#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ This script checks the current state of the source code for minor issues, including incorrect file permissions, presence of tabs, non-Unix line endings, trailing whitespace, and presence of UTF-8 BOM. Note: requires python 3, must be run from Mbed TLS root. """ import os import argparse import logging import codecs import re import subprocess import sys try: from typing import FrozenSet, Optional, Pattern # pylint: disable=unused-import except ImportError: pass class FileIssueTracker: """Base class for file-wide issue tracking. To implement a checker that processes a file as a whole, inherit from this class and implement `check_file_for_issue` and define ``heading``. ``suffix_exemptions``: files whose name ends with a string in this set will not be checked. ``path_exemptions``: files whose path (relative to the root of the source tree) matches this regular expression will not be checked. This can be ``None`` to match no path. Paths are normalized and converted to ``/`` separators before matching. ``heading``: human-readable description of the issue """ suffix_exemptions = frozenset() #type: FrozenSet[str] path_exemptions = None #type: Optional[Pattern[str]] # heading must be defined in derived classes. # pylint: disable=no-member def __init__(self): self.files_with_issues = {} @staticmethod def normalize_path(filepath): """Normalize ``filepath`` with / as the directory separator.""" filepath = os.path.normpath(filepath) # On Windows, we may have backslashes to separate directories. # We need slashes to match exemption lists. seps = os.path.sep if os.path.altsep is not None: seps += os.path.altsep return '/'.join(filepath.split(seps)) def should_check_file(self, filepath): """Whether the given file name should be checked. Files whose name ends with a string listed in ``self.suffix_exemptions`` or whose path matches ``self.path_exemptions`` will not be checked. """ for files_exemption in self.suffix_exemptions: if filepath.endswith(files_exemption): return False if self.path_exemptions and \ re.match(self.path_exemptions, self.normalize_path(filepath)): return False return True def check_file_for_issue(self, filepath): """Check the specified file for the issue that this class is for. Subclasses must implement this method. """ raise NotImplementedError def record_issue(self, filepath, line_number): """Record that an issue was found at the specified location.""" if filepath not in self.files_with_issues.keys(): self.files_with_issues[filepath] = [] self.files_with_issues[filepath].append(line_number) def output_file_issues(self, logger): """Log all the locations where the issue was found.""" if self.files_with_issues.values(): logger.info(self.heading) for filename, lines in sorted(self.files_with_issues.items()): if lines: logger.info("{}: {}".format( filename, ", ".join(str(x) for x in lines) )) else: logger.info(filename) logger.info("") BINARY_FILE_PATH_RE_LIST = [ r'docs/.*\.pdf\Z', r'programs/fuzz/corpuses/[^.]+\Z', r'tests/data_files/[^.]+\Z', r'tests/data_files/.*\.(crt|csr|db|der|key|pubkey)\Z', r'tests/data_files/.*\.req\.[^/]+\Z', r'tests/data_files/.*malformed[^/]+\Z', r'tests/data_files/format_pkcs12\.fmt\Z', ] BINARY_FILE_PATH_RE = re.compile('|'.join(BINARY_FILE_PATH_RE_LIST)) class LineIssueTracker(FileIssueTracker): """Base class for line-by-line issue tracking. To implement a checker that processes files line by line, inherit from this class and implement `line_with_issue`. """ # Exclude binary files. path_exemptions = BINARY_FILE_PATH_RE def issue_with_line(self, line, filepath): """Check the specified line for the issue that this class is for. Subclasses must implement this method. """ raise NotImplementedError def check_file_line(self, filepath, line, line_number): if self.issue_with_line(line, filepath): self.record_issue(filepath, line_number) def check_file_for_issue(self, filepath): """Check the lines of the specified file. Subclasses must implement the ``issue_with_line`` method. """ with open(filepath, "rb") as f: for i, line in enumerate(iter(f.readline, b"")): self.check_file_line(filepath, line, i + 1) def is_windows_file(filepath): _root, ext = os.path.splitext(filepath) return ext in ('.bat', '.dsp', '.dsw', '.sln', '.vcxproj') class PermissionIssueTracker(FileIssueTracker): """Track files with bad permissions. Files that are not executable scripts must not be executable.""" heading = "Incorrect permissions:" # .py files can be either full scripts or modules, so they may or may # not be executable. suffix_exemptions = frozenset({".py"}) def check_file_for_issue(self, filepath): is_executable = os.access(filepath, os.X_OK) should_be_executable = filepath.endswith((".sh", ".pl")) if is_executable != should_be_executable: self.files_with_issues[filepath] = None class ShebangIssueTracker(FileIssueTracker): """Track files with a bad, missing or extraneous shebang line. Executable scripts must start with a valid shebang (#!) line. """ heading = "Invalid shebang line:" # Allow either /bin/sh, /bin/bash, or /usr/bin/env. # Allow at most one argument (this is a Linux limitation). # For sh and bash, the argument if present must be options. # For env, the argument must be the base name of the interpeter. _shebang_re = re.compile(rb'^#! ?(?:/bin/(bash|sh)(?: -[^\n ]*)?' rb'|/usr/bin/env ([^\n /]+))$') _extensions = { b'bash': 'sh', b'perl': 'pl', b'python3': 'py', b'sh': 'sh', } def is_valid_shebang(self, first_line, filepath): m = re.match(self._shebang_re, first_line) if not m: return False interpreter = m.group(1) or m.group(2) if interpreter not in self._extensions: return False if not filepath.endswith('.' + self._extensions[interpreter]): return False return True def check_file_for_issue(self, filepath): is_executable = os.access(filepath, os.X_OK) with open(filepath, "rb") as f: first_line = f.readline() if first_line.startswith(b'#!'): if not is_executable: # Shebang on a non-executable file self.files_with_issues[filepath] = None elif not self.is_valid_shebang(first_line, filepath): self.files_with_issues[filepath] = [1] elif is_executable: # Executable without a shebang self.files_with_issues[filepath] = None class EndOfFileNewlineIssueTracker(FileIssueTracker): """Track files that end with an incomplete line (no newline character at the end of the last line).""" heading = "Missing newline at end of file:" path_exemptions = BINARY_FILE_PATH_RE def check_file_for_issue(self, filepath): with open(filepath, "rb") as f: try: f.seek(-1, 2) except OSError: # This script only works on regular files. If we can't seek # 1 before the end, it means that this position is before # the beginning of the file, i.e. that the file is empty. return if f.read(1) != b"\n": self.files_with_issues[filepath] = None class Utf8BomIssueTracker(FileIssueTracker): """Track files that start with a UTF-8 BOM. Files should be ASCII or UTF-8. Valid UTF-8 does not start with a BOM.""" heading = "UTF-8 BOM present:" suffix_exemptions = frozenset([".vcxproj", ".sln"]) path_exemptions = BINARY_FILE_PATH_RE def check_file_for_issue(self, filepath): with open(filepath, "rb") as f: if f.read().startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8): self.files_with_issues[filepath] = None class UnixLineEndingIssueTracker(LineIssueTracker): """Track files with non-Unix line endings (i.e. files with CR).""" heading = "Non-Unix line endings:" def should_check_file(self, filepath): if not super().should_check_file(filepath): return False return not is_windows_file(filepath) def issue_with_line(self, line, _filepath): return b"\r" in line class WindowsLineEndingIssueTracker(LineIssueTracker): """Track files with non-Windows line endings (i.e. CR or LF not in CRLF).""" heading = "Non-Windows line endings:" def should_check_file(self, filepath): if not super().should_check_file(filepath): return False return is_windows_file(filepath) def issue_with_line(self, line, _filepath): return not line.endswith(b"\r\n") or b"\r" in line[:-2] class TrailingWhitespaceIssueTracker(LineIssueTracker): """Track lines with trailing whitespace.""" heading = "Trailing whitespace:" suffix_exemptions = frozenset([".dsp", ".md"]) def issue_with_line(self, line, _filepath): return line.rstrip(b"\r\n") != line.rstrip() class TabIssueTracker(LineIssueTracker): """Track lines with tabs.""" heading = "Tabs present:" suffix_exemptions = frozenset([ ".pem", # some openssl dumps have tabs ".sln", "/Makefile", "/Makefile.inc", "/generate_visualc_files.pl", ]) def issue_with_line(self, line, _filepath): return b"\t" in line class MergeArtifactIssueTracker(LineIssueTracker): """Track lines with merge artifacts. These are leftovers from a ``git merge`` that wasn't fully edited.""" heading = "Merge artifact:" def issue_with_line(self, line, _filepath): # Detect leftover git conflict markers. if line.startswith(b'<<<<<<< ') or line.startswith(b'>>>>>>> '): return True if line.startswith(b'||||||| '): # from merge.conflictStyle=diff3 return True if line.rstrip(b'\r\n') == b'=======' and \ not _filepath.endswith('.md'): return True return False class IntegrityChecker: """Sanity-check files under the current directory.""" def __init__(self, log_file): """Instantiate the sanity checker. Check files under the current directory. Write a report of issues to log_file.""" self.check_repo_path() self.logger = None self.setup_logger(log_file) self.issues_to_check = [ PermissionIssueTracker(), ShebangIssueTracker(), EndOfFileNewlineIssueTracker(), Utf8BomIssueTracker(), UnixLineEndingIssueTracker(), WindowsLineEndingIssueTracker(), TrailingWhitespaceIssueTracker(), TabIssueTracker(), MergeArtifactIssueTracker(), ] @staticmethod def check_repo_path(): if not all(os.path.isdir(d) for d in ["include", "library", "tests"]): raise Exception("Must be run from Mbed TLS root") def setup_logger(self, log_file, level=logging.INFO): self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.logger.setLevel(level) if log_file: handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file) self.logger.addHandler(handler) else: console = logging.StreamHandler() self.logger.addHandler(console) @staticmethod def collect_files(): bytes_output = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'ls-files', '-z']) bytes_filepaths = bytes_output.split(b'\0')[:-1] ascii_filepaths = map(lambda fp: fp.decode('ascii'), bytes_filepaths) # Prepend './' to files in the top-level directory so that # something like `'/Makefile' in fp` matches in the top-level # directory as well as in subdirectories. return [fp if os.path.dirname(fp) else os.path.join(os.curdir, fp) for fp in ascii_filepaths] def check_files(self): for issue_to_check in self.issues_to_check: for filepath in self.collect_files(): if issue_to_check.should_check_file(filepath): issue_to_check.check_file_for_issue(filepath) def output_issues(self): integrity_return_code = 0 for issue_to_check in self.issues_to_check: if issue_to_check.files_with_issues: integrity_return_code = 1 issue_to_check.output_file_issues(self.logger) return integrity_return_code def run_main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--log_file", type=str, help="path to optional output log", ) check_args = parser.parse_args() integrity_check = IntegrityChecker(check_args.log_file) integrity_check.check_files() return_code = integrity_check.output_issues() sys.exit(return_code) if __name__ == "__main__": run_main()