(* .NET bindings for the UnicornEngine Emulator Engine Copyright(c) 2015 Antonio Parata This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *) namespace UnicornEngine open System open System.Threading open System.Collections.Generic open System.Runtime.InteropServices open UnicornEngine.Const // exported hooks type CodeHook = delegate of Unicorn * UInt64 * Int32 * Object -> unit and BlockHook = delegate of Unicorn * UInt64 * Int32 * Object -> unit and InterruptHook = delegate of Unicorn * Int32 * Object -> unit and MemReadHook = delegate of Unicorn * UInt64 * Int32 * Object -> unit and MemWriteHook = delegate of Unicorn * UInt64 * Int32 * UInt64 * Object -> unit and EventMemHook = delegate of Unicorn * UInt64 * Int32 * UInt64 * Object -> unit and InHook = delegate of Unicorn * Int32 * Int32 * Object -> unit and OutHook = delegate of Unicorn * Int32 * Int32 * Int32 * Object -> unit and SyscallHook = delegate of Unicorn * Object -> unit // the managed unicorn engine and Unicorn(arch: Int32, mode: Int32) = // hook callback list let _codeHooks = new Dictionary() let _blockHooks = new Dictionary() let _interruptHooks = new Dictionary() let _memReadHooks = new Dictionary() let _memWriteHooks = new Dictionary() let _memEventHooks = new Dictionary() let _inHooks = new Dictionary() let _outHooks = new Dictionary() let _syscallHooks = new Dictionary() let mutable _eng = [|UIntPtr.Zero|] let checkResult(errCode: Int32, errMsg: String) = if errCode <> Common.UC_ERR_OK then raise(ApplicationException(String.Format("{0}. Error: {1}", errMsg, errCode))) let getId = let counter = ref 0 fun () -> new IntPtr(Interlocked.Increment(counter)) let hookDel(callbacks: Dictionary) (callback: 'a)= // TODO: invoke the native function in order to not call the trampoline anymore callbacks.Keys |> Seq.tryFind(fun k -> match callbacks.[k] with | (c, _) -> c = callback) |> (fun k -> if k.IsSome then callbacks.Remove(k.Value) |> ignore) do let mem = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size) _eng <- [|new UIntPtr(mem.ToPointer())|] let err = NativeUnicornEngine.uc_open(uint32 arch, uint32 mode, _eng) checkResult(err, "Unable to open the Unicorn Engine") member private this.CheckResult(errorCode: Int32) = // return the exception instead of raising it in order to have a more meaningful stack trace if errorCode <> Common.UC_ERR_OK then let errorMessage = this.StrError(errorCode) Some <| UnicornEngineException(errorCode, errorMessage) else None member this.MemMap(address: UInt64, size: UIntPtr, perm: Int32) = match NativeUnicornEngine.mem_map(_eng.[0], address, size, uint32 perm) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.MemWrite(address: UInt64, value: Byte array) = match NativeUnicornEngine.mem_write(_eng.[0], address, value, new UIntPtr(uint32 value.Length)) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.MemRead(address: UInt64, memValue: Byte array) = match NativeUnicornEngine.mem_read(_eng.[0], address, memValue, new UIntPtr(uint32 memValue.Length)) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.RegWrite(regId: Int32, value: Byte array) = match NativeUnicornEngine.reg_write(_eng.[0], regId, value) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.RegRead(regId: Int32, regValue: Byte array) = match NativeUnicornEngine.reg_read(_eng.[0], regId, regValue) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.EmuStart(beginAddr: UInt64, untilAddr: UInt64, timeout: UInt64, count: UIntPtr) = match NativeUnicornEngine.emu_start(_eng.[0], beginAddr, untilAddr, timeout, count) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.EmuStop() = match NativeUnicornEngine.emu_stop(_eng.[0]) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.Close() = match NativeUnicornEngine.close(_eng.[0]) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.ArchSupported(arch: Int32) = NativeUnicornEngine.arch_supported(arch) member this.ErrNo() = NativeUnicornEngine.errno(_eng.[0]) member this.StrError(errorNo: Int32) = let errorStringPointer = NativeUnicornEngine.strerror(errorNo) Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(errorStringPointer) member this.AddCodeHook(callback: CodeHook, userData: Object, beginAdd: UInt64, endAddr: UInt64) = let trampoline(u: IntPtr) (addr: UInt64) (size: Int32) (user: IntPtr) = let (exist, (callback, userData)) = _codeHooks.TryGetValue(user) if exist then callback.Invoke(this, addr, size, userData) let id = getId() _codeHooks.Add(id, (callback, userData)) let funcPointer = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(new CodeHookInternal(trampoline)) let hh = new UIntPtr(Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size).ToPointer()) match NativeUnicornEngine.hook_add_arg0_arg1(_eng.[0], hh, Common.UC_HOOK_CODE, new UIntPtr(funcPointer.ToPointer()), id, beginAdd, endAddr) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.HookDel(callback: CodeHook) = hookDel _codeHooks callback member this.AddBlockHook(callback: BlockHook, userData: Object, beginAdd: UInt64, endAddr: UInt64) = let trampoline(u: IntPtr) (addr: UInt64) (size: Int32) (user: IntPtr) = let (exist, (callback, userData)) = _blockHooks.TryGetValue(user) if exist then callback.Invoke(this, addr, size, userData) let id = getId() _blockHooks.Add(id, (callback, userData)) let funcPointer = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(new BlockHookInternal(trampoline)) let hh = new UIntPtr(Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size).ToPointer()) match NativeUnicornEngine.hook_add_arg0_arg1(_eng.[0], hh, Common.UC_HOOK_BLOCK, new UIntPtr(funcPointer.ToPointer()), id, beginAdd, endAddr) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.HookDel(callback: BlockHook) = hookDel _blockHooks callback member this.AddInterruptHook(callback: InterruptHook, userData: Object) = let trampoline(u: IntPtr) (intNumber: Int32) (user: IntPtr) = let (exist, (callback, userData)) = _interruptHooks.TryGetValue(user) if exist then callback.Invoke(this, intNumber, userData) let id = getId() _interruptHooks.Add(id, (callback, userData)) let funcPointer = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(new InterruptHookInternal(trampoline)) let hh = new UIntPtr(Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size).ToPointer()) match NativeUnicornEngine.hook_add_noarg(_eng.[0], hh, Common.UC_HOOK_INTR, new UIntPtr(funcPointer.ToPointer()), id) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.HookDel(callback: InterruptHook) = hookDel _interruptHooks callback member this.AddMemReadHook(callback: MemReadHook, userData: Object, beginAdd: UInt64, endAddr: UInt64) = let trampoline(u: IntPtr) (addr: UInt64) (size: Int32) (user: IntPtr) = let (exist, (callback, userData)) = _memReadHooks.TryGetValue(user) if exist then callback.Invoke(this, addr, size, userData) let id = getId() _memReadHooks.Add(id, (callback, userData)) let funcPointer = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(new MemReadHookInternal(trampoline)) let hh = new UIntPtr(Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size).ToPointer()) match NativeUnicornEngine.hook_add_arg0_arg1(_eng.[0], hh, Common.UC_HOOK_MEM_READ, new UIntPtr(funcPointer.ToPointer()), id, beginAdd, endAddr) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.HookDel(callback: MemReadHook) = hookDel _memReadHooks callback member this.AddMemWriteHook(callback: MemWriteHook, userData: Object, beginAdd: UInt64, endAddr: UInt64) = let trampoline(u: IntPtr) (addr: UInt64) (size: Int32) (value: UInt64) (user: IntPtr) = let (exist, (callback, userData)) = _memWriteHooks.TryGetValue(user) if exist then callback.Invoke(this, addr, size, value, userData) let id = getId() _memWriteHooks.Add(id, (callback, userData)) let funcPointer = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(new MemWriteHookInternal(trampoline)) let hh = new UIntPtr(Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size).ToPointer()) match NativeUnicornEngine.hook_add_arg0_arg1(_eng.[0], hh, Common.UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE, new UIntPtr(funcPointer.ToPointer()), id, beginAdd, endAddr) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.HookDel(callback: MemWriteHook) = hookDel _memWriteHooks callback member this.AddEventMemHook(callback: EventMemHook, eventType: Int32, userData: Object) = let trampoline(u: IntPtr) (addr: UInt64) (size: Int32) (value: UInt64) (user: IntPtr) = let (exist, (callback, userData)) = _memEventHooks.TryGetValue(user) if exist then callback.Invoke(this, addr, size, value, userData) let registEventMemHook(check: Int32) = let id = getId() _memEventHooks.Add(id, (callback, userData)) let funcPointer = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(new EventMemHookInternal(trampoline)) let hh = new UIntPtr(Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size).ToPointer()) match NativeUnicornEngine.hook_add_noarg(_eng.[0], hh, check, new UIntPtr(funcPointer.ToPointer()), id) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () // test all the events types agains the input eventType [ Common.UC_HOOK_MEM_READ_UNMAPPED Common.UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE_UNMAPPED Common.UC_HOOK_MEM_FETCH_UNMAPPED Common.UC_HOOK_MEM_READ_PROT Common.UC_HOOK_MEM_WRITE_PROT Common.UC_HOOK_MEM_FETCH_PROT ] |> List.filter(fun eventFlag -> eventType &&& eventFlag <> 0) |> List.map registEventMemHook |> List.rev |> List.head member this.HookDel(callback: EventMemHook) = hookDel _memEventHooks callback member this.AddInHook(callback: InHook, userData: Object) = let trampoline(u: IntPtr) (port: Int32) (size: Int32) (user: IntPtr) = let (exist, (callback, userData)) = _inHooks.TryGetValue(user) if exist then callback.Invoke(this, port, size, userData) let id = getId() _inHooks.Add(id, (callback, userData)) let funcPointer = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(new InHookInternal(trampoline)) let hh = new UIntPtr(Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size).ToPointer()) match NativeUnicornEngine.hook_add_arg0(_eng.[0], hh, Common.UC_HOOK_INSN, new UIntPtr(funcPointer.ToPointer()), id, new IntPtr(X86.UC_X86_INS_IN)) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.AddOutHook(callback: OutHook, userData: Object) = let trampoline(u: IntPtr) (port: Int32) (size: Int32) (value: Int32) (user: IntPtr) = let (exist, (callback, userData)) = _outHooks.TryGetValue(user) if exist then callback.Invoke(this, port, size, value, userData) let id = getId() _outHooks.Add(id, (callback, userData)) let funcPointer = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(new OutHookInternal(trampoline)) let hh = new UIntPtr(Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size).ToPointer()) match NativeUnicornEngine.hook_add_arg0(_eng.[0], hh, Common.UC_HOOK_INSN, new UIntPtr(funcPointer.ToPointer()), id, new IntPtr(X86.UC_X86_INS_OUT)) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.AddSyscallHook(callback: SyscallHook, userData: Object) = let trampoline(u: IntPtr) (user: IntPtr) = let (exist, (callback, userData)) = _syscallHooks.TryGetValue(user) if exist then callback.Invoke(this, userData) let id = getId() _syscallHooks.Add(id, (callback, userData)) let funcPointer = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(new SyscallHookInternal(trampoline)) let hh = new UIntPtr(Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size).ToPointer()) match NativeUnicornEngine.hook_add_arg0(_eng.[0], hh, Common.UC_HOOK_INSN, new UIntPtr(funcPointer.ToPointer()), id, new IntPtr(X86.UC_X86_INS_SYSCALL)) |> this.CheckResult with | Some e -> raise e | None -> () member this.Version() = let (major, minor) = (new UIntPtr(), new UIntPtr()) let combined = NativeUnicornEngine.version(major, minor) (major.ToUInt32(), minor.ToUInt32(), combined)