798 lines
15 KiB
798 lines
15 KiB
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
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namespace c_oAscWrapStyle{enum c_oSerFormat
Inline = 0,
Flow = 1
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ErrorFormat = -2,
ErrorUnknown = -1,
ReadOk = 0,
ReadUnknown = 1,
ErrorStream = 0x55
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Signature = 0,
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Media = 2,
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HdrFtr = 4,
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Document = 6,
Other = 7,
Comments = 8,
Settings = 9
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Version = 0
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lvl_TextPr = 16,
Nums = 17,
Num = 18,
Num_ANumId = 19,
Num_NumId = 20,
lvl_PStyle = 21,
NumStyleLink = 22,
StyleLink = 23
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DocxTheme = 3
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Name = 0
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Src = 0
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Name = 0,
BasedOn = 1,
Next = 2
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Null = 0,
Byte = 1,
Short = 2,
Three = 3,
Long = 4,
Double = 5,
Variable = 6
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DefpPr = 0,
DefrPr = 1,
Styles = 2
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Style = 0,
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Style_Name = 2,
Style_BasedOn = 3,
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Style_CellPr = 16,
Style_TblStylePr = 17
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TblStylePr = 0,
Type = 1,
RunPr = 2,
ParPr = 3,
TblPr = 4,
TrPr = 5,
TcPr = 6
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tblpPr2 = 11,
Layout = 12
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TblpXSpec = 2,
VertAnchor = 3,
TblpY = 4,
TblpYSpec = 5,
Paddings = 6
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Jc = 5,
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Tab_Item_Val = 20,
ParaStyle = 21,
numPr = 22,
numPr_lvl = 23,
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pPr_rPr = 26,
pBdr = 27,
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FramePr = 30
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FontAE = 6,
FontCS = 7,
FontSize = 8,
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HighLightTyped = 12,
RStyle = 13,
Spacing = 14,
DStrikeout = 15,
Caps = 16,
SmallCaps = 17,
Position = 18,
FontHint = 19,
BoldCs = 20,
ItalicCs = 21,
FontSizeCs = 22,
Cs = 23,
Rtl = 24,
Lang = 25,
LangBidi = 26,
LangEA = 27
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GridBefore = 2,
Jc = 3,
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Height_Value = 7,
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After = 12,
Before = 13,
TableHeader = 14
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GridSpan = 0,
Shd = 1,
TableCellBorders = 2,
TableCellW = 3,
VAlign = 4,
VMerge = 5,
CellMar = 6
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pgSz = 0,
pgMar = 1,
setting = 2
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titlePg = 0,
EvenAndOddHeaders = 1
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Par = 0,
pPr = 1,
Content = 2,
Table = 3,
sectPr = 4,
Run = 5,
CommentStart = 6,
CommentEnd = 7,
OMathPara = 8,
OMath = 9
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tblPr = 0,
tblGrid = 1,
tblGrid_Item = 2,
Content = 3,
Row = 4,
Row_Pr = 4,
Row_Content = 5,
Cell = 6,
Cell_Pr = 7,
Cell_Content = 8
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run = 0,
rPr = 1,
tab = 2,
pagenum = 3,
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linebreak = 5,
image = 6,
table = 7,
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fldstart = 9,
fldend = 10,
CommentReference = 11,
pptxDrawing = 12
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Y = 5,
Page = 6,
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DistT = 7,
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Locked = 10,
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BSimplePos = 12,
EffectExtent = 13,
Extent = 14,
PositionH = 15,
PositionV = 16,
SimplePos = 17,
WrapNone = 18,
WrapSquare = 19,
WrapThrough = 20,
WrapTight = 21,
WrapTopAndBottom = 22,
Chart = 23,
ChartImg = 24
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Left = 0,
Top = 1,
Right = 2,
Bottom = 3
namespace c_oSerExtent{enum c_oSerExtent
Cx = 0,
Cy = 1
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RelativeFrom = 0,
Align = 1,
PosOffset = 2
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X = 0,
Y = 1
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DistL = 0,
DistT = 1,
DistR = 2,
DistB = 3,
WrapText = 4,
EffectExtent = 5
namespace c_oSerWrapThroughTight{enum c_oSerWrapThroughTight
DistL = 0,
DistR = 1,
WrapText = 2,
WrapPolygon = 3
namespace c_oSerWrapTopBottom{enum c_oSerWrapTopBottom
DistT = 0,
DistB = 1,
EffectExtent = 2
namespace c_oSerWrapPolygon{enum c_oSerWrapPolygon
Edited = 0,
Start = 1,
ALineTo = 2,
LineTo = 3
namespace c_oSerPoint2D{enum c_oSerPoint2D
X = 0,
Y = 1
namespace c_oSerBorderType{enum c_oSerBorderType
Color = 0,
Space = 1,
Size = 2,
Value = 3
namespace c_oSerShdType{enum c_oSerShdType
Value = 0,
Color = 1
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left = 0,
top = 1,
right = 2,
bottom = 3
namespace c_oSerMarginsType{enum c_oSerMarginsType
left = 0,
top = 1,
right = 2,
bottom = 3
namespace c_oSerBordersType{enum c_oSerBordersType
left = 0,
top = 1,
right = 2,
bottom = 3,
insideV = 4,
insideH = 5,
start = 6,
end = 7,
tl2br = 8,
tr2bl = 9,
bar = 10,
between = 11
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Type = 0,
W = 1,
WDocx = 2
namespace c_oSer_pgSzType{enum c_oSer_pgSzType
W = 0,
H = 1,
Orientation = 2
namespace c_oSer_pgMarType{enum c_oSer_pgMarType
Left = 0,
Top = 1,
Right = 2,
Bottom = 3,
Header = 4,
Footer = 5
namespace c_oSer_ColorType{enum c_oSer_ColorType
None = 0,
Auto = 1
namespace c_oSer_CommentsType{enum c_oSer_CommentsType
Comment = 0,
Id = 1,
Initials = 2,
UserName = 3,
UserId = 4,
Date = 5,
Text = 6,
QuoteText = 7,
Solved = 8,
Replies = 9
namespace c_oSer_SettingsType{enum c_oSer_SettingsType
ClrSchemeMapping = 0,
DefaultTabStop = 1,
MathPr = 2
namespace c_oSer_MathPrType{enum c_oSer_SettingsType
BrkBin = 0,
BrkBinSub = 1,
DefJc = 2,
DispDef = 3,
InterSp = 4,
IntLim = 5,
IntraSp = 6,
LMargin = 7,
MathFont = 8,
NaryLim = 9,
PostSp = 10,
PreSp = 11,
RMargin = 12,
SmallFrac = 13,
WrapIndent = 14,
WrapRight = 15
namespace c_oSer_ClrSchemeMappingType{enum c_oSer_ClrSchemeMappingType
Accent1 = 0,
Accent2 = 1,
Accent3 = 2,
Accent4 = 3,
Accent5 = 4,
Accent6 = 5,
Bg1 = 6,
Bg2 = 7,
FollowedHyperlink = 8,
Hyperlink = 9,
T1 = 10,
T2 = 11
namespace c_oSer_OMathBottomNodesType{enum c_oSer_OMathBottomNodesType
Aln = 0,
AlnScr = 1,
ArgSz = 2,
BaseJc = 3,
BegChr = 4,
Brk = 5,
CGp = 6,
CGpRule = 7,
Chr = 8,
Count = 9,
CSp = 10,
CtrlPr = 11,
DegHide = 12,
Diff = 13,
EndChr = 14,
Grow = 15,
HideBot = 16,
HideLeft = 17,
HideRight = 18,
HideTop = 19,
MJc = 20,
LimLoc = 21,
Lit = 22,
MaxDist = 23,
McJc = 24,
Mcs = 25,
NoBreak = 26,
Nor = 27,
ObjDist = 28,
OpEmu = 29,
PlcHide = 30,
Pos = 31,
RSp = 32,
RSpRule = 33,
Scr = 34,
SepChr = 35,
Show = 36,
Shp = 37,
StrikeBLTR = 38,
StrikeH = 39,
StrikeTLBR = 40,
StrikeV = 41,
Sty = 42,
SubHide = 43,
SupHide = 44,
Transp = 45,
Type = 46,
VertJc = 47,
ZeroAsc = 48,
ZeroDesc = 49,
ZeroWid = 50,
Column = 51,
Row = 52
namespace c_oSer_OMathBottomNodesValType{enum c_oSer_OMathBottomNodesValType
Val = 0,
AlnAt = 1
namespace c_oSer_OMathContentType{enum c_oSer_OMathContentType
Acc = 0,
AccPr = 1,
ArgPr = 2,
Bar = 3,
BarPr = 4,
BorderBox = 5,
BorderBoxPr = 6,
Box = 7,
BoxPr = 8,
Deg = 9,
Den = 10,
Delimiter = 11,
DelimiterPr = 12,
Element = 13,
EqArr = 14,
EqArrPr = 15,
FName = 16,
Fraction = 17,
FPr = 18,
Func = 19,
FuncPr = 20,
GroupChr = 21,
GroupChrPr = 22,
Lim = 23,
LimLow = 24,
LimLowPr = 25,
LimUpp = 26,
LimUppPr = 27,
Matrix = 28,
MathPr = 29,
Mc = 30,
McPr = 31,
MPr = 32,
Mr = 33,
Nary = 34,
NaryPr = 35,
Num = 36,
OMath = 37,
OMathPara = 38,
OMathParaPr = 39,
Phant = 40,
PhantPr = 41,
MRun = 42,
Rad = 43,
RadPr = 44,
RPr = 45,
MRPr = 46,
SPre = 47,
SPrePr = 48,
SSub = 49,
SSubPr = 50,
SSubSup = 51,
SSubSupPr = 52,
SSup = 53,
SSupPr = 54,
Sub = 55,
Sup = 56,
MText = 57,
CtrlPr = 58
namespace c_oSer_FramePrType{ enum c_oSer_FramePrType
DropCap = 0,
H = 1,
HAnchor = 2,
HRule = 3,
HSpace = 4,
Lines = 5,
VAnchor = 6,
VSpace = 7,
W = 8,
Wrap = 9,
X = 10,
XAlign = 11,
Y = 12,
YAlign = 13