2015-04-28 14:59:00 +00:00
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2015
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
"use strict";
var gc_sFormatDecimalPoint = ".";
var gc_sFormatThousandSeparator = ",";
var numFormat_Text = 0;
var numFormat_TextPlaceholder = 1;
var numFormat_Bracket = 2;
var numFormat_Digit = 3;
var numFormat_DigitNoDisp = 4;
var numFormat_DigitSpace = 5;
var numFormat_DecimalPoint = 6;
var numFormat_DecimalFrac = 7;
var numFormat_Thousand = 8;
var numFormat_Scientific = 9;
var numFormat_Repeat = 10;
var numFormat_Skip = 11;
var numFormat_Year = 12;
var numFormat_Month = 13;
var numFormat_Minute = 14;
var numFormat_Hour = 15;
var numFormat_Day = 16;
var numFormat_Second = 17;
var numFormat_Milliseconds = 18;
var numFormat_AmPm = 19;
var numFormat_DateSeparator = 20;
var numFormat_TimeSeparator = 21;
var numFormat_DecimalPointText = 22;
var numFormat_MonthMinute = 101;
var numFormat_Percent = 102;
var oNumFormatCache;
var FormatStates = {
Decimal: 1,
Frac: 2,
Scientific: 3,
Slash: 4
var SignType = {
Positive: 1,
Negative: 2,
Null: 3
var gc_nMaxDigCount = 15;
var gc_nMaxDigCountView = 11;
var gc_nMaxMantissa = Math.pow(10, gc_nMaxDigCount);
var NumComporationOperators = {
equal: 1,
greater: 2,
less: 3,
greaterorequal: 4,
lessorequal: 5,
notequal: 6
function getNumberParts(x) {
var sig = SignType.Null;
if (!isFinite(x)) {
x = 0;
if (x > 0) {
sig = SignType.Positive;
} else {
if (x < 0) {
sig = SignType.Negative;
x = Math.abs(x);
var exp = -gc_nMaxDigCount;
var man = 0;
if (SignType.Null != sig) {
exp = Math.floor(Math.log(x) * Math.LOG10E) - gc_nMaxDigCount + 1;
man = Math.round(x / Math.pow(10, exp));
if (man >= gc_nMaxMantissa) {
man /= 10;
return {
mantissa: man,
exponent: exp,
sign: sig
function NumFormatFont() {
this.skip = null;
this.repeat = null;
this.c = null;
NumFormatFont.prototype.isEqual = function (val) {
return this.skip == val.skip && this.repeat == val.repeat && this.c == val.c;
function FormatObj(type, val) {
this.type = type;
this.val = val;
function FormatObjScientific(val, format, sign) {
this.type = numFormat_Scientific;
this.val = val;
this.format = format;
this.sign = sign;
function FormatObjDecimalFrac(aLeft, aRight) {
this.type = numFormat_DecimalFrac;
this.aLeft = aLeft;
this.aRight = aRight;
this.bNumRight = false;
function FormatObjDateVal(type, nCount, bElapsed) {
this.type = type;
this.val = nCount;
this.bElapsed = bElapsed;
function FormatObjBracket(sData) {
this.type = numFormat_Bracket;
this.val = sData;
this.parse = function (data) {
var length = data.length;
if (length > 0) {
var first = data[0];
if ("$" == first) {
var aParams = data.substring(1).split("-");
if (2 == aParams.length) {
var sFirstParam = aParams[0];
var sSecondParam = aParams[1];
if (null != sFirstParam && sFirstParam.length > 0 && null != sSecondParam && sSecondParam.length > 0) {
this.CurrencyString = sFirstParam;
this.Lid = sSecondParam;
} else {
if ("y" == first || "m" == first || "d" == first || "h" == first || "s" == first || "Y" == first || "M" == first || "D" == first || "H" == first || "S" == first) {
var bSame = true;
var nCount = 1;
for (var i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
if (first != data[i]) {
bSame = false;
if (true == bSame) {
switch (first) {
case "Y":
case "y":
this.dataObj = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Year, nCount, true);
case "M":
case "m":
this.dataObj = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_MonthMinute, nCount, true);
case "D":
case "d":
this.dataObj = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Day, nCount, true);
case "H":
case "h":
this.dataObj = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Hour, nCount, true);
case "S":
case "s":
this.dataObj = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Second, nCount, true);
} else {
if ("=" == first || ">" == first || "<" == first) {
var nIndex = 1;
var sOperator = first;
if (length > 1 && (">" == first || "<" == first)) {
var second = data[1];
if ("=" == second || (">" == second && "<" == first)) {
sOperator += second;
nIndex = 2;
switch (sOperator) {
case "=":
this.operator = NumComporationOperators.equal;
case ">":
this.operator = NumComporationOperators.greater;
case "<":
this.operator = NumComporationOperators.less;
case ">=":
this.operator = NumComporationOperators.greaterorequal;
case "<=":
this.operator = NumComporationOperators.lessorequal;
case "<>":
this.operator = NumComporationOperators.notequal;
this.operatorValue = parseInt(data.substring(nIndex));
} else {
var sLowerColor = data.toLowerCase();
if ("black" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 0;
} else {
if ("blue" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 255;
} else {
if ("cyan" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 65535;
} else {
if ("green" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 65280;
} else {
if ("magenta" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 16711935;
} else {
if ("red" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 16711680;
} else {
if ("white" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 16777215;
} else {
if ("yellow" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 16776960;
function NumFormat(bAddMinusIfNes) {
this.formatString = "";
this.length = this.formatString.length;
this.index = 0;
this.EOF = -1;
this.aRawFormat = [];
this.aDecFormat = [];
this.aFracFormat = [];
this.bDateTime = false;
this.bDate = false;
this.bTime = false;
this.bDay = false;
this.nPercent = 0;
this.bScientific = false;
this.bThousandSep = false;
this.nThousandScale = 0;
this.bTextFormat = false;
this.bTimePeriod = false;
this.bMillisec = false;
this.bSlash = false;
this.bWhole = false;
this.bCurrency = false;
this.bNumber = false;
this.bInteger = false;
this.bRepeat = false;
this.Color = -1;
this.ComporationOperator = null;
this.bGeneralChart = false;
this.bGeneral = false;
this.bAddMinusIfNes = bAddMinusIfNes;
NumFormat.prototype = {
_getChar: function () {
if (this.index < this.length) {
return this.formatString[this.index];
return this.EOF;
_readChar: function () {
var curChar = this._getChar();
if (this.index < this.length) {
return curChar;
_skip: function (val) {
var nNewIndex = this.index + val;
if (nNewIndex >= 0 && nNewIndex < this.length) {
this.index = nNewIndex;
_addToFormat: function (type, val) {
var oFormatObj = new FormatObj(type, val);
_addToFormat2: function (oFormatObj) {
_ReadText: function () {
var sText = "";
while (true) {
var next = this._readChar();
if (this.EOF == next || '"' == next) {
} else {
sText += next;
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Text, sText);
_ReadChar: function () {
var next = this._readChar();
if (this.EOF != next) {
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Text, next);
_ReadBracket: function () {
var sBracket = "";
while (true) {
var next = this._readChar();
if (this.EOF == next || "]" == next) {
} else {
sBracket += next;
var oFormatObjBracket = new FormatObjBracket(sBracket);
if (null != oFormatObjBracket.operator) {
this.ComporationOperator = oFormatObjBracket;
_ReadAmPm: function (next) {
var sAm = next;
var sPm = "";
var bAm = true;
while (true) {
next = this._readChar();
if (this.EOF == next) {
} else {
if ("/" == next) {
bAm = false;
} else {
if ("A" == next || "a" == next || "P" == next || "p" == next || "M" == next || "m" == next) {
if (true == bAm) {
sAm += next;
} else {
sPm += next;
} else {
if ("" != sAm && "" != sPm) {
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObj(numFormat_AmPm));
this.bTimePeriod = true;
this.bDateTime = true;
_parseFormat: function (format) {
this.bGeneralChart = true;
while (true) {
var next = this._readChar();
var bNoFormat = false;
if (this.EOF == next) {
} else {
if ("[" == next) {
} else {
if ('"' == next) {
} else {
if ("\\" == next) {
} else {
if ("%" == next) {
} else {
if ("$" == next || "+" == next || "-" == next || "(" == next || ")" == next || " " == next) {
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Text, next);
} else {
if (":" == next) {
} else {
if (0 <= next && next <= 9) {
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Digit, next - 0);
} else {
if ("#" == next) {
} else {
if ("?" == next) {
} else {
if (gc_sFormatDecimalPoint == next) {
} else {
if ("/" == next) {
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObjDecimalFrac([], []));
} else {
if (gc_sFormatThousandSeparator == next) {
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Thousand, 1);
} else {
if ("E" == next || "e" == next) {
var nextnext = this._readChar();
if (this.EOF != nextnext && "+" == nextnext || "-" == nextnext) {
var sign = ("+" == nextnext) ? SignType.Positive : SignType.Negative;
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObjScientific(next, "", sign));
} else {
if ("*" == next) {
var nextnext = this._readChar();
if (this.EOF != nextnext) {
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Repeat, nextnext);
} else {
if ("_" == next) {
var nextnext = this._readChar();
if (this.EOF != nextnext) {
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Skip, nextnext);
} else {
if ("@" == next) {
} else {
if ("Y" == next || "y" == next) {
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Year, 1, false));
} else {
if ("M" == next || "m" == next) {
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_MonthMinute, 1, false));
} else {
if ("D" == next || "d" == next) {
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Day, 1, false));
} else {
if ("H" == next || "h" == next) {
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Hour, 1, false));
} else {
if ("S" == next || "s" == next) {
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Second, 1, false));
} else {
if ("A" == next || "a" == next) {
} else {
bNoFormat = true;
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Text, next);
if (!bNoFormat) {
this.bGeneralChart = false;
return true;
_getDateTimeBracket: function (val) {
var res = null;
var length = val.length;
if (length > 0) {
var first = val[0];
if ("y" == first || "m" == first || "d" == first || "h" == first || "s" == first) {
var bSame = true;
var nCount = 1;
for (var i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
if (first != val[i]) {
bSame = false;
if (true == bSame) {
switch (first) {
case "y":
res = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Year, nCount, true);
case "m":
res = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_MonthMinute, nCount, true);
case "d":
res = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Day, nCount, true);
case "h":
res = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Hour, nCount, true);
case "s":
res = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Second, nCount, true);
return res;
_prepareFormat: function () {
for (var i = 0, length = this.aRawFormat.length; i < length; ++i) {
var oCurItem = this.aRawFormat[i];
if (numFormat_Bracket == oCurItem.type && null != oCurItem.color) {
this.Color = oCurItem.color;
this.bRepeat = false;
var nFormatLength = this.aRawFormat.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nFormatLength; ++i) {
var item = this.aRawFormat[i];
if (numFormat_Repeat == item.type) {
if (false == this.bRepeat) {
this.bRepeat = true;
} else {
this.aRawFormat.splice(i, 1);
} else {
if (numFormat_Bracket == item.type) {
var oNewObj = item.dataObj;
if (null != oNewObj) {
this.aRawFormat.splice(i, 1, oNewObj);
this.bDateTime = true;
if (numFormat_Hour == oNewObj.type || numFormat_Minute == oNewObj.type || numFormat_Second == oNewObj.type || numFormat_Milliseconds == oNewObj.type) {
this.bTime = true;
} else {
if (numFormat_Year == oNewObj.type || numFormat_Month == oNewObj.type || numFormat_Day == oNewObj.type) {
this.bDate = true;
if (numFormat_Day == oNewObj.type) {
this.bDay = true;
} else {
if (numFormat_Year == item.type || numFormat_MonthMinute == item.type || numFormat_Day == item.type || numFormat_Hour == item.type || numFormat_Second == item.type || numFormat_Thousand == item.type) {
var nStartType = item.type;
var nEndIndex = i;
for (var j = i + 1; j < nFormatLength; ++j) {
if (nStartType == this.aRawFormat[j].type) {
nEndIndex = j;
} else {
if (i != nEndIndex) {
item.val = nEndIndex - i + 1;
var nDelCount = item.val - 1;
this.aRawFormat.splice(i + 1, nDelCount);
nFormatLength -= nDelCount;
if (numFormat_Thousand != item.type) {
this.bDateTime = true;
if (numFormat_Hour == item.type || numFormat_Minute == item.type || numFormat_Second == item.type || numFormat_Milliseconds == item.type) {
this.bTime = true;
} else {
if (numFormat_Year == item.type || numFormat_Month == item.type || numFormat_Day == item.type) {
this.bDate = true;
if (numFormat_Day == item.type) {
this.bDay = true;
} else {
if (numFormat_Scientific == item.type) {
var bAsText = false;
if (true == this.bScientific) {
bAsText = true;
} else {
var aDigitArray = [];
for (var j = i + 1; j < nFormatLength; ++j) {
var nextItem = this.aRawFormat[j];
if (numFormat_Digit == nextItem.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == nextItem.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == nextItem.type) {
if (aDigitArray.length > 0) {
item.format = aDigitArray;
this.bScientific = true;
} else {
bAsText = true;
if (false != bAsText) {
item.type = numFormat_Text;
item.val = item.val + "+";
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalFrac == item.type) {
var bValid = false;
var nLeft = i;
for (var j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
var subitem = this.aRawFormat[j];
if (numFormat_Digit == subitem.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == subitem.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == subitem.type) {
nLeft = j;
} else {
var nRight = i;
if (nLeft < i) {
for (var j = i + 1; j < nFormatLength; ++j) {
var subitem = this.aRawFormat[j];
if (numFormat_Digit == subitem.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == subitem.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == subitem.type) {
nRight = j;
} else {
if (nRight > i) {
bValid = true;
item.aRight = this.aRawFormat.splice(i + 1, nRight - i);
item.aLeft = this.aRawFormat.splice(nLeft, i - nLeft);
nFormatLength -= nRight - nLeft;
i -= i - nLeft;
this.bSlash = true;
var flag = (item.aRight.length > 0) && (item.aRight[0].type == numFormat_Digit) && (item.aRight[0].val > 0);
if (flag) {
var rPart = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < item.aRight.length; j++) {
if (item.aRight[j].type == numFormat_Digit) {
rPart = rPart * 10 + item.aRight[j].val;
} else {
bValid = false;
this.bSlash = false;
if (bValid == true) {
item.aRight = [];
item.aRight.push(new FormatObj(numFormat_Digit, rPart));
item.bNumRight = true;
if (false == bValid) {
item.type = numFormat_DateSeparator;
var nReadState = FormatStates.Decimal;
var bDecimal = true;
nFormatLength = this.aRawFormat.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nFormatLength; ++i) {
var item = this.aRawFormat[i];
if (numFormat_DecimalPoint == item.type) {
if (this.bDateTime) {
var nStartIndex = i;
var nEndIndex = nStartIndex;
for (var j = i + 1; j < nFormatLength; ++j) {
var subItem = this.aRawFormat[j];
if (numFormat_Digit == subItem.type) {
nEndIndex = j;
} else {
if (nStartIndex < nEndIndex) {
var nDigCount = nEndIndex - nStartIndex;
var oNewItem = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Milliseconds, nDigCount, false);
var nDelCount = nDigCount;
oNewItem.format = this.aRawFormat.splice(i + 1, nDelCount, oNewItem);
nFormatLength -= (nDigCount - 1);
this.bMillisec = true;
item.type = numFormat_DecimalPointText;
item.val = null;
} else {
if (FormatStates.Decimal == nReadState) {
nReadState = FormatStates.Frac;
} else {
if (numFormat_MonthMinute == item.type) {
var bRightCond = false;
for (var j = i + 1; j < nFormatLength; ++j) {
var subItem = this.aRawFormat[j];
if (numFormat_Year == subItem.type || numFormat_Month == subItem.type || numFormat_Day == subItem.type || numFormat_MonthMinute == subItem.type || numFormat_Hour == subItem.type || numFormat_Minute == subItem.type || numFormat_Second == subItem.type || numFormat_Milliseconds == subItem.type) {
if (numFormat_Second == subItem.type) {
bRightCond = true;
var bLeftCond = false;
if (false == bRightCond) {
var bFindSec = false;
for (var j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
var subItem = this.aRawFormat[j];
if (numFormat_Hour == subItem.type) {
bLeftCond = true;
} else {
if (numFormat_Second == subItem.type) {
bFindSec = true;
} else {
if (numFormat_Minute == subItem.type || numFormat_Month == subItem.type || numFormat_MonthMinute == subItem.type) {
if (true == bFindSec && numFormat_Minute == subItem.type) {
bFindSec = false;
} else {
if (numFormat_Year == subItem.type || numFormat_Day == subItem.type || numFormat_Hour == subItem.type || numFormat_Second == subItem.type || numFormat_Milliseconds == subItem.type) {
if (true == bFindSec) {
if (true == bFindSec) {
bLeftCond = true;
if (true == bLeftCond || true == bRightCond) {
item.type = numFormat_Minute;
this.bTime = true;
} else {
item.type = numFormat_Month;
this.bDate = true;
} else {
if (numFormat_Percent == item.type) {
item.type = numFormat_Text;
item.val = "%";
} else {
if (numFormat_Thousand == item.type) {
if (FormatStates.Decimal == nReadState) {
var bStartCondition = false;
if (i > 0) {
var prevItem = this.aRawFormat[i - 1];
if (numFormat_Digit == prevItem.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == prevItem.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == prevItem.type) {
bStartCondition = true;
var bEndCondition = false;
if (i + 1 < nFormatLength) {
var nextItem = this.aRawFormat[i + 1];
if (numFormat_Digit == nextItem.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == nextItem.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == nextItem.type) {
bEndCondition = true;
if (true == bStartCondition && true == bEndCondition) {
this.bThousandSep = true;
} else {
if (bEndCondition == true) {
item.type = numFormat_Text;
item.val = gc_sFormatThousandSeparator;
var bStartCondition = false;
if (i > 0) {
var prevItem = this.aRawFormat[i - 1];
if (numFormat_Digit == prevItem.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == prevItem.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == prevItem.type) {
bStartCondition = true;
var bEndCondition = true;
for (var j = i + 1; j < nFormatLength; ++j) {
var nextItem = this.aRawFormat[j];
if (numFormat_Digit == nextItem.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == nextItem.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == nextItem.type || numFormat_DecimalPoint == nextItem.type) {
bEndCondition = false;
if (true == bStartCondition && true == bEndCondition) {
this.nThousandScale = item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_Digit == item.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == item.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == item.type) {
if (FormatStates.Decimal == nReadState) {
if (this.bSlash === true) {
this.bWhole = true;
} else {
if (FormatStates.Frac == nReadState) {
} else {
if (numFormat_Scientific == item.type) {
nReadState = FormatStates.Scientific;
} else {
if (numFormat_TextPlaceholder == item.type) {
this.bTextFormat = true;
return true;
_calsScientific: function (nDecLen, nRealExp) {
var nKoef = 0;
if (true == this.bThousandSep) {
nKoef = 4;
if (nDecLen > nKoef) {
nKoef = nDecLen;
if (nRealExp > 0 && nKoef > 0) {
var nTemp = nRealExp % nKoef;
if (0 == nTemp) {
nTemp = nKoef;
nKoef = nTemp;
return nKoef;
_parseNumber: function (number, aDecFormat, nFracLen, nValType, cultureInfo) {
var res = {
bDigit: false,
dec: 0,
frac: 0,
exponent: 0,
exponentFrac: 0,
scientific: 0,
sign: SignType.Positive,
date: {}
if (CellValueType.String != nValType) {
res.bDigit = (number == number - 0);
if (res.bDigit) {
var parts = getNumberParts(number);
res.sign = parts.sign;
var nRealExp = gc_nMaxDigCount + parts.exponent;
if (SignType.Null != parts.sign) {
if (true == this.bScientific) {
var nKoef = this._calsScientific(aDecFormat.length, nRealExp);
res.scientific = nRealExp - nKoef;
nRealExp = nKoef;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < this.nPercent; ++i) {
nRealExp += 2;
for (var i = 0; i < this.nThousandScale; ++i) {
nRealExp -= 3;
if (false == this.bSlash) {
var nOldRealExp = nRealExp;
var dTemp = parts.mantissa * Math.pow(10, nFracLen + nRealExp - gc_nMaxDigCount);
dTemp = Math.round(dTemp);
dTemp /= Math.pow(10, nFracLen);
parts = getNumberParts(dTemp);
if (SignType.Null != parts.sign) {
nRealExp = gc_nMaxDigCount + parts.exponent;
if (nOldRealExp != nRealExp && true == this.bScientific) {
var nKoef = this._calsScientific(aDecFormat.length, nRealExp);
res.scientific += nRealExp - nOldRealExp;
nRealExp = nKoef;
res.exponent = nRealExp;
res.exponentFrac = nRealExp;
if (nRealExp > 0 && nRealExp < gc_nMaxDigCount) {
var sNumber = parts.mantissa.toString();
var nExponentFrac = 0;
for (var i = nRealExp, length = sNumber.length; i < length; ++i) {
if ("0" == sNumber[i]) {
} else {
if (nRealExp + nExponentFrac < sNumber.length) {
res.exponentFrac = -nExponentFrac;
if (SignType.Null != parts.sign) {
if (nRealExp <= 0) {
if (this.bSlash == true) {
res.dec = 0;
res.frac = parts.mantissa;
} else {
if (nFracLen > 0) {
res.dec = 0;
res.frac = 0;
if (nFracLen + nRealExp > 0) {
var sTemp = parts.mantissa.toString();
res.frac = sTemp.substring(0, nFracLen + nRealExp) - 0;
} else {
res.dec = 0;
res.frac = 0;
} else {
if (nRealExp >= gc_nMaxDigCount) {
res.dec = parts.mantissa;
res.frac = 0;
} else {
var sTemp = parts.mantissa.toString();
if (this.bSlash == true) {
res.dec = sTemp.substring(0, nRealExp) - 0;
if (nRealExp < sTemp.length) {
res.frac = sTemp.substring(nRealExp) - 0;
} else {
res.frac = 0;
} else {
if (nFracLen > 0) {
res.dec = sTemp.substring(0, nRealExp) - 0;
res.frac = 0;
var nStart = nRealExp;
var nEnd = nRealExp + nFracLen;
if (nStart < sTemp.length) {
res.frac = sTemp.substring(nStart, nEnd) - 0;
} else {
res.dec = sTemp.substring(0, nRealExp) - 0;
res.frac = 0;
if (0 == res.frac && 0 == res.dec) {
res.sign = SignType.Null;
if (this.bDateTime === true) {
res.date = this.parseDate(number);
return res;
parseDate: function (number) {
var d = {
val: 0,
coeff: 1
h = {
val: 0,
coeff: 24
min = {
val: 0,
coeff: 60
s = {
val: 0,
coeff: 60
ms = {
val: 0,
coeff: 1000
var tmp = +number;
var ttimes = [d, h, min, s, ms];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
var v = tmp * ttimes[i].coeff;
ttimes[i].val = Math.floor(v);
tmp = v - ttimes[i].val;
ms.val = Math.round(tmp * 1000);
for (i = 4; i > 0 && (ttimes[i].val === ttimes[i].coeff); i--) {
ttimes[i].val = 0;
ttimes[i - 1].val++;
var stDate, day, month, year, dayWeek;
if (g_bDate1904) {
stDate = new Date(Date.UTC(1904, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0));
if (d.val) {
stDate.setUTCDate(stDate.getUTCDate() + d.val);
day = stDate.getUTCDate();
dayWeek = (stDate.getUTCDay() > 0) ? stDate.getUTCDay() - 1 : 6;
month = stDate.getUTCMonth();
year = stDate.getUTCFullYear();
} else {
if (number === 60) {
day = 29;
month = 1;
year = 1900;
dayWeek = 3;
} else {
if (number < 60) {
stDate = new Date(Date.UTC(1899, 11, 31, 0, 0, 0));
if (d.val) {
stDate.setUTCDate(stDate.getUTCDate() + d.val);
day = stDate.getUTCDate();
dayWeek = (stDate.getUTCDay() > 0) ? stDate.getUTCDay() - 1 : 6;
month = stDate.getUTCMonth();
year = stDate.getUTCFullYear();
} else {
stDate = new Date(Date.UTC(1899, 11, 30, 0, 0, 0));
if (d.val) {
stDate.setUTCDate(stDate.getUTCDate() + d.val);
day = stDate.getUTCDate();
dayWeek = stDate.getUTCDay();
month = stDate.getUTCMonth();
year = stDate.getUTCFullYear();
return {
d: day,
month: month,
year: year,
dayWeek: dayWeek,
hour: h.val,
min: min.val,
sec: s.val,
ms: ms.val,
countDay: d.val
_FormatNumber: function (number, exponent, format, nReadState, cultureInfo) {
var aRes = [];
var nFormatLen = format.length;
if (nFormatLen > 0) {
if (FormatStates.Frac != nReadState) {
var sNumber = number + "";
var nNumberLen = sNumber.length;
if (exponent > nNumberLen) {
for (var i = 0; i < exponent - nNumberLen; ++i) {
sNumber += "0";
nNumberLen = sNumber.length;
var bIsNUll = false;
if ("0" == sNumber) {
bIsNUll = true;
if (nNumberLen > nFormatLen) {
if (false == bIsNUll) {
var nSplitIndex = nNumberLen - nFormatLen + 1;
aRes.push(new FormatObj(numFormat_Text, sNumber.slice(0, nSplitIndex)));
sNumber = sNumber.substring(nSplitIndex);
} else {
if (nNumberLen < nFormatLen) {
for (var i = 0, length = nFormatLen - nNumberLen; i < length; ++i) {
var item = format.shift();
aRes.push(new FormatObj(item.type));
for (var i = 0, length = sNumber.length; i < length; ++i) {
var sCurNumber = sNumber[i];
var numFormat = numFormat_Text;
var item = format.shift();
if (true == bIsNUll && null != item && FormatStates.Scientific != nReadState) {
if (numFormat_DigitNoDisp == item.type) {
sCurNumber = "";
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitSpace == item.type) {
numFormat = numFormat_DigitSpace;
sCurNumber = null;
aRes.push(new FormatObj(numFormat, sCurNumber));
if (true == this.bThousandSep && FormatStates.Slash != nReadState) {
var sThousandSep = cultureInfo.NumberGroupSeparator;
var aGroupSize = cultureInfo.NumberGroupSizes;
var nCurGroupIndex = 0;
var nCurGroupSize = 0;
if (nCurGroupIndex < aGroupSize.length) {
nCurGroupSize = aGroupSize[nCurGroupIndex++];
} else {
nCurGroupSize = 0;
var nIndex = 0;
for (var i = aRes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var item = aRes[i];
if (numFormat_Text == item.type) {
var aNewText = [];
var nTextLength = item.val.length;
for (var j = nTextLength - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
if (nCurGroupSize == nIndex) {
if (0 != j) {
if (nCurGroupSize + 1 == nIndex) {
nIndex = 1;
if (nCurGroupIndex < aGroupSize.length) {
nCurGroupSize = aGroupSize[nCurGroupIndex++];
if (nTextLength > 1) {
item.val = aNewText.join("");
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitNoDisp != item.type) {
if (nCurGroupSize == nIndex) {
item.val = sThousandSep;
aRes[i] = item;
if (nCurGroupSize + 1 == nIndex) {
nIndex = 1;
if (nCurGroupIndex < aGroupSize.length) {
nCurGroupSize = aGroupSize[nCurGroupIndex++];
} else {
var val = number;
var exp = exponent;
var nStartNulls = 0;
if (exp < 0) {
nStartNulls = Math.abs(exp);
var sNumber = val.toString();
var nNumberLen = sNumber.length;
var nLastNoNull = nNumberLen;
for (var i = nNumberLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if ("0" != sNumber[i]) {
nLastNoNull = i;
if (nLastNoNull < nNumberLen) {
sNumber = sNumber.substring(0, nLastNoNull);
nNumberLen = sNumber.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nStartNulls; ++i) {
aRes.push(new FormatObj(numFormat_Text, "0"));
for (var i = 0, length = nNumberLen; i < length; ++i) {
aRes.push(new FormatObj(numFormat_Text, sNumber[i]));
for (var i = nNumberLen + nStartNulls; i < nFormatLen; ++i) {
var item = format[i];
aRes.push(new FormatObj(item.type));
return aRes;
_AddDigItem: function (res, oCurText, item) {
if (numFormat_Text == item.type) {
oCurText.text += item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_Digit == item.type) {
oCurText.text += "0";
if (null != item.val) {
oCurText.text += item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitNoDisp == item.type) {
oCurText.text += "";
if (null != item.val) {
oCurText.text += item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitSpace == item.type) {
var oNewFont = new NumFormatFont();
oNewFont.skip = true;
this._CommitText(res, oCurText, "0", oNewFont);
if (null != item.val) {
oCurText.text += item.val;
_ZeroPad: function (n) {
return (n < 10) ? "0" + n : n;
_CommitText: function (res, oCurText, textVal, format) {
if (null != oCurText && oCurText.text.length > 0) {
this._CommitText(res, null, oCurText.text, null);
oCurText.text = "";
if (null != textVal && textVal.length > 0) {
var length = res.length;
var prev = null;
if (length > 0) {
prev = res[length - 1];
if (-1 != this.Color) {
if (null == format) {
format = new NumFormatFont();
format.c = new RgbColor(this.Color);
if (null != prev && ((null == prev.format && null == format) || (null != prev.format && null != format && format.isEqual(prev.format)))) {
prev.text += textVal;
} else {
if (null == format) {
prev = {
text: textVal
} else {
prev = {
text: textVal,
format: format
setFormat: function (format, cultureInfo) {
if (null == cultureInfo) {
cultureInfo = g_oDefaultCultureInfo;
this.formatString = format;
this.length = this.formatString.length;
if ("general" == this.formatString.toLowerCase()) {
this.valid = true;
this.bGeneral = true;
return true;
} else {
this.valid = this._parseFormat();
if (true == this.valid) {
this.valid = this._prepareFormat();
if (this.valid) {
var aCurrencySymbols = ["$", "€", "£", "¥", "р.", cultureInfo.CurrencySymbol];
var sText = "";
for (var i = 0, length = this.aRawFormat.length; i < length; ++i) {
var item = this.aRawFormat[i];
if (numFormat_Text == item.type) {
sText += item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_Bracket == item.type) {
if (null != item.CurrencyString) {
sText += item.CurrencyString;
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalPoint == item.type) {
sText += gc_sFormatDecimalPoint;
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalPointText == item.type) {
sText += gc_sFormatDecimalPoint;
if ("" != sText) {
for (var i = 0, length = aCurrencySymbols.length; i < length; ++i) {
if (-1 != sText.indexOf(aCurrencySymbols[i])) {
this.bCurrency = true;
var rxNumber = new RegExp("^[0#?]+(" + escapeRegExp(gc_sFormatDecimalPoint) + "[0#?]+)?$");
var match = this.formatString.match(rxNumber);
if (null != match) {
if (null != match[1]) {
this.bNumber = true;
} else {
this.bInteger = true;
return this.valid;
isInvalidDateValue: function (number) {
return (number == number - 0) && ((number < 0 && false == g_bDate1904) || number > 2958465.9999884);
format: function (number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult, cultureInfo, bChart) {
if (null == cultureInfo) {
cultureInfo = g_oDefaultCultureInfo;
if (null == nValType) {
nValType = CellValueType.Number;
var res = [];
var oCurText = {
text: ""
if (true == this.valid) {
if (true === this.bDateTime) {
if (this.isInvalidDateValue(number)) {
var oNewFont = new NumFormatFont();
oNewFont.repeat = true;
this._CommitText(res, null, "#", oNewFont);
return res;
var oParsedNumber = this._parseNumber(number, this.aDecFormat, this.aFracFormat.length, nValType, cultureInfo);
if (true == this.bGeneral || (true == oParsedNumber.bDigit && true == this.bTextFormat) || (false == oParsedNumber.bDigit && false == this.bTextFormat) || (bChart && this.bGeneralChart)) {
if (null != oAdditionalResult) {
oAdditionalResult.bGeneral = true;
var sGeneral = DecodeGeneralFormat(number, nValType, dDigitsCount);
if (null != sGeneral) {
var numFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(sGeneral);
if (null != numFormat) {
return numFormat.format(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult);
return [{
text: number
var aDec = [];
var aFrac = [];
var aScientific = [];
if (true == oParsedNumber.bDigit) {
aDec = this._FormatNumber(oParsedNumber.dec, oParsedNumber.exponent, this.aDecFormat.concat(), FormatStates.Decimal, cultureInfo);
aFrac = this._FormatNumber(oParsedNumber.frac, oParsedNumber.exponentFrac, this.aFracFormat.concat(), FormatStates.Frac, cultureInfo);
if (true == this.bAddMinusIfNes && SignType.Negative == oParsedNumber.sign) {
oCurText.text += "-";
var bNoDecFormat = false;
if ((null == aDec || 0 == aDec.length) && 0 != oParsedNumber.dec) {
bNoDecFormat = true;
var nReadState = FormatStates.Decimal;
var nFormatLength = this.aRawFormat.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nFormatLength; ++i) {
var item = this.aRawFormat[i];
if (numFormat_Bracket == item.type) {
if (null != item.CurrencyString) {
oCurText.text += item.CurrencyString;
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalPoint == item.type) {
if (bNoDecFormat && null != oParsedNumber.dec && FormatStates.Decimal == nReadState) {
oCurText.text += oParsedNumber.dec;
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator;
nReadState = FormatStates.Frac;
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalPointText == item.type) {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator;
} else {
if (numFormat_Digit == item.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == item.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == item.type) {
var text = null;
if (nReadState == FormatStates.Decimal) {
text = aDec.shift();
} else {
if (nReadState == FormatStates.Frac) {
text = aFrac.shift();
} else {
if (nReadState == FormatStates.Scientific) {
text = aScientific.shift();
if (null != text) {
this._AddDigItem(res, oCurText, text);
} else {
if (numFormat_Text == item.type) {
oCurText.text += item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_TextPlaceholder == item.type) {
oCurText.text += number;
} else {
if (numFormat_Scientific == item.type) {
if (null != item.format) {
oCurText.text += item.val;
if (oParsedNumber.scientific < 0) {
oCurText.text += "-";
} else {
if (item.sign == SignType.Positive) {
oCurText.text += "+";
aScientific = this._FormatNumber(Math.abs(oParsedNumber.scientific), 0, item.format.concat(), FormatStates.Scientific, cultureInfo);
nReadState = FormatStates.Scientific;
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalFrac == item.type) {
if (oParsedNumber.frac !== 0 || this.bWhole === false) {
var frac = oParsedNumber.frac;
var fracExp = -frac.toString().length;
if (oParsedNumber.exponent < 0) {
fracExp -= oParsedNumber.exponent;
frac *= Math.pow(10, fracExp);
var numerator;
var denominator;
if (item.bNumRight === true) {
denominator = item.aRight[0].val;
numerator = Math.round(denominator * frac);
if (this.bWhole === false) {
numerator += denominator * oParsedNumber.dec;
} else {
if (frac == 0) {
numerator = oParsedNumber.dec;
denominator = 1;
} else {
var d = frac,
n = frac;
var a0 = 0,
a1 = 1;
var b0 = 1,
b1 = 0;
var eps = Math.pow(10, -15),
arr = Math.pow(10, item.aRight.length),
delta = 1,
a = 0,
b = 0;
while ((b < arr) && (delta > eps)) {
var N = Math.floor(d);
a = N * a1 + a0;
b = N * b1 + b0;
a0 = a1;
a1 = a;
b0 = b1;
b1 = b;
d = 1 / (d - N);
delta = Math.abs(n - a / b);
if (b > arr || b == arr) {
numerator = a0;
denominator = b0;
} else {
numerator = a;
denominator = b;
if (this.bWhole === false) {
numerator += denominator * oParsedNumber.dec;
var aLeft = this._FormatNumber(numerator, 0, item.aLeft.concat(), FormatStates.Slash, cultureInfo);
for (var j = 0, length = aLeft.length; j < length; ++j) {
var subitem = aLeft[j];
if (numFormat_Text == subitem.type) {
oCurText.text += subitem.val;
} else {
this._AddDigItem(res, oCurText, subitem);
oCurText.text += "/";
if (item.bNumRight === true) {
oCurText.text += item.aRight[0].val;
} else {
var aRight = this._FormatNumber(denominator, 0, item.aRight.concat(), FormatStates.Slash, cultureInfo);
for (var j = 0, length = aRight.length; j < length; ++j) {
var subitem = aRight[j];
if (numFormat_Text == subitem.type) {
oCurText.text += subitem.val;
} else {
this._AddDigItem(res, oCurText, subitem);
} else {
if (numFormat_Repeat == item.type) {
var oNewFont = new NumFormatFont();
oNewFont.repeat = true;
this._CommitText(res, oCurText, item.val, oNewFont);
} else {
if (numFormat_Skip == item.type) {
var oNewFont = new NumFormatFont();
oNewFont.skip = true;
this._CommitText(res, oCurText, item.val, oNewFont);
} else {
if (numFormat_DateSeparator == item.type) {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.DateSeparator;
} else {
if (numFormat_TimeSeparator == item.type) {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.TimeSeparator;
} else {
if (numFormat_Year == item.type) {
if (item.val == 2) {
oCurText.text += (oParsedNumber.date.year + "").substring(2);
} else {
if (item.val == 4) {
oCurText.text += oParsedNumber.date.year;
} else {
if (numFormat_Month == item.type) {
var m = oParsedNumber.date.month;
if (item.val == 1) {
oCurText.text += m + 1;
} else {
if (item.val == 2) {
oCurText.text += this._ZeroPad(m + 1);
} else {
if (item.val == 3) {
if (this.bDay && cultureInfo.AbbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames.length > 0) {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.AbbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames[m];
} else {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.AbbreviatedMonthNames[m];
} else {
if (item.val == 4) {
if (this.bDay && cultureInfo.MonthGenitiveNames.length > 0) {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.MonthGenitiveNames[m];
} else {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.MonthNames[m];
} else {
if (item.val == 5) {
var sMonthName = cultureInfo.MonthNames[m];
if (sMonthName.length > 0) {
oCurText.text += sMonthName[0];
} else {
if (numFormat_Day == item.type) {
if (item.val == 1) {
oCurText.text += oParsedNumber.date.d;
} else {
if (item.val == 2) {
oCurText.text += this._ZeroPad(oParsedNumber.date.d);
} else {
if (item.val == 3) {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.AbbreviatedDayNames[oParsedNumber.date.dayWeek];
} else {
if (item.val == 4) {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.DayNames[oParsedNumber.date.dayWeek];
} else {
if (numFormat_Hour == item.type) {
var h = oParsedNumber.date.hour;
if (item.bElapsed === true) {
h = oParsedNumber.date.countDay * 24 + oParsedNumber.date.hour;
if (this.bTimePeriod === true) {
h = h % 12 || 12;
if (item.val == 1) {
oCurText.text += h;
} else {
if (item.val == 2) {
oCurText.text += this._ZeroPad(h);
} else {
if (numFormat_Minute == item.type) {
var min = oParsedNumber.date.min;
if (item.bElapsed === true) {
min = oParsedNumber.date.countDay * 24 * 60 + oParsedNumber.date.hour * 60 + oParsedNumber.date.min;
if (item.val == 1) {
oCurText.text += min;
} else {
if (item.val == 2) {
oCurText.text += this._ZeroPad(min);
} else {
if (numFormat_Second == item.type) {
var s = oParsedNumber.date.sec;
if (this.bMillisec === false) {
s = oParsedNumber.date.sec + Math.round(oParsedNumber.date.ms / 1000);
if (item.bElapsed === true) {
s = oParsedNumber.date.countDay * 24 * 60 * 60 + oParsedNumber.date.hour * 60 * 60 + oParsedNumber.date.min * 60 + s;
if (item.val == 1) {
oCurText.text += s;
} else {
if (item.val == 2) {
oCurText.text += this._ZeroPad(s);
} else {
if (numFormat_AmPm == item.type) {
if (cultureInfo.AMDesignator.length > 0 && cultureInfo.PMDesignator.length > 0) {
oCurText.text += (oParsedNumber.date.hour < 12) ? cultureInfo.AMDesignator : cultureInfo.PMDesignator;
} else {
oCurText.text += (oParsedNumber.date.hour < 12) ? "AM" : "PM";
} else {
if (numFormat_Milliseconds == item.type) {
var nMsFormatLength = item.format.length;
var dMs = oParsedNumber.date.ms;
if (nMsFormatLength < 3) {
var dTemp = dMs / Math.pow(10, 3 - nMsFormatLength);
dTemp = Math.round(dTemp);
dMs = dTemp * Math.pow(10, 3 - nMsFormatLength);
var nExponent = 0;
if (0 == dMs) {
nExponent = -1;
} else {
if (dMs < 10) {
nExponent = -2;
} else {
if (dMs < 100) {
nExponent = -1;
var aMilSec = this._FormatNumber(dMs, nExponent, item.format.concat(), FormatStates.Frac, cultureInfo);
for (var k = 0; k < aMilSec.length; k++) {
this._AddDigItem(res, oCurText, aMilSec[k]);
this._CommitText(res, oCurText, null, null);
if (0 == res.length) {
res = [{
text: ""
} else {
if (0 == res.length) {
res = [{
text: number
return res;
toString: function (output, nShift) {
var bRes = true;
if (this.bDateTime || this.bSlash || this.bTextFormat || (nShift < 0 && 0 == this.aFracFormat.length)) {
return false;
var nDecLength = this.aDecFormat.length;
var nDecIndex = 0;
var nFracLength = this.aFracFormat.length;
var nFracIndex = 0;
var nNewFracLength = nFracLength + nShift;
if (nNewFracLength < 0) {
nNewFracLength = 0;
var nReadState = FormatStates.Decimal;
var res = "";
var fFormatToString = function (aFormat) {
var res = "";
for (var i = 0, length = aFormat.length; i < length; ++i) {
var item = aFormat[i];
if (numFormat_Digit == item.type) {
if (null != item.val) {
res += item.val;
} else {
res += "0";
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitNoDisp == item.type) {
res += "#";
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitSpace == item.type) {
res += "?";
return res;
if (null != this.Color) {
switch (this.Color) {
case 0:
res += "[Black]";
case 255:
res += "[Blue]";
case 65535:
res += "[Cyan]";
case 65280:
res += "[Green]";
case 16711935:
res += "[Magenta]";
case 16711680:
res += "[Red]";
case 16777215:
res += "[White]";
case 16776960:
res += "[Yellow]";
if (null != this.ComporationOperator) {
switch (this.ComporationOperator.operator) {
case NumComporationOperators.equal:
res += "[=" + this.ComporationOperator.operatorValue + "]";
case NumComporationOperators.greater:
res += "[>" + this.ComporationOperator.operatorValue + "]";
case NumComporationOperators.less:
res += "[<" + this.ComporationOperator.operatorValue + "]";
case NumComporationOperators.greaterorequal:
res += "[>=" + this.ComporationOperator.operatorValue + "]";
case NumComporationOperators.lessorequal:
res += "[<=" + this.ComporationOperator.operatorValue + "]";
case NumComporationOperators.notequal:
res += "[<>" + this.ComporationOperator.operatorValue + "]";
var bAddThousandSep = this.bThousandSep;
var nThousandScale = this.nThousandScale;
var nFormatLength = this.aRawFormat.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nFormatLength; ++i) {
var item = this.aRawFormat[i];
if (numFormat_Bracket == item.type) {
if (null != item.CurrencyString || null != item.Lid) {
res += "[$";
if (null != item.CurrencyString) {
res += item.CurrencyString;
res += "-";
if (null != item.Lid) {
res += item.Lid;
res += "]";
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalPoint == item.type) {
nReadState = FormatStates.Frac;
if (0 != nNewFracLength && 0 != nShift) {
res += gc_sFormatDecimalPoint;
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalPointText == item.type) {
res += gc_sFormatDecimalPoint;
} else {
if (numFormat_Thousand == item.type) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.val; ++j) {
res += gc_sFormatThousandSeparator;
} else {
if (numFormat_Digit == item.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == item.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == item.type) {
if (FormatStates.Decimal == nReadState) {
} else {
if (nReadState == FormatStates.Frac && nFracIndex > nNewFracLength) {} else {
var sCurSimbol;
if (numFormat_Digit == item.type) {
sCurSimbol = "0";
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitNoDisp == item.type) {
sCurSimbol = "#";
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitSpace == item.type) {
sCurSimbol = "?";
res += sCurSimbol;
if (nReadState == FormatStates.Frac && nFracIndex == nFracLength) {
for (var j = 0; j < nShift; ++j) {
res += sCurSimbol;
if (0 == nFracLength && nShift > 0 && FormatStates.Decimal == nReadState && nDecIndex == nDecLength) {
res += gc_sFormatDecimalPoint;
for (var j = 0; j < nShift; ++j) {
res += "0";
} else {
if (numFormat_Text == item.type) {
if ("%" == item.val) {
res += item.val;
} else {
res += '"' + item.val + '"';
} else {
if (numFormat_TextPlaceholder == item.type) {
res += "@";
} else {
if (numFormat_Scientific == item.type) {
nReadState = FormatStates.Scientific;
res += item.val;
if (item.sign == SignType.Positive) {
res += "+";
} else {
res += "-";
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalFrac == item.type) {
res += fFormatToString(item.aLeft);
res += "/";
res += fFormatToString(item.aRight);
} else {
if (numFormat_Repeat == item.type) {
res += "*" + item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_Skip == item.type) {
res += "_" + item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_DateSeparator == item.type) {
res += "/";
} else {
if (numFormat_TimeSeparator == item.type) {
res += ":";
} else {
if (numFormat_Year == item.type) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.val; ++j) {
res += "y";
} else {
if (numFormat_Month == item.type) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.val; ++j) {
res += "m";
} else {
if (numFormat_Day == item.type) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.val; ++j) {
res += "d";
} else {
if (numFormat_Hour == item.type) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.val; ++j) {
res += "h";
} else {
if (numFormat_Minute == item.type) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.val; ++j) {
res += "m";
} else {
if (numFormat_Second == item.type) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.val; ++j) {
res += "s";
} else {
if (numFormat_AmPm == item.type) {
res += "AM/PM";
} else {
if (numFormat_Milliseconds == item.type) {
res += fFormatToString(item.format);
output.format = res;
return true;
getType: function () {
var nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Custom;
if (this.bGeneral) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.General;
} else {
if (this.bTextFormat) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Text;
} else {
if (this.bDateTime) {
if (this.bDate) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Date;
} else {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Time;
} else {
if (this.nPercent > 0) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Percent;
} else {
if (this.bScientific) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Scientific;
} else {
if (this.bCurrency) {
if (this.bRepeat) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Accounting;
} else {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Currency;
} else {
if (this.bSlash) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Fraction;
} else {
if (this.bNumber) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Number;
} else {
if (this.bInteger) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Integer;
return nType;
function NumFormatCache() {
this.oNumFormats = {};
NumFormatCache.prototype = {
get: function (format) {
var res = this.oNumFormats[format];
if (null == res) {
res = new CellFormat(format);
this.oNumFormats[format] = res;
return res;
set: function (format) {
var res = new CellFormat(format);
this.oNumFormats[format] = res;
oNumFormatCache = new NumFormatCache();
function CellFormat(format) {
this.sFormat = format;
this.oPositiveFormat = null;
this.oNegativeFormat = null;
this.oNullFormat = null;
this.oTextFormat = null;
this.aComporationFormats = null;
var aFormats = format.split(";");
var nFormatsLength = aFormats.length;
var aParsedFormats = [];
for (var i = 0; i < nFormatsLength; ++i) {
var oNewFormat = new NumFormat(false);
var bComporationOperator = false;
if (nFormatsLength > 0) {
var oFirstFormat = aParsedFormats[0];
if (null != oFirstFormat.ComporationOperator) {
bComporationOperator = true;
if (3 == nFormatsLength) {
var oPositive = null;
var oNegative = null;
var oNull = null;
for (var i = 0; i < nFormatsLength; ++i) {
var oCurFormat = aParsedFormats[i];
if (null == oCurFormat.ComporationOperator) {
if (null == oPositive) {
oPositive = oCurFormat;
} else {
if (null == oNegative) {
oNegative = oCurFormat;
} else {
if (null == oNull) {
oNull = oCurFormat;
} else {
var oComporationOperator = oCurFormat.ComporationOperator;
if (0 == oComporationOperator.operatorValue) {
switch (oComporationOperator.operator) {
case NumComporationOperators.greater:
oPositive = oCurFormat;
case NumComporationOperators.less:
oNegative = oCurFormat;
case NumComporationOperators.equal:
oNull = oCurFormat;
} else {
oPositive = oNegative = oNull = null;
this.oTextFormat = new NumFormat(false);
if (null == oPositive || null == oNegative || null == oNull) {
for (var i = 0, length = aParsedFormats.length; i < length; ++i) {
var oCurFormat = aParsedFormats[i];
if (null == oCurFormat.ComporationOperator) {
oCurFormat.bAddMinusIfNes = true;
} else {
var oComporationOperator = oCurFormat.ComporationOperator;
if (0 < oComporationOperator.operatorValue && (oComporationOperator.operator == NumComporationOperators.less || oComporationOperator.operator == NumComporationOperators.lessorequal)) {
oCurFormat.bAddMinusIfNes = true;
} else {
if (0 > oComporationOperator.operatorValue && (oComporationOperator.operator == NumComporationOperators.greater || oComporationOperator.operator == NumComporationOperators.greaterorequal)) {
oCurFormat.bAddMinusIfNes = true;
this.aComporationFormats = aParsedFormats;
} else {
this.oPositiveFormat = oPositive;
this.oNegativeFormat = oNegative;
this.oNullFormat = oNull;
if (false == bComporationOperator) {
if (4 <= nFormatsLength) {
this.oPositiveFormat = aParsedFormats[0];
this.oNegativeFormat = aParsedFormats[1];
this.oNullFormat = aParsedFormats[2];
this.oTextFormat = aParsedFormats[3];
} else {
if (3 == nFormatsLength) {
this.oPositiveFormat = aParsedFormats[0];
this.oNegativeFormat = aParsedFormats[1];
this.oNullFormat = aParsedFormats[2];
this.oTextFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
if (this.oNullFormat.bTextFormat) {
this.oTextFormat = this.oNullFormat;
this.oNullFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
} else {
if (2 == nFormatsLength) {
this.oPositiveFormat = aParsedFormats[0];
this.oNegativeFormat = aParsedFormats[1];
this.oNullFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
this.oTextFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
if (this.oNegativeFormat.bTextFormat) {
this.oTextFormat = this.oNegativeFormat;
this.oNegativeFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
} else {
this.oPositiveFormat = aParsedFormats[0];
this.oPositiveFormat.bAddMinusIfNes = true;
this.oNegativeFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
this.oNullFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
this.oTextFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
this.formatCache = {};
CellFormat.prototype = {
isTextFormat: function () {
if (null != this.oPositiveFormat) {
return this.oPositiveFormat.bTextFormat;
} else {
if (null != this.aComporationFormats && this.aComporationFormats.length > 0) {
return this.aComporationFormats[0].bTextFormat;
return false;
isGeneralFormat: function () {
if (null != this.oPositiveFormat) {
return this.oPositiveFormat.bGeneral;
} else {
if (null != this.aComporationFormats && this.aComporationFormats.length > 0) {
return this.aComporationFormats[0].bGeneral;
return false;
isDateTimeFormat: function () {
if (null != this.oPositiveFormat) {
return this.oPositiveFormat.bDateTime;
} else {
if (null != this.aComporationFormats && this.aComporationFormats.length > 0) {
return this.aComporationFormats[0].bDateTime;
return false;
getTextFormat: function () {
var oRes = null;
if (null == this.aComporationFormats) {
if (null != this.oTextFormat && this.oTextFormat.bTextFormat) {
oRes = this.oTextFormat;
} else {
for (var i = 0, length = this.aComporationFormats.length; i < length; ++i) {
var oCurFormat = this.aComporationFormats[i];
if (null == oCurFormat.ComporationOperator && oCurFormat.bTextFormat) {
oRes = oCurFormat;
return oRes;
getFormatByValue: function (dNumber) {
var oRes = null;
if (null == this.aComporationFormats) {
if (dNumber > 0 && null != this.oPositiveFormat) {
oRes = this.oPositiveFormat;
} else {
if (dNumber < 0 && null != this.oNegativeFormat) {
oRes = this.oNegativeFormat;
} else {
if (null != this.oNullFormat) {
oRes = this.oNullFormat;
} else {
var nLength = this.aComporationFormats.length;
var oDefaultComporationFormat = null;
for (var i = 0, length = nLength; i < length; ++i) {
var oCurFormat = this.aComporationFormats[i];
if (null != oCurFormat.ComporationOperator) {
var bOperationResult = false;
var oOperationValue = oCurFormat.ComporationOperator.operatorValue;
switch (oCurFormat.ComporationOperator.operator) {
case NumComporationOperators.equal:
bOperationResult = (dNumber == oOperationValue);
case NumComporationOperators.greater:
bOperationResult = (dNumber > oOperationValue);
case NumComporationOperators.less:
bOperationResult = (dNumber < oOperationValue);
case NumComporationOperators.greaterorequal:
bOperationResult = (dNumber >= oOperationValue);
case NumComporationOperators.lessorequal:
bOperationResult = (dNumber <= oOperationValue);
case NumComporationOperators.notequal:
bOperationResult = (dNumber != oOperationValue);
if (true == bOperationResult) {
oRes = oCurFormat;
} else {
if (null == oDefaultComporationFormat) {
oDefaultComporationFormat = oCurFormat;
if (null == oRes && null != oDefaultComporationFormat) {
oRes = oDefaultComporationFormat;
return oRes;
format: function (number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult, bChart) {
var res = null;
if (null == bChart) {
bChart = false;
var cacheVal = this.formatCache[number];
var cacheType = null;
var cacheRes = null;
if (null != cacheVal) {
cacheType = cacheVal[nValType];
if (null != cacheType) {
cacheRes = cacheType[dDigitsCount];
if (null != cacheRes) {
if (bChart) {
res = cacheRes.chart;
} else {
res = cacheRes.nochart;
if (null != res) {
return res;
res = [{
text: number
var dNumber = number - 0;
var oFormat = null;
if (CellValueType.String != nValType && number == dNumber) {
oFormat = this.getFormatByValue(dNumber);
if (null != oFormat) {
res = oFormat.format(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult, null, bChart);
} else {
if (null != this.aComporationFormats) {
var oNewFont = new NumFormatFont();
oNewFont.repeat = true;
res = [{
text: "#",
format: oNewFont
} else {
if (null != this.oTextFormat) {
oFormat = this.oTextFormat;
res = oFormat.format(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult, null, bChart);
if (null == cacheVal) {
cacheVal = {};
this.formatCache[number] = cacheVal;
if (null == cacheType) {
cacheType = {};
cacheVal[nValType] = cacheType;
if (null == cacheRes) {
cacheRes = {
chart: null,
nochart: null
cacheType[dDigitsCount] = cacheRes;
if (null != oFormat && oFormat.bGeneralChart) {
if (bChart) {
cacheRes.chart = res;
} else {
cacheRes.nochart = res;
} else {
cacheRes.chart = res;
cacheRes.nochart = res;
return res;
shiftFormat: function (output, nShift) {
var bRes = false;
var bCurRes = true;
if (null == this.aComporationFormats) {
bCurRes = this.oPositiveFormat.toString(output, nShift);
if (false == bCurRes) {
output.format = this.oPositiveFormat.formatString;
bRes |= bCurRes;
if (null != this.oNegativeFormat && this.oPositiveFormat != this.oNegativeFormat) {
var oTempOutput = {};
bCurRes = this.oNegativeFormat.toString(oTempOutput, nShift);
if (false == bCurRes) {
output.format += ";" + this.oNegativeFormat.formatString;
} else {
output.format += ";" + oTempOutput.format;
bRes |= bCurRes;
if (null != this.oNullFormat && this.oPositiveFormat != this.oNullFormat) {
var oTempOutput = {};
bCurRes = this.oNullFormat.toString(oTempOutput, nShift);
if (false == bCurRes) {
output.format += ";" + this.oNullFormat.formatString;
} else {
output.format += ";" + oTempOutput.format;
bRes |= bCurRes;
if (null != this.oTextFormat && this.oPositiveFormat != this.oTextFormat) {
var oTempOutput = {};
bCurRes = this.oTextFormat.toString(oTempOutput, nShift);
if (false == bCurRes) {
output.format += ";" + this.oTextFormat.formatString;
} else {
output.format += ";" + oTempOutput.format;
bRes |= bCurRes;
} else {
var length = this.aComporationFormats.length;
output.format = "";
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var oTempOutput = {};
var oCurFormat = this.aComporationFormats[i];
var bCurRes = oCurFormat.toString(oTempOutput, nShift);
if (0 != i) {
output.format += ";";
if (false == bCurRes) {
output.format += oCurFormat.formatString;
} else {
output.format += oTempOutput.format;
bRes |= bCurRes;
return bRes;
formatToMathInfo: function (number, nValType, dDigitsCount) {
return this._formatToText(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, false);
formatToChart: function (number) {
return this._formatToText(number, CellValueType.Number, gc_nMaxDigCount, true);
_formatToText: function (number, nValType, dDigitsCount, bChart) {
var result = "";
var arrFormat = this.format(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, null, bChart);
for (var i = 0, item; i < arrFormat.length; ++i) {
item = arrFormat[i];
if (item.format) {
if (item.format.repeat) {
if (item.format.skip) {
result += " ";
if (item.text) {
result += item.text;
return result;
getType: function () {
if (null != this.oPositiveFormat) {
return this.oPositiveFormat.getType();
} else {
if (null != this.aComporationFormats && this.aComporationFormats.length > 0) {
return this.aComporationFormats[0].getType();
return c_oAscNumFormatType.General;
var oDecodeGeneralFormatCache = {};
function DecodeGeneralFormat(val, nValType, dDigitsCount) {
var cacheVal = oDecodeGeneralFormatCache[val];
if (null != cacheVal) {
cacheVal = cacheVal[nValType];
if (null != cacheVal) {
cacheVal = cacheVal[dDigitsCount];
if (null != cacheVal) {
return cacheVal;
var res = DecodeGeneralFormat_Raw(val, nValType, dDigitsCount);
var cacheVal = oDecodeGeneralFormatCache[val];
if (null == cacheVal) {
cacheVal = {};
oDecodeGeneralFormatCache[val] = cacheVal;
var cacheType = cacheVal[nValType];
if (null == cacheType) {
cacheType = {};
cacheVal[nValType] = cacheType;
cacheType[dDigitsCount] = res;
return res;
function DecodeGeneralFormat_Raw(val, nValType, dDigitsCount) {
if (CellValueType.String == nValType) {
return "@";
var number = val - 0;
if (number != val) {
return "@";
if (0 == number) {
return "0";
var nDigitsCount;
if (null == dDigitsCount || dDigitsCount > gc_nMaxDigCountView) {
nDigitsCount = gc_nMaxDigCountView;
} else {
nDigitsCount = parseInt(dDigitsCount);
if (number < 0) {
number = -number;
if (nDigitsCount < 1) {
return "0";
var bContinue = true;
var parts = getNumberParts(number);
while (bContinue) {
bContinue = false;
var nRealExp = gc_nMaxDigCount + parts.exponent;
var nRealExpAbs = Math.abs(nRealExp);
var nExpMinDigitsCount;
if (nRealExpAbs < 100) {
nExpMinDigitsCount = 4;
} else {
nExpMinDigitsCount = 2 + nRealExpAbs.toString().length;
var suffix = "";
if (nRealExp > 0) {
if (nRealExp > nDigitsCount) {
if (nDigitsCount >= nExpMinDigitsCount + 1) {
suffix = "E+";
for (var i = 2; i < nExpMinDigitsCount; ++i) {
suffix += "0";
nDigitsCount -= nExpMinDigitsCount;
} else {
return "0";
} else {
var nVarian1 = nDigitsCount - 2 + nRealExp;
var nVarian2 = nDigitsCount - nExpMinDigitsCount;
if (nVarian2 > 2) {
} else {
if (nVarian2 > 0) {
nVarian2 = 1;
if (nVarian1 <= 0 && nVarian2 <= 0) {
return "0";
if (nVarian1 < nVarian2) {
var bUseVarian1 = false;
if (nVarian1 > 0 && 0 == (parts.mantissa % Math.pow(10, gc_nMaxDigCount - nVarian1))) {
bUseVarian1 = true;
if (false == bUseVarian1) {
if (nDigitsCount >= nExpMinDigitsCount + 1) {
suffix = "E+";
for (var i = 2; i < nExpMinDigitsCount; ++i) {
suffix += "0";
nDigitsCount -= nExpMinDigitsCount;
} else {
return "0";
var dec_num_digits = nRealExp;
if (suffix) {
dec_num_digits = 1;
var nRoundDigCount = 0;
if (dec_num_digits <= 0) {
var nTemp = nDigitsCount + dec_num_digits - 2;
if (nTemp > 0) {
nRoundDigCount = nTemp;
} else {
if (dec_num_digits < gc_nMaxDigCount) {
if (dec_num_digits <= nDigitsCount) {
if (dec_num_digits + 1 < nDigitsCount) {
nRoundDigCount = nDigitsCount - 1;
} else {
nRoundDigCount = dec_num_digits;
if (nRoundDigCount > 0) {
var nTemp = Math.pow(10, gc_nMaxDigCount - nRoundDigCount);
number = Math.round(parts.mantissa / nTemp) * nTemp * Math.pow(10, parts.exponent);
var oNewParts = getNumberParts(number);
if (oNewParts.exponent != parts.exponent) {
bContinue = true;
} else {
bContinue = false;
parts = oNewParts;
var frac_num_digits;
if (dec_num_digits > 0) {
frac_num_digits = nDigitsCount - 1 - dec_num_digits;
} else {
frac_num_digits = nDigitsCount - 2 + dec_num_digits;
if (frac_num_digits > 0) {
var sTempNumber = parts.mantissa.toString();
var sTempNumber;
if (dec_num_digits > 0) {
sTempNumber = sTempNumber.substring(dec_num_digits, dec_num_digits + frac_num_digits);
} else {
sTempNumber = sTempNumber.substring(0, frac_num_digits);
var nTempNumberLength = sTempNumber.length;
var nreal_frac_num_digits = frac_num_digits;
for (var i = frac_num_digits - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if ("0" == sTempNumber[i]) {
} else {
frac_num_digits = nreal_frac_num_digits;
if (dec_num_digits < 0) {
frac_num_digits += (-dec_num_digits);
if (frac_num_digits <= 0) {
return "0" + suffix;
var number_format_string = "0" + gc_sFormatDecimalPoint;
for (var i = 0; i < frac_num_digits; ++i) {
number_format_string += "0";
number_format_string += suffix;
return number_format_string;
function GeneralEditFormatCache() {
this.oCache = {};
GeneralEditFormatCache.prototype = {
format: function (number, cultureInfo) {
if (null == cultureInfo) {
cultureInfo = g_oDefaultCultureInfo;
var value = this.oCache[number];
if (null == value) {
if (0 == number) {
value = "0";
} else {
var sRes = "";
var parts = getNumberParts(number);
var nRealExp = gc_nMaxDigCount + parts.exponent;
if (parts.exponent >= 0) {
if (nRealExp <= 21) {
sRes = parts.mantissa.toString();
for (var i = 0; i < parts.exponent; ++i) {
sRes += "0";
} else {
sRes = this._removeTileZeros(parts.mantissa.toString(), cultureInfo);
if (sRes.length > 1) {
var temp = sRes.substring(0, 1);
temp += cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator;
temp += sRes.substring(1);
sRes = temp;
sRes += "E+" + (nRealExp - 1);
} else {
if (nRealExp > 0) {
sRes = parts.mantissa.toString();
if (sRes.length > nRealExp) {
var temp = sRes.substring(0, nRealExp);
temp += cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator;
temp += sRes.substring(nRealExp);
sRes = temp;
sRes = this._removeTileZeros(sRes, cultureInfo);
} else {
if (nRealExp >= -18) {
sRes = "0";
sRes += cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator;
for (var i = 0; i < -nRealExp; ++i) {
sRes += "0";
var sTemp = parts.mantissa.toString();
sTemp = sTemp.substring(0, 19 + nRealExp);
sRes += this._removeTileZeros(sTemp, cultureInfo);
} else {
sRes = parts.mantissa.toString();
if (sRes.length > 1) {
var temp = sRes.substring(0, 1);
temp += cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator;
temp += sRes.substring(1);
temp = this._removeTileZeros(temp, cultureInfo);
sRes = temp;
sRes += "E-" + (1 - nRealExp);
if (SignType.Negative == parts.sign) {
value = "-" + sRes;
} else {
value = sRes;
this.oCache[number] = value;
return value;
_removeTileZeros: function (val, cultureInfo) {
var res = val;
var nLength = val.length;
var nLastNoZero = nLength - 1;
for (var i = val.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
nLastNoZero = i;
if ("0" != val[i]) {
if (nLastNoZero != nLength - 1) {
if (cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator == res[nLastNoZero]) {
res = res.substring(0, nLastNoZero);
} else {
res = res.substring(0, nLastNoZero + 1);
return res;
var oGeneralEditFormatCache = new GeneralEditFormatCache();
function FormatParser() {
this.aCurrencyRegexp = {};
this.aThouthandRegexp = {};
this.days = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
this.daysLeap = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
this.bFormatMonthFirst = true;
FormatParser.prototype = {
isLocaleNumber: function (val, cultureInfo) {
if (null == cultureInfo) {
cultureInfo = g_oDefaultCultureInfo;
if ("." != cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator) {
val = val.replace(".", "q");
val = val.replace(cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator, ".");
return Asc.isNumberInfinity(val);
parseLocaleNumber: function (val, cultureInfo) {
if (null == cultureInfo) {
cultureInfo = g_oDefaultCultureInfo;
if ("." != cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator) {
val = val.replace(".", "q");
val = val.replace(cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator, ".");
return val - 0;
parse: function (value, cultureInfo) {
if (null == cultureInfo) {
cultureInfo = g_oDefaultCultureInfo;
var res = null;
var bError = false;
if (" " == cultureInfo.NumberGroupSeparator) {
value = value.replace(new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(160), "g"));
var rx_thouthand = this.aThouthandRegexp[cultureInfo.LCID];
if (null == rx_thouthand) {
rx_thouthand = new RegExp("^(([ \\+\\-%\\$€£¥\\(]|" + escapeRegExp(cultureInfo.CurrencySymbol) + ")*)((\\d+" + escapeRegExp(cultureInfo.NumberGroupSeparator) + "\\d+)*\\d*" + escapeRegExp(cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator) + "?\\d*)(([ %\\)]|р.|" + escapeRegExp(cultureInfo.CurrencySymbol) + ")*)$");
this.aThouthandRegexp[cultureInfo.LCID] = rx_thouthand;
var match = value.match(rx_thouthand);
if (null != match) {
var sBefore = match[1];
var sVal = match[3];
var sAfter = match[5];
var oChartCount = {};
if (null != sBefore) {
this._parseStringLetters(sBefore, cultureInfo.CurrencySymbol, true, oChartCount);
if (null != sAfter) {
this._parseStringLetters(sAfter, cultureInfo.CurrencySymbol, false, oChartCount);
var bMinus = false;
var bPercent = false;
var sCurrency = null;
var oCurrencyElem = null;
var nBracket = 0;
for (var sChar in oChartCount) {
var elem = oChartCount[sChar];
if (" " == sChar) {
} else {
if ("+" == sChar) {
if (elem.all > 1) {
bError = true;
} else {
if ("-" == sChar) {
if (elem.all > 1) {
bError = true;
} else {
bMinus = true;
} else {
if ("-" == sChar) {
if (elem.all > 1) {
bError = true;
} else {
bMinus = true;
} else {
if ("(" == sChar) {
if (1 == elem.all && 1 == elem.before) {
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
if (")" == sChar) {
if (1 == elem.all && 1 == elem.after) {
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
if ("%" == sChar) {
if (1 == elem.all) {
bPercent = true;
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
if (null == sCurrency && 1 == elem.all) {
sCurrency = sChar;
oCurrencyElem = elem;
} else {
bError = true;
if (nBracket > 0) {
if (2 == nBracket) {
bMinus = true;
} else {
bError = true;
var CurrencyNegativePattern = cultureInfo.CurrencyNegativePattern;
if (null != sCurrency) {
if (sCurrency == cultureInfo.CurrencySymbol) {
var nPattern = cultureInfo.CurrencyNegativePattern;
if (0 == nPattern || 1 == nPattern || 2 == nPattern || 3 == nPattern || 9 == nPattern || 11 == nPattern || 12 == nPattern || 14 == nPattern) {
if (1 != oCurrencyElem.before) {
bError = true;
} else {
if (1 != oCurrencyElem.after) {
bError = true;
} else {
if (-1 != "$€£¥".indexOf(sCurrency)) {
if (1 == oCurrencyElem.before) {
CurrencyNegativePattern = 0;
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
if (-1 != "р.".indexOf(sCurrency)) {
if (1 == oCurrencyElem.after) {
CurrencyNegativePattern = 5;
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
bError = true;
if (!bError) {
var oVal = this._parseThouthand(sVal, cultureInfo);
if (oVal) {
res = {
format: null,
value: null,
bDateTime: false,
bDate: false,
bTime: false,
bPercent: false,
bCurrency: false
var dVal = oVal.number;
if (bMinus) {
dVal = -dVal;
var sFracFormat = "";
if (parseInt(dVal) != dVal) {
sFracFormat = gc_sFormatDecimalPoint + "00";
var sFormat = null;
if (bPercent) {
res.bPercent = true;
dVal /= 100;
sFormat = "0" + sFracFormat + "%";
} else {
if (sCurrency) {
res.bCurrency = true;
var sNumberFormat = "#" + gc_sFormatThousandSeparator + "##0" + sFracFormat;
var sCurrencyFormat;
if (sCurrency.length > 1) {
sCurrencyFormat = '"' + sCurrency + '"';
} else {
sCurrencyFormat = "\\" + sCurrency;
var sPositivePattern;
var sNegativePattern;
switch (CurrencyNegativePattern) {
case 0:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + sNumberFormat + "_)";
sNegativePattern = "[Red](" + sCurrencyFormat + sNumberFormat + ")";
case 1:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + sNumberFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]-" + sCurrencyFormat + sNumberFormat;
case 2:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + sNumberFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sCurrencyFormat + "-" + sNumberFormat;
case 3:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + sNumberFormat + "_-";
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sCurrencyFormat + sNumberFormat + "-";
case 4:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + sCurrencyFormat + "_)";
sNegativePattern = "[Red](" + sNumberFormat + sCurrencyFormat + ")";
case 5:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + sCurrencyFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]-" + sNumberFormat + sCurrencyFormat;
case 6:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + "-" + sCurrencyFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sNumberFormat + "-" + sCurrencyFormat;
case 7:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + sCurrencyFormat + "_-";
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sNumberFormat + sCurrencyFormat + "-";
case 8:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + " " + sCurrencyFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]-" + sNumberFormat + " " + sCurrencyFormat;
case 9:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + " " + sNumberFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]-" + sCurrencyFormat + " " + sNumberFormat;
case 10:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + " " + sCurrencyFormat + "_-";
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sNumberFormat + " " + sCurrencyFormat + "-";
case 11:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + " " + sNumberFormat + "_-";
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sCurrencyFormat + " " + sNumberFormat + "-";
case 12:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + " " + sNumberFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sCurrencyFormat + " -" + sNumberFormat;
case 13:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + " " + sCurrencyFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sNumberFormat + "- " + sCurrencyFormat;
case 14:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + " " + sNumberFormat + "_)";
sNegativePattern = "[Red](" + sCurrencyFormat + " " + sNumberFormat + ")";
case 15:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + " " + sCurrencyFormat + "_)";
sNegativePattern = "[Red](" + sNumberFormat + " " + sCurrencyFormat + ")";
sFormat = sPositivePattern + ";" + sNegativePattern;
} else {
if (oVal.thouthand) {
sFormat = "#" + gc_sFormatThousandSeparator + "##0" + sFracFormat;
} else {
sFormat = "General";
res.format = sFormat;
res.value = dVal;
if (null == res && !bError) {
res = this.parseDate(value, cultureInfo);
return res;
_parseStringLetters: function (sVal, currencySymbol, bBefore, oRes) {
var aTemp = ["р.", currencySymbol];
for (var i = 0, length = aTemp.length; i < length; i++) {
var sChar = aTemp[i];
var nIndex = -1;
var nCount = 0;
while (-1 != (nIndex = sVal.indexOf(sChar, nIndex + 1))) {
if (nCount > 0) {
sVal = sVal.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(sChar), "g"), "");
var elem = oRes[sChar];
if (!elem) {
elem = {
before: 0,
after: 0,
all: 0
oRes[sChar] = elem;
if (bBefore) {
elem.before += nCount;
} else {
elem.after += nCount;
elem.all += nCount;
for (var i = 0, length = sVal.length; i < length; i++) {
var sChar = sVal[i];
var elem = oRes[sChar];
if (!elem) {
elem = {
before: 0,
after: 0,
all: 0
oRes[sChar] = elem;
if (bBefore) {
} else {
_parseThouthand: function (val, cultureInfo) {
var oRes = null;
var bThouthand = false;
var sReverseVal = "";
for (var i = val.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
sReverseVal += val[i];
var nGroupSizeIndex = 0;
var nGroupSize = cultureInfo.NumberGroupSizes[nGroupSizeIndex];
var nPrevIndex = 0;
var nIndex = -1;
var bError = false;
while (-1 != (nIndex = sReverseVal.indexOf(cultureInfo.NumberGroupSeparator, nIndex + 1))) {
var nCurLength = nIndex - nPrevIndex;
if (nCurLength < nGroupSize) {
bError = true;
if (nGroupSizeIndex < cultureInfo.NumberGroupSizes.length - 1) {
nGroupSize = cultureInfo.NumberGroupSizes[nGroupSizeIndex];
nPrevIndex = nIndex + 1;
if (!bError) {
if (0 != nPrevIndex) {
if (nPrevIndex < val.length && parseInt(val.substr(0, val.length - nPrevIndex)) > 0) {
val = val.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(cultureInfo.NumberGroupSeparator), "g"), "");
bThouthand = true;
if (Asc.isNumber(val)) {
var dNumber = parseFloat(val);
if (!isNaN(dNumber)) {
oRes = {
number: dNumber,
thouthand: bThouthand
return oRes;
_parseDateFromArray: function (match, oDataTypes, cultureInfo) {
var res = null;
var bError = false;
for (var i = 0, length = match.length; i < length; i++) {
var elem = match[i];
if (elem.type == oDataTypes.delimiter) {
bError = true;
if (i - 1 >= 0 && i + 1 < length) {
var prev = match[i - 1];
var next = match[i + 1];
if (prev.type != oDataTypes.delimiter && next.type != oDataTypes.delimite) {
if (cultureInfo.TimeSeparator == elem.val || (":" == elem.val && cultureInfo.DateSeparator != elem.val)) {
if (false == prev.date && false == next.date) {
bError = false;
prev.time = true;
next.time = true;
} else {
if (false == prev.time && false == next.time) {
bError = false;
prev.date = true;
next.date = true;
} else {
if (i - 1 >= 0 && i + 1 == length) {
var prev = match[i - 1];
if (prev.type != oDataTypes.delimiter) {
if (cultureInfo.TimeSeparator == elem.val || (":" == elem.val && cultureInfo.DateSeparator != elem.val)) {
if (false == prev.date) {
bError = false;
prev.time = true;
if (bError) {
if (!bError) {
for (var i = 0, length = match.length; i < length; i++) {
var elem = match[i];
if (elem.type == oDataTypes.letter) {
var valLower = elem.val.toLowerCase();
if (elem.am || elem.pm) {
if (i - 1 >= 0) {
var prev = match[i - 1];
if (oDataTypes.digit == prev.type && false == prev.date) {
prev.time = true;
if (i + 1 != length) {
bError = true;
} else {
if (null != elem.month) {
if (i - 1 >= 0) {
var prev = match[i - 1];
if (oDataTypes.digit == prev.type && false == prev.time) {
prev.date = true;
if (i + 1 < length) {
var next = match[i + 1];
if (oDataTypes.digit == next.type && false == next.time) {
next.date = true;
} else {
bError = true;
if (bError) {
if (!bError) {
var aDate = [];
var nMonthIndex = null;
var sMonthFormat = null;
var aTime = [];
var am = false;
var pm = false;
for (var i = 0, length = match.length; i < length; i++) {
var elem = match[i];
if (elem.date) {
if (elem.type == oDataTypes.digit) {
} else {
if (elem.type == oDataTypes.letter && null != elem.month) {
nMonthIndex = aDate.length;
sMonthFormat = elem.month.format;
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
if (elem.time) {
if (elem.type == oDataTypes.digit) {
} else {
if (elem.type == oDataTypes.letter && (elem.am || elem.pm)) {
am = elem.am;
pm = elem.pm;
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
if (oDataTypes.digit == elem.type) {
bError = true;
var nDateLength = aDate.length;
if (nDateLength > 0 && !(2 <= nDateLength && nDateLength <= 3 && (null == nMonthIndex || (3 == nDateLength && 1 == nMonthIndex) || 2 == nDateLength))) {
bError = true;
var nTimeLength = aTime.length;
if (nTimeLength > 3) {
bError = true;
if (!bError) {
res = {
d: null,
m: null,
y: null,
h: null,
min: null,
s: null,
am: am,
pm: pm,
sDateFormat: null
if (nDateLength > 0) {
var nIndexD = cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern.indexOf("0");
var nIndexM = cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern.indexOf("1");
var nIndexY = cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern.indexOf("2");
if (null != nMonthIndex) {
if (2 == nDateLength) {
res.d = aDate[nDateLength - 1 - nMonthIndex];
res.m = aDate[nMonthIndex];
if (this.isValidDate((new Date()).getFullYear(), res.m - 1, res.d)) {
res.sDateFormat = "d-mmm";
} else {
if ("012" != cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern && this.isValidDate((new Date()).getFullYear(), res.d - 1, res.m)) {
res.sDateFormat = "d-mmm";
var temp = res.d;
res.d = res.m;
res.m = temp;
} else {
if (0 == nMonthIndex) {
res.sDateFormat = "mmm-yy";
res.d = null;
res.m = aDate[0];
res.y = aDate[1];
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
res.sDateFormat = "d-mmm-yy";
res.d = aDate[0];
res.m = aDate[1];
res.y = aDate[2];
} else {
if (2 == nDateLength) {
if (nIndexD < nIndexM) {
res.d = aDate[0];
res.m = aDate[1];
} else {
res.m = aDate[0];
res.d = aDate[1];
if (this.isValidDate((new Date()).getFullYear(), res.m - 1, res.d)) {
res.sDateFormat = "d-mmm";
} else {
if ("210" == cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern && this.isValidDate((new Date()).getFullYear(), res.d - 1, res.m)) {
res.sDateFormat = "d-mmm";
var temp = res.d;
res.d = res.m;
res.m = temp;
} else {
res.sDateFormat = "mmm-yy";
res.d = null;
if (nIndexM < nIndexY) {
res.m = aDate[0];
res.y = aDate[1];
} else {
res.y = aDate[0];
res.m = aDate[1];
} else {
var sFormat = "";
for (var i = 0, length = cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern.length; i < length; i++) {
var nIndex = cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern[i] - 0;
var val = aDate[i];
if (0 != i) {
sFormat += "/";
if (0 == nIndex) {
res.d = val;
sFormat += "d";
} else {
if (1 == nIndex) {
res.m = val;
sFormat += "m";
} else {
if (2 == nIndex) {
res.y = val;
sFormat += "yyyy";
res.sDateFormat = sFormat;
if (null != res.y) {
if (res.y < 30) {
res.y = 2000 + res.y;
} else {
if (res.y < 100) {
res.y = 1900 + res.y;
if (nTimeLength > 0) {
res.h = aTime[0];
if (nTimeLength > 1) {
res.min = aTime[1];
if (nTimeLength > 2) {
res.s = aTime[2];
if (bError) {
res = null;
return res;
strcmp: function (s1, s2, index1, length, index2) {
if (null == index2) {
index2 = 0;
var bRes = true;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (s1[index1 + i] != s2[index2 + i]) {
bRes = false;
return bRes;
parseDate: function (value, cultureInfo) {
var res = null;
var match = [];
var sCurValue = null;
var oCurDataType = null;
var oPrevType = null;
var bAmPm = false;
var bMonth = false;
var bError = false;
var oDataTypes = {
letter: {
id: 0,
min: 2,
max: 9
digit: {
id: 1,
min: 1,
max: 4
delimiter: {
id: 2,
min: 1,
max: 1
space: {
id: 3,
min: null,
max: null
var valueLower = value.toLowerCase();
for (var i = 0, length = value.length; i < length; i++) {
var sChar = value[i];
var oDataType = null;
if ("0" <= sChar && sChar <= "9") {
oDataType = oDataTypes.digit;
} else {
if (" " == sChar) {
oDataType = oDataTypes.space;
} else {
if ("/" == sChar || "-" == sChar || ":" == sChar || cultureInfo.DateSeparator == sChar || cultureInfo.TimeSeparator == sChar) {
oDataType = oDataTypes.delimiter;
} else {
oDataType = oDataTypes.letter;
if (null != oDataType) {
if (null == oCurDataType) {
sCurValue = sChar;
} else {
if (oCurDataType == oDataType) {
if (null == oCurDataType.max || sCurValue.length < oCurDataType.max) {
sCurValue += sChar;
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
if (null == oCurDataType.min || sCurValue.length >= oCurDataType.min) {
if (oDataTypes.space != oCurDataType) {
var oNewElem = {
val: sCurValue,
type: oCurDataType,
month: null,
am: false,
pm: false,
date: false,
time: false
if (oDataTypes.digit == oCurDataType) {
oNewElem.val = oNewElem.val - 0;
sCurValue = sChar;
oPrevType = oCurDataType;
} else {
bError = true;
oCurDataType = oDataType;
} else {
bError = true;
if (oDataTypes.letter == oDataType) {
var oNewElem = {
val: sCurValue,
type: oCurDataType,
month: null,
am: false,
pm: false,
date: false,
time: false
var bAm = false;
var bPm = false;
if (!bAmPm && ((bAm = this.strcmp(valueLower, "am", i, 2)) || (bPm = this.strcmp(valueLower, "pm", i, 2)))) {
bAmPm = true;
oNewElem.am = bAm;
oNewElem.pm = bPm;
oNewElem.time = true;
i += 2 - 1;
if (oPrevType != oDataTypes.space) {
bError = true;
} else {
if (!bMonth) {
bMonth = true;
var aArraysToCheck = [{
arr: cultureInfo.AbbreviatedMonthNames,
format: "mmm"
arr: cultureInfo.MonthNames,
format: "mmmm"
var bFound = false;
for (var index in aArraysToCheck) {
var aArrayTemp = aArraysToCheck[index];
for (var j = 0, length2 = aArrayTemp.arr.length; j < length2; j++) {
var sCmpVal = aArrayTemp.arr[j].toLowerCase();
var sCmpValCrop = sCmpVal.replace(/\./g, "");
var bCrop = false;
if (this.strcmp(valueLower, sCmpVal, i, sCmpVal.length) || (bCrop = (sCmpVal != sCmpValCrop && this.strcmp(valueLower, sCmpValCrop, i, sCmpValCrop.length)))) {
bFound = true;
oNewElem.month = {
val: j + 1,
format: aArrayTemp.format
oNewElem.date = true;
if (bCrop) {
i += sCmpValCrop.length - 1;
} else {
i += sCmpVal.length - 1;
if (bFound) {
if (bFound) {
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
bError = true;
oCurDataType = null;
sCurValue = null;
if (bError) {
match = null;
if (null != match && null != sCurValue) {
if (oDataTypes.space != oCurDataType) {
var oNewElem = {
val: sCurValue,
type: oCurDataType,
month: null,
am: false,
pm: false,
date: false,
time: false
if (oDataTypes.digit == oCurDataType) {
oNewElem.val = oNewElem.val - 0;
if (null != match && match.length > 0) {
var oParsedDate = this._parseDateFromArray(match, oDataTypes, cultureInfo);
if (null != oParsedDate) {
var d = oParsedDate.d;
var m = oParsedDate.m;
var y = oParsedDate.y;
var h = oParsedDate.h;
var min = oParsedDate.min;
var s = oParsedDate.s;
var am = oParsedDate.am;
var pm = oParsedDate.pm;
var sDateFormat = oParsedDate.sDateFormat;
var bDate = false;
var bTime = false;
var nDay;
var nMounth;
var nYear;
if (g_bDate1904) {
nDay = 1;
nMounth = 0;
nYear = 1904;
} else {
nDay = 31;
nMounth = 11;
nYear = 1899;
var nHour = 0;
var nMinute = 0;
var nSecond = 0;
var dValue = 0;
var bValidDate = true;
if (null != m && (null != d || null != y)) {
bDate = true;
var oNowDate;
if (null != d) {
nDay = d - 0;
} else {
nDay = 1;
nMounth = m - 1;
if (null != y) {
nYear = y - 0;
} else {
oNowDate = new Date();
nYear = oNowDate.getFullYear();
bValidDate = this.isValidDate(nYear, nMounth, nDay);
if (null != h) {
bTime = true;
nHour = h - 0;
if (am || pm) {
if (nHour <= 23) {
nHour = nHour % 12;
if (pm) {
nHour += 12;
} else {
bValidDate = false;
if (null != min) {
nMinute = min - 0;
if (nMinute > 59) {
bValidDate = false;
if (null != s) {
nSecond = s - 0;
if (nSecond > 59) {
bValidDate = false;
if (true == bValidDate && (true == bDate || true == bTime)) {
if (g_bDate1904) {
dValue = (Date.UTC(nYear, nMounth, nDay, nHour, nMinute, nSecond) - Date.UTC(1904, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)) / (86400 * 1000);
} else {
if (1900 < nYear || (1900 == nYear && 1 < nMounth)) {
dValue = (Date.UTC(nYear, nMounth, nDay, nHour, nMinute, nSecond) - Date.UTC(1899, 11, 30, 0, 0, 0)) / (86400 * 1000);
} else {
if (1900 == nYear && 1 == nMounth && 29 == nDay) {
dValue = 60;
} else {
dValue = (Date.UTC(nYear, nMounth, nDay, nHour, nMinute, nSecond) - Date.UTC(1899, 11, 31, 0, 0, 0)) / (86400 * 1000);
if (dValue > 0) {
var sFormat;
if (true == bDate && true == bTime) {
sFormat = sDateFormat + " h:mm:ss";
if (am || pm) {
sFormat += " AM/PM";
} else {
if (true == bDate) {
sFormat = sDateFormat;
} else {
if (dValue > 1) {
sFormat = "[h]:mm:ss";
} else {
if (am || pm) {
sFormat = "h:mm:ss AM/PM";
} else {
sFormat = "h:mm:ss";
res = {
format: sFormat,
value: dValue,
bDateTime: true,
bDate: bDate,
bTime: bTime,
bPercent: false,
bCurrency: false
return res;
isValidDate: function (nYear, nMounth, nDay) {
if (nYear < 1900) {
return false;
} else {
if (nMounth < 0 || nMounth > 11) {
return false;
} else {
if (this.isValidDay(nYear, nMounth, nDay)) {
return true;
} else {
if (1900 == nYear && 1 == nMounth && 29 == nDay) {
return true;
return false;
isValidDay: function (nYear, nMounth, nDay) {
if (this.isLeapYear(nYear)) {
if (nDay <= 0 || nDay > this.daysLeap[nMounth]) {
return false;
} else {
if (nDay <= 0 || nDay > this.days[nMounth]) {
return false;
return true;
isLeapYear: function (year) {
return (0 == (year % 4)) && (0 != (year % 100) || 0 == (year % 400));
var g_oFormatParser = new FormatParser();
function escapeRegExp(string) {
return string.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");
var g_aCultureInfos = {
1033: {
LCID: 1033,
Name: "en-US",
CurrencyNegativePattern: 0,
CurrencySymbol: "$",
NumberDecimalSeparator: ".",
NumberGroupSeparator: ",",
NumberGroupSizes: [3],
DayNames: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
AbbreviatedDayNames: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
MonthNames: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", ""],
AbbreviatedMonthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", ""],
MonthGenitiveNames: [],
AbbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames: [],
AMDesignator: "AM",
PMDesignator: "PM",
DateSeparator: "/",
TimeSeparator: ":",
ShortDatePattern: "102"
var g_oDefaultCultureInfo = g_aCultureInfos[1033];