ucvbshim.dll loaded @10000000
Unicorn version: 1.0
Disassembler available: True
Unicorn x86 32bit engine handle: 853FD8
starts at: 01000000  41                       inc ecx
readMem: 4141414141414242CC890DAAAAAAAA414A
start values ECX = 3 EDX = 15
beginning emulation..
> 01000000  41                       inc ecx
> 01000001  41                       inc ecx
> 01000002  41                       inc ecx
> 01000003  41                       inc ecx
changing eip to skip last inc ecx's and saving context...
> 01000006  42                       inc edx
> 01000007  42                       inc edx
> 01000008  CC                       int3 
Interrupt: 3
> 01000009  89 0D AA AA AA AA        mov [0xaaaaaaaa],ecx
Invalid mem access address: AAAAAAAA size: 4 type: Unmapped memory is written to
Quit emulation due to WRITE on unmapped memory: uc_emu_start()
ECX:  6 =? 6
EDX: 17 =? 17
EFL 4 P 
Initilizing sharedMemory with: aabbccddeeff0011223344556677889900
Wrote 0x41 to sharedMemory + 1
readByte = 41
emu read of sharedMemory: AA41CCDDEEFF0011223344556677889900000000
sanity checking host mem: AA41CCDDEEFF0011223344556677889900000000
Enumerating memory regions...
Addr: 1000000 Size: 200000 Perm: All (7)
Addr: 2000 Size: 1000 Perm: Read Write (3)
Addr: 4000 Size: 1000 Perm: All (7)
trying to restore context..
eax=0  ecx=6  edx=F  ebx=0  esp=0  ebp=0  esi=0  edi=0  eip=1000003  eflags=0   EFL 0 
beginning emulation..
> 01000003  41                       inc ecx
> 01000004  41                       inc ecx
> 01000005  41                       inc ecx
> 01000006  42                       inc edx
> 01000007  42                       inc edx
> 01000008  CC                       int3 
Interrupt: 3
> 01000009  89 0D AA AA AA AA        mov [0xaaaaaaaa],ecx
Invalid mem access address: AAAAAAAA size: 4 type: Unmapped memory is written to
Quit emulation due to WRITE on unmapped memory: uc_emu_start()
eax=0  ecx=9  edx=11  ebx=0  esp=0  ebp=0  esi=0  edi=0  eip=1000009  eflags=4   EFL 4 P 
releasing saved context..
Changed permissions on second alloc to ALL
redumping memory regions to check...
Addr: 1000000 Size: 200000 Perm: All (7)
Addr: 2000 Size: 1000 Perm: All (7)
Addr: 4000 Size: 1000 Perm: All (7)
Successfully unmapped new alloc
Mem allocs count now: 2