647 lines
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647 lines
18 KiB
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
#include "./stdafx.h"
#include "ShapeTextProperties.h"
#include "Fills/SolidFill.h"
#include "Fills/GradFill.h"
#include "../Slide.h"
#include "../SlideLayout.h"
#include "../SlideMaster.h"
namespace PPTX
namespace Logic
__forceinline WORD GetTextAnchorFromStr(const CString& str)
if (str == _T("t")) return 0;
if (str == _T("ctr")) return 1;
if (str == _T("b")) return 2;
return 0;
__forceinline WORD GetTextAlignFromStr(const CString& str)
if (str == _T("l")) return 0;
if (str == _T("ctr")) return 1;
if (str == _T("r")) return 2;
if (str == _T("just")) return 3;
if (str == _T("dist")) return 4;
if (str == _T("thaiDist")) return 5;
if (str == _T("justLow")) return 6;
return 0;
__forceinline WORD GetFontAlignFromStr(const CString& str)
if (str == _T("auto")) return 0;
if (str == _T("base")) return 0;
if (str == _T("t")) return 1;
if (str == _T("ctr")) return 2;
if (str == _T("b")) return 3;
return 0;
__forceinline int GetIntegerFromHex(const CString& string)
return XmlUtils::GetInteger(string);
m_lTextType = -1;
m_bIsFontRefFromSlide = false;
m_lMasterTextSize = -1;
m_bIsSlideShape = false;
m_masters = NULL;
m_pFile = NULL;
void CShapeTextProperties::FillTextType(const LONG& lTextMasterType)
m_lTextType = lTextMasterType;
void CShapeTextProperties::FillFromTextBody(const nullable<TxBody>& Src, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>* bodyStyles)
if (Src.IsInit())
if (Src->lstStyle.IsInit())
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (NULL == bodyStyles)
if (NULL != bodyStyles)
m_bIsSlideShape = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
m_body[i] = bodyStyles[i];
void CShapeTextProperties::FillFontRef(const FontRef& Src, const bool& bIsSlideProperty)
m_FontStyle = Src;
void CShapeTextProperties::FillMasterFontSize(int size)
m_lMasterTextSize = size;
nullable_base<WORD> CShapeTextProperties::GetParagraphAlgn(int level, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<WORD> prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->algn.is_init())
prop = GetTextAlignFromStr(pParagraph->algn->get());
return prop;
nullable_base<LONG> CShapeTextProperties::GetParagraphLeftMargin(int level, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<LONG> prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->marL.is_init())
prop = (LONG)pParagraph->marL.get();
return prop;
nullable_base<LONG> CShapeTextProperties::GetParagraphIndent(int level, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<LONG> prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->indent.is_init())
prop = pParagraph->indent.get();
return prop;
nullable_base<LONG> CShapeTextProperties::GetParagraphDefTabSz(int level, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<LONG> prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->defTabSz.is_init())
prop = (LONG)pParagraph->defTabSz.get();
return prop;
nullable_base<WORD> CShapeTextProperties::GetParagraphFontAlgn(int level, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<WORD> prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->fontAlgn.is_init())
prop = (WORD)GetFontAlignFromStr(pParagraph->fontAlgn->get());
return prop;
nullable_base<WORD> CShapeTextProperties::GetParagraphLatinLnBrk(int level, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<WORD> prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->latinLnBrk.is_init())
bool bWrap = pParagraph->latinLnBrk.get();
WORD lWrap = 0;
if (bWrap)
lWrap &= 0xFD;
lWrap |= 0x01;
lWrap &= 0xFE;
lWrap |= 0x02;
prop = lWrap;
return prop;
nullable_base<WORD> CShapeTextProperties::GetParagraphRtl(int level, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<WORD> prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->rtl.is_init())
WORD lVal = 0;
if (pParagraph->rtl.get())
lVal = 1;
prop = lVal;
return prop;
nullable_base<LONG> CShapeTextProperties::GetParagraphLnSpc(int level, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph, const double& LnSpcReduction)const
nullable_base<LONG> prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->lnSpc.is_init())
int space = pParagraph->lnSpc->GetVal();
if (space < 0)
prop = (LONG)(space * 127 * (1 - LnSpcReduction));
prop = (LONG)(space * (1 - LnSpcReduction));
return prop;
nullable_base<LONG> CShapeTextProperties::GetParagraphSpcAft(int level, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<LONG> prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->spcAft.is_init())
int space = pParagraph->spcAft->GetVal();
if (space < 0)
prop = (LONG)(space * 127);
prop = (LONG)space;
return prop;
nullable_base<LONG> CShapeTextProperties::GetParagraphSpcBef(int level, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<LONG> prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->spcBef.is_init())
int space = pParagraph->spcBef->GetVal();
if (space < 0)
prop = (LONG)(space * 127);
prop = (LONG)space;
return prop;
nullable_base<BOOL> CShapeTextProperties::GetHasBullet(int level, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<BOOL> prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->ParagraphBullet.is_init())
prop = (BOOL)pParagraph->ParagraphBullet.has_bullet();
return prop;
if (m_body[level].is_init())
if (m_body[level]->ParagraphBullet.is_init())
prop = (BOOL)m_body[level]->ParagraphBullet.has_bullet();
return prop;
if (m_levels[level].is_init())
if (m_levels[level]->ParagraphBullet.is_init())
prop = (BOOL)m_levels[level]->ParagraphBullet.has_bullet();
return prop;
return prop;
nullable_base<BOOL> CShapeTextProperties::GetRunBold(int level, const nullable<RunProperties>& pRun, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<BOOL> prop;
if (pRun.is_init())
if (pRun->b.is_init())
prop = (BOOL)pRun->b.get();
return prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->defRPr.is_init())
if (pParagraph->defRPr->b.is_init())
prop = (BOOL)pParagraph->defRPr->b.get();
return prop;
nullable_base<BOOL> CShapeTextProperties::GetRunItalic(int level, const nullable<RunProperties>& pRun, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<BOOL> prop;
if (pRun.is_init())
if (pRun->i.is_init())
prop = (BOOL)pRun->i.get();
return prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->defRPr.is_init())
if (pParagraph->defRPr->i.is_init())
prop = (BOOL)pParagraph->defRPr->i.get();
return prop;
nullable_base<BOOL> CShapeTextProperties::GetRunUnderline(int level, const nullable<RunProperties>& pRun, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<BOOL> prop;
if (pRun.is_init())
if (pRun->u.is_init())
prop = (_T("none") != pRun->u->get()) ? TRUE : FALSE;
return prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->defRPr.is_init())
if (pParagraph->defRPr->u.is_init())
prop = (_T("none") != pParagraph->defRPr->u->get()) ? TRUE : FALSE;
return prop;
return prop;
nullable_base<BOOL> CShapeTextProperties::GetRunStrike(int level, const nullable<RunProperties>& pRun, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<BOOL> prop;
if (pRun.is_init())
if (pRun->strike.is_init())
prop = (_T("noStrike") != pRun->strike->get()) ? TRUE : FALSE;
return prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->defRPr.is_init())
if (pParagraph->defRPr->strike.is_init())
prop = (_T("noStrike") != pParagraph->defRPr->strike->get()) ? TRUE : FALSE;
return prop;
nullable_base<WORD> CShapeTextProperties::GetRunCap(int level, const nullable<RunProperties>& pRun, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<WORD> prop;
if (pRun.is_init())
if (pRun->cap.is_init())
CString str = pRun->cap->get();
if (_T("all") == str)
prop = (WORD)1;
else if (_T("small") == str)
prop = (WORD)2;
prop = (WORD)0;
return prop;
CString str = pParagraph->defRPr->cap->get();
if (_T("all") == str)
prop = (WORD)1;
else if (_T("small") == str)
prop = (WORD)2;
prop = (WORD)0;
return prop;
nullable_base<double> CShapeTextProperties::GetRunBaseline(int level, const nullable<RunProperties>& pRun, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<double> prop;
if (pRun.is_init())
if (pRun->baseline.is_init())
prop = (double)pRun->baseline.get() / 1000;
return prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->defRPr.is_init())
if (pParagraph->defRPr->baseline.is_init())
prop = (double)pParagraph->defRPr->baseline.get() / 1000;
return prop;
nullable_base<WORD> CShapeTextProperties::GetRunSize(int level, const nullable<RunProperties>& pRun, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph, const double& FontScale)const
nullable_base<WORD> prop;
if (pRun.is_init())
if (pRun->sz.is_init())
int size = pRun->sz.get();
prop = (WORD)((size * FontScale + 50) / 100);
return prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->defRPr.is_init())
if (pParagraph->defRPr->sz.is_init())
int size = pParagraph->defRPr->sz.get();
prop = (WORD)((size * FontScale + 50) / 100);
return prop;
if (-1 != m_lMasterTextSize)
bool bIsSetUp = false;
if (m_levels[level].is_init())
if (m_levels[level]->defRPr.is_init())
if (m_levels[level]->defRPr->sz.is_init())
bIsSetUp = true;
if (!bIsSetUp)
if (m_body[level].is_init())
if (m_body[level]->defRPr.is_init())
if (m_body[level]->defRPr->sz.is_init())
bIsSetUp = true;
if (!bIsSetUp)
prop = (WORD)((double)(m_lMasterTextSize * FontScale + 50) / 100);
return prop;
nullable_base<CFontInfo> CShapeTextProperties::GetRunFont(int level, const nullable<RunProperties>& pRun, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
nullable_base<CFontInfo> prop;
if ((pRun.is_init()) && (pRun->latin.is_init()))
CFontInfo oInfo;
oInfo.strFontName = pRun->latin->typeface;
oInfo.strPanose = pRun->latin->panose.get_value_or(_T(""));
oInfo.strPitchFamily = pRun->latin->pitchFamily.get_value_or(_T(""));
oInfo.Charset = XmlUtils::GetInteger(pRun->latin->charset.get_value_or(_T("0")));
oInfo.FontRef = -1;
if (oInfo.strFontName == _T("+mj-lt"))
oInfo.strFontName = MajorLatin.typeface;
oInfo.FontRef = 0;
else if (oInfo.strFontName == _T("+mn-lt"))
oInfo.strFontName = MinorLatin.typeface;
oInfo.FontRef = 1;
else if (oInfo.strFontName == _T(""))
oInfo.strFontName = MinorLatin.typeface;
oInfo.FontRef = 1;
prop = oInfo;
else if ((pParagraph.is_init()) && (pParagraph->defRPr.is_init()) && (pParagraph->defRPr->latin.is_init()))
CFontInfo oInfo;
oInfo.strFontName = pParagraph->defRPr->latin->typeface;
oInfo.strPanose = pParagraph->defRPr->latin->panose.get_value_or(_T(""));
oInfo.strPitchFamily = pParagraph->defRPr->latin->pitchFamily.get_value_or(_T(""));
oInfo.Charset = XmlUtils::GetInteger(pParagraph->defRPr->latin->charset.get_value_or(_T("0")));
oInfo.FontRef = -1;
if (oInfo.strFontName == _T("+mj-lt"))
oInfo.strFontName = MajorLatin.typeface;
oInfo.FontRef = 0;
else if (oInfo.strFontName == _T("+mn-lt"))
oInfo.strFontName = MinorLatin.typeface;
oInfo.FontRef = 1;
else if (oInfo.strFontName == _T(""))
oInfo.strFontName = MinorLatin.typeface;
oInfo.FontRef = 1;
prop = oInfo;
return prop;
PPTX::Logic::UniColor CShapeTextProperties::GetColor(int level, const nullable<RunProperties>& pRun, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
PPTX::Logic::UniColor prop;
if (pRun.is_init())
if (pRun->Fill.is<SolidFill>())
prop = pRun->Fill.as<SolidFill>().Color;
return prop;
if (pRun->Fill.is<GradFill>())
prop = pRun->Fill.as<GradFill>().GetFrontColor();
return prop;
if ((pParagraph.is_init()) && (pParagraph->defRPr.is_init()))
if (pParagraph->defRPr->Fill.is<SolidFill>())
prop = pParagraph->defRPr->Fill.as<SolidFill>().Color;
return prop;
if (pParagraph->defRPr->Fill.is<GradFill>())
prop = pParagraph->defRPr->Fill.as<GradFill>().GetFrontColor();
return prop;
return prop;
PPTX::Logic::UniColor CShapeTextProperties::GetColorBullet(int level, const nullable<TextParagraphPr>& pParagraph)const
PPTX::Logic::UniColor prop;
if (pParagraph.is_init())
if (pParagraph->buColor.is_init())
if (pParagraph->buColor.is<Logic::BuClr>())
prop = pParagraph->buColor.as<Logic::BuClr>().Color;
return prop;
DWORD CShapeTextProperties::GetHyperlinkRGBA()const
return bodyPr.parentFileAs<Slide>().GetRGBAFromMap(_T("hlink"));
else if(bodyPr.parentFileIs<SlideLayout>())
return bodyPr.parentFileAs<SlideLayout>().GetRGBAFromMap(_T("hlink"));
else if(bodyPr.parentFileIs<SlideMaster>())
return bodyPr.parentFileAs<SlideMaster>().GetRGBAFromMap(_T("hlink"));
else return 0;
DWORD CShapeTextProperties::GetHyperlinkARGB()const
return bodyPr.parentFileAs<Slide>().GetARGBFromMap(_T("hlink"));
else if(bodyPr.parentFileIs<SlideLayout>())
return bodyPr.parentFileAs<SlideLayout>().GetARGBFromMap(_T("hlink"));
else if(bodyPr.parentFileIs<SlideMaster>())
return bodyPr.parentFileAs<SlideMaster>().GetARGBFromMap(_T("hlink"));
else return 0;
DWORD CShapeTextProperties::GetHyperlinkBGRA()const
return bodyPr.parentFileAs<Slide>().GetBGRAFromMap(_T("hlink"));
else if(bodyPr.parentFileIs<SlideLayout>())
return bodyPr.parentFileAs<SlideLayout>().GetBGRAFromMap(_T("hlink"));
else if(bodyPr.parentFileIs<SlideMaster>())
return bodyPr.parentFileAs<SlideMaster>().GetBGRAFromMap(_T("hlink"));
else return 0;
DWORD CShapeTextProperties::GetHyperlinkABGR()const
return bodyPr.parentFileAs<Slide>().GetABGRFromMap(_T("hlink"));
else if(bodyPr.parentFileIs<SlideLayout>())
return bodyPr.parentFileAs<SlideLayout>().GetABGRFromMap(_T("hlink"));
else if(bodyPr.parentFileIs<SlideMaster>())
return bodyPr.parentFileAs<SlideMaster>().GetABGRFromMap(_T("hlink"));
else return 0;
void CShapeTextProperties::SetParentFilePointer(const WrapperFile* pFile)
m_pFile = pFile;
} // namespace PPTX