{{ define "sidebar" }} {{ $gameId := .File.BaseFileName }} {{ $rating := index .Site.Data.compatibility .Params.compatibility }}
{{ $rating.name }}
{{ $rating.description }}
{{ range .Params.releases }}
{{ .id }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }} {{ define "main" }} {{ $gameId := .File.BaseFileName }} {{ $wikiId := .Params.wiki_override | default $gameId }} {{ $rating := index .Site.Data.compatibility .Params.compatibility }}
{{- if eq .Params.incomplete true }}

This page is considered INCOMPLETE due to any one of the following reasons:

  • Missing screenshots
  • Missing/insufficient wiki article
  • Unverified game compatibility rating

The information below may not accurately represent your experience.

Pages that are left incomplete may be subject for removal. We encourage you to submit additional content.

{{ end }}
{{ if .Content }}

The below game entry is based on user submitted content.

See a mistake? Want to contribute? Edit this article on Github

{{ else }}

The below game entry is based on user submitted content.

See a mistake? Want to contribute? Edit this article on Github

{{ end }}

{{ .Params.title }}

{{ .Description }}


{{ if .Content }} {{ .Content }} {{ else }}

This game does not yet have a wiki article.

Please use the edit button up above to create one.

{{ end }}


{{ if gt (len .Params.testcases) 0 }} {{ $siteCompatibility := .Site.Data.compatibility }} {{ range .Params.testcases }} {{- $rating := index $siteCompatibility .compatibility }} {{ end }}
Build Date Tested By Hardware Version Rating
{{ if isset . "buildDate" }} {{ dateFormat "01/2/2006" .buildDate }} {{ end }} {{ .author }} on {{ dateFormat "01/02/2006" .date }} {{ .cpu }}
{{ .gpu }}
{{ .os }}
{{ if isset . "buildName" }}{{ .buildName }} Build
{{ end }}{{ .version }}
{{ $rating.name}}
{{ else }}

This game is untested. Please play through this game and report your compatibility with this title.

{{ end }} {{ if gt (len .Params.issues) 0 }}

Known Issues

Title Created Last Updated
Pokemon Main Series (XY, ORAS, SM, USUM) - Hangs When Soft Resetting 4/30/2018 7/08/2018
{{ end }}


{{ $columns := 3 }} {{ if (where (readDir "/static/images/screenshots0") "Name" .File.BaseFileName) }}
{{ $files := readDir (printf "/static/images/screenshots0/%s/" .File.BaseFileName) }} {{ range $index, $element := (shuffle $files) }} {{ $fileTitle := (index (split .Name "-") 1) }} {{ $fileTitle := (index (split $fileTitle ".") 0) }} {{ if eq (mod $index $columns) (sub $columns 1) }}
{{ end }} {{ end }}
{{ else }}

No screenshots have been uploaded for this game.

{{ end }}
{{ end }}