ MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( &A, X->n ) ); p = (unsigned char *) A.p; for( j = 0; j < A.n * ciL; j++ ) *p++ = (unsigned char) f_rng( p_rng ); j = mpi_msb( &A ) - mpi_msb( &W ); MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &A, j + 1 ) ); A.p[0] |= 3; /* * A = A^R mod |X| */ MPI_CHK( mpi_exp_mod( &A, &A, &R, X, &RR ) ); if( mpi_cmp_mpi( &A, &W ) == 0 || mpi_cmp_int( &A, 1 ) == 0 ) continue; j = 1; while( j < s && mpi_cmp_mpi( &A, &W ) != 0 ) { /* * A = A * A mod |X| */ MPI_CHK( mpi_mul_mpi( &T, &A, &A ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_mod_mpi( &A, &T, X ) ); if( mpi_cmp_int( &A, 1 ) == 0 ) break; j++; } /* * not prime if A != |X| - 1 or A == 1 */ if( mpi_cmp_mpi( &A, &W ) != 0 || mpi_cmp_int( &A, 1 ) == 0 ) { ret = POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_NOT_ACCEPTABLE; break; } } cleanup: X->s = xs; mpi_free( &RR, &A, &T, &R, &W, NULL ); return( ret ); } /* * Prime number generation */ int mpi_gen_prime( mpi *X, int nbits, int dh_flag, int (*f_rng)(void *), void *p_rng ) { int ret, k, n; unsigned char *p; mpi Y; if( nbits < 3 ) return( POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_BAD_INPUT_DATA ); mpi_init( &Y, NULL ); n = BITS_TO_LIMBS( nbits ); MPI_CHK( mpi_grow( X, n ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( X, 0 ) ); p = (unsigned char *) X->p; for( k = 0; k < X->n * ciL; k++ ) *p++ = (unsigned char) f_rng( p_rng ); k = mpi_msb( X ); if( k < nbits ) MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_l( X, nbits - k ) ); if( k > nbits ) MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( X, k - nbits ) ); X->p[0] |= 3; if( dh_flag == 0 ) { while( ( ret = mpi_is_prime( X, f_rng, p_rng ) ) != 0 ) { if( ret != POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_NOT_ACCEPTABLE ) goto cleanup; MPI_CHK( mpi_add_int( X, X, 2 ) ); } } else { MPI_CHK( mpi_sub_int( &Y, X, 1 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &Y, 1 ) ); while( 1 ) { if( ( ret = mpi_is_prime( X, f_rng, p_rng ) ) == 0 ) { if( ( ret = mpi_is_prime( &Y, f_rng, p_rng ) ) == 0 ) break; if( ret != POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_NOT_ACCEPTABLE ) goto cleanup; } if( ret != POLARSSL_ERR_MPI_NOT_ACCEPTABLE ) goto cleanup; MPI_CHK( mpi_add_int( &Y, X, 1 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_add_int( X, X, 2 ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_shift_r( &Y, 1 ) ); } } cleanup: mpi_free( &Y, NULL ); return( ret ); } #endif #if defined(POLARSSL_SELF_TEST) #define GCD_PAIR_COUNT 3 static const int gcd_pairs[GCD_PAIR_COUNT][3] = { { 693, 609, 21 }, { 1764, 868, 28 }, { 768454923, 542167814, 1 } }; /* * Checkup routine */ int mpi_self_test( int verbose ) { int ret, i; mpi A, E, N, X, Y, U, V; mpi_init( &A, &E, &N, &X, &Y, &U, &V, NULL ); MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &A, 16, "EFE021C2645FD1DC586E69184AF4A31E" \ "D5F53E93B5F123FA41680867BA110131" \ "944FE7952E2517337780CB0DB80E61AA" \ "E7C8DDC6C5C6AADEB34EB38A2F40D5E6" ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &E, 16, "B2E7EFD37075B9F03FF989C7C5051C20" \ "34D2A323810251127E7BF8625A4F49A5" \ "F3E27F4DA8BD59C47D6DAABA4C8127BD" \ "5B5C25763222FEFCCFC38B832366C29E" ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &N, 16, "0066A198186C18C10B2F5ED9B522752A" \ "9830B69916E535C8F047518A889A43A5" \ "94B6BED27A168D31D4A52F88925AA8F5" ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_mul_mpi( &X, &A, &N ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &U, 16, "602AB7ECA597A3D6B56FF9829A5E8B85" \ "9E857EA95A03512E2BAE7391688D264A" \ "A5663B0341DB9CCFD2C4C5F421FEC814" \ "8001B72E848A38CAE1C65F78E56ABDEF" \ "E12D3C039B8A02D6BE593F0BBBDA56F1" \ "ECF677152EF804370C1A305CAF3B5BF1" \ "30879B56C61DE584A0F53A2447A51E" ) ); if( verbose != 0 ) printf( " MPI test #1 (mul_mpi): " ); if( mpi_cmp_mpi( &X, &U ) != 0 ) { if( verbose != 0 ) printf( "failed\n" ); return( 1 ); } if( verbose != 0 ) printf( "passed\n" ); MPI_CHK( mpi_div_mpi( &X, &Y, &A, &N ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &U, 16, "256567336059E52CAE22925474705F39A94" ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &V, 16, "6613F26162223DF488E9CD48CC132C7A" \ "0AC93C701B001B092E4E5B9F73BCD27B" \ "9EE50D0657C77F374E903CDFA4C642" ) ); if( verbose != 0 ) printf( " MPI test #2 (div_mpi): " ); if( mpi_cmp_mpi( &X, &U ) != 0 || mpi_cmp_mpi( &Y, &V ) != 0 ) { if( verbose != 0 ) printf( "failed\n" ); return( 1 ); } if( verbose != 0 ) printf( "passed\n" ); MPI_CHK( mpi_exp_mod( &X, &A, &E, &N, NULL ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &U, 16, "36E139AEA55215609D2816998ED020BB" \ "BD96C37890F65171D948E9BC7CBAA4D9" \ "325D24D6A3C12710F10A09FA08AB87" ) ); if( verbose != 0 ) printf( " MPI test #3 (exp_mod): " ); if( mpi_cmp_mpi( &X, &U ) != 0 ) { if( verbose != 0 ) printf( "failed\n" ); return( 1 ); } if( verbose != 0 ) printf( "passed\n" ); MPI_CHK( mpi_inv_mod( &X, &A, &N ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &U, 16, "003A0AAEDD7E784FC07D8F9EC6E3BFD5" \ "C3DBA76456363A10869622EAC2DD84EC" \ "C5B8A74DAC4D09E03B5E0BE779F2DF61" ) ); if( verbose != 0 ) printf( " MPI test #4 (inv_mod): " ); if( mpi_cmp_mpi( &X, &U ) != 0 ) { if( verbose != 0 ) printf( "failed\n" ); return( 1 ); } if( verbose != 0 ) printf( "passed\n" ); if( verbose != 0 ) printf( " MPI test #5 (simple gcd): " ); for ( i = 0; i < GCD_PAIR_COUNT; i++) { MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( &X, gcd_pairs[i][0] ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_lset( &Y, gcd_pairs[i][1] ) ); MPI_CHK( mpi_gcd( &A, &X, &Y ) ); if( mpi_cmp_int( &A, gcd_pairs[i][2] ) != 0 ) { if( verbose != 0 ) printf( "failed at %d\n", i ); return( 1 ); } } if( verbose != 0 ) printf( "passed\n" ); cleanup: if( ret != 0 && verbose != 0 ) printf( "Unexpected error, return code = %08X\n", ret ); mpi_free( &V, &U, &Y, &X, &N, &E, &A, NULL ); if( verbose != 0 ) printf( "\n" ); return( ret ); } #endif #endif