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2015-04-28 14:59:00 +00:00
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2015
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
"use strict";
var table_Selection_Cell = 0;
var table_Selection_Text = 1;
var table_Selection_Common = 0;
var table_Selection_Border = 1;
var table_Selection_Border_InnerTable = 2;
var type_Table = 2;
function CTableAnchorPosition() {
this.CalcX = 0;
this.CalcY = 0;
this.W = 0;
this.H = 0;
this.X = 0;
this.Y = 0;
this.Left_Margin = 0;
this.Right_Margin = 0;
this.Top_Margin = 0;
this.Bottom_Margin = 0;
this.Page_W = 0;
this.Page_H = 0;
this.X_min = 0;
this.Y_min = 0;
this.X_max = 0;
this.Y_max = 0;
CTableAnchorPosition.prototype = {
Set_X: function (W, X, Left_Margin, Right_Margin, Page_W, X_min, X_max) {
this.W = W;
this.X = X;
this.Left_Margin = Left_Margin;
this.Right_Margin = Right_Margin;
this.Page_W = Page_W;
this.X_min = X_min;
this.X_max = X_max;
Set_Y: function (H, Y, Top_Margin, Bottom_Margin, Page_H, Y_min, Y_max) {
this.H = H;
this.Y = Y;
this.Top_Margin = Top_Margin;
this.Bottom_Margin = Bottom_Margin;
this.Page_H = Page_H;
this.Y_min = Y_min;
this.Y_max = Y_max;
Calculate_X: function (RelativeFrom, bAlign, Value) {
switch (RelativeFrom) {
case c_oAscHAnchor.Text:
case c_oAscHAnchor.Margin:
if (true === bAlign) {
switch (Value) {
case c_oAscXAlign.Center:
this.CalcX = (this.Left_Margin + this.Right_Margin - this.W) / 2;
case c_oAscXAlign.Inside:
case c_oAscXAlign.Outside:
case c_oAscXAlign.Left:
this.CalcX = this.Left_Margin;
case c_oAscXAlign.Right:
this.CalcX = this.Right_Margin - this.W;
} else {
this.CalcX = this.Left_Margin + Value;
case c_oAscHAnchor.Page:
var W = this.X_max - this.X_min;
if (true === bAlign) {
switch (Value) {
case c_oAscXAlign.Center:
this.CalcX = this.X_min + (W - this.W) / 2;
case c_oAscXAlign.Inside:
case c_oAscXAlign.Outside:
case c_oAscXAlign.Left:
this.CalcX = this.X_min;
case c_oAscXAlign.Right:
this.CalcX = this.X_max - this.W;
} else {
this.CalcX = this.X_min + Value;
case c_oAscHAnchor.PageInternal:
if (true === bAlign) {
switch (Value) {
case c_oAscXAlign.Center:
this.CalcX = (this.Page_W - this.W) / 2;
case c_oAscXAlign.Inside:
case c_oAscXAlign.Outside:
case c_oAscXAlign.Left:
this.CalcX = 0;
case c_oAscXAlign.Right:
this.CalcX = this.Page_W - this.W;
} else {
this.CalcX = Value;
return this.CalcX;
Calculate_Y: function (RelativeFrom, bAlign, Value) {
switch (RelativeFrom) {
case c_oAscVAnchor.Margin:
if (true === bAlign) {
switch (Value) {
case c_oAscYAlign.Bottom:
this.CalcY = this.Bottom_Margin - this.H;
case c_oAscYAlign.Center:
this.CalcY = (this.Bottom_Margin + this.Top_Margin - this.H) / 2;
case c_oAscYAlign.Inline:
case c_oAscYAlign.Inside:
case c_oAscYAlign.Outside:
case c_oAscYAlign.Top:
this.CalcY = this.Top_Margin;
} else {
this.CalcY = this.Top_Margin + Value;
case c_oAscVAnchor.Page:
if (true === bAlign) {
switch (Value) {
case c_oAscYAlign.Bottom:
this.CalcY = this.Page_H - this.H;
case c_oAscYAlign.Center:
this.CalcY = (this.Page_H - this.H) / 2;
case c_oAscYAlign.Inline:
case c_oAscYAlign.Inside:
case c_oAscYAlign.Outside:
case c_oAscYAlign.Top:
this.CalcY = 0;
} else {
this.CalcY = Value;
case c_oAscVAnchor.Text:
if (true === bAlign) {
this.CalcY = this.Y;
} else {
this.CalcY = this.Y + Value;
return this.CalcY;
Correct_Values: function (X_min, Y_min, X_max, Y_max, AllowOverlap, OtherFlowTables, CurTable) {
var W = this.W;
var H = this.H;
var CurX = this.CalcX;
var CurY = this.CalcY;
var bBreak = false;
while (true != bBreak) {
bBreak = true;
for (var Index = 0; Index < OtherFlowTables.length; Index++) {
var FlowTable = OtherFlowTables[Index];
if (FlowTable.Table != CurTable && (false === AllowOverlap || false === FlowTable.Table.Get_AllowOverlap()) && (CurX <= FlowTable.X + FlowTable.W && CurX + W >= FlowTable.X && CurY <= FlowTable.Y + FlowTable.H && CurY + H >= FlowTable.Y)) {
CurY = FlowTable.Y + FlowTable.H + 0.001;
bBreak = false;
if (CurY + H > Y_max) {
CurY = Y_max - H;
if (CurY < this.Y_min) {
CurY = this.Y_min;
this.CalcY = CurY;
this.CalcX = CurX;
Calculate_X_Value: function (RelativeFrom) {
var Value = 0;
switch (RelativeFrom) {
case c_oAscHAnchor.Text:
case c_oAscHAnchor.Margin:
Value = this.CalcX - this.Left_Margin;
case c_oAscHAnchor.Page:
Value = this.CalcX - this.X_min;
case c_oAscHAnchor.PageInternal:
Value = this.CalcX;
return Value;
Calculate_Y_Value: function (RelativeFrom) {
var Value = 0;
switch (RelativeFrom) {
case c_oAscVAnchor.Margin:
Value = this.CalcY - this.Top_Margin;
case c_oAscVAnchor.Page:
Value = this.CalcY;
case c_oAscVAnchor.Text:
Value = this.CalcY - this.Y;
return Value;
function CTablePage(X, Y, XLimit, YLimit, FirstRow, MaxTopBorder) {
this.X = X;
this.Y = Y;
this.XLimit = XLimit;
this.YLimit = YLimit;
this.Bounds = new CDocumentBounds(X, Y, XLimit, Y);
this.MaxTopBorder = MaxTopBorder;
this.FirstRow = FirstRow;
this.LastRow = FirstRow;
this.Height = 0;
CTablePage.prototype = {
Shift: function (Dx, Dy) {
this.X += Dx;
this.Y += Dy;
this.XLimit += Dx;
this.YLimit += Dy;
this.Bounds.Shift(Dx, Dy);
function CTableRecalcInfo() {
this.TableGridOpen = true;
this.TableGrid = true;
this.TableBorders = true;
this.CellsToRecalc = {};
this.CellsAll = true;
CTableRecalcInfo.prototype = {
Set_Type_0: function (Type) {
this.Recalc_0_Type = Type;
Recalc_Borders: function () {
this.TableBorders = true;
Add_Cell: function (Cell) {
this.CellsToRecalc[Cell.Get_Id()] = Cell;
Check_Cell: function (Cell) {
if (true === this.CellsAll || undefined != this.CellsToRecalc[Cell.Get_Id()]) {
return true;
return false;
Recalc_AllCells: function () {
this.CellsAll = true;
Reset: function (bCellsAll) {
this.TableGrid = true;
this.TableBorders = true;
this.CellsAll = bCellsAll;
this.CellsToRecalc = {};
function CTableLook(bFC, bFR, bLC, bLR, bBH, bBV) {
this.m_bFirst_Col = (true === bFC ? true : false);
this.m_bFirst_Row = (true === bFR ? true : false);
this.m_bLast_Col = (true === bLC ? true : false);
this.m_bLast_Row = (true === bLR ? true : false);
this.m_bBand_Hor = (true === bBH ? true : false);
this.m_bBand_Ver = (true === bBV ? true : false);
CTableLook.prototype = {
Set: function (bFC, bFR, bLC, bLR, bBH, bBV) {
this.m_bFirst_Col = (true === bFC ? true : false);
this.m_bFirst_Row = (true === bFR ? true : false);
this.m_bLast_Col = (true === bLC ? true : false);
this.m_bLast_Row = (true === bLR ? true : false);
this.m_bBand_Hor = (true === bBH ? true : false);
this.m_bBand_Ver = (true === bBV ? true : false);
Copy: function () {
return new CTableLook(this.m_bFirst_Col, this.m_bFirst_Row, this.m_bLast_Col, this.m_bLast_Row, this.m_bBand_Hor, this.m_bBand_Ver);
Is_FirstCol: function () {
return this.m_bFirst_Col;
Is_FirstRow: function () {
return this.m_bFirst_Row;
Is_LastCol: function () {
return this.m_bLast_Col;
Is_LastRow: function () {
return this.m_bLast_Row;
Is_BandHor: function () {
return this.m_bBand_Hor;
Is_BandVer: function () {
return this.m_bBand_Ver;
Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) {
Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) {
this.m_bFirst_Col = Reader.GetBool();
this.m_bFirst_Row = Reader.GetBool();
this.m_bLast_Col = Reader.GetBool();
this.m_bLast_Row = Reader.GetBool();
this.m_bBand_Hor = Reader.GetBool();
this.m_bBand_Ver = Reader.GetBool();
function CTable(DrawingDocument, Parent, Inline, PageNum, X, Y, XLimit, YLimit, Rows, Cols, TableGrid, bPresentation) {
this.Id = g_oIdCounter.Get_NewId();
this.Markup = new CTableMarkup(this);
this.Prev = null;
this.Next = null;
this.Index = -1;
this.Inline = Inline;
this.Lock = new CLock();
if (false === g_oIdCounter.m_bLoad) {
this.Lock.Set_Type(locktype_Mine, false);
if (typeof CollaborativeEditing !== "undefined") {
this.DrawingDocument = null;
this.LogicDocument = null;
if (undefined !== DrawingDocument && null !== DrawingDocument) {
this.DrawingDocument = DrawingDocument;
this.LogicDocument = this.DrawingDocument.m_oLogicDocument;
this.Parent = Parent;
this.PageNum = PageNum;
this.CompiledPr = {
Pr: null,
NeedRecalc: true
this.Pr = new CTablePr();
this.Pr.TableW = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0);
this.TableGridNeedRecalc = true;
this.bPresentation = bPresentation === true;
this.TableStyle = (undefined !== this.DrawingDocument && null !== this.DrawingDocument && this.DrawingDocument.m_oLogicDocument && this.DrawingDocument.m_oLogicDocument.Styles ? this.DrawingDocument.m_oLogicDocument.Styles.Get_Default_TableGrid() : null);
this.TableLook = new CTableLook(true, true, false, false, true, false);
this.TableSumGrid = [];
this.TableGrid = TableGrid;
this.TableGridCalc = this.Internal_Copy_Grid(TableGrid);
this.RecalcInfo = new CTableRecalcInfo();
this.Rows = Rows;
this.Cols = Cols;
this.Content = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < Rows; Index++) {
this.Content[Index] = new CTableRow(this, Cols, TableGrid);
this.RowsInfo = [];
this.TableRowsBottom = [];
this.HeaderInfo = {
Count: 0,
H: 0,
PageIndex: 0,
Pages: []
this.Selection = {
Start: false,
Use: false,
StartPos: {
Pos: {
Row: 0,
Cell: 0
X: 0,
Y: 0,
PageIndex: 0,
MouseEvent: {
ClickCount: 1,
Type: g_mouse_event_type_down,
CtrlKey: false
EndPos: {
Pos: {
Row: 0,
Cell: 0
X: 0,
Y: 0,
PageIndex: 0,
MouseEvent: {
ClickCount: 1,
Type: g_mouse_event_type_down,
CtrlKey: false
Type: table_Selection_Text,
Data: null,
Type2: table_Selection_Common,
Data2: null,
CurRow: 0
this.X_origin = X;
this.X = X;
this.Y = Y;
this.XLimit = XLimit;
this.YLimit = YLimit;
this.AllowOverlap = true;
this.PositionH = {
RelativeFrom: c_oAscHAnchor.Page,
Align: true,
Value: c_oAscXAlign.Center
this.PositionH_Old = undefined;
this.PositionV = {
RelativeFrom: c_oAscVAnchor.Page,
Align: true,
Value: c_oAscYAlign.Center
this.PositionV_Old = undefined;
this.Distance = {
T: 0,
B: 0,
L: 0,
R: 0
this.AnchorPosition = new CTableAnchorPosition();
this.Pages = [];
this.Pages[0] = new CTablePage(X, Y, XLimit, YLimit, 0, 0);
this.MaxTopBorder = [];
this.MaxBotBorder = [];
this.MaxBotMargin = [];
if (this.Content.length > 0) {
this.CurCell = this.Content[0].Get_Cell(0);
} else {
this.CurCell = null;
this.TurnOffRecalc = false;
this.TurnOffRecalcEvent = false;
this.ApplyToAll = false;
this.m_oContentChanges = new CContentChanges();
g_oTableId.Add(this, this.Id);
CTable.prototype = {
Get_Theme: function () {
return this.Parent.Get_Theme();
Get_ColorMap: function () {
return this.Parent.Get_ColorMap();
Get_Props: function () {
var TablePr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
var Pr = {};
if (tblwidth_Auto === TablePr.TableW.Type) {
Pr.TableWidth = null;
} else {
Pr.TableWidth = TablePr.TableW.W;
Pr.AllowOverlap = this.AllowOverlap;
Pr.TableSpacing = this.Content[0].Get_CellSpacing();
Pr.TableDefaultMargins = {
Left: TablePr.TableCellMar.Left.W,
Right: TablePr.TableCellMar.Right.W,
Top: TablePr.TableCellMar.Top.W,
Bottom: TablePr.TableCellMar.Bottom.W
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
Pr.CellSelect = true;
var CellMargins = null;
var CellMarginFlag = false;
var Border_left = null;
var Border_right = null;
var Border_top = null;
var Border_bottom = null;
var Border_insideH = null;
var Border_insideV = null;
var CellShd = null;
var Prev_row = -1;
var bFirstRow = true;
var VAlign = null;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_borders = Cell.Get_Borders();
var Cell_margins = Cell.Get_Margins();
var Cell_shd = Cell.Get_Shd();
if (0 === Index) {
VAlign = Cell.Get_VAlign();
} else {
if (VAlign != Cell.Get_VAlign()) {
VAlign = null;
if (0 === Index) {
CellShd = Cell_shd;
} else {
if (null != CellShd && (CellShd.Value != Cell_shd.Value || CellShd.Color.r != Cell_shd.Color.r || CellShd.Color.g != Cell_shd.Color.g || CellShd.Color.b != Cell_shd.Color.b)) {
CellShd = null;
if (0 === Index || this.Selection.Data[Index - 1].Row != Pos.Row) {
if (null === Border_left) {
Border_left = Cell_borders.Left;
} else {
Border_left = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_left, Cell_borders.Left);
} else {
if (null === Border_insideV) {
Border_insideV = Cell_borders.Left;
} else {
Border_insideV = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_insideV, Cell_borders.Left);
if (this.Selection.Data.length - 1 === Index || this.Selection.Data[Index + 1].Row != Pos.Row) {
if (null === Border_right) {
Border_right = Cell_borders.Right;
} else {
Border_right = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_right, Cell_borders.Right);
} else {
if (null === Border_insideV) {
Border_insideV = Cell_borders.Right;
} else {
Border_insideV = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_insideV, Cell_borders.Right);
if (Prev_row != Pos.Row) {
if (-1 != Prev_row) {
bFirstRow = false;
if (false === bFirstRow) {
if (null === Border_insideH) {
Border_insideH = Border_bottom;
Border_insideH = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_insideH, Cell_borders.Top);
} else {
Border_insideH = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_insideH, Border_bottom);
Border_insideH = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_insideH, Cell_borders.Top);
} else {
if (null === Border_top) {
Border_top = Cell_borders.Top;
Border_bottom = Cell_borders.Bottom;
Prev_row = Pos.Row;
} else {
if (false === bFirstRow) {
if (null === Border_insideH) {
Border_insideH = Cell_borders.Top;
} else {
Border_insideH = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_insideH, Cell_borders.Top);
} else {
if (null === Border_top) {
Border_top = Cell_borders.Top;
} else {
Border_top = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_top, Cell_borders.Top);
Border_bottom = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_bottom, Cell_borders.Bottom);
if (true != Cell.Is_TableMargins()) {
if (null === CellMargins) {
CellMargins = Common_CopyObj(Cell_margins);
} else {
if (CellMargins.Left.W != Cell_margins.Left.W) {
CellMargins.Left.W = null;
if (CellMargins.Right.W != Cell_margins.Right.W) {
CellMargins.Right.W = null;
if (CellMargins.Top.W != Cell_margins.Top.W) {
CellMargins.Top.W = null;
if (CellMargins.Bottom.W != Cell_margins.Bottom.W) {
CellMargins.Bottom.W = null;
} else {
CellMarginFlag = true;
Pr.CellsVAlign = VAlign;
Pr.CellBorders = {
Left: Border_left.Copy(),
Right: Border_right.Copy(),
Top: Border_top.Copy(),
Bottom: Border_bottom.Copy(),
InsideH: null === Border_insideH ? null : Border_insideH.Copy(),
InsideV: null === Border_insideV ? null : Border_insideV.Copy()
if (null === CellShd) {
Pr.CellsBackground = null;
} else {
Pr.CellsBackground = CellShd.Copy();
if (null === CellMargins) {
Pr.CellMargins = {
Flag: 0
} else {
var Flag = 2;
if (true === CellMarginFlag) {
Flag = 1;
Pr.CellMargins = {
Left: CellMargins.Left.W,
Right: CellMargins.Right.W,
Top: CellMargins.Top.W,
Bottom: CellMargins.Bottom.W,
Flag: Flag
} else {
Pr.CellSelect = false;
var Cell = this.CurCell;
var CellMargins = Cell.Get_Margins();
var CellBorders = Cell.Get_Borders();
var CellShd = Cell.Get_Shd();
if (true === Cell.Is_TableMargins()) {
Pr.CellMargins = {
Flag: 0
} else {
Pr.CellMargins = {
Left: CellMargins.Left.W,
Right: CellMargins.Right.W,
Top: CellMargins.Top.W,
Bottom: CellMargins.Bottom.W,
Flag: 2
Pr.CellsVAlign = Cell.Get_VAlign();
Pr.CellsBackground = CellShd.Copy();
var Spacing = this.Content[0].Get_CellSpacing();
if (null === Spacing) {
Pr.CellBorders = {
Left: CellBorders.Left.Copy(),
Right: CellBorders.Right.Copy(),
Top: CellBorders.Top.Copy(),
Bottom: CellBorders.Bottom.Copy(),
InsideH: null,
InsideV: null
} else {
var Border_left = null;
var Border_right = null;
var Border_top = null;
var Border_bottom = null;
var Border_insideH = null;
var Border_insideV = null;
var CellShd = null;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Cell_borders = Cell.Get_Borders();
var Cell_shd = Cell.Get_Shd();
if (0 === CurCell && Cells_Count) {
CellShd = Cell_shd;
} else {
if (null != CellShd && (CellShd.Value != Cell_shd.Value || CellShd.Color.r != Cell_shd.Color.r || CellShd.Color.g != Cell_shd.Color.g || CellShd.Color.b != Cell_shd.Color.b)) {
CellShd = null;
if (0 === CurCell) {
if (null === Border_left) {
Border_left = Cell_borders.Left;
} else {
Border_left = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_left, Cell_borders.Left);
} else {
if (null === Border_insideV) {
Border_insideV = Cell_borders.Left;
} else {
Border_insideV = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_insideV, Cell_borders.Left);
if (Cells_Count - 1 === CurCell) {
if (null === Border_right) {
Border_right = Cell_borders.Right;
} else {
Border_right = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_right, Cell_borders.Right);
} else {
if (null === Border_insideV) {
Border_insideV = Cell_borders.Right;
} else {
Border_insideV = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_insideV, Cell_borders.Right);
if (0 === CurCell) {
if (0 != CurRow) {
if (null === Border_insideH) {
Border_insideH = Border_bottom;
Border_insideH = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_insideH, Cell_borders.Top);
} else {
Border_insideH = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_insideH, Border_bottom);
Border_insideH = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_insideH, Cell_borders.Top);
} else {
if (null === Border_top) {
Border_top = Cell_borders.Top;
Border_bottom = Cell_borders.Bottom;
} else {
if (0 != bFirstRow) {
if (null === Border_insideH) {
Border_insideH = Cell_borders.Top;
} else {
Border_insideH = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_insideH, Cell_borders.Top);
} else {
if (null === Border_top) {
Border_top = Cell_borders.Top;
} else {
Border_top = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_top, Cell_borders.Top);
Border_bottom = this.Internal_CompareBorders2(Border_bottom, Cell_borders.Bottom);
Pr.CellBorders = {
Left: Border_left.Copy(),
Right: Border_right.Copy(),
Top: Border_top.Copy(),
Bottom: Border_bottom.Copy(),
InsideH: null === Border_insideH ? null : Border_insideH.Copy(),
InsideV: null === Border_insideV ? null : Border_insideV.Copy()
switch (Pr.CellsVAlign) {
case vertalignjc_Top:
Pr.CellsVAlign = c_oAscVertAlignJc.Top;
case vertalignjc_Bottom:
Pr.CellsVAlign = c_oAscVertAlignJc.Bottom;
case vertalignjc_Center:
Pr.CellsVAlign = c_oAscVertAlignJc.Center;
Pr.CellsVAlign = null;
Pr.RowsInHeader = 0;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
if (true === this.Content[Index].Is_Header()) {
if (true === this.Is_Inline()) {
Pr.TableAlignment = (align_Left === TablePr.Jc ? 0 : (align_Center === TablePr.Jc ? 1 : 2));
Pr.TableIndent = TablePr.TableInd;
Pr.TableWrappingStyle = c_oAscWrapStyle.Inline;
Pr.Position = {
X: this.X,
Y: this.Y
Pr.TablePaddings = {
Top: 0,
Bottom: 0,
Left: 3.2,
Right: 3.2
} else {
var LD_PageFields = this.LogicDocument.Get_PageFields(this.Get_StartPage_Absolute());
Pr.TableAlignment = 0;
Pr.TableIndent = this.X_origin - LD_PageFields.X;
Pr.TableWrappingStyle = c_oAscWrapStyle.Flow;
Pr.PositionH = {};
Pr.PositionH.RelativeFrom = this.PositionH.RelativeFrom;
Pr.PositionH.UseAlign = this.PositionH.Align;
Pr.PositionH.Align = (true === Pr.PositionH.UseAlign ? this.PositionH.Value : undefined);
Pr.PositionH.Value = (true === Pr.PositionH.UseAlign ? 0 : this.PositionH.Value);
Pr.PositionV = {};
Pr.PositionV.RelativeFrom = this.PositionV.RelativeFrom;
Pr.PositionV.UseAlign = this.PositionV.Align;
Pr.PositionV.Align = (true === Pr.PositionV.UseAlign ? this.PositionV.Value : undefined);
Pr.PositionV.Value = (true === Pr.PositionV.UseAlign ? 0 : this.PositionV.Value);
Pr.Position = {
X: this.Parent.X,
Y: this.Parent.Y
Pr.TablePaddings = {
Left: this.Distance.L,
Right: this.Distance.R,
Top: this.Distance.T,
Bottom: this.Distance.B
Pr.Internal_Position = this.AnchorPosition;
Pr.TableBorders = Common_CopyObj(TablePr.TableBorders);
Pr.TableBackground = TablePr.Shd.Copy();
Pr.TableStyle = this.TableStyle;
Pr.TableLook = this.TableLook;
if (true === this.Parent.Is_DrawingShape()) {
Pr.CanBeFlow = false;
} else {
Pr.CanBeFlow = true;
Pr.Locked = this.Lock.Is_Locked();
if (true === this.Parent.Is_InTable()) {
Pr.TableLayout = undefined;
} else {
Pr.TableLayout = (TablePr.TableLayout === tbllayout_AutoFit ? c_oAscTableLayout.AutoFit : c_oAscTableLayout.Fixed);
if (!this.bPresentation) {
this.DrawingDocument.CheckTableStyles(new CTablePropLook(this.TableLook));
return Pr;
Set_Props: function (Props) {
var TablePr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
var bApplyToInnerTable = false;
if (true != this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type)) {
bApplyToInnerTable = this.CurCell.Content.Set_TableProps(Props);
if (true === bApplyToInnerTable) {
return true;
var bRecalc_All = false;
var bRedraw = false;
if (undefined !== Props.TableStyle) {
bRecalc_All = true;
if ("undefined" != typeof(Props.TableLook)) {
var NewLook = new CTableLook(Props.TableLook.FirstCol, Props.TableLook.FirstRow, Props.TableLook.LastCol, Props.TableLook.LastRow, Props.TableLook.BandHor, Props.TableLook.BandVer);
bRecalc_All = true;
if (undefined != Props.AllowOverlap) {
bRecalc_All = true;
if (undefined != Props.RowsInHeader) {
var RowsInHeader = Props.RowsInHeader;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
if (Index < RowsInHeader && true != this.Content[Index].Is_Header()) {
} else {
if (Index >= RowsInHeader && true === this.Content[Index].Is_Header()) {
if ("undefined" != typeof(Props.TableSpacing)) {
var NeedChange = false;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
if (Props.TableSpacing != this.Content[Index].Get_CellSpacing()) {
NeedChange = true;
if (true === NeedChange) {
var OldSpacing = this.Content[0].Get_CellSpacing();
var Diff = Props.TableSpacing - (null === OldSpacing ? 0 : OldSpacing);
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
bRecalc_All = true;
var GridKoeff = [];
var ColsCount = this.TableGridCalc.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < ColsCount; Index++) {
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var GridBefore = Row.Get_Before().GridBefore;
var GridAfter = Row.Get_After().GridAfter;
GridKoeff[Math.min(GridBefore, GridKoeff.length - 1)] = 1.5;
GridKoeff[Math.max(GridKoeff.length - 1 - GridAfter, 0)] = 1.5;
var TableGrid_old = this.TableGrid;
this.TableGrid = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < ColsCount; Index++) {
this.TableGrid[Index] = this.TableGridCalc[Index] + GridKoeff[Index] * Diff;
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableGrid,
Old: TableGrid_old,
New: this.TableGrid
var bSpacing = null === this.Content[0].Get_CellSpacing() ? false : true;
if ("undefined" != typeof(Props.TableDefaultMargins)) {
var UsingDefaultMar = false;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
var Row = this.Content[Index];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (null === Cell.Pr.TableCellMar) {
UsingDefaultMar = true;
var NeedChange = false;
var TDM = Props.TableDefaultMargins;
var Left_new = ("undefined" != typeof(TDM.Left) ? (null != TDM.Left ? TDM.Left : TablePr.TableCellMar.Left.W) : TablePr.TableCellMar.Left.W);
var Right_new = ("undefined" != typeof(TDM.Right) ? (null != TDM.Right ? TDM.Right : TablePr.TableCellMar.Right.W) : TablePr.TableCellMar.Right.W);
var Top_new = ("undefined" != typeof(TDM.Top) ? (null != TDM.Top ? TDM.Top : TablePr.TableCellMar.Top.W) : TablePr.TableCellMar.Top.W);
var Bottom_new = ("undefined" != typeof(TDM.Bottom) ? (null != TDM.Bottom ? TDM.Bottom : TablePr.TableCellMar.Bottom.W) : TablePr.TableCellMar.Bottom.W);
if (Left_new != TablePr.TableCellMar.Left.W || Right_new != TablePr.TableCellMar.Right.W || Top_new != TablePr.TableCellMar.Top.W || Bottom_new != TablePr.TableCellMar.Bottom.W) {
NeedChange = true;
if (true === NeedChange) {
this.Set_TableCellMar(Left_new, Top_new, Right_new, Bottom_new);
if (true === UsingDefaultMar) {
bRecalc_All = true;
if ("undefined" != typeof(Props.CellMargins) && null != Props.CellMargins) {
var NeedChange = false;
switch (Props.CellMargins.Flag) {
case 0:
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
var Cell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
if (null != Cell.Pr.TableCellMar) {
NeedChange = true;
} else {
var Cell = this.CurCell;
if (null != Cell.Pr.TableCellMar) {
NeedChange = true;
case 1:
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
var Cell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
if (true != Cell.Is_TableMargins()) {
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Left) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Left,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Right) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Right,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Top) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Top,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Bottom) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Bottom,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
NeedChange = true;
} else {
var Cell = this.CurCell;
if (true != Cell.Is_TableMargins()) {
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Left) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Left,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Right) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Right,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Top) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Top,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Bottom) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Bottom,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Left) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Left,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
W: TablePr.TableCellMar.Left.W,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Right) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Right,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
W: TablePr.TableCellMar.Right.W,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Top) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Top,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
W: TablePr.TableCellMar.Top.W,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Bottom) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Bottom,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
W: TablePr.TableCellMar.Bottom.W,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
NeedChange = true;
case 2:
NeedChange = true;
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
var Cell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
if (true != Cell.Is_TableMargins()) {
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Left) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Left,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Right) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Right,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Top) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Top,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Bottom) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Bottom,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Left) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Left,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
W: TablePr.TableCellMar.Left.W,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Right) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Right,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
W: TablePr.TableCellMar.Right.W,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Top) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Top,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
W: TablePr.TableCellMar.Top.W,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Bottom) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Bottom,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
W: TablePr.TableCellMar.Bottom.W,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
var Cell = this.CurCell;
if (true != Cell.Is_TableMargins()) {
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Left) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Left,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Right) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Right,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Top) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Top,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Bottom) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Bottom,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Left) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Left,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
W: TablePr.TableCellMar.Left.W,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Right) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Right,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
W: TablePr.TableCellMar.Right.W,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Top) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Top,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
W: TablePr.TableCellMar.Top.W,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
if (null != Props.CellMargins.Bottom) {
W: Props.CellMargins.Bottom,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
} else {
W: TablePr.TableCellMar.Bottom.W,
Type: tblwidth_Mm
NeedChange = true;
if (true === NeedChange) {
bRecalc_All = true;
if ("undefined" != typeof(Props.TableWidth)) {
if (null === Props.TableWidth && tblwidth_Auto != TablePr.TableW.Type) {
this.Set_TableW(tblwidth_Auto, 0);
bRecalc_All = true;
} else {
if (null != Props.TableWidth) {
if (tblwidth_Auto === TablePr.TableW.Type || Props.TableWidth != TablePr.TableW.W) {
this.Set_TableW(tblwidth_Mm, Props.TableWidth);
bRecalc_All = true;
if (undefined != Props.TableLayout) {
this.Set_TableLayout((Props.TableLayout === c_oAscTableLayout.AutoFit ? tbllayout_AutoFit : tbllayout_Fixed));
bRecalc_All = true;
if (undefined != Props.TableWrappingStyle) {
if (0 === Props.TableWrappingStyle && true != this.Inline) {
bRecalc_All = true;
} else {
if (1 === Props.TableWrappingStyle && false != this.Inline) {
if (undefined === Props.PositionH) {
this.Set_PositionH(c_oAscHAnchor.Page, false, this.AnchorPosition.Calculate_X_Value(c_oAscHAnchor.Page));
if (undefined === Props.PositionV) {
this.Set_PositionV(c_oAscVAnchor.Page, false, this.AnchorPosition.Calculate_Y_Value(c_oAscVAnchor.Page));
if (undefined === Props.TablePaddings) {
this.Set_Distance(3.2, 0, 3.2, 0);
bRecalc_All = true;
var _Jc = TablePr.Jc;
if ("undefined" != typeof(Props.TableAlignment) && true === this.Is_Inline()) {
var NewJc = (0 === Props.TableAlignment ? align_Left : (1 === Props.TableAlignment ? align_Center : align_Right));
if (TablePr.Jc != NewJc) {
_Jc = NewJc;
bRecalc_All = true;
if ("undefined" != typeof(Props.TableIndent) && true === this.Is_Inline() && align_Left === _Jc) {
if (Props.TableIndent != TablePr.TableInd) {
bRecalc_All = true;
if (undefined != Props.Position) {
this.PositionH.RelativeFrom = c_oAscHAnchor.Page;
this.PositionH.Align = true;
this.PositionV.RelativeFrom = c_oAscVAnchor.Page;
this.PositionH.Align = true;
this.PositionH.Value = c_oAscXAlign.Center;
this.PositionV.Value = c_oAscYAlign.Center;
bRecalc_All = true;
if (undefined != Props.PositionH) {
this.Set_PositionH(Props.PositionH.RelativeFrom, Props.PositionH.UseAlign, (true === Props.PositionH.UseAlign) ? Props.PositionH.Align : Props.PositionH.Value);
if (undefined != Props.PositionV) {
this.Set_PositionV(Props.PositionV.RelativeFrom, Props.PositionV.UseAlign, (true === Props.PositionV.UseAlign) ? Props.PositionV.Align : Props.PositionV.Value);
if (undefined != Props.TablePaddings) {
var TP = Props.TablePaddings;
var CurPaddings = this.Distance;
var NewPaggings_left = (undefined != TP.Left ? (null != TP.Left ? TP.Left : CurPaddings.L) : CurPaddings.L);
var NewPaggings_right = (undefined != TP.Right ? (null != TP.Right ? TP.Right : CurPaddings.R) : CurPaddings.R);
var NewPaggings_top = (undefined != TP.Top ? (null != TP.Top ? TP.Top : CurPaddings.T) : CurPaddings.T);
var NewPaggings_bottom = (undefined != TP.Bottom ? (null != TP.Bottom ? TP.Bottom : CurPaddings.B) : CurPaddings.B);
if (Math.abs(CurPaddings.L - NewPaggings_left) > 0.001 || Math.abs(CurPaddings.R - NewPaggings_right) > 0.001 || Math.abs(CurPaddings.T - NewPaggings_top) > 0.001 || Math.abs(CurPaddings.B - NewPaggings_bottom) > 0.001) {
this.Set_Distance(NewPaggings_left, NewPaggings_top, NewPaggings_right, NewPaggings_bottom);
bRecalc_All = true;
if ("undefined" != typeof(Props.TableBorders) && null != Props.TableBorders) {
if (false === this.Internal_CheckNullBorder(Props.TableBorders.Top) && false === this.Internal_CompareBorders3(Props.TableBorders.Top, TablePr.TableBorders.Top)) {
bRecalc_All = true;
if (true != bSpacing) {
var Row = this.Content[0];
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Row.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
Cell.Set_Border(null, 0);
if (false === this.Internal_CheckNullBorder(Props.TableBorders.Bottom) && false === this.Internal_CompareBorders3(Props.TableBorders.Bottom, TablePr.TableBorders.Bottom)) {
bRecalc_All = true;
if (true != bSpacing) {
var Row = this.Content[this.Content.length - 1];
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Row.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
Cell.Set_Border(null, 2);
if (false === this.Internal_CheckNullBorder(Props.TableBorders.Left) && false === this.Internal_CompareBorders3(Props.TableBorders.Left, TablePr.TableBorders.Left)) {
bRecalc_All = true;
if (true != bSpacing) {
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Cell = this.Content[CurRow].Get_Cell(0);
Cell.Set_Border(null, 3);
if (false === this.Internal_CheckNullBorder(Props.TableBorders.Right) && false === this.Internal_CompareBorders3(Props.TableBorders.Right, TablePr.TableBorders.Right)) {
bRecalc_All = true;
if (true != bSpacing) {
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Cell = this.Content[CurRow].Get_Cell(this.Content[CurRow].Get_CellsCount() - 1);
Cell.Set_Border(null, 1);
if (false === this.Internal_CheckNullBorder(Props.TableBorders.InsideH) && false === this.Internal_CompareBorders3(Props.TableBorders.InsideH, TablePr.TableBorders.InsideH)) {
bRecalc_All = true;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if ((0 === CurRow && true === bSpacing) || 0 != CurRow) {
Cell.Set_Border(null, 0);
if ((this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow && true === bSpacing) || this.Content.length - 1 != CurRow) {
Cell.Set_Border(null, 2);
if (false === this.Internal_CheckNullBorder(Props.TableBorders.InsideV) && false === this.Internal_CompareBorders3(Props.TableBorders.InsideV, TablePr.TableBorders.InsideV)) {
bRecalc_All = true;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if ((0 === CurCell && true === bSpacing) || 0 != CurCell) {
Cell.Set_Border(null, 3);
if ((Cells_Count - 1 === CurCell && true === bSpacing) || Cells_Count - 1 != CurCell) {
Cell.Set_Border(null, 1);
if ("undefined" != typeof(Props.CellBorders) && null != Props.CellBorders) {
var Cells_array = null;
if (true === bSpacing) {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
Cells_array = [];
for (var Index = 0, Count = this.Selection.Data.length; Index < Count; Index++) {
var RowIndex = this.Selection.Data[Index].Row;
var CellIndex = this.Selection.Data[Index].Cell;
var StartGridCol = this.Content[RowIndex].Get_CellInfo(CellIndex).StartGridCol;
var GridSpan = this.Content[RowIndex].Get_Cell(CellIndex).Get_GridSpan();
var TempCells_array = this.private_GetCellsPosArrayByCellsArray(this.private_GetMergedCells(RowIndex, StartGridCol, GridSpan));
Cells_array = Cells_array.concat(TempCells_array);
} else {
if (false === Props.CellSelect) {
Cells_array = [];
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (vmerge_Continue === Cell.Get_VMerge()) {
var StartGridCol = this.Content[CurRow].Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
var GridSpan = this.Content[CurRow].Get_Cell(CurCell).Get_GridSpan();
var TempCells_array = this.private_GetCellsPosArrayByCellsArray(this.private_GetMergedCells(CurRow, StartGridCol, GridSpan));
Cells_array = Cells_array.concat(TempCells_array);
} else {
var RowIndex = this.CurCell.Row.Index;
var CellIndex = this.CurCell.Index;
var StartGridCol = this.Content[RowIndex].Get_CellInfo(CellIndex).StartGridCol;
var GridSpan = this.Content[RowIndex].Get_Cell(CellIndex).Get_GridSpan();
Cells_array = this.private_GetCellsPosArrayByCellsArray(this.private_GetMergedCells(RowIndex, StartGridCol, GridSpan));
} else {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
Cells_array = [];
for (var Index = 0, Count = this.Selection.Data.length; Index < Count; Index++) {
var RowIndex = this.Selection.Data[Index].Row;
var CellIndex = this.Selection.Data[Index].Cell;
var StartGridCol = this.Content[RowIndex].Get_CellInfo(CellIndex).StartGridCol;
var GridSpan = this.Content[RowIndex].Get_Cell(CellIndex).Get_GridSpan();
var TempCells_array = this.private_GetCellsPosArrayByCellsArray(this.private_GetMergedCells(RowIndex, StartGridCol, GridSpan));
Cells_array = Cells_array.concat(TempCells_array);
} else {
var RowIndex = this.CurCell.Row.Index;
var CellIndex = this.CurCell.Index;
var StartGridCol = this.Content[RowIndex].Get_CellInfo(CellIndex).StartGridCol;
var GridSpan = this.Content[RowIndex].Get_Cell(CellIndex).Get_GridSpan();
Cells_array = this.private_GetCellsPosArrayByCellsArray(this.private_GetMergedCells(RowIndex, StartGridCol, GridSpan));
var Pos_first = Cells_array[0];
var Pos_last = Cells_array[Cells_array.length - 1];
var Row_first = Pos_first.Row;
var Row_last = Pos_last.Row;
var bBorder_top = (false === this.Internal_CheckNullBorder(Props.CellBorders.Top) ? true : false);
var bBorder_bottom = (false === this.Internal_CheckNullBorder(Props.CellBorders.Bottom) ? true : false);
var bBorder_left = (false === this.Internal_CheckNullBorder(Props.CellBorders.Left) ? true : false);
var bBorder_right = (false === this.Internal_CheckNullBorder(Props.CellBorders.Right) ? true : false);
var bBorder_insideh = (false === this.Internal_CheckNullBorder(Props.CellBorders.InsideH) ? true : false);
var bBorder_insidev = (false === this.Internal_CheckNullBorder(Props.CellBorders.InsideV) ? true : false);
if (true != bSpacing) {
var Grid_row_first_start = 0,
Grid_row_first_end = 0,
Grid_row_last_start = 0,
Grid_row_last_end = 0;
var Pos = {
Row: 0,
Cell: 0
var CurRow = Row_first;
var Index = 0;
Grid_row_first_start = this.Content[Pos_first.Row].Get_CellInfo(Pos_first.Cell).StartGridCol;
while (Index < Cells_array.length) {
Pos = Cells_array[Index];
if (Pos.Row != Row_first) {
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
Grid_row_first_end = Row.Get_CellInfo(Pos.Cell).StartGridCol + Cell.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
Index = 0;
while (Index < Cells_array.length) {
Pos = Cells_array[Index];
if (Pos.Row === Row_last) {
Grid_row_last_start = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_CellInfo(Pos.Cell).StartGridCol;
Grid_row_last_end = this.Content[Pos_last.Row].Get_CellInfo(Pos_last.Cell).StartGridCol + this.Content[Pos_last.Row].Get_Cell(Pos_last.Cell).Get_GridSpan() - 1;
if (Row_first > 0 && true === bBorder_top) {
var Cell_start = 0,
Cell_end = 0;
var bStart = false;
var bEnd = false;
var Row = this.Content[Row_first - 1];
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Row.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
var StartGridCol = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
var EndGridCol = StartGridCol + Row.Get_Cell(CurCell).Get_GridSpan() - 1;
if (false === bStart) {
if (StartGridCol < Grid_row_first_start) {
} else {
if (StartGridCol > Grid_row_first_start) {
} else {
Cell_start = CurCell;
bStart = true;
if (EndGridCol < Grid_row_first_end) {
} else {
if (EndGridCol > Grid_row_first_end) {
} else {
Cell_end = CurCell;
bEnd = true;
if (false === bEnd) {
if (EndGridCol < Grid_row_first_end) {
} else {
if (EndGridCol > Grid_row_first_end) {
} else {
Cell_end = CurCell;
bEnd = true;
if (true === bStart && true === bEnd) {
for (var CurCell = Cell_start; CurCell <= Cell_end; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
Cell.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.Top, 2);
bRecalc_All = true;
if (Row_last < this.Content.length - 1 && true === bBorder_bottom) {
var Cell_start = 0,
Cell_end = 0;
var bStart = false;
var bEnd = false;
var Row = this.Content[Row_last + 1];
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Row.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
var StartGridCol = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
var EndGridCol = StartGridCol + Row.Get_Cell(CurCell).Get_GridSpan() - 1;
if (false === bStart) {
if (StartGridCol < Grid_row_last_start) {
} else {
if (StartGridCol > Grid_row_last_start) {
} else {
Cell_start = CurCell;
bStart = true;
if (EndGridCol < Grid_row_last_end) {
} else {
if (EndGridCol > Grid_row_last_end) {
} else {
Cell_end = CurCell;
bEnd = true;
if (false === bEnd) {
if (EndGridCol < Grid_row_last_end) {
} else {
if (EndGridCol > Grid_row_last_end) {
} else {
Cell_end = CurCell;
bEnd = true;
if (true === bStart && true === bEnd) {
for (var CurCell = Cell_start; CurCell <= Cell_end; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
Cell.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.Bottom, 0);
bRecalc_All = true;
var PrevRow = Row_first;
var Cell_start = Pos_first.Cell,
Cell_end = Pos_first.Cell;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
if (PrevRow != Pos.Row) {
var Row_temp = this.Content[PrevRow];
if (true != bSpacing && Cell_start > 0 && true === bBorder_left) {
Row_temp.Get_Cell(Cell_start - 1).Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.Left, 1);
bRecalc_All = true;
if (true != bSpacing && Cell_end < Row_temp.Get_CellsCount() - 1 && true === bBorder_right) {
Row_temp.Get_Cell(Cell_end + 1).Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.Right, 3);
bRecalc_All = true;
for (var CurCell = Cell_start; CurCell <= Cell_end; CurCell++) {
var Cell_temp = Row_temp.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (Row_first === PrevRow && true === bBorder_top) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.Top, 0);
bRecalc_All = true;
} else {
if (Row_first != PrevRow && true === bBorder_insideh) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.InsideH, 0);
bRecalc_All = true;
if (Row_last === PrevRow && true === bBorder_bottom) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.Bottom, 2);
bRecalc_All = true;
} else {
if (Row_last != PrevRow && true === bBorder_insideh) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.InsideH, 2);
bRecalc_All = true;
if (CurCell === Cell_start && true === bBorder_left) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.Left, 3);
bRecalc_All = true;
} else {
if (CurCell != Cell_start && true === bBorder_insidev) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.InsideV, 3);
bRecalc_All = true;
if (CurCell === Cell_end && true === bBorder_right) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.Right, 1);
bRecalc_All = true;
} else {
if (CurCell != Cell_end && true === bBorder_insidev) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.InsideV, 1);
bRecalc_All = true;
Cell_start = Pos.Cell;
Cell_end = Pos.Cell;
PrevRow = Pos.Row;
} else {
Cell_end = Pos.Cell;
if (Cells_array.length - 1 === Index) {
var Row_temp = this.Content[PrevRow];
if (true != bSpacing && Cell_start > 0 && true === bBorder_left) {
Row_temp.Get_Cell(Cell_start - 1).Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.Left, 1);
bRecalc_All = true;
if (true != bSpacing && Cell_end < Row_temp.Get_CellsCount() - 1 && true === bBorder_right) {
Row_temp.Get_Cell(Cell_end + 1).Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.Right, 3);
bRecalc_All = true;
for (var CurCell = Cell_start; CurCell <= Cell_end; CurCell++) {
var Cell_temp = Row_temp.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (Row_first === Pos.Row && true === bBorder_top) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.Top, 0);
bRecalc_All = true;
} else {
if (Row_first != Pos.Row && true === bBorder_insideh) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.InsideH, 0);
bRecalc_All = true;
if (Row_last === Pos.Row && true === bBorder_bottom) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.Bottom, 2);
bRecalc_All = true;
} else {
if (Row_last != Pos.Row && true === bBorder_insideh) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.InsideH, 2);
bRecalc_All = true;
if (CurCell === Cell_start && true === bBorder_left) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.Left, 3);
bRecalc_All = true;
} else {
if (CurCell != Cell_start && true === bBorder_insidev) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.InsideV, 3);
bRecalc_All = true;
if (CurCell === Cell_end && true === bBorder_right) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.Right, 1);
bRecalc_All = true;
} else {
if (CurCell != Cell_end && true === bBorder_insidev) {
Cell_temp.Set_Border(Props.CellBorders.InsideV, 1);
bRecalc_All = true;
if ("undefined" != typeof(Props.TableBackground)) {
if (Props.TableBackground.Value != TablePr.Shd.Value || Props.TableBackground.Color.r != TablePr.Shd.Color.r || Props.TableBackground.Color.g != TablePr.Shd.Color.g || Props.TableBackground.Color.b != TablePr.Shd.Color.b) {
this.Set_TableShd(Props.TableBackground.Value, Props.TableBackground.Color.r, Props.TableBackground.Color.g, Props.TableBackground.Color.b);
bRedraw = true;
if (false === Props.CellSelect && false === bSpacing) {
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Row.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
Value: shd_Nil,
Color: {
r: 0,
g: 0,
b: 0
if ("undefined" != typeof(Props.CellsBackground) && null != Props.CellsBackground) {
if (false === Props.CellSelect && true === bSpacing) {
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Row.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var NewShd = {
Value: Props.CellsBackground.Value,
Color: {
r: Props.CellsBackground.Color.r,
g: Props.CellsBackground.Color.g,
b: Props.CellsBackground.Color.b
Unifill: Props.CellsBackground.Unifill.createDuplicate()
bRedraw = true;
} else {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
var Cell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_shd = Cell.Get_Shd();
if (Props.CellsBackground.Value != Cell_shd.Value || Props.CellsBackground.Color.r != Cell_shd.Color.r || Props.CellsBackground.Color.g != Cell_shd.Color.g || Props.CellsBackground.Color.b != Cell_shd.Color.b || !CompareUnifillBool(Props.CellsBackground.Unifill, Cell_shd.Unifill)) {
var NewShd = {
Value: Props.CellsBackground.Value,
Color: {
r: Props.CellsBackground.Color.r,
g: Props.CellsBackground.Color.g,
b: Props.CellsBackground.Color.b
Unifill: Props.CellsBackground.Unifill.createDuplicate()
bRedraw = true;
} else {
var Cell = this.CurCell;
var Cell_shd = Cell.Get_Shd();
if (Props.CellsBackground.Value != Cell_shd.Value || Props.CellsBackground.Color.r != Cell_shd.Color.r || Props.CellsBackground.Color.g != Cell_shd.Color.g || Props.CellsBackground.Color.b != Cell_shd.Color.b || !CompareUnifillBool(Props.CellsBackground.Unifill, Cell_shd.Unifill)) {
var NewShd = {
Value: Props.CellsBackground.Value,
Color: {
r: Props.CellsBackground.Color.r,
g: Props.CellsBackground.Color.g,
b: Props.CellsBackground.Color.b
Unifill: Props.CellsBackground.Unifill.createDuplicate()
bRedraw = true;
if (undefined != Props.CellsVAlign && null != Props.CellsVAlign) {
if (this.Selection.Use === true && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
var Count = this.Selection.Data.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
var Cell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
} else {
bRecalc_All = true;
return true;
Get_Styles: function (Lvl) {
return this.Parent.Get_Styles(Lvl);
Get_TextBackGroundColor: function () {
var Shd = this.Get_Shd();
if (shd_Nil !== Shd.Value) {
return Shd.Get_Color2(this.Get_Theme(), this.Get_ColorMap());
return this.Parent.Get_TextBackGroundColor();
Get_Numbering: function () {
return this.Parent.Get_Numbering();
Get_PageBounds: function (Index) {
return this.Pages[Index].Bounds;
Get_PagesCount: function () {
return this.Pages.length;
Get_AllDrawingObjects: function (DrawingObjs) {
if (undefined === DrawingObjs) {
DrawingObjs = [];
var Rows_Count = this.Content.length;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < Rows_Count; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
return DrawingObjs;
Get_AllComments: function (AllComments) {
if (undefined === AllComments) {
AllComments = [];
var Rows_Count = this.Content.length;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < Rows_Count; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
return AllComments;
Get_AllMaths: function (AllMaths) {
if (undefined === AllMaths) {
AllMaths = [];
var Rows_Count = this.Content.length;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < Rows_Count; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
return AllMaths;
Get_AllFloatElements: function (FloatObjs) {
if (undefined === FloatObjs) {
FloatObjs = [];
var Rows_Count = this.Content.length;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < Rows_Count; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
return FloatObjs;
Get_PageContentStartPos: function (PageNum, RowIndex, CellIndex) {
var Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CellIndex);
var CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
var CellInfo = Row.Get_CellInfo(CellIndex);
var VMerge_count = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(RowIndex, CellInfo.StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
RowIndex = RowIndex + VMerge_count - 1;
Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
var Pos = this.Parent.Get_PageContentStartPos(PageNum + this.PageNum);
var bHeader = false;
var Y = Pos.Y;
if (-1 != this.HeaderInfo.PageIndex && this.HeaderInfo.Count > 0 && PageNum > this.HeaderInfo.PageIndex && true === this.HeaderInfo.Pages[PageNum].Draw) {
Y = this.HeaderInfo.Pages[PageNum].RowsInfo[this.HeaderInfo.Count - 1].TableRowsBottom;
bHeader = true;
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
if (null != CellSpacing) {
var Table_Border_Top = this.Get_Borders().Top;
if (border_Single === Table_Border_Top.Value) {
Y += Table_Border_Top.Size;
if (true === bHeader || 0 === PageNum || (1 === PageNum && true != this.RowsInfo[0].FirstPage)) {
Y += CellSpacing;
} else {
Y += CellSpacing / 2;
var MaxTopBorder = 0;
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var TableBorders = this.Get_Borders();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var VMerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === VMerge) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(RowIndex, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
var BorderInfo_Top = Cell.Get_BorderInfo().Top;
if (null === BorderInfo_Top) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < BorderInfo_Top.length; Index++) {
var CurBorder = BorderInfo_Top[Index];
var ResultBorder = this.Internal_CompareBorders(CurBorder, TableBorders.Top, false, true);
if (border_Single === ResultBorder.Value && MaxTopBorder < ResultBorder.Size) {
MaxTopBorder = ResultBorder.Size;
Y += MaxTopBorder;
Y += CellMar.Top.W;
return {
X: CellInfo.X_content_start,
XLimit: CellInfo.X_content_end,
Y: Y,
YLimit: Pos.YLimit,
MaxTopBorder: MaxTopBorder
Get_MaxTopBorder: function (RowIndex) {
var Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
var MaxTopBorder = 0;
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var TableBorders = this.Get_Borders();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var VMerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === VMerge) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(RowIndex, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
var BorderInfo_Top = Cell.Get_BorderInfo().Top;
if (null === BorderInfo_Top) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < BorderInfo_Top.length; Index++) {
var CurBorder = BorderInfo_Top[Index];
var ResultBorder = this.Internal_CompareBorders(CurBorder, TableBorders.Top, false, true);
if (border_Single === ResultBorder.Value && MaxTopBorder < ResultBorder.Size) {
MaxTopBorder = ResultBorder.Size;
return MaxTopBorder;
Set_DocumentNext: function (Object) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_DocNext,
Old: this.Next,
New: Object
this.Next = Object;
Set_DocumentPrev: function (Object) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_DocPrev,
Old: this.Prev,
New: Object
this.Prev = Object;
Get_DocumentNext: function () {
return this.Next;
Get_DocumentPrev: function () {
return this.Prev;
Set_DocumentIndex: function (Index) {
this.Index = Index;
Get_TableOffsetCorrection: function () {
var X = 0;
if (true === this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent()) {
return 0;
var Row = this.Content[0];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(0);
var Margins = Cell.Get_Margins();
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
if (null != CellSpacing) {
var TableBorder_Left = this.Get_Borders().Left;
if (border_None != TableBorder_Left.Value) {
X += TableBorder_Left.Size / 2;
X += CellSpacing;
var CellBorder_Left = Cell.Get_Borders().Left;
if (border_None != CellBorder_Left.Value) {
X += CellBorder_Left.Size;
X += Margins.Left.W;
} else {
var TableBorder_Left = this.Get_Borders().Left;
var CellBorder_Left = Cell.Get_Borders().Left;
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorder_Left, CellBorder_Left, true, false);
if (border_None != Result_Border.Value) {
X += Math.max(Result_Border.Size / 2, Margins.Left.W);
} else {
X += Margins.Left.W;
return -X;
Get_FirstParagraph: function () {
if (this.Content.length <= 0 || this.Content[0].Content.length <= 0) {
return null;
return this.Content[0].Content[0].Content.Get_FirstParagraph();
Get_AllParagraphs_ByNumbering: function (NumPr, ParaArray) {
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < Count; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
Cell.Content.Get_AllParagraphs_ByNumbering(NumPr, ParaArray);
Get_EndInfo: function () {
var RowsCount = this.Content.length;
if (RowsCount > 0) {
return this.Content[RowsCount - 1].Get_EndInfo();
return null;
Get_PrevElementEndInfo: function (RowIndex) {
if (0 === RowIndex) {
return this.Parent.Get_PrevElementEndInfo(this);
} else {
return this.Content[RowIndex - 1].Get_EndInfo();
Get_StartPage_Absolute: function () {
return this.Parent.Get_StartPage_Absolute() + this.Get_StartPage_Relative();
Get_StartPage_Relative: function () {
return this.PageNum;
GetType: function () {
return type_Table;
GetId: function () {
return this.Get_Id();
SetId: function (newId) {
Get_Type: function () {
return type_Table;
Set_Id: function (newId) {
g_oTableId.Reset_Id(this, newId, this.Id);
this.Id = newId;
Copy: function (Parent) {
var TableGrid = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.TableGrid.length; Index++) {
TableGrid[Index] = this.TableGrid[Index];
var Table = new CTable(this.DrawingDocument, Parent, this.Inline, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, TableGrid, this.bPresentation);
Table.Set_PositionH(this.PositionH.RelativeFrom, this.PositionH.Align, this.PositionH.Value);
Table.Set_PositionV(this.PositionV.RelativeFrom, this.PositionV.Align, this.PositionV.Value);
Table.Rows = this.Rows;
Table.Cols = this.Cols;
var Rows = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Rows; Index++) {
Table.Content[Index] = this.Content[Index].Copy(Table);
History.Add(Table, {
Type: historyitem_Table_AddRow,
Pos: Index,
Item: {
Row: Table.Content[Index],
TableRowsBottom: {},
RowsInfo: {}
if (Table.Content.length > 0 && Table.Content[0].Get_CellsCount() > 0) {
Table.CurCell = Table.Content[0].Get_Cell(0);
return Table;
Shift: function (PageIndex, Dx, Dy) {
var CurPage = PageIndex;
this.Pages[PageIndex].Shift(Dx, Dy);
if (0 === PageIndex) {
this.X_origin += Dx;
this.X += Dx;
this.Y += Dy;
this.XLimit += Dx;
this.YLimit += Dy;
var StartRow = this.Pages[PageIndex].FirstRow;
var LastRow = this.Pages[PageIndex].LastRow;
for (var CurRow = StartRow; CurRow <= LastRow; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellPageIndex = CurPage - Cell.Content.Get_StartPage_Relative();
if (vmerge_Restart === Cell.Get_VMerge()) {
Cell.Content.Shift(CellPageIndex, Dx, Dy);
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[CurPage] += Dy;
this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage] += Dy;
Update_EndInfo: function () {
for (var RowIndex = 0, RowsCount = this.Content.length; RowIndex < RowsCount; RowIndex++) {
var Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
for (var CellIndex = 0, CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount(); CellIndex < CellsCount; CellIndex++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CellIndex);
Internal_UpdateFlowPosition: function (X, Y) {
this.X_origin = X;
var Dx = this.Get_TableOffsetCorrection();
this.X = X + Dx;
this.Y = Y;
this.Set_PositionH(c_oAscHAnchor.Page, false, this.X);
this.Set_PositionV(c_oAscVAnchor.Page, false, this.Y);
Move: function (X, Y, PageNum, NearestPos) {
var oLogicDocument = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument;
if (true != this.Is_Inline()) {
if (false === oLogicDocument.Document_Is_SelectionLocked(changestype_Table_Properties)) {
this.PositionH_Old = {
RelativeFrom: this.PositionH.RelativeFrom,
Align: this.PositionH.Align,
Value: this.PositionH.Value
this.PositionV_Old = {
RelativeFrom: this.PositionV.RelativeFrom,
Align: this.PositionV.Align,
Value: this.PositionV.Value
this.PositionH.RelativeFrom = c_oAscHAnchor.PageInternal;
this.PositionH.Align = false;
this.PositionH.Value = X;
this.PositionV.RelativeFrom = c_oAscVAnchor.Page;
this.PositionV.Align = false;
this.PositionV.Value = Y;
this.PageNum = PageNum;
var NewDocContent = NearestPos.Paragraph.Parent;
var OldDocContent = this.Parent;
if (true != NewDocContent.Check_TableCoincidence(this)) {
var OldIndex = this.Index;
var NewIndex = NearestPos.Paragraph.Index;
if (PageNum > NearestPos.Paragraph.Get_StartPage_Absolute()) {
if (NearestPos.Paragraph.Pages.length > 2) {
var NewParagraph = new Paragraph(NewDocContent.DrawingDocument, NewDocContent, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
NearestPos.Paragraph.Split(NewParagraph, NearestPos.ContentPos);
NewDocContent.Internal_Content_Add(NewIndex + 1, NewParagraph);
if (NewDocContent === OldDocContent && NewIndex + 1 <= OldIndex) {
} else {
if (NewIndex >= NewDocContent.Content.length - 1) {
NewDocContent.Internal_Content_Add(NewDocContent.Content.length, new Paragraph(NewDocContent.DrawingDocument, NewDocContent, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
if (NewDocContent != OldDocContent) {
NewDocContent.Internal_Content_Add(NewIndex, this);
OldDocContent.Internal_Content_Remove(OldIndex, 1);
this.Parent = NewDocContent;
} else {
if (NearestPos.Paragraph.Index > this.Index) {
NewDocContent.Internal_Content_Add(NewIndex, this);
OldDocContent.Internal_Content_Remove(OldIndex, 1);
} else {
OldDocContent.Internal_Content_Remove(OldIndex, 1);
NewDocContent.Internal_Content_Add(NewIndex, this);
} else {
if (false === oLogicDocument.Document_Is_SelectionLocked(changestype_Table_Properties, {
Type: changestype_2_InlineObjectMove,
PageNum: PageNum,
X: X,
Y: Y
})) {
var NewDocContent = NearestPos.Paragraph.Parent;
var OldDocContent = this.Parent;
if (true != NewDocContent.Check_TableCoincidence(this)) {
var TarParagraph = NearestPos.Paragraph;
var ParaContentPos = NearestPos.ContentPos;
var OldIndex = this.Index;
var NewIndex = NearestPos.Paragraph.Index;
if (true === TarParagraph.Cursor_IsEnd(ParaContentPos)) {
} else {
if (true != TarParagraph.Cursor_IsStart(ParaContentPos)) {
var NewParagraph = new Paragraph(NewDocContent.DrawingDocument, NewDocContent, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
NearestPos.Paragraph.Split(NewParagraph, NearestPos.ContentPos);
NewDocContent.Internal_Content_Add(NewIndex + 1, NewParagraph);
if (NewDocContent === OldDocContent && NewIndex + 1 <= OldIndex) {
if (NewDocContent != OldDocContent) {
NewDocContent.Internal_Content_Add(NewIndex, this);
OldDocContent.Internal_Content_Remove(OldIndex, 1);
this.Parent = NewDocContent;
} else {
if (NearestPos.Paragraph.Index > this.Index) {
NewDocContent.Internal_Content_Add(NewIndex, this);
OldDocContent.Internal_Content_Remove(OldIndex, 1);
} else {
OldDocContent.Internal_Content_Remove(OldIndex, 1);
NewDocContent.Internal_Content_Add(NewIndex, this);
Reset: function (X, Y, XLimit, YLimit, PageNum) {
if (this.Parent.RecalcInfo.FlowObject === this && c_oAscVAnchor.Text === this.PositionV.RelativeFrom) {
this.Y -= this.PositionV.Value;
this.YLimit -= this.PositionV.Value;
this.X_origin = X;
var Dx = this.Get_TableOffsetCorrection();
this.X = X + Dx;
this.Y = Y + 0.001;
this.XLimit = XLimit;
this.YLimit = YLimit;
this.PageNum = PageNum;
this.Pages.length = 1;
this.Pages[0] = new CTablePage(X, Y, XLimit, YLimit, 0, 0);
Recalculate: function () {
Start_FromNewPage: function () {
this.Pages.length = 1;
this.Pages[0] = new CTablePage(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
this.HeaderInfo.Pages[0] = {};
this.HeaderInfo.Pages[0].Draw = false;
this.RowsInfo[0] = {};
this.RowsInfo[0].Pages = 1;
this.RowsInfo[0].Y = [];
this.RowsInfo[0].H = [];
this.RowsInfo[0].TopDy = [];
this.RowsInfo[0].MaxTopBorder = [];
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this.RowsInfo[0].StartPage = 0;
this.RowsInfo[0].X0 = 0;
this.RowsInfo[0].X1 = 0;
this.RowsInfo[0].MaxBotBorder = 0;
this.RowsInfo[0].Y[0] = 0;
this.RowsInfo[0].H[0] = 0;
this.RowsInfo[0].TopDy[0] = 0;
this.RowsInfo[0].MaxTopBorder[0] = 0;
for (var Index = -1; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
this.TableRowsBottom[Index] = [];
this.TableRowsBottom[Index][0] = 0;
this.Pages[0].MaxBotBorder = 0;
this.Pages[0].BotBorders = [];
if (this.Content.length > 0) {
var CellsCount = this.Content[0].Get_CellsCount();
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var Cell = this.Content[0].Get_Cell(CurCell);
Cell.PagesCount = 2;
Reset_RecalculateCache: function () {
var RowsCount = this.Content.length;
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var Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CellIndex = 0; CellIndex < CellsCount; CellIndex++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CellIndex);
Recalculate_Page: function (_PageIndex) {
var PageIndex = _PageIndex - this.PageNum;
if (0 === PageIndex) {
var Result = this.Internal_Recalculate_1_(PageIndex);
if (recalcresult_NextElement === Result) {
return Result;
RecalculateCurPos: function () {
if (null != this.CurCell) {
return this.CurCell.Content.RecalculateCurPos();
return null;
Recalculate_MinMaxContentWidth: function () {
var MinMargin = [],
MinContent = [],
MaxContent = [],
MaxFlags = [];
var GridCount = this.TableGrid.length;
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
MinMargin[CurCol] = 0;
MinContent[CurCol] = 0;
MaxContent[CurCol] = 0;
MaxFlags[CurCol] = false;
var RowsCount = this.Content.length;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < RowsCount; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellMinMax = Cell.Content.Recalculate_MinMaxContentWidth();
var CellMin = CellMinMax.Min;
var CellMax = CellMinMax.Max;
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var CellMargins = Cell.Get_Margins();
var CellMarginsW = CellMargins.Left.W + CellMargins.Right.W;
var CellW = Cell.Get_W();
if (MinMargin[CurGridCol] < CellMarginsW) {
MinMargin[CurGridCol] = CellMarginsW;
if (1 === GridSpan) {
if (MinContent[CurGridCol] < CellMin) {
MinContent[CurGridCol] = CellMin;
if (false === MaxFlags[CurGridCol] && MaxContent[CurGridCol] < CellMax) {
MaxContent[CurGridCol] = CellMax;
if (CellW.Type === tblwidth_Mm) {
if (false === MaxFlags[CurGridCol]) {
MaxFlags[CurGridCol] = true;
MaxContent[CurGridCol] = CellW.W;
} else {
if (MaxContent[CurGridCol] < CellW.W) {
MaxContent[CurGridCol] = CellW.W;
} else {
var SumSpanMinContent = 0;
var SumSpanMaxContent = 0;
for (var CurSpan = CurGridCol; CurSpan < CurGridCol + GridSpan; CurSpan++) {
SumSpanMinContent += MinContent[CurSpan];
SumSpanMaxContent += MaxContent[CurSpan];
if (SumSpanMinContent < CellMin) {
var TempAdd = (CellMin - SumSpanMinContent) / GridSpan;
for (var CurSpan = CurGridCol; CurSpan < CurGridCol + GridSpan; CurSpan++) {
MinContent[CurSpan] += TempAdd;
if (CellW.Type === tblwidth_Mm && CellW.W > CellMax) {
CellMax = CellW.W;
if (SumSpanMaxContent < CellMax) {
var TempAdd = (CellMax - SumSpanMaxContent) / GridSpan;
for (var CurSpan = CurGridCol; CurSpan < CurGridCol + GridSpan; CurSpan++) {
MaxContent[CurSpan] += TempAdd;
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
var Min = 0;
var Max = 0;
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
Min += MinMargin[CurCol] + MinContent[CurCol];
if (false === MaxFlags[CurCol]) {
Max += MinMargin[CurCol] + MaxContent[CurCol];
} else {
Max += MaxContent[CurCol];
return {
Min: Min,
Max: Max
Recalculate_AllTables: function () {
var RowsCount = this.Content.length;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < RowsCount; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
ReDraw: function () {
this.Parent.OnContentReDraw(this.Get_StartPage_Absolute(), this.Get_StartPage_Absolute() + this.Pages.length - 1);
Draw: function (nPageIndex, pGraphics) {
var PNum = nPageIndex - this.PageNum;
if (PNum < 0 || PNum >= this.Pages.length) {
return 0;
var Row_start = this.Pages[PNum].FirstRow;
var Row_last = this.Pages[PNum].LastRow;
if ((Row_start != Row_last || (0 === Row_start && 0 === Row_last && 0 === PNum)) && false === this.RowsInfo[Row_last].FirstPage) {
if (Row_last < Row_start) {
return -1;
var bIsSmartGrForcing = false;
if (pGraphics.StartCheckTableDraw) {
bIsSmartGrForcing = pGraphics.StartCheckTableDraw();
this.Internal_Draw_1(pGraphics, PNum, Row_start, Row_last);
this.Internal_Draw_2(pGraphics, PNum, Row_start, Row_last);
this.Internal_Draw_3(pGraphics, PNum, Row_start, Row_last);
this.Internal_Draw_4(pGraphics, PNum, Row_start, Row_last);
if (pGraphics.EndCheckTableDraw) {
if (PNum < this.Pages.length - 1) {
return -1;
return 0;
Internal_Draw_1: function (pGraphics, PNum, Row_start, Row_last) {
var TableShd = this.Get_Shd();
var X_left_old = null;
var X_right_old = null;
var Y_top = this.Pages[PNum].Bounds.Top;
var Y_bottom = this.Pages[PNum].Bounds.Top;
var LockType = this.Lock.Get_Type();
if (locktype_None != LockType) {
pGraphics.DrawLockObjectRect(this.Lock.Get_Type(), this.Pages[PNum].Bounds.Left, this.Pages[PNum].Bounds.Top, this.Pages[PNum].Bounds.Right - this.Pages[PNum].Bounds.Left, this.Pages[PNum].Bounds.Bottom - this.Pages[PNum].Bounds.Top);
var TableBorders = this.Get_Borders();
var bHeader = false;
if (this.bPresentation) {
var Row = this.Content[0];
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var X_left_new = Row.Get_CellInfo(0).X_grid_start;
var X_right_new = Row.Get_CellInfo(CellsCount - 1).X_grid_end;
var ShapeDrawer = new CShapeDrawer();
TableShd.Unifill && TableShd.Unifill.check(this.Get_Theme(), this.Get_ColorMap());
var Transform = this.Parent.transform.CreateDublicate();
global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(Transform, Math.min(X_left_new, X_right_new), Math.min(Y_top, Y_bottom));
pGraphics.transform3(Transform, false);
ShapeDrawer.fromShape2(new ObjectToDraw(TableShd.Unifill, null, Math.abs(X_right_new - X_left_new), Math.abs(this.Pages[0].Bounds.Bottom - Y_top), null, Transform), pGraphics, null);
if (this.HeaderInfo.Count > 0 && PNum > this.HeaderInfo.PageIndex && true === this.HeaderInfo.Pages[PNum].Draw) {
bHeader = true;
var HeaderPage = this.HeaderInfo.Pages[PNum];
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.HeaderInfo.Count; CurRow++) {
var Row = HeaderPage.Rows[CurRow];
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var X_left_new = Row.Get_CellInfo(0).X_grid_start;
var X_right_new = Row.Get_CellInfo(CellsCount - 1).X_grid_end;
Y_bottom = HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y + HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].H;
var PrevCellSpacing = (CurRow < this.HeaderInfo.Count - 1 ? HeaderPage.Rows[CurRow + 1].Get_CellSpacing() : this.Content[Row_start].Get_CellSpacing());
Y_bottom += (PrevCellSpacing + CellSpacing) / 4;
this.Internal_Draw_1_(pGraphics, TableShd, (null != CellSpacing ? true : false), TableBorders, X_left_new, X_left_old, X_right_new, X_right_old, Y_top, Y_bottom, (0 === CurRow ? true : false), false);
X_left_old = X_left_new;
X_right_old = X_right_new;
Y_top = Y_bottom;
for (var CurRow = Row_start; CurRow <= Row_last; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var X_left_new = Row.Get_CellInfo(0).X_grid_start;
var X_right_new = Row.Get_CellInfo(CellsCount - 1).X_grid_end;
Y_bottom = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[PNum] + this.RowsInfo[CurRow].H[PNum];
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow) {
Y_bottom += Row.Get_CellSpacing();
} else {
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var PrevCellSpacing = this.Content[CurRow + 1].Get_CellSpacing();
Y_bottom += (PrevCellSpacing + CellSpacing) / 4;
if (null != CellSpacing && PNum != this.Pages.length - 1 && CurRow === Row_last) {
Y_bottom += this.Pages[PNum].MaxBotBorder;
this.Internal_Draw_1_(pGraphics, TableShd, (null != CellSpacing ? true : false), TableBorders, X_left_new, X_left_old, X_right_new, X_right_old, Y_top, Y_bottom, (true != bHeader && Row_start === CurRow ? true : false), (Row_last === CurRow ? true : false));
X_left_old = X_left_new;
X_right_old = X_right_new;
Y_top = Y_bottom;
Internal_Draw_1_: function (pGraphics, TableShd, bBorder, TableBorders, X_left_new, X_left_old, X_right_new, X_right_old, Y_top, Y_bottom, bStartRow, bLastRow) {
var Theme = this.Get_Theme();
var ColorMap = this.Get_ColorMap();
var RGBA;
if (shd_Nil != TableShd.Value) {
if (!this.bPresentation) {
RGBA = TableShd.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.b_color1(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.TableRect(Math.min(X_left_new, X_right_new), Math.min(Y_top, Y_bottom), Math.abs(X_right_new - X_left_new), Math.abs(Y_bottom - Y_top));
if (true === bBorder) {
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Left.Value) {
RGBA = TableBorders.Left.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
if (null === X_left_old || Math.abs(X_left_new - X_left_old) < 0.001) {
pGraphics.drawVerLine(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Center, X_left_new, Y_top, Y_bottom, TableBorders.Left.Size);
} else {
if (X_left_new > X_left_old) {
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y_top, X_left_old, X_left_new, TableBorders.Left.Size, -TableBorders.Left.Size / 2, 0);
} else {
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Bottom, Y_top, X_left_old, X_left_new, TableBorders.Left.Size, +TableBorders.Left.Size / 2, -TableBorders.Left.Size / 2);
pGraphics.drawVerLine(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Center, X_left_new, Y_top, Y_bottom, TableBorders.Left.Size);
} else {
if (null === X_left_old || Math.abs(X_left_new - X_left_old) < 0.001) {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_left_new, Y_top, X_left_new, Y_bottom);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_left_old, Y_top, X_left_new, Y_top);
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_left_new, Y_top, X_left_new, Y_bottom);
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Right.Value) {
RGBA = TableBorders.Right.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
if (null === X_right_old || Math.abs(X_right_new - X_right_old) < 0.001) {
pGraphics.drawVerLine(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Center, X_right_new, Y_top, Y_bottom, TableBorders.Right.Size);
} else {
if (X_right_new > X_right_old) {
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Bottom, Y_top, X_right_old, X_right_new, TableBorders.Right.Size, -TableBorders.Right.Size / 2, +TableBorders.Right.Size / 2);
} else {
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y_top, X_right_old, X_right_new, TableBorders.Right.Size, +TableBorders.Right.Size / 2, 0);
pGraphics.drawVerLine(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Center, X_right_new, Y_top, Y_bottom, TableBorders.Right.Size);
} else {
if (null === X_right_old || Math.abs(X_right_new - X_right_old) < 0.001) {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_right_new, Y_top, X_right_new, Y_bottom);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_right_old, Y_top, X_right_new, Y_top);
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_right_new, Y_top, X_right_new, Y_bottom);
if (true === bStartRow) {
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Top.Value) {
RGBA = TableBorders.Top.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
var LeftMW = 0;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Left.Value) {
LeftMW = -TableBorders.Left.Size / 2;
var RightMW = 0;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Right.Value) {
RightMW = +TableBorders.Right.Size / 2;
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y_top, X_left_new, X_right_new, TableBorders.Top.Size, LeftMW, RightMW);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_left_new, Y_top, X_right_new, Y_top);
if (true === bLastRow) {
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Bottom.Value) {
RGBA = TableBorders.Bottom.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
var LeftMW = 0;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Left.Value) {
LeftMW = -TableBorders.Left.Size / 2;
var RightMW = 0;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Right.Value) {
RightMW = +TableBorders.Right.Size / 2;
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y_bottom, X_left_new, X_right_new, TableBorders.Bottom.Size, LeftMW, RightMW);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_left_new, Y_bottom, X_right_new, Y_bottom);
Internal_Draw_2: function (pGraphics, PNum, Row_start, Row_last) {
var Theme = this.Get_Theme();
var ColorMap = this.Get_ColorMap();
if (this.bPresentation) {
if (this.HeaderInfo.Count > 0 && PNum > this.HeaderInfo.PageIndex && true === this.HeaderInfo.Pages[PNum].Draw) {
var HeaderPage = this.HeaderInfo.Pages[PNum];
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.HeaderInfo.Count; CurRow++) {
var Row = HeaderPage.Rows[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var Y = HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y;
for (var CurCell = CellsCount - 1; CurCell >= 0; CurCell--) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var VMerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var CurGridCol = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
if (vmerge_Continue === VMerge) {
var CellInfo = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
var X_cell_start = CellInfo.X_cell_start;
var X_cell_end = CellInfo.X_cell_end;
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
var RealHeight = HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].Y + HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].H - Y;
var CellShd = Cell.Get_Shd();
if (!this.bPresentation) {
var RGBA = CellShd.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
if (true !== RGBA.Auto) {
pGraphics.b_color1(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.TableRect(Math.min(X_cell_start, X_cell_end), Math.min(Y, Y + RealHeight), Math.abs(X_cell_end - X_cell_start), Math.abs(RealHeight));
} else {
if (CellShd.Unifill && CellShd.Unifill.fill) {
var ShapeDrawer = new CShapeDrawer();
CellShd.Unifill.check(Theme, ColorMap);
var Transform = this.Parent.transform.CreateDublicate();
global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(Transform, Math.min(X_cell_start, X_cell_end), Math.min(Y, Y + RealHeight));
pGraphics.transform3(Transform, false);
ShapeDrawer.fromShape2(new ObjectToDraw(CellShd.Unifill, null, Math.abs(X_cell_end - X_cell_start), Math.abs(RealHeight), null, Transform), pGraphics, null);
for (var CurRow = Row_start; CurRow <= Row_last; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var Y = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[PNum];
for (var CurCell = CellsCount - 1; CurCell >= 0; CurCell--) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var VMerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var CurGridCol = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
if (vmerge_Continue === VMerge) {
if (Row_start === CurRow) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
if (null === Cell) {
} else {
var CellInfo = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
var X_cell_start = CellInfo.X_cell_start;
var X_cell_end = CellInfo.X_cell_end;
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
if (PNum + 1 < this.Pages.length) {
if (CurRow + VMergeCount - 1 >= this.Pages[PNum + 1].FirstRow) {
VMergeCount = this.Pages[PNum + 1].FirstRow + 1 - CurRow;
if (false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].FirstPage && PNum === this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].StartPage) {
if (VMergeCount <= 0) {
var RealHeight = this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].Y[PNum] + this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].H[PNum] - Y;
var CellShd = Cell.Get_Shd();
if (shd_Nil != CellShd.Value) {
if (!this.bPresentation) {
var RGBA = CellShd.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
if (true !== RGBA.Auto) {
pGraphics.b_color1(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.TableRect(Math.min(X_cell_start, X_cell_end), Math.min(Y, Y + RealHeight), Math.abs(X_cell_end - X_cell_start), Math.abs(RealHeight));
} else {
if (CellShd.Unifill && CellShd.Unifill.fill) {
var ShapeDrawer = new CShapeDrawer();
CellShd.Unifill.check(Theme, ColorMap);
var Transform = this.Parent.transform.CreateDublicate();
global_MatrixTransformer.TranslateAppend(Transform, Math.min(X_cell_start, X_cell_end), Math.min(Y, Y + RealHeight));
pGraphics.transform3(Transform, false);
ShapeDrawer.fromShape2(new ObjectToDraw(CellShd.Unifill, null, Math.abs(X_cell_end - X_cell_start), Math.abs(RealHeight), null, Transform), pGraphics, null);
if (this.bPresentation) {
Internal_Draw_3: function (pGraphics, PNum, Row_start, Row_last) {
if (this.HeaderInfo.Count > 0 && PNum > this.HeaderInfo.PageIndex && true === this.HeaderInfo.Pages[PNum].Draw) {
var HeaderPage = this.HeaderInfo.Pages[PNum];
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.HeaderInfo.Count; CurRow++) {
var Row = HeaderPage.Rows[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var VMerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === VMerge) {
Cell.Content_Draw(PNum, pGraphics);
for (var CurRow = Row_start; CurRow <= Row_last; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var VMerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var CurGridCol = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
if (vmerge_Continue === VMerge) {
if (Row_start === CurRow) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
if (null === Cell) {
} else {
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
if (PNum + 1 < this.Pages.length) {
if (CurRow + VMergeCount - 1 >= this.Pages[PNum + 1].FirstRow) {
VMergeCount = this.Pages[PNum + 1].FirstRow + 1 - CurRow;
if (false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].FirstPage && PNum === this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].StartPage) {
if (VMergeCount <= 0) {
Cell.Content_Draw(PNum, pGraphics);
Internal_Draw_4: function (pGraphics, PNum, Row_start, Row_last) {
var TableBorders = this.Get_Borders();
var Theme = this.Get_Theme();
var ColorMap = this.Get_ColorMap();
var RGBA;
if (this.HeaderInfo.Count > 0 && PNum > this.HeaderInfo.PageIndex && true === this.HeaderInfo.Pages[PNum].Draw) {
var Y = this.Y;
var HeaderPage = this.HeaderInfo.Pages[PNum];
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.HeaderInfo.Count; CurRow++) {
var Row = HeaderPage.Rows[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
Y = HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y;
var LastBorderTop = {
W: 0,
L: 0
for (var CurCell = CellsCount - 1; CurCell >= 0; CurCell--) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var VMerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var CurGridCol = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
if (vmerge_Continue === VMerge) {
LastBorderTop = {
W: 0,
L: 0
var CellInfo = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
var X_cell_start = CellInfo.X_cell_start;
var X_cell_end = CellInfo.X_cell_end;
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
var RealHeight = HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].Y + HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].H - Y;
var CellBorders = Cell.Get_Borders();
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Left.Value) {
RGBA = CellBorders.Left.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.drawVerLine(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Left, X_cell_start, Y, Y + RealHeight, CellBorders.Left.Size);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_start, Y, X_cell_start, Y + RealHeight);
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Right.Value) {
RGBA = CellBorders.Right.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.drawVerLine(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Right, X_cell_end, Y, Y + RealHeight, CellBorders.Right.Size);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_end, Y, X_cell_end, Y + RealHeight);
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Top.Value) {
RGBA = CellBorders.Top.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y - CellBorders.Top.Size, X_cell_start, X_cell_end, CellBorders.Top.Size, 0, 0);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_start, Y, X_cell_end, Y);
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Bottom.Value) {
RGBA = CellBorders.Bottom.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Bottom, Y + RealHeight + CellBorders.Bottom.Size, X_cell_start, X_cell_end, CellBorders.Bottom.Size, 0, 0);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_start, Y + RealHeight, X_cell_end, Y + RealHeight);
} else {
var CellBordersInfo = Cell.Get_BorderInfo();
var BorderInfo_Left = CellBordersInfo.Left;
var TempCurRow = Cell.Row.Index;
var Row_side_border_start = 0;
var Row_side_border_end = BorderInfo_Left.length - 1;
for (var Index = Row_side_border_start; Index <= Row_side_border_end; Index++) {
var CurBorderInfo = BorderInfo_Left[Index];
var Y0 = HeaderPage.RowsInfo[TempCurRow + Index].Y;
var Y1 = HeaderPage.RowsInfo[TempCurRow + Index].Y + HeaderPage.RowsInfo[TempCurRow + Index].H;
if (border_Single === CurBorderInfo.Value) {
RGBA = CurBorderInfo.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.drawVerLine(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Center, X_cell_start, Y0, Y1, CurBorderInfo.Size);
} else {
if (0 === CurCell) {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_start, Y0, X_cell_start, Y1);
var BorderInfo_Right = CellBordersInfo.Right;
for (var Index = Row_side_border_start; Index <= Row_side_border_end; Index++) {
var CurBorderInfo = BorderInfo_Right[Index];
var Y0 = HeaderPage.RowsInfo[TempCurRow + Index].Y;
var Y1 = HeaderPage.RowsInfo[TempCurRow + Index].Y + HeaderPage.RowsInfo[TempCurRow + Index].H;
var TempCellIndex = this.Internal_Get_Cell_ByStartGridCol(TempCurRow + Index, CellInfo.StartGridCol);
var TempCellsCount = HeaderPage.Rows[TempCurRow + Index].Get_CellsCount();
if (TempCellsCount - 1 === TempCellIndex) {
if (border_Single === CurBorderInfo.Value) {
RGBA = CurBorderInfo.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.drawVerLine(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Center, X_cell_end, Y0, Y1, CurBorderInfo.Size);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_end, Y0, X_cell_end, Y1);
} else {
if (border_None === CurBorderInfo.Value) {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_end, Y0, X_cell_end, Y1);
var LastBorderTop_prev = {
W: LastBorderTop.W,
H: LastBorderTop.H
var BorderInfo_Top = CellBordersInfo.Top;
for (var Index = 0; Index < BorderInfo_Top.length; Index++) {
var CurBorderInfo = BorderInfo_Top[Index];
if (0 != PNum && CurRow === Row_start) {
CurBorderInfo = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Top, CurBorderInfo, true, false);
var X0 = this.X + this.TableSumGrid[Index + CurGridCol - 1];
var X1 = this.X + this.TableSumGrid[Index + CurGridCol];
var LeftMW = 0;
var RightMW = 0;
if (BorderInfo_Top.length - 1 === Index) {
var Max_r = 0;
if (0 != CurRow) {
var Prev_Row = HeaderPage.Rows[CurRow - 1];
var Prev_CellsCount = Prev_Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < Prev_CellsCount; TempIndex++) {
var Prev_Cell = Prev_Row.Get_Cell(TempIndex);
var Prev_GridCol = Prev_Row.Get_CellInfo(TempIndex).StartGridCol;
var Prev_GridSpan = Prev_Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var bLeft = null;
if (Prev_GridCol === Index + CurGridCol + 1) {
bLeft = true;
} else {
if (Prev_GridCol + Prev_GridSpan === Index + CurGridCol + 1) {
bLeft = false;
} else {
if (Prev_GridCol > CurGridCol) {
if (null != bLeft) {
var Prev_VMerge = Prev_Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === Prev_VMerge) {
Prev_Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow - 1, Prev_GridCol, Prev_GridSpan);
if (null === Prev_Cell) {
var Num = CurRow - 1 - Prev_Cell.Row.Index;
if (Num < 0) {
if (true === bLeft) {
var Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left = Prev_Cell.Get_BorderInfo().Left;
if (null != Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left && Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left.length > Num && border_Single === Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left[Num].Value) {
Max_r = Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left[Num].Size / 2;
} else {
var Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right = Prev_Cell.Get_BorderInfo().Right;
if (null != Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right && Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right.length > Num && border_Single === Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right[Num].Value) {
Max_r = Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right[Num].Size / 2;
if (BorderInfo_Right.length > 0 && border_Single === BorderInfo_Right[0].Value && BorderInfo_Right[0].Size / 2 > Max_r) {
Max_r = BorderInfo_Right[0].Size / 2;
if (border_Single === CurBorderInfo.Value && CurBorderInfo.Size > LastBorderTop_prev.W) {
RightMW = Max_r;
} else {
RightMW = -Max_r;
if (0 === Index) {
var Max_l = 0;
if (0 != CurRow) {
var Prev_Row = this.Content[CurRow - 1];
var Prev_CellsCount = Prev_Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < Prev_CellsCount; TempIndex++) {
var Prev_Cell = Prev_Row.Get_Cell(TempIndex);
var Prev_GridCol = Prev_Row.Get_CellInfo(TempIndex).StartGridCol;
var Prev_GridSpan = Prev_Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var bLeft = null;
if (Prev_GridCol === CurGridCol) {
bLeft = true;
} else {
if (Prev_GridCol + Prev_GridSpan === CurGridCol) {
bLeft = false;
} else {
if (Prev_GridCol > CurGridCol) {
if (null != bLeft) {
var Prev_VMerge = Prev_Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === Prev_VMerge) {
Prev_Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow - 1, Prev_GridCol, Prev_GridSpan);
if (null === Prev_Cell) {
var Num = CurRow - 1 - Prev_Cell.Row.Index;
if (Num < 0) {
if (true === bLeft) {
var Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left = Prev_Cell.Get_BorderInfo().Left;
if (null != Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left && Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left.length > Num && border_Single === Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left[Num].Value) {
Max_l = Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left[Num].Size / 2;
} else {
var Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right = Prev_Cell.Get_BorderInfo().Right;
if (null != Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right && Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right.length > Num && border_Single === Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right[Num].Value) {
Max_l = Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right[Num].Size / 2;
if (BorderInfo_Left.length > 0 && border_Single === BorderInfo_Left[0].Value && BorderInfo_Left[0].Size / 2 > Max_l) {
Max_l = BorderInfo_Left[0].Size / 2;
LastBorderTop.L = Max_l;
LastBorderTop.W = 0;
if (border_Single === CurBorderInfo.Value) {
LastBorderTop.W = CurBorderInfo.Size;
if (border_Single === CurBorderInfo.Value) {
RGBA = CurBorderInfo.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y, X0, X1, CurBorderInfo.Size, LeftMW, RightMW);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X0 + LeftMW, Y, X1 + RightMW, Y);
var Y = this.Y;
for (var CurRow = Row_start; CurRow <= Row_last; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
Y = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[PNum];
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var LastBorderTop = {
W: 0,
L: 0
for (var CurCell = CellsCount - 1; CurCell >= 0; CurCell--) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var VMerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var CurGridCol = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
if (vmerge_Continue === VMerge) {
if (Row_start === CurRow) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
if (null === Cell) {
LastBorderTop = {
W: 0,
L: 0
} else {
LastBorderTop = {
W: 0,
L: 0
var CellInfo = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
var X_cell_start = CellInfo.X_cell_start;
var X_cell_end = CellInfo.X_cell_end;
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
if (PNum + 1 < this.Pages.length) {
if (CurRow + VMergeCount - 1 >= this.Pages[PNum + 1].FirstRow) {
VMergeCount = this.Pages[PNum + 1].FirstRow + 1 - CurRow;
if (false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].FirstPage && PNum === this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].StartPage) {
if (VMergeCount <= 0) {
LastBorderTop = {
W: 0,
L: 0
var RealHeight = this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].Y[PNum] + this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].H[PNum] - Y;
var CellBorders = Cell.Get_Borders();
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Left.Value) {
RGBA = CellBorders.Left.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.drawVerLine(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Left, X_cell_start, Y, Y + RealHeight, CellBorders.Left.Size);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_start, Y, X_cell_start, Y + RealHeight);
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Right.Value) {
RGBA = CellBorders.Right.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.drawVerLine(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Right, X_cell_end, Y, Y + RealHeight, CellBorders.Right.Size);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_end, Y, X_cell_end, Y + RealHeight);
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Top.Value) {
RGBA = CellBorders.Top.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y - CellBorders.Top.Size, X_cell_start, X_cell_end, CellBorders.Top.Size, 0, 0);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_start, Y, X_cell_end, Y);
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Bottom.Value) {
RGBA = CellBorders.Bottom.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Bottom, Y + RealHeight + CellBorders.Bottom.Size, X_cell_start, X_cell_end, CellBorders.Bottom.Size, 0, 0);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_start, Y + RealHeight, X_cell_end, Y + RealHeight);
} else {
var CellBordersInfo = Cell.Get_BorderInfo();
var BorderInfo_Left = CellBordersInfo.Left;
var TempCurRow = Cell.Row.Index;
var Row_side_border_start = (TempCurRow < Row_start ? Row_start - TempCurRow : 0);
var Row_side_border_end = (BorderInfo_Left.length - 1 + TempCurRow > Row_last ? Row_last - TempCurRow + 1 : BorderInfo_Left.length - 1);
for (var Index = Row_side_border_start; Index <= Row_side_border_end; Index++) {
var CurBorderInfo = BorderInfo_Left[Index];
var Y0 = this.RowsInfo[TempCurRow + Index].Y[PNum];
var Y1 = this.RowsInfo[TempCurRow + Index].Y[PNum] + this.RowsInfo[TempCurRow + Index].H[PNum];
if (border_Single === CurBorderInfo.Value) {
RGBA = CurBorderInfo.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.drawVerLine(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Center, X_cell_start, Y0, Y1, CurBorderInfo.Size);
} else {
if (0 === CurCell) {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_start, Y0, X_cell_start, Y1);
var BorderInfo_Right = CellBordersInfo.Right;
for (var Index = Row_side_border_start; Index <= Row_side_border_end; Index++) {
var CurBorderInfo = BorderInfo_Right[Index];
var Y0 = this.RowsInfo[TempCurRow + Index].Y[PNum];
var Y1 = this.RowsInfo[TempCurRow + Index].Y[PNum] + this.RowsInfo[TempCurRow + Index].H[PNum];
var TempCellIndex = this.Internal_Get_Cell_ByStartGridCol(TempCurRow + Index, CellInfo.StartGridCol);
var TempCellsCount = this.Content[TempCurRow + Index].Get_CellsCount();
if (TempCellsCount - 1 === TempCellIndex) {
if (border_Single === CurBorderInfo.Value) {
RGBA = CurBorderInfo.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.drawVerLine(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Center, X_cell_end, Y0, Y1, CurBorderInfo.Size);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_end, Y0, X_cell_end, Y1);
} else {
if (border_None === CurBorderInfo.Value) {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_end, Y0, X_cell_end, Y1);
var BorderInfo_Top = CellBordersInfo.Top;
var LastBorderTop_prev = {
W: LastBorderTop.W,
H: LastBorderTop.H
for (var Index = 0; Index < BorderInfo_Top.length; Index++) {
var CurBorderInfo = BorderInfo_Top[Index];
if (0 != PNum && CurRow === Row_start) {
CurBorderInfo = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Top, CurBorderInfo, true, false);
var X0 = this.X + this.TableSumGrid[Index + CurGridCol - 1];
var X1 = this.X + this.TableSumGrid[Index + CurGridCol];
var LeftMW = 0;
var RightMW = 0;
if (BorderInfo_Top.length - 1 === Index) {
var Max_r = 0;
if (0 != CurRow) {
var Prev_Row = this.Content[CurRow - 1];
var Prev_CellsCount = Prev_Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < Prev_CellsCount; TempIndex++) {
var Prev_Cell = Prev_Row.Get_Cell(TempIndex);
var Prev_GridCol = Prev_Row.Get_CellInfo(TempIndex).StartGridCol;
var Prev_GridSpan = Prev_Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var bLeft = null;
if (Prev_GridCol === Index + CurGridCol + 1) {
bLeft = true;
} else {
if (Prev_GridCol + Prev_GridSpan === Index + CurGridCol + 1) {
bLeft = false;
} else {
if (Prev_GridCol > CurGridCol) {
if (null != bLeft) {
var Prev_VMerge = Prev_Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === Prev_VMerge) {
Prev_Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow - 1, Prev_GridCol, Prev_GridSpan);
if (null === Prev_Cell) {
var Num = CurRow - 1 - Prev_Cell.Row.Index;
if (Num < 0) {
if (true === bLeft) {
var Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left = Prev_Cell.Get_BorderInfo().Left;
if (null != Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left && Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left.length > Num && border_Single === Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left[Num].Value) {
Max_r = Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left[Num].Size / 2;
} else {
var Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right = Prev_Cell.Get_BorderInfo().Right;
if (null != Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right && Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right.length > Num && border_Single === Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right[Num].Value) {
Max_r = Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right[Num].Size / 2;
if (BorderInfo_Right.length > 0 && border_Single === BorderInfo_Right[0].Value && BorderInfo_Right[0].Size / 2 > Max_r) {
Max_r = BorderInfo_Right[0].Size / 2;
if (border_Single === CurBorderInfo.Value && CurBorderInfo.Size > LastBorderTop_prev.W) {
RightMW = Max_r;
} else {
RightMW = -Max_r;
if (border_Single === CurBorderInfo.Value && CurBorderInfo.Size <= BorderInfo_Right[0].Size) {
RightMW = -BorderInfo_Right[0].Size / 2;
if (0 === Index) {
var Max_l = 0;
if (0 != CurRow) {
var Prev_Row = this.Content[CurRow - 1];
var Prev_CellsCount = Prev_Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < Prev_CellsCount; TempIndex++) {
var Prev_Cell = Prev_Row.Get_Cell(TempIndex);
var Prev_GridCol = Prev_Row.Get_CellInfo(TempIndex).StartGridCol;
var Prev_GridSpan = Prev_Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var bLeft = null;
if (Prev_GridCol === CurGridCol) {
bLeft = true;
} else {
if (Prev_GridCol + Prev_GridSpan === CurGridCol) {
bLeft = false;
} else {
if (Prev_GridCol > CurGridCol) {
if (null != bLeft) {
var Prev_VMerge = Prev_Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === Prev_VMerge) {
Prev_Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow - 1, Prev_GridCol, Prev_GridSpan);
if (null === Prev_Cell) {
var Num = CurRow - 1 - Prev_Cell.Row.Index;
if (Num < 0) {
if (true === bLeft) {
var Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left = Prev_Cell.Get_BorderInfo().Left;
if (null != Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left && Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left.length > Num && border_Single === Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left[Num].Value) {
Max_l = Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Left[Num].Size / 2;
} else {
var Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right = Prev_Cell.Get_BorderInfo().Right;
if (null != Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right && Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right.length > Num && border_Single === Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right[Num].Value) {
Max_l = Prev_Cell_BorderInfo_Right[Num].Size / 2;
if (BorderInfo_Left.length > 0 && border_Single === BorderInfo_Left[0].Value && BorderInfo_Left[0].Size / 2 > Max_l) {
Max_l = BorderInfo_Left[0].Size / 2;
LeftMW = -Max_l;
if (border_Single === CurBorderInfo.Value && CurBorderInfo.Size <= BorderInfo_Left[0].Size) {
LeftMW = BorderInfo_Left[0].Size / 2;
LastBorderTop.L = Max_l;
LastBorderTop.W = 0;
if (border_Single === CurBorderInfo.Value) {
LastBorderTop.W = CurBorderInfo.Size;
if (border_Single === CurBorderInfo.Value) {
RGBA = CurBorderInfo.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y, X0, X1, CurBorderInfo.Size, LeftMW, RightMW);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X0 + LeftMW, Y, X1 + RightMW, Y);
if (PNum != this.Pages.length - 1 && CurRow + VMergeCount - 1 === Row_last) {
var X0 = X_cell_start;
var X1 = X_cell_end;
var LowerCell = this.Internal_Get_Cell_ByStartGridCol(CurRow + VMergeCount - 1, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol);
var BottomBorder = (-1 === LowerCell ? this.Pages[PNum].BotBorders[0] : this.Pages[PNum].BotBorders[LowerCell]);
if (border_Single === BottomBorder.Value) {
RGBA = BottomBorder.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
var X0 = X_cell_start;
var X1 = X_cell_end;
var LeftMW = 0;
if (BorderInfo_Left.length > 0 && border_Single === BorderInfo_Left[BorderInfo_Left.length - 1].Value) {
LeftMW = -BorderInfo_Left[BorderInfo_Left.length - 1].Size / 2;
var RightMW = 0;
if (BorderInfo_Right.length > 0 && border_Single === BorderInfo_Right[BorderInfo_Right.length - 1].Value) {
RightMW = +BorderInfo_Right[BorderInfo_Right.length - 1].Size / 2;
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y + RealHeight, X0, X1, BottomBorder.Size, LeftMW, RightMW);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_start, Y + RealHeight, X_cell_end, Y + RealHeight);
} else {
var BorderInfo_Bottom = CellBordersInfo.Bottom;
var BorderInfo_Bottom_BeforeCount = CellBordersInfo.Bottom_BeforeCount;
var BorderInfo_Bottom_AfterCount = CellBordersInfo.Bottom_AfterCount;
if (null != BorderInfo_Bottom && BorderInfo_Bottom.length > 0) {
if (-1 === BorderInfo_Bottom_BeforeCount && -1 === BorderInfo_Bottom_AfterCount) {
var BottomBorder = BorderInfo_Bottom[0];
if (border_Single === BottomBorder.Value) {
RGBA = BottomBorder.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
var X0 = X_cell_start;
var X1 = X_cell_end;
var LeftMW = 0;
if (BorderInfo_Left.length > 0 && border_Single === BorderInfo_Left[BorderInfo_Left.length - 1].Value) {
LeftMW = -BorderInfo_Left[BorderInfo_Left.length - 1].Size / 2;
var RightMW = 0;
if (BorderInfo_Right.length > 0 && border_Single === BorderInfo_Right[BorderInfo_Right.length - 1].Value) {
RightMW = +BorderInfo_Right[BorderInfo_Right.length - 1].Size / 2;
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y + RealHeight, X0, X1, BottomBorder.Size, LeftMW, RightMW);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_start, Y + RealHeight, X_cell_end, Y + RealHeight);
} else {
for (var Index = 0; Index < BorderInfo_Bottom_BeforeCount; Index++) {
var BottomBorder = BorderInfo_Bottom[Index];
if (border_Single === BottomBorder.Value) {
RGBA = BottomBorder.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.p_width(BottomBorder.Size * 1000);
var X0 = this.X + this.TableSumGrid[Index + CurGridCol - 1];
var X1 = this.X + this.TableSumGrid[Index + CurGridCol];
var LeftMW = 0;
if (0 === Index && BorderInfo_Left.length > 0 && border_Single === BorderInfo_Left[BorderInfo_Left.length - 1].Value) {
LeftMW = -BorderInfo_Left[BorderInfo_Left.length - 1].Size / 2;
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y + RealHeight, X0, X1, BottomBorder.Size, LeftMW, 0);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_start, Y + RealHeight, X_cell_end, Y + RealHeight);
for (var Index = 0; Index < BorderInfo_Bottom_AfterCount; Index++) {
var BottomBorder = BorderInfo_Bottom[BorderInfo_Bottom.length - 1 - Index];
if (border_Single === BottomBorder.Value) {
RGBA = BottomBorder.Get_Color2(Theme, ColorMap);
pGraphics.p_color(RGBA.r, RGBA.g, RGBA.b, 255);
pGraphics.p_width(BottomBorder.Size * 1000);
var X0 = this.X + this.TableSumGrid[CurGridCol + GridSpan - 2 - Index];
var X1 = this.X + this.TableSumGrid[CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1 - Index];
var RightMW = 0;
if (0 === Index && BorderInfo_Right.length > 0 && border_Single === BorderInfo_Right[BorderInfo_Right.length - 1].Value) {
RightMW = +BorderInfo_Right[BorderInfo_Right.length - 1].Size / 2;
pGraphics.drawHorLineExt(c_oAscLineDrawingRule.Top, Y + RealHeight, X0, X1, BottomBorder.Size, 0, RightMW);
} else {
pGraphics.DrawEmptyTableLine(X_cell_start, Y + RealHeight, X_cell_end, Y + RealHeight);
Save_RecalculateObject: function () {
var RecalcObj = new CTableRecalculateObject();
return RecalcObj;
Load_RecalculateObject: function (RecalcObj) {
Prepare_RecalculateObject: function () {
this.TableSumGrid = [];
this.TableGridCalc = [];
this.TableRowsBottom = [];
this.RowsInfo = [];
this.HeaderInfo = {
Count: 0,
H: 0,
PageIndex: 0,
Pages: []
this.Pages = [];
this.MaxTopBorder = [];
this.MaxBotBorder = [];
this.MaxBotMargin = [];
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
Get_LastRangeVisibleBounds: function () {
var CurPage = this.Pages.length - 1;
var Page_abs = this.Get_StartPage_Absolute() + CurPage;
var CurRow = this.Content.length - 1;
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CurCell = Row.Get_CellsCount() - 1;
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellInfo = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
var CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
var X_start = CellInfo.X_cell_start;
var X_end = CellInfo.X_cell_end;
var Cell_PageRel = Page_abs - Cell.Content.Get_StartPage_Absolute();
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (Cell_PageRel <= Cell.PagesCount - 1) {
if (CurCell >= CellsCount) {
return {
X: X_start,
Y: 0,
W: X_end - X_start,
H: 0,
BaseLine: 0,
XLimit: this.XLimit
var Bounds = Cell.Content_Get_PageBounds(Cell_PageRel);
var Y_offset = Cell.Temp.Y_VAlign_offset[Cell_PageRel];
var Y = 0;
var H = 0;
if (0 != Cell_PageRel) {
var TempRowIndex = this.Pages[CurPage].FirstRow;
Y = this.RowsInfo[TempRowIndex].Y[CurPage] + this.RowsInfo[TempRowIndex].TopDy[CurPage] + CellMar.Top.W + Y_offset;
H = this.RowsInfo[TempRowIndex].H[CurPage];
} else {
Y = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[CurPage] + this.RowsInfo[CurRow].TopDy[CurPage] + CellMar.Top.W + Y_offset;
H = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].H[CurPage];
return {
X: X_start,
Y: Y,
W: X_end - X_start,
H: H,
BaseLine: H,
XLimit: this.XLimit
Get_NearestPos: function (PageNum, X, Y, bAnchor, Drawing) {
var PNum = PageNum - this.PageNum;
if (PNum < 0 || PNum >= this.Pages.length) {
PNum = 0;
var Pos = this.Internal_GetCellByXY(X, Y, PNum);
var Cell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
return Cell.Content.Get_NearestPos(PNum, X, Y, bAnchor, Drawing);
Set_Parent: function (ParentObject) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_Parent,
Old: this.Parent,
New: ParentObject
this.Parent = ParentObject;
Get_Parent: function () {
return this.Parent;
Get_Id: function () {
return this.Id;
Is_StartFromNewPage: function () {
if ((this.Pages.length > 1 && 0 === this.Pages[1].FirstRow && false === this.RowsInfo[0].FirstPage) || (null === this.Get_DocumentPrev() && true === this.Parent.Is_TopDocument())) {
return true;
return false;
Is_ContentOnFirstPage: function () {
if (this.Pages.length >= 1 && true === this.RowsInfo[0].FirstPage) {
return true;
return false;
Is_TableBorder: function (X, Y, PageNum_Abs) {
if (true === this.DrawingDocument.IsMobileVersion()) {
return null;
var TempPNum = PageNum_Abs - this.Get_StartPage_Absolute();
if (TempPNum < 0 || TempPNum >= this.Pages.length) {
TempPNum = 0;
var Result = this.Internal_CheckBorders(X, Y, TempPNum);
if (Result.Border != -1) {
return this;
} else {
return this.Content[Result.Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Result.Pos.Cell).Content.Is_TableBorder(X, Y, PageNum_Abs);
Is_InText: function (X, Y, PageNum_Abs) {
var TempPNum = PageNum_Abs - this.Get_StartPage_Absolute();
if (TempPNum < 0 || TempPNum >= this.Pages.length) {
TempPNum = 0;
var Result = this.Internal_CheckBorders(X, Y, TempPNum);
if (Result.Border != -1) {
return null;
} else {
return this.Content[Result.Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Result.Pos.Cell).Content.Is_InText(X, Y, PageNum_Abs);
Is_InDrawing: function (X, Y, PageNum_Abs) {
var TempPNum = PageNum_Abs - this.Get_StartPage_Absolute();
if (TempPNum < 0 || TempPNum >= this.Pages.length) {
TempPNum = 0;
var Result = this.Internal_CheckBorders(X, Y, TempPNum);
if (Result.Border != -1) {
return null;
} else {
return this.Content[Result.Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Result.Pos.Cell).Content.Is_InDrawing(X, Y, PageNum_Abs);
Is_InnerTable: function () {
if (this.Content.length <= 0) {
return false;
if (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type)) {
return this.CurCell.Content.Is_CurrentElementTable();
return false;
Is_UseInDocument: function (Id) {
var bUse = false;
if (null != Id) {
var RowsCount = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < RowsCount; Index++) {
if (Id === this.Content[Index].Get_Id()) {
bUse = true;
} else {
bUse = true;
if (true === bUse && null != this.Parent) {
return this.Parent.Is_UseInDocument(this.Get_Id());
return false;
Get_CurrentPage_Absolute: function () {
if (true === this.Selection.Use) {
var Pos = this.Selection.EndPos.Pos;
return this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell).Content.Get_CurrentPage_Absolute();
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Get_CurrentPage_Absolute();
Get_CurrentPage_Relative: function () {
if (true === this.Selection.Use) {
return 0;
return this.CurCell.Content.Get_CurrentPage_Absolute() - this.Get_StartPage_Absolute();
Update_CursorType: function (X, Y, PageIndex) {
var PageNum = PageIndex - this.PageNum;
if (PageNum < 0 || PageNum >= this.Pages.length) {
PageNum = 0;
if (true === this.Lock.Is_Locked()) {
var PNum = PageNum;
var _X = this.Pages[PNum].Bounds.Left;
var _Y = this.Pages[PNum].Bounds.Top;
var MMData = new CMouseMoveData();
var Coords = this.DrawingDocument.ConvertCoordsToCursorWR(_X, _Y, this.Get_StartPage_Absolute() + (PageIndex - this.PageNum));
MMData.X_abs = Coords.X - 5;
MMData.Y_abs = Coords.Y - 5;
MMData.Type = c_oAscMouseMoveDataTypes.LockedObject;
MMData.UserId = this.Lock.Get_UserId();
MMData.HaveChanges = this.Lock.Have_Changes();
MMData.LockedObjectType = c_oAscMouseMoveLockedObjectType.Common;
if (true === this.Selection.Start || table_Selection_Border === this.Selection.Type2 || table_Selection_Border_InnerTable === this.Selection.Type2) {
var NewOutline = null;
if (1 === this.Pages.length || (this.Pages.length > 1 && (0 != this.Pages[1].FirstRow || true === this.RowsInfo[0].FirstPage))) {
var Bounds = this.Get_PageBounds(0);
NewOutline = new CTableOutline(this, this.Get_StartPage_Absolute(), Bounds.Left, Bounds.Top, Bounds.Right - Bounds.Left, Bounds.Bottom - Bounds.Top);
} else {
var Bounds = this.Get_PageBounds(1);
NewOutline = new CTableOutline(this, this.Get_StartPage_Absolute() + 1, Bounds.Left, Bounds.Top, Bounds.Right - Bounds.Left, Bounds.Bottom - Bounds.Top);
var transform = null;
var cur_doc_content = this.Parent;
if (cur_doc_content instanceof CDocumentContent) {
while (cur_doc_content.Is_TableCellContent()) {
cur_doc_content = cur_doc_content.Parent.Row.Table.Parent;
if (cur_doc_content.Parent && cur_doc_content.Parent instanceof CShape) {
transform = cur_doc_content.Parent.transformText;
this.DrawingDocument.StartTrackTable(NewOutline, transform);
var Result = this.Internal_CheckBorders(X, Y, PageNum);
switch (Result.Border) {
case 0:
case 2:
return this.DrawingDocument.SetCursorType("s-resize", new CMouseMoveData());
case 1:
case 3:
return this.DrawingDocument.SetCursorType("w-resize", new CMouseMoveData());
var Cell_Pos = this.Internal_GetCellByXY(X, Y, PageNum);
var Cell = this.Content[Cell_Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Cell_Pos.Cell);
Cell.Content.Update_CursorType(X, Y, PageNum + this.Get_StartPage_Absolute());
Start_TrackTable: function () {
var NewOutline = null;
if (1 === this.Pages.length || (this.Pages.length > 1 && (0 != this.Pages[1].FirstRow || true === this.RowsInfo[0].FirstPage))) {
var Bounds = this.Get_PageBounds(0);
NewOutline = new CTableOutline(this, this.Get_StartPage_Absolute(), Bounds.Left, Bounds.Top, Bounds.Right - Bounds.Left, Bounds.Bottom - Bounds.Top);
} else {
var Bounds = this.Get_PageBounds(1);
NewOutline = new CTableOutline(this, this.Get_StartPage_Absolute() + 1, Bounds.Left, Bounds.Top, Bounds.Right - Bounds.Left, Bounds.Bottom - Bounds.Top);
var transform = null;
var cur_doc_content = this.Parent;
if (cur_doc_content instanceof CDocumentContent) {
while (cur_doc_content.Is_TableCellContent()) {
cur_doc_content = cur_doc_content.Parent.Row.Table.Parent;
if (cur_doc_content.Parent && cur_doc_content.Parent instanceof CShape) {
transform = cur_doc_content.Parent.transformText;
this.DrawingDocument.StartTrackTable(NewOutline, transform);
DocumentStatistics: function (Stats) {
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
Document_CreateFontMap: function (FontMap) {
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
Document_CreateFontCharMap: function (FontCharMap) {
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
Document_Get_AllFontNames: function (AllFonts) {
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
Document_UpdateInterfaceState: function () {
if (true != this.Selection.Use || table_Selection_Cell != this.Selection.Type) {
} else {
var ParaPr = this.Get_Paragraph_ParaPr();
ParaPr.CanAddTable = false;
if (null != ParaPr) {
var TextPr = this.Get_Paragraph_TextPr();
if (null != TextPr) {
Document_UpdateRulersState: function (PageIndex) {
var PageNum = PageIndex - this.Get_StartPage_Absolute();
if (PageNum < 0 || PageNum >= this.Pages.length) {
PageNum = 0;
if (true == this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell == this.Selection.Type) {
this.Internal_Update_TableMarkup(this.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Row, this.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Cell, PageNum);
} else {
this.Internal_Update_TableMarkup(this.CurCell.Row.Index, this.CurCell.Index, PageNum);
this.CurCell.Content.Document_UpdateRulersState(this.Get_StartPage_Absolute() + PageNum);
Document_SetThisElementCurrent: function (bUpdateStates) {
this.Parent.Set_CurrentElement(this.Index, bUpdateStates);
Can_CopyCut: function () {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
return true;
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Can_CopyCut();
Set_Inline: function (Value) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_Inline,
Old: this.Inline,
New: Value
this.Inline = Value;
Is_Inline: function () {
return this.Inline;
TurnOff_RecalcEvent: function () {
this.TurnOffRecalcEvent = true;
TurnOn_RecalcEvent: function () {
this.TurnOffRecalcEvent = false;
Set_ApplyToAll: function (bValue) {
this.ApplyToAll = bValue;
Get_ApplyToAll: function () {
return this.ApplyToAll;
PreDelete: function () {
this.DrawingDocument.EndTrackTable(this, false);
var RowsCount = this.Content.length;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < RowsCount; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
Remove_InnerTable: function () {
Table_Select: function (Type) {
if (true === this.Is_InnerTable()) {
if (true === this.CurCell.Content.Is_SelectionUse()) {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
this.Selection.Data = null;
this.Selection.Type2 = table_Selection_Common;
this.Selection.Data2 = null;
var NewSelectionData = [];
switch (Type) {
case c_oAscTableSelectionType.Table:
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
Row: CurRow,
Cell: CurCell
case c_oAscTableSelectionType.Row:
var Rows_to_select = [];
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
var Row_prev = -1;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
if (-1 === Row_prev || Row_prev != Pos.Row) {
Row_prev = Pos.Row;
} else {
for (var Index = 0; Index < Rows_to_select.length; Index++) {
var Row = this.Content[Rows_to_select[Index]];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
Cell: CurCell,
Row: Rows_to_select[Index]
case c_oAscTableSelectionType.Column:
var Grid_start = -1;
var Grid_end = -1;
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var StartGridCol = Row.Get_CellInfo(Pos.Cell).StartGridCol;
var EndGridCol = StartGridCol + Cell.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
if (-1 === Grid_start || Grid_start > StartGridCol) {
Grid_start = StartGridCol;
if (-1 === Grid_end || Grid_end < EndGridCol) {
Grid_end = EndGridCol;
} else {
Grid_start = this.Content[this.CurCell.Row.Index].Get_CellInfo(this.CurCell.Index).StartGridCol;
Grid_end = Grid_start + this.CurCell.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
var StartGridCol = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
var EndGridCol = StartGridCol + Cell.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
if (EndGridCol >= Grid_start && StartGridCol <= Grid_end) {
Cell: CurCell,
Row: CurRow
case c_oAscTableSelectionType.Cell:
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
NewSelectionData = this.Selection.Data;
} else {
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index,
Cell: this.CurCell.Index
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
this.Selection.Data = NewSelectionData;
this.Selection.Type2 = table_Selection_Common;
this.Selection.Data2 = null;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: NewSelectionData[0].Row,
Cell: NewSelectionData[0].Cell
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: NewSelectionData[NewSelectionData.length - 1].Row,
Cell: NewSelectionData[NewSelectionData.length - 1].Cell
Check_Split: function () {
if (true === this.Is_InnerTable()) {
return this.CurCell.Content.Table_CheckSplit();
if (! (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && (table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type || (table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && 1 === this.Selection.Data.length))))) {
return false;
return true;
Check_Merge: function () {
if (true === this.Is_InnerTable()) {
return this.CurCell.Content.Table_CheckMerge();
if (true != this.Selection.Use || table_Selection_Cell != this.Selection.Type || this.Selection.Data.length <= 1) {
return false;
return this.Internal_CheckMerge().bCanMerge;
Undo: function (Data) {
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_Table_DocNext:
this.Next = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_DocPrev:
this.Prev = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_Parent:
this.Parent = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_TableW:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableW = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableW = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_TableLayout:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableLayout = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableLayout = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_TableCellMar:
if (undefined === Data.Old.Left) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Left = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Left = Data.Old.Left;
if (undefined === Data.Old.Right) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Right = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Right = Data.Old.Right;
if (undefined === Data.Old.Top) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Top = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Top = Data.Old.Top;
if (undefined === Data.Old.Bottom) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Bottom = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Bottom = Data.Old.Bottom;
case historyitem_Table_TableAlign:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.Jc = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.Jc = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_TableInd:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableInd = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableInd = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Left:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Left = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Left = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Right:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Right = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Right = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Top:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Top = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Top = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Bottom:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Bottom = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Bottom = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideH:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideH = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideH = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideV:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideV = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideV = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_TableShd:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.Shd = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.Shd = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_Inline:
this.Inline = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_AddRow:
this.Content.splice(Data.Pos, 1);
this.TableRowsBottom.splice(Data.Pos, 1);
this.RowsInfo.splice(Data.Pos, 1);
case historyitem_Table_RemoveRow:
this.Content.splice(Data.Pos, 0, Data.Item.Row);
this.TableRowsBottom.splice(Data.Pos, 0, Data.Item.TableRowsBottom);
this.RowsInfo.splice(Data.Pos, 0, Data.Item.RowsInfo);
case historyitem_Table_TableGrid:
this.TableGrid = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_TableLook:
this.TableLook = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_AllowOverlap:
this.AllowOverlap = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_PositionH:
this.PositionH.RelativeFrom = Data.Old.RelativeFrom;
this.PositionH.Align = Data.Old.Align;
this.PositionH.Value = Data.Old.Value;
case historyitem_Table_PositionV:
this.PositionV.RelativeFrom = Data.Old.RelativeFrom;
this.PositionV.Align = Data.Old.Align;
this.PositionV.Value = Data.Old.Value;
case historyitem_Table_Distance:
this.Distance.L = Data.Old.Left;
this.Distance.T = Data.Old.Top;
this.Distance.R = Data.Old.Right;
this.Distance.B = Data.Old.Bottom;
case historyitem_Table_TableStyleColBandSize:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableStyleColBandSize = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableStyleColBandSize = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_TableStyleRowBandSize:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_TableStyle:
this.TableStyle = Data.Old;
case historyitem_Table_Pr:
this.Pr = Data.Old;
Redo: function (Data) {
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_Table_DocNext:
this.Next = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_DocPrev:
this.Prev = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_Parent:
this.Parent = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_TableW:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableW = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableW = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_TableLayout:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableLayout = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableLayout = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_TableCellMar:
if (undefined === Data.New.Left) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Left = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Left = Data.New.Left;
if (undefined === Data.New.Right) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Right = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Right = Data.New.Right;
if (undefined === Data.New.Top) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Top = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Top = Data.New.Top;
if (undefined === Data.New.Bottom) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Bottom = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Bottom = Data.New.Bottom;
case historyitem_Table_TableAlign:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.Jc = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.Jc = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_TableInd:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableInd = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableInd = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Left:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Left = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Left = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Right:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Right = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Right = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Top:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Top = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Top = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Bottom:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Bottom = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Bottom = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideH:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideH = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideH = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideV:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideV = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideV = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_TableShd:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.Shd = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.Shd = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_Inline:
this.Inline = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_AddRow:
this.Content.splice(Data.Pos, 0, Data.Item.Row);
this.TableRowsBottom.splice(Data.Pos, 0, Data.Item.TableRowsBottom);
this.RowsInfo.splice(Data.Pos, 0, Data.Item.RowsInfo);
case historyitem_Table_RemoveRow:
this.Content.splice(Data.Pos, 1);
this.TableRowsBottom.splice(Data.Pos, 1);
this.RowsInfo.splice(Data.Pos, 1);
case historyitem_Table_TableGrid:
this.TableGrid = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_TableLook:
this.TableLook = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_AllowOverlap:
this.AllowOverlap = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_PositionH:
this.PositionH.RelativeFrom = Data.New.RelativeFrom;
this.PositionH.Align = Data.New.Align;
this.PositionH.Value = Data.New.Value;
case historyitem_Table_PositionV:
this.PositionV.RelativeFrom = Data.New.RelativeFrom;
this.PositionV.Align = Data.New.Align;
this.PositionV.Value = Data.New.Value;
case historyitem_Table_Distance:
this.Distance.L = Data.New.Left;
this.Distance.T = Data.New.Top;
this.Distance.R = Data.New.Right;
this.Distance.B = Data.New.Bottom;
case historyitem_Table_TableStyleColBandSize:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableStyleColBandSize = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableStyleColBandSize = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_TableStyleRowBandSize:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_TableStyle:
this.TableStyle = Data.New;
case historyitem_Table_Pr:
this.Pr = Data.New;
Get_SelectionState: function () {
var TableState = {};
TableState.Selection = {
Start: this.Selection.Start,
Use: this.Selection.Use,
StartPos: {
Pos: {
Row: this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Row,
Cell: this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Cell
X: this.Selection.StartPos.X,
Y: this.Selection.StartPos.Y,
PageIndex: this.Selection.StartPos.PageIndex,
MouseEvent: {
ClickCount: this.Selection.StartPos.MouseEvent.ClickCount,
Type: this.Selection.StartPos.MouseEvent.Type,
CtrlKey: this.Selection.StartPos.MouseEvent.CtrlKey
EndPos: {
Pos: {
Row: this.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Row,
Cell: this.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Cell
X: this.Selection.EndPos.X,
Y: this.Selection.EndPos.Y,
PageIndex: this.Selection.EndPos.PageIndex,
MouseEvent: {
ClickCount: this.Selection.EndPos.MouseEvent.ClickCount,
Type: this.Selection.EndPos.MouseEvent.Type,
CtrlKey: this.Selection.EndPos.MouseEvent.CtrlKey
Type: this.Selection.Type,
Data: null,
Type2: this.Selection.Type2,
Data2: null,
CurRow: this.Selection.CurRow
TableState.Selection.Data = [];
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
TableState.Selection.Data[Index] = {
Row: this.Selection.Data[Index].Row,
Cell: this.Selection.Data[Index].Cell
TableState.CurCell = {
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index,
Cell: this.CurCell.Index
var State = this.CurCell.Content.Get_SelectionState();
return State;
Set_SelectionState: function (State, StateIndex) {
if (State.length <= 0) {
var TableState = State[StateIndex];
this.Selection = {
Start: TableState.Selection.Start,
Use: TableState.Selection.Use,
StartPos: {
Pos: {
Row: TableState.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Row,
Cell: TableState.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Cell
X: TableState.Selection.StartPos.X,
Y: TableState.Selection.StartPos.Y,
PageIndex: TableState.Selection.StartPos.PageIndex,
MouseEvent: {
ClickCount: TableState.Selection.StartPos.MouseEvent.ClickCount,
Type: TableState.Selection.StartPos.MouseEvent.Type,
CtrlKey: TableState.Selection.StartPos.MouseEvent.CtrlKey
EndPos: {
Pos: {
Row: TableState.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Row,
Cell: TableState.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Cell
X: TableState.Selection.EndPos.X,
Y: TableState.Selection.EndPos.Y,
PageIndex: TableState.Selection.EndPos.PageIndex,
MouseEvent: {
ClickCount: TableState.Selection.EndPos.MouseEvent.ClickCount,
Type: TableState.Selection.EndPos.MouseEvent.Type,
CtrlKey: TableState.Selection.EndPos.MouseEvent.CtrlKey
Type: TableState.Selection.Type,
Data: null,
Type2: TableState.Selection.Type2,
Data2: null,
CurRow: TableState.Selection.CurRow
this.Selection.Data = [];
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < TableState.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
this.Selection.Data[Index] = {
Row: TableState.Selection.Data[Index].Row,
Cell: TableState.Selection.Data[Index].Cell
this.CurCell = this.Content[TableState.CurCell.Row].Get_Cell(TableState.CurCell.Cell);
this.CurCell.Content.Set_SelectionState(State, StateIndex - 1);
Get_ParentObject_or_DocumentPos: function () {
return this.Parent.Get_ParentObject_or_DocumentPos(this.Index);
Refresh_RecalcData: function (Data) {
var Type = Data.Type;
var bNeedRecalc = false;
var nRowIndex = 0;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_Table_DocNext:
case historyitem_Table_DocPrev:
case historyitem_Table_TableShd:
case historyitem_Table_Parent:
case historyitem_Table_TableW:
case historyitem_Table_TableLayout:
case historyitem_Table_TableCellMar:
case historyitem_Table_TableAlign:
case historyitem_Table_TableInd:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Left:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Right:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Top:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Bottom:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideH:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideV:
case historyitem_Table_Inline:
case historyitem_Table_AllowOverlap:
case historyitem_Table_PositionH:
case historyitem_Table_PositionV:
case historyitem_Table_Distance:
case historyitem_Table_TableStyleColBandSize:
case historyitem_Table_TableStyleRowBandSize:
case historyitem_Table_Pr:
bNeedRecalc = true;
case historyitem_Table_AddRow:
case historyitem_Table_RemoveRow:
bNeedRecalc = true;
nRowIndex = Data.Pos;
case historyitem_Table_TableGrid:
bNeedRecalc = true;
case historyitem_Table_TableStyle:
case historyitem_Table_TableLook:
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < Count; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
bNeedRecalc = true;
if (true === bNeedRecalc) {
this.Refresh_RecalcData2(nRowIndex, 0);
Refresh_RecalcData2: function (RowIndex, Page_rel) {
if (this.Index >= 0) {
var _RowIndex = Math.min(RowIndex, this.RowsInfo.length - 1);
var _Page_rel = (_RowIndex < 0 ? this.PageNum : Page_rel + this.PageNum);
this.Parent.Refresh_RecalcData2(this.Index, _Page_rel);
Save_Changes: function (Data, Writer) {
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_Table_DocNext:
case historyitem_Table_DocPrev:
case historyitem_Table_Parent:
case historyitem_Table_TableW:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_Table_TableLayout:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_Table_TableCellMar:
if (undefined === Data.New.Left) {
} else {
if (undefined === Data.New.Right) {
} else {
if (undefined === Data.New.Top) {
} else {
if (undefined === Data.New.Bottom) {
} else {
case historyitem_Table_TableAlign:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_Table_TableInd:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Left:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Right:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Top:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Bottom:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideH:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideV:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_Table_TableShd:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_Table_Inline:
case historyitem_Table_AddRow:
var bArray = Data.UseArray;
var Count = 1;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
if (true === bArray) {
} else {
Writer.WriteLong(Data.Pos + Index);
case historyitem_Table_RemoveRow:
var bArray = Data.UseArray;
var Count = 1;
var StartPos = Writer.GetCurPosition();
var RealCount = Count;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
if (true === bArray) {
if (false === Data.PosArray[Index]) {
} else {
} else {
var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition();
case historyitem_Table_TableGrid:
var Count = Data.New.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
case historyitem_Table_TableLook:
case historyitem_Table_AllowOverlap:
case historyitem_Table_PositionH:
case historyitem_Table_PositionV:
if (true === Data.New.Align) {
} else {
case historyitem_Table_Distance:
case historyitem_Table_TableStyleColBandSize:
case historyitem_Table_TableStyleRowBandSize:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_Table_TableStyle:
if (null === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_Table_Pr:
return Writer;
Save_Changes2: function (Data, Writer) {
var bRetValue = false;
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_Table_DocNext:
case historyitem_Table_DocPrev:
case historyitem_Table_Parent:
case historyitem_Table_TableW:
case historyitem_Table_TableLayout:
case historyitem_Table_TableCellMar:
case historyitem_Table_TableAlign:
case historyitem_Table_TableInd:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Left:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Right:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Top:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Bottom:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideH:
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideV:
case historyitem_Table_TableShd:
case historyitem_Table_Inline:
case historyitem_Table_AddRow:
case historyitem_Table_RemoveRow:
case historyitem_Table_TableGrid:
return bRetValue;
Load_Changes: function (Reader, Reader2) {
var ClassType = Reader.GetLong();
if (historyitem_type_Table != ClassType) {
var Type = Reader.GetLong();
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_Table_DocNext:
case historyitem_Table_DocPrev:
case historyitem_Table_Parent:
case historyitem_Table_TableW:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.TableW = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableW = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0);
case historyitem_Table_TableLayout:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.TableLayout = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableLayout = Reader.GetLong();
case historyitem_Table_TableCellMar:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Left = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Left = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, 0);
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Right = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Right = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, 0);
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Top = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Top = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, 0);
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Bottom = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Bottom = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, 0);
case historyitem_Table_TableAlign:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.Jc = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.Jc = Reader.GetLong();
case historyitem_Table_TableInd:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.TableInd = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableInd = Reader.GetDouble();
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Left:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Left = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Left = new CDocumentBorder();
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Right:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Right = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Right = new CDocumentBorder();
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Top:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Top = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Top = new CDocumentBorder();
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Bottom:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Bottom = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.Bottom = new CDocumentBorder();
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideH:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideH = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideH = new CDocumentBorder();
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideV:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideV = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideV = new CDocumentBorder();
case historyitem_Table_TableShd:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.Shd = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.Shd = new CDocumentShd();
case historyitem_Table_Inline:
this.Inline = Reader.GetBool();
case historyitem_Table_AddRow:
var Count = Reader.GetLong();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
var Pos = this.m_oContentChanges.Check(contentchanges_Add, Reader.GetLong());
var Element = g_oTableId.Get_ById(Reader.GetString2());
if (null != Element) {
this.Content.splice(Pos, 0, Element);
case historyitem_Table_RemoveRow:
var Count = Reader.GetLong();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
var Pos = this.m_oContentChanges.Check(contentchanges_Remove, Reader.GetLong());
if (false === Pos) {
this.Content.splice(Pos, 1);
case historyitem_Table_TableGrid:
var Count = Reader.GetLong();
var NewGrid = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
this.TableGrid = NewGrid;
case historyitem_Table_TableLook:
var TableLook = new CTableLook();
this.TableLook = TableLook;
case historyitem_Table_AllowOverlap:
this.AllowOverlap = Reader.GetBool();
case historyitem_Table_PositionH:
this.PositionH.RelativeFrom = Reader.GetLong();
this.PositionH.Align = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === this.PositionH.Align) {
this.PositionH.Value = Reader.GetLong();
} else {
this.PositionH.Value = Reader.GetDouble();
case historyitem_Table_PositionV:
this.PositionV.RelativeFrom = Reader.GetLong();
this.PositionV.Align = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === this.PositionV.Align) {
this.PositionV.Value = Reader.GetLong();
} else {
this.PositionV.Value = Reader.GetDouble();
case historyitem_Table_Distance:
this.Distance.L = Reader.GetDouble();
this.Distance.T = Reader.GetDouble();
this.Distance.R = Reader.GetDouble();
this.Distance.B = Reader.GetDouble();
case historyitem_Table_TableStyleColBandSize:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.TableStyleColBandSize = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableStyleColBandSize = Reader.GetLong();
case historyitem_Table_TableStyleRowBandSize:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize = Reader.GetLong();
case historyitem_Table_TableStyle:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
this.TableStyle = null;
} else {
this.TableStyle = Reader.GetString2();
case historyitem_Table_Pr:
this.Pr = new CTablePr();
return true;
Write_ToBinary2: function (Writer) {
Writer.WriteString2(null === this.TableStyle ? "" : this.TableStyle);
var GridCount = this.TableGrid.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < GridCount; Index++) {
var RowsCount = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < RowsCount; Index++) {
Read_FromBinary2: function (Reader) {
this.Id = Reader.GetString2();
var TableStyleId = Reader.GetString2();
this.TableStyle = (TableStyleId === "" ? null : TableStyleId);
this.Inline = Reader.GetBool();
var GridCount = Reader.GetLong();
this.TableGrid = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < GridCount; Index++) {
this.X_origin = Reader.GetDouble();
this.X = Reader.GetDouble();
this.Y = Reader.GetDouble();
this.XLimit = Reader.GetDouble();
this.YLimit = Reader.GetDouble();
this.Pr = new CTablePr();
var Count = Reader.GetLong();
this.Content = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
var Row = g_oTableId.Get_ById(Reader.GetString2());
this.bPresentation = Reader.GetBool();
var DrawingDocument = editor.WordControl.m_oDrawingDocument;
if (undefined !== DrawingDocument && null !== DrawingDocument) {
this.DrawingDocument = DrawingDocument;
this.LogicDocument = this.DrawingDocument.m_oLogicDocument;
var LinkData = {};
LinkData.CurCell = true;
CollaborativeEditing.Add_LinkData(this, LinkData);
Load_LinkData: function (LinkData) {
if ("undefined" != typeof(LinkData) && "undefined" != typeof(LinkData.Type)) {
switch (LinkData.Type) {
case historyitem_Table_DocNext:
this.Next = g_oTableId.Get_ById(LinkData.Next);
case historyitem_Table_DocPrev:
this.Prev = g_oTableId.Get_ById(LinkData.Prev);
if ("undefined" != typeof(LinkData) && "undefined" != typeof(LinkData.CurCell)) {
if (this.Content.length > 0 && this.Content[0].Get_CellsCount() > 0) {
this.CurCell = this.Content[0].Get_Cell(0);
Get_SelectionState2: function () {
var TableState = {};
TableState.Id = this.Get_Id();
TableState.CellId = (null !== this.CurCell ? this.CurCell.Get_Id() : null);
TableState.Data = (null !== this.CurCell ? this.CurCell.Content.Get_SelectionState2() : null);
return TableState;
Set_SelectionState2: function (TableState) {
var CellId = TableState.CellId;
var CurCell = null;
var Pos = {
Cell: 0,
Row: 0
var RowsCount = this.Content.length;
for (var RowIndex = 0; RowIndex < RowsCount; RowIndex++) {
var Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CellIndex = 0; CellIndex < CellsCount; CellIndex++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CellIndex);
if (Cell.Get_Id() === CellId) {
CurCell = Cell;
Pos.Cell = CellIndex;
Pos.Row = RowIndex;
if (null !== CurCell) {
if (null == CurCell) {
} else {
this.CurCell = CurCell;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.Use = false;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: Pos.Row,
Cell: Pos.Cell
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: Pos.Row,
Cell: Pos.Cell
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Common;
this.Selection.Type2 = table_Selection_Common;
this.Selection.Data = null;
this.Selection.Data2 = null;
this.Selection.CurRow = 0;
Hyperlink_Add: function (HyperProps) {
return this.CurCell.Content.Hyperlink_Add(HyperProps);
Hyperlink_Modify: function (HyperProps) {
if (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type)) {
return false;
Hyperlink_Remove: function () {
if (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type)) {
Hyperlink_CanAdd: function (bCheckInHyperlink) {
if (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type)) {
return this.CurCell.Content.Hyperlink_CanAdd(bCheckInHyperlink);
return false;
Hyperlink_Check: function (bCheckEnd) {
if (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type)) {
return this.CurCell.Content.Hyperlink_Check(bCheckEnd);
return null;
Add_Comment: function (Comment, bStart, bEnd) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll) {
var RowsCount = this.Content.length;
var CellsCount = this.Content[RowsCount - 1].Get_CellsCount();
if (true === bStart && true === bEnd && RowsCount <= 1 && CellsCount <= 1) {
var Cell_Content = this.Content[0].Get_Cell(0).Content;
Cell_Content.Add_Comment(Comment, true, true);
} else {
if (true === bStart) {
var Cell_Content = this.Content[0].Get_Cell(0).Content;
Cell_Content.Add_Comment(Comment, true, false);
if (true === bEnd) {
var Cell_Content = this.Content[RowsCount - 1].Get_Cell(CellsCount - 1).Content;
Cell_Content.Add_Comment(Comment, false, true);
var RowsCount = this.Content.length;
for (var RowIndex = 0; RowIndex < RowsCount; RowIndex++) {
var Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CellIndex = 0; CellIndex < CellsCount; CellIndex++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CellIndex);
} else {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
if (true === bStart && true === bEnd && this.Selection.Data.length <= 1) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[0];
var Cell_Content = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell).Content;
Cell_Content.Add_Comment(Comment, true, true);
} else {
var StartPos = null,
EndPos = null;
if (true === bStart) {
StartPos = this.Selection.Data[0];
var Cell_Content = this.Content[StartPos.Row].Get_Cell(StartPos.Cell).Content;
Cell_Content.Add_Comment(Comment, true, false);
if (true === bEnd) {
EndPos = this.Selection.Data[this.Selection.Data.length - 1];
var Cell_Content = this.Content[EndPos.Row].Get_Cell(EndPos.Cell).Content;
Cell_Content.Add_Comment(Comment, false, true);
var StartRow = 0,
EndRow = -1,
StartCell = 0,
EndCell = -1;
if (null !== StartPos && null !== EndPos) {
StartRow = StartPos.Row;
EndRow = EndPos.Row;
StartCell = StartPos.Cell;
EndCell = EndPos.Cell;
} else {
if (null !== StartPos) {
StartRow = StartPos.Row;
StartCell = StartPos.Cell;
EndRow = this.Content.length - 1;
EndCell = this.Content[EndRow].Get_CellsCount() - 1;
} else {
if (null !== EndPos) {
StartRow = 0;
StartCell = 0;
EndRow = EndPos.Row;
EndCell = EndPos.Cell;
for (var RowIndex = StartRow; RowIndex <= EndRow; RowIndex++) {
var Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
var _StartCell = (RowIndex === StartRow ? StartCell : 0);
var _EndCell = (RowIndex === EndRow ? EndCell : Row.Get_CellsCount() - 1);
for (var CellIndex = _StartCell; CellIndex <= _EndCell; CellIndex++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CellIndex);
} else {
this.CurCell.Content.Add_Comment(Comment, bStart, bEnd);
CanAdd_Comment: function () {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll) {
if (this.Content.length > 1 || this.Content[0].Get_CellsCount() > 1) {
return true;
var Result = this.Content[0].Get_Cell(0).Content.CanAdd_Comment();
return Result;
} else {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
if (this.Selection.Data.length > 1) {
return true;
} else {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[0];
var Cell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
return Cell.Content.CanAdd_Comment();
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.CanAdd_Comment();
Can_IncreaseParagraphLevel: function (bIncrease) {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
if (this.Selection.Data.length > 0) {
var Data = this.Selection.Data;
for (var i = 0; i < Data.length; ++i) {
var Pos = Data[i];
var Cell_Content = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell).Content;
if (Cell_Content) {
var bCan = Cell_Content.Can_IncreaseParagraphLevel(bIncrease);
if (!bCan) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
Get_SelectionBounds: function () {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
var StartPos = Cells_array[0];
var Row = this.Content[StartPos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(StartPos.Cell);
var X0 = Cell.Metrics.X_cell_start;
var X1 = Cell.Metrics.X_cell_end;
var CurPage = this.RowsInfo[StartPos.Row].StartPage;
var Y = this.RowsInfo[StartPos.Row].Y[CurPage];
var H = this.RowsInfo[StartPos.Row].H[CurPage];
var TableX = this.Pages[CurPage].X + this.RowsInfo[StartPos.Row].X0;
var BeginRect = {
X: TableX + X0,
Y: Y,
W: X1 - X0,
H: H,
Page: CurPage + this.Get_StartPage_Absolute()
var EndPos = Cells_array[Cells_array.length - 1];
Row = this.Content[EndPos.Row];
Cell = Row.Get_Cell(EndPos.Cell);
X0 = Cell.Metrics.X_cell_start;
X1 = Cell.Metrics.X_cell_end;
CurPage = this.RowsInfo[EndPos.Row].StartPage + this.RowsInfo[EndPos.Row].Pages - 1;
Y = this.RowsInfo[EndPos.Row].Y[CurPage];
H = this.RowsInfo[EndPos.Row].H[CurPage];
var Direction = 1;
if (this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Row < this.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Row || (this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Row === this.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Row && this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Cell <= this.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Cell)) {
Direction = 1;
} else {
Direction = -1;
var EndRect = {
X: TableX + X0,
Y: Y,
W: X1 - X0,
H: H,
Page: CurPage + this.Get_StartPage_Absolute()
return {
Start: BeginRect,
End: EndRect,
Direction: Direction
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Get_SelectionBounds();
Get_SelectionAnchorPos: function () {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
var Pos = Cells_array[0];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var X0 = Cell.Metrics.X_cell_start;
var X1 = Cell.Metrics.X_cell_end;
var Y = this.RowsInfo[Pos.Row].Y[this.RowsInfo[Pos.Row].StartPage];
var Page = this.RowsInfo[Pos.Row].StartPage + this.Get_StartPage_Absolute();
return {
X0: X0,
X1: X1,
Y: Y,
Page: Page
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Get_SelectionAnchorPos();
Cursor_MoveAt: function (X, Y, bLine, bDontChangeRealPos, PageNum) {
var PageIndex = PageNum - this.PageNum;
var Pos = this.Internal_GetCellByXY(X, Y, PageIndex);
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
this.Selection.Type2 = table_Selection_Common;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: Pos.Row,
Cell: Pos.Cell
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: Pos.Row,
Cell: Pos.Cell
this.Selection.CurRow = Pos.Row;
this.CurCell = Cell;
this.CurCell.Content.Cursor_MoveAt(X, Y, false, true, PageIndex + this.Get_StartPage_Absolute());
Selection_SetStart: function (X, Y, PageIndex, MouseEvent) {
var PageNum = PageIndex - this.PageNum;
if (PageNum < 0 || PageNum >= this.Pages.length) {
PageNum = 0;
var Result = this.Internal_CheckBorders(X, Y, PageNum);
var Pos = Result.Pos;
if (-1 === Result.Border) {
var bInnerTableBorder = (null != this.Is_TableBorder(X, Y, PageNum + this.Get_StartPage_Absolute()) ? true : false);
if (true === bInnerTableBorder) {
var Cell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
Cell.Content.Selection_SetStart(X, Y, PageNum, MouseEvent);
this.Selection.Type2 = table_Selection_Border_InnerTable;
this.Selection.Data2 = Cell;
} else {
this.CurCell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
this.CurCell.Content.Selection_SetStart(X, Y, PageNum, MouseEvent);
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Start = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
this.Selection.Type2 = table_Selection_Common;
this.Selection.Data2 = null;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = Pos;
this.Selection.StartPos.X = X;
this.Selection.StartPos.Y = Y;
this.Selection.StartPos.PageIndex = PageNum;
this.Selection.StartPos.MouseEvent = {
ClickCount: MouseEvent.ClickCount,
Type: MouseEvent.Type,
CtrlKey: MouseEvent.CtrlKey
} else {
this.Internal_Update_TableMarkup(Pos.Row, Pos.Cell, PageNum);
this.Selection.Type2 = table_Selection_Border;
this.Selection.Data2 = {};
this.Selection.Data2.PageNum = PageNum;
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var _X = X;
var _Y = Y;
if (0 === Result.Border || 2 === Result.Border) {
var PageH = this.LogicDocument.Get_PageLimits(this.Get_StartPage_Absolute()).YLimit;
var Y_min = 0;
var Y_max = PageH;
this.Selection.Data2.bCol = false;
var Row_start = this.Pages[PageNum].FirstRow;
var Row_end = this.Pages[PageNum].LastRow;
if (0 === Result.Border) {
this.Selection.Data2.Index = Pos.Row - Row_start;
} else {
this.Selection.Data2.Index = Result.Row - Row_start + 1;
if (0 != this.Selection.Data2.Index) {
var TempRow = this.Selection.Data2.Index + Row_start - 1;
Y_min = this.RowsInfo[TempRow].Y[PageNum];
if (this.Selection.Data2.Index !== Row_end - Row_start + 1) {
_Y = this.RowsInfo[this.Selection.Data2.Index + Row_start].Y[PageNum];
} else {
_Y = this.RowsInfo[this.Selection.Data2.Index + Row_start - 1].Y[PageNum] + this.RowsInfo[this.Selection.Data2.Index + Row_start - 1].H[PageNum];
this.Selection.Data2.Min = Y_min;
this.Selection.Data2.Max = Y_max;
this.Selection.Data2.Pos = {
Row: Pos.Row,
Cell: Pos.Cell
if (null != this.Selection.Data2.Min) {
_Y = Math.max(_Y, this.Selection.Data2.Min);
if (null != this.Selection.Data2.Max) {
_Y = Math.min(_Y, this.Selection.Data2.Max);
} else {
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var CellSpacing = (null === Row.Get_CellSpacing() ? 0 : Row.Get_CellSpacing());
var X_min = null;
var X_max = null;
this.Selection.Data2.bCol = true;
if (3 === Result.Border) {
this.Selection.Data2.Index = Pos.Cell;
} else {
this.Selection.Data2.Index = Pos.Cell + 1;
if (0 != this.Selection.Data2.Index) {
var Margins = Row.Get_Cell(this.Selection.Data2.Index - 1).Get_Margins();
if (0 != this.Selection.Data2.Index - 1 && this.Selection.Data2.Index != CellsCount) {
X_min = Row.Get_CellInfo(this.Selection.Data2.Index - 1).X_grid_start + Margins.Left.W + Margins.Right.W + CellSpacing;
} else {
X_min = Row.Get_CellInfo(this.Selection.Data2.Index - 1).X_grid_start + Margins.Left.W + Margins.Right.W + 1.5 * CellSpacing;
if (CellsCount != this.Selection.Data2.Index) {
var Margins = Row.Get_Cell(this.Selection.Data2.Index).Get_Margins();
if (CellsCount - 1 != this.Selection.Data2.Index) {
X_max = Row.Get_CellInfo(this.Selection.Data2.Index).X_grid_end - (Margins.Left.W + Margins.Right.W + CellSpacing);
} else {
X_max = Row.Get_CellInfo(this.Selection.Data2.Index).X_grid_end - (Margins.Left.W + Margins.Right.W + 1.5 * CellSpacing);
if (CellsCount != this.Selection.Data2.Index) {
_X = Row.Get_CellInfo(this.Selection.Data2.Index).X_grid_start;
} else {
_X = Row.Get_CellInfo(this.Selection.Data2.Index - 1).X_grid_end;
this.Selection.Data2.Min = X_min;
this.Selection.Data2.Max = X_max;
this.Selection.Data2.Pos = {
Row: Pos.Row,
Cell: Pos.Cell
if (null != this.Selection.Data2.Min) {
_X = Math.max(_X, this.Selection.Data2.Min);
if (null != this.Selection.Data2.Max) {
_X = Math.min(_X, this.Selection.Data2.Max);
this.Selection.Data2.X = _X;
this.Selection.Data2.Y = _Y;
this.Selection.Data2.StartCX = _X;
this.Selection.Data2.StartCY = _Y;
this.Selection.Data2.StartX = X;
this.Selection.Data2.StartY = Y;
this.Selection.Data2.Start = true;
Selection_SetEnd: function (X, Y, PageIndex, MouseEvent) {
var TablePr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
var PageNum = PageIndex - this.PageNum;
if (PageNum < 0 || PageNum >= this.Pages.length) {
PageNum = 0;
if (this.Selection.Type2 === table_Selection_Border) {
if (true === editor.isViewMode || this.Selection.Data2.PageNum != PageIndex - this.PageNum) {
var _X = X;
var _Y = Y;
if (true !== this.Selection.Data2.Start || Math.abs(X - this.Selection.Data2.StartX) > 0.05 || Math.abs(Y - this.Selection.Data2.StartY) > 0.05) {
_X = this.DrawingDocument.CorrectRulerPosition(X);
_Y = this.DrawingDocument.CorrectRulerPosition(Y);
this.Selection.Data2.Start = false;
} else {
_X = this.Selection.Data2.X;
_Y = this.Selection.Data2.Y;
if (true === this.Selection.Data2.bCol) {
_X = this.private_UpdateTableRulerOnBorderMove(_X);
} else {
_Y = this.private_UpdateTableRulerOnBorderMove(_Y);
this.Selection.Data2.X = _X;
this.Selection.Data2.Y = _Y;
if (MouseEvent.Type === g_mouse_event_type_up) {
if (Math.abs(_X - this.Selection.Data2.StartCX) < 0.001 && Math.abs(_Y - this.Selection.Data2.StartCY) < 0.001) {
this.Selection.Type2 = table_Selection_Common;
this.Selection.Data2 = null;
var LogicDocument = (editor && true !== editor.isViewMode ? editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument : null);
if (LogicDocument && false === LogicDocument.Document_Is_SelectionLocked(changestype_None, {
Type: changestype_2_Element_and_Type,
Element: this,
CheckType: changestype_Table_Properties
})) {
if (true === this.Selection.Data2.bCol) {
var Index = this.Selection.Data2.Index;
var CurRow = this.Selection.Data2.Pos.Row;
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Col = 0;
if (Index === this.Markup.Cols.length) {
Col = Row.Get_CellInfo(Index - 1).StartGridCol + Row.Get_Cell(Index - 1).Get_GridSpan();
} else {
Col = Row.Get_CellInfo(Index).StartGridCol;
var Dx = _X - (this.X + this.TableSumGrid[Col - 1]);
var Rows_info = [];
var bBorderInSelection = false;
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0 && !this.bPresentation) {
var CellsFlag = [];
for (CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
CellsFlag[CurRow] = [];
Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
CellsFlag[CurRow][CurCell] = 0;
var CurSelectedCell = this.Selection.Data[0];
var CurSelectedIndex = 0;
for (CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
if (CurSelectedCell.Cell === CurCell && CurSelectedCell.Row === CurRow) {
CellsFlag[CurRow][CurCell] = 1;
var StartGridCol = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
var GridSpan = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell).Get_GridSpan();
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, StartGridCol, GridSpan);
if (CurRow === this.Selection.Data2.Pos.Row && Col >= StartGridCol && Col <= StartGridCol + GridSpan) {
bBorderInSelection = true;
for (var TempIndex = 1; TempIndex < VMergeCount; TempIndex++) {
var TempCell = this.Internal_Get_Cell_ByStartGridCol(CurRow + TempIndex, StartGridCol);
if (-1 != TempCell) {
CellsFlag[CurRow + TempIndex][TempCell] = 1;
if (CurRow + TempIndex === this.Selection.Data2.Pos.Row && Col >= StartGridCol && Col <= StartGridCol + GridSpan) {
bBorderInSelection = true;
if (CurSelectedIndex < this.Selection.Data.length - 1) {
CurSelectedCell = this.Selection.Data[++CurSelectedIndex];
} else {
CurSelectedCell = {
Row: -1,
Cell: -1
var OldTableInd = TablePr.TableInd;
var NewTableInd = TablePr.TableInd;
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && true === bBorderInSelection && !this.bPresentation) {
var BeforeFlag = false;
var BeforeSpace2 = null;
if (0 === Col) {
BeforeSpace2 = _X - this.X;
if (BeforeSpace2 < 0) {
this.Set_TableW(tblwidth_Auto, 0);
this.X += BeforeSpace2;
if (true === this.Is_Inline()) {
NewTableInd = NewTableInd + BeforeSpace2;
} else {
this.Internal_UpdateFlowPosition(this.X, this.Y);
var BeforeSpace = null;
if (0 === Index && 0 != Col && _X < this.X) {
BeforeSpace = this.X - _X;
this.X -= BeforeSpace;
this.Set_TableW(tblwidth_Auto, 0);
if (true === this.Is_Inline()) {
NewTableInd = NewTableInd - BeforeSpace;
} else {
this.Internal_UpdateFlowPosition(this.X, this.Y);
if (Index === this.Markup.Cols.length) {
this.Set_TableW(tblwidth_Auto, 0);
for (CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
Rows_info[CurRow] = [];
Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Before_Info = Row.Get_Before();
var WBefore = 0;
if (null === BeforeSpace2) {
if (Before_Info.GridBefore > 0 && Col === Before_Info.GridBefore && 1 === CellsFlag[CurRow][0]) {
WBefore = this.TableSumGrid[Before_Info.GridBefore - 1] + Dx;
} else {
if (null != BeforeSpace) {
WBefore = this.TableSumGrid[Before_Info.GridBefore - 1] + BeforeSpace;
} else {
WBefore = this.TableSumGrid[Before_Info.GridBefore - 1];
} else {
if (BeforeSpace2 > 0) {
if (0 === Before_Info.GridBefore && 1 === CellsFlag[CurRow][0]) {
WBefore = BeforeSpace2;
} else {
if (0 != Before_Info.GridBefore) {
WBefore = this.TableSumGrid[Before_Info.GridBefore - 1];
} else {
if (0 === Before_Info.GridBefore && 1 != CellsFlag[CurRow][0]) {
WBefore = -BeforeSpace2;
} else {
if (0 != Before_Info.GridBefore) {
WBefore = -BeforeSpace2 + this.TableSumGrid[Before_Info.GridBefore - 1];
if (WBefore > 0.001) {
W: WBefore,
Type: -1,
GridSpan: 1
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var TempDx = Dx;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellMargins = Cell.Get_Margins();
var Cur_Grid_start = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
var Cur_Grid_end = Cur_Grid_start + Cell.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
var W = 0;
if (Cur_Grid_end + 1 === Col && (1 === CellsFlag[CurRow][CurCell] || (CurCell + 1 < CellsCount && 1 === CellsFlag[CurRow][CurCell + 1]))) {
W = this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_end] - this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_start - 1] + Dx;
} else {
if (Cur_Grid_start === Col && (1 === CellsFlag[CurRow][CurCell] || (CurCell > 0 && 1 === CellsFlag[CurRow][CurCell - 1]))) {
W = this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_end] - this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_start - 1] - TempDx;
} else {
W = this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_end] - this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_start - 1];
W = Math.max(1, Math.max(W, CellMargins.Left.W + CellMargins.Right.W));
if (Cur_Grid_end + 1 === Col && (1 === CellsFlag[CurRow][CurCell] || (CurCell + 1 < CellsCount && 1 === CellsFlag[CurRow][CurCell + 1]))) {
TempDx = W - (this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_end] - this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_start - 1]);
W: W,
Type: 0,
GridSpan: 1
var MinBefore = 0;
for (CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
if (-1 != Rows_info[CurRow][0].Type) {
MinBefore = 0;
if (0 === MinBefore || MinBefore > Rows_info[CurRow][0].W) {
MinBefore = Rows_info[CurRow][0].W;
if (0 != MinBefore) {
for (CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
if (Math.abs(MinBefore - Rows_info[CurRow][0].W) < 0.001) {
Rows_info[CurRow].splice(0, 1);
} else {
Rows_info[CurRow][0].W -= MinBefore;
this.X += MinBefore;
if (true === this.Is_Inline()) {
NewTableInd = NewTableInd + MinBefore;
} else {
this.Internal_UpdateFlowPosition(this.X, this.Y);
} else {
var BeforeFlag = false;
var BeforeSpace2 = null;
if (0 === Col) {
BeforeSpace2 = this.X - _X;
if (-BeforeSpace2 > this.TableSumGrid[0]) {
BeforeFlag = true;
this.X += this.TableSumGrid[0];
} else {
this.X += Dx;
this.Set_TableW(tblwidth_Auto, 0);
if (true === this.Is_Inline()) {
if (-BeforeSpace2 > this.TableSumGrid[0]) {
NewTableInd = NewTableInd + this.TableSumGrid[0];
} else {
NewTableInd = NewTableInd + Dx;
} else {
this.Internal_UpdateFlowPosition(this.X, this.Y);
if (Index === this.Markup.Cols.length) {
this.Set_TableW(tblwidth_Auto, 0);
var BeforeSpace = null;
if (0 === Index && 0 != Col && _X < this.X) {
BeforeSpace = this.X - _X;
this.X -= BeforeSpace;
if (true === this.Is_Inline()) {
NewTableInd = NewTableInd - BeforeSpace;
} else {
this.Internal_UpdateFlowPosition(this.X, this.Y);
for (CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
Rows_info[CurRow] = [];
Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Before_Info = Row.Get_Before();
var WBefore = 0;
if (Before_Info.GridBefore > 0 && Col === Before_Info.GridBefore) {
WBefore = this.TableSumGrid[Before_Info.GridBefore - 1] + Dx;
} else {
if (null != BeforeSpace) {
WBefore = this.TableSumGrid[Before_Info.GridBefore - 1] + BeforeSpace;
} else {
WBefore = this.TableSumGrid[Before_Info.GridBefore - 1];
if (null != BeforeSpace2) {
if (Before_Info.GridBefore > 0) {
if (true === BeforeFlag) {
WBefore = this.TableSumGrid[Before_Info.GridBefore - 1] - this.TableSumGrid[0];
} else {
WBefore = this.TableSumGrid[Before_Info.GridBefore - 1] + BeforeSpace2;
} else {
if (0 === Before_Info.GridBefore && true === BeforeFlag) {
WBefore = (-BeforeSpace2) - this.TableSumGrid[0];
if (WBefore > 0.001) {
W: WBefore,
Type: -1,
GridSpan: 1
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var TempDx = Dx;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellMargins = Cell.Get_Margins();
var Cur_Grid_start = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
var Cur_Grid_end = Cur_Grid_start + Cell.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
var W = 0;
if (Cur_Grid_end + 1 === Col) {
W = this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_end] - this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_start - 1] + Dx;
} else {
if (Cur_Grid_start === Col) {
W = this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_end] - this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_start - 1] - TempDx;
} else {
W = this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_end] - this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_start - 1];
W = Math.max(1, Math.max(W, CellMargins.Left.W + CellMargins.Right.W));
if (Cur_Grid_end + 1 === Col) {
TempDx = W - (this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_end] - this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_start - 1]);
W: W,
Type: 0,
GridSpan: 1
if (Math.abs(NewTableInd - OldTableInd) > 0.001) {
if (tbllayout_AutoFit === this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr.TableLayout) {
} else {
var RowIndex = this.Pages[this.Selection.Data2.PageNum].FirstRow + this.Selection.Data2.Index;
if (0 === RowIndex) {
if (true === this.Is_Inline()) {} else {
var Dy = _Y - this.Markup.Rows[0].Y;
this.Y += Dy;
this.Internal_UpdateFlowPosition(this.X, this.Y);
} else {
if (this.Selection.Data2.PageNum > 0 && 0 === this.Selection.Data2.Index) {} else {
var _Y_old = this.Markup.Rows[this.Selection.Data2.Index - 1].Y + this.Markup.Rows[this.Selection.Data2.Index - 1].H;
var Dy = _Y - _Y_old;
var NewH = this.Markup.Rows[this.Selection.Data2.Index - 1].H + Dy;
this.Content[RowIndex - 1].Set_Height(NewH, heightrule_AtLeast);
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
this.Selection.Type2 = table_Selection_Common;
this.Selection.Data2 = null;
} else {
if (table_Selection_Border_InnerTable === this.Selection.Type2) {
var Cell = this.Selection.Data2;
Cell.Content.Selection_SetEnd(X, Y, PageNum, MouseEvent);
if (MouseEvent.Type === g_mouse_event_type_up) {
this.Selection.Type2 = table_Selection_Common;
this.Selection.Data2 = null;
var Pos = this.Internal_GetCellByXY(X, Y, PageNum);
this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell).Content.Set_CurPosXY(X, Y);
this.Selection.Data = null;
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = Pos;
this.Selection.EndPos.X = X;
this.Selection.EndPos.Y = Y;
this.Selection.EndPos.PageIndex = PageNum;
this.Selection.EndPos.MouseEvent = MouseEvent;
this.Selection.CurRow = Pos.Row;
if (0 === this.Parent.Selection_Is_OneElement() && this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Row === this.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Row && this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Cell === this.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Cell) {
this.CurCell.Content.Selection_SetStart(this.Selection.StartPos.X, this.Selection.StartPos.Y, this.Selection.StartPos.PageIndex, this.Selection.StartPos.MouseEvent);
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
this.CurCell.Content.Selection_SetEnd(X, Y, PageNum, MouseEvent);
if (g_mouse_event_type_up == MouseEvent.Type) {
this.Selection.Start = false;
if (false === this.CurCell.Content.Selection.Use) {
this.Selection.Use = false;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Cursor_MoveAt(X, Y, false, false, this.PageNum + PageNum);
} else {
if (g_mouse_event_type_up == MouseEvent.Type) {
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
Selection_Stop: function (X, Y, PageIndex, MouseEvent) {
if (true != this.Selection.Use) {
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Content[this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Row].Get_Cell(this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Cell).Content.Selection_Stop(X, Y, PageIndex - this.PageNum, MouseEvent);
Selection_Draw_Page: function (Page_abs) {
if (false === this.Selection.Use) {
var CurPage = Page_abs - this.Get_StartPage_Absolute();
if (CurPage < 0 || CurPage >= this.Pages.length) {
switch (this.Selection.Type) {
case table_Selection_Cell:
var Row_prev_index = -1;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var CellInfo = Row.Get_CellInfo(Pos.Cell);
var CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
if (-1 === Row_prev_index || Row_prev_index != Pos.Row) {
Row_prev_index = Pos.Row;
var X_start = (0 === Pos.Cell ? CellInfo.X_content_start : CellInfo.X_cell_start);
var X_end = CellInfo.X_cell_end;
var Cell_Pages = Cell.Content_Get_PagesCount();
var Cell_PageRel = Page_abs - Cell.Content.Get_StartPage_Absolute();
if (Cell_PageRel < 0 || Cell_PageRel >= Cell_Pages) {
var Bounds = Cell.Content_Get_PageBounds(Cell_PageRel);
var Y_offset = Cell.Temp.Y_VAlign_offset[Cell_PageRel];
if (0 != Cell_PageRel) {
var TempRowIndex = this.Pages[CurPage].FirstRow;
this.DrawingDocument.AddPageSelection(Page_abs, X_start, this.RowsInfo[TempRowIndex].Y[CurPage] + this.RowsInfo[TempRowIndex].TopDy[CurPage] + CellMar.Top.W + Y_offset, X_end - X_start, Bounds.Bottom - Bounds.Top);
} else {
this.DrawingDocument.AddPageSelection(Page_abs, X_start, this.RowsInfo[Pos.Row].Y[CurPage] + this.RowsInfo[Pos.Row].TopDy[CurPage] + CellMar.Top.W + Y_offset, X_end - X_start, Bounds.Bottom - Bounds.Top);
case table_Selection_Text:
var Cell = this.Content[this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Row].Get_Cell(this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Cell);
Selection_Remove: function () {
if (false === this.Selection.Use) {
if (table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type) {
this.CurCell = this.Content[this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Row].Get_Cell(this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Cell);
} else {
if (this.Content.length > 0 && this.Content[0].Get_CellsCount() > 0) {
this.CurCell = this.Content[0].Get_Cell(0);
this.Selection.Use = false;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: 0,
Cell: 0
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: 0,
Cell: 0
this.Markup.Internal.RowIndex = 0;
this.Markup.Internal.CellIndex = 0;
this.Markup.Internal.PageNum = 0;
Selection_Clear: function () {},
Selection_Check: function (X, Y, Page_Abs, NearPos) {
if (undefined != NearPos) {
if ((true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) || true === this.ApplyToAll) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var CurPos = Cells_array[Index];
var CurCell = this.Content[CurPos.Row].Get_Cell(CurPos.Cell);
var CellContent = CurCell.Content;
if (true === CellContent.Selection_Check(0, 0, 0, NearPos)) {
return true;
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Selection_Check(0, 0, 0, NearPos);
return false;
} else {
var PageIndex = Page_Abs - this.Get_StartPage_Absolute();
if (PageIndex < 0 || PageIndex >= this.Pages.length) {
return false;
var CellPos = this.Internal_GetCellByXY(X, Y, PageIndex);
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
var CurPos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
if (CurPos.Cell === CellPos.Cell && CurPos.Row === CellPos.Row) {
return true;
return false;
} else {
if (CellPos.Cell === this.CurCell.Index && CellPos.Row === this.CurCell.Row.Index) {
return this.CurCell.Content.Selection_Check(X, Y, Page_Abs, undefined);
return false;
Selection_IsEmpty: function (bCheckHidden) {
if (true === this.Selection.Use) {
if (table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
return false;
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Selection_IsEmpty(bCheckHidden);
return true;
Select_All: function () {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
this.Selection.Type2 = table_Selection_Common;
this.Selection.Data2 = null;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: 0,
Cell: 0
this.Selection.StartPos.PageIndex = 0;
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: this.Content.length - 1,
Cell: this.Content[this.Content.length - 1].Get_CellsCount() - 1
this.Selection.EndPos.PageIndex = this.Pages.length - 1;
Selection_IsToEnd: function () {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
var Len = Cells_array.length;
if (Len < 1) {
return false;
var Pos = Cells_array[Len - 1];
if (Pos.Row !== this.Content.length - 1 || Pos.Cell !== this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_CellsCount() - 1) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
Cursor_MoveToStartPos: function (AddToSelect) {
if (true === AddToSelect) {
var StartRow = (true === this.Selection.Use ? this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Row : this.CurCell.Row.Index);
var EndRow = 0;
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
this.Selection.Type2 = table_Selection_Common;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: StartRow,
Cell: this.Content[StartRow].Get_CellsCount() - 1
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: EndRow,
Cell: 0
this.Selection.CurRow = EndRow;
} else {
this.CurCell = this.Content[0].Get_Cell(0);
this.Selection.Use = false;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: 0,
Cell: 0
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: 0,
Cell: 0
this.Selection.CurRow = 0;
Cursor_MoveToEndPos: function (AddToSelect) {
if (true === AddToSelect) {
var StartRow = (true === this.Selection.Use ? this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Row : this.CurCell.Row.Index);
var EndRow = this.Content.length - 1;
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
this.Selection.Type2 = table_Selection_Common;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: StartRow,
Cell: 0
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: EndRow,
Cell: this.Content[EndRow].Get_CellsCount() - 1
this.Selection.CurRow = EndRow;
} else {
var Row = this.Content[this.Content.length - 1];
this.CurCell = Row.Get_Cell(Row.Get_CellsCount() - 1);
this.Selection.Use = false;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: Row.Index,
Cell: this.CurCell.Index
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: Row.Index,
Cell: this.CurCell.Index
this.Selection.CurRow = Row.Index;
Cursor_IsStart: function (bOnlyPara) {
if (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type)) {
if (0 === this.CurCell.Index && 0 === this.CurCell.Row.Index) {
return this.CurCell.Content.Cursor_IsStart(bOnlyPara);
return false;
Add_NewParagraph: function () {
Add_InlineImage: function (W, H, Img, Chart, bFlow) {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
this.CurCell.Content.Add_InlineImage(W, H, Img, Chart, bFlow);
Add_InlineTable: function (Cols, Rows) {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
this.CurCell.Content.Add_InlineTable(Cols, Rows);
Add: function (ParaItem, bRecalculate) {
this.Paragraph_Add(ParaItem, bRecalculate);
Paragraph_Add: function (ParaItem, bRecalculate) {
if (para_TextPr === ParaItem.Type && (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0))) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
Cell.Content.Paragraph_Add(ParaItem, bRecalculate);
if (true === ParaItem.Value.Check_NeedRecalc()) {
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
this.Parent.OnContentReDraw(this.Get_StartPage_Absolute(), this.Get_StartPage_Absolute() + this.Pages.length - 1);
} else {
this.CurCell.Content.Paragraph_Add(ParaItem, bRecalculate);
Paragraph_ClearFormatting: function () {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
Paragraph_Format_Paste: function (TextPr, ParaPr, ApplyPara) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
Cell.Content.Paragraph_Format_Paste(TextPr, ParaPr, true);
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
this.CurCell.Content.Paragraph_Format_Paste(TextPr, ParaPr, false);
Remove: function (Count, bOnlyText, bRemoveOnlySelection, bOnTextAdd) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
if (true === bOnTextAdd && Cells_array.length > 0) {
var Pos = Cells_array[0];
var Cell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
Cell.Content.Remove(Count, bOnlyText, bRemoveOnlySelection, true);
this.CurCell = Cell;
this.Selection.Use = false;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: Cell.Row.Index,
Cell: Cell.Index
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: Cell.Row.Index,
Cell: Cell.Index
} else {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
Cell.Content.Remove(Count, bOnlyText, bRemoveOnlySelection, false);
var Pos = Cells_array[0];
var Cell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
this.CurCell = Cell;
this.Selection.Use = false;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: Cell.Row.Index,
Cell: Cell.Index
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: Cell.Row.Index,
Cell: Cell.Index
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
this.CurCell.Content.Remove(Count, bOnlyText, bRemoveOnlySelection, bOnTextAdd);
if (false === this.CurCell.Content.Is_SelectionUse()) {
var Cell = this.CurCell;
this.Selection.Use = false;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: Cell.Row.Index,
Cell: Cell.Index
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: Cell.Row.Index,
Cell: Cell.Index
Cursor_GetPos: function () {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
if (this.Selection.Data.length < 0) {
return {
X: 0,
Y: 0
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[0];
var Cell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Para = Cell.Content.Get_FirstParagraph();
return {
X: Para.X,
Y: Para.Y
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Cursor_GetPos();
Cursor_MoveLeft: function (Count, AddToSelect, Word) {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && this.Selection.Type === table_Selection_Cell) {
if (true === AddToSelect) {
var StartPos = this.Selection.StartPos.Pos;
var EndPos = this.Selection.EndPos.Pos;
if (StartPos.Cell == EndPos.Cell && StartPos.Row == EndPos.Row && 0 === this.Parent.Selection_Is_OneElement()) {
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
return true;
} else {
if (0 == EndPos.Cell && 0 == EndPos.Row && (null === this.Get_DocumentPrev() && true === this.Parent.Is_TopDocument())) {
return false;
var bRet = true;
if (0 == EndPos.Cell && 0 == EndPos.Row || (0 !== this.Parent.Selection_Is_OneElement() && 0 == EndPos.Row && 0 == StartPos.Row)) {
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: 0,
Row: 0
bRet = false;
} else {
if (EndPos.Cell > 0 && 0 === this.Parent.Selection_Is_OneElement()) {
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: EndPos.Cell - 1,
Row: EndPos.Row
} else {
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: 0,
Row: EndPos.Row - 1
var bForceSelectByLines = false;
if (false === bRet && true == this.Is_Inline()) {
bForceSelectByLines = true;
return bRet;
} else {
this.Selection.Use = false;
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[0];
this.CurCell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
return true;
} else {
if (false === this.CurCell.Content.Cursor_MoveLeft(AddToSelect, Word)) {
if (false === AddToSelect) {
if (0 != this.CurCell.Index || 0 != this.CurCell.Row.Index) {
if (0 != this.CurCell.Index) {
this.CurCell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell2(this.CurCell.Index - 1, this.Selection.CurRow);
} else {
this.Selection.CurRow = Math.max(this.Selection.CurRow - 1, 0);
this.CurCell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell2(this.Content[this.Selection.CurRow].Get_CellsCount() - 1, this.Selection.CurRow);
} else {
return false;
} else {
if (0 == this.CurCell.Index && 0 == this.CurCell.Row.Index && (null === this.Get_DocumentPrev() && true === this.Parent.Is_TopDocument())) {
return false;
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
var bRet = true;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
if (0 == this.CurCell.Index && 0 == this.CurCell.Row.Index) {
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Row.Get_CellsCount() - 1,
Row: 0
bRet = false;
} else {
if (this.CurCell.Index > 0) {
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index - 1,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
} else {
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: 0,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index - 1
return bRet;
} else {
if (true === AddToSelect) {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
return true;
Cursor_MoveRight: function (Count, AddToSelect, Word, FromPaste) {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && this.Selection.Type === table_Selection_Cell) {
if (true === AddToSelect) {
var StartPos = this.Selection.StartPos.Pos;
var EndPos = this.Selection.EndPos.Pos;
if (StartPos.Cell == EndPos.Cell && StartPos.Row == EndPos.Row && 0 === this.Parent.Selection_Is_OneElement()) {
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
return true;
} else {
var LastRow = this.Content[this.Content.length - 1];
var EndRow = this.Content[EndPos.Row];
var bRet = true;
if ((LastRow.Get_CellsCount() - 1 == EndPos.Cell && this.Content.length - 1 == EndPos.Row) || (0 !== this.Parent.Selection_Is_OneElement() && this.Content.length - 1 == EndPos.Row && this.Content.length - 1 == StartPos.Row)) {
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: LastRow.Get_CellsCount() - 1,
Row: LastRow.Index
bRet = false;
} else {
if (EndPos.Cell < EndRow.Get_CellsCount() - 1 && 0 === this.Parent.Selection_Is_OneElement()) {
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: EndPos.Cell + 1,
Row: EndPos.Row
} else {
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.Content[EndPos.Row + 1].Get_CellsCount() - 1,
Row: EndPos.Row + 1
var bForceSelectByLines = false;
if (false === bRet && true == this.Is_Inline()) {
bForceSelectByLines = true;
return bRet;
} else {
this.Selection.Use = false;
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[this.Selection.Data.length - 1];
this.CurCell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
return true;
} else {
if (false === this.CurCell.Content.Cursor_MoveRight(AddToSelect, Word, FromPaste)) {
if (false === AddToSelect) {
if (this.Content.length - 1 > this.CurCell.Row.Index || this.Content[this.CurCell.Row.Index].Get_CellsCount() - 1 > this.CurCell.Index) {
if (this.Content[this.CurCell.Row.Index].Get_CellsCount() - 1 > this.CurCell.Index) {
this.CurCell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell2(this.CurCell.Index + 1, this.Selection.CurRow);
} else {
this.Selection.CurRow = Math.min(this.Content.length - 1, this.Selection.CurRow + 1);
this.CurCell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell2(0, this.Selection.CurRow);
} else {
return false;
} else {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
var LastRow = this.Content[this.Content.length - 1];
var CurRow = this.CurCell.Row;
var bRet = true;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
if (LastRow.Get_CellsCount() - 1 == this.CurCell.Index && LastRow.Index == this.CurCell.Row.Index) {
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: LastRow.Get_CellsCount() - 1,
Row: LastRow.Index
bRet = false;
} else {
if (this.CurCell.Index < CurRow.Get_CellsCount() - 1) {
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index + 1,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
} else {
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.Content[this.CurCell.Row.Index + 1].Get_CellsCount() - 1,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index + 1
var bForceSelectByLines = false;
if (false === bRet && true == this.Is_Inline()) {
bForceSelectByLines = true;
return bRet;
} else {
if (true === AddToSelect) {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
return true;
Cursor_MoveUp: function (Count, AddToSelect) {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
if (true === AddToSelect) {
var bRetValue = true;
var EndPos = this.Selection.EndPos.Pos;
if (0 === EndPos.Row) {
bRetValue = false;
} else {
var EndCell = this.Content[EndPos.Row].Get_Cell(EndPos.Cell);
var X = EndCell.Content.Get_CurPosXY().X;
var Y = EndCell.Content.Get_CurPosXY().Y;
var PrevRow = this.Content[EndPos.Row - 1];
var Cell = null;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < PrevRow.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
Cell = PrevRow.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellInfo = PrevRow.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
if (X <= CellInfo.X_grid_end) {
if (null === Cell) {
return true;
Cell.Content.Set_CurPosXY(X, Y);
this.CurCell = Cell;
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: Cell.Index,
Row: Cell.Row.Index
var bForceSelectByLines = false;
if (false === bRetValue && true === this.Is_Inline()) {
bForceSelectByLines = true;
return bRetValue;
} else {
if (this.Selection.Data.length < 0) {
return true;
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[0];
var Cell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Para = Cell.Content.Get_FirstParagraph();
var X = Para.X;
var Y = Para.Y;
this.Selection.Use = false;
if (0 === Pos.Row) {
this.CurCell = Cell;
this.CurCell.Content.Set_CurPosXY(X, Y);
return false;
} else {
var PrevRow = this.Content[Pos.Row - 1];
var PrevCell = null;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < PrevRow.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
PrevCell = PrevRow.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellInfo = PrevRow.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
if (X <= CellInfo.X_grid_end) {
if (null === PrevCell) {
return true;
PrevCell.Content.Cursor_MoveUp_To_LastRow(X, Y, false);
this.CurCell = PrevCell;
return true;
} else {
if (false === this.CurCell.Content.Cursor_MoveUp(AddToSelect)) {
if (0 === this.CurCell.Row.Index && (false === this.Is_Inline() || (null === this.Get_DocumentPrev() && true === this.Parent.Is_TopDocument()))) {
return true;
if (true === AddToSelect) {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index,
Cell: this.CurCell.Index
var bRetValue = true;
if (0 === this.CurCell.Row.Index) {
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: 0,
Cell: 0
bRetValue = false;
} else {
var X = this.CurCell.Content.Get_CurPosXY().X;
var Y = this.CurCell.Content.Get_CurPosXY().Y;
var PrevRow = this.Content[this.CurCell.Row.Index - 1];
var Cell = null;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < PrevRow.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
Cell = PrevRow.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellInfo = PrevRow.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
if (X <= CellInfo.X_grid_end) {
if (null === Cell) {
return true;
Cell.Content.Set_CurPosXY(X, Y);
this.CurCell = Cell;
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: Cell.Index,
Row: Cell.Row.Index
var bForceSelectByLines = false;
if (false === bRetValue && true === this.Is_Inline()) {
bForceSelectByLines = true;
return bRetValue;
} else {
if (0 === this.CurCell.Row.Index) {
return false;
} else {
var X = this.CurCell.Content.Get_CurPosXY().X;
var Y = this.CurCell.Content.Get_CurPosXY().Y;
var PrevRow = this.Content[this.CurCell.Row.Index - 1];
var Cell = null;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < PrevRow.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
Cell = PrevRow.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellInfo = PrevRow.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
if (X <= CellInfo.X_grid_end) {
if (null === Cell) {
return true;
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell2(Cell.Index, Cell.Row.Index);
Cell.Content.Cursor_MoveUp_To_LastRow(X, Y, false);
this.CurCell = Cell;
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: Cell.Index,
Row: Cell.Row.Index
this.Selection.CurRow = Cell.Row.Index;
return true;
} else {
if (true === AddToSelect) {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
return true;
Cursor_MoveDown: function (Count, AddToSelect) {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
if (true === AddToSelect) {
var bRetValue = true;
var EndPos = this.Selection.EndPos.Pos;
if (this.Content.length - 1 === EndPos.Row) {
bRetValue = false;
} else {
var EndCell = this.Content[EndPos.Row].Get_Cell(EndPos.Cell);
var X = EndCell.Content.Get_CurPosXY().X;
var Y = EndCell.Content.Get_CurPosXY().Y;
var NextRow = this.Content[EndPos.Row + 1];
var Cell = null;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < NextRow.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
Cell = NextRow.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellInfo = NextRow.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
if (X <= CellInfo.X_grid_end) {
if (null === Cell) {
return true;
Cell.Content.Set_CurPosXY(X, Y);
this.CurCell = Cell;
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: Cell.Index,
Row: Cell.Row.Index
var bForceSelectByLines = false;
if (false === bRetValue && true === this.Is_Inline()) {
bForceSelectByLines = true;
return bRetValue;
} else {
if (this.Selection.Data.length < 0) {
return true;
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[this.Selection.Data.length - 1];
var Cell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Para = Cell.Content.Get_FirstParagraph();
var X = Para.X;
var Y = Para.Y;
this.Selection.Use = false;
if (this.Content.length - 1 === Pos.Row) {
this.CurCell = Cell;
this.CurCell.Content.Set_CurPosXY(X, Y);
return false;
} else {
var NextRow = this.Content[Pos.Row + 1];
var NextCell = null;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < NextRow.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
NextCell = NextRow.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellInfo = NextRow.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
if (X <= CellInfo.X_grid_end) {
if (null === NextCell) {
return true;
NextCell.Content.Cursor_MoveDown_To_FirstRow(X, Y, false);
this.CurCell = NextCell;
return true;
} else {
if (false === this.CurCell.Content.Cursor_MoveDown(AddToSelect)) {
if (true === AddToSelect) {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index,
Cell: this.CurCell.Index
var bRetValue = true;
if (this.Content.length - 1 === this.CurCell.Row.Index) {
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: this.Content.length - 1,
Cell: this.Content[this.Content.length - 1].Get_CellsCount() - 1
bRetValue = false;
} else {
var X = this.CurCell.Content.Get_CurPosXY().X;
var Y = this.CurCell.Content.Get_CurPosXY().Y;
var NextRow = this.Content[this.CurCell.Row.Index + 1];
var Cell = null;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < NextRow.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
Cell = NextRow.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellInfo = NextRow.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
if (X <= CellInfo.X_grid_end) {
if (null === Cell) {
return true;
Cell.Content.Set_CurPosXY(X, Y);
this.CurCell = Cell;
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: Cell.Index,
Row: Cell.Row.Index
var bForceSelectByLines = false;
if (false === bRetValue && true === this.Is_Inline()) {
bForceSelectByLines = true;
return bRetValue;
} else {
var VMerge_count = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(this.CurCell.Row.Index, this.CurCell.Row.Get_CellInfo(this.CurCell.Index).StartGridCol, this.CurCell.Get_GridSpan());
if (this.Content.length - 1 === this.CurCell.Row.Index + VMerge_count - 1) {
return false;
} else {
var X = this.CurCell.Content.Get_CurPosXY().X;
var Y = this.CurCell.Content.Get_CurPosXY().Y;
var NextRow = this.Content[this.CurCell.Row.Index + VMerge_count];
var Cell = null;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < NextRow.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
Cell = NextRow.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellInfo = NextRow.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
if (X <= CellInfo.X_grid_end) {
if (null === Cell) {
return true;
Cell.Content.Cursor_MoveDown_To_FirstRow(X, Y, false);
this.CurCell = Cell;
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: Cell.Index,
Row: Cell.Row.Index
this.Selection.CurRow = Cell.Row.Index;
return true;
} else {
if (true === AddToSelect) {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
return true;
Cursor_MoveEndOfLine: function (AddToSelect) {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
return this.Cursor_MoveRight(1, AddToSelect, false);
} else {
var bRetValue = this.CurCell.Content.Cursor_MoveEndOfLine(AddToSelect);
if (true === this.CurCell.Content.Is_SelectionUse()) {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
} else {
this.Selection.Use = false;
return bRetValue;
Cursor_MoveStartOfLine: function (AddToSelect) {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
return this.Cursor_MoveLeft(1, AddToSelect, false);
} else {
var bRetValue = this.CurCell.Content.Cursor_MoveStartOfLine(AddToSelect);
if (true === this.CurCell.Content.Is_SelectionUse()) {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: this.CurCell.Index,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
} else {
this.Selection.Use = false;
return bRetValue;
Cursor_MoveUp_To_LastRow: function (X, Y, AddToSelect) {
if (true === AddToSelect) {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
var Row = this.Content[this.Content.length - 1];
var Cell = null;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Row.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellInfo = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
if (X <= CellInfo.X_grid_end) {
if (null === Cell) {
return true;
Cell.Content.Set_CurPosXY(X, Y);
this.CurCell = Cell;
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: Cell.Index,
Row: Cell.Row.Index
} else {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: this.Content.length - 1,
Cell: this.Content[this.Content.length - 1].Get_CellsCount() - 1
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: this.Content.length - 1,
Cell: 0
var Cell = this.Content[this.Content.length - 1].Get_Cell(0);
Cell.Content.Set_CurPosXY(X, Y);
} else {
var Row = this.Content[this.Content.length - 1];
var Cell = null;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Row.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellInfo = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
if (X <= CellInfo.X_grid_end) {
if (null === Cell) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell2(Cell.Index, Cell.Row.Index);
Cell.Content.Cursor_MoveUp_To_LastRow(X, Y, false);
this.Selection.CurRow = Cell.Row.Index;
this.CurCell = Cell;
Cursor_MoveDown_To_FirstRow: function (X, Y, AddToSelect) {
if (true === AddToSelect) {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
var Row = this.Content[0];
var Cell = null;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Row.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellInfo = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
if (X <= CellInfo.X_grid_end) {
if (null === Cell) {
return true;
Cell.Content.Set_CurPosXY(X, Y);
this.CurCell = Cell;
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Cell: Cell.Index,
Row: Cell.Row.Index
} else {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: 0,
Cell: 0
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: 0,
Cell: this.Content[0].Get_CellsCount() - 1
var Cell = this.Content[0].Get_Cell(0);
Cell.Content.Set_CurPosXY(X, Y);
} else {
var Row = this.Content[0];
var Cell = null;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Row.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellInfo = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
if (X <= CellInfo.X_grid_end) {
if (null === Cell) {
Cell.Content.Cursor_MoveDown_To_FirstRow(X, Y, false);
this.Selection.CurRow = Cell.Row.Index;
this.CurCell = Cell;
Cursor_MoveToCell: function (bNext) {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[0];
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
this.CurCell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
} else {
if (true === this.Is_InnerTable()) {
return this.CurCell.Content.Cursor_MoveToCell(bNext);
var CurCell = this.CurCell;
var Pos_c = this.CurCell.Index;
var Pos_r = this.CurCell.Row.Index;
var Pos = {
Cell: Pos_c,
Row: Pos_r
if (true === bNext) {
var TempCell = this.Internal_Get_NextCell(Pos);
while (null != TempCell && vmerge_Restart != TempCell.Get_VMerge()) {
TempCell = this.Internal_Get_NextCell(Pos);
if (null != TempCell) {
CurCell = TempCell;
} else {
if (false == editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Document_Is_SelectionLocked(changestype_None, {
Type: changestype_2_Element_and_Type,
Element: this,
CheckType: changestype_Table_Properties
})) {
} else {
var TempCell = this.Internal_Get_NextCell(Pos);
while (null != TempCell && vmerge_Restart != TempCell.Get_VMerge()) {
TempCell = this.Internal_Get_NextCell(Pos);
if (null != TempCell) {
CurCell = TempCell;
} else {
var TempCell = this.Internal_Get_PrevCell(Pos);
while (null != TempCell && vmerge_Restart != TempCell.Get_VMerge()) {
TempCell = this.Internal_Get_PrevCell(Pos);
if (null != TempCell) {
CurCell = TempCell;
this.CurCell = CurCell;
if (true === this.CurCell.Content.Selection_IsEmpty(false)) {
this.Selection.Use = false;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
} else {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: CurCell.Row.Index,
Cell: CurCell.Index
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: CurCell.Row.Index,
Cell: CurCell.Index
this.Selection.CurRow = CurCell.Row.Index;
Get_CurPosXY: function () {
var Cell = null;
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
Cell = this.Content[this.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Row].Get_Cell(this.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Cell);
} else {
Cell = this.CurCell;
return Cell.Content.Get_CurPosXY();
Is_SelectionUse: function () {
if ((true == this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell == this.Selection.Type) || table_Selection_Border == this.Selection.Type2 || table_Selection_Border_InnerTable == this.Selection.Type2) {
return true;
} else {
if (true == this.Selection.Use) {
return this.CurCell.Content.Is_SelectionUse();
return false;
Is_TextSelectionUse: function () {
if ((true == this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell == this.Selection.Type) || table_Selection_Border == this.Selection.Type2 || table_Selection_Border_InnerTable == this.Selection.Type2) {
return true;
} else {
if (true == this.Selection.Use) {
return this.CurCell.Content.Is_TextSelectionUse();
return false;
Get_SelectedText: function (bClearText) {
if (true === bClearText && ((true == this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text == this.Selection.Type) || false === this.Selection.Use)) {
return this.CurCell.Content.Get_SelectedText(true);
} else {
if (false === bClearText) {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
var Count = this.Selection.Data.length;
var ResultText = "";
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
var Cell = this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
ResultText += Cell.Content.Get_SelectedText(false);
return ResultText;
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Get_SelectedText(false);
return null;
Get_SelectedElementsInfo: function (Info) {
if (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type)) {
Get_SelectedContent: function (SelectedContent) {
if (true !== this.Selection.Use) {
if (table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type || true === this.ApplyToAll) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll) {
SelectedContent.Add(new CSelectedElement(this.Copy(this.Parent), true));
var bAllSelected = true;
var SelectedCount = this.Selection.Data.length;
var RowsInfoArray = [];
var RowsCount = this.Content.length;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < RowsCount; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var CellsInfoArray = [];
var bSelectedRow = false;
GridSpan: Row.Get_Before().GridBefore,
Cell: null,
Selected: false
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var VMerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var bSelected = false;
if (VMerge === vmerge_Restart) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < SelectedCount; Index++) {
var TempPos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
if (CurCell === TempPos.Cell && CurRow === TempPos.Row) {
bSelected = true;
} else {
if (CurRow < TempPos.Row) {
} else {
var StartMergedCell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell2(CurCell, CurRow);
bSelected = RowsInfoArray[StartMergedCell.Row.Index].CellsInfoArray[StartMergedCell.Index + 1].Selected;
if (false === bSelected) {
bAllSelected = false;
} else {
bSelectedRow = true;
GridSpan: GridSpan,
Cell: Cell,
Selected: bSelected
GridSpan: Row.Get_After().GridAfter,
Cell: null,
Selected: false
CellsInfoArray: CellsInfoArray,
Selected: bSelectedRow
if (true === bAllSelected) {
SelectedContent.Add(new CSelectedElement(this.Copy(this.Parent), true));
var TableGrid = this.Internal_Copy_Grid(this.TableGrid);
var MinBefore = -1;
var MinAfter = -1;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < RowsCount; CurRow++) {
var CellsInfoArray = RowsInfoArray[CurRow].CellsInfoArray;
if (true !== RowsInfoArray[CurRow].Selected) {
var bBefore = true;
var BeforeGrid = 0,
AfterGrid = 0;
var CellsInfoCount = CellsInfoArray.length;
for (var CellIndex = 0, CurCell = 0; CellIndex < CellsInfoCount; CellIndex++) {
var CellInfo = CellsInfoArray[CellIndex];
if (true === CellInfo.Selected) {
bBefore = false;
} else {
if (true === bBefore) {
BeforeGrid += CellInfo.GridSpan;
} else {
AfterGrid += CellInfo.GridSpan;
if (MinBefore > BeforeGrid || -1 === MinBefore) {
MinBefore = BeforeGrid;
if (MinAfter > AfterGrid || -1 === MinAfter) {
MinAfter = AfterGrid;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < RowsCount; CurRow++) {
var CellsInfoArray = RowsInfoArray[CurRow].CellsInfoArray;
if (true === RowsInfoArray[CurRow].Selected) {
CellsInfoArray[0].GridSpan -= MinBefore;
CellsInfoArray[CellsInfoArray.length - 1].GridSpan -= MinAfter;
if (MinAfter > 0) {
TableGrid.splice(TableGrid.length - MinAfter, MinAfter);
if (MinBefore > 0) {
TableGrid.splice(0, MinBefore);
var Table = new CTable(this.DrawingDocument, this.Parent, this.Inline, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, TableGrid);
Table.Set_PositionH(this.PositionH.RelativeFrom, this.PositionH.Align, this.PositionH.Value);
Table.Set_PositionV(this.PositionV.RelativeFrom, this.PositionV.Align, this.PositionV.Value);
Table.Set_Distance(this.Distance.L, this.Distance.T, this.Distance.R, this.Distance.B);
for (var CurRow = 0, CurRow2 = 0; CurRow < RowsCount; CurRow++) {
var RowInfo = RowsInfoArray[CurRow];
if (true !== RowInfo.Selected) {
var CellsInfoArray = RowInfo.CellsInfoArray;
var Row = new CTableRow(Table, 0);
var bMergedRow = true;
var bBefore = true;
var BeforeGrid = 0,
AfterGrid = 0;
var CellsInfoCount = CellsInfoArray.length;
for (var CellIndex = 0, CurCell = 0; CellIndex < CellsInfoCount; CellIndex++) {
var CellInfo = CellsInfoArray[CellIndex];
if (true === CellInfo.Selected) {
bBefore = false;
Row.Content[CurCell] = CellInfo.Cell.Copy(Row);
History.Add(Row, {
Type: historyitem_TableRow_AddCell,
Pos: CurCell,
Item: {
Cell: Row.Content[CurCell],
CellInfo: {}
var VMerge = CellInfo.Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (VMerge === vmerge_Restart) {
bMergedRow = false;
} else {
if (true === bBefore) {
BeforeGrid += CellInfo.GridSpan;
} else {
AfterGrid += CellInfo.GridSpan;
if (true === bMergedRow) {
Table.Content[CurRow2] = Row;
History.Add(Table, {
Type: historyitem_Table_AddRow,
Pos: CurRow2,
Item: {
Row: Table.Content[CurRow2],
TableRowsBottom: {},
RowsInfo: {}
if (Table.Content.length > 0 && Table.Content[0].Get_CellsCount() > 0) {
Table.CurCell = Table.Content[0].Get_Cell(0);
SelectedContent.Add(new CSelectedElement(Table, false));
} else {
Set_ParagraphPrOnAdd: function (Para) {
this.ApplyToAll = true;
var PStyleId = Para.Style_Get();
if (undefined !== PStyleId && null !== this.LogicDocument) {
var Styles = this.LogicDocument.Get_Styles();
var TextPr = Para.Get_TextPr();
this.Paragraph_Add(new ParaTextPr(TextPr));
this.ApplyToAll = false;
Set_ParagraphAlign: function (Align) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Set_ParagraphAlign(Align);
Set_ParagraphSpacing: function (Spacing) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Set_ParagraphSpacing(Spacing);
Set_ParagraphIndent: function (Ind) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Set_ParagraphIndent(Ind);
Set_ParagraphNumbering: function (NumInfo) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Set_ParagraphNumbering(NumInfo);
Set_ParagraphPresentationNumbering: function (NumInfo) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Set_ParagraphPresentationNumbering(NumInfo);
Increase_ParagraphLevel: function (bIncrease) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Increase_ParagraphLevel(bIncrease);
Set_ParagraphShd: function (Shd) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (this.LogicDocument && true !== this.LogicDocument.UseTextShd && true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
} else {
var CellContent = this.CurCell.Content;
if (this.LogicDocument && true === this.LogicDocument.UseTextShd && docpostype_Content === CellContent.CurPos.Type && true !== CellContent.Selection.Use && type_Paragraph === CellContent.Content[CellContent.CurPos.ContentPos].GetType()) {
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Set_ParagraphShd(Shd);
Set_ParagraphStyle: function (Name) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Set_ParagraphStyle(Name);
Set_ParagraphTabs: function (Tabs) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Set_ParagraphTabs(Tabs);
Set_ParagraphContextualSpacing: function (Value) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Set_ParagraphContextualSpacing(Value);
Set_ParagraphPageBreakBefore: function (Value) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Set_ParagraphPageBreakBefore(Value);
Set_ParagraphKeepLines: function (Value) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Set_ParagraphKeepLines(Value);
Set_ParagraphKeepNext: function (Value) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Set_ParagraphKeepNext(Value);
Set_ParagraphWidowControl: function (Value) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Set_ParagraphWidowControl(Value);
Set_ParagraphBorders: function (Borders) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Set_ParagraphBorders(Borders);
Paragraph_IncDecFontSize: function (bIncrease) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Paragraph_IncDecFontSize(bIncrease);
Paragraph_IncDecIndent: function (bIncrease) {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && this.Selection.Data.length > 0)) {
var Cells_array = this.Internal_Get_SelectionArray();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_array.length; Index++) {
var Pos = Cells_array[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Cell_Content = Cell.Content;
if (Cells_array[0].Row - 1 >= 0) {
this.Internal_RecalculateFrom(Cells_array[0].Row - 1, 0, true, true);
} else {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
} else {
return this.CurCell.Content.Paragraph_IncDecIndent(bIncrease);
Get_Paragraph_ParaPr: function () {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll) {
var Row = this.Content[0];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(0);
var Result_ParaPr = Cell.Content.Get_Paragraph_ParaPr();
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var StartCell = (CurRow === 0 ? 1 : 0);
for (var CurCell = StartCell; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CurPr = Cell.Content.Get_Paragraph_ParaPr();
Result_ParaPr = Result_ParaPr.Compare(CurPr);
return Result_ParaPr;
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[0];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Result_ParaPr = Cell.Content.Get_Paragraph_ParaPr();
for (var Index = 1; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var CurPr = Cell.Content.Get_Paragraph_ParaPr();
Result_ParaPr = Result_ParaPr.Compare(CurPr);
return Result_ParaPr;
return this.CurCell.Content.Get_Paragraph_ParaPr();
Get_Paragraph_TextPr: function () {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll) {
var Row = this.Content[0];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(0);
var Result_TextPr = Cell.Content.Get_Paragraph_TextPr();
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var StartCell = (CurRow === 0 ? 1 : 0);
for (var CurCell = StartCell; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CurPr = Cell.Content.Get_Paragraph_TextPr();
Result_TextPr = Result_TextPr.Compare(CurPr);
return Result_TextPr;
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[0];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Result_TextPr = Cell.Content.Get_Paragraph_TextPr();
for (var Index = 1; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var CurPr = Cell.Content.Get_Paragraph_TextPr();
Result_TextPr = Result_TextPr.Compare(CurPr);
return Result_TextPr;
return this.CurCell.Content.Get_Paragraph_TextPr();
Get_Paragraph_TextPr_Copy: function () {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll) {
var Row = this.Content[0];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(0);
var Result_TextPr = Cell.Content.Get_Paragraph_TextPr_Copy();
return Result_TextPr;
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[0];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Result_TextPr = Cell.Content.Get_Paragraph_TextPr_Copy();
return Result_TextPr;
return this.CurCell.Content.Get_Paragraph_TextPr_Copy();
Get_Paragraph_ParaPr_Copy: function () {
if (true === this.ApplyToAll) {
var Row = this.Content[0];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(0);
var Result_TextPr = Cell.Content.Get_Paragraph_ParaPr_Copy();
return Result_TextPr;
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[0];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var Result_TextPr = Cell.Content.Get_Paragraph_ParaPr_Copy();
return Result_TextPr;
return this.CurCell.Content.Get_Paragraph_ParaPr_Copy();
Get_CurrentParagraph: function () {
return this.CurCell.Content.Get_CurrentParagraph();
Set_ImageProps: function (Props) {
if ((true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type) || false === this.Selection.Use) {
return this.CurCell.Content.Set_ImageProps(Props);
Recalc_CompiledPr: function () {
this.CompiledPr.NeedRecalc = true;
Recalc_CompiledPr2: function () {
var RowsCount = this.Content.length;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < RowsCount; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
Get_CompiledPr: function (bCopy) {
if (true === this.CompiledPr.NeedRecalc) {
this.CompiledPr.Pr = this.Internal_Compile_Pr();
this.CompiledPr.NeedRecalc = false;
if (false === bCopy) {
return this.CompiledPr.Pr;
} else {
var Pr = {};
Pr.TextPr = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TextPr.Copy();
Pr.ParaPr = this.CompiledPr.Pr.ParaPr.Copy();
Pr.TablePr = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TablePr.Copy();
Pr.TableRowPr = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TableRowPr.Copy();
Pr.TableCellPr = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TableCellPr.Copy();
Pr.TableFirstCol = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TableFirstCol.Copy();
Pr.TableFirstRow = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TableFirstRow.Copy();
Pr.TableLastCol = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TableLastCol.Copy();
Pr.TableLastRow = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TableLastRow.Copy();
Pr.TableBand1Horz = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TableBand1Horz.Copy();
Pr.TableBand1Vert = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TableBand1Vert.Copy();
Pr.TableBand2Horz = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TableBand2Horz.Copy();
Pr.TableBand2Vert = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TableBand2Vert.Copy();
Pr.TableTLCell = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TableTLCell.Copy();
Pr.TableTRCell = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TableTRCell.Copy();
Pr.TableBLCell = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TableBLCell.Copy();
Pr.TableBRCell = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TableBRCell.Copy();
Pr.TableWholeTable = this.CompiledPr.Pr.TableWholeTable.Copy();
return Pr;
Get_Style: function () {
if ("undefined" != typeof(this.TableStyle)) {
return this.TableStyle;
return null;
Set_Style: function (Id) {
if (null === Id) {
if (Id != this.Get_Styles().Get_Default_Table()) {
this.TableStyle = Id;
this.CompiledPr.NeedRecalc = true;
Remove_Style: function () {
if ("undefined" != typeof(this.TableStyle)) {
delete this.TableStyle;
this.CompiledPr.NeedRecalc = true;
Numbering_IsUse: function (NumId, NumLvl) {
return false;
Internal_Compile_Pr: function () {
var Styles = this.Get_Styles();
var StyleId = this.Get_Style();
var Pr = Styles.Get_Pr(StyleId, styletype_Table);
if (this.bPresentation) {
return Pr;
Check_PresentationPr: function (Pr) {
var Theme = this.Get_Theme();
Clear_DirectFormatting: function (bClearMerge) {
this.Set_TableCellMar(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined);
this.Set_TableW(undefined, undefined);
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
Set_Pr: function (TablePr) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_Pr,
Old: this.Pr,
New: TablePr
this.Pr = TablePr;
Set_TableStyle: function (StyleId) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableStyle,
Old: this.TableStyle,
New: StyleId
this.TableStyle = StyleId;
Set_TableStyle2: function (StyleId) {
if (this.TableStyle != StyleId) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableStyle,
Old: this.TableStyle,
New: StyleId
this.TableStyle = StyleId;
Get_TableStyle: function () {
return this.TableStyle;
Set_TableLook: function (TableLook) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableLook,
Old: this.TableLook,
New: TableLook
this.TableLook = TableLook;
Get_TableLook: function () {
return this.TableLook;
Set_AllowOverlap: function (AllowOverlap) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_AllowOverlap,
Old: this.AllowOverlap,
New: AllowOverlap
this.AllowOverlap = AllowOverlap;
Get_AllowOverlap: function () {
return this.AllowOverlap;
Set_PositionH: function (RelativeFrom, Align, Value) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_PositionH,
Old: {
RelativeFrom: this.PositionH.RelativeFrom,
Align: this.PositionH.Align,
Value: this.PositionH.Value
New: {
RelativeFrom: RelativeFrom,
Align: Align,
Value: Value
this.PositionH.RelativeFrom = RelativeFrom;
this.PositionH.Align = Align;
this.PositionH.Value = Value;
Set_PositionV: function (RelativeFrom, Align, Value) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_PositionV,
Old: {
RelativeFrom: this.PositionV.RelativeFrom,
Align: this.PositionV.Align,
Value: this.PositionV.Value
New: {
RelativeFrom: RelativeFrom,
Align: Align,
Value: Value
this.PositionV.RelativeFrom = RelativeFrom;
this.PositionV.Align = Align;
this.PositionV.Value = Value;
Set_Distance: function (L, T, R, B) {
if (null === L || undefined === L) {
L = this.Distance.L;
if (null === T || undefined === T) {
T = this.Distance.T;
if (null === R || undefined === R) {
R = this.Distance.R;
if (null === B || undefined === B) {
B = this.Distance.B;
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_Distance,
Old: {
Left: this.Distance.L,
Top: this.Distance.T,
Right: this.Distance.R,
Bottom: this.Distance.B
New: {
Left: L,
Top: T,
Right: R,
Bottom: B
this.Distance.L = L;
this.Distance.R = R;
this.Distance.T = T;
this.Distance.B = B;
Set_TableStyleRowBandSize: function (Value) {
if (undefined === Value) {
if (undefined === this.Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableStyleRowBandSize,
Old: this.Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize,
New: undefined
this.Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize = undefined;
} else {
if (undefined === this.Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableStyleRowBandSize,
Old: undefined,
New: Value
this.Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize = Value;
} else {
if (this.Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize != Value) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableStyleRowBandSize,
Old: this.Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize,
New: Value
this.Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize = Value;
Get_TableStyleRowBandSize: function () {
var Pr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
return Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize;
Set_TableStyleColBandSize: function (Value) {
if (undefined === Value) {
if (undefined === this.Pr.TableStyleColBandSize) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableStyleColBandSize,
Old: this.Pr.TableStyleColBandSize,
New: undefined
this.Pr.TableStyleColBandSize = undefined;
} else {
if (undefined === this.Pr.TableStyleRowBandSize) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableStyleColBandSize,
Old: undefined,
New: Value
this.Pr.TableStyleColBandSize = Value;
} else {
if (this.Pr.TableStyleColBandSize != Value) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableStyleColBandSize,
Old: this.Pr.TableStyleColBandSize,
New: Value
this.Pr.TableStyleColBandSize = Value;
Get_TableStyleColBandSize: function () {
var Pr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
return Pr.TableStyleColBandSize;
Get_ShapeStyleForPara: function () {
return this.Parent.Get_ShapeStyleForPara();
Set_TableW: function (Type, W) {
if (undefined === Type) {
if (undefined === this.Pr.TableW) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableW,
Old: this.Pr.TableW,
New: undefined
this.Pr.TableW = undefined;
} else {
if (undefined === this.Pr.TableW) {
var TableW = new CTableMeasurement(Type, W);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableW,
Old: undefined,
New: TableW
this.Pr.TableW = TableW;
} else {
if (Type != this.Pr.TableW.Type || Math.abs(this.Pr.TableW.W - W) > 0.001) {
var TableW = new CTableMeasurement(Type, W);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableW,
Old: this.Pr.TableW,
New: TableW
this.Pr.TableW = TableW;
Get_TableW: function () {
var Pr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
return Pr.TableW;
Set_TableLayout: function (Value) {
if (this.Pr.TableLayout === Value) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableLayout,
Old: this.Pr.TableLayout,
New: Value
this.Pr.TableLayout = Value;
Get_TableLayout: function () {
var Pr = this.Get_CompliedPr(false).TablePr;
return Pr.TableLayout;
Set_TableCellMar: function (Left, Top, Right, Bottom) {
var old_Left = (undefined === this.Pr.TableCellMar.Left ? undefined : this.Pr.TableCellMar.Left);
var old_Right = (undefined === this.Pr.TableCellMar.Right ? undefined : this.Pr.TableCellMar.Right);
var old_Top = (undefined === this.Pr.TableCellMar.Top ? undefined : this.Pr.TableCellMar.Top);
var old_Bottom = (undefined === this.Pr.TableCellMar.Bottom ? undefined : this.Pr.TableCellMar.Bottom);
var new_Left = (undefined === Left ? undefined : new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, Left));
var new_Right = (undefined === Right ? undefined : new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, Right));
var new_Top = (undefined === Top ? undefined : new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, Top));
var new_Bottom = (undefined === Bottom ? undefined : new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, Bottom));
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableCellMar,
Old: {
Left: old_Left,
Right: old_Right,
Top: old_Top,
Bottom: old_Bottom
New: {
Left: new_Left,
Right: new_Right,
Top: new_Top,
Bottom: new_Bottom
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Left = new_Left;
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Right = new_Right;
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Top = new_Top;
this.Pr.TableCellMar.Bottom = new_Bottom;
Get_TableCellMar: function () {
var Pr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
return Pr.TableCellMar;
Set_TableAlign: function (Align) {
if (undefined === Align) {
if (undefined === this.Pr.Jc) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableAlign,
Old: this.Pr.Jc,
New: undefined
this.Pr.Jc = undefined;
} else {
if (undefined === this.Pr.Jc) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableAlign,
Old: undefined,
New: Align
this.Pr.Jc = Align;
} else {
if (Align != this.Pr.Jc) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableAlign,
Old: this.Pr.Jc,
New: Align
this.Pr.Jc = Align;
Get_TableAlign: function () {
var Pr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
return Pr.Jc;
Set_TableInd: function (Ind) {
if (undefined === Ind) {
if (undefined === this.Pr.TableInd) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableInd,
Old: this.Pr.TableInd,
New: undefined
this.Pr.TableInd = undefined;
} else {
if (undefined === this.Pr.TableInd) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableInd,
Old: undefined,
New: Ind
this.Pr.TableInd = Ind;
} else {
if (Math.abs(this.Pr.TableInd - Ind) > 0.001) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableInd,
Old: this.Pr.TableInd,
New: Ind
this.Pr.TableInd = Ind;
Get_TableInd: function () {
var Pr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
return Pr.TableInd;
Set_TableBorder_Left: function (Border) {
this.Internal_Set_TableBorder(historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Left, this.Pr.TableBorders.Left, Border);
Set_TableBorder_Right: function (Border) {
this.Internal_Set_TableBorder(historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Right, this.Pr.TableBorders.Right, Border);
Set_TableBorder_Top: function (Border) {
this.Internal_Set_TableBorder(historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Top, this.Pr.TableBorders.Top, Border);
Set_TableBorder_Bottom: function (Border) {
this.Internal_Set_TableBorder(historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Bottom, this.Pr.TableBorders.Bottom, Border);
Set_TableBorder_InsideH: function (Border) {
this.Internal_Set_TableBorder(historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideH, this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideH, Border);
Set_TableBorder_InsideV: function (Border) {
this.Internal_Set_TableBorder(historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideV, this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideV, Border);
Internal_Set_TableBorder: function (Type, Ptr, _Border) {
if (undefined === _Border) {
if (undefined === Ptr) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: Type,
Old: Border,
New: undefined
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Left:
this.Pr.TableBorders.Left = undefined;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Right:
this.Pr.TableBorders.Right = undefined;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Top:
this.Pr.TableBorders.Top = undefined;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Bottom:
this.Pr.TableBorders.Bottom = undefined;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideH:
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideH = undefined;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideV:
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideV = undefined;
} else {
if (undefined === Ptr) {
var Border = new CDocumentBorder();
History.Add(this, {
Type: Type,
Old: undefined,
New: Border
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Left:
this.Pr.TableBorders.Left = Border;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Right:
this.Pr.TableBorders.Right = Border;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Top:
this.Pr.TableBorders.Top = Border;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Bottom:
this.Pr.TableBorders.Bottom = Border;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideH:
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideH = Border;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideV:
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideV = Border;
} else {
var Border = new CDocumentBorder();
History.Add(this, {
Type: Type,
Old: Ptr,
New: Border
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Left:
this.Pr.TableBorders.Left = Border;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Right:
this.Pr.TableBorders.Right = Border;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Top:
this.Pr.TableBorders.Top = Border;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_Bottom:
this.Pr.TableBorders.Bottom = Border;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideH:
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideH = Border;
case historyitem_Table_TableBorder_InsideV:
this.Pr.TableBorders.InsideV = Border;
Get_TableBorders: function () {
var Pr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
return Pr.TableBorders;
Set_TableShd: function (Value, r, g, b) {
if (undefined === Value) {
if (undefined === this.Pr.Shd) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableShd,
Old: this.Pr.Shd,
New: undefined
this.Pr.Shd = undefined;
} else {
if (undefined === this.Pr.Shd) {
var Shd = new CDocumentShd();
Shd.Value = Value;
Shd.Color.Set(r, g, b);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableShd,
Old: undefined,
New: Shd
this.Pr.Shd = Shd;
} else {
var Shd = new CDocumentShd();
Shd.Value = Value;
Shd.Color.Set(r, g, b);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableShd,
Old: this.Pr.Shd,
New: Shd
this.Pr.Shd = Shd;
Get_Shd: function () {
var Pr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
return Pr.Shd;
Get_Borders: function () {
return this.Get_TableBorders();
Split_Table: function () {
var CurRow = this.CurCell.Row.Index;
if (0 === CurRow) {
return null;
var NewTable = new CTable(this.DrawingDocument, this.Parent, this.Inline, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, this.Internal_Copy_Grid(this.TableGrid));
var Len = this.Content.length;
for (var RowIndex = CurRow; RowIndex < Len; RowIndex++) {
NewTable.Internal_Add_Row(RowIndex - CurRow, 0, false, this.Content[CurRow]);
return NewTable;
Internal_CheckMerge: function () {
var bCanMerge = true;
var Grid_start = -1;
var Grid_end = -1;
var RowsInfo = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var StartGridCol = Row.Get_CellInfo(Pos.Cell).StartGridCol;
var EndGridCol = StartGridCol + Cell.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(Pos.Row, Row.Get_CellInfo(Pos.Cell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
for (var RowIndex = Pos.Row; RowIndex <= Pos.Row + VMergeCount - 1; RowIndex++) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(RowsInfo[RowIndex])) {
RowsInfo[RowIndex] = {
Grid_start: StartGridCol,
Grid_end: EndGridCol
} else {
if (StartGridCol < RowsInfo[RowIndex].Grid_start) {
RowsInfo[RowIndex].Grid_start = StartGridCol;
if (EndGridCol > RowsInfo[RowIndex].Grid_end) {
RowsInfo[RowIndex].Grid_end = EndGridCol;
for (var Index in RowsInfo) {
if (-1 === Grid_start) {
Grid_start = RowsInfo[Index].Grid_start;
} else {
if (Grid_start != RowsInfo[Index].Grid_start) {
bCanMerge = false;
if (-1 === Grid_end) {
Grid_end = RowsInfo[Index].Grid_end;
} else {
if (Grid_end != RowsInfo[Index].Grid_end) {
bCanMerge = false;
if (true === bCanMerge) {
var TopRow = -1;
var BotRow = -1;
for (var GridIndex = Grid_start; GridIndex <= Grid_end; GridIndex++) {
var Pos_top = null;
var Pos_bot = null;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
var StartGridCol = Row.Get_CellInfo(Pos.Cell).StartGridCol;
var EndGridCol = StartGridCol + Cell.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
if (GridIndex >= StartGridCol && GridIndex <= EndGridCol) {
if (null === Pos_top || Pos_top.Row > Pos.Row) {
Pos_top = Pos;
if (null === Pos_bot || Pos_bot.Row < Pos.Row) {
Pos_bot = Pos;
if (null === Pos_top || null === Pos_bot) {
bCanMerge = false;
if (-1 === TopRow) {
TopRow = Pos_top.Row;
} else {
if (TopRow != Pos_top.Row) {
bCanMerge = false;
var Row = this.Content[Pos_bot.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos_bot.Cell);
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(Pos_bot.Row, Row.Get_CellInfo(Pos_bot.Cell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
var CurBotRow = Pos_bot.Row + VMergeCount - 1;
if (-1 === BotRow) {
BotRow = CurBotRow;
} else {
if (BotRow != CurBotRow) {
bCanMerge = false;
if (true === bCanMerge) {
for (var RowIndex = TopRow; RowIndex <= BotRow; RowIndex++) {
var Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
var Grid_before = Row.Get_Before().GridBefore;
var Grid_after = Row.Get_After().GridAfter;
if (Grid_after <= 0 && Grid_before <= 0) {
if (Grid_start < Grid_before) {
bCanMerge = false;
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Row.Get_CellsCount() - 1);
var Row_grid_end = Cell.Get_GridSpan() - 1 + Row.Get_CellInfo(Row.Get_CellsCount() - 1).StartGridCol;
if (Grid_end > Row_grid_end) {
bCanMerge = false;
return {
Grid_start: Grid_start,
Grid_end: Grid_end,
RowsInfo: RowsInfo,
bCanMerge: bCanMerge
Cell_Merge: function () {
var bApplyToInnerTable = false;
if (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type)) {
bApplyToInnerTable = this.CurCell.Content.Table_MergeCells();
if (true === bApplyToInnerTable) {
if (true != this.Selection.Use || table_Selection_Cell != this.Selection.Type || this.Selection.Data.length <= 1) {
var bCanMerge = true;
var Grid_start = -1;
var Grid_end = -1;
var RowsInfo = [];
var Temp = this.Internal_CheckMerge();
bCanMerge = Temp.bCanMerge;
Grid_start = Temp.Grid_start;
Grid_end = Temp.Grid_end;
RowsInfo = Temp.RowsInfo;
if (false === bCanMerge) {
var Pos_tl = this.Selection.Data[0];
var Cell_tl = this.Content[Pos_tl.Row].Get_Cell(Pos_tl.Cell);
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
var Row = this.Content[Pos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
if (0 != Index) {
for (var RowIndex in RowsInfo) {
var Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
for (var CellIndex = 0; CellIndex < Row.Get_CellsCount(); CellIndex++) {
var Cell_grid_start = Row.Get_CellInfo(CellIndex).StartGridCol;
if (Grid_start === Cell_grid_start) {
if (RowIndex != Pos_tl.Row) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CellIndex);
Cell.Set_GridSpan(Grid_end - Grid_start + 1);
} else {
Cell_tl.Set_GridSpan(Grid_end - Grid_start + 1);
} else {
if (Cell_grid_start > Grid_start && Cell_grid_start <= Grid_end) {
} else {
if (Cell_grid_start > Grid_end) {
var PageNum = 0;
for (PageNum = 0; PageNum < this.Pages.length - 1; PageNum++) {
if (Pos_tl.Row <= this.Pages[PageNum + 1].FirstRow) {
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = Pos_tl;
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = Pos_tl;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
this.Selection.Data = [Pos_tl];
this.CurCell = Cell_tl;
Cell_Split: function (Rows, Cols) {
var bApplyToInnerTable = false;
if (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type)) {
bApplyToInnerTable = this.CurCell.Content.Table_SplitCell(Cols, Rows);
if (true === bApplyToInnerTable) {
return true;
if (! (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && (table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type || (table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type && 1 === this.Selection.Data.length))))) {
return false;
var Cell_pos = null;
var Cell = null;
if (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type)) {
Cell = this.CurCell;
Cell_pos = {
Cell: Cell.Index,
Row: Cell.Row.Index
} else {
Cell_pos = this.Selection.Data[0];
Cell = this.Content[Cell_pos.Row].Get_Cell(Cell_pos.Cell);
var Row = this.Content[Cell_pos.Row];
var Grid_start = Row.Get_CellInfo(Cell_pos.Cell).StartGridCol;
var Grid_span = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var VMerge_count = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(Cell_pos.Row, Grid_start, Grid_span);
if (VMerge_count > 1) {
if (Rows > VMerge_count) {
var ErrData = new CErrorData();
editor.asc_fireCallback("asc_onError", c_oAscError.ID.SplitCellMaxRows, c_oAscError.Level.NoCritical, ErrData);
return false;
} else {
if (0 != VMerge_count % Rows) {
var ErrData = new CErrorData();
editor.asc_fireCallback("asc_onError", c_oAscError.ID.SplitCellRowsDivider, c_oAscError.Level.NoCritical, ErrData);
return false;
if (Cols > 1) {
var Sum_before = this.TableSumGrid[Grid_start - 1];
var Sum_with = this.TableSumGrid[Grid_start + Grid_span - 1];
var Span_width = Sum_with - Sum_before;
var Grid_width = Span_width / Cols;
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
var MinW = CellSpacing + CellMar.Right.W + CellMar.Left.W;
if (Grid_width < MinW) {
var MaxCols = Math.floor(Span_width / MinW);
var ErrData = new CErrorData();
editor.asc_fireCallback("asc_onError", c_oAscError.ID.SplitCellMaxCols, c_oAscError.Level.NoCritical, ErrData);
return false;
var Cells = [];
var Cells_pos = [];
var Rows_ = [];
if (Rows <= 1) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < VMerge_count; Index++) {
var TempRow = this.Content[Cell_pos.Row + Index];
Rows_[Index] = TempRow;
Cells[Index] = null;
Cells_pos[Index] = null;
var CellsCount = TempRow.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var StartGridCol = TempRow.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
if (StartGridCol === Grid_start) {
Cells[Index] = TempRow.Get_Cell(CurCell);
Cells_pos[Index] = {
Row: Cell_pos.Row + Index,
Cell: CurCell
} else {
if (VMerge_count > 1) {
var New_VMerge_Count = VMerge_count / Rows;
for (var Index = 0; Index < VMerge_count; Index++) {
var TempRow = this.Content[Cell_pos.Row + Index];
Rows_[Index] = TempRow;
Cells[Index] = null;
Cells_pos[Index] = null;
var CellsCount = TempRow.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var StartGridCol = TempRow.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
if (StartGridCol === Grid_start) {
var TempCell = TempRow.Get_Cell(CurCell);
Cells[Index] = TempCell;
Cells_pos[Index] = {
Row: Cell_pos.Row + Index,
Cell: CurCell
if (0 === Index % New_VMerge_Count) {
} else {
} else {
Rows_[0] = Row;
Cells[0] = Cell;
Cells_pos[0] = Cell_pos;
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var Index = 1; Index < Rows; Index++) {
var NewRow = this.Internal_Add_Row(Cell_pos.Row + Index, CellsCount);
Rows_[Index] = NewRow;
Cells[Index] = null;
Cells_pos[Index] = null;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var New_Cell = NewRow.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Old_Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (CurCell === Cell_pos.Cell) {
Cells[Index] = New_Cell;
Cells_pos[Index] = {
Row: Cell_pos.Row + Index,
Cell: CurCell
} else {
if (Cols > 1) {
var Sum_before = this.TableSumGrid[Grid_start - 1];
var Sum_with = this.TableSumGrid[Grid_start + Grid_span - 1];
var Span_width = Sum_with - Sum_before;
var Grid_width = Span_width / Cols;
var Grid_Info = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.TableGridCalc.length; Index++) {
Grid_Info[Index] = 0;
var Grid_Info_new = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cols; Index++) {
Grid_Info_new[Index] = 1;
var Grid_Info_start = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.TableGridCalc.length; Index++) {
Grid_Info_start[Index] = this.TableGridCalc[Index];
var NewCol_Index = 0;
var CurWidth = Sum_before + Grid_width;
for (var Grid_index = Grid_start; Grid_index < Grid_start + Grid_span; Grid_index++) {
var bNewCol = true;
if (Math.abs(CurWidth - this.TableSumGrid[Grid_index]) < 0.001) {
CurWidth += Grid_width;
bNewCol = false;
while (CurWidth < this.TableSumGrid[Grid_index]) {
if (0 === Grid_Info[Grid_index]) {
Grid_Info_start[Grid_index] = CurWidth - this.TableSumGrid[Grid_index - 1];
Grid_Info[Grid_index] += 1;
CurWidth += Grid_width;
if (Math.abs(CurWidth - this.TableSumGrid[Grid_index]) < 0.001) {
CurWidth += Grid_width;
bNewCol = false;
if (true === bNewCol) {
Grid_Info_new[NewCol_Index] += 1;
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < Rows_.length; Index2++) {
if (null != Cells[Index2] && null != Cells_pos[Index2]) {
var TempRow = Rows_[Index2];
var TempCell = Cells[Index2];
var TempCell_pos = Cells_pos[Index2];
TempCell.Set_W(new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, Grid_width));
for (var Index = 1; Index < Cols; Index++) {
var NewCell = TempRow.Add_Cell(TempCell_pos.Cell + Index, TempRow, null, false);
NewCell.Set_W(new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, Grid_width));
var TableGrid_old = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.TableGrid.length; Index++) {
TableGrid_old[Index] = this.TableGrid[Index];
var OldTableGridLen = this.TableGridCalc.length;
for (var Index = OldTableGridLen - 1; Index >= 0; Index--) {
var Summary = this.TableGridCalc[Index];
if (Grid_Info[Index] > 0) {
this.TableGrid[Index] = Grid_Info_start[Index];
Summary -= Grid_Info_start[Index] - Grid_width;
for (var NewIndex = 0; NewIndex < Grid_Info[Index]; NewIndex++) {
Summary -= Grid_width;
if (NewIndex != Grid_Info[Index] - 1) {
this.TableGrid.splice(Index + NewIndex + 1, 0, Grid_width);
} else {
this.TableGrid.splice(Index + NewIndex + 1, 0, Summary);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableGrid,
Old: TableGrid_old,
New: this.TableGrid
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
if (CurRow >= Cells_pos[0].Row && CurRow <= Cells_pos[Cells_pos.length - 1].Row) {
var TempRow = this.Content[CurRow];
var GridBefore = TempRow.Get_Before().GridBefore;
var GridAfter = TempRow.Get_After().GridAfter;
if (GridBefore > 0) {
var SummaryGridSpan = GridBefore;
for (var CurGrid = 0; CurGrid < GridBefore; CurGrid++) {
SummaryGridSpan += Grid_Info[CurGrid];
var LastGrid = 0;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < TempRow.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
var TempCell = TempRow.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var TempGridSpan = TempCell.Get_GridSpan();
var TempStartGrid = TempRow.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
var SummaryGridSpan = TempGridSpan;
LastGrid = TempStartGrid + TempGridSpan;
for (var CurGrid = TempStartGrid; CurGrid < TempStartGrid + TempGridSpan; CurGrid++) {
SummaryGridSpan += Grid_Info[CurGrid];
if (GridAfter > 0) {
var SummaryGridSpan = GridAfter;
for (var CurGrid = LastGrid; CurGrid < OldTableGridLen; CurGrid++) {
SummaryGridSpan += Grid_Info[CurGrid];
return true;
Row_Add: function (bBefore) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(bBefore)) {
bBefore = true;
var bApplyToInnerTable = false;
if (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type)) {
bApplyToInnerTable = this.CurCell.Content.Table_AddRow(bBefore);
if (true === bApplyToInnerTable) {
var Cells_pos = [];
var Count = 1;
var RowId = 0;
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
Cells_pos = this.Selection.Data;
var Prev_row = -1;
Count = 0;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
if (Prev_row != this.Selection.Data[Index].Row) {
Prev_row = this.Selection.Data[Index].Row;
} else {
Cells_pos[0] = {
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index,
Cell: this.CurCell.Index
Count = 1;
if (Cells_pos.length <= 0) {
if (true === bBefore) {
RowId = Cells_pos[0].Row;
} else {
RowId = Cells_pos[Cells_pos.length - 1].Row;
var Row = this.Content[RowId];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var Cells_info = [];
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Cell_info = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
var Cell_grid_start = Cell_info.StartGridCol;
var Cell_grid_span = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var VMerge_count_before = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount2(RowId, Cell_grid_start, Cell_grid_span);
var VMerge_count_after = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(RowId, Cell_grid_start, Cell_grid_span);
Cells_info[CurCell] = {
VMerge_count_before: VMerge_count_before,
VMerge_count_after: VMerge_count_after
var CellSpacing = this.Content[0].Get_CellSpacing();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
var New_Row = null;
if (true === bBefore) {
New_Row = this.Internal_Add_Row(RowId, CellsCount, true);
} else {
New_Row = this.Internal_Add_Row(RowId + 1, CellsCount, true);
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var New_Cell = New_Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Old_Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var FirstPara = Old_Cell.Content.Get_FirstParagraph();
var TextPr = FirstPara.Get_FirstRunPr();
var PStyleId = FirstPara.Style_Get();
if (undefined !== PStyleId && null !== this.LogicDocument) {
var Styles = this.LogicDocument.Get_Styles();
New_Cell.Content.Paragraph_Add(new ParaTextPr(TextPr));
if (true === bBefore) {
if (Cells_info[CurCell].VMerge_count_before > 1) {
} else {
} else {
if (Cells_info[CurCell].VMerge_count_after > 1) {
} else {
this.Selection.Use = true;
if (null != this.Selection.Data) {
this.Selection.Data.length = 0;
} else {
this.Selection.Data = [];
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
var StartRow = (true === bBefore ? RowId : RowId + 1);
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
var Row = this.Content[StartRow + Index];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (vmerge_Continue === Cell.Get_VMerge()) {
Row: StartRow + Index,
Cell: CurCell
Row_Remove: function (Ind) {
var bApplyToInnerTable = false;
if (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type)) {
bApplyToInnerTable = this.CurCell.Content.Table_RemoveRow(Ind);
if (true === bApplyToInnerTable) {
return true;
var Rows_to_delete = [];
if ("undefined" === typeof(Ind) || null === Ind) {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
var Counter = 0;
var PrevRow = -1;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
var CurPos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
if (CurPos.Row != PrevRow) {
Rows_to_delete[Counter++] = CurPos.Row;
PrevRow = CurPos.Row;
} else {
Rows_to_delete[0] = this.CurCell.Row.Index;
} else {
Rows_to_delete[0] = Ind;
if (Rows_to_delete.length <= 0) {
var FirstRow_to_delete = Rows_to_delete[0];
var CurRow = Rows_to_delete[Rows_to_delete.length - 1] + 1;
if (CurRow < this.Content.length) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var VMerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue != VMerge) {
var VMerge_count = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount2(CurRow, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
if (CurRow - (VMerge_count - 1) >= FirstRow_to_delete) {
for (var Index = Rows_to_delete.length - 1; Index >= 0; Index--) {
if (this.Content.length <= 0) {
return false;
var CurRow = Math.min(Rows_to_delete[0], this.Content.length - 1);
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
this.CurCell = Row.Get_Cell(0);
var PageNum = 0;
for (PageNum = 0; PageNum < this.Pages.length - 1; PageNum++) {
if (CurRow <= this.Pages[PageNum + 1].FirstRow) {
this.Markup.Internal.RowIndex = CurRow;
this.Markup.Internal.CellIndex = 0;
this.Markup.Internal.PageNum = PageNum;
return true;
Row_Remove2: function () {
if (false == this.Selection.Use || table_Selection_Text == this.Selection.Type) {
return true;
var Rows_to_delete = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
Rows_to_delete[Index] = 0;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
var Pos = this.Selection.Data[Index];
if (0 == Rows_to_delete[Pos.Row]) {}
Rows_to_delete[Pos.Row] = 1;
for (var Index = this.Content.length - 1; Index >= 0; Index--) {
if (0 != Rows_to_delete[Index]) {
if (this.Content.length <= 0) {
return false;
if (this.CurCell.Row.Index >= this.Content.length) {
this.CurCell = this.Content[this.Content.length - 1].Get_Cell(0);
return true;
Col_Remove: function () {
var bApplyToInnerTable = false;
if (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type)) {
bApplyToInnerTable = this.CurCell.Content.Table_RemoveCol();
if (true === bApplyToInnerTable) {
return true;
var Cells_pos = [];
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
Cells_pos = this.Selection.Data;
} else {
Cells_pos[0] = {
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index,
Cell: this.CurCell.Index
if (Cells_pos.length <= 0) {
var Grid_start = -1;
var Grid_end = -1;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_pos.length; Index++) {
var Row = this.Content[Cells_pos[Index].Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Cells_pos[Index].Cell);
var Cur_Grid_start = Row.Get_CellInfo(Cells_pos[Index].Cell).StartGridCol;
var Cur_Grid_end = Cur_Grid_start + Cell.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
if (-1 === Grid_start || (-1 != Grid_start && Grid_start > Cur_Grid_start)) {
Grid_start = Cur_Grid_start;
if (-1 === Grid_end || (-1 != Grid_end && Grid_end < Cur_Grid_end)) {
Grid_end = Cur_Grid_end;
var Delete_info = [];
var Rows_info = [];
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
Delete_info[CurRow] = [];
Rows_info[CurRow] = [];
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Before_Info = Row.Get_Before();
if (Before_Info.GridBefore > 0) {
W: this.TableSumGrid[Before_Info.GridBefore - 1],
Type: -1,
GridSpan: 1
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Cur_Grid_start = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
var Cur_Grid_end = Cur_Grid_start + Cell.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
if (Cur_Grid_start <= Grid_end && Cur_Grid_end >= Grid_start) {
} else {
var W = this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_end] - this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_start - 1];
W: W,
Type: 0,
GridSpan: 1
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
for (var Index = Delete_info[CurRow].length - 1; Index >= 0; Index--) {
var CurCell = Delete_info[CurRow][Index];
for (var CurRow = this.Content.length - 1; CurRow >= 0; CurRow--) {
var bRemove = true;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Rows_info[CurRow].length; Index++) {
if (0 === Rows_info[CurRow][Index].Type) {
bRemove = false;
if (true === bRemove) {
Rows_info.splice(CurRow, 1);
if (this.Content.length <= 0) {
return false;
for (var CurRow = this.Content.length - 1; CurRow >= 0; CurRow--) {
var bRemove = true;
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (vmerge_Continue != Cell.Get_VMerge()) {
bRemove = false;
if (true === bRemove) {
var CurRow = 0;
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var CurCell = Delete_info[0][0] === undefined ? CellsCount - 1 : Math.min(Delete_info[0][0], CellsCount - 1);
this.CurCell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var PageNum = 0;
this.Markup.Internal.RowIndex = CurRow;
this.Markup.Internal.CellIndex = CurCell;
this.Markup.Internal.PageNum = PageNum;
this.Selection.Use = false;
this.Selection.Start = false;
this.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: CurRow,
Cell: CurCell
this.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: CurRow,
Cell: CurCell
this.Selection.CurRow = CurRow;
return true;
Col_Add: function (bBefore) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(bBefore)) {
bBefore = true;
var bApplyToInnerTable = false;
if (false === this.Selection.Use || (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Text === this.Selection.Type)) {
bApplyToInnerTable = this.CurCell.Content.Table_AddCol(bBefore);
if (true === bApplyToInnerTable) {
var Cells_pos = [];
var Count = 1;
var Width = 0;
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
Cells_pos = this.Selection.Data;
var Prev_row = -1;
Count = 0;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Selection.Data.length; Index++) {
if (-1 != Prev_row) {
if (Prev_row === this.Selection.Data[Index].Row) {
} else {
} else {
Prev_row = this.Selection.Data[Index].Row;
} else {
Cells_pos[0] = {
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index,
Cell: this.CurCell.Index
Count = 1;
if (Cells_pos.length <= 0) {
if (true === bBefore) {
var FirstCell_Grid_start = this.Content[Cells_pos[0].Row].Get_CellInfo(Cells_pos[0].Cell).StartGridCol;
var FirstCell_Grid_end = FirstCell_Grid_start + this.Content[Cells_pos[0].Row].Get_Cell(Cells_pos[0].Cell).Get_GridSpan() - 1;
Width = this.TableSumGrid[FirstCell_Grid_end] - this.TableSumGrid[FirstCell_Grid_start - 1];
} else {
var LastPos = Cells_pos.length - 1;
var LastCell_Grid_start = this.Content[Cells_pos[LastPos].Row].Get_CellInfo(Cells_pos[LastPos].Cell).StartGridCol;
var LastCell_Grid_end = LastCell_Grid_start + this.Content[Cells_pos[LastPos].Row].Get_Cell(Cells_pos[LastPos].Cell).Get_GridSpan() - 1;
Width = this.TableSumGrid[LastCell_Grid_end] - this.TableSumGrid[LastCell_Grid_start - 1];
var Rows_info = [];
var Add_info = [];
if (true === bBefore) {
var Grid_start = -1;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_pos.length; Index++) {
var Row = this.Content[Cells_pos[Index].Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Cells_pos[Index].Cell);
var Cur_Grid_start = Row.Get_CellInfo(Cells_pos[Index].Cell).StartGridCol;
if (-1 === Grid_start || (-1 != Grid_start && Grid_start > Cur_Grid_start)) {
Grid_start = Cur_Grid_start;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
Rows_info[CurRow] = [];
Add_info[CurRow] = 0;
var Before_Info = Row.Get_Before();
if (Before_Info.GridBefore > 0) {
W: this.TableSumGrid[Before_Info.GridBefore - 1],
Type: -1,
GridSpan: 1
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Cur_Grid_start = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
var Cur_Grid_end = Cur_Grid_start + Cell.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
if (Cur_Grid_start <= Grid_start) {
Add_info[CurRow] = CurCell;
var W = this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_end] - this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_start - 1];
W: W,
Type: 0,
GridSpan: 1
var After_Info = Row.Get_After();
if (After_Info.GridAfter > 0) {
if (Row.Get_CellInfo(CellsCount - 1).StartGridCol + Row.Get_Cell(CellsCount - 1).Get_GridSpan() <= Grid_start) {
Add_info[CurRow] = CellsCount;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var bBefore2 = false;
if (Rows_info.length > 0 && Rows_info[CurRow][0].Type === -1) {
bBefore2 = true;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
var NewCell = Row.Add_Cell(Add_info[CurRow], Row, null, false);
var NextCell = (Add_info[CurRow] >= Row.Get_CellsCount() - 1 ? Row.Get_Cell(Add_info[CurRow] - 1) : Row.Get_Cell(Add_info[CurRow] + 1));
NewCell.Copy_Pr(NextCell.Pr, true);
var FirstPara = NextCell.Content.Get_FirstParagraph();
var TextPr = FirstPara.Get_FirstRunPr();
var PStyleId = FirstPara.Style_Get();
if (undefined !== PStyleId && null !== this.LogicDocument) {
var Styles = this.LogicDocument.Get_Styles();
NewCell.Content.Paragraph_Add(new ParaTextPr(TextPr));
if (false === bBefore2) {
Rows_info[CurRow].splice(Add_info[CurRow], 0, {
W: Width,
Type: 0,
GridSpan: 1
} else {
Rows_info[CurRow].splice(Add_info[CurRow] + 1, 0, {
W: Width,
Type: 0,
GridSpan: 1
} else {
var Grid_end = -1;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cells_pos.length; Index++) {
var Row = this.Content[Cells_pos[Index].Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Cells_pos[Index].Cell);
var Cur_Grid_start = Row.Get_CellInfo(Cells_pos[Index].Cell).StartGridCol;
var Cur_Grid_end = Cur_Grid_start + Cell.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
if (-1 === Grid_end || (-1 != Grid_end && Grid_end < Cur_Grid_end)) {
Grid_end = Cur_Grid_end;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
Rows_info[CurRow] = [];
Add_info[CurRow] = -1;
var Before_Info = Row.Get_Before();
if (Before_Info.GridBefore > 0) {
W: this.TableSumGrid[Before_Info.GridBefore - 1],
Type: -1,
GridSpan: 1
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Cur_Grid_start = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
var Cur_Grid_end = Cur_Grid_start + Cell.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
if (Cur_Grid_end <= Grid_end) {
Add_info[CurRow] = CurCell;
var W = this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_end] - this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_start - 1];
W: W,
Type: 0,
GridSpan: 1
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var bBefore2 = false;
if (Rows_info.length > 0 && Rows_info[CurRow][0].Type === -1) {
bBefore2 = true;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
var NewCell = Row.Add_Cell(Add_info[CurRow] + 1, Row, null, false);
var NextCell = (Add_info[CurRow] + 1 >= Row.Get_CellsCount() - 1 ? Row.Get_Cell(Add_info[CurRow]) : Row.Get_Cell(Add_info[CurRow] + 2));
NewCell.Copy_Pr(NextCell.Pr, true);
var FirstPara = NextCell.Content.Get_FirstParagraph();
var TextPr = FirstPara.Get_FirstRunPr();
var PStyleId = FirstPara.Style_Get();
if (undefined !== PStyleId && null !== this.LogicDocument) {
var Styles = this.LogicDocument.Get_Styles();
NewCell.Content.Paragraph_Add(new ParaTextPr(TextPr));
if (false === bBefore2) {
Rows_info[CurRow].splice(Add_info[CurRow] + 1, 0, {
W: Width,
Type: 0,
GridSpan: 1
} else {
Rows_info[CurRow].splice(Add_info[CurRow] + 2, 0, {
W: Width,
Type: 0,
GridSpan: 1
this.Selection.Use = true;
if (null != this.Selection.Data) {
this.Selection.Data.length = 0;
} else {
this.Selection.Data = [];
this.Selection.Use = true;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var StartCell = (true === bBefore ? Add_info[CurRow] : Add_info[CurRow] + 1);
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
Row: CurRow,
Cell: StartCell + Index
Update_TableMarkupFromRuler: function (NewMarkup, bCol, Index) {
var TablePr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
if (true === bCol) {
var TableGrid_old = [];
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < this.TableGrid.length; TempIndex++) {
TableGrid_old[TempIndex] = this.TableGrid[TempIndex];
var RowIndex = NewMarkup.Internal.RowIndex;
var Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
var Col = 0;
var Dx = 0;
if (Index === NewMarkup.Cols.length) {
Col = Row.Get_CellInfo(Index - 1).StartGridCol + Row.Get_Cell(Index - 1).Get_GridSpan();
Dx = NewMarkup.Cols[Index - 1] - this.Markup.Cols[Index - 1];
} else {
Col = Row.Get_CellInfo(Index).StartGridCol;
if (0 != Index) {
Dx = NewMarkup.Cols[Index - 1] - this.Markup.Cols[Index - 1];
} else {
Dx = NewMarkup.X - this.Markup.X;
if (0 === Dx) {
if (0 != Index && TablePr.TableW.Type != tblwidth_Auto) {
var TableW = TablePr.TableW.W;
var MinWidth = this.Internal_Get_TableMinWidth();
if (TableW < MinWidth) {
TableW = MinWidth;
this.Set_TableW(tblwidth_Mm, TableW + Dx);
if (0 === Col) {
Dx = this.Markup.X - NewMarkup.X;
this.X -= Dx;
if (true === this.Is_Inline()) {
this.Set_TableInd(TablePr.TableInd - Dx);
} else {
this.Internal_UpdateFlowPosition(this.X, this.Y);
} else {
var GridSpan = 1;
if (Dx > 0) {
if (Index != NewMarkup.Cols.length) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Index);
GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
} else {
var GridAfter = Row.Get_After().GridAfter;
GridSpan = GridAfter;
this.TableGrid[Col - 1] = this.TableGridCalc[Col - 1] + Dx;
this.Internal_UpdateCellW(Col - 1);
this.private_SetTableLayoutFixedAndUpdateGrid(Col - 1);
} else {
if (0 != Index) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(Index - 1);
GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
} else {
var GridBefore = Row.Get_Before().GridBefore;
GridSpan = GridBefore;
if (1 === GridSpan || -Dx < this.TableSumGrid[Col - 1] - this.TableSumGrid[Col - 2]) {
this.TableGrid[Col - 1] = this.TableGridCalc[Col - 1] + Dx;
this.Internal_UpdateCellW(Col - 1);
this.private_SetTableLayoutFixedAndUpdateGrid(Col - 1);
} else {
var Rows_info = [];
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
Rows_info[CurRow] = [];
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Before_Info = Row.Get_Before();
if (Before_Info.GridBefore > 0) {
if (Before_Info.GridBefore >= Col) {
var W = Math.max(0, this.TableSumGrid[Before_Info.GridBefore - 1] + Dx);
if (W > 0.001) {
W: W,
Type: -1,
GridSpan: 1
} else {
W: this.TableSumGrid[Before_Info.GridBefore - 1],
Type: -1,
GridSpan: 1
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellMargins = Cell.Get_Margins();
var Cur_Grid_start = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
var Cur_Grid_end = Cur_Grid_start + Cell.Get_GridSpan() - 1;
if (Cur_Grid_start <= Col - 1 && Cur_Grid_end >= Col - 1) {
var W = this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_end] - this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_start - 1] + Dx;
W = Math.max(1, Math.max(W, CellMargins.Left.W + CellMargins.Right.W));
W: W,
Type: 0,
GridSpan: 1
} else {
var W = this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_end] - this.TableSumGrid[Cur_Grid_start - 1];
W = Math.max(1, Math.max(W, CellMargins.Left.W + CellMargins.Right.W));
W: W,
Type: 0,
GridSpan: 1
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableGrid,
Old: TableGrid_old,
New: this.TableGrid
} else {
var RowIndex = this.Pages[NewMarkup.Internal.PageNum].FirstRow + Index;
if (0 === RowIndex) {
if (true === this.Is_Inline()) {} else {
var Dy = this.Markup.Rows[0].Y - NewMarkup.Rows[0].Y;
this.Y -= Dy;
this.Internal_UpdateFlowPosition(this.X, this.Y);
var NewH = NewMarkup.Rows[0].H;
this.Content[0].Set_Height(NewH, heightrule_AtLeast);
} else {
if (NewMarkup.Internal.PageNum > 0 && 0 === Index) {} else {
var NewH = NewMarkup.Rows[Index - 1].H;
this.Content[RowIndex - 1].Set_Height(NewH, heightrule_AtLeast);
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(true, 0, this.Index);
Internal_RecalculateGrid: function () {
if (this.Content.length <= 0) {
var TablePr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
var Grid = this.TableGrid;
var SumGrid = [];
var TempSum = 0;
SumGrid[-1] = 0;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Grid.length; Index++) {
TempSum += Grid[Index];
SumGrid[Index] = TempSum;
var MinWidth = this.Internal_Get_TableMinWidth();
var TableW = TablePr.TableW.W;
if (tblwidth_Auto === TablePr.TableW.Type) {
TableW = 0;
} else {
if (TableW < MinWidth) {
TableW = MinWidth;
var CurGridCol = 0;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
var Row = this.Content[Index];
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
if (CurGridCol > 0 && SumGrid[CurGridCol - 1] < BeforeInfo.WBefore.W) {
SumGrid[CurGridCol - 1] = BeforeInfo.WBefore.W;
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CellIndex = 0; CellIndex < CellsCount; CellIndex++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CellIndex);
var CellW = Cell.Get_W();
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
if (CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1 > SumGrid.length) {
for (var AddIndex = SumGrid.length; AddIndex <= CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1; AddIndex++) {
SumGrid[AddIndex] = SumGrid[AddIndex - 1] + 20;
if (tblwidth_Auto != CellW.Type && CellW.W + SumGrid[CurGridCol - 1] > SumGrid[CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1]) {
SumGrid[CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1] = CellW.W + SumGrid[CurGridCol - 1];
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
var AfterInfo = Row.Get_After();
if (CurGridCol + AfterInfo.GridAfter - 1 > SumGrid.length) {
for (var AddIndex = SumGrid.length; AddIndex <= CurGridCol + AfterInfo.GridAfter - 1; AddIndex++) {
SumGrid[AddIndex] = SumGrid[AddIndex - 1] + 20;
if (SumGrid[CurGridCol + AfterInfo.GridAfter - 1] < AfterInfo.WAfter + SumGrid[CurGridCol - 1]) {
SumGrid[CurGridCol + AfterInfo.GridAfter - 1] = AfterInfo.WAfter + SumGrid[CurGridCol - 1];
if (TableW > 0 && Math.abs(SumGrid[SumGrid.length - 1] - TableW) > 0.01) {
SumGrid = this.Internal_ScaleTableWidth(SumGrid, TableW);
} else {
if (MinWidth > SumGrid[SumGrid.length - 1]) {
SumGrid = this.Internal_ScaleTableWidth(SumGrid, SumGrid[SumGrid.length - 1]);
var TableGrid_old = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.TableGrid.length; Index++) {
TableGrid_old[Index] = this.TableGrid[Index];
this.TableGrid[0] = SumGrid[0];
for (var Index = 1; Index < SumGrid.length; Index++) {
this.TableGrid[Index] = SumGrid[Index] - SumGrid[Index - 1];
this.Internal_SaveTableGridInHistory(this.TableGrid, TableGrid_old);
this.TableGridCalc = this.Internal_Copy_Grid(this.TableGrid);
this.TableSumGrid = SumGrid;
var TopTable = this.Parent.Is_InTable(true);
if ((null === TopTable && tbllayout_AutoFit === TablePr.TableLayout) || (null != TopTable && tbllayout_AutoFit === TopTable.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr.TableLayout)) {
var MinMargin = [],
MinContent = [],
MaxContent = [],
MaxFlags = [];
var GridCount = this.TableGridCalc.length;
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
MinMargin[CurCol] = 0;
MinContent[CurCol] = 0;
MaxContent[CurCol] = 0;
MaxFlags[CurCol] = false;
var LeftMargin = 0,
RightMargin = 0;
var RowsCount = this.Content.length;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < RowsCount; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Spacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var SpacingW = (null != Spacing ? Spacing : 0);
var CurGridCol = 0;
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var GridBefore = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
var WBefore = BeforeInfo.WBefore;
if (1 === GridBefore) {
if (WBefore.Type === tblwidth_Mm) {
if (MinContent[CurGridCol] < WBefore.W) {
MinContent[CurGridCol] = WBefore.W;
if (false === MaxFlags[CurGridCol]) {
MaxFlags[CurGridCol] = true;
MaxContent[CurGridCol] = WBefore.W;
} else {
if (MaxContent[CurGridCol] < WBefore.W) {
MaxContent[CurGridCol] = WBefore.W;
} else {
if (GridBefore > 1) {
var SumSpanMinContent = 0;
var SumSpanMaxContent = 0;
var SumSpanCurContent = 0;
for (var CurSpan = CurGridCol; CurSpan < CurGridCol + GridBefore; CurSpan++) {
SumSpanMinContent += MinContent[CurSpan];
SumSpanMaxContent += MaxContent[CurSpan];
SumSpanCurContent += this.TableGrid[CurSpan];
if (SumSpanMinContent < WBefore.W) {
for (var CurSpan = CurGridCol; CurSpan < CurGridCol + GridSpan; CurSpan++) {
MinContent[CurSpan] = WBefore.W * this.TableGrid[CurSpan] / SumSpanCurContent;
if (WBefore.Type === tblwidth_Mm && WBefore.W > SumSpanMaxContent) {
var TempAdd = (WBefore.W - SumSpanMaxContent) / GridBefore;
for (var CurSpan = CurGridCol; CurSpan < CurGridCol + GridBefore; CurSpan++) {
MaxContent[CurSpan] = WBefore.W * this.TableGrid[CurSpan] / SumSpanCurContent;
CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellMinMax = Cell.Content.Recalculate_MinMaxContentWidth();
var CellMin = CellMinMax.Min;
var CellMax = CellMinMax.Max;
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var CellMargins = Cell.Get_Margins();
var CellW = Cell.Get_W();
var CellRBorder = Cell.Get_Border(1);
var CellLBorder = Cell.Get_Border(3);
var CellWW;
var Add = ((0 === CurCell || CellsCount - 1 === CurCell) ? 3 / 2 * SpacingW : SpacingW);
CellMin += Add;
CellMax += Add;
CellWW = CellW.W + Add;
var CellMarginsW = 0;
if (null !== Spacing) {
CellMarginsW = CellMargins.Left.W + CellMargins.Right.W;
if (border_None !== CellRBorder.Value) {
CellMarginsW += CellRBorder.Size;
if (border_None !== CellLBorder.Value) {
CellMarginsW += CellLBorder.Size;
} else {
if (border_None !== CellRBorder.Value) {
CellMarginsW += Math.max(CellRBorder.Size / 2, CellMargins.Right.W);
} else {
CellMarginsW += CellMargins.Right.W;
if (border_None !== CellLBorder.Value) {
CellMarginsW += Math.max(CellLBorder.Size / 2, CellMargins.Left.W);
} else {
CellMarginsW += CellMargins.Left.W;
if (MinMargin[CurGridCol] < CellMarginsW) {
MinMargin[CurGridCol] = CellMarginsW;
if (1 === GridSpan) {
if (MinContent[CurGridCol] < CellMin) {
MinContent[CurGridCol] = CellMin;
if (false === MaxFlags[CurGridCol] && MaxContent[CurGridCol] < CellMax) {
MaxContent[CurGridCol] = CellMax;
if (CellW.Type === tblwidth_Mm) {
if (false === MaxFlags[CurGridCol]) {
MaxFlags[CurGridCol] = true;
MaxContent[CurGridCol] = CellWW;
} else {
if (MaxContent[CurGridCol] < CellWW) {
MaxContent[CurGridCol] = CellWW;
} else {
var SumSpanMinContent = 0;
var SumSpanMaxContent = 0;
var SumSpanCurContent = 0;
for (var CurSpan = CurGridCol; CurSpan < CurGridCol + GridSpan; CurSpan++) {
SumSpanMinContent += MinContent[CurSpan];
SumSpanMaxContent += MaxContent[CurSpan];
SumSpanCurContent += this.TableGrid[CurSpan];
if (SumSpanMinContent < CellMin) {
for (var CurSpan = CurGridCol; CurSpan < CurGridCol + GridSpan; CurSpan++) {
MinContent[CurSpan] = CellMin * this.TableGrid[CurSpan] / SumSpanCurContent;
if (CellW.Type === tblwidth_Mm && CellWW > CellMax) {
CellMax = CellWW;
if (SumSpanMaxContent < CellMax) {
var TempAdd = (CellMax - SumSpanMaxContent) / GridSpan;
for (var CurSpan = CurGridCol; CurSpan < CurGridCol + GridSpan; CurSpan++) {
MaxContent[CurSpan] = CellMax * this.TableGrid[CurSpan] / SumSpanCurContent;
if (0 === CurRow && 0 === CurCell) {
LeftMargin = CellMargins.Left.W;
if (0 === CurRow && CellsCount - 1 === CurCell) {
RightMargin = CellMargins.Right.W;
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
var AfterInfo = Row.Get_After();
var GridAfter = AfterInfo.GridAfter;
var WAfter = AfterInfo.WAfter;
if (1 === GridAfter) {
if (WAfter.Type === tblwidth_Mm) {
if (MinContent[CurGridCol] < WAfter.W) {
MinContent[CurGridCol] = WAfter.W;
if (false === MaxFlags[CurGridCol]) {
MaxFlags[CurGridCol] = true;
MaxContent[CurGridCol] = WAfter.W;
} else {
if (MaxContent[CurGridCol] < WAfter.W) {
MaxContent[CurGridCol] = WAfter.W;
} else {
if (GridAfter > 1) {
var SumSpanMinContent = 0;
var SumSpanMaxContent = 0;
var SumSpanCurContent = 0;
for (var CurSpan = CurGridCol; CurSpan < CurGridCol + GridAfter; CurSpan++) {
SumSpanMinContent += MinContent[CurSpan];
SumSpanMaxContent += MaxContent[CurSpan];
SumSpanCurContent += this.TableGrid[CurSpan];
if (SumSpanMinContent < WAfter.W) {
for (var CurSpan = CurGridCol; CurSpan < CurGridCol + GridSpan; CurSpan++) {
MinContent[CurSpan] = WAfter.W * this.TableGrid[CurSpan] / SumSpanCurContent;
if (WAfter.Type === tblwidth_Mm && WAfter.W > SumSpanMaxContent) {
var TempAdd = (WAfter.W - SumSpanMaxContent) / GridAfter;
for (var CurSpan = CurGridCol; CurSpan < CurGridCol + GridAfter; CurSpan++) {
MaxContent[CurSpan] = WAfter.W * this.TableGrid[CurSpan] / SumSpanCurContent;
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
if (true === MaxFlags[CurCol]) {
MaxContent[CurCol] = Math.max(0, MaxContent[CurCol] - MinMargin[CurCol]);
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
if (MinMargin[CurCol] + MinContent[CurCol] > 558.7000000000001) {
MinContent[CurCol] = Math.max(558.7000000000001 - MinMargin[CurCol], 0);
if (MinMargin[CurCol] + MaxContent[CurCol] > 558.7000000000001) {
MaxContent[CurCol] = Math.max(558.7000000000001 - MinMargin[CurCol], 0);
var PageFields = this.Parent.Get_PageFields(this.PageNum);
var MaxTableW = PageFields.XLimit - PageFields.X - TablePr.TableInd;
if (null === TopTable) {
MaxTableW += LeftMargin + RightMargin;
var TableSpacing = this.Content[0].Get_CellSpacing();
if (null != TableSpacing) {
MaxTableW += 2 * TableSpacing;
var MaxContent2 = [];
var SumMin = 0,
SumMinMargin = 0,
SumMinContent = 0,
SumMax = 0,
SumMaxContent2 = 0;
var TableGrid2 = [];
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
var Temp = MinMargin[CurCol] + MinContent[CurCol];
TableGrid2[CurCol] = this.TableGridCalc[CurCol];
if (Temp < this.TableGridCalc[CurCol]) {
TableGrid2[CurCol] = this.TableGridCalc[CurCol];
} else {
TableGrid2[CurCol] = Temp;
MaxContent2[CurCol] = Math.max(0, MaxContent[CurCol] - MinContent[CurCol]);
SumMin += Temp;
SumMaxContent2 += MaxContent2[CurCol];
SumMinMargin += MinMargin[CurCol];
SumMinContent += MinContent[CurCol];
SumMax += MinMargin[CurCol] + MinContent[CurCol] + MaxContent2[CurCol];
if (SumMin < MaxTableW) {
if (SumMax <= MaxTableW || SumMaxContent2 < 0.001) {
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
this.TableGridCalc[CurCol] = MinMargin[CurCol] + Math.max(MinContent[CurCol], MaxContent[CurCol]);
} else {
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
this.TableGridCalc[CurCol] = MinMargin[CurCol] + MinContent[CurCol] + (MaxTableW - SumMin) * MaxContent2[CurCol] / SumMaxContent2;
if (tblwidth_Mm === TablePr.TableW.Type) {
var TableW = Math.max(SumMin, TablePr.TableW.W);
var TableW2 = Math.min(SumMax, MaxTableW);
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
this.TableGridCalc[CurCol] *= TableW / TableW2;
} else {
if (MaxTableW < SumMinMargin) {
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
this.TableGridCalc[CurCol] = MinMargin[CurCol];
} else {
var ColsDiff = [];
var SumColsDiff = 0;
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
var Temp = TableGrid2[CurCol] - MinMargin[CurCol];
ColsDiff[CurCol] = Temp;
SumColsDiff += Temp;
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
TableGrid2[CurCol] = MinMargin[CurCol] + (MaxTableW - SumMinMargin) * ColsDiff[CurCol] / SumColsDiff;
var SumN = 0,
SumI = 0;
var GridCols = [];
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
var Temp = TableGrid2[CurCol] - (MinMargin[CurCol] + MinContent[CurCol]);
if (Temp >= 0) {
GridCols[CurCol] = Temp;
SumI += Temp;
} else {
GridCols[CurCol] = -1;
SumN -= Temp;
if (SumN > SumI || SumI <= 0) {
var SumDiff = MaxTableW - SumMinMargin;
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
this.TableGridCalc[CurCol] = MinMargin[CurCol] + SumDiff * MinContent[CurCol] / SumMinContent;
} else {
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
if (GridCols[CurCol] < 0) {
this.TableGridCalc[CurCol] = MinMargin[CurCol] + MinContent[CurCol];
} else {
this.TableGridCalc[CurCol] = TableGrid2[CurCol] - SumN * GridCols[CurCol] / SumI;
this.TableSumGrid[-1] = 0;
for (var CurCol = 0; CurCol < GridCount; CurCol++) {
this.TableSumGrid[CurCol] = this.TableSumGrid[CurCol - 1] + this.TableGridCalc[CurCol];
this.RecalcInfo.TableGrid = false;
Internal_Recalculate_Grid_Open: function () {
if (true != this.RecalcInfo.TableGridOpen) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
var Row = this.Content[Index];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CellIndex = 0; CellIndex < CellsCount; CellIndex++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CellIndex);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
if (GridSpan <= 0) {
var RowGrid = [];
var GridCount = 0;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
var Row = this.Content[Index];
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CellIndex = 0; CellIndex < CellsCount; CellIndex++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CellIndex);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
var AfterInfo = Row.Get_After();
CurGridCol += AfterInfo.GridAfter;
if (GridCount < CurGridCol) {
GridCount = CurGridCol;
RowGrid[Index] = CurGridCol;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
var Row = this.Content[Index];
var AfterInfo = Row.Get_After();
if (RowGrid[Index] < GridCount) {
Row.Set_After(AfterInfo.GridAfter + GridCount - RowGrid[Index], AfterInfo.WAfter);
if (this.TableGrid.length != GridCount) {
if (this.TableGrid.length < GridCount) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < GridCount; Index++) {
this.TableGrid[Index] = 20;
} else {
this.TableGrid.splice(GridCount, this.TableGrid.length - GridCount);
this.RecalcInfo.TableGridOpen = false;
Internal_Recalculate_1: function () {
return editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Recalculate();
if (true === this.TurnOffRecalc) {
this.TurnOffRecalc = true;
var TablePr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
if (true === this.Is_Inline()) {
switch (TablePr.Jc) {
case align_Left:
this.X = this.X_origin + this.Get_TableOffsetCorrection() + TablePr.TableInd;
case align_Right:
var TableWidth = this.TableSumGrid[this.TableSumGrid.length - 1];
if (false === this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent()) {
this.X = this.XLimit - TableWidth + 1.9;
} else {
this.X = this.XLimit - TableWidth;
case align_Center:
var TableWidth = this.TableSumGrid[this.TableSumGrid.length - 1];
var RangeWidth = this.XLimit - this.X_origin;
this.X = this.X_origin + (RangeWidth - TableWidth) / 2;
this.Pages.length = 0;
this.Pages[0] = {
Bounds: {
Top: this.Y,
Left: this.X,
Right: this.X + this.TableSumGrid[this.TableSumGrid.length - 1],
Bottom: this.Y
FirstRow: 0,
Height: 0,
Y: this.Y,
YLimit: this.YLimit,
MaxTopBorder: 0
var Y = this.Y;
var TableHeight = 0;
for (var Index = -1; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
this.TableRowsBottom[Index] = [];
this.TableRowsBottom[Index][0] = 0;
var MaxTopBorder = [];
var MaxBotBorder = [];
var MaxBotMargin = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
MaxBotBorder[Index] = 0;
MaxTopBorder[Index] = 0;
MaxBotMargin[Index] = 0;
var TableBorders = this.Get_Borders();
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var AfterInfo = Row.Get_After();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
var bSpacing_Top = false;
var bSpacing_Bot = false;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
bSpacing_Bot = true;
bSpacing_Top = true;
} else {
if (0 != CurRow) {
var PrevCellSpacing = this.Content[CurRow - 1].Get_CellSpacing();
if (null != PrevCellSpacing) {
bSpacing_Top = true;
if (this.Content.length - 1 != CurRow) {
var NextCellSpacing = this.Content[CurRow + 1].Get_CellSpacing();
if (null != NextCellSpacing) {
bSpacing_Bot = true;
Row.Set_SpacingInfo(bSpacing_Top, bSpacing_Bot);
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
Row.Set_CellInfo(CurCell, CurGridCol, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
var VMergeCount2 = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount2(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
if (VMergeCount2 > 1) {
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
} else {
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
var CellMargins = Cell.Get_Margins();
if (CellMargins.Bottom.W > MaxBotMargin[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1]) {
MaxBotMargin[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1] = CellMargins.Bottom.W;
var CellBorders = Cell.Get_Borders();
if (true === bSpacing_Top) {
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Top.Value && MaxTopBorder[CurRow] < CellBorders.Top.Size) {
MaxTopBorder[CurRow] = CellBorders.Top.Size;
} else {
if (0 === CurRow) {
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Top, CellBorders.Top, true, false);
if (border_Single === Result_Border.Value && MaxTopBorder[CurRow] < Result_Border.Size) {
MaxTopBorder[CurRow] = Result_Border.Size;
var BorderInfo_Top = [];
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < GridSpan; TempIndex++) {
} else {
var Prev_Row = this.Content[CurRow - 1];
var Prev_CellsCount = Prev_Row.Get_CellsCount();
var Prev_BeforeInfo = Prev_Row.Get_Before();
var Prev_AfterInfo = Prev_Row.Get_After();
var Prev_Pos = -1;
var Prev_GridCol = Prev_BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
for (var PrevCell = 0; PrevCell < Prev_CellsCount; PrevCell++) {
var Prev_Cell = Prev_Row.Get_Cell(PrevCell);
var Prev_GridSpan = Prev_Cell.Get_GridSpan();
if (Prev_GridCol <= CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1 && Prev_GridCol + Prev_GridSpan - 1 >= CurGridCol) {
Prev_Pos = PrevCell;
Prev_GridCol += Prev_GridSpan;
var Border_Top_Info = [];
if (CurGridCol <= Prev_BeforeInfo.GridBefore - 1) {
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Left, CellBorders.Top, true, false);
if (border_Single === Result_Border.Value && MaxTopBorder[CurRow] < Result_Border.Size) {
MaxTopBorder[CurRow] = Result_Border.Size;
var AddCount = Math.min(Prev_BeforeInfo.GridBefore - CurGridCol, GridSpan);
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < AddCount; TempIndex++) {
if (-1 != Prev_Pos) {
while (Prev_GridCol <= CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1 && Prev_Pos < Prev_CellsCount) {
var Prev_Cell = Prev_Row.Get_Cell(Prev_Pos);
var Prev_GridSpan = Prev_Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Prev_VMerge = Prev_Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === Prev_VMerge) {
Prev_Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow - 1, Prev_GridCol, Prev_GridSpan);
var PrevBorders = Prev_Cell.Get_Borders();
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(PrevBorders.Bottom, CellBorders.Top, false, false);
if (border_Single === Result_Border.Value && MaxTopBorder[CurRow] < Result_Border.Size) {
MaxTopBorder[CurRow] = Result_Border.Size;
var AddCount = 0;
if (Prev_GridCol >= CurGridCol) {
if (Prev_GridCol + Prev_GridSpan - 1 > CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1) {
AddCount = CurGridCol + GridSpan - Prev_GridCol;
} else {
AddCount = Prev_GridSpan;
} else {
if (Prev_GridCol + Prev_GridSpan - 1 > CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1) {
AddCount = GridSpan;
} else {
AddCount = Prev_GridCol + Prev_GridSpan - CurGridCol;
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < AddCount; TempIndex++) {
Prev_GridCol += Prev_GridSpan;
if (Prev_AfterInfo.GridAfter > 0) {
var StartAfterGrid = Prev_Row.Get_CellInfo(Prev_CellsCount - 1).StartGridCol + Prev_Row.Get_Cell(Prev_CellsCount - 1).Get_GridSpan();
if (CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1 >= StartAfterGrid) {
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Right, CellBorders.Top, true, false);
if (border_Single === Result_Border.Value && MaxTopBorder[CurRow] < Result_Border.Size) {
MaxTopBorder[CurRow] = Result_Border.Size;
var AddCount = Math.min(CurGridCol + GridSpan - StartAfterGrid, GridSpan);
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < AddCount; TempIndex++) {
if (true === bSpacing_Bot) {
Cell.Set_BorderInfo_Bottom([CellBorders.Bottom], -1, -1);
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Bottom.Value && CellBorders.Bottom.Size > MaxBotBorder[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1]) {
MaxBotBorder[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1] = CellBorders.Bottom.Size;
} else {
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow + VMergeCount - 1) {
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Bottom, CellBorders.Bottom, true, false);
if (border_Single === Result_Border.Value && Result_Border.Size > MaxBotBorder[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1]) {
MaxBotBorder[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1] = Result_Border.Size;
if (GridSpan > 0) {
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < GridSpan; TempIndex++) {
Cell.Set_BorderInfo_Bottom([Result_Border], -1, -1);
} else {
Cell.Set_BorderInfo_Bottom([], -1, -1);
} else {
var Next_Row = this.Content[CurRow + VMergeCount];
var Next_CellsCount = Next_Row.Get_CellsCount();
var Next_BeforeInfo = Next_Row.Get_Before();
var Next_AfterInfo = Next_Row.Get_After();
var Border_Bottom_Info = [];
var BeforeCount = 0;
if (CurGridCol <= Next_BeforeInfo.GridBefore - 1) {
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Left, CellBorders.Bottom, true, false);
BeforeCount = Math.min(Next_BeforeInfo.GridBefore - CurGridCol, GridSpan);
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < BeforeCount; TempIndex++) {
var Next_GridCol = Next_BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
for (var NextCell = 0; NextCell < Next_CellsCount; NextCell++) {
var Next_Cell = Next_Row.Get_Cell(NextCell);
var Next_GridSpan = Next_Cell.Get_GridSpan();
Next_GridCol += Next_GridSpan;
var AfterCount = 0;
if (Next_AfterInfo.GridAfter > 0) {
var StartAfterGrid = Next_GridCol;
if (CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1 >= StartAfterGrid) {
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Right, CellBorders.Bottom, true, false);
AfterCount = Math.min(CurGridCol + GridSpan - StartAfterGrid, GridSpan);
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < AfterCount; TempIndex++) {
Cell.Set_BorderInfo_Bottom(Border_Bottom_Info, BeforeCount, AfterCount);
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
this.MaxTopBorder = MaxTopBorder;
this.MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder;
this.MaxBotMargin = MaxBotMargin;
var X_max = -1;
var X_min = -1;
var CurPage = 0;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var AfterInfo = Row.Get_After();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
if (0 === CurRow) {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
var TableBorder_Top = this.Get_Borders().Top;
if (border_Single === TableBorder_Top.Value) {
Y += TableBorder_Top.Size;
TableHeight += TableBorder_Top.Size;
Y += CellSpacing;
TableHeight += CellSpacing;
} else {
var PrevCellSpacing = this.Content[CurRow - 1].Get_CellSpacing();
if (null != CellSpacing && null != PrevCellSpacing) {
Y += (PrevCellSpacing + CellSpacing) / 2;
TableHeight += (PrevCellSpacing + CellSpacing) / 2;
} else {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
Y += CellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
} else {
if (null != PrevCellSpacing) {
Y += PrevCellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += PrevCellSpacing / 2;
Y += MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
TableHeight += MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
var Row_x_max = 0;
var Row_x_min = 0;
var LastPage = CurPage;
var Pages_Y_Pos = [];
var Pages_Max_Top_Border = [];
var MaxBotValue_vmerge = -1;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var X_grid_start = this.X + this.TableSumGrid[CurGridCol - 1];
var X_grid_end = this.X + this.TableSumGrid[CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1];
var X_cell_start = X_grid_start;
var X_cell_end = X_grid_end;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (0 === CurCell) {
if (0 === BeforeInfo.GridBefore) {
if (border_None === TableBorders.Left.Value || CellSpacing > TableBorders.Left.Size / 2) {
X_cell_start += CellSpacing;
} else {
X_cell_start += TableBorders.Left.Size / 2;
} else {
if (border_None === TableBorders.Left.Value || CellSpacing > TableBorders.Left.Size) {
X_cell_start += CellSpacing / 2;
} else {
X_cell_start += TableBorders.Left.Size / 2;
} else {
X_cell_start += CellSpacing / 2;
if (CellsCount - 1 === CurCell) {
if (0 === AfterInfo.GridAfter) {
if (border_None === TableBorders.Right.Value || CellSpacing > TableBorders.Right.Size / 2) {
X_cell_end -= CellSpacing;
} else {
X_cell_end -= TableBorders.Right.Size / 2;
} else {
if (border_None === TableBorders.Right.Value || CellSpacing > TableBorders.Right.Size) {
X_cell_end -= CellSpacing / 2;
} else {
X_cell_end -= TableBorders.Right.Size / 2;
} else {
X_cell_end -= CellSpacing / 2;
var CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
var X_content_start = X_cell_start;
var X_content_end = X_cell_end;
var CellBorders = Cell.Get_Borders();
if (null != CellSpacing) {
X_content_start += CellMar.Left.W;
X_content_end -= CellMar.Right.W;
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Left.Value) {
X_content_start += CellBorders.Left.Size;
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Right.Value) {
X_content_end -= CellBorders.Right.Size;
} else {
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
X_content_start += CellMar.Left.W;
X_content_end -= CellMar.Right.W;
} else {
var Max_r_w = 0;
var Max_l_w = 0;
var Borders_Info = {
Right: [],
Left: [],
Right_Max: 0,
Left_Max: 0
for (var Temp_CurRow = 0; Temp_CurRow < VMergeCount; Temp_CurRow++) {
var Temp_Row = this.Content[CurRow + Temp_CurRow];
var Temp_CellsCount = Temp_Row.Get_CellsCount();
var Temp_CurCell = this.Internal_Get_Cell_ByStartGridCol(CurRow + Temp_CurRow, CurGridCol);
if (Temp_CurCell < 0) {
if (0 === Temp_CurCell) {
var LeftBorder = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Left, CellBorders.Left, true, false);
if (border_Single === LeftBorder.Value && LeftBorder.Size > Max_l_w) {
Max_l_w = LeftBorder.Size;
} else {
var Temp_Prev_Cell = Temp_Row.Get_Cell(Temp_CurCell - 1);
var Temp_Prev_VMerge = Temp_Prev_Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (0 != Temp_CurRow && vmerge_Continue === Temp_Prev_VMerge) {
Borders_Info.Left.push(Borders_Info.Left[Borders_Info.Left.length - 1]);
} else {
var Temp_Prev_Main_Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow + Temp_CurRow, CurGridCol - Temp_Prev_Cell.Get_GridSpan(), Temp_Prev_Cell.Get_GridSpan());
var Temp_Prev_Main_Cell_Borders = Temp_Prev_Main_Cell.Get_Borders();
var LeftBorder = this.Internal_CompareBorders(Temp_Prev_Main_Cell_Borders.Right, CellBorders.Left, false, false);
if (border_Single === LeftBorder.Value && LeftBorder.Size > Max_l_w) {
Max_l_w = LeftBorder.Size;
if (Temp_CellsCount - 1 === Temp_CurCell) {
var RightBorder = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Right, CellBorders.Right, true, false);
if (border_Single === RightBorder.Value && RightBorder.Size > Max_r_w) {
Max_r_w = RightBorder.Size;
} else {
var Temp_Next_Cell = Temp_Row.Get_Cell(Temp_CurCell + 1);
var Temp_Next_VMerge = Temp_Next_Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (0 != Temp_CurRow && vmerge_Continue === Temp_Next_VMerge) {
Borders_Info.Right.push(Borders_Info.Right[Borders_Info.Right.length - 1]);
} else {
var Temp_Next_Main_Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow + Temp_CurRow, CurGridCol + GridSpan, Temp_Next_Cell.Get_GridSpan());
var Temp_Next_Main_Cell_Borders = Temp_Next_Main_Cell.Get_Borders();
var RightBorder = this.Internal_CompareBorders(Temp_Next_Main_Cell_Borders.Left, CellBorders.Right, false, false);
if (border_Single === RightBorder.Value && RightBorder.Size > Max_r_w) {
Max_r_w = RightBorder.Size;
Borders_Info.Right_Max = Max_r_w;
Borders_Info.Left_Max = Max_l_w;
if (Max_l_w / 2 > CellMar.Left.W) {
X_content_start += Max_l_w / 2;
} else {
X_content_start += CellMar.Left.W;
if (Max_r_w / 2 > CellMar.Right.W) {
X_content_end -= Max_r_w / 2;
} else {
X_content_end -= CellMar.Right.W;
Cell.Set_BorderInfo_Left(Borders_Info.Left, Max_l_w);
Cell.Set_BorderInfo_Right(Borders_Info.Right, Max_r_w);
if (0 === CurCell) {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
Row_x_min = X_grid_start;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Left.Value) {
Row_x_min -= TableBorders.Left.Size / 2;
} else {
var BorderInfo = Cell.Get_BorderInfo();
Row_x_min = X_grid_start - BorderInfo.MaxLeft / 2;
if (CellsCount - 1 === CurCell) {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
Row_x_max = X_grid_end;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Right.Value) {
Row_x_max += TableBorders.Right.Size / 2;
} else {
var BorderInfo = Cell.Get_BorderInfo();
Row_x_max = X_grid_end + BorderInfo.MaxRight / 2;
Row.Set_CellInfo(CurCell, CurGridCol, X_grid_start, X_grid_end, X_cell_start, X_cell_end, X_content_start, X_content_end);
var Y_content_start = Y + CellMar.Top.W;
var CurPage_old = CurPage;
Cell.Temp = {
CurPage: CurPage,
Y: Y
if (VMergeCount > 1) {
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
} else {
if (vmerge_Restart != Vmerge) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
Y_content_start = Cell.Temp.Y + CellMar.Top.W;
CurPage = Cell.Temp.CurPage;
var Y_content_end = this.Pages[CurPage].YLimit;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow) {
Y_content_end -= CellSpacing;
} else {
Y_content_end -= CellSpacing / 2;
var BottomMargin = this.MaxBotMargin[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1];
Y_content_end -= BottomMargin;
Cell.Content_Reset(X_content_start, Y_content_start, X_content_end, Y_content_end);
var PagesCount = Cell.Content_Get_PagesCount();
for (var PageIndex = 0; PageIndex < PagesCount; PageIndex++) {
var CellContentBounds = Cell.Content_Get_PageBounds(PageIndex);
var CellContentBounds_Bottom = CellContentBounds.Bottom + BottomMargin;
if (CurPage + PageIndex >= CurPage_old) {
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge && CurPage + PageIndex === CurPage_old) {
if (-1 === MaxBotValue_vmerge || MaxBotValue_vmerge < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
MaxBotValue_vmerge = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
if ("undefined" === typeof(this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow]) || "undefined" === typeof(this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage + PageIndex]) || this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage + PageIndex] < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow])) {
this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow] = [];
this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage + PageIndex] = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
if (0 != PageIndex) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(this.Pages[CurPage + PageIndex])) {
var StartPos = this.Parent.Get_PageContentStartPos(CurPage + PageIndex);
var StartRowPos = this.Get_PageContentStartPos(CurPage + PageIndex, CurRow, CurCell);
this.Pages[CurPage + PageIndex] = {
Bounds: {
Top: StartPos.Y,
Left: this.X,
Right: this.X + this.TableSumGrid[this.TableSumGrid.length - 1],
Bottom: StartPos.Y
FirstRow: CurRow,
Height: 0,
Y: StartRowPos.Y,
YLimit: StartRowPos.YLimit,
MaxTopBorder: StartRowPos.MaxTopBorder
Pages_Y_Pos[CurPage + PageIndex] = StartRowPos.Y;
Pages_Max_Top_Border[CurPage + PageIndex] = StartRowPos.MaxTopBorder;
if (LastPage < CurPage + PageIndex) {
LastPage = CurPage + PageIndex;
} else {
var TempRow = this.Pages[CurPage + PageIndex + 1].FirstRow;
if (true === this.RowsInfo[TempRow].FirstPage) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(this.TableRowsBottom[TempRow]) || "undefined" === typeof(this.TableRowsBottom[TempRow][CurPage + PageIndex]) || this.TableRowsBottom[TempRow][CurPage + PageIndex] < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(this.TableRowsBottom[TempRow])) {
this.TableRowsBottom[TempRow] = [];
this.TableRowsBottom[TempRow][CurPage + PageIndex] = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
} else {
if (TempRow > 0) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(this.TableRowsBottom[TempRow - 1]) || "undefined" === typeof(this.TableRowsBottom[TempRow - 1][CurPage + PageIndex]) || this.TableRowsBottom[TempRow - 1][CurPage + PageIndex] < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(this.TableRowsBottom[TempRow - 1])) {
this.TableRowsBottom[TempRow - 1] = [];
this.TableRowsBottom[TempRow - 1][CurPage + PageIndex] = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
CurPage = CurPage_old;
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
if (-1 === X_min || Row_x_min < X_min) {
X_min = Row_x_min;
if (-1 === X_max || Row_x_max > X_max) {
X_max = Row_x_max;
var RowH = Row.Get_Height();
this.RowsInfo[CurRow] = {};
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Pages = LastPage - CurPage + 1;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y = [];
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].H = [];
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].TopDy = [];
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxTopBorder = [];
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage = true;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].StartPage = CurPage;
for (var PageIndex = 0; PageIndex < this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Pages; PageIndex++) {
var TempY = Y;
var TempMaxTopBorder = MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
if (0 != PageIndex) {
TempY = Pages_Y_Pos[CurPage + PageIndex];
TempMaxTopBorder = Pages_Max_Top_Border[CurPage + PageIndex];
if (1 === PageIndex) {
var bContentOnFirstPage = false;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge || VMergeCount > 1) {
if (true === Cell.Content_Is_ContentOnFirstPage()) {
bContentOnFirstPage = true;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage = bContentOnFirstPage;
if (0 != CurRow && false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage) {
if (this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow - 1][CurPage] < MaxBotValue_vmerge) {
this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow - 1][CurPage] = MaxBotValue_vmerge;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[CurPage + PageIndex] = TempY;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].TopDy[CurPage + PageIndex] = 0;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].X0 = Row_x_min;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].X1 = Row_x_max;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxTopBorder[CurPage + PageIndex] = TempMaxTopBorder;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
} else {
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[CurPage + PageIndex] = TempY - TempMaxTopBorder;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].TopDy[CurPage + PageIndex] = TempMaxTopBorder;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].X0 = Row_x_min;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].X1 = Row_x_max;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxTopBorder[CurPage + PageIndex] = TempMaxTopBorder;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
if (LastPage != CurPage) {
var TempCellHeight = this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage] - Y;
TableHeight += TempCellHeight + MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
if (null != CellSpacing) {
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Bottom.Value) {
TableHeight += TableBorders.Bottom.Size;
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Bottom = this.Pages[CurPage].YLimit;
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Left = X_min;
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Right = X_max;
this.Pages[CurPage].Height = TableHeight;
for (var PageId = CurPage + 1; PageId < LastPage; PageId++) {
Y = this.Parent.Get_PageContentStartPos(CurPage + PageId, CurRow, 0).Y;
TableHeight = 0;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Top.Value) {
Y += TableBorders.Top.Size;
TableHeight += TableBorders.Top.Size;
if (0 === CurRow) {
Y += CellSpacing;
TableHeight += CellSpacing;
} else {
Y += CellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
Y += Pages_Max_Top_Border[LastPage];
TableHeight += Pages_Max_Top_Border[LastPage];
TempCellHeight = this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][PageId] - Y;
TableHeight += TempCellHeight + MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
if (null != CellSpacing) {
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Bottom.Value) {
TableHeight += TableBorders.Bottom.Size;
this.Pages[PageId].Bounds.Bottom = this.Pages[PageId].YLimit;
this.Pages[PageId].Bounds.Left = X_min;
this.Pages[PageId].Bounds.Right = X_max;
this.Pages[PageId].Height = TableHeight;
TableHeight = 0;
Y = this.Parent.Get_PageContentStartPos(LastPage).Y;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Top.Value) {
Y += TableBorders.Top.Size;
TableHeight += TableBorders.Top.Size;
if (0 === CurRow) {
Y += CellSpacing;
TableHeight += CellSpacing;
} else {
Y += CellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
Y += Pages_Max_Top_Border[LastPage];
TableHeight += Pages_Max_Top_Border[LastPage];
var CellHeight = this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][LastPage] - Y;
if (LastPage === CurPage && heightrule_AtLeast === RowH.HRule && CellHeight < RowH.Value) {
CellHeight = RowH.Value;
this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage] = Y + CellHeight;
Y += CellHeight;
TableHeight += CellHeight;
Row.Height = CellHeight;
Row.PagesCount = LastPage - CurPage + 1;
Y += MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
TableHeight += MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow) {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
TableHeight += CellSpacing;
var TableBorder_Bottom = this.Get_Borders().Bottom;
if (border_Single === TableBorder_Bottom.Value) {
TableHeight += TableBorder_Bottom.Size;
CurPage = LastPage;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var StartPage = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].StartPage;
var RowH = Row.Get_Height();
for (var PageIndex = 0; PageIndex < this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Pages; PageIndex++) {
var TempMaxTopBorder = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxTopBorder[StartPage + PageIndex];
var TempY = 0;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
TempY = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[StartPage + PageIndex];
} else {
TempY = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[StartPage + PageIndex] + TempMaxTopBorder;
var TempCellHeight = this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][StartPage + PageIndex] - TempY;
if (1 === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Pages && heightrule_AtLeast === RowH.HRule && TempCellHeight < RowH.Value) {
TempCellHeight = RowH.Value;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].H[StartPage + PageIndex] = TempCellHeight;
} else {
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].H[StartPage + PageIndex] = TempCellHeight + TempMaxTopBorder;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Pages.length - 1; Index++) {
var CurRow = this.Pages[Index + 1].FirstRow;
if (0 === CurRow && false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage) {
this.Pages[Index].MaxBotBorder = 0;
this.Pages[Index].BotBorders = [];
} else {
if (false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage) {
var MaxBotBorder = 0;
var BotBorders = [];
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (vmerge_Continue === Cell.Get_VMerge()) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
var Border_Info = Cell.Get_BorderInfo().Bottom;
for (var BorderId = 0; BorderId < Border_Info.length; BorderId++) {
var Border = Border_Info[BorderId];
if (border_Single === Border.Value && MaxBotBorder < Border.Size) {
MaxBotBorder = Border.Size;
} else {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
if (null != CellSpacing) {
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Border = Cell.Get_Borders().Bottom;
if (border_Single === Border.Value && MaxBotBorder < Border.Size) {
MaxBotBorder = Border.Size;
} else {
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (vmerge_Continue === Cell.Get_VMerge()) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
if (null === Cell) {
var Border = Cell.Get_Borders().Bottom;
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(Border, TableBorders.Bottom, false, true);
if (border_Single === Result_Border.Value && MaxBotBorder < Result_Border.Size) {
MaxBotBorder = Result_Border.Size;
this.Pages[Index].MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder;
this.Pages[Index].BotBorders = BotBorders;
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Bottom = this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Top + TableHeight;
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Left = X_min;
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Right = X_max;
this.Pages[CurPage].Height = TableHeight;
this.Pages[CurPage].MaxBotBorder = 0;
this.Pages[CurPage].BotBorders = [];
this.TurnOffRecalc = false;
this.Bounds = this.Pages[this.Pages.length - 1].Bounds;
Internal_Recalculate_Header: function () {
if (true === this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent()) {
this.HeaderInfo.Count = 0;
var Header_RowsCount = 0;
var Rows_Count = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Rows_Count; Index++) {
var Row = this.Content[Index];
if (true != Row.Is_Header()) {
for (var CurRow = Header_RowsCount - 1; CurRow >= 0; CurRow--) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var bContinue = false;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var CurGridCol = Cell.Metrics.StartGridCol;
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
if (VMergeCount > 1) {
bContinue = true;
if (true != bContinue) {
this.HeaderInfo.Count = Header_RowsCount;
Internal_Recalculate_Borders: function () {
if (true != this.RecalcInfo.TableBorders) {
for (var Index = -1; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
this.TableRowsBottom[Index] = [];
this.TableRowsBottom[Index][0] = 0;
var MaxTopBorder = [];
var MaxBotBorder = [];
var MaxBotMargin = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
MaxBotBorder[Index] = 0;
MaxTopBorder[Index] = 0;
MaxBotMargin[Index] = 0;
var TablePr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
var TableBorders = this.Get_Borders();
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var AfterInfo = Row.Get_After();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
var bSpacing_Top = false;
var bSpacing_Bot = false;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
bSpacing_Bot = true;
bSpacing_Top = true;
} else {
if (0 != CurRow) {
var PrevCellSpacing = this.Content[CurRow - 1].Get_CellSpacing();
if (null != PrevCellSpacing) {
bSpacing_Top = true;
if (this.Content.length - 1 != CurRow) {
var NextCellSpacing = this.Content[CurRow + 1].Get_CellSpacing();
if (null != NextCellSpacing) {
bSpacing_Bot = true;
Row.Set_SpacingInfo(bSpacing_Top, bSpacing_Bot);
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
Row.Set_CellInfo(CurCell, CurGridCol, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
var VMergeCount2 = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount2(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
if (VMergeCount2 > 1) {
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
} else {
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
var CellMargins = Cell.Get_Margins();
if (CellMargins.Bottom.W > MaxBotMargin[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1]) {
MaxBotMargin[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1] = CellMargins.Bottom.W;
var CellBorders = Cell.Get_Borders();
if (true === bSpacing_Top) {
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Top.Value && MaxTopBorder[CurRow] < CellBorders.Top.Size) {
MaxTopBorder[CurRow] = CellBorders.Top.Size;
} else {
if (0 === CurRow) {
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Top, CellBorders.Top, true, false);
if (border_Single === Result_Border.Value && MaxTopBorder[CurRow] < Result_Border.Size) {
MaxTopBorder[CurRow] = Result_Border.Size;
var BorderInfo_Top = [];
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < GridSpan; TempIndex++) {
} else {
var Prev_Row = this.Content[CurRow - 1];
var Prev_CellsCount = Prev_Row.Get_CellsCount();
var Prev_BeforeInfo = Prev_Row.Get_Before();
var Prev_AfterInfo = Prev_Row.Get_After();
var Prev_Pos = -1;
var Prev_GridCol = Prev_BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
for (var PrevCell = 0; PrevCell < Prev_CellsCount; PrevCell++) {
var Prev_Cell = Prev_Row.Get_Cell(PrevCell);
var Prev_GridSpan = Prev_Cell.Get_GridSpan();
if (Prev_GridCol <= CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1 && Prev_GridCol + Prev_GridSpan - 1 >= CurGridCol) {
Prev_Pos = PrevCell;
Prev_GridCol += Prev_GridSpan;
var Border_Top_Info = [];
if (CurGridCol <= Prev_BeforeInfo.GridBefore - 1) {
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Left, CellBorders.Top, true, false);
if (border_Single === Result_Border.Value && MaxTopBorder[CurRow] < Result_Border.Size) {
MaxTopBorder[CurRow] = Result_Border.Size;
var AddCount = Math.min(Prev_BeforeInfo.GridBefore - CurGridCol, GridSpan);
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < AddCount; TempIndex++) {
if (-1 != Prev_Pos) {
while (Prev_GridCol <= CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1 && Prev_Pos < Prev_CellsCount) {
var Prev_Cell = Prev_Row.Get_Cell(Prev_Pos);
var Prev_GridSpan = Prev_Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Prev_VMerge = Prev_Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === Prev_VMerge) {
Prev_Cell = this.Internal_Get_EndMergedCell(CurRow - 1, Prev_GridCol, Prev_GridSpan);
var PrevBorders = Prev_Cell.Get_Borders();
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(PrevBorders.Bottom, CellBorders.Top, false, false);
if (border_Single === Result_Border.Value && MaxTopBorder[CurRow] < Result_Border.Size) {
MaxTopBorder[CurRow] = Result_Border.Size;
var AddCount = 0;
if (Prev_GridCol >= CurGridCol) {
if (Prev_GridCol + Prev_GridSpan - 1 > CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1) {
AddCount = CurGridCol + GridSpan - Prev_GridCol;
} else {
AddCount = Prev_GridSpan;
} else {
if (Prev_GridCol + Prev_GridSpan - 1 > CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1) {
AddCount = GridSpan;
} else {
AddCount = Prev_GridCol + Prev_GridSpan - CurGridCol;
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < AddCount; TempIndex++) {
Prev_GridCol += Prev_GridSpan;
if (Prev_AfterInfo.GridAfter > 0) {
var StartAfterGrid = Prev_Row.Get_CellInfo(Prev_CellsCount - 1).StartGridCol + Prev_Row.Get_Cell(Prev_CellsCount - 1).Get_GridSpan();
if (CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1 >= StartAfterGrid) {
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Right, CellBorders.Top, true, false);
if (border_Single === Result_Border.Value && MaxTopBorder[CurRow] < Result_Border.Size) {
MaxTopBorder[CurRow] = Result_Border.Size;
var AddCount = Math.min(CurGridCol + GridSpan - StartAfterGrid, GridSpan);
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < AddCount; TempIndex++) {
var CellBordersBottom = CellBorders.Bottom;
if (VMergeCount > 1) {
var BottomCell = this.Internal_Get_EndMergedCell(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
if (null !== BottomCell) {
CellBordersBottom = BottomCell.Get_Borders().Bottom;
if (true === bSpacing_Bot) {
Cell.Set_BorderInfo_Bottom([CellBordersBottom], -1, -1);
if (border_Single === CellBordersBottom.Value && CellBordersBottom.Size > MaxBotBorder[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1]) {
MaxBotBorder[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1] = CellBordersBottom.Size;
} else {
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow + VMergeCount - 1) {
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Bottom, CellBordersBottom, true, false);
if (border_Single === Result_Border.Value && Result_Border.Size > MaxBotBorder[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1]) {
MaxBotBorder[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1] = Result_Border.Size;
if (GridSpan > 0) {
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < GridSpan; TempIndex++) {
Cell.Set_BorderInfo_Bottom([Result_Border], -1, -1);
} else {
Cell.Set_BorderInfo_Bottom([], -1, -1);
} else {
var Next_Row = this.Content[CurRow + VMergeCount];
var Next_CellsCount = Next_Row.Get_CellsCount();
var Next_BeforeInfo = Next_Row.Get_Before();
var Next_AfterInfo = Next_Row.Get_After();
var Border_Bottom_Info = [];
var BeforeCount = 0;
if (CurGridCol <= Next_BeforeInfo.GridBefore - 1) {
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Left, CellBordersBottom, true, false);
BeforeCount = Math.min(Next_BeforeInfo.GridBefore - CurGridCol, GridSpan);
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < BeforeCount; TempIndex++) {
var Next_GridCol = Next_BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
for (var NextCell = 0; NextCell < Next_CellsCount; NextCell++) {
var Next_Cell = Next_Row.Get_Cell(NextCell);
var Next_GridSpan = Next_Cell.Get_GridSpan();
Next_GridCol += Next_GridSpan;
var AfterCount = 0;
if (Next_AfterInfo.GridAfter > 0) {
var StartAfterGrid = Next_GridCol;
if (CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1 >= StartAfterGrid) {
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Right, CellBordersBottom, true, false);
AfterCount = Math.min(CurGridCol + GridSpan - StartAfterGrid, GridSpan);
for (var TempIndex = 0; TempIndex < AfterCount; TempIndex++) {
Cell.Set_BorderInfo_Bottom(Border_Bottom_Info, BeforeCount, AfterCount);
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
this.MaxTopBorder = MaxTopBorder;
this.MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder;
this.MaxBotMargin = MaxBotMargin;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var AfterInfo = Row.Get_After();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
var Row_x_max = 0;
var Row_x_min = 0;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var X_grid_start = this.TableSumGrid[CurGridCol - 1];
var X_grid_end = this.TableSumGrid[CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1];
var X_cell_start = X_grid_start;
var X_cell_end = X_grid_end;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (0 === CurCell) {
if (0 === BeforeInfo.GridBefore) {
if (border_None === TableBorders.Left.Value || CellSpacing > TableBorders.Left.Size / 2) {
X_cell_start += CellSpacing;
} else {
X_cell_start += TableBorders.Left.Size / 2;
} else {
if (border_None === TableBorders.Left.Value || CellSpacing > TableBorders.Left.Size) {
X_cell_start += CellSpacing / 2;
} else {
X_cell_start += TableBorders.Left.Size / 2;
} else {
X_cell_start += CellSpacing / 2;
if (CellsCount - 1 === CurCell) {
if (0 === AfterInfo.GridAfter) {
if (border_None === TableBorders.Right.Value || CellSpacing > TableBorders.Right.Size / 2) {
X_cell_end -= CellSpacing;
} else {
X_cell_end -= TableBorders.Right.Size / 2;
} else {
if (border_None === TableBorders.Right.Value || CellSpacing > TableBorders.Right.Size) {
X_cell_end -= CellSpacing / 2;
} else {
X_cell_end -= TableBorders.Right.Size / 2;
} else {
X_cell_end -= CellSpacing / 2;
var CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
var X_content_start = X_cell_start;
var X_content_end = X_cell_end;
var CellBorders = Cell.Get_Borders();
if (null != CellSpacing) {
X_content_start += CellMar.Left.W;
X_content_end -= CellMar.Right.W;
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Left.Value) {
X_content_start += CellBorders.Left.Size;
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Right.Value) {
X_content_end -= CellBorders.Right.Size;
} else {
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
X_content_start += CellMar.Left.W;
X_content_end -= CellMar.Right.W;
} else {
var Max_r_w = 0;
var Max_l_w = 0;
var Borders_Info = {
Right: [],
Left: [],
Right_Max: 0,
Left_Max: 0
for (var Temp_CurRow = 0; Temp_CurRow < VMergeCount; Temp_CurRow++) {
var Temp_Row = this.Content[CurRow + Temp_CurRow];
var Temp_CellsCount = Temp_Row.Get_CellsCount();
var Temp_CurCell = this.Internal_Get_Cell_ByStartGridCol(CurRow + Temp_CurRow, CurGridCol);
if (Temp_CurCell < 0) {
if (0 === Temp_CurCell) {
var LeftBorder = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Left, CellBorders.Left, true, false);
if (border_Single === LeftBorder.Value && LeftBorder.Size > Max_l_w) {
Max_l_w = LeftBorder.Size;
} else {
var Temp_Prev_Cell = Temp_Row.Get_Cell(Temp_CurCell - 1);
var Temp_Prev_VMerge = Temp_Prev_Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (0 != Temp_CurRow && vmerge_Continue === Temp_Prev_VMerge) {
Borders_Info.Left.push(Borders_Info.Left[Borders_Info.Left.length - 1]);
} else {
var Temp_Prev_Main_Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow + Temp_CurRow, CurGridCol - Temp_Prev_Cell.Get_GridSpan(), Temp_Prev_Cell.Get_GridSpan());
var Temp_Prev_Main_Cell_Borders = Temp_Prev_Main_Cell.Get_Borders();
var LeftBorder = this.Internal_CompareBorders(Temp_Prev_Main_Cell_Borders.Right, CellBorders.Left, false, false);
if (border_Single === LeftBorder.Value && LeftBorder.Size > Max_l_w) {
Max_l_w = LeftBorder.Size;
if (Temp_CellsCount - 1 === Temp_CurCell) {
var RightBorder = this.Internal_CompareBorders(TableBorders.Right, CellBorders.Right, true, false);
if (border_Single === RightBorder.Value && RightBorder.Size > Max_r_w) {
Max_r_w = RightBorder.Size;
} else {
var Temp_Next_Cell = Temp_Row.Get_Cell(Temp_CurCell + 1);
var Temp_Next_VMerge = Temp_Next_Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (0 != Temp_CurRow && vmerge_Continue === Temp_Next_VMerge) {
Borders_Info.Right.push(Borders_Info.Right[Borders_Info.Right.length - 1]);
} else {
var Temp_Next_Main_Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow + Temp_CurRow, CurGridCol + GridSpan, Temp_Next_Cell.Get_GridSpan());
var Temp_Next_Main_Cell_Borders = Temp_Next_Main_Cell.Get_Borders();
var RightBorder = this.Internal_CompareBorders(Temp_Next_Main_Cell_Borders.Left, CellBorders.Right, false, false);
if (border_Single === RightBorder.Value && RightBorder.Size > Max_r_w) {
Max_r_w = RightBorder.Size;
Borders_Info.Right_Max = Max_r_w;
Borders_Info.Left_Max = Max_l_w;
if (Max_l_w / 2 > CellMar.Left.W) {
X_content_start += Max_l_w / 2;
} else {
X_content_start += CellMar.Left.W;
if (Max_r_w / 2 > CellMar.Right.W) {
X_content_end -= Max_r_w / 2;
} else {
X_content_end -= CellMar.Right.W;
Cell.Set_BorderInfo_Left(Borders_Info.Left, Max_l_w);
Cell.Set_BorderInfo_Right(Borders_Info.Right, Max_r_w);
if (0 === CurCell) {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
Row_x_min = X_grid_start;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Left.Value) {
Row_x_min -= TableBorders.Left.Size / 2;
} else {
var BorderInfo = Cell.Get_BorderInfo();
Row_x_min = X_grid_start - BorderInfo.MaxLeft / 2;
if (CellsCount - 1 === CurCell) {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
Row_x_max = X_grid_end;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Right.Value) {
Row_x_max += TableBorders.Right.Size / 2;
} else {
var BorderInfo = Cell.Get_BorderInfo();
Row_x_max = X_grid_end + BorderInfo.MaxRight / 2;
Cell.Set_Metrics(CurGridCol, X_grid_start, X_grid_end, X_cell_start, X_cell_end, X_content_start, X_content_end);
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
Row.Set_Metrics_X(Row_x_min, Row_x_max);
this.RecalcInfo.TableBorders = false;
Internal_Recalculate_Position_1: function () {
var TablePr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
var PageLimits = this.Parent.Get_PageLimits(this.PageNum);
var LD_PageLimits = this.LogicDocument.Get_PageLimits(this.Get_StartPage_Absolute());
var LD_PageFields = this.LogicDocument.Get_PageFields(this.Get_StartPage_Absolute());
if (true === this.Is_Inline()) {
switch (TablePr.Jc) {
case align_Left:
this.X = this.X_origin + this.Get_TableOffsetCorrection() + TablePr.TableInd;
case align_Right:
var TableWidth = this.TableSumGrid[this.TableSumGrid.length - 1];
if (false === this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent()) {
this.X = this.XLimit - TableWidth + 1.9;
} else {
this.X = this.XLimit - TableWidth;
case align_Center:
var TableWidth = this.TableSumGrid[this.TableSumGrid.length - 1];
var RangeWidth = this.XLimit - this.X_origin;
this.X = this.X_origin + (RangeWidth - TableWidth) / 2;
this.AnchorPosition.CalcX = this.X_origin + TablePr.TableInd;
this.AnchorPosition.Set_X(this.TableSumGrid[this.TableSumGrid.length - 1], this.X_origin, LD_PageFields.X, LD_PageFields.XLimit, LD_PageLimits.XLimit, PageLimits.X, PageLimits.XLimit);
} else {
var OffsetCorrection_Left = 0;
var OffsetCorrection_Right = 0;
if (this.Content.length > 0 && this.Content[0].Get_CellsCount() > 0 && !(this.bPresentation === true)) {
var FirstRow = this.Content[0];
var Cell_Left = FirstRow.Get_Cell(0);
var Cell_Right = FirstRow.Get_Cell(FirstRow.Get_CellsCount() - 1);
OffsetCorrection_Left = Cell_Left.Get_Margins().Left.W;
OffsetCorrection_Right = Cell_Right.Get_Margins().Right.W;
this.X = this.X_origin + this.Get_TableOffsetCorrection();
this.AnchorPosition.Set_X(this.TableSumGrid[this.TableSumGrid.length - 1], this.X_origin, LD_PageFields.X - OffsetCorrection_Left, LD_PageFields.XLimit + OffsetCorrection_Right, LD_PageLimits.XLimit, PageLimits.X - OffsetCorrection_Left, PageLimits.XLimit + OffsetCorrection_Right);
this.X = this.AnchorPosition.Calculate_X(this.PositionH.RelativeFrom, this.PositionH.Align, this.PositionH.Value);
this.X_origin = this.X - this.Get_TableOffsetCorrection();
if (undefined != this.PositionH_Old) {
this.PositionH.RelativeFrom = this.PositionH_Old.RelativeFrom;
this.PositionH.Align = this.PositionH_Old.Align;
this.PositionH.Value = this.PositionH_Old.Value;
var Value = this.AnchorPosition.Calculate_X_Value(this.PositionH_Old.RelativeFrom);
this.Set_PositionH(this.PositionH_Old.RelativeFrom, false, Value);
this.X = this.AnchorPosition.Calculate_X(this.PositionH.RelativeFrom, this.PositionH.Align, this.PositionH.Value);
this.X_origin = this.X - this.Get_TableOffsetCorrection();
this.PositionH_Old = undefined;
Internal_Recalculate_Position_2: function (CurPage) {
var PageLimits = this.Parent.Get_PageLimits(this.PageNum);
var LD_PageFields = this.LogicDocument.Get_PageFields(this.Get_StartPage_Absolute());
var LD_PageLimits = this.LogicDocument.Get_PageLimits(this.Get_StartPage_Absolute());
if (true === this.Is_Inline() && 0 === CurPage) {
this.AnchorPosition.CalcY = this.Y;
this.AnchorPosition.Set_Y(this.Pages[CurPage].Height, this.Y, LD_PageFields.Y, LD_PageFields.YLimit, LD_PageLimits.YLimit, PageLimits.Y, PageLimits.YLimit);
} else {
if (true != this.Is_Inline() && (0 === CurPage || (1 === CurPage && false === this.RowsInfo[0].FirstPage))) {
this.AnchorPosition.Set_Y(this.Pages[CurPage].Height, this.Pages[CurPage].Y, LD_PageFields.Y, LD_PageFields.YLimit, LD_PageLimits.YLimit, PageLimits.Y, PageLimits.YLimit);
var OtherFlowTables = !this.bPresentation ? editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.DrawingObjects.getAllFloatTablesOnPage(this.Get_StartPage_Absolute()) : [];
this.AnchorPosition.Calculate_Y(this.PositionV.RelativeFrom, this.PositionV.Align, this.PositionV.Value);
this.AnchorPosition.Correct_Values(PageLimits.X, PageLimits.Y, PageLimits.XLimit, PageLimits.YLimit, this.AllowOverlap, OtherFlowTables, this);
if (undefined != this.PositionV_Old) {
this.PositionV.RelativeFrom = this.PositionV_Old.RelativeFrom;
this.PositionV.Align = this.PositionV_Old.Align;
this.PositionV.Value = this.PositionV_Old.Value;
var Value = this.AnchorPosition.Calculate_Y_Value(this.PositionV_Old.RelativeFrom);
this.Set_PositionV(this.PositionV_Old.RelativeFrom, false, Value);
this.AnchorPosition.Calculate_Y(this.PositionV.RelativeFrom, this.PositionV.Align, this.PositionV.Value);
this.PositionV_Old = undefined;
var NewX = this.AnchorPosition.CalcX;
var NewY = this.AnchorPosition.CalcY;
this.Shift(CurPage, NewX - this.Pages[CurPage].X, NewY - this.Pages[CurPage].Y);
Internal_Recalculate_1_: function (CurPage) {
if (true === this.TurnOffRecalc) {
this.TurnOffRecalc = true;
var FirstRow = 0;
var LastRow = 0;
if (0 === CurPage) {
for (var Index = -1; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
this.TableRowsBottom[Index] = [];
this.TableRowsBottom[Index][0] = 0;
} else {
FirstRow = this.Pages[CurPage - 1].LastRow;
LastRow = FirstRow;
var MaxTopBorder = this.MaxTopBorder;
var MaxBotBorder = this.MaxBotBorder;
var MaxBotMargin = this.MaxBotMargin;
var TempMaxTopBorder = this.Get_MaxTopBorder(FirstRow);
var StartPos;
if (0 === CurPage) {
StartPos = {
X: this.X,
XLimit: this.XLimit,
Y: this.Y,
YLimit: this.YLimit,
MaxTopBorder: TempMaxTopBorder
this.HeaderInfo.PageIndex = -1;
} else {
StartPos = this.Parent.Get_PageContentStartPos(this.PageNum + CurPage);
this.Pages[CurPage] = new CTablePage(StartPos.X, StartPos.Y, StartPos.XLimit, StartPos.YLimit, FirstRow, TempMaxTopBorder);
var Y = StartPos.Y;
var TableHeight = 0;
var TableBorders = this.Get_Borders();
var X_max = -1;
var X_min = -1;
if (this.HeaderInfo.Count > 0 && this.HeaderInfo.PageIndex != -1 && CurPage > this.HeaderInfo.PageIndex) {
this.HeaderInfo.Pages[CurPage] = {};
this.HeaderInfo.Pages[CurPage].RowsInfo = [];
var HeaderPage = this.HeaderInfo.Pages[CurPage];
HeaderPage.Draw = true;
HeaderPage.Rows = [];
g_oTableId.m_bTurnOff = true;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.HeaderInfo.Count; Index++) {
HeaderPage.Rows[Index] = this.Content[Index].Copy(this);
HeaderPage.Rows[Index].Index = Index;
g_oTableId.m_bTurnOff = false;
var bHeaderNextPage = false;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.HeaderInfo.Count; CurRow++) {
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow] = {};
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y = 0;
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].H = 0;
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].TopDy = 0;
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxTopBorder = 0;
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].TableRowsBottom = 0;
var Row = HeaderPage.Rows[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
Y += MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
TableHeight += MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
if (0 === CurRow) {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
var TableBorder_Top = this.Get_Borders().Top;
if (border_Single === TableBorder_Top.Value) {
Y += TableBorder_Top.Size;
TableHeight += TableBorder_Top.Size;
Y += CellSpacing;
TableHeight += CellSpacing;
} else {
var PrevCellSpacing = HeaderPage.Rows[CurRow - 1].Get_CellSpacing();
if (null != CellSpacing && null != PrevCellSpacing) {
Y += (PrevCellSpacing + CellSpacing) / 2;
TableHeight += (PrevCellSpacing + CellSpacing) / 2;
} else {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
Y += CellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
} else {
if (null != PrevCellSpacing) {
Y += PrevCellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += PrevCellSpacing / 2;
var Row_x_max = Row.Metrics.X_max;
var Row_x_min = Row.Metrics.X_min;
if (-1 === X_min || Row_x_min < X_min) {
X_min = Row_x_min;
if (-1 === X_max || Row_x_max > X_max) {
X_max = Row_x_max;
var MaxBotValue_vmerge = -1;
var RowH = Row.Get_Height();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
Row.Update_CellInfo(CurCell, this.X);
var CellMetrics = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
var X_content_start = CellMetrics.X_content_start;
var X_content_end = CellMetrics.X_content_end;
var Y_content_start = Y + CellMar.Top.W;
var Y_content_end = this.Pages[CurPage].YLimit;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow) {
Y_content_end -= CellSpacing;
} else {
Y_content_end -= CellSpacing / 2;
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
var BottomMargin = this.MaxBotMargin[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1];
Y_content_end -= BottomMargin;
Cell.Temp.Y = Y_content_start;
if (VMergeCount > 1) {
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
} else {
if (vmerge_Restart != Vmerge) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
var cIndex = Cell.Index;
var rIndex = Cell.Row.Index;
Cell = HeaderPage.Rows[rIndex].Get_Cell(cIndex);
CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
Y_content_start = Cell.Temp.Y + CellMar.Top.W;
Cell.Content.Reset(X_content_start, Y_content_start, X_content_end, Y_content_end);
if (recalcresult2_NextPage === Cell.Content.Recalculate_Page(0, true)) {
bHeaderNextPage = true;
var CellContentBounds = Cell.Content.Get_PageBounds(0, undefined, true);
var CellContentBounds_Bottom = CellContentBounds.Bottom + BottomMargin;
if (undefined === HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].TableRowsBottom || HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].TableRowsBottom < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].TableRowsBottom = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
if (-1 === MaxBotValue_vmerge || MaxBotValue_vmerge < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
MaxBotValue_vmerge = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
if (true === bHeaderNextPage) {
Y = StartPos.Y;
TableHeight = 0;
HeaderPage.Draw = false;
var TempY = Y;
var TempMaxTopBorder = MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
if (null != CellSpacing) {
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y = TempY;
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].TopDy = 0;
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].X0 = Row_x_min;
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].X1 = Row_x_max;
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxTopBorder = TempMaxTopBorder;
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
} else {
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y = TempY - TempMaxTopBorder;
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].TopDy = TempMaxTopBorder;
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].X0 = Row_x_min;
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].X1 = Row_x_max;
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxTopBorder = TempMaxTopBorder;
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
var CellHeight = HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].TableRowsBottom - Y;
if (false === bNextPage && heightrule_AtLeast === RowH.HRule && CellHeight < RowH.Value - MaxTopBorder[CurRow]) {
CellHeight = RowH.Value - MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].TableRowsBottom = Y + CellHeight;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].H = CellHeight;
} else {
HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].H = CellHeight + TempMaxTopBorder;
Y += CellHeight;
TableHeight += CellHeight;
Row.Height = CellHeight;
Y += MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
TableHeight += MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
if (false === bHeaderNextPage) {
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.HeaderInfo.Count; CurRow++) {
var Row = HeaderPage.Rows[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, Cell.Metrics.StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
if (VMergeCount > 1) {
} else {
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Restart != Vmerge) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, Cell.Metrics.StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
var cIndex = Cell.Index;
var rIndex = Cell.Row.Index;
Cell = HeaderPage.Rows[rIndex].Get_Cell(cIndex);
var CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
var VAlign = Cell.Get_VAlign();
var CellPageIndex = CurPage - Cell.Content.Get_StartPage_Relative();
if (CellPageIndex >= Cell.PagesCount) {
if (vertalignjc_Top === VAlign || CellPageIndex > 1) {
Cell.Temp.Y_VAlign_offset[CellPageIndex] = 0;
var TempCurRow = Cell.Row.Index;
var TempCellSpacing = HeaderPage.Rows[TempCurRow].Get_CellSpacing();
var Y_0 = HeaderPage.RowsInfo[TempCurRow].Y;
if (null === TempCellSpacing) {
Y_0 += MaxTopBorder[TempCurRow];
Y_0 += CellMar.Top.W;
var Y_1 = HeaderPage.RowsInfo[CurRow].TableRowsBottom - CellMar.Bottom.W;
var CellHeight = Y_1 - Y_0;
var CellContentBounds = Cell.Content.Get_PageBounds(CellPageIndex, CellHeight, true);
var ContentHeight = CellContentBounds.Bottom - CellContentBounds.Top;
var Dy = 0;
if (CellHeight - ContentHeight > 0.001) {
if (vertalignjc_Bottom === VAlign) {
Dy = CellHeight - ContentHeight;
} else {
if (vertalignjc_Center === VAlign) {
Dy = (CellHeight - ContentHeight) / 2;
Cell.Content.Shift(CellPageIndex, 0, Dy);
Cell.Temp.Y_VAlign_offset[CellPageIndex] = Dy;
} else {
this.HeaderInfo.Pages[CurPage] = {};
this.HeaderInfo.Pages[CurPage].Draw = false;
var bNextPage = false;
for (var CurRow = FirstRow; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
if ((0 === CurRow && 0 === CurPage) || CurRow != FirstRow) {
this.RowsInfo[CurRow] = {};
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Pages = 1;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y = [];
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].H = [];
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].TopDy = [];
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxTopBorder = [];
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage = true;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].StartPage = CurPage;
} else {
this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow] = [];
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var AfterInfo = Row.Get_After();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
Y += MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
TableHeight += MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
if (FirstRow === CurRow) {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
var TableBorder_Top = this.Get_Borders().Top;
if (border_Single === TableBorder_Top.Value) {
Y += TableBorder_Top.Size;
TableHeight += TableBorder_Top.Size;
if (true === this.HeaderInfo.Pages[CurPage].Draw || (0 === CurRow && (0 === CurPage || (1 === CurPage && false === this.RowsInfo[0].FirstPage)))) {
Y += CellSpacing;
TableHeight += CellSpacing;
} else {
Y += CellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
} else {
var PrevCellSpacing = this.Content[CurRow - 1].Get_CellSpacing();
if (null != CellSpacing && null != PrevCellSpacing) {
Y += (PrevCellSpacing + CellSpacing) / 2;
TableHeight += (PrevCellSpacing + CellSpacing) / 2;
} else {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
Y += CellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
} else {
if (null != PrevCellSpacing) {
Y += PrevCellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += PrevCellSpacing / 2;
var Row_x_max = Row.Metrics.X_max;
var Row_x_min = Row.Metrics.X_min;
if (-1 === X_min || Row_x_min < X_min) {
X_min = Row_x_min;
if (-1 === X_max || Row_x_max > X_max) {
X_max = Row_x_max;
var MaxBotValue_vmerge = -1;
var RowH = Row.Get_Height();
var Merged_Cell = [];
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
Row.Update_CellInfo(CurCell, this.X);
var CellMetrics = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
var X_content_start = CellMetrics.X_content_start;
var X_content_end = CellMetrics.X_content_end;
var Y_content_start = Y + CellMar.Top.W;
var Y_content_end = this.Pages[CurPage].YLimit;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow) {
Y_content_end -= CellSpacing;
} else {
Y_content_end -= CellSpacing / 2;
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
var BottomMargin = this.MaxBotMargin[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1];
Y_content_end -= BottomMargin;
Cell.Temp.Y = Y_content_start;
if (VMergeCount > 1) {
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
} else {
if (vmerge_Restart != Vmerge) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
Y_content_start = Cell.Temp.Y + CellMar.Top.W;
var bCanShift = false;
var ShiftDy = 0;
var ShiftDx = 0;
if ((0 === Cell.Row.Index && 0 === CurPage) || Cell.Row.Index > FirstRow) {
Cell.PagesCount = 1;
if (true === this.Is_Inline() && 1 === Cell.Content.Pages.length && true != this.RecalcInfo.Check_Cell(Cell)) {
var X_content_start_old = Cell.Content.Pages[0].X;
var X_content_end_old = Cell.Content.Pages[0].XLimit;
var Y_content_height_old = Cell.Content.Pages[0].Bounds.Bottom - Cell.Content.Pages[0].Bounds.Top;
if (Math.abs(X_content_start - X_content_start_old) < 0.001 && Math.abs(X_content_end_old - X_content_end) < 0.001 && Y_content_start + Y_content_height_old < Y_content_end) {
bCanShift = true;
ShiftDy = -Cell.Content.Pages[0].Y + Y_content_start;
Cell.Content.Reset(X_content_start, Y_content_start, X_content_end, Y_content_end);
var CellPageIndex = CurPage - Cell.Content.Get_StartPage_Relative();
if (CellPageIndex < Cell.PagesCount) {
if (true === bCanShift) {
Cell.Content.Shift(0, ShiftDx, ShiftDy);
} else {
if (recalcresult2_NextPage === Cell.Content.Recalculate_Page(CellPageIndex, true)) {
Cell.PagesCount = Cell.Content.Pages.length + 1;
bNextPage = true;
var CellContentBounds = Cell.Content.Get_PageBounds(CellPageIndex, undefined, true);
var CellContentBounds_Bottom = CellContentBounds.Bottom + BottomMargin;
if (undefined === this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage] || this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage] < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage] = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
if (-1 === MaxBotValue_vmerge || MaxBotValue_vmerge < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
MaxBotValue_vmerge = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
if ((heightrule_AtLeast === RowH.HRule || heightrule_Exact == RowH.HRule) && Y + RowH.Value > Y_content_end && ((0 === CurRow && 0 === CurPage) || CurRow != FirstRow)) {
bNextPage = true;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, Cell.Metrics.StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge || VMergeCount > 1) {
Cell.PagesCount = 2;
if (true === bNextPage) {
var bContentOnFirstPage = false;
var bNoContentOnFirstPage = false;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, Cell.Metrics.StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge || VMergeCount > 1) {
if (true === Cell.Content_Is_ContentOnFirstPage()) {
bContentOnFirstPage = true;
} else {
bNoContentOnFirstPage = true;
if (true === bContentOnFirstPage && true === bNoContentOnFirstPage) {
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, Cell.Metrics.StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge || VMergeCount > 1) {
Cell.PagesCount = 2;
bContentOnFirstPage = false;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage = bContentOnFirstPage;
if (0 != CurRow && false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage) {
if (this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow - 1][CurPage] < MaxBotValue_vmerge) {
var Diff = MaxBotValue_vmerge - this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow - 1][CurPage];
this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow - 1][CurPage] = MaxBotValue_vmerge;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow - 1].H[CurPage] += Diff;
var CellsCount2 = Merged_Cell.length;
for (var TempCellIndex = 0; TempCellIndex < CellsCount2; TempCellIndex++) {
var Cell = Merged_Cell[TempCellIndex];
var CurCell = Cell.Index;
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var CurGridCol = Cell.Metrics.StartGridCol;
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
var CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
var CellMetrics = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell);
var X_content_start = CellMetrics.X_content_start;
var X_content_end = CellMetrics.X_content_end;
var Y_content_start = Cell.Temp.Y;
var Y_content_end = this.Pages[CurPage].YLimit;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow) {
Y_content_end -= CellSpacing;
} else {
Y_content_end -= CellSpacing / 2;
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
var BottomMargin = this.MaxBotMargin[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1];
Y_content_end -= BottomMargin;
if ((0 === Cell.Row.Index && 0 === CurPage) || Cell.Row.Index > FirstRow) {
Cell.PagesCount = 1;
Cell.Content.Reset(X_content_start, Y_content_start, X_content_end, Y_content_end);
var CellPageIndex = CurPage - Cell.Content.Get_StartPage_Relative();
if (CellPageIndex < Cell.PagesCount) {
if (recalcresult2_NextPage === Cell.Content.Recalculate_Page(CellPageIndex, true)) {
Cell.PagesCount = Cell.Content.Pages.length + 1;
bNextPage = true;
var CellContentBounds = Cell.Content.Get_PageBounds(CellPageIndex, undefined, true);
var CellContentBounds_Bottom = CellContentBounds.Bottom + BottomMargin;
if (0 != CurRow && false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage) {
if (this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow - 1][CurPage] < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
var Diff = CellContentBounds_Bottom - this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow - 1][CurPage];
this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow - 1][CurPage] = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow - 1].H[CurPage] += Diff;
} else {
if (undefined === this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage] || this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage] < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage] = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
bContentOnFirstPage = false;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
if (true === Cell.Content_Is_ContentOnFirstPage()) {
bContentOnFirstPage = true;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage = bContentOnFirstPage;
if (true !== this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage && CurPage === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].StartPage) {
this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage] = Y;
var TempY = Y;
var TempMaxTopBorder = MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
if (null != CellSpacing) {
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[CurPage] = TempY;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].TopDy[CurPage] = 0;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].X0 = Row_x_min;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].X1 = Row_x_max;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxTopBorder[CurPage] = TempMaxTopBorder;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
} else {
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[CurPage] = TempY - TempMaxTopBorder;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].TopDy[CurPage] = TempMaxTopBorder;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].X0 = Row_x_min;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].X1 = Row_x_max;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxTopBorder[CurPage] = TempMaxTopBorder;
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
var CellHeight = this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage] - Y;
if (false === bNextPage && heightrule_AtLeast === RowH.HRule && CellHeight < RowH.Value) {
CellHeight = RowH.Value;
this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage] = Y + CellHeight;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].H[CurPage] = CellHeight;
} else {
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].H[CurPage] = CellHeight + TempMaxTopBorder;
Y += CellHeight;
TableHeight += CellHeight;
Row.Height = CellHeight;
Y += MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
TableHeight += MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow) {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
TableHeight += CellSpacing;
var TableBorder_Bottom = this.Get_Borders().Bottom;
if (border_Single === TableBorder_Bottom.Value) {
TableHeight += TableBorder_Bottom.Size;
if (true === bNextPage) {
LastRow = CurRow;
this.Pages[CurPage].LastRow = CurRow;
if (-1 === this.HeaderInfo.PageIndex && this.HeaderInfo.Count > 0 && CurRow >= this.HeaderInfo.Count) {
this.HeaderInfo.PageIndex = CurPage;
} else {
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow) {
LastRow = this.Content.length - 1;
this.Pages[CurPage].LastRow = this.Content.length - 1;
for (var CurRow = FirstRow; CurRow <= LastRow; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, Cell.Metrics.StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
if (VMergeCount > 1 && CurRow != LastRow) {
} else {
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Restart != Vmerge) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, Cell.Metrics.StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
var CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
var VAlign = Cell.Get_VAlign();
var CellPageIndex = CurPage - Cell.Content.Get_StartPage_Relative();
if (CellPageIndex >= Cell.PagesCount) {
var TempCurRow = Cell.Row.Index;
if (vertalignjc_Top === VAlign || CellPageIndex > 1 || (1 === CellPageIndex && true === this.RowsInfo[TempCurRow].FirstPage)) {
Cell.Temp.Y_VAlign_offset[CellPageIndex] = 0;
var TempCellSpacing = this.Content[TempCurRow].Get_CellSpacing();
var Y_0 = this.RowsInfo[TempCurRow].Y[CurPage];
if (null === TempCellSpacing) {
Y_0 += MaxTopBorder[TempCurRow];
Y_0 += CellMar.Top.W;
var Y_1 = this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][CurPage] - CellMar.Bottom.W;
var CellHeight = Y_1 - Y_0;
var CellContentBounds = Cell.Content.Get_PageBounds(CellPageIndex, CellHeight, true);
var ContentHeight = CellContentBounds.Bottom - CellContentBounds.Top;
var Dy = 0;
if (CellHeight - ContentHeight > 0.001) {
if (vertalignjc_Bottom === VAlign) {
Dy = CellHeight - ContentHeight;
} else {
if (vertalignjc_Center === VAlign) {
Dy = (CellHeight - ContentHeight) / 2;
Cell.Content.Shift(CellPageIndex, 0, Dy);
Cell.Temp.Y_VAlign_offset[CellPageIndex] = Dy;
var CurRow = LastRow;
if (0 === CurRow && false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage && 0 === CurPage) {
this.Pages[0].MaxBotBorder = 0;
this.Pages[0].BotBorders = [];
} else {
if (false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage && CurPage === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].StartPage) {
var MaxBotBorder = 0;
var BotBorders = [];
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (vmerge_Continue === Cell.Get_VMerge()) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
var Border_Info = Cell.Get_BorderInfo().Bottom;
for (var BorderId = 0; BorderId < Border_Info.length; BorderId++) {
var Border = Border_Info[BorderId];
if (border_Single === Border.Value && MaxBotBorder < Border.Size) {
MaxBotBorder = Border.Size;
} else {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
if (null != CellSpacing) {
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Border = Cell.Get_Borders().Bottom;
if (border_Single === Border.Value && MaxBotBorder < Border.Size) {
MaxBotBorder = Border.Size;
} else {
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (vmerge_Continue === Cell.Get_VMerge()) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
if (null === Cell) {
var Border = Cell.Get_Borders().Bottom;
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(Border, TableBorders.Bottom, false, true);
if (border_Single === Result_Border.Value && MaxBotBorder < Result_Border.Size) {
MaxBotBorder = Result_Border.Size;
this.Pages[CurPage].MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder;
this.Pages[CurPage].BotBorders = BotBorders;
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Bottom = this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Top + TableHeight;
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Left = X_min + this.X;
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Right = X_max + this.X;
this.Pages[CurPage].Height = TableHeight;
this.TurnOffRecalc = false;
this.Bounds = this.Pages[this.Pages.length - 1].Bounds;
if (true == bNextPage) {
return recalcresult_NextPage;
} else {
return recalcresult_NextElement;
Internal_RecalculateFrom: function (RowIndex, CellIndex, bChange, bForceRecalc) {
return editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Recalculate();
if (true === this.TurnOffRecalc) {
this.TurnOffRecalc = true;
if (false === bChange) {
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(false, 0, this.Index);
this.TurnOffRecalc = false;
var bNeedDocumentRecalculate = false;
var TableBorders = this.Get_Borders();
var Pages_new = [];
var TableRowsBottom_new = [];
var RowsInfo_new = [];
var Pages_old = this.Pages;
this.Pages = Pages_new;
Pages_new.length = 0;
Pages_new[0] = {
Bounds: {
Top: this.Y,
Left: this.X,
Right: this.X + this.TableSumGrid[this.TableSumGrid.length - 1],
Bottom: this.Y
FirstRow: 0,
Height: 0,
Y: this.Y,
YLimit: this.YLimit,
MaxTopBorder: 0
var Y = this.Y;
var TableHeight = 0;
for (var Index = -1; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
TableRowsBottom_new[Index] = [];
TableRowsBottom_new[Index][0] = 0;
var MaxTopBorder = this.MaxTopBorder;
var MaxBotBorder = this.MaxBotBorder;
var ChangeCell = this.Content[RowIndex].Get_Cell(CellIndex);
var ChangeVertAlign = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(RowIndex, this.Content[RowIndex].Get_CellInfo(CellIndex).StartGridCol, ChangeCell.Get_GridSpan());
var RowChange = RowIndex + ChangeVertAlign - 1;
var CurRow = 0;
var bNeedRecalc = false;
var X_max = this.Pages[0].Bounds.Right;
var X_min = this.Pages[0].Bounds.Left;
var CurPage = 0;
for (CurRow = 0; CurRow <= RowChange; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var AfterInfo = Row.Get_After();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
if (0 === CurRow) {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
var TableBorder_Top = this.Get_Borders().Top;
if (border_Single === TableBorder_Top.Value) {
Y += TableBorder_Top.Size;
TableHeight += TableBorder_Top.Size;
Y += CellSpacing;
TableHeight += CellSpacing;
} else {
var PrevCellSpacing = this.Content[CurRow - 1].Get_CellSpacing();
if (null != CellSpacing && null != PrevCellSpacing) {
Y += (PrevCellSpacing + CellSpacing) / 2;
TableHeight += (PrevCellSpacing + CellSpacing) / 2;
} else {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
Y += CellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
} else {
if (null != PrevCellSpacing) {
Y += PrevCellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += PrevCellSpacing / 2;
Y += MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
TableHeight += MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
var LastPage = CurPage;
var Pages_Y_Pos = [];
var Pages_Max_Top_Border = [];
var MaxBotValue_vmerge = -1;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
var CurPage_old = CurPage;
Cell.Temp.CurPage = CurPage;
if (VMergeCount > 1) {
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
} else {
if (vmerge_Restart != Vmerge) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
CurPage = Cell.Temp.CurPage;
var BottomMargin = this.MaxBotMargin[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1];
var PagesCount = Cell.Content_Get_PagesCount();
for (var PageIndex = 0; PageIndex < PagesCount; PageIndex++) {
var CellContentBounds = Cell.Content_Get_PageBounds(PageIndex);
var CellContentBounds_Bottom = CellContentBounds.Bottom + BottomMargin;
if (CurPage + PageIndex >= CurPage_old) {
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge && CurPage + PageIndex === CurPage_old) {
if (-1 === MaxBotValue_vmerge || MaxBotValue_vmerge < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
MaxBotValue_vmerge = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
if ("undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow]) || "undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow][CurPage + PageIndex]) || TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow][CurPage + PageIndex] < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow])) {
TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow] = [];
TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow][CurPage + PageIndex] = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
if (0 != PageIndex) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(Pages_new[CurPage + PageIndex])) {
var StartPos = this.Parent.Get_PageContentStartPos(CurPage + PageIndex);
var StartRowPos = this.Get_PageContentStartPos(CurPage + PageIndex, CurRow, CurCell);
Pages_new[CurPage + PageIndex] = {
Bounds: {
Top: StartPos.Y,
Left: this.X,
Right: this.X + this.TableSumGrid[this.TableSumGrid.length - 1],
Bottom: StartPos.Y
FirstRow: CurRow,
Height: 0,
Y: StartRowPos.Y,
YLimit: StartRowPos.YLimit,
MaxTopBorder: StartRowPos.MaxTopBorder
Pages_Y_Pos[CurPage + PageIndex] = StartRowPos.Y;
Pages_Max_Top_Border[CurPage + PageIndex] = StartRowPos.MaxTopBorder;
if (LastPage < CurPage + PageIndex) {
LastPage = CurPage + PageIndex;
} else {
var TempRow = Pages_new[CurPage + PageIndex + 1].FirstRow;
if (true === this.RowsInfo[TempRow].FirstPage) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow]) || "undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow][CurPage + PageIndex]) || TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow][CurPage + PageIndex] < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow])) {
TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow] = [];
TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow][CurPage + PageIndex] = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
} else {
if (TempRow > 0) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow - 1]) || "undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow - 1][CurPage + PageIndex]) || TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow - 1][CurPage + PageIndex] < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow - 1])) {
TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow - 1] = [];
TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow - 1][CurPage + PageIndex] = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
CurPage = CurPage_old;
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
var RowH = Row.Get_Height();
RowsInfo_new[CurRow] = {};
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].Pages = LastPage - CurPage + 1;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].Y = [];
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].H = [];
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].TopDy = [];
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].MaxTopBorder = [];
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].FirstPage = true;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].StartPage = CurPage;
for (var PageIndex = 0; PageIndex < RowsInfo_new[CurRow].Pages; PageIndex++) {
var TempY = Y;
var TempMaxTopBorder = MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
if (0 != PageIndex) {
TempY = Pages_Y_Pos[CurPage + PageIndex];
TempMaxTopBorder = Pages_Max_Top_Border[CurPage + PageIndex];
if (1 === PageIndex) {
var bContentOnFirstPage = false;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge || VMergeCount > 1) {
if (true === Cell.Content_Is_ContentOnFirstPage()) {
bContentOnFirstPage = true;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].FirstPage = bContentOnFirstPage;
if (0 != CurRow && false === RowsInfo_new[CurRow].FirstPage) {
if (TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow - 1][CurPage] < MaxBotValue_vmerge) {
TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow - 1][CurPage] = MaxBotValue_vmerge;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].Y[CurPage + PageIndex] = TempY;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].TopDy[CurPage + PageIndex] = 0;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].X0 = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].X0;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].X1 = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].X1;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].MaxTopBorder[CurPage + PageIndex] = TempMaxTopBorder;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
} else {
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].Y[CurPage + PageIndex] = TempY - TempMaxTopBorder;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].TopDy[CurPage + PageIndex] = TempMaxTopBorder;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].X0 = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].X0;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].X1 = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].X1;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].MaxTopBorder[CurPage + PageIndex] = TempMaxTopBorder;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
if (LastPage != CurPage) {
var TempCellHeight = TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow][CurPage] - Y;
TableHeight += TempCellHeight + MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
if (null != CellSpacing) {
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Bottom.Value) {
TableHeight += TableBorders.Bottom.Size;
Pages_new[CurPage].Bounds.Bottom = Pages_new[CurPage].YLimit;
Pages_new[CurPage].Bounds.Left = X_min;
Pages_new[CurPage].Bounds.Right = X_max;
Pages_new[CurPage].Height = TableHeight;
for (var PageId = CurPage + 1; PageId < LastPage; PageId++) {
Y = this.Parent.Get_PageContentStartPos(CurPage + PageId, CurRow, 0).Y;
TableHeight = 0;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Top.Value) {
Y += TableBorders.Top.Size;
TableHeight += TableBorders.Top.Size;
if (0 === CurRow) {
Y += CellSpacing;
TableHeight += CellSpacing;
} else {
Y += CellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
Y += Pages_Max_Top_Border[LastPage];
TableHeight += Pages_Max_Top_Border[LastPage];
TempCellHeight = TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow][PageId] - Y;
TableHeight += TempCellHeight + MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
if (null != CellSpacing) {
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Bottom.Value) {
TableHeight += TableBorders.Bottom.Size;
Pages_new[PageId].Bounds.Bottom = Pages_new[PageId].YLimit;
Pages_new[PageId].Bounds.Left = X_min;
Pages_new[PageId].Bounds.Right = X_max;
Pages_new[PageId].Height = TableHeight;
TableHeight = 0;
Y = this.Parent.Get_PageContentStartPos(LastPage).Y;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Top.Value) {
Y += TableBorders.Top.Size;
TableHeight += TableBorders.Top.Size;
if (0 === CurRow) {
Y += CellSpacing;
TableHeight += CellSpacing;
} else {
Y += CellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
Y += Pages_Max_Top_Border[LastPage];
TableHeight += Pages_Max_Top_Border[LastPage];
var CellHeight = TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow][LastPage] - Y;
if (LastPage === CurPage && heightrule_AtLeast === RowH.HRule && CellHeight < RowH.Value) {
CellHeight = RowH.Value;
TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow][CurPage] = Y + CellHeight;
Y += CellHeight;
TableHeight += CellHeight;
if (RowChange === CurRow && (Math.abs(Row.Height - CellHeight) > 0.01 || Row.PagesCount != LastPage - CurPage + 1)) {
Row.Height = CellHeight;
Row.PagesCount = LastPage - CurPage + 1;
bNeedRecalc = true;
Y += MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
TableHeight += MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow) {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
TableHeight += CellSpacing;
var TableBorder_Bottom = this.Get_Borders().Bottom;
if (border_Single === TableBorder_Bottom.Value) {
TableHeight += TableBorder_Bottom.Size;
CurPage = LastPage;
if (true === bNeedRecalc || true === bForceRecalc) {
for (CurRow = RowChange + 1; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var AfterInfo = Row.Get_After();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
if (0 === CurRow) {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
var TableBorder_Top = this.Get_Borders().Top;
if (border_Single === TableBorder_Top.Value) {
Y += TableBorder_Top.Size;
TableHeight += TableBorder_Top.Size;
Y += CellSpacing;
TableHeight += CellSpacing;
} else {
var PrevCellSpacing = this.Content[CurRow - 1].Get_CellSpacing();
if (null != CellSpacing && null != PrevCellSpacing) {
Y += (PrevCellSpacing + CellSpacing) / 2;
TableHeight += (PrevCellSpacing + CellSpacing) / 2;
} else {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
Y += CellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
} else {
if (null != PrevCellSpacing) {
Y += PrevCellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += PrevCellSpacing / 2;
Y += MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
TableHeight += MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
var Row_x_max = 0;
var Row_x_min = 0;
var LastPage = CurPage;
var Pages_Y_Pos = [];
var Pages_Max_Top_Border = [];
var MaxBotValue_vmerge = -1;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var X_grid_start = this.X + this.TableSumGrid[CurGridCol - 1];
var X_grid_end = this.X + this.TableSumGrid[CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1];
var X_cell_start = X_grid_start;
var X_cell_end = X_grid_end;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (0 === CurCell) {
if (0 === BeforeInfo.GridBefore) {
if (border_None === TableBorders.Left.Value || CellSpacing > TableBorders.Left.Size / 2) {
X_cell_start += CellSpacing;
} else {
X_cell_start += TableBorders.Left.Size / 2;
} else {
if (border_None === TableBorders.Left.Value || CellSpacing > TableBorders.Left.Size) {
X_cell_start += CellSpacing / 2;
} else {
X_cell_start += TableBorders.Left.Size / 2;
} else {
X_cell_start += CellSpacing / 2;
if (CellsCount - 1 === CurCell) {
if (0 === AfterInfo.GridAfter) {
if (border_None === TableBorders.Right.Value || CellSpacing > TableBorders.Right.Size / 2) {
X_cell_end -= CellSpacing;
} else {
X_cell_end -= TableBorders.Right.Size / 2;
} else {
if (border_None === TableBorders.Right.Value || CellSpacing > TableBorders.Right.Size) {
X_cell_end -= CellSpacing / 2;
} else {
X_cell_end -= TableBorders.Right.Size / 2;
} else {
X_cell_end -= CellSpacing / 2;
var CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
var X_content_start = X_cell_start;
var X_content_end = X_cell_end;
var CellBorders = Cell.Get_Borders();
if (null != CellSpacing) {
X_content_start += CellMar.Left.W;
X_content_end -= CellMar.Right.W;
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Left.Value) {
X_content_start += CellBorders.Left.Size;
if (border_Single === CellBorders.Right.Value) {
X_content_end -= CellBorders.Right.Size;
} else {
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
X_content_start += CellMar.Left.W;
X_content_end -= CellMar.Right.W;
} else {
var BorderInfo = Cell.Get_BorderInfo();
var Max_r_w = BorderInfo.MaxRight;
var Max_l_w = BorderInfo.MaxLeft;
if (Max_l_w / 2 > CellMar.Left.W) {
X_content_start += Max_l_w / 2;
} else {
X_content_start += CellMar.Left.W;
if (Max_r_w / 2 > CellMar.Right.W) {
X_content_end -= Max_r_w / 2;
} else {
X_content_end -= CellMar.Right.W;
if (0 === CurCell) {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
Row_x_min = X_grid_start;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Left.Value) {
Row_x_min -= TableBorders.Left.Size / 2;
} else {
var BorderInfo = Cell.Get_BorderInfo();
Row_x_min = X_grid_start - BorderInfo.MaxLeft / 2;
if (CellsCount - 1 === CurCell) {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
Row_x_max = X_grid_end;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Right.Value) {
Row_x_max += TableBorders.Right.Size / 2;
} else {
var BorderInfo = Cell.Get_BorderInfo();
Row_x_max = X_grid_end + BorderInfo.MaxRight / 2;
Row.Set_CellInfo(CurCell, CurGridCol, X_grid_start, X_grid_end, X_cell_start, X_cell_end, X_content_start, X_content_end);
var Y_content_start = Y + CellMar.Top.W;
var CurPage_old = CurPage;
Cell.Temp = {
CurPage: CurPage,
Y: Y
if (VMergeCount > 1) {
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
} else {
if (vmerge_Restart != Vmerge) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
CellMar = Cell.Get_Margins();
Y_content_start = Cell.Temp.Y + CellMar.Top.W;
CurPage = Cell.Temp.CurPage;
var Y_content_end = Pages_new[CurPage].YLimit;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow) {
Y_content_end -= CellSpacing;
} else {
Y_content_end -= CellSpacing / 2;
var BottomMargin = this.MaxBotMargin[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1];
Y_content_end -= BottomMargin;
Cell.Content_Reset(X_content_start, Y_content_start, X_content_end, Y_content_end);
var PagesCount = Cell.Content_Get_PagesCount();
for (var PageIndex = 0; PageIndex < PagesCount; PageIndex++) {
var CellContentBounds = Cell.Content_Get_PageBounds(PageIndex);
var CellContentBounds_Bottom = CellContentBounds.Bottom + BottomMargin;
if (CurPage + PageIndex >= CurPage_old) {
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge && CurPage + PageIndex === CurPage_old) {
if (-1 === MaxBotValue_vmerge || MaxBotValue_vmerge < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
MaxBotValue_vmerge = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
if ("undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow]) || "undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow][CurPage + PageIndex]) || TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow][CurPage + PageIndex] < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow])) {
TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow] = [];
TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow][CurPage + PageIndex] = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
if (0 != PageIndex) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(Pages_new[CurPage + PageIndex])) {
var StartPos = this.Parent.Get_PageContentStartPos(CurPage + PageIndex);
var StartRowPos = this.Get_PageContentStartPos(CurPage + PageIndex, CurRow, CurCell);
Pages_new[CurPage + PageIndex] = {
Bounds: {
Top: StartPos.Y,
Left: this.X,
Right: this.X + this.TableSumGrid[this.TableSumGrid.length - 1],
Bottom: StartPos.Y
FirstRow: CurRow,
Height: 0,
Y: StartRowPos.Y,
YLimit: StartRowPos.YLimit,
MaxTopBorder: StartRowPos.MaxTopBorder
Pages_Y_Pos[CurPage + PageIndex] = StartRowPos.Y;
Pages_Max_Top_Border[CurPage + PageIndex] = StartRowPos.MaxTopBorder;
if (LastPage < CurPage + PageIndex) {
LastPage = CurPage + PageIndex;
} else {
var TempRow = Pages_new[CurPage + PageIndex + 1].FirstRow;
if (true === RowsInfo_new[TempRow].FirstPage) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow]) || "undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow][CurPage + PageIndex]) || TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow][CurPage + PageIndex] < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow])) {
TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow] = [];
TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow][CurPage + PageIndex] = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
} else {
if (TempRow > 0) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow - 1]) || "undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow - 1][CurPage + PageIndex]) || TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow - 1][CurPage + PageIndex] < CellContentBounds_Bottom) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow - 1])) {
TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow - 1] = [];
TableRowsBottom_new[TempRow - 1][CurPage + PageIndex] = CellContentBounds_Bottom;
CurPage = CurPage_old;
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
var RowH = Row.Get_Height();
RowsInfo_new[CurRow] = {};
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].Pages = LastPage - CurPage + 1;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].Y = [];
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].H = [];
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].TopDy = [];
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].MaxTopBorder = [];
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].FirstPage = true;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].StartPage = CurPage;
for (var PageIndex = 0; PageIndex < RowsInfo_new[CurRow].Pages; PageIndex++) {
var TempY = Y;
var TempMaxTopBorder = MaxTopBorder[CurRow];
if (0 != PageIndex) {
TempY = Pages_Y_Pos[CurPage + PageIndex];
TempMaxTopBorder = Pages_Max_Top_Border[CurPage + PageIndex];
if (1 === PageIndex) {
var bContentOnFirstPage = false;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge || VMergeCount > 1) {
if (true === Cell.Content_Is_ContentOnFirstPage()) {
bContentOnFirstPage = true;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].FirstPage = bContentOnFirstPage;
if (0 != CurRow && false === RowsInfo_new[CurRow].FirstPage) {
if (TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow - 1][CurPage] < MaxBotValue_vmerge) {
TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow - 1][CurPage] = MaxBotValue_vmerge;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].Y[CurPage + PageIndex] = TempY;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].TopDy[CurPage + PageIndex] = 0;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].X0 = Row_x_min;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].X1 = Row_x_max;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].MaxTopBorder[CurPage + PageIndex] = TempMaxTopBorder;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
} else {
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].Y[CurPage + PageIndex] = TempY - TempMaxTopBorder;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].TopDy[CurPage + PageIndex] = TempMaxTopBorder;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].X0 = Row_x_min;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].X1 = Row_x_max;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].MaxTopBorder[CurPage + PageIndex] = TempMaxTopBorder;
RowsInfo_new[CurRow].MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
if (LastPage != CurPage) {
var TempCellHeight = TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow][CurPage] - Y;
TableHeight += TempCellHeight + MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
if (null != CellSpacing) {
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Bottom.Value) {
TableHeight += TableBorders.Bottom.Size;
Pages_new[CurPage].Bounds.Bottom = Pages_new[CurPage].YLimit;
Pages_new[CurPage].Bounds.Left = X_min;
Pages_new[CurPage].Bounds.Right = X_max;
Pages_new[CurPage].Height = TableHeight;
for (var PageId = CurPage + 1; PageId < LastPage; PageId++) {
Y = this.Parent.Get_PageContentStartPos(CurPage + PageId, CurRow, 0).Y;
TableHeight = 0;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Top.Value) {
Y += TableBorders.Top.Size;
TableHeight += TableBorders.Top.Size;
if (0 === CurRow) {
Y += CellSpacing;
TableHeight += CellSpacing;
} else {
Y += CellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
Y += Pages_Max_Top_Border[LastPage];
TableHeight += Pages_Max_Top_Border[LastPage];
TempCellHeight = TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow][PageId] - Y;
TableHeight += TempCellHeight + MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
if (null != CellSpacing) {
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Bottom.Value) {
TableHeight += TableBorders.Bottom.Size;
Pages_new[PageId].Bounds.Bottom = Pages_new[PageId].YLimit;
Pages_new[PageId].Bounds.Left = X_min;
Pages_new[PageId].Bounds.Right = X_max;
Pages_new[PageId].Height = TableHeight;
TableHeight = 0;
Y = this.Parent.Get_PageContentStartPos(LastPage).Y;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
if (border_Single === TableBorders.Top.Value) {
Y += TableBorders.Top.Size;
TableHeight += TableBorders.Top.Size;
if (0 === CurRow) {
Y += CellSpacing;
TableHeight += CellSpacing;
} else {
Y += CellSpacing / 2;
TableHeight += CellSpacing / 2;
Y += Pages_Max_Top_Border[LastPage];
TableHeight += Pages_Max_Top_Border[LastPage];
var CellHeight = TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow][LastPage] - Y;
if (LastPage === CurPage && heightrule_AtLeast === RowH.HRule && CellHeight < RowH.Value) {
CellHeight = RowH.Value;
TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow][CurPage] = Y + CellHeight;
Y += CellHeight;
TableHeight += CellHeight;
Row.Height = CellHeight;
Row.PagesCount = LastPage - CurPage + 1;
Y += MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
TableHeight += MaxBotBorder[CurRow];
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow) {
if (null != CellSpacing) {
TableHeight += CellSpacing;
var TableBorder_Bottom = this.Get_Borders().Bottom;
if (border_Single === TableBorder_Bottom.Value) {
TableHeight += TableBorder_Bottom.Size;
CurPage = LastPage;
this.TableRowsBottom = TableRowsBottom_new;
this.Pages = Pages_new;
this.RowsInfo = RowsInfo_new;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var StartPage = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].StartPage;
var RowH = Row.Get_Height();
for (var PageIndex = 0; PageIndex < this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Pages; PageIndex++) {
var TempMaxTopBorder = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxTopBorder[StartPage + PageIndex];
var TempY = 0;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
TempY = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[StartPage + PageIndex];
} else {
TempY = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[StartPage + PageIndex] + TempMaxTopBorder;
var TempCellHeight = this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][StartPage + PageIndex] - TempY;
if (1 === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Pages && heightrule_AtLeast === RowH.HRule && TempCellHeight < RowH.Value) {
TempCellHeight = RowH.Value;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].H[StartPage + PageIndex] = TempCellHeight;
} else {
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].H[StartPage + PageIndex] = TempCellHeight + TempMaxTopBorder;
for (var Index = 0; Index < this.Pages.length - 1; Index++) {
var CurRow = this.Pages[Index + 1].FirstRow;
if (0 === CurRow && false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage) {
this.Pages[Index].MaxBotBorder = 0;
this.Pages[Index].BotBorders = [];
} else {
if (false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage) {
var MaxBotBorder = 0;
var BotBorders = [];
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (vmerge_Continue === Cell.Get_VMerge()) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
var Border_Info = Cell.Get_BorderInfo().Bottom;
for (var BorderId = 0; BorderId < Border_Info.length; BorderId++) {
var Border = Border_Info[BorderId];
if (border_Single === Border.Value && MaxBotBorder < Border.Size) {
MaxBotBorder = Border.Size;
} else {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
if (null != CellSpacing) {
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Border = Cell.Get_Borders().Bottom;
if (border_Single === Border.Value && MaxBotBorder < Border.Size) {
MaxBotBorder = Border.Size;
} else {
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (vmerge_Continue === Cell.Get_VMerge()) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
if (null === Cell) {
var Border = Cell.Get_Borders().Bottom;
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(Border, TableBorders.Bottom, false, true);
if (border_Single === Result_Border.Value && MaxBotBorder < Result_Border.Size) {
MaxBotBorder = Result_Border.Size;
this.Pages[Index].MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder;
this.Pages[Index].BotBorders = BotBorders;
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Bottom = this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Top + TableHeight;
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Left = X_min;
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Right = X_max;
this.Pages[CurPage].Height = TableHeight;
this.Pages[CurPage].MaxBotBorder = 0;
this.Pages[CurPage].BotBorders = [];
bNeedDocumentRecalculate = true;
} else {
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow <= RowChange; CurRow++) {
this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow] = TableRowsBottom_new[CurRow];
this.RowsInfo[CurRow] = RowsInfo_new[CurRow];
var Pages_new = this.Pages;
this.Pages = Pages_old;
for (var PageId = 0; PageId < CurPage; PageId++) {
this.Pages[PageId] = Pages_new[PageId];
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow <= RowChange; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var StartPage = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].StartPage;
var RowH = Row.Get_Height();
for (var PageIndex = 0; PageIndex < this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Pages; PageIndex++) {
var TempMaxTopBorder = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].MaxTopBorder[StartPage + PageIndex];
var TempY = 0;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
TempY = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[StartPage + PageIndex];
} else {
TempY = this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[StartPage + PageIndex] + TempMaxTopBorder;
var TempCellHeight = this.TableRowsBottom[CurRow][StartPage + PageIndex] - TempY;
if (1 === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Pages && heightrule_AtLeast === RowH.HRule && TempCellHeight < RowH.Value) {
TempCellHeight = RowH.Value;
if (null != CellSpacing) {
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].H[StartPage + PageIndex] = TempCellHeight;
} else {
this.RowsInfo[CurRow].H[StartPage + PageIndex] = TempCellHeight + TempMaxTopBorder;
for (var Index = 0; Index < CurPage; Index++) {
var CurRow = this.Pages[Index + 1].FirstRow;
if (0 === CurRow && false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage) {
this.Pages[Index].MaxBotBorder = 0;
this.Pages[Index].BotBorders = [];
} else {
if (false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow].FirstPage) {
var MaxBotBorder = 0;
var BotBorders = [];
if (this.Content.length - 1 === CurRow) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (vmerge_Continue === Cell.Get_VMerge()) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
var Border_Info = Cell.Get_BorderInfo().Bottom;
for (var BorderId = 0; BorderId < Border_Info.length; BorderId++) {
var Border = Border_Info[BorderId];
if (border_Single === Border.Value && MaxBotBorder < Border.Size) {
MaxBotBorder = Border.Size;
} else {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
if (null != CellSpacing) {
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Border = Cell.Get_Borders().Bottom;
if (border_Single === Border.Value && MaxBotBorder < Border.Size) {
MaxBotBorder = Border.Size;
} else {
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
if (vmerge_Continue === Cell.Get_VMerge()) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
if (null === Cell) {
var Border = Cell.Get_Borders().Bottom;
var Result_Border = this.Internal_CompareBorders(Border, TableBorders.Bottom, false, true);
if (border_Single === Result_Border.Value && MaxBotBorder < Result_Border.Size) {
MaxBotBorder = Result_Border.Size;
this.Pages[Index].MaxBotBorder = MaxBotBorder;
this.Pages[Index].BotBorders = BotBorders;
bNeedDocumentRecalculate = false;
this.Bounds = this.Pages[this.Pages.length - 1].Bounds;
this.TurnOffRecalc = false;
this.Internal_OnContentRecalculate(bNeedDocumentRecalculate, 0, this.Index);
Internal_GetCellByXY: function (X, Y, PageIndex) {
var CurGrid = 0;
var ColsCount = this.TableGrid.length;
if (X >= this.X) {
for (CurGrid = 0; CurGrid < ColsCount; CurGrid++) {
if (X >= this.X + this.TableSumGrid[CurGrid - 1] && X <= this.X + this.TableSumGrid[CurGrid]) {
if (CurGrid >= ColsCount) {
CurGrid = ColsCount - 1;
var PNum = PageIndex;
var Row_start, Row_last;
if (PNum < 0) {
Row_start = 0;
Row_last = 0;
} else {
if (PNum >= this.Pages.length) {
Row_start = this.Content.length - 1;
Row_last = this.Content.length - 1;
} else {
Row_start = this.Pages[PNum].FirstRow;
Row_last = Row_start;
if (PNum + 1 < this.Pages.length) {
Row_last = this.Pages[PNum + 1].FirstRow;
if (Row_last != Row_start && false === this.RowsInfo[Row_last].FirstPage) {
} else {
Row_last = this.Content.length - 1;
if (Row_last < Row_start) {
return {
Row: 0,
Cell: 0
for (var CurRow = Row_start; CurRow <= Row_last; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge && Row_start != CurRow) {
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
if (PNum + 1 < this.Pages.length) {
if (CurRow + VMergeCount - 1 >= this.Pages[PNum + 1].FirstRow) {
VMergeCount = this.Pages[PNum + 1].FirstRow + 1 - CurRow;
if (false === this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].FirstPage && PNum === this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].StartPage) {
if (VMergeCount <= 0) {
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
if (CurGrid >= CurGridCol && CurGrid < CurGridCol + GridSpan) {
if ("undefined" != typeof(this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].Y[PNum]) && "undefined" != typeof(this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].H[PNum]) && (Y <= (this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].Y[PNum] + this.RowsInfo[CurRow + VMergeCount - 1].H[PNum]) || CurRow + VMergeCount - 1 >= Row_last)) {
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge && Row_start === CurRow) {
Cell = this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(CurRow, CurGridCol, GridSpan);
if (null != Cell) {
return {
Row: Cell.Row.Index,
Cell: Cell.Index
} else {
return {
Row: 0,
Cell: 0
} else {
return {
Row: CurRow,
Cell: CurCell
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
return {
Row: 0,
Cell: 0
Internal_GetVertMergeCount: function (StartRow, StartGridCol, GridSpan) {
var VmergeCount = 1;
for (var Index = StartRow + 1; Index < this.Content.length; Index++) {
var Row = this.Content[Index];
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
var CurCell = 0;
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var bWasMerged = false;
while (CurGridCol <= StartGridCol && CurCell < CellsCount) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellGridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (CurGridCol === StartGridCol && GridSpan === CellGridSpan && vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
bWasMerged = true;
} else {
if (CurGridCol === StartGridCol && GridSpan === CellGridSpan && vmerge_Continue != Vmerge) {
bWasMerged = true;
return VmergeCount;
} else {
if (CurGridCol <= StartGridCol + GridSpan - 1 && CurGridCol + CellGridSpan - 1 >= StartGridCol) {
CurGridCol += CellGridSpan;
if (false === bWasMerged) {
return VmergeCount;
Internal_GetVertMergeCount2: function (StartRow, StartGridCol, GridSpan) {
var VmergeCount = 1;
var Start_Row = this.Content[StartRow];
var Start_VMerge = vmerge_Restart;
var Start_CellsCount = Start_Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Start_CellsCount; Index++) {
var Temp_Grid_start = Start_Row.Get_CellInfo(Index).StartGridCol;
if (Temp_Grid_start === StartGridCol) {
Start_VMerge = Start_Row.Get_Cell(Index).Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Restart === Start_VMerge) {
return VmergeCount;
for (var Index = StartRow - 1; Index >= 0; Index--) {
var Row = this.Content[Index];
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
var CurCell = 0;
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var bWasMerged = false;
while (CurGridCol <= StartGridCol && CurCell < CellsCount) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellGridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (CurGridCol === StartGridCol && GridSpan === CellGridSpan && vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
bWasMerged = true;
} else {
if (CurGridCol === StartGridCol && GridSpan === CellGridSpan && vmerge_Continue != Vmerge) {
bWasMerged = true;
return VmergeCount;
} else {
if (CurGridCol <= StartGridCol + GridSpan - 1 && CurGridCol + CellGridSpan - 1 >= StartGridCol) {
CurGridCol += CellGridSpan;
if (false === bWasMerged) {
return VmergeCount;
Internal_Check_TableRows: function (bSaveHeight) {
var Rows_to_Delete = [];
var Rows_to_CalcH = [];
var Rows_to_CalcH2 = [];
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var bVmerge_Restart = false;
var bVmerge_Continue = false;
var bNeedDeleteRow = true;
var bNeedCalcHeight = false;
if (Row.Get_Before().GridBefore > 0 || Row.Get_After().GridAfter > 0) {
bNeedCalcHeight = true;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Row.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var VMerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (VMerge != vmerge_Continue) {
var VMergeCount = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CurRow, Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
if (VMergeCount > 1) {
bVmerge_Restart = true;
bNeedDeleteRow = false;
if (true === bNeedCalcHeight) {
if (1 === VMergeCount) {
bNeedCalcHeight = false;
} else {
bVmerge_Continue = true;
if (true === bVmerge_Continue && true === bVmerge_Restart) {
} else {
if (true === bNeedCalcHeight) {
if (true === bNeedDeleteRow) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < Rows_to_CalcH2.length; Index++) {
var RowIndex = Rows_to_CalcH2[Index];
var MinHeight = -1;
var Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var VMerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Restart === VMerge) {
var CurMinHeight = Cell.Content.Get_EmptyHeight();
if (CurMinHeight < MinHeight || MinHeight === -1) {
MinHeight = CurMinHeight;
var OldHeight = this.Content[RowIndex].Get_Height();
if (undefined === OldHeight || heightrule_Auto == OldHeight.HRule || (MinHeight > OldHeight.Value)) {
this.Content[RowIndex].Set_Height(MinHeight, heightrule_AtLeast);
if (Rows_to_Delete.length <= 0) {
return false;
if (true === bSaveHeight) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < Rows_to_CalcH.length; Index++) {
var RowIndex = Rows_to_CalcH[Index];
this.Content[RowIndex].Set_Height(this.RowsInfo[RowIndex].H, heightrule_AtLeast);
for (var Counter = 0; Counter < Rows_to_Delete.length;) {
var CurRowSpan = 1;
var StartRow = Rows_to_Delete[Counter];
while (Counter + CurRowSpan < Rows_to_Delete.length && Rows_to_Delete[Counter] + CurRowSpan === Rows_to_Delete[Counter + CurRowSpan]) {
if (this.RowsInfo[StartRow - 1 + CurRowSpan].StartPage === this.RowsInfo[StartRow - 1].StartPage) {
var StartPage = this.RowsInfo[StartRow - 1 + CurRowSpan].StartPage;
var Summary_Height = this.RowsInfo[StartRow - 1 + CurRowSpan].H[StartPage] + this.RowsInfo[StartRow - 1 + CurRowSpan].Y[StartPage] - this.RowsInfo[StartRow - 1].Y[StartPage];
this.Content[StartRow - 1].Set_Height(Summary_Height, heightrule_AtLeast);
Counter += CurRowSpan;
for (var Index = Rows_to_Delete.length - 1; Index >= 0; Index--) {
var Row_to_Delete = Rows_to_Delete[Index];
return true;
Internal_Remove_Row: function (Index) {
if (Index >= this.Content.length || Index < 0) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_RemoveRow,
Pos: Index,
Item: {
Row: this.Content[Index],
TableRowsBottom: this.TableRowsBottom[Index],
RowsInfo: this.RowsInfo[Index]
this.Content.splice(Index, 1);
this.TableRowsBottom.splice(Index, 1);
this.RowsInfo.splice(Index, 1);
Internal_Add_Row: function (Index, CellsCount, bReIndexing, _NewRow) {
if (Index < 0) {
Index = 0;
if (Index >= this.Content.length) {
Index = this.Content.length;
var NewRow = (undefined === _NewRow ? new CTableRow(this, CellsCount) : _NewRow);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_AddRow,
Pos: Index,
Item: {
Row: NewRow,
TableRowsBottom: {},
RowsInfo: {}
this.Content.splice(Index, 0, NewRow);
this.TableRowsBottom.splice(Index, 0, {});
this.RowsInfo.splice(Index, 0, {});
if (true === bReIndexing) {
} else {
if (Index > 0) {
this.Content[Index - 1].Next = NewRow;
NewRow.Prev = this.Content[Index - 1];
} else {
NewRow.Prev = null;
if (Index < this.Content.length - 1) {
this.Content[Index + 1].Prev = NewRow;
NewRow.Next = this.Content[Index + 1];
} else {
NewRow.Next = null;
NewRow.Table = this;
return NewRow;
Clear_ContentChanges: function () {
Add_ContentChanges: function (Changes) {
Refresh_ContentChanges: function () {
Internal_ReIndexing: function (StartIndex) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(StartIndex)) {
StartIndex = 0;
for (var Ind = StartIndex; Ind < this.Content.length; Ind++) {
this.Content[Ind].Prev = (Ind > 0 ? this.Content[Ind - 1] : null);
this.Content[Ind].Next = (Ind < this.Content.length - 1 ? this.Content[Ind + 1] : null);
this.Content[Ind].Table = this;
ReIndexing: function (StartIndex) {
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var Ind = StartIndex; Ind < Count; Ind++) {
Internal_CreateNewGrid: function (RowsInfo) {
var CurPos = [];
var CurX = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < RowsInfo.length; Index++) {
CurPos[Index] = 0;
CurX[Index] = RowsInfo[Index][0].W;
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < RowsInfo[Index].length; Index2++) {
RowsInfo[Index][Index2].GridSpan = 1;
if (1 != RowsInfo[Index][RowsInfo[Index].length - 1].Type) {
W: 0,
Type: 1,
GridSpan: 0
} else {
RowsInfo[Index][RowsInfo[Index].length - 1] = {
W: 0,
Type: 1,
GridSpan: 0
var TableGrid = [];
var bEnd = false;
var PrevX = 0;
while (true != bEnd) {
var MinX = -1;
for (var Index = 0; Index < RowsInfo.length; Index++) {
if ((MinX === -1 || CurX[Index] < MinX) && !(RowsInfo[Index].length - 1 === CurPos[Index] && 1 === RowsInfo[Index][CurPos[Index]].Type)) {
MinX = CurX[Index];
for (var Index = 0; Index < RowsInfo.length; Index++) {
if (RowsInfo[Index].length - 1 === CurPos[Index] && 1 === RowsInfo[Index][CurPos[Index]].Type) {
} else {
if (Math.abs(MinX - CurX[Index]) < 0.001) {
CurX[Index] += RowsInfo[Index][CurPos[Index]].W;
} else {
TableGrid.push(MinX - PrevX);
PrevX = MinX;
bEnd = true;
for (var Index = 0; Index < RowsInfo.length; Index++) {
if (RowsInfo[Index].length - 1 != CurPos[Index]) {
bEnd = false;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < RowsInfo.length; CurRow++) {
var RowInfo = RowsInfo[CurRow];
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CurIndex = 0;
if (-1 === RowInfo[0].Type) {
if (RowInfo[0].GridSpan > 0) {
} else {
for (var CurCell = 0; CurIndex < RowInfo.length; CurIndex++, CurCell++) {
if (1 === RowInfo[CurIndex].Type) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var WType = Cell.Get_W().Type;
if (tblwidth_Auto != WType && tblwidth_Nil != WType) {
Cell.Set_W(new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, RowInfo[CurIndex].W));
CurIndex = RowInfo.length - 1;
if (1 === RowInfo[CurIndex].Type) {
} else {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableGrid,
Old: this.TableGrid,
New: TableGrid
this.TableGrid = TableGrid;
return TableGrid;
Internal_UpdateCellW: function (Col) {
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var CurGridCol = Row.Get_Before().GridBefore;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
if (Col >= CurGridCol && Col < CurGridCol + GridSpan) {
var CellWType = Cell.Get_W().Type;
if (tblwidth_Auto != CellWType && tblwidth_Nil != CellWType) {
var W = 0;
for (var CurSpan = CurGridCol; CurSpan < CurGridCol + GridSpan; CurSpan++) {
W += this.TableGrid[CurSpan];
Cell.Set_W(new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, W));
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
Internal_CompareBorders: function (Border1, Border2, bTableBorder1, bTableBorder2) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(bTableBorder1)) {
bTableBorder1 = false;
if ("undefined" === typeof(bTableBorder2)) {
bTableBorder2 = false;
if (true === bTableBorder1) {
return Border2;
if (true === bTableBorder2) {
return Border1;
if (border_None === Border1.Value) {
return Border2;
if (border_None === Border2.Value) {
return Border1;
var W_b_1 = Border1.Size;
var W_b_2 = Border2.Size;
if (W_b_1 > W_b_2) {
return Border1;
} else {
if (W_b_2 > W_b_1) {
return Border2;
var Brightness_1_1 = Border1.Color.r + Border1.Color.b + 2 * Border1.Color.g;
var Brightness_1_2 = Border2.Color.r + Border2.Color.b + 2 * Border2.Color.g;
if (Brightness_1_1 < Brightness_1_2) {
return Border1;
} else {
if (Brightness_1_2 < Brightness_1_1) {
return Border2;
var Brightness_2_1 = Border1.Color.b + 2 * Border1.Color.g;
var Brightness_2_2 = Border2.Color.b + 2 * Border2.Color.g;
if (Brightness_2_1 < Brightness_2_2) {
return Border1;
} else {
if (Brightness_2_2 < Brightness_2_1) {
return Border2;
var Brightness_3_1 = Border1.Color.g;
var Brightness_3_2 = Border2.Color.g;
if (Brightness_3_1 < Brightness_3_2) {
return Border1;
} else {
if (Brightness_3_2 < Brightness_3_1) {
return Border2;
return Border1;
Internal_Get_StartMergedCell: function (StartRow, StartGridCol, GridSpan) {
var Result = null;
for (var Index = StartRow; Index >= 0; Index--) {
var Row = this.Content[Index];
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
var CurCell = 0;
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var bWasMerged = false;
while (CurGridCol <= StartGridCol && CurCell < CellsCount) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellGridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (CurGridCol === StartGridCol && GridSpan === CellGridSpan && vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
bWasMerged = true;
Result = Cell;
} else {
if (CurGridCol === StartGridCol && GridSpan === CellGridSpan && vmerge_Continue != Vmerge) {
bWasMerged = true;
Result = Cell;
return Result;
} else {
if (CurGridCol <= StartGridCol + GridSpan - 1 && CurGridCol + CellGridSpan - 1 >= StartGridCol) {
CurGridCol += CellGridSpan;
if (false === bWasMerged) {
return Result;
Internal_Get_EndMergedCell: function (StartRow, StartGridCol, GridSpan) {
var Result = null;
for (var Index = StartRow, Count = this.Content.length; Index < Count; Index++) {
var Row = this.Content[Index];
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
var CurCell = 0;
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var bWasMerged = false;
while (CurGridCol <= StartGridCol && CurCell < CellsCount) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellGridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (CurGridCol === StartGridCol && GridSpan === CellGridSpan) {
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge || Index === StartRow) {
bWasMerged = true;
Result = Cell;
} else {
return Result;
} else {
if (CurGridCol <= StartGridCol + GridSpan - 1 && CurGridCol + CellGridSpan - 1 >= StartGridCol) {
CurGridCol += CellGridSpan;
if (false === bWasMerged) {
return Result;
private_GetMergedCells: function (RowIndex, StartGridCol, GridSpan) {
var Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
var CellIndex = this.Internal_Get_Cell_ByStartGridCol(RowIndex, StartGridCol);
if (-1 === CellIndex) {
return [];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CellIndex);
if (GridSpan !== Cell.Get_GridSpan()) {
return [];
var CellsArray = [Cell];
for (var Index = RowIndex - 1; Index >= 0; Index--) {
var CellIndex = this.Internal_Get_Cell_ByStartGridCol(Index, StartGridCol);
if (-1 === CellIndex) {
var Cell = this.Content[Index].Get_Cell(CellIndex);
if (GridSpan !== Cell.Get_GridSpan()) {
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue !== Vmerge) {
CellsArray.splice(0, 0, Cell);
for (var Index = RowIndex + 1, Count = this.Content.length; Index < Count; Index++) {
var CellIndex = this.Internal_Get_Cell_ByStartGridCol(Index, StartGridCol);
if (-1 === CellIndex) {
var Cell = this.Content[Index].Get_Cell(CellIndex);
if (GridSpan !== Cell.Get_GridSpan()) {
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue !== Vmerge) {
return CellsArray;
private_GetCellsPosArrayByCellsArray: function (CellsArray) {
var Result = [];
for (var Index = 0, Count = CellsArray.length; Index < Count; Index++) {
var Cell = CellsArray[Index];
Cell: Cell.Index,
Row: Cell.Row.Index
return Result;
Internal_Get_StartMergedCell2: function (CellIndex, RowIndex) {
var Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CellIndex);
var CellInfo = Row.Get_CellInfo(CellIndex);
return this.Internal_Get_StartMergedCell(RowIndex, CellInfo.StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
Internal_Get_Cell_ByStartGridCol: function (RowIndex, StartGridCol) {
var Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
if (StartGridCol === CurGridCol) {
return CurCell;
} else {
if (CurGridCol > StartGridCol) {
return -1;
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
return -1;
Internal_Update_TableMarkup: function (RowIndex, CellIndex, PageNum) {
this.Markup.Internal = {
RowIndex: RowIndex,
CellIndex: CellIndex,
PageNum: PageNum
this.Markup.X = this.X;
var Row = this.Content[RowIndex];
var CellSpacing = (null === Row.Get_CellSpacing() ? 0 : Row.Get_CellSpacing());
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var GridBefore = Row.Get_Before().GridBefore;
this.Markup.X += this.TableSumGrid[GridBefore - 1];
this.Markup.Cols = [];
this.Markup.Margins = [];
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var StartGridCol = Row.Get_CellInfo(CurCell).StartGridCol;
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var CellMargin = Cell.Get_Margins();
this.Markup.Cols.push(this.TableSumGrid[StartGridCol + GridSpan - 1] - this.TableSumGrid[StartGridCol - 1]);
var Margin_left = CellMargin.Left.W;
var Margin_right = CellMargin.Right.W;
if (0 === CurCell) {
Margin_left += CellSpacing;
} else {
Margin_left += CellSpacing / 2;
if (CellsCount - 1 === CurCell) {
Margin_right += CellSpacing;
} else {
Margin_right += CellSpacing / 2;
Left: Margin_left,
Right: Margin_right
var Row_start = this.Pages[PageNum].FirstRow;
var Row_last = Row_start;
if (PageNum + 1 < this.Pages.length) {
Row_last = this.Pages[PageNum + 1].FirstRow;
if ((Row_start != Row_last || (0 === Row_start && 0 === Row_last)) && false === this.RowsInfo[Row_last].FirstPage) {
} else {
Row_last = this.Content.length - 1;
this.Markup.Rows = [];
for (var CurRow = Row_start; CurRow <= Row_last; CurRow++) {
Y: this.RowsInfo[CurRow].Y[PageNum],
H: this.RowsInfo[CurRow].H[PageNum]
this.Markup.CurCol = CellIndex;
this.Markup.CurRow = RowIndex - Row_start;
var transform = null;
var cur_doc_content = this.Parent;
if (cur_doc_content instanceof CDocumentContent) {
while (cur_doc_content.Is_TableCellContent()) {
cur_doc_content = cur_doc_content.Parent.Row.Table.Parent;
if (cur_doc_content.Parent && cur_doc_content.Parent instanceof CShape) {
transform = cur_doc_content.Parent.transformText;
} else {
if (cur_doc_content.getObjectType && cur_doc_content.getObjectType() === historyitem_type_GraphicFrame) {
transform = cur_doc_content.transform;
this.DrawingDocument.Set_RulerState_Table(this.Markup, transform);
Internal_CheckBorders: function (X, Y, PageNum) {
var CellPos = this.Internal_GetCellByXY(X, Y, PageNum);
var Row = this.Content[CellPos.Row];
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CellPos.Cell);
var CellInfo = Row.Get_CellInfo(CellPos.Cell);
var VMerge_count = this.Internal_GetVertMergeCount(CellPos.Row, CellInfo.StartGridCol, Cell.Get_GridSpan());
var VMerge_count_over = VMerge_count;
if (PageNum + 1 < this.Pages.length) {
if (CellPos.Row + VMerge_count - 1 >= this.Pages[PageNum + 1].FirstRow) {
VMerge_count = this.Pages[PageNum + 1].FirstRow + 1 - CellPos.Row;
if (false === this.RowsInfo[CellPos.Row + VMerge_count - 1].FirstPage && PageNum === this.RowsInfo[CellPos.Row + VMerge_count - 1].StartPage) {
if (VMerge_count <= 0) {
return {
Pos: CellPos,
Border: -1
var Row_end = this.Content[CellPos.Row + VMerge_count - 1];
var Cell_end = this.Internal_Get_Cell_ByStartGridCol(CellPos.Row + VMerge_count - 1, CellInfo.StartGridCol);
var CellInfo_end = Row_end.Get_CellInfo(Cell_end.Index);
var X_cell_start = CellInfo.X_grid_start;
var X_cell_end = CellInfo.X_grid_end;
var Y_cell_start = this.RowsInfo[CellPos.Row].Y[PageNum];
var Y_cell_end = this.RowsInfo[CellPos.Row + VMerge_count - 1].Y[PageNum] + this.RowsInfo[CellPos.Row + VMerge_count - 1].H[PageNum];
var Radius = this.DrawingDocument.GetMMPerDot(3);
if (Y <= Y_cell_start + Radius && Y >= Y_cell_start - Radius) {
return {
Pos: CellPos,
Border: 0
} else {
if (Y <= Y_cell_end + Radius && Y >= Y_cell_end - Radius) {
if (VMerge_count != VMerge_count_over) {
return {
Pos: CellPos,
Border: -1
return {
Pos: CellPos,
Border: 2,
Row: CellPos.Row + VMerge_count_over - 1
} else {
if (X <= X_cell_start + Radius && X >= X_cell_start - Radius) {
return {
Pos: CellPos,
Border: 3
} else {
if (X <= X_cell_end + Radius && X >= X_cell_end - Radius) {
return {
Pos: CellPos,
Border: 1
return {
Pos: CellPos,
Border: -1
Internal_OnContentRecalculate: function (bNeedDocumentRecalc, PageNum, DocumentIndex) {
if (false === this.TurnOffRecalcEvent) {
this.Parent.OnContentRecalculate(bNeedDocumentRecalc, PageNum, DocumentIndex);
Internal_Selection_UpdateCells: function (bForceSelectByLines) {
if ("undefined" == typeof(bForceSelectByLines)) {
bForceSelectByLines = false;
this.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Cell;
this.Selection.Data = [];
if (0 === this.Parent.Selection_Is_OneElement() && false == bForceSelectByLines) {
var StartRow = this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Row;
var StartCell = this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Cell;
var EndRow = this.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Row;
var EndCell = this.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Cell;
if (EndRow < StartRow) {
var TempRow = StartRow;
StartRow = EndRow;
EndRow = TempRow;
var TempCell = StartCell;
StartCell = EndCell;
EndCell = TempCell;
if (StartRow === EndRow) {
if (EndCell < StartCell) {
var TempCell = StartCell;
StartCell = EndCell;
EndCell = TempCell;
var Row = this.Content[StartRow];
for (var CurCell = StartCell; CurCell <= EndCell; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
Row: StartRow,
Cell: CurCell
} else {
var Cell_s = this.Content[StartRow].Get_Cell(StartCell);
var Cell_e = this.Content[EndRow].Get_Cell(EndCell);
var GridCol_cs_start = this.Content[StartRow].Get_StartGridCol(StartCell);
var GridCol_cs_end = Cell_s.Get_GridSpan() - 1 + GridCol_cs_start;
var GridCol_ce_start = this.Content[EndRow].Get_StartGridCol(EndCell);
var GridCol_ce_end = Cell_e.Get_GridSpan() - 1 + GridCol_ce_start;
var GridCol_start = GridCol_cs_start;
if (GridCol_ce_start < GridCol_start) {
GridCol_start = GridCol_ce_start;
var GridCol_end = GridCol_cs_end;
if (GridCol_end < GridCol_ce_end) {
GridCol_end = GridCol_ce_end;
for (var CurRow = StartRow; CurRow <= EndRow; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var BeforeInfo = Row.Get_Before();
var CurGridCol = BeforeInfo.GridBefore;
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
if ((StartRow === CurRow) || (EndRow === CurRow) || (CurRow > StartRow && CurRow < EndRow)) {
if ((CurGridCol >= GridCol_start && CurGridCol <= GridCol_end) || (CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1 >= GridCol_start && CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1 <= GridCol_end)) {
Row: CurRow,
Cell: CurCell
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
} else {
var RowsCount = this.Content.length;
var StartRow = Math.min(Math.max(0, this.Selection.StartPos.Pos.Row), RowsCount - 1);
var EndRow = Math.min(Math.max(0, this.Selection.EndPos.Pos.Row), RowsCount - 1);
if (EndRow < StartRow) {
var TempRow = StartRow;
StartRow = EndRow;
EndRow = TempRow;
for (var CurRow = StartRow; CurRow <= EndRow; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var CellsCount = Row.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
Row: CurRow,
Cell: CurCell
if (this.Selection.Data.length > 1) {
this.Selection.CurRow = this.Selection.Data[this.Selection.Data.length - 1].Row;
if (true != this.Is_Inline() && true === this.Selection.Use && false === this.Selection.Start) {
var ParaPr = this.Get_Paragraph_ParaPr();
if (null != ParaPr) {
var TextPr = this.Get_Paragraph_TextPr();
if (null != TextPr) {
Internal_CompareBorders2: function (Border1, Border2) {
var ResultBorder = new CDocumentBorder();
if (Border1.Value != Border2.Value) {
ResultBorder.Value = undefined;
} else {
ResultBorder.Value = Border1.Value;
if (Border1.Size != Border2.Size) {
ResultBorder.Size = undefined;
} else {
ResultBorder.Size = Border1.Size;
if (undefined === Border1.Color || undefined === Border2.Color || Border1.Color.r != Border2.Color.r || Border1.Color.g != Border2.Color.g || Border1.Color.b != Border2.Color.b) {
ResultBorder.Color = undefined;
} else {
ResultBorder.Color.Set(Border1.Color.r, Border1.Color.g, Border1.Color.b);
return ResultBorder;
Internal_CompareBorders3: function (Border1, Border2) {
if (Border1.Value != Border2.Value) {
return false;
if (Border1.Size != Border2.Size) {
return false;
if (Border1.Color.r != Border2.Color.r || Border1.Color.g != Border2.Color.g || Border1.Color.b != Border2.Color.b) {
return false;
return true;
Internal_CheckNullBorder: function (Border) {
if (null === Border || undefined === Border) {
return true;
if (null != Border.Value) {
return false;
if (null != Border.Size) {
return false;
if (null != Border.Color && (null != Border.Color.r || null != Border.Color.g || null != Border.Color.b) || Border.Unifill != null) {
return false;
return true;
Internal_Get_SelectionArray: function () {
var SelectionArray = null;
if (true === this.ApplyToAll) {
SelectionArray = [];
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Row.Get_CellsCount(); CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Vmerge = Cell.Get_VMerge();
if (vmerge_Continue === Vmerge) {
Cell: CurCell,
Row: CurRow
} else {
if (true === this.Selection.Use && table_Selection_Cell === this.Selection.Type) {
SelectionArray = this.Selection.Data;
} else {
SelectionArray = [{
Cell: this.CurCell.Index,
Row: this.CurCell.Row.Index
return SelectionArray;
Internal_Get_TableMinWidth: function () {
var MinWidth = 0;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < this.Content.length; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
if (null === CellSpacing) {
CellSpacing = 0;
var RowWidth = CellSpacing * (Cells_Count + 1);
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Cell_Margins = Cell.Get_Margins();
RowWidth += Cell_Margins.Left.W + Cell_Margins.Right.W;
if (MinWidth < RowWidth) {
MinWidth = RowWidth;
return MinWidth;
Internal_Get_MinSumGrid: function () {
var ColsCount = this.TableGrid.length;
var SumGrid = [];
for (var Index = -1; Index < ColsCount; Index++) {
SumGrid[Index] = 0;
var RowsCount = this.Content.length;
for (var CurRow = 0; CurRow < RowsCount; CurRow++) {
var Row = this.Content[CurRow];
var Cells_Count = Row.Get_CellsCount();
var CellSpacing = Row.Get_CellSpacing();
if (null === CellSpacing) {
CellSpacing = 0;
var CurGridCol = 0;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < Cells_Count; CurCell++) {
var Cell = Row.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var Cell_Margins = Cell.Get_Margins();
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
var Cell_MinWidth = Cell_Margins.Left.W + Cell_Margins.Right.W;
if (0 === CurCell || Cells_Count - 1 === CurCell) {
Cell_MinWidth += CellSpacing * 1.5;
} else {
Cell_MinWidth += CellSpacing;
if (SumGrid[CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1] < SumGrid[CurGridCol - 1] + Cell_MinWidth) {
SumGrid[CurGridCol + GridSpan - 1] = SumGrid[CurGridCol - 1] + Cell_MinWidth;
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
return SumGrid;
Internal_ScaleTableWidth: function (SumGrid, TableW) {
var SumGrid_min = this.Internal_Get_MinSumGrid();
var Grids_to_scale = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < SumGrid.length; Index++) {
Grids_to_scale[Index] = true;
var Grids_to_scale_count = Grids_to_scale.length;
var TableGrid = [];
TableGrid[0] = SumGrid[0];
for (var Index = 1; Index < SumGrid.length; Index++) {
TableGrid[Index] = SumGrid[Index] - SumGrid[Index - 1];
var TableGrid_min = [];
TableGrid_min[0] = SumGrid_min[0];
for (var Index = 1; Index < SumGrid_min.length; Index++) {
TableGrid_min[Index] = SumGrid_min[Index] - SumGrid_min[Index - 1];
var CurrentW = SumGrid[SumGrid.length - 1];
while (Grids_to_scale_count > 0) {
var Koef = TableW / CurrentW;
var TableGrid_cur = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < TableGrid.length; Index++) {
TableGrid_cur[Index] = TableGrid[Index];
for (var AddIndex = 0; AddIndex <= TableGrid_cur.length - 1; AddIndex++) {
if (true === Grids_to_scale[AddIndex]) {
TableGrid_cur[AddIndex] = TableGrid_cur[AddIndex] * Koef;
var bBreak = true;
for (var AddIndex = 0; AddIndex <= TableGrid_cur.length - 1; AddIndex++) {
if (true === Grids_to_scale[AddIndex] && TableGrid_cur[AddIndex] - TableGrid_min[AddIndex] < 0.001) {
bBreak = false;
Grids_to_scale[AddIndex] = false;
CurrentW -= TableGrid[AddIndex];
TableW -= TableGrid_min[AddIndex];
TableGrid[AddIndex] = TableGrid_min[AddIndex];
if (true === bBreak) {
for (var AddIndex = 0; AddIndex <= TableGrid_cur.length - 1; AddIndex++) {
if (true === Grids_to_scale[AddIndex]) {
TableGrid[AddIndex] = TableGrid_cur[AddIndex];
var SumGrid_new = [];
SumGrid_new[-1] = 0;
for (var Index = 0; Index < TableGrid.length; Index++) {
SumGrid_new[Index] = TableGrid[Index] + SumGrid_new[Index - 1];
return SumGrid_new;
Internal_SaveTableGridInHistory: function (TableGrid_new, TableGrid_old) {
var NeedSave = false;
if (TableGrid_new.length != TableGrid_old.length) {
NeedSave = true;
if (false === NeedSave) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < TableGrid_new.length; Index++) {
if (Math.abs(TableGrid_new[Index] - TableGrid_old[Index]) > 0.001) {
NeedSave = true;
if (true === NeedSave) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_Table_TableGrid,
Old: TableGrid_old,
New: TableGrid_new
Internal_Get_NextCell: function (Pos) {
var Cell_Index = Pos.Cell;
var Row_Index = Pos.Row;
if (Cell_Index < this.Content[Row_Index].Get_CellsCount() - 1) {
Pos.Cell = Cell_Index + 1;
return this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
} else {
if (Row_Index < this.Content.length - 1) {
Pos.Row = Row_Index + 1;
Pos.Cell = 0;
return this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
} else {
return null;
Internal_Get_PrevCell: function (Pos) {
var Cell_Index = Pos.Cell;
var Row_Index = Pos.Row;
if (Cell_Index > 0) {
Pos.Cell = Cell_Index - 1;
return this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
} else {
if (Row_Index > 0) {
Pos.Row = Row_Index - 1;
Pos.Cell = this.Content[Row_Index - 1].Get_CellsCount() - 1;
return this.Content[Pos.Row].Get_Cell(Pos.Cell);
} else {
return null;
Internal_Copy_Grid: function (Grid) {
if (undefined !== Grid && null !== Grid) {
var Count = Grid.length;
var NewGrid = new Array(Count);
var Index = 0;
for (; Index < Count; Index++) {
NewGrid[Index] = Grid[Index];
return NewGrid;
return undefined;
private_SetTableLayoutFixedAndUpdateGrid: function (nExceptColNum) {
if (tbllayout_AutoFit === this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr.TableLayout) {
var nColsCount = this.TableGrid.length;
for (var nColIndex = 0; nColIndex < nColsCount; nColIndex++) {
if (nColIndex != nExceptColNum) {
this.TableGrid[nColIndex] = this.TableGridCalc[nColIndex];
for (var nColIndex = 0; nColIndex < nColsCount; nColIndex++) {
if (nColIndex != nExceptColNum) {
private_UpdateTableRulerOnBorderMove: function (Pos) {
if (null != this.Selection.Data2.Min) {
Pos = Math.max(Pos, this.Selection.Data2.Min);
if (null != this.Selection.Data2.Max) {
Pos = Math.min(Pos, this.Selection.Data2.Max);
this.Internal_Update_TableMarkup(this.Selection.Data2.Pos.Row, this.Selection.Data2.Pos.Cell, this.Selection.Data2.PageNum);
this.DrawingDocument.UpdateTableRuler(this.Selection.Data2.bCol, this.Selection.Data2.Index, Pos);
return Pos;
function CTableRow(Table, Cols, TableGrid) {
this.Id = g_oIdCounter.Get_NewId();
this.Table = Table;
this.Next = null;
this.Prev = null;
this.Content = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < Cols; Index++) {
var ColW = (undefined != TableGrid && undefined != TableGrid[Index] ? TableGrid[Index] : undefined);
this.Content[Index] = new CTableCell(this, ColW);
this.CellsInfo = [];
this.Metrics = {
X_min: 0,
X_max: 0
this.SpacingInfo = {
Top: false,
Bottom: false
this.CompiledPr = {
Pr: null,
NeedRecalc: true
this.Pr = new CTableRowPr();
this.Height = 0;
this.PagesCount = 1;
if (typeof CollaborativeEditing !== "undefined") {
this.m_oContentChanges = new CContentChanges();
this.Index = 0;
g_oTableId.Add(this, this.Id);
CTableRow.prototype = {
Set_Id: function (newId) {
g_oTableId.Reset_Id(this, newId, this.Id);
this.Id = newId;
Get_Id: function () {
return this.Id;
Copy: function (Table) {
var Row = new CTableRow(Table, 0);
var CellsCount = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < CellsCount; Index++) {
Row.Content[Index] = this.Content[Index].Copy(Row);
History.Add(Row, {
Type: historyitem_TableRow_AddCell,
Pos: Index,
Item: {
Cell: Row.Content[Index],
CellInfo: {}
return Row;
Is_UseInDocument: function (Id) {
var bUse = false;
if (null != Id) {
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
if (Id === this.Content[Index].Get_Id()) {
bUse = true;
} else {
bUse = true;
if (true === bUse && null != this.Table) {
return this.Table.Is_UseInDocument(this.Get_Id());
return false;
Set_Index: function (Index) {
if (Index != this.Index) {
this.Index = Index;
Set_Metrics_X: function (x_min, x_max) {
this.Metrics.X_min = x_min;
this.Metrics.X_max = x_max;
Get_EndInfo: function () {
var CellsCount = this.Content.length;
if (CellsCount > 0) {
return this.Content[CellsCount - 1].Get_EndInfo();
} else {
return null;
Get_PrevElementEndInfo: function (CellIndex) {
if (0 === CellIndex) {
return this.Table.Get_PrevElementEndInfo(this.Index);
} else {
return this.Content[CellIndex - 1].Get_EndInfo();
Save_RecalculateObject: function () {
var RecalcObj = new CTableRowRecalculateObject();
return RecalcObj;
Load_RecalculateObject: function (RecalcObj) {
Prepare_RecalculateObject: function () {
this.CellsInfo = [];
this.Metrics = {
X_min: 0,
X_max: 0
this.SpacingInfo = {
Top: false,
Bottom: false
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
PreDelete: function () {
var CellsCount = this.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
var Cell = this.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var CellContent = Cell.Content.Content;
var ContentCount = CellContent.length;
for (var Pos = 0; Pos < ContentCount; Pos++) {
Recalc_CompiledPr: function () {
this.CompiledPr.NeedRecalc = true;
Get_CompiledPr: function (bCopy) {
if (true === this.CompiledPr.NeedRecalc) {
this.CompiledPr.Pr = this.Internal_Compile_Pr();
this.CompiledPr.NeedRecalc = false;
if (false === bCopy) {
return this.CompiledPr.Pr;
} else {
return this.CompiledPr.Pr.Copy();
Internal_Compile_Pr: function () {
var TablePr = this.Table.Get_CompiledPr(false);
var TableLook = this.Table.Get_TableLook();
var CurIndex = this.Index;
var RowPr = TablePr.TableRowPr.Copy();
if (true === TableLook.Is_BandHor()) {
var RowBandSize = TablePr.TablePr.TableStyleRowBandSize;
var _CurIndex = (true != TableLook.Is_FirstRow() ? CurIndex : CurIndex - 1);
var GroupIndex = (1 != RowBandSize ? Math.floor(_CurIndex / RowBandSize) : _CurIndex);
if (0 === GroupIndex % 2) {
} else {
if (true === TableLook.Is_LastRow() && this.Table.Content.length - 1 === CurIndex) {
if (true === TableLook.Is_FirstRow() && (0 === CurIndex || true === this.Pr.TableHeader)) {
return RowPr;
Clear_DirectFormatting: function (bClearMerge) {
if (true === bClearMerge) {
this.Set_After(undefined, undefined);
this.Set_Before(undefined, undefined);
this.Set_Height(undefined, undefined);
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
Set_Pr: function (RowPr) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableRow_Pr,
Old: this.Pr,
New: RowPr
this.Pr = RowPr;
Get_Before: function () {
var RowPr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false);
var Before = {
WBefore: RowPr.WBefore.Copy(),
GridBefore: RowPr.GridBefore
return Before;
Set_Before: function (GridBefore, WBefore) {
if (this.Pr.GridBefore !== GridBefore || this.Pr.WBefore !== WBefore) {
var OldBefore = {
GridBefore: (undefined != this.Pr.GridBefore ? this.Pr.GridBefore : undefined),
WBefore: (undefined != this.Pr.WBefore ? this.Pr.WBefore : undefined)
var NewBefore = {
GridBefore: (undefined != GridBefore ? GridBefore : undefined),
WBefore: (undefined != WBefore ? WBefore : undefined)
if (false === WBefore) {
NewBefore.WBefore = OldBefore.WBefore;
} else {
if (undefined != WBefore) {
NewBefore.WBefore = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableRow_Before,
Old: OldBefore,
New: NewBefore
if (undefined != NewBefore.GridBefore) {
this.Pr.GridBefore = GridBefore;
} else {
this.Pr.GridBefore = undefined;
if (undefined != NewBefore.WBefore) {
this.Pr.WBefore = NewBefore.WBefore;
} else {
this.Pr.WBefore = undefined;
Get_After: function () {
var RowPr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false);
var After = {
WAfter: RowPr.WAfter.Copy(),
GridAfter: RowPr.GridAfter
return After;
Set_After: function (GridAfter, WAfter) {
if (this.Pr.GridAfter !== GridAfter || this.Pr.WAfter !== WAfter) {
var OldAfter = {
GridAfter: (undefined != this.Pr.GridAfter ? this.Pr.GridAfter : undefined),
WAfter: (undefined != this.Pr.WAfter ? this.Pr.WAfter : undefined)
var NewAfter = {
GridAfter: (undefined != GridAfter ? GridAfter : undefined),
WAfter: (undefined != WAfter ? WAfter : undefined)
if (false === WAfter) {
NewAfter.WAfter = OldAfter.WAfter;
} else {
if (undefined != WAfter) {
NewAfter.WAfter = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableRow_After,
Old: OldAfter,
New: NewAfter
if (undefined != NewAfter.GridAfter) {
this.Pr.GridAfter = GridAfter;
} else {
this.Pr.GridAfter = undefined;
if (undefined != NewAfter.WAfter) {
this.Pr.WAfter = WAfter;
} else {
this.Pr.WAfter = undefined;
Get_CellSpacing: function () {
var RowPr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false);
return RowPr.TableCellSpacing;
Set_CellSpacing: function (Value) {
if (undefined === Value) {
if (undefined === this.Pr.TableCellSpacing) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableRow_CellSpacing,
Old: this.Pr.TableCellSpacing,
New: undefined
this.Pr.TableCellSpacing = undefined;
} else {
if (undefined === this.Pr.TableCellSpacing) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableRow_CellSpacing,
Old: undefined,
New: Value
this.Pr.TableCellSpacing = Value;
} else {
if (Value != this.Pr.TableCellSpacing) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableRow_CellSpacing,
Old: this.Pr.TableCellSpacing,
New: Value
this.Pr.TableCellSpacing = Value;
Get_Height: function () {
var RowPr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false);
return RowPr.Height;
Set_Height: function (Value, HRule) {
if ((undefined === this.Pr.Height && undefined === Value) || (undefined != this.Pr.Height && HRule === this.Pr.Height.HRule && Math.abs(Value - this.Pr.Height.Value) < 0.001)) {
var OldHeight = undefined != this.Pr.Height ? this.Pr.Height : undefined;
var NewHeight = undefined != Value ? new CTableRowHeight(Value, HRule) : undefined;
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableRow_Height,
Old: OldHeight,
New: NewHeight
if (undefined === NewHeight) {
this.Pr.Height = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.Height = NewHeight;
Is_Header: function () {
var RowPr = this.Get_CompiledPr(false);
return RowPr.TableHeader;
Set_Header: function (Value) {
if ((undefined === this.Pr.TableHeader && undefined === Value) || (undefined != this.Pr.TableHeader && Value === this.Pr.TableHeader)) {
var OldHeader = undefined != this.Pr.TableHeader ? this.Pr.TableHeader : undefined;
var NewHeader = undefined != Value ? Value : undefined;
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableRow_TableHeader,
Old: OldHeader,
New: NewHeader
if (undefined === Value) {
this.Pr.TableHeader = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableHeader = Value;
Copy_Pr: function (OtherPr) {
if (undefined === OtherPr.WBefore) {
this.Set_Before(OtherPr.GridBefore, undefined);
} else {
this.Set_Before(OtherPr.GridBefore, {
W: OtherPr.WBefore.W,
Type: OtherPr.WBefore.Type
if (undefined === OtherPr.WAfter) {
this.Set_After(OtherPr.GridAfter, undefined);
} else {
this.Set_After(OtherPr.GridAfter, {
W: OtherPr.WAfter.W,
Type: OtherPr.WAfter.Type
if (undefined === OtherPr.Height) {
this.Set_Height(undefined, undefined);
} else {
this.Set_Height(OtherPr.Height.Value, OtherPr.Height.HRule);
if (undefined != OtherPr.TableCellSpacing) {
} else {
if (undefined != OtherPr.TableHeader) {
} else {
Set_SpacingInfo: function (bSpacingTop, bSpacingBot) {
this.SpacingInfo = {
Top: bSpacingTop,
Bottom: bSpacingBot
Get_SpacingInfo: function () {
return this.SpacingInfo;
Get_Cell: function (Index) {
if (Index < 0 || Index >= this.Content.length) {
return null;
return this.Content[Index];
Get_CellsCount: function () {
return this.Content.length;
Set_CellInfo: function (Index, StartGridCol, X_grid_start, X_grid_end, X_cell_start, X_cell_end, X_content_start, X_content_end) {
this.CellsInfo[Index] = {
StartGridCol: StartGridCol,
X_grid_start: X_grid_start,
X_grid_end: X_grid_end,
X_cell_start: X_cell_start,
X_cell_end: X_cell_end,
X_content_start: X_content_start,
X_content_end: X_content_end
this.Content[Index].Content.Set_ClipInfo(X_cell_start, X_cell_end);
Update_CellInfo: function (Index, X_start) {
var Cell = this.Content[Index];
var StartGridCol = Cell.Metrics.StartGridCol;
var X_grid_start = X_start + Cell.Metrics.X_grid_start;
var X_grid_end = X_start + Cell.Metrics.X_grid_end;
var X_cell_start = X_start + Cell.Metrics.X_cell_start;
var X_cell_end = X_start + Cell.Metrics.X_cell_end;
var X_content_start = X_start + Cell.Metrics.X_content_start;
var X_content_end = X_start + Cell.Metrics.X_content_end;
this.Set_CellInfo(Index, StartGridCol, X_grid_start, X_grid_end, X_cell_start, X_cell_end, X_content_start, X_content_end);
Get_CellInfo: function (Index) {
return this.CellsInfo[Index];
Get_StartGridCol: function (Index) {
var Max = Math.min(this.Content.length - 1, Index - 1);
var CurGridCol = this.Get_Before().GridBefore;
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell <= Max; CurCell++) {
var Cell = this.Get_Cell(CurCell);
var GridSpan = Cell.Get_GridSpan();
CurGridCol += GridSpan;
return CurGridCol;
Remove_Cell: function (Index) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableRow_RemoveCell,
Pos: Index,
Item: {
Cell: this.Content[Index],
CellInfo: this.CellsInfo[Index]
this.Content.splice(Index, 1);
this.CellsInfo.splice(Index, 1);
Add_Cell: function (Index, Row, Cell, bReIndexing) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(Cell) || null === Cell) {
Cell = new CTableCell(Row);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableRow_AddCell,
Pos: Index,
Item: {
Cell: Cell,
CellInfo: {}
this.Content.splice(Index, 0, Cell);
this.CellsInfo.splice(Index, 0, {});
if (true === bReIndexing) {
} else {
if (Index > 0) {
this.Content[Index - 1].Next = Cell;
Cell.Prev = this.Content[Index - 1];
} else {
Cell.Prev = null;
if (Index < this.Content.length - 1) {
this.Content[Index + 1].Prev = Cell;
Cell.Next = this.Content[Index + 1];
} else {
Cell.Next = null;
return Cell;
Clear_ContentChanges: function () {
Add_ContentChanges: function (Changes) {
Refresh_ContentChanges: function () {
Internal_ReIndexing: function (StartIndex) {
if ("undefined" === typeof(StartIndex)) {
StartIndex = 0;
for (var Ind = StartIndex; Ind < this.Content.length; Ind++) {
this.Content[Ind].Prev = (Ind > 0 ? this.Content[Ind - 1] : null);
this.Content[Ind].Next = (Ind < this.Content.length - 1 ? this.Content[Ind + 1] : null);
this.Content[Ind].Row = this;
Undo: function (Data) {
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_TableRow_Before:
if (undefined != Data.Old.GridBefore) {
this.Pr.GridBefore = Data.Old.GridBefore;
} else {
this.Pr.GridBefore = undefined;
if (undefined != Data.Old.WBefore) {
this.Pr.WBefore = Data.Old.WBefore;
} else {
this.Pr.WBefore = undefined;
case historyitem_TableRow_After:
if (undefined != Data.Old.GridAfter) {
this.Pr.GridAfter = Data.Old.GridAfter;
} else {
this.Pr.GridAfter = undefined;
if (undefined != Data.Old.WAfter) {
this.Pr.WAfter = Data.Old.WAfter;
} else {
this.Pr.WAfter = undefined;
case historyitem_TableRow_CellSpacing:
if (undefined != Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableCellSpacing = Data.Old;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellSpacing = undefined;
case historyitem_TableRow_Height:
if (undefined != Data.Old) {
this.Pr.Height = Data.Old;
} else {
this.Pr.Height = undefined;
case historyitem_TableRow_AddCell:
this.Content.splice(Data.Pos, 1);
this.CellsInfo.splice(Data.Pos, 1);
case historyitem_TableRow_RemoveCell:
this.Content.splice(Data.Pos, 0, Data.Item.Cell);
this.CellsInfo.splice(Data.Pos, 0, Data.Item.CellInfo);
case historyitem_TableRow_TableHeader:
if (undefined != Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableHeader = Data.Old;
} else {
this.Pr.TableHeader = undefined;
case historyitem_TableRow_Pr:
this.Pr = Data.Old;
Redo: function (Data) {
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_TableRow_Before:
if (undefined != Data.New.GridBefore) {
this.Pr.GridBefore = Data.New.GridBefore;
} else {
this.Pr.GridBefore = undefined;
if (undefined != Data.New.WBefore) {
this.Pr.WBefore = Data.New.WBefore;
} else {
this.Pr.WBefore = undefined;
case historyitem_TableRow_After:
if (undefined != Data.New.GridAfter) {
this.Pr.GridAfter = Data.New.GridAfter;
} else {
this.Pr.GridAfter = undefined;
if (undefined != Data.New.WAfter) {
this.Pr.WAfter = Data.New.WAfter;
} else {
this.Pr.WAfter = undefined;
case historyitem_TableRow_CellSpacing:
if (undefined != Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableCellSpacing = Data.New;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellSpacing = undefined;
case historyitem_TableRow_Height:
if (undefined != Data.New) {
this.Pr.Height = Data.New;
} else {
this.Pr.Height = undefined;
case historyitem_TableRow_AddCell:
this.Content.splice(Data.Pos, 0, Data.Item.Cell);
this.CellsInfo.splice(Data.Pos, 0, Data.Item.CellInfo);
case historyitem_TableRow_RemoveCell:
this.Content.splice(Data.Pos, 1);
this.CellsInfo.splice(Data.Pos, 1);
case historyitem_TableRow_TableHeader:
if (undefined != Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableHeader = Data.New;
} else {
this.Pr.TableHeader = undefined;
case historyitem_TableRow_Pr:
this.Pr = Data.New;
Get_ParentObject_or_DocumentPos: function () {
return this.Table.Get_ParentObject_or_DocumentPos(this.Table.Index);
Refresh_RecalcData: function (Data) {
var bNeedRecalc = false;
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_TableRow_Before:
case historyitem_TableRow_After:
case historyitem_TableRow_CellSpacing:
case historyitem_TableRow_Height:
case historyitem_TableRow_AddCell:
case historyitem_TableRow_RemoveCell:
case historyitem_TableRow_TableHeader:
case historyitem_TableRow_Pr:
bNeedRecalc = true;
var CellsCount = this.Get_CellsCount();
for (var CurCell = 0; CurCell < CellsCount; CurCell++) {
if (true === bNeedRecalc) {
this.Refresh_RecalcData2(0, 0);
Refresh_RecalcData2: function (CellIndex, Page_rel) {
this.Table.Refresh_RecalcData2(this.Index, Page_rel);
Save_Changes: function (Data, Writer) {
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_TableRow_Before:
if (undefined === Data.New.GridBefore) {
} else {
if (undefined === Data.New.WBefore) {
} else {
case historyitem_TableRow_After:
if (undefined === Data.New.GridAfter) {
} else {
if (undefined === Data.New.WAfter) {
} else {
case historyitem_TableRow_CellSpacing:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
if (null === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_TableRow_Height:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_TableRow_AddCell:
var bArray = Data.UseArray;
var Count = 1;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
if (true === bArray) {
} else {
Writer.WriteLong(Data.Pos + Index);
case historyitem_TableRow_RemoveCell:
var bArray = Data.UseArray;
var Count = 1;
var StartPos = Writer.GetCurPosition();
var RealCount = Count;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
if (true === bArray) {
if (false === Data.PosArray[Index]) {
} else {
} else {
var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition();
case historyitem_TableRow_TableHeader:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_TableRow_Pr:
return Writer;
Save_Changes2: function (Data, Writer) {
var bRetValue = false;
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_TableRow_Before:
case historyitem_TableRow_After:
case historyitem_TableRow_CellSpacing:
case historyitem_TableRow_Height:
case historyitem_TableRow_AddCell:
case historyitem_TableRow_RemoveCell:
return bRetValue;
Load_Changes: function (Reader, Reader2) {
var ClassType = Reader.GetLong();
if (historyitem_type_TableRow != ClassType) {
var Type = Reader.GetLong();
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_TableRow_Before:
var bUndefinedGB = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefinedGB) {
this.Pr.GridBefore = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.GridBefore = Reader.GetLong();
var bUndefinedWB = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefinedWB) {
this.Pr.WBefore = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.WBefore = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0);
case historyitem_TableRow_After:
var bUndefinedGA = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefinedGA) {
this.Pr.GridAfter = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.GridAfter = Reader.GetLong();
var bUndefinedWA = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefinedWA) {
this.Pr.WAfter = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.WAfter = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0);
case historyitem_TableRow_CellSpacing:
var bUndefined = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefined) {
this.Pr.TableCellSpacing = undefined;
} else {
var bNull = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bNull) {
this.Pr.TableCellSpacing = null;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellSpacing = Reader.GetDouble();
case historyitem_TableRow_Height:
var bUndefined = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefined) {
this.Pr.Height = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.Height = new CTableRowHeight(0, heightrule_Auto);
case historyitem_TableRow_AddCell:
var Count = Reader.GetLong();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
var Pos = this.m_oContentChanges.Check(contentchanges_Add, Reader.GetLong());
var Element = g_oTableId.Get_ById(Reader.GetString2());
if (null != Element) {
this.Content.splice(Pos, 0, Element);
case historyitem_TableRow_RemoveCell:
var Count = Reader.GetLong();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
var Pos = this.m_oContentChanges.Check(contentchanges_Remove, Reader.GetLong());
if (false === Pos) {
this.Content.splice(Pos, 1);
case historyitem_TableRow_TableHeader:
var bUndefined = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefined) {
this.Pr.TableHeader = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableHeader = Reader.GetBool();
case historyitem_TableRow_Pr:
this.Pr = new CTableRowPr();
return true;
Write_ToBinary2: function (Writer) {
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
Read_FromBinary2: function (Reader) {
this.Id = Reader.GetString2();
this.Pr = new CTableRowPr();
var Count = Reader.GetLong();
this.Content = [];
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
var Cell = g_oTableId.Get_ById(Reader.GetString2());
Load_LinkData: function (LinkData) {}
function CTableCell(Row, ColW) {
this.Id = g_oIdCounter.Get_NewId();
this.Row = Row;
this.Prev = null;
this.Next = null;
this.Content = new CDocumentContent(this, (undefined !== this.Row ? this.Row.Table.DrawingDocument : undefined), 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, undefined !== this.Row ? this.Row.Table.bPresentation : undefined);
this.Content.Set_StartPage((Row ? this.Row.Table.PageNum : 0));
this.CompiledPr = {
Pr: null,
TextPr: null,
ParaPr: null,
NeedRecalc: true
this.Pr = new CTableCellPr();
if (undefined != ColW) {
this.Pr.TableCellW = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Mm, ColW);
this.BorderInfo = {
Top: null,
Left: null,
Right: null,
Bottom: null,
Bottom_BeforeCount: -1,
Bottom_AfterCount: -1,
MaxLeft: 0,
MaxRight: 0
this.Metrics = {
StartGridCol: 0,
X_grid_start: 0,
X_grid_end: 0,
X_cell_start: 0,
X_cell_end: 0,
X_content_start: 0,
X_content_end: 0
this.Temp = {
Y: 0,
CurPage: 0,
Y_VAlign_offset: []
this.Index = 0;
g_oTableId.Add(this, this.Id);
CTableCell.prototype = {
Set_Id: function (newId) {
g_oTableId.Reset_Id(this, newId, this.Id);
this.Id = newId;
Get_Id: function () {
return this.Id;
Get_Theme: function () {
return this.Row.Table.Get_Theme();
Get_ColorMap: function () {
return this.Row.Table.Get_ColorMap();
Copy: function (Row) {
var Cell = new CTableCell(Row);
Cell.Copy_Pr(this.Pr.Copy(), false);
Cell.BorderInfo.Top = this.BorderInfo.Top;
Cell.BorderInfo.Left = this.BorderInfo.Left;
Cell.BorderInfo.Right = this.BorderInfo.Right;
Cell.BorderInfo.Bottom = this.BorderInfo.Bottom;
Cell.BorderInfo.Bottom_BeforeCount = this.BorderInfo.Bottom_BeforeCount;
Cell.BorderInfo.Bottom_AfterCount = this.BorderInfo.Bottom_AfterCount;
Cell.BorderInfo.MaxLeft = this.BorderInfo.MaxLeft;
Cell.BorderInfo.MaxRight = this.BorderInfo.MaxRight;
Cell.Metrics.StartGridCol = this.Metrics.StartGridCol;
Cell.Metrics.X_grid_start = this.Metrics.X_grid_start;
Cell.Metrics.X_grid_end = this.Metrics.X_grid_end;
Cell.Metrics.X_cell_start = this.Metrics.X_cell_start;
Cell.Metrics.X_cell_end = this.Metrics.X_cell_end;
Cell.Metrics.X_content_start = this.Metrics.X_content_start;
Cell.Metrics.X_content_end = this.Metrics.X_content_end;
return Cell;
Set_Index: function (Index) {
if (Index != this.Index) {
this.Index = Index;
Set_Metrics: function (StartGridCol, X_grid_start, X_grid_end, X_cell_start, X_cell_end, X_content_start, X_content_end) {
this.Metrics.StartGridCol = StartGridCol;
this.Metrics.X_grid_start = X_grid_start;
this.Metrics.X_grid_end = X_grid_end;
this.Metrics.X_cell_start = X_cell_start;
this.Metrics.X_cell_end = X_cell_end;
this.Metrics.X_content_start = X_content_start;
this.Metrics.X_content_end = X_content_end;
Get_EndInfo: function () {
return this.Content.Get_EndInfo();
Get_PrevElementEndInfo: function (CurElement) {
return this.Row.Get_PrevElementEndInfo(this.Index);
Save_RecalculateObject: function () {
var RecalcObj = new CTableCellRecalculateObject();
return RecalcObj;
Load_RecalculateObject: function (RecalcObj) {
Prepare_RecalculateObject: function () {
this.BorderInfo = {
Top: null,
Left: null,
Right: null,
Bottom: null,
Bottom_BeforeCount: -1,
Bottom_AfterCount: -1,
MaxLeft: 0,
MaxRight: 0
this.Metrics = {
StartGridCol: 0,
X_grid_start: 0,
X_grid_end: 0,
X_cell_start: 0,
X_cell_end: 0,
X_content_start: 0,
X_content_end: 0
this.Temp = {
Y: 0,
CurPage: 0,
Y_VAlign_offset: []
Recalc_CompiledPr: function () {
this.CompiledPr.NeedRecalc = true;
Get_CompiledPr: function (bCopy) {
if (true === this.CompiledPr.NeedRecalc) {
var FullPr = this.Internal_Compile_Pr();
this.CompiledPr.Pr = FullPr.CellPr;
this.CompiledPr.ParaPr = FullPr.ParaPr;
this.CompiledPr.TextPr = FullPr.TextPr;
this.CompiledPr.NeedRecalc = false;
if (false === bCopy) {
return this.CompiledPr.Pr;
} else {
return this.CompiledPr.Pr.Copy();
Internal_Compile_Pr: function () {
var Table = this.Row.Table;
var TablePr = Table.Get_CompiledPr(false);
var TableLook = Table.Get_TableLook();
var CellIndex = this.Index;
var RowIndex = this.Row.Index;
var CellPr = TablePr.TableCellPr.Copy();
var ParaPr = TablePr.ParaPr.Copy();
var TextPr;
if (!Table.bPresentation) {
TextPr = TablePr.TextPr.Copy();
} else {
TextPr = TablePr.TableWholeTable.TextPr.Copy();
if (true === TableLook.Is_BandVer() && !((true === TableLook.Is_LastCol() && this.Row.Get_CellsCount() - 1 === CellIndex) || (true === TableLook.Is_FirstCol() && 0 === CellIndex))) {
var ColBandSize = TablePr.TablePr.TableStyleColBandSize;
var _ColIndex = (true != TableLook.Is_FirstCol() ? CellIndex : CellIndex - 1);
var ColIndex = (1 != ColBandSize ? Math.floor(_ColIndex / ColBandSize) : _ColIndex);
var TableBandStyle = null;
if (0 === ColIndex % 2) {
TableBandStyle = TablePr.TableBand1Vert;
} else {
TableBandStyle = TablePr.TableBand2Vert;
if (true === TableLook.Is_BandHor()) {
var RowBandSize = TablePr.TablePr.TableStyleRowBandSize;
var __RowIndex = (true != TableLook.Is_FirstRow() ? RowIndex : RowIndex - 1);
var _RowIndex = (1 != RowBandSize ? Math.floor(__RowIndex / RowBandSize) : __RowIndex);
var TableBandStyle = null;
if (0 === _RowIndex % 2) {
TableBandStyle = TablePr.TableBand1Horz;
} else {
TableBandStyle = TablePr.TableBand2Horz;
if (true === TableLook.Is_LastCol() && this.Row.Get_CellsCount() - 1 === CellIndex) {
if (true === TableLook.Is_FirstCol() && 0 === CellIndex) {
if (true === TableLook.Is_LastRow() && Table.Content.length - 1 === RowIndex) {
if (true === TableLook.Is_FirstRow() && (0 === RowIndex || true === this.Row.Pr.TableHeader)) {
if (this.Row.Get_CellsCount() - 1 === CellIndex && Table.Content.length - 1 === RowIndex && (!Table.bPresentation || true === TableLook.Is_LastRow() && true === TableLook.Is_LastCol())) {
if (0 === CellIndex && Table.Content.length - 1 === RowIndex && (!Table.bPresentation || true === TableLook.Is_LastRow() && true === TableLook.Is_FirstCol())) {
if (this.Row.Get_CellsCount() - 1 === CellIndex && 0 === RowIndex && (!Table.bPresentation || true === TableLook.Is_FirstRow() && true === TableLook.Is_LastCol())) {
if (0 === CellIndex && 0 === RowIndex && (!Table.bPresentation || true === TableLook.Is_FirstRow() && true === TableLook.Is_FirstCol())) {
if (null === CellPr.TableCellMar && undefined != this.Pr.TableCellMar && null != this.Pr.TableCellMar) {
CellPr.TableCellMar = {};
if (Table.bPresentation) {
return {
CellPr: CellPr,
ParaPr: ParaPr,
TextPr: TextPr
OnContentRecalculate: function (bChange, bForceRecalc) {
this.Row.Table.Internal_RecalculateFrom(this.Row.Index, this.Index, bChange, false);
OnContentReDraw: function (StartPage, EndPage) {
this.Row.Table.Parent.OnContentReDraw(StartPage, EndPage);
Get_Styles: function (Lvl) {
return this.Row.Table.Get_Styles(Lvl);
Get_TableStyleForPara: function () {
var TextPr = this.CompiledPr.TextPr.Copy();
var ParaPr = this.CompiledPr.ParaPr.Copy();
return {
TextPr: TextPr,
ParaPr: ParaPr
Get_ShapeStyleForPara: function () {
return this.Row.Table.Get_ShapeStyleForPara();
Get_TextBackGroundColor: function () {
var Shd = this.Get_Shd();
if (shd_Nil !== Shd.Value) {
return Shd.Get_Color2(this.Get_Theme(), this.Get_ColorMap());
return this.Row.Table.Get_TextBackGroundColor();
Get_Numbering: function () {
return this.Row.Table.Get_Numbering();
Is_Cell: function () {
return true;
Is_DrawingShape: function () {
return this.Row.Table.Parent.Is_DrawingShape();
Is_HdrFtr: function (bReturnHdrFtr) {
return this.Row.Table.Parent.Is_HdrFtr(bReturnHdrFtr);
Is_TopDocument: function (bReturnTopDocument) {
if (true === bReturnTopDocument) {
return this.Row.Table.Parent.Is_TopDocument(bReturnTopDocument);
return false;
Is_InTable: function (bReturnTopTable) {
if (true === bReturnTopTable) {
var CurTable = this.Row.Table;
var TopTable = CurTable.Parent.Is_InTable(true);
if (null === TopTable) {
return CurTable;
} else {
return TopTable;
return true;
Is_UseInDocument: function (Id) {
if (null != this.Row) {
return this.Row.Is_UseInDocument(this.Get_Id());
return false;
Get_PageContentStartPos: function (PageNum) {
return this.Row.Table.Get_PageContentStartPos(PageNum + this.Content.StartPage, this.Row.Index, this.Index, true);
Set_CurrentElement: function (bUpdateStates) {
var Table = this.Row.Table;
Table.Selection.Start = false;
Table.Selection.Type = table_Selection_Text;
Table.Selection.Use = this.Content.Is_SelectionUse();
Table.Selection.StartPos.Pos = {
Row: this.Row.Index,
Cell: this.Index
Table.Selection.EndPos.Pos = {
Row: this.Row.Index,
Cell: this.Index
Table.Markup.Internal.RowIndex = 0;
Table.Markup.Internal.CellIndex = 0;
Table.Markup.Internal.PageNum = 0;
Table.CurCell = this;
Is_ThisElementCurrent: function () {
var Table = this.Row.Table;
if (false === Table.Selection.Use && this === Table.CurCell) {
var Parent = Table.Parent;
if (docpostype_Content === Parent.CurPos.Type && false === Parent.Selection.Use && this.Index === Parent.CurPos.ContentPos) {
return Table.Parent.Is_ThisElementCurrent();
return false;
Check_TableCoincidence: function (Table) {
var CurTable = this.Row.Table;
if (Table === CurTable) {
return true;
} else {
return CurTable.Parent.Check_TableCoincidence(Table);
Get_LastParagraphPrevCell: function () {
if (undefined === this.Row || null === this.Row) {
return null;
var CellIndex = this.Index;
var Row = this.Row;
if (0 === CellIndex) {
if (0 === this.Row.Index && undefined !== this.Row.Table && null !== this.Row.Table) {
var Prev = this.Row.Table.Get_DocumentPrev();
if (null !== Prev && type_Paragraph === Prev.GetType()) {
return Prev;
return null;
var PrevCell = Row.Get_Cell(CellIndex);
var Count = PrevCell.Content.Content.length;
if (Count <= 0) {
return null;
var Element = PrevCell.Content.Content[Count - 1];
if (type_Paragraph !== Element.GetType()) {
return null;
return Element;
Get_FirstParagraphNextCell: function () {
if (undefined === this.Row || null === this.Row) {
return null;
var CellIndex = this.Index;
var Row = this.Row;
if (CellIndex >= this.Row.Get_CellsCount() - 1) {
return null;
var NextCell = Row.Get_Cell(CellIndex);
return NextCell.Content.Get_FirstParagraph();
Get_StartPage_Absolute: function () {
return this.Row.Table.Get_StartPage_Absolute();
Get_StartPage_Relative: function () {
return this.Row.Table.Get_StartPage_Relative();
Content_Reset: function (X, Y, XLimit, YLimit) {
this.Content.Reset(X, Y, XLimit, YLimit);
this.Content.Set_CurPosXY(X, Y);
Content_Get_PageBounds: function (PageIndex) {
return this.Content.Get_PageBounds(PageIndex);
Content_Get_PagesCount: function () {
return this.Content.Get_PagesCount();
Content_Draw: function (PageIndex, pGraphics) {
this.Content.Draw(PageIndex, pGraphics);
Recalculate: function () {
Content_Merge: function (OtherContent) {
Content_Is_ContentOnFirstPage: function () {
return this.Content.Is_ContentOnFirstPage();
Content_Set_StartPage: function (PageNum) {
Content_Document_CreateFontMap: function (FontMap) {
Content_Cursor_MoveToStartPos: function () {
Content_Cursor_MoveToEndPos: function () {
Clear_DirectFormatting: function (bClearMerge) {
this.Set_Border(undefined, 0);
this.Set_Border(undefined, 1);
this.Set_Border(undefined, 2);
this.Set_Border(undefined, 3);
if (true === bClearMerge) {
Set_Pr: function (CellPr) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableCell_Pr,
Old: this.Pr,
New: CellPr
this.Pr = CellPr;
Copy_Pr: function (OtherPr, bCopyOnlyVisualProps) {
if (true != bCopyOnlyVisualProps) {
if (undefined === OtherPr.GridSpan) {
} else {
if (undefined === OtherPr.Shd) {
} else {
var Shd_new = {
Value: OtherPr.Shd.Value,
Color: {
r: OtherPr.Shd.Color.r,
g: OtherPr.Shd.Color.g,
b: OtherPr.Shd.Color.b
Unifill: OtherPr.Shd.Unifill ? OtherPr.Shd.Unifill.createDuplicate() : undefined
if (true != bCopyOnlyVisualProps) {
if (undefined === OtherPr.VMerge) {
} else {
if (undefined === OtherPr.TableCellBorders.Top) {
this.Set_Border(undefined, 0);
} else {
var Border_top_new = (null === OtherPr.TableCellBorders.Top ? null : OtherPr.TableCellBorders.Top.Copy());
this.Set_Border(Border_top_new, 0);
if (undefined === OtherPr.TableCellBorders.Bottom) {
this.Set_Border(undefined, 2);
} else {
var Border_bottom_new = (null === OtherPr.TableCellBorders.Bottom ? null : OtherPr.TableCellBorders.Bottom.Copy());
this.Set_Border(Border_bottom_new, 2);
if (undefined === OtherPr.TableCellBorders.Left) {
this.Set_Border(undefined, 3);
} else {
var Border_left_new = (null === OtherPr.TableCellBorders.Left ? null : OtherPr.TableCellBorders.Left.Copy());
this.Set_Border(Border_left_new, 3);
if (undefined === OtherPr.TableCellBorders.Right) {
this.Set_Border(undefined, 1);
} else {
var Border_right_new = (null === OtherPr.TableCellBorders.Right ? null : OtherPr.TableCellBorders.Right.Copy());
this.Set_Border(Border_right_new, 1);
if (undefined === OtherPr.TableCellMar) {
} else {
var Margins_new = (null === OtherPr.TableCellMar ? null : {
Top: {
W: OtherPr.TableCellMar.Top.W,
Type: OtherPr.TableCellMar.Top.Type
Left: {
W: OtherPr.TableCellMar.Left.W,
Type: OtherPr.TableCellMar.Left.Type
Bottom: {
W: OtherPr.TableCellMar.Bottom.W,
Type: OtherPr.TableCellMar.Bottom.Type
Right: {
W: OtherPr.TableCellMar.Right.W,
Type: OtherPr.TableCellMar.Right.Type
this.Set_Margins(Margins_new, -1);
if (undefined === OtherPr.TableCellW) {
} else {
Get_W: function () {
var W = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TableCellW;
return W.Copy();
Set_W: function (CellW) {
if (undefined === CellW) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableCell_W,
Old: this.Pr.TableCellW,
New: undefined
this.Pr.TableCellW = undefined;
} else {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableCell_W,
Old: this.Pr.TableCellW,
New: CellW
this.Pr.TableCellW = CellW;
Get_GridSpan: function () {
var GridSpan = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).GridSpan;
return GridSpan;
Set_GridSpan: function (Value) {
if (undefined === Value && undefined === this.Pr.GridSpan) {
if (undefined === Value && undefined != this.Pr.GridSpan) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableCell_GridSpan,
Old: this.Pr.GridSpan,
New: undefined
this.Pr.GridSpan = undefined;
} else {
if (Value != this.Pr.GridSpan) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableCell_GridSpan,
Old: (undefined === this.Pr.GridSpan ? undefined : this.Pr.GridSpan),
New: Value
this.Pr.GridSpan = Value;
Get_Margins: function () {
var TableCellMar = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TableCellMar;
if (null === TableCellMar) {
return this.Row.Table.Get_TableCellMar();
} else {
var TableCellDefMargins = this.Row.Table.Get_TableCellMar();
var Margins = {
Top: undefined != TableCellMar.Top ? TableCellMar.Top : TableCellDefMargins.Top,
Bottom: undefined != TableCellMar.Bottom ? TableCellMar.Bottom : TableCellDefMargins.Bottom,
Left: undefined != TableCellMar.Left ? TableCellMar.Left : TableCellDefMargins.Left,
Right: undefined != TableCellMar.Right ? TableCellMar.Right : TableCellDefMargins.Right
return Margins;
Is_TableMargins: function () {
var TableCellMar = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TableCellMar;
if (null === TableCellMar) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Set_Margins: function (Margin, Type) {
var OldValue = (undefined === this.Pr.TableCellMar ? undefined : this.Pr.TableCellMar);
if (undefined === Margin) {
if (undefined != this.Pr.TableCellMar) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableCell_Margins,
Old: OldValue,
New: undefined
this.Pr.TableCellMar = undefined;
if (null === Margin) {
if (null != this.Pr.TableCellMar) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableCell_Margins,
Old: OldValue,
New: null
this.Pr.TableCellMar = null;
var Margins_new = this.Pr.TableCellMar;
var bNeedChange = false;
var TableMargins = this.Row.Table.Get_TableCellMar();
if (null === Margins_new || undefined === Margins_new) {
Margins_new = {
Left: TableMargins.Left.Copy(),
Right: TableMargins.Right.Copy(),
Top: TableMargins.Top.Copy(),
Bottom: TableMargins.Bottom.Copy()
bNeedChange = true;
switch (Type) {
case -1:
bNeedChange = true;
Margins_new.Top.W = Margin.Top.W;
Margins_new.Top.Type = Margin.Top.Type;
Margins_new.Right.W = Margin.Right.W;
Margins_new.Right.Type = Margin.Right.Type;
Margins_new.Bottom.W = Margin.Bottom.W;
Margins_new.Bottom.Type = Margin.Bottom.Type;
Margins_new.Left.W = Margin.Left.W;
Margins_new.Left.Type = Margin.Left.Type;
case 0:
if (true != bNeedChange && Margins_new.Top.W != Margin.W || Margins_new.Top.Type != Margin.Type) {
bNeedChange = true;
Margins_new.Top.W = Margin.W;
Margins_new.Top.Type = Margin.Type;
case 1:
if (true != bNeedChange && Margins_new.Right.W != Margin.W || Margins_new.Right.Type != Margin.Type) {
bNeedChange = true;
Margins_new.Right.W = Margin.W;
Margins_new.Right.Type = Margin.Type;
case 2:
if (true != bNeedChange && Margins_new.Bottom.W != Margin.W || Margins_new.Bottom.Type != Margin.Type) {
bNeedChange = true;
Margins_new.Bottom.W = Margin.W;
Margins_new.Bottom.Type = Margin.Type;
case 3:
if (true != bNeedChange && Margins_new.Left.W != Margin.W || Margins_new.Left.Type != Margin.Type) {
bNeedChange = true;
Margins_new.Left.W = Margin.W;
Margins_new.Left.Type = Margin.Type;
if (true === bNeedChange) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableCell_Margins,
Old: OldValue,
New: Margins_new
this.Pr.TableCellMar = Margins_new;
Get_Shd: function () {
var Shd = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).Shd;
return Shd;
Set_Shd: function (Shd) {
if (undefined === Shd && undefined === this.Pr.Shd) {
if (undefined === Shd) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableCell_Shd,
Old: this.Pr.Shd,
New: undefined
this.Pr.Shd = undefined;
} else {
if (undefined === this.Pr.Shd || false === this.Pr.Shd.Compare(Shd)) {
var _Shd = new CDocumentShd();
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableCell_Shd,
Old: (undefined === this.Pr.Shd ? undefined : this.Pr.Shd),
New: _Shd
this.Pr.Shd = _Shd;
Get_VMerge: function () {
var VMerge = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).VMerge;
return VMerge;
Set_VMerge: function (Value) {
if (undefined === Value && undefined === this.Pr.VMerge) {
if (undefined === Value) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableCell_VMerge,
Old: this.Pr.VMerge,
New: undefined
this.Pr.VMerge = undefined;
} else {
if (Value != this.Pr.VMerge) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableCell_VMerge,
Old: (undefined === this.Pr.VMerge ? undefined : this.Pr.VMerge),
New: Value
this.Pr.VMerge = Value;
Get_VAlign: function () {
var VAlign = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).VAlign;
return VAlign;
Set_VAlign: function (Value) {
if (undefined === Value && undefined === this.Pr.VAlign) {
if (undefined === Value) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableCell_VAlign,
Old: this.Pr.VAlign,
New: undefined
this.Pr.VMerge = undefined;
} else {
if (Value != this.Pr.VAlign) {
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_TableCell_VAlign,
Old: (undefined === this.Pr.VAlign ? undefined : this.Pr.VAlign),
New: Value
this.Pr.VAlign = Value;
Get_Borders: function () {
var CellBorders = {
Top: this.Get_Border(0),
Right: this.Get_Border(1),
Bottom: this.Get_Border(2),
Left: this.Get_Border(3)
return CellBorders;
Get_Border: function (Type) {
var TableBorders = this.Row.Table.Get_TableBorders();
var Borders = this.Get_CompiledPr(false).TableCellBorders;
var Border = null;
switch (Type) {
case 0:
if (null != Borders.Top) {
Border = Borders.Top;
} else {
if (0 != this.Row.Index || null != this.Row.Get_CellSpacing()) {
Border = TableBorders.InsideH;
} else {
Border = TableBorders.Top;
case 1:
if (null != Borders.Right) {
Border = Borders.Right;
} else {
if (this.Row.Content.length - 1 != this.Index || null != this.Row.Get_CellSpacing()) {
Border = TableBorders.InsideV;
} else {
Border = TableBorders.Right;
case 2:
if (null != Borders.Bottom) {
Border = Borders.Bottom;
} else {
if (this.Row.Table.Content.length - 1 != this.Row.Index || null != this.Row.Get_CellSpacing()) {
Border = TableBorders.InsideH;
} else {
Border = TableBorders.Bottom;
case 3:
if (null != Borders.Left) {
Border = Borders.Left;
} else {
if (0 != this.Index || null != this.Row.Get_CellSpacing()) {
Border = TableBorders.InsideV;
} else {
Border = TableBorders.Left;
return Border;
Set_Border: function (Border, Type) {
var DstBorder = this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Top;
var HistoryType = historyitem_TableCell_Border_Left;
switch (Type) {
case 0:
DstBorder = this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Top;
HistoryType = historyitem_TableCell_Border_Top;
case 1:
DstBorder = this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Right;
HistoryType = historyitem_TableCell_Border_Right;
case 2:
DstBorder = this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Bottom;
HistoryType = historyitem_TableCell_Border_Bottom;
case 3:
DstBorder = this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Left;
HistoryType = historyitem_TableCell_Border_Left;
if (undefined === Border) {
if (undefined === DstBorder) {
} else {
History.Add(this, {
Type: HistoryType,
Old: DstBorder,
New: undefined
switch (Type) {
case 0:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Top = undefined;
case 1:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Right = undefined;
case 2:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Bottom = undefined;
case 3:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Left = undefined;
} else {
if (null === Border) {
if (null === DstBorder) {
} else {
History.Add(this, {
Type: HistoryType,
Old: DstBorder,
New: null
switch (Type) {
case 0:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Top = null;
case 1:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Right = null;
case 2:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Bottom = null;
case 3:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Left = null;
} else {
if (null === DstBorder) {
var NewBorder = this.Get_Border(Type).Copy();
NewBorder.Value = (null != Border.Value ? Border.Value : NewBorder.Value);
NewBorder.Size = (null != Border.Size ? Border.Size : NewBorder.Size);
NewBorder.Color.r = (null != Border.Color ? Border.Color.r : NewBorder.Color.r);
NewBorder.Color.g = (null != Border.Color ? Border.Color.g : NewBorder.Color.g);
NewBorder.Color.b = (null != Border.Color ? Border.Color.b : NewBorder.Color.b);
NewBorder.Unifill = (null != Border.Unifill ? Border.Unifill : NewBorder.Unifill);
History.Add(this, {
Type: HistoryType,
Old: null,
New: NewBorder
switch (Type) {
case 0:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Top = NewBorder;
case 1:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Right = NewBorder;
case 2:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Bottom = NewBorder;
case 3:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Left = NewBorder;
} else {
var NewBorder = new CDocumentBorder();
var DefBorder = DstBorder;
if (undefined === DefBorder) {
DefBorder = new CDocumentBorder();
NewBorder.Value = (null != Border.Value ? Border.Value : DefBorder.Value);
NewBorder.Size = (null != Border.Size ? Border.Size : DefBorder.Size);
NewBorder.Color.r = (null != Border.Color ? Border.Color.r : DefBorder.Color.r);
NewBorder.Color.g = (null != Border.Color ? Border.Color.g : DefBorder.Color.g);
NewBorder.Color.b = (null != Border.Color ? Border.Color.b : DefBorder.Color.b);
NewBorder.Unifill = (null != Border.Unifill ? Border.Unifill : DefBorder.Unifill);
History.Add(this, {
Type: HistoryType,
Old: DstBorder,
New: NewBorder
switch (Type) {
case 0:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Top = NewBorder;
case 1:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Right = NewBorder;
case 2:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Bottom = NewBorder;
case 3:
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Left = NewBorder;
Set_BorderInfo_Top: function (TopInfo) {
this.BorderInfo.Top = TopInfo;
Set_BorderInfo_Bottom: function (BottomInfo, BeforeCount, AfterCount) {
this.BorderInfo.Bottom = BottomInfo;
this.BorderInfo.Bottom_BeforeCount = BeforeCount;
this.BorderInfo.Bottom_AfterCount = AfterCount;
Set_BorderInfo_Left: function (LeftInfo, Max) {
this.BorderInfo.Left = LeftInfo;
this.BorderInfo.MaxLeft = Max;
Set_BorderInfo_Right: function (RightInfo, Max) {
this.BorderInfo.Right = RightInfo;
this.BorderInfo.MaxRight = Max;
Get_BorderInfo: function () {
return this.BorderInfo;
Undo: function (Data) {
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_TableCell_GridSpan:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.GridSpan = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.GridSpan = Data.Old;
case historyitem_TableCell_Margins:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellMar = Data.Old;
case historyitem_TableCell_Shd:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.Shd = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.Shd = Data.Old;
case historyitem_TableCell_VMerge:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.VMerge = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.VMerge = Data.Old;
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Left:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Left = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Left = Data.Old;
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Right:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Right = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Right = Data.Old;
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Top:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Top = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Top = Data.Old;
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Bottom:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Bottom = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Bottom = Data.Old;
case historyitem_TableCell_VAlign:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.VAlign = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.VAlign = Data.Old;
case historyitem_TableCell_W:
if (undefined === Data.Old) {
this.Pr.TableCellW = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellW = Data.Old;
case historyitem_TableCell_Pr:
this.Pr = Data.Old;
Redo: function (Data) {
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_TableCell_GridSpan:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.GridSpan = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.GridSpan = Data.New;
case historyitem_TableCell_Margins:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellMar = Data.New;
case historyitem_TableCell_Shd:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.Shd = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.Shd = Data.New;
case historyitem_TableCell_VMerge:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.VMerge = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.VMerge = Data.New;
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Left:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Left = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Left = Data.New;
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Right:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Right = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Right = Data.New;
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Top:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Top = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Top = Data.New;
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Bottom:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Bottom = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Bottom = Data.New;
case historyitem_TableCell_VAlign:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.VAlign = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.VAlign = Data.New;
case historyitem_TableCell_W:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
this.Pr.TableCellW = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellW = Data.New;
case historyitem_TableCell_Pr:
this.Pr = Data.New;
Get_ParentObject_or_DocumentPos: function () {
return this.Row.Table.Get_ParentObject_or_DocumentPos(this.Row.Table.Index);
Refresh_RecalcData: function (Data) {
var bNeedRecalc = false;
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_TableCell_GridSpan:
case historyitem_TableCell_Margins:
case historyitem_TableCell_VMerge:
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Left:
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Right:
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Top:
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Bottom:
case historyitem_TableCell_VAlign:
case historyitem_TableCell_W:
case historyitem_TableCell_Pr:
bNeedRecalc = true;
case historyitem_TableCell_Shd:
this.Refresh_RecalcData2(0, 0);
Refresh_RecalcData2: function (Page_Rel) {
var Table = this.Row.Table;
var TablePr = Table.Get_CompiledPr(false).TablePr;
if (tbllayout_AutoFit === TablePr.TableLayout) {
if (this.Row.Table.Parent.Pages.length > 0) {
var CurCol;
var ColsCount = Table.TableGridCalc.length;
var TableGrid_old = [];
for (CurCol = 0; CurCol < ColsCount; CurCol++) {
TableGrid_old[CurCol] = Table.TableGridCalc[CurCol];
var TableGrid_new = Table.TableGridCalc;
for (CurCol = 0; CurCol < ColsCount; CurCol++) {
if (Math.abs(TableGrid_old[CurCol] - TableGrid_new[CurCol]) > 0.001) {
Table.RecalcInfo.TableBorders = true;
return Table.Refresh_RecalcData2(0, 0);
} else {
return Table.Refresh_RecalcData2(0, 0);
this.Row.Refresh_RecalcData2(this.Index, Page_Rel);
Save_Changes: function (Data, Writer) {
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_TableCell_GridSpan:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_TableCell_Margins:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
if (null === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_TableCell_Shd:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_TableCell_VMerge:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Left:
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Right:
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Top:
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Bottom:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
if (null === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_TableCell_VAlign:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_TableCell_W:
if (undefined === Data.New) {
} else {
case historyitem_TableCell_Pr:
return Writer;
Save_Changes2: function (Data, Writer) {
return false;
Load_Changes: function (Reader, Reader2) {
var ClassType = Reader.GetLong();
if (historyitem_type_TableCell != ClassType) {
var Type = Reader.GetLong();
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_TableCell_GridSpan:
var bUndefined = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefined) {
this.Pr.GridSpan = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.GridSpan = Reader.GetLong();
case historyitem_TableCell_Margins:
var bUndefined = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefined) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar = undefined;
} else {
var bNull = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bNull) {
this.Pr.TableCellMar = null;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellMar = {
Top: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0),
Left: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0),
Bottom: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0),
Right: new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0)
case historyitem_TableCell_Shd:
var bUndefined = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefined) {
this.Pr.Shd = undefined;
} else {
this.Pr.Shd = new CDocumentShd();
case historyitem_TableCell_VMerge:
var bUndefined = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefined) {
delete this.Pr.VMerge;
} else {
this.Pr.VMerge = Reader.GetLong();
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Left:
var bUndefined = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefined) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Left = undefined;
} else {
var bNull = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bNull) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Left = null;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Left = new CDocumentBorder();
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Right:
var bUndefined = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefined) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Right = undefined;
} else {
var bNull = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bNull) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Right = null;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Right = new CDocumentBorder();
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Top:
var bUndefined = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefined) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Top = undefined;
} else {
var bNull = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bNull) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Top = null;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Top = new CDocumentBorder();
case historyitem_TableCell_Border_Bottom:
var bUndefined = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefined) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Bottom = undefined;
} else {
var bNull = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bNull) {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Bottom = null;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellBorders.Bottom = new CDocumentBorder();
case historyitem_TableCell_VAlign:
var bUndefined = Reader.GetBool();
if (true === bUndefined) {
delete this.Pr.VAlign;
} else {
this.Pr.VAlign = Reader.GetLong();
case historyitem_TableCell_W:
if (true === Reader.GetBool()) {
delete this.Pr.TableCellW;
} else {
this.Pr.TableCellW = new CTableMeasurement(tblwidth_Auto, 0);
case historyitem_TableCell_Pr:
this.Pr = new CTableCellPr();
Write_ToBinary2: function (Writer) {
Read_FromBinary2: function (Reader) {
this.Id = Reader.GetString2();
this.Pr = new CTableCellPr();
this.Content = g_oTableId.Get_ById(Reader.GetString2());
Load_LinkData: function (LinkData) {}
function CTableRecalculateObject() {
this.TableSumGrid = [];
this.TableGridCalc = [];
this.TableRowsBottom = [];
this.HeaderInfo = {};
this.RowsInfo = [];
this.X_origin = 0;
this.X = 0;
this.Y = 0;
this.XLimit = 0;
this.YLimit = 0;
this.Pages = [];
this.MaxTopBorder = [];
this.MaxBotBorder = [];
this.MaxBotMargin = [];
this.Content = [];
CTableRecalculateObject.prototype = {
Save: function (Table) {
this.TableSumGrid = Table.TableSumGrid;
this.TableGridCalc = Table.TableGridCalc;
this.TableRowsBottom = Table.TableRowsBottom;
this.HeaderInfo = Table.HeaderInfo;
this.RowsInfo = Table.RowsInfo;
this.X_origin = Table.X_origin;
this.X = Table.X;
this.Y = Table.Y;
this.XLimit = Table.XLimit;
this.YLimit = Table.YLimit;
this.Pages = Table.Pages;
this.MaxTopBorder = Table.MaxTopBorder;
this.MaxBotBorder = Table.MaxBotBorder;
this.MaxBotMargin = Table.MaxBotBorder;
var Count = Table.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
this.Content[Index] = Table.Content[Index].Save_RecalculateObject();
Load: function (Table) {
Table.TableSumGrid = this.TableSumGrid;
Table.TableGridCalc = this.TableGridCalc;
Table.TableRowsBottom = this.TableRowsBottom;
Table.HeaderInfo = this.HeaderInfo;
Table.RowsInfo = this.RowsInfo;
Table.X_origin = this.X_origin;
Table.X = this.X;
Table.Y = this.Y;
Table.XLimit = this.XLimit;
Table.YLimit = this.YLimit;
Table.Pages = this.Pages;
Table.MaxTopBorder = this.MaxTopBorder;
Table.MaxBotBorder = this.MaxBotBorder;
Table.MaxBotMargin = this.MaxBotBorder;
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
Get_DrawingFlowPos: function (FlowPos) {
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
function CTableRowRecalculateObject() {
this.CellsInfo = [];
this.Metrics = {};
this.SpacingInfo = {};
this.Height = 0;
this.PagesCount = 0;
this.Content = [];
CTableRowRecalculateObject.prototype = {
Save: function (Row) {
this.CellsInfo = Row.CellsInfo;
this.Metrics = Row.Metrics;
this.SpacingInfo = Row.SpacingInfo;
this.Height = Row.Height;
this.PagesCount = Row.PagesCount;
var Count = Row.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
this.Content[Index] = Row.Content[Index].Save_RecalculateObject();
Load: function (Row) {
Row.CellsInfo = this.CellsInfo;
Row.Metrics = this.Metrics;
Row.SpacingInfo = this.SpacingInfo;
Row.Height = this.Height;
Row.PagesCount = this.PagesCount;
var Count = Row.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
Get_DrawingFlowPos: function (FlowPos) {
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
function CTableCellRecalculateObject() {
this.BorderInfo = null;
this.Metrics = null;
this.Temp = null;
this.Content = null;
CTableCellRecalculateObject.prototype = {
Save: function (Cell) {
this.BorderInfo = Cell.BorderInfo;
this.Metrics = Cell.Metrics;
this.Temp = Cell.Temp;
this.Content = Cell.Content.Save_RecalculateObject();
Load: function (Cell) {
Cell.BorderInfo = this.BorderInfo;
Cell.Metrics = this.Metrics;
Cell.Temp = this.Temp;
Get_DrawingFlowPos: function (FlowPos) {
2014-07-05 18:22:49 +00:00