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2015-04-28 14:59:00 +00:00
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2015
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
"use strict";
function CGlyphOperator() {
this.loc = null;
this.turn = null;
this.size = null;
this.stretch = 0;
this.bStretch = true;
this.penW = 1;
CGlyphOperator.prototype.init = function (props) {
this.loc = props.location;
this.turn = props.turn;
this.bStretch = (props.bStretch == true || props.bStretch == false) ? props.bStretch : true;
CGlyphOperator.prototype.fixSize = function (stretch) {
var sizeGlyph = this.calcSize(stretch);
var width, height, ascent;
var bHor = this.loc == LOCATION_TOP || this.loc == LOCATION_BOT;
if (bHor) {
width = sizeGlyph.width;
height = sizeGlyph.height;
ascent = height / 2;
if (this.bStretch) {
this.stretch = stretch > width ? stretch : width;
} else {
this.stretch = width;
} else {
width = sizeGlyph.height;
height = sizeGlyph.width;
ascent = height / 2;
this.stretch = stretch > height ? stretch : height;
this.size = {
width: width,
height: height,
ascent: ascent
CGlyphOperator.prototype.draw_other = function () {
var coord = this.calcCoord(this.stretch);
var X = coord.XX,
Y = coord.YY,
W = this.size.width,
H = this.size.height,
glW, glH;
var a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2;
var bHor = this.loc == 0 || this.loc == 1;
if (bHor) {
glW = coord.W;
glH = coord.H;
} else {
glW = coord.H;
glH = coord.W;
var shW = (W - glW) / 2,
shH = (H - glH) / 2;
if (this.loc == 0) {
a1 = 1;
b1 = 0;
c1 = shW;
a2 = 0;
b2 = 1;
c2 = 0;
} else {
if (this.loc == 1) {
a1 = 1;
b1 = 0;
c1 = shW;
a2 = 0;
b2 = 1;
c2 = H - glH;
} else {
if (this.loc == 2) {
a1 = 0;
b1 = 1;
c1 = 0;
a2 = 1;
b2 = 0;
c2 = shH;
} else {
if (this.loc == 3) {
a1 = 0;
b1 = 1;
c1 = W - glW;
a2 = 1;
b2 = 0;
c2 = shH;
} else {
if (this.loc == 4) {
a1 = 0;
b1 = 1;
c1 = shW;
a2 = 1;
b2 = 0;
c2 = 0;
if (this.turn == 1) {
a1 *= -1;
b1 *= -1;
c1 += glW;
} else {
if (this.turn == 2) {
a2 *= -1;
b2 *= -1;
c2 += glH;
} else {
if (this.turn == 3) {
a1 *= -1;
b1 *= -1;
c1 += glW;
a2 *= -1;
b2 *= -1;
c2 += glH;
if (bHor) {
a1 = 1;
b1 = 0;
c1 = shW;
a2 = 0;
b2 = 1;
c2 = 0;
} else {
a1 = 0;
b1 = 1;
c1 = 0;
a2 = 1;
b2 = 0;
c2 = shH;
if (this.turn == 1) {
a1 *= -1;
b1 *= -1;
c1 = W;
} else {
if (this.turn == 2) {
a2 *= -1;
b2 *= -1;
c2 = H;
} else {
if (this.turn == 3) {
a1 *= -1;
b1 *= -1;
c1 = W;
a2 *= -1;
b2 *= -1;
c2 = H;
var gpX = 0,
gpY = 0;
if (this.loc == 1) {
gpY = this.penW * 25.4 / 96;
if (this.loc == 3) {
gpX = -this.penW * 25.4 / 96;
var XX = [],
YY = [];
var x = this.pos.x,
y = this.pos.y;
for (var i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
XX[i] = x + X[i] * a1 + Y[i] * b1 + c1 + gpX;
YY[i] = y + X[i] * a2 + Y[i] * b2 + c2 + gpY;
var intGrid = MathControl.pGraph.GetIntegerGrid();
MathControl.pGraph.p_width(this.penW * 1000);
MathControl.pGraph.b_color1(0, 0, 0, 255);
this.drawPath(XX, YY);
CGlyphOperator.prototype.getCoordinateGlyph = function () {
var coord = this.calcCoord(this.stretch);
var X = coord.XX,
Y = coord.YY,
W = this.size.width,
H = this.size.height;
var bHor = this.loc == 0 || this.loc == 1;
var glW = 0,
glH = 0;
if (bHor) {
glW = coord.W;
glH = coord.H;
} else {
glW = coord.H;
glH = coord.W;
var bLine = this.Parent.typeOper == DELIMITER_LINE || this.Parent.typeOper == DELIMITER_DOUBLE_LINE,
bArrow = this.Parent.typeOper == ARROW_LEFT || this.Parent.typeOper == ARROW_RIGHT || this.Parent.typeOper == ARROW_LR,
bDoubleArrow = this.Parent.typeOper == DOUBLE_LEFT_ARROW || this.Parent.typeOper == DOUBLE_RIGHT_ARROW || this.Parent.typeOper == DOUBLE_ARROW_LR;
var a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2;
if (bLine) {
if (this.loc == LOCATION_TOP) {
a1 = 1;
b1 = 0;
c1 = 0;
a2 = 0;
b2 = 1;
c2 = (H - glH) / 2;
} else {
if (this.loc == LOCATION_BOT) {
a1 = 1;
b1 = 0;
c1 = 0;
a2 = 0;
b2 = 1;
c2 = (H - glH) / 2;
} else {
if (this.loc == LOCATION_LEFT) {
a1 = 0;
b1 = 1;
c1 = (W - glW) / 2;
a2 = 1;
b2 = 0;
c2 = 0;
} else {
if (this.loc == LOCATION_RIGHT) {
a1 = 0;
b1 = 1;
c1 = (W - glW) / 2;
a2 = 1;
b2 = 0;
c2 = 0;
} else {
if (this.loc == LOCATION_SEP) {
a1 = 0;
b1 = 1;
c1 = (W - glW) / 2;
a2 = 1;
b2 = 0;
c2 = 0;
} else {
if (this.loc == LOCATION_TOP) {
a1 = 1;
b1 = 0;
c1 = 0;
a2 = 0;
b2 = 1;
c2 = 0;
} else {
if (this.loc == LOCATION_BOT) {
a1 = 1;
b1 = 0;
c1 = 0;
a2 = 0;
b2 = 1;
c2 = H - glH;
} else {
if (this.loc == LOCATION_LEFT) {
a1 = 0;
b1 = 1;
c1 = 0;
a2 = 1;
b2 = 0;
c2 = 0;
} else {
if (this.loc == LOCATION_RIGHT) {
a1 = 0;
b1 = 1;
c1 = W - glW;
a2 = 1;
b2 = 0;
c2 = 0;
} else {
if (this.loc == LOCATION_SEP) {
a1 = 0;
b1 = 1;
c1 = 0;
a2 = 1;
b2 = 0;
c2 = 0;
if (this.turn == 1) {
a1 *= -1;
b1 *= -1;
c1 += glW;
} else {
if (this.turn == 2) {
a2 *= -1;
b2 *= -1;
c2 += glH;
} else {
if (this.turn == 3) {
a1 *= -1;
b1 *= -1;
c1 += glW;
a2 *= -1;
b2 *= -1;
c2 += glH;
var gpX = 0,
gpY = 0;
if (this.loc == 3) {
gpX = -this.penW * 25.4 / 96;
var XX = [],
YY = [];
for (var i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
XX[i] = X[i] * a1 + Y[i] * b1 + c1 + gpX;
YY[i] = X[i] * a2 + Y[i] * b2 + c2 + gpY;
return {
Width: glW,
Height: glH
CGlyphOperator.prototype.draw = function (pGraphics, XX, YY, PDSE) {
var intGrid = pGraphics.GetIntegerGrid();
pGraphics.p_width(this.penW * 1000);
this.drawPath(pGraphics, XX, YY, PDSE);
CGlyphOperator.prototype.drawOnlyLines = function (x, y, pGraphics, PDSE) {
this.draw(x, y, pGraphics);
CGlyphOperator.prototype.getCtrPrp = function () {
return this.Parent.Get_TxtPrControlLetter();
CGlyphOperator.prototype.PreRecalc = function (Parent) {
this.Parent = Parent;
function COperatorBracket() {;
Asc.extendClass(COperatorBracket, CGlyphOperator);
COperatorBracket.prototype.calcSize = function (stretch) {
var betta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 36;
var heightBr, widthBr;
var minBoxH = 4.917529296874999 * betta;
if (this.Parent.type == OPER_GROUP_CHAR) {
widthBr = 7.347222222222221 * betta;
heightBr = minBoxH;
} else {
widthBr = 12.34722222222222 * betta;
var maxBoxH;
var rx = stretch / widthBr;
if (rx < 1) {
rx = 1;
if (rx < 2.1) {
maxBoxH = minBoxH * 1.37;
} else {
if (rx < 3.22) {
maxBoxH = minBoxH * 1.06;
} else {
maxBoxH = 8.74 * betta;
var delta = maxBoxH - minBoxH;
heightBr = delta / 4.3 * (rx - 1) + minBoxH;
heightBr = heightBr > maxBoxH ? maxBoxH : heightBr;
return {
width: widthBr,
height: heightBr
COperatorBracket.prototype.calcCoord = function (stretch) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
X[0] = 26467;
Y[0] = 18871;
X[1] = 25967;
Y[1] = 18871;
X[2] = 25384;
Y[2] = 16830;
X[3] = 24737;
Y[3] = 15476;
X[4] = 24091;
Y[4] = 14122;
X[5] = 23341;
Y[5] = 13309;
X[6] = 22591;
Y[6] = 12497;
X[7] = 21778;
Y[7] = 12164;
X[8] = 20965;
Y[8] = 11831;
X[9] = 20089;
Y[9] = 11831;
X[10] = 19214;
Y[10] = 11831;
X[11] = 18317;
Y[11] = 12083;
X[12] = 17421;
Y[12] = 12336;
X[13] = 16441;
Y[13] = 12652;
X[14] = 15462;
Y[14] = 12969;
X[15] = 14357;
Y[15] = 13243;
X[16] = 13253;
Y[16] = 13518;
X[17] = 11961;
Y[17] = 13518;
X[18] = 9835;
Y[18] = 13518;
X[19] = 8292;
Y[19] = 12621;
X[20] = 6750;
Y[20] = 11724;
X[21] = 5750;
Y[21] = 10055;
X[22] = 4750;
Y[22] = 8386;
X[23] = 4270;
Y[23] = 5987;
X[24] = 3791;
Y[24] = 3589;
X[25] = 3791;
Y[25] = 626;
X[26] = 3791;
Y[26] = 0;
X[27] = 0;
Y[27] = 0;
X[28] = 0;
Y[28] = 1084;
X[29] = 83;
Y[29] = 5963;
X[30] = 1021;
Y[30] = 9612;
X[31] = 1959;
Y[31] = 13261;
X[32] = 3543;
Y[32] = 15700;
X[33] = 5127;
Y[33] = 18139;
X[34] = 7232;
Y[34] = 19369;
X[35] = 9337;
Y[35] = 20599;
X[36] = 11796;
Y[36] = 20599;
X[37] = 13338;
Y[37] = 20599;
X[38] = 14588;
Y[38] = 20283;
X[39] = 15839;
Y[39] = 19968;
X[40] = 16860;
Y[40] = 19610;
X[41] = 17882;
Y[41] = 19252;
X[42] = 18736;
Y[42] = 18936;
X[43] = 19590;
Y[43] = 18621;
X[44] = 20340;
Y[44] = 18621;
X[45] = 21091;
Y[45] = 18621;
X[46] = 21820;
Y[46] = 18995;
X[47] = 22550;
Y[47] = 19370;
X[48] = 23133;
Y[48] = 20266;
X[49] = 23717;
Y[49] = 21162;
X[50] = 24092;
Y[50] = 22703;
X[51] = 24467;
Y[51] = 24245;
X[52] = 24551;
Y[52] = 26578;
X[53] = 28133;
Y[53] = 26578;
var textScale = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 1000;
var alpha = textScale * 25.4 / 96 / 64;
var augm = stretch / ((X[52] + (X[0] - X[1]) / 2 + X[1] - X[52]) * alpha * 2);
if (augm < 1) {
augm = 1;
var YY = [],
XX = [];
var hh1 = [],
hh2 = [];
var c1 = [],
c2 = [];
var delta = augm < 7 ? augm : 7;
if (augm < 7) {
var RX = [],
if (delta < 5.1) {
hh1[0] = 1.89;
hh2[0] = 2.58;
hh1[1] = 1.55;
hh2[1] = 1.72;
hh1[2] = 1.5;
hh2[2] = 1.64;
hh1[3] = 1.92;
hh2[3] = 1.97;
hh1[4] = 1;
hh2[4] = 1;
hh1[5] = 2.5;
hh2[5] = 2.5;
hh1[6] = 2.1;
hh2[6] = 2.1;
hh1[7] = 1;
hh2[7] = 1;
RX1 = 0.033 * delta + 0.967;
RX2 = 0.033 * delta + 0.967;
} else {
hh1[0] = 1.82;
hh2[0] = 2.09;
hh1[1] = 1.64;
hh2[1] = 1.65;
hh1[2] = 1.57;
hh2[2] = 1.92;
hh1[3] = 1.48;
hh2[3] = 2.16;
hh1[4] = 1;
hh2[4] = 1;
hh1[5] = 2.5;
hh2[5] = 2.5;
hh1[6] = 2.1;
hh2[6] = 2.1;
hh1[7] = 1;
hh2[7] = 1;
RX1 = 0.22 * delta + 0.78;
RX2 = 0.17 * delta + 0.83;
for (var i = 0; i < 27; i++) {
RX[i] = RX1;
for (var i = 27; i < 54; i++) {
RX[i] = RX2;
RX[1] = (Y[52] * RX[52] - (Y[52] - Y[1])) / Y[1];
RX[0] = RX[1] * Y[1] / Y[0];
RX[27] = 1;
RX[26] = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
RX[26 - i] = 1 + i * ((RX2 + RX1) / 2 - 1) / 7;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
c1[i] = X[30 + 2 * i] - X[28 + 2 * i];
c2[i] = X[23 - 2 * i] - X[25 - 2 * i];
c1[5] = X[48] - X[44];
c2[5] = X[5] - X[9];
c1[6] = X[52] - X[48];
c2[6] = X[1] - X[5];
c1[7] = (X[0] - X[1]) / 2 + X[1] - X[52];
c2[7] = (X[0] - X[1]) / 2;
c1[4] = X[44] - X[36];
c2[4] = X[9] - X[17];
var rest1 = 0,
rest2 = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (i == 4) {
hh1[i] = (hh1[i] - 1) * (delta - 1) + 1;
hh2[i] = (hh2[i] - 1) * (delta - 1) + 1;
rest1 += hh1[i] * c1[i];
rest2 += hh2[i] * c2[i];
var H1 = delta * (X[52] + c1[7]),
H2 = H1 - (X[26] - X[27]);
hh1[4] = (H1 - rest1) / c1[4];
hh2[4] = (H2 - rest2) / c2[4];
XX[27] = X[27];
XX[26] = X[26];
XX[28] = X[27];
XX[25] = X[26];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (var j = 1; j < 3; j++) {
var t = j + i * 2;
XX[28 + t] = XX[27 + t] + (X[28 + t] - X[27 + t]) * hh1[i];
XX[25 - t] = XX[26 - t] + (X[25 - t] - X[26 - t]) * hh2[i];
for (var i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
XX[36 + i] = XX[35 + i] + (X[36 + i] - X[35 + i]) * hh1[4];
XX[17 - i] = XX[18 - i] + (X[17 - i] - X[18 - i]) * hh2[4];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
XX[45 + i] = XX[44 + i] + (X[45 + i] - X[44 + i]) * hh1[5];
XX[8 - i] = XX[9 - i] + (X[8 - i] - X[9 - i]) * hh2[5];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
XX[49 + i] = XX[48 + i] + (X[49 + i] - X[48 + i]) * hh1[6];
XX[4 - i] = XX[5 - i] + (X[4 - i] - X[5 - i]) * hh2[6];
XX[53] = XX[52] + 2 * c1[7] * hh1[7];
XX[0] = XX[1] + 2 * c2[7] * hh2[7];
} else {
hh1[0] = 1.75;
hh2[0] = 2.55;
hh1[1] = 1.62;
hh2[1] = 1.96;
hh1[2] = 1.97;
hh2[2] = 1.94;
hh1[3] = 1.53;
hh2[3] = 1;
hh1[4] = 2.04;
hh2[4] = 3.17;
hh1[5] = 2;
hh2[5] = 2.58;
hh1[6] = 2.3;
hh2[6] = 1.9;
hh1[7] = 2.3;
hh2[7] = 1.9;
hh1[8] = 1;
hh2[8] = 1;
hh1[9] = 2.5;
hh2[9] = 2.5;
hh1[10] = 2.1;
hh2[10] = 2.1;
hh1[11] = 1;
hh2[11] = 1;
var rest1 = 0,
rest2 = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
c1[i] = X[30 + i] - X[29 + i];
c2[i] = X[24 - i] - X[25 - i];
c1[9] = X[48] - X[44];
c2[9] = X[5] - X[9];
c1[10] = X[52] - X[48];
c2[10] = X[1] - X[5];
c1[11] = (X[0] - X[1]) / 2 + X[1] - X[52];
c2[11] = (X[0] - X[1]) / 2;
c1[8] = X[44] - X[36];
c2[8] = X[9] - X[17];
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
if (i == 8) {
hh1[i] = (hh1[i] - 1) * (delta - 1) + 1;
hh2[i] = (hh2[i] - 1) * (delta - 1) + 1;
rest1 += hh1[i] * c1[i];
rest2 += hh2[i] * c2[i];
var H1 = delta * (X[52] + c1[11]),
H2 = H1 - (X[26] - X[27]);
hh1[8] = (H1 - rest1) / c1[8];
hh2[8] = (H2 - rest2) / c2[8];
XX[27] = X[27];
XX[26] = X[26];
XX[28] = X[27];
XX[25] = X[26];
for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
XX[28 + i] = XX[27 + i] + (X[28 + i] - X[27 + i]) * hh1[i];
XX[25 - i] = XX[26 - i] + (X[25 - i] - X[26 - i]) * hh2[i];
for (var i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
XX[36 + i] = XX[35 + i] + (X[36 + i] - X[35 + i]) * hh1[8];
XX[17 - i] = XX[18 - i] + (X[17 - i] - X[18 - i]) * hh2[8];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
XX[45 + i] = XX[44 + i] + (X[45 + i] - X[44 + i]) * hh1[9];
XX[8 - i] = XX[9 - i] + (X[8 - i] - X[9 - i]) * hh2[9];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
XX[49 + i] = XX[48 + i] + (X[49 + i] - X[48 + i]) * hh1[10];
XX[4 - i] = XX[5 - i] + (X[4 - i] - X[5 - i]) * hh2[10];
XX[53] = XX[52] + 2 * c1[11] * hh1[11];
XX[0] = XX[1] + 2 * c2[11] * hh2[11];
var RX = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 27; i++) {
RX[i] = 0.182 * delta + 0.818;
for (var i = 27; i < 54; i++) {
RX[i] = 0.145 * delta + 0.855;
RX[1] = (Y[52] * RX[52] - (Y[52] - Y[1])) / Y[1];
RX[0] = RX[1] * Y[1] / Y[0];
RX[27] = 1;
RX[26] = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
RX[28 - i] = 1 + i * (0.145 * delta + 0.855 - 1) / 8;
var w = Y[33] * RX[33],
w2 = Y[9] * RX[9] + 0.15 * (Y[9] * RX[9] - Y[19] * RX[19]);
for (var i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
RX[34 + i] = w / Y[34 + i];
RX[19 - i] = w2 / Y[19 - i];
var _H1 = augm * (X[52] + c1[11]),
_H2 = _H1 - (X[26] - X[27]);
var w3 = _H1 - (XX[52] + c1[11]),
w4 = _H2 - (XX[1] - XX[26] + c2[11]);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
XX[53 - i] = XX[53 - i] + w3;
XX[i] = XX[i] + w4;
for (var i = 0; i < 54; i++) {
if (this.Parent.type == OPER_GROUP_CHAR) {
YY[i] = (Y[53] - Y[i]) * alpha;
} else {
YY[i] = (Y[53] * RX[53] - Y[i] * RX[i]) * alpha;
XX[i] = XX[i] * alpha;
for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
YY[54 + i] = YY[51 - i];
for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
XX[54 + i] = XX[53] + XX[52] - XX[51 - i];
var W = XX[77],
H = YY[26];
return {
W: W,
H: H
COperatorBracket.prototype.drawPath = function (pGraphics, XX, YY) {
pGraphics._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
pGraphics._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
pGraphics._c(XX[1], YY[1], XX[2], YY[2], XX[3], YY[3]);
pGraphics._c(XX[3], YY[3], XX[4], YY[4], XX[5], YY[5]);
pGraphics._c(XX[5], YY[5], XX[6], YY[6], XX[7], YY[7]);
pGraphics._c(XX[7], YY[7], XX[8], YY[8], XX[9], YY[9]);
pGraphics._c(XX[9], YY[9], XX[10], YY[10], XX[11], YY[11]);
pGraphics._c(XX[11], YY[11], XX[12], YY[12], XX[13], YY[13]);
pGraphics._c(XX[13], YY[13], XX[14], YY[14], XX[15], YY[15]);
pGraphics._c(XX[15], YY[15], XX[16], YY[16], XX[17], YY[17]);
pGraphics._c(XX[17], YY[17], XX[18], YY[18], XX[19], YY[19]);
pGraphics._c(XX[19], YY[19], XX[20], YY[20], XX[21], YY[21]);
pGraphics._c(XX[21], YY[21], XX[22], YY[22], XX[23], YY[23]);
pGraphics._c(XX[23], YY[23], XX[24], YY[24], XX[25], YY[25]);
pGraphics._l(XX[26], YY[26]);
pGraphics._l(XX[27], YY[27]);
pGraphics._l(XX[28], YY[28]);
pGraphics._c(XX[28], YY[28], XX[29], YY[29], XX[30], YY[30]);
pGraphics._c(XX[30], YY[30], XX[31], YY[31], XX[32], YY[32]);
pGraphics._c(XX[32], YY[32], XX[33], YY[33], XX[34], YY[34]);
pGraphics._c(XX[34], YY[34], XX[35], YY[35], XX[36], YY[36]);
pGraphics._c(XX[36], YY[36], XX[37], YY[37], XX[38], YY[38]);
pGraphics._c(XX[38], YY[38], XX[39], YY[39], XX[40], YY[40]);
pGraphics._c(XX[40], YY[40], XX[41], YY[41], XX[42], YY[42]);
pGraphics._c(XX[42], YY[42], XX[43], YY[43], XX[44], YY[44]);
pGraphics._c(XX[44], YY[44], XX[45], YY[45], XX[46], YY[46]);
pGraphics._c(XX[46], YY[46], XX[47], YY[47], XX[48], YY[48]);
pGraphics._c(XX[48], YY[48], XX[49], YY[49], XX[50], YY[50]);
pGraphics._c(XX[50], YY[50], XX[51], YY[51], XX[52], YY[52]);
pGraphics._l(XX[53], YY[53]);
pGraphics._c(XX[53], YY[53], XX[54], YY[54], XX[55], YY[55]);
pGraphics._c(XX[55], YY[55], XX[56], YY[56], XX[57], YY[57]);
pGraphics._c(XX[57], YY[57], XX[58], YY[58], XX[59], YY[59]);
pGraphics._c(XX[59], YY[59], XX[60], YY[60], XX[61], YY[61]);
pGraphics._c(XX[61], YY[61], XX[62], YY[62], XX[63], YY[63]);
pGraphics._c(XX[63], YY[63], XX[64], YY[64], XX[65], YY[65]);
pGraphics._c(XX[65], YY[65], XX[66], YY[66], XX[67], YY[67]);
pGraphics._c(XX[67], YY[67], XX[68], YY[68], XX[69], YY[69]);
pGraphics._c(XX[69], YY[69], XX[70], YY[70], XX[71], YY[71]);
pGraphics._c(XX[71], YY[71], XX[72], YY[72], XX[73], YY[73]);
pGraphics._c(XX[73], YY[73], XX[74], YY[74], XX[75], YY[75]);
pGraphics._c(XX[75], YY[75], XX[76], YY[76], XX[77], YY[77]);
pGraphics._l(XX[78], YY[78]);
pGraphics._l(XX[79], YY[79]);
pGraphics._l(XX[80], YY[80]);
pGraphics._c(XX[80], YY[80], XX[81], YY[81], XX[82], YY[82]);
pGraphics._c(XX[82], YY[82], XX[83], YY[83], XX[84], YY[84]);
pGraphics._c(XX[84], YY[84], XX[85], YY[85], XX[86], YY[86]);
pGraphics._c(XX[86], YY[86], XX[87], YY[87], XX[88], YY[88]);
pGraphics._c(XX[88], YY[88], XX[89], YY[89], XX[90], YY[90]);
pGraphics._c(XX[90], YY[90], XX[91], YY[91], XX[92], YY[92]);
pGraphics._c(XX[92], YY[92], XX[93], YY[93], XX[94], YY[94]);
pGraphics._c(XX[94], YY[94], XX[95], YY[95], XX[96], YY[96]);
pGraphics._c(XX[96], YY[96], XX[97], YY[97], XX[98], YY[98]);
pGraphics._c(XX[98], YY[98], XX[99], YY[99], XX[100], YY[100]);
pGraphics._c(XX[100], YY[100], XX[101], YY[101], XX[102], YY[102]);
pGraphics._c(XX[102], YY[102], XX[103], YY[103], XX[0], YY[0]);
function COperatorParenthesis() {;
Asc.extendClass(COperatorParenthesis, CGlyphOperator);
COperatorParenthesis.prototype.calcSize = function (stretch) {
var betta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 36;
var heightBr, widthBr;
var minBoxH = 5.27099609375 * betta;
if (this.Parent.type == OPER_GROUP_CHAR) {
widthBr = 6.99444444444 * betta;
heightBr = minBoxH;
} else {
var maxBoxH = 9.630419921870001 * betta;
widthBr = 11.99444444444 * betta;
var ry = stretch / widthBr,
delta = maxBoxH - minBoxH;
heightBr = delta / 4.3 * (ry - 1) + minBoxH;
heightBr = heightBr > maxBoxH ? maxBoxH : heightBr;
return {
height: heightBr,
width: widthBr
COperatorParenthesis.prototype.calcCoord = function (stretch) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
X[0] = 39887;
Y[0] = 18995;
X[1] = 25314;
Y[1] = 18995;
X[2] = 15863;
Y[2] = 14309;
X[3] = 6412;
Y[3] = 9623;
X[4] = 3206;
Y[4] = 0;
X[5] = 0;
Y[5] = 1000;
X[6] = 3206;
Y[6] = 13217;
X[7] = 13802;
Y[7] = 19722;
X[8] = 24398;
Y[8] = 26227;
X[9] = 39470;
Y[9] = 26227;
var textScale = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 1000;
var alpha = textScale * 25.4 / 96 / 64;
var aug = stretch / (X[9] * alpha) / 2;
var RX, RY;
var MIN_AUG = this.Parent.type == OPER_GROUP_CHAR ? 0.5 : 1;
if (aug > 6.53) {
RX = 6.53;
RY = 2.05;
} else {
if (aug < MIN_AUG) {
} else {
RX = aug;
RY = 1 + (aug - 1) * 0.19;
if (this.Parent.type !== OPER_GROUP_CHAR) {
var DistH = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
DistH[i] = Y[9 - i] - Y[i];
for (var i = 5; i < 10; i++) {
Y[i] = Y[i] * RY;
Y[9 - i] = Y[i] - DistH[9 - i];
var DistW = [];
for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
DistW[j] = X[18 - j] - X[9 + j];
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
DistW[i] = X[9 - j] - X[j];
for (var i = 5; i < 10; i++) {
X[i] = X[i] * RX;
X[9 - i] = X[i] + DistW[9 - i];
var XX = [],
YY = [];
var shiftY = 1.1 * Y[9] * alpha;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
YY[19 - i] = shiftY - Y[i] * alpha;
YY[i] = shiftY - Y[i] * alpha;
XX[19 - i] = X[i] * alpha;
XX[i] = stretch - X[i] * alpha;
YY[20] = YY[0];
XX[20] = XX[0];
var W = XX[5],
H = YY[4];
return {
W: W,
H: H
COperatorParenthesis.prototype.drawPath = function (pGraphics, XX, YY) {
pGraphics._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
pGraphics._c(XX[0], YY[0], XX[1], YY[1], XX[2], YY[2]);
pGraphics._c(XX[2], YY[2], XX[3], YY[3], XX[4], YY[4]);
pGraphics._l(XX[5], YY[5]);
pGraphics._c(XX[5], YY[5], XX[6], YY[6], XX[7], YY[7]);
pGraphics._c(XX[7], YY[7], XX[8], YY[8], XX[9], YY[9]);
pGraphics._l(XX[10], YY[10]);
pGraphics._c(XX[10], YY[10], XX[11], YY[11], XX[12], YY[12]);
pGraphics._c(XX[12], YY[12], XX[13], YY[13], XX[14], YY[14]);
pGraphics._l(XX[15], YY[15]);
pGraphics._c(XX[15], YY[15], XX[16], YY[16], XX[17], YY[17]);
pGraphics._c(XX[17], YY[17], XX[18], YY[18], XX[19], YY[19]);
pGraphics._l(XX[20], YY[20]);
function COperatorAngleBracket() {;
Asc.extendClass(COperatorAngleBracket, CGlyphOperator);
COperatorAngleBracket.prototype.calcSize = function (stretch) {
var betta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 36;
var widthBr = 11.99444444444444 * betta;
var heightBr;
if (stretch / widthBr > 3.768) {
heightBr = 5.3578125 * betta;
} else {
heightBr = 4.828645833333333 * betta;
return {
width: widthBr,
height: heightBr
COperatorAngleBracket.prototype.calcCoord = function (stretch) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
X[0] = 38990;
Y[0] = 7665;
X[1] = 1583;
Y[1] = 21036;
X[2] = 0;
Y[2] = 16621;
X[3] = 37449;
Y[3] = 0;
X[4] = 40531;
Y[4] = 0;
X[5] = 77938;
Y[5] = 16621;
X[6] = 76439;
Y[6] = 21036;
X[7] = 38990;
Y[7] = 7665;
var textScale = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 1000;
var alpha = textScale * 25.4 / 96 / 64;
var augm = stretch / (X[5] * alpha);
if (augm < 1) {
augm = 1;
} else {
if (augm > 4.7) {
augm = 4.7;
var c1 = 1,
c2 = 1;
var ww1 = Y[0] - Y[3],
ww2 = Y[1] - Y[2],
ww3 = Y[1] - Y[0],
ww4 = Y[2] - Y[3];
if (augm > 3.768) {
var WW = (Y[1] - Y[3]) * 1.3;
c1 = (WW - ww1) / ww3;
c2 = (WW - ww2) / ww4;
Y[1] = Y[6] = Y[0] + ww3 * c1;
Y[2] = Y[5] = Y[3] + ww4 * c2;
var k1 = 0.01 * augm;
var hh1 = (X[0] - X[3]) * k1,
hh2 = X[1] - X[2],
hh3 = X[3] - X[2],
hh4 = X[0] - X[1],
HH = augm * X[5] / 2;
var k2 = (HH - hh1) / hh3,
k3 = (HH - hh2) / hh4;
X[7] = X[0] = X[1] + k3 * hh4;
X[3] = X[2] + k2 * hh3;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
X[4 + i] = 2 * HH - X[3 - i];
var XX = [],
YY = [];
for (var i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
XX[i] = X[i] * alpha;
YY[i] = Y[i] * alpha;
var W = XX[5],
H = YY[1];
return {
W: W,
H: H
COperatorAngleBracket.prototype.drawPath = function (pGraphics, XX, YY) {
pGraphics._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
pGraphics._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
pGraphics._l(XX[2], YY[2]);
pGraphics._l(XX[3], YY[3]);
pGraphics._l(XX[4], YY[4]);
pGraphics._l(XX[5], YY[5]);
pGraphics._l(XX[6], YY[6]);
pGraphics._l(XX[7], YY[7]);
function CSquareBracket() {;
Asc.extendClass(CSquareBracket, CGlyphOperator);
CSquareBracket.prototype.calcCoord = function (stretch) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
X[0] = 3200;
Y[0] = 6912;
X[1] = 3200;
Y[1] = 18592;
X[2] = 0;
Y[2] = 18592;
X[3] = 0;
Y[3] = 0;
X[4] = 79424;
Y[4] = 0;
X[5] = 79424;
Y[5] = 18592;
X[6] = 76224;
Y[6] = 18592;
X[7] = 76224;
Y[7] = 6912;
X[8] = 3200;
Y[8] = 6912;
var textScale = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 1000;
var alpha = textScale * 25.4 / 96 / 64;
var lng = stretch / alpha - X[4] - 2 * X[0];
if (lng < 0) {
lng = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
X[4 + i] += lng;
var XX = [],
YY = [];
var shY = Y[0] * alpha;
for (var i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
XX[i] = X[i] * alpha;
YY[i] = Y[i] * alpha + shY;
var W = XX[4],
H = YY[1];
return {
W: W,
H: H
CSquareBracket.prototype.drawPath = function (pGraphics, XX, YY) {
pGraphics._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
pGraphics._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
pGraphics._l(XX[2], YY[2]);
pGraphics._l(XX[3], YY[3]);
pGraphics._l(XX[4], YY[4]);
pGraphics._l(XX[5], YY[5]);
pGraphics._l(XX[6], YY[6]);
pGraphics._l(XX[7], YY[7]);
pGraphics._l(XX[8], YY[8]);
CSquareBracket.prototype.calcSize = function () {
var betta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 36;
var height = 4.446240234375 * betta;
var width = 12.34722222222222 * betta;
return {
width: width,
height: height
function CHalfSquareBracket() {;
Asc.extendClass(CHalfSquareBracket, CGlyphOperator);
CHalfSquareBracket.prototype.calcCoord = function (stretch) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
X[0] = 0;
Y[0] = 0;
X[1] = 0;
Y[1] = 7000;
X[2] = 74106;
Y[2] = 7000;
X[3] = 74106;
Y[3] = 18578;
X[4] = 77522;
Y[4] = 18578;
X[5] = 77522;
Y[5] = 0;
X[6] = 0;
Y[6] = 0;
var textScale = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 1000;
var alpha = textScale * 25.4 / 96 / 64;
var w1 = X[4],
w2 = X[4] - X[3];
var lng = stretch / alpha - w1 - w2;
if (lng < 0) {
lng = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
X[2 + i] += lng;
var XX = [],
YY = [];
var shY = Y[1] * alpha;
for (var i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
XX[i] = X[i] * alpha;
YY[i] = Y[i] * alpha + shY;
var W = XX[4],
H = YY[4];
return {
W: W,
H: H
CHalfSquareBracket.prototype.calcSize = function () {
var betta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 36;
var height = 4.446240234375 * betta;
var width = 11.99444444444 * betta;
return {
width: width,
height: height
CHalfSquareBracket.prototype.drawPath = function (pGraphics, XX, YY) {
pGraphics._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
pGraphics._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
pGraphics._l(XX[2], YY[2]);
pGraphics._l(XX[3], YY[3]);
pGraphics._l(XX[4], YY[4]);
pGraphics._l(XX[5], YY[5]);
pGraphics._l(XX[6], YY[6]);
function COperatorLine() {;
Asc.extendClass(COperatorLine, CGlyphOperator);
COperatorLine.prototype.calcSize = function () {
var betta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 36;
var height = 4.018359374999999 * betta;
var width = 11.99444444444 * betta;
return {
width: width,
height: height
COperatorLine.prototype.calcCoord = function (stretch) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
X[0] = 0;
Y[0] = 0;
X[1] = 0;
Y[1] = 5520;
X[2] = 77504;
Y[2] = 5520;
X[3] = 77504;
Y[3] = 0;
X[4] = 0;
Y[4] = 0;
var textScale = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 1000;
var alpha = textScale * 25.4 / 96 / 64;
var XX = [],
YY = [];
var shY = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
XX[i] = X[i] * alpha;
YY[i] = Y[i] * alpha + shY;
var lng = stretch - X[2] * alpha;
if (lng < 0) {
lng = 0;
XX[2] += lng;
XX[3] += lng;
var W = XX[2],
H = YY[2] + shY;
return {
W: W,
H: H
COperatorLine.prototype.drawPath = function (pGraphics, XX, YY) {
pGraphics._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
pGraphics._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
pGraphics._l(XX[2], YY[2]);
pGraphics._l(XX[3], YY[3]);
pGraphics._l(XX[4], YY[4]);
function CWhiteSquareBracket() {;
Asc.extendClass(CWhiteSquareBracket, CGlyphOperator);
CWhiteSquareBracket.prototype.calcSize = function () {
var betta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 36;
var height = 5.587255859375 * betta;
var width = 11.99444444444 * betta;
return {
width: width,
height: height
CWhiteSquareBracket.prototype.calcCoord = function (stretch) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
X[0] = 3225;
Y[0] = 17055;
X[1] = 3225;
Y[1] = 26219;
X[2] = 0;
Y[2] = 26219;
X[3] = 0;
Y[3] = 0;
X[4] = 77529;
Y[4] = 0;
X[5] = 77529;
Y[5] = 26219;
X[6] = 74304;
Y[6] = 26219;
X[7] = 74304;
Y[7] = 17055;
X[8] = 3225;
Y[8] = 17055;
X[9] = 74304;
Y[9] = 12700;
X[10] = 3225;
Y[10] = 12700;
X[11] = 3225;
Y[11] = 4600;
X[12] = 74304;
Y[12] = 4600;
X[13] = 74304;
Y[13] = 12700;
var textScale = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 1000;
var alpha = textScale * 25.4 / 96 / 64;
var XX = [],
YY = [];
var shY = (Y[1] - Y[0]) * alpha;
for (var i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
XX[i] = X[i] * alpha;
YY[i] = Y[i] * alpha + shY;
var lngY = stretch - X[4] * alpha;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
XX[4 + i] += lngY;
XX[12] += lngY;
XX[13] += lngY;
var W = XX[4],
H = YY[3];
return {
W: W,
H: H
CWhiteSquareBracket.prototype.drawPath = function (pGraphics, XX, YY, PDSE) {
pGraphics._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
pGraphics._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
pGraphics._l(XX[2], YY[2]);
pGraphics._l(XX[3], YY[3]);
pGraphics._l(XX[4], YY[4]);
pGraphics._l(XX[5], YY[5]);
pGraphics._l(XX[6], YY[6]);
pGraphics._l(XX[7], YY[7]);
pGraphics._l(XX[8], YY[8]);
var BgColor = this.Parent.Make_ShdColor(PDSE);
pGraphics.b_color1(BgColor.r, BgColor.g, BgColor.b, 255);
pGraphics._m(XX[9], YY[9]);
pGraphics._l(XX[10], YY[10]);
pGraphics._l(XX[11], YY[11]);
pGraphics._l(XX[12], YY[12]);
pGraphics._l(XX[13], YY[13]);
function COperatorDoubleLine() {;
Asc.extendClass(COperatorDoubleLine, CGlyphOperator);
COperatorDoubleLine.prototype.calcSize = function () {
var betta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 36;
var height = 6.715869140624999 * betta,
width = 11.99444444444 * betta;
return {
width: width,
height: height
COperatorDoubleLine.prototype.calcCoord = function (stretch) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
X[0] = 0;
Y[0] = 0;
X[1] = 0;
Y[1] = 5900;
X[2] = 77504;
Y[2] = 5900;
X[3] = 77504;
Y[3] = 0;
X[4] = 0;
Y[4] = 0;
X[5] = 0;
Y[5] = 18112;
X[6] = 0;
Y[6] = 24012;
X[7] = 77504;
Y[7] = 24012;
X[8] = 77504;
Y[8] = 18112;
X[9] = 0;
Y[9] = 18112;
var textScale = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 1000;
var alpha = textScale * 25.4 / 96 / 64;
var XX = [],
YY = [];
var shY = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
XX[i] = X[i] * alpha;
YY[i] = Y[i] * alpha + shY;
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
XX[2 + i] = stretch;
XX[7 + i] = stretch;
var W = XX[7],
H = YY[7];
return {
W: W,
H: H
COperatorDoubleLine.prototype.drawPath = function (pGraphics, XX, YY) {
pGraphics._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
pGraphics._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
pGraphics._l(XX[2], YY[2]);
pGraphics._l(XX[3], YY[3]);
pGraphics._l(XX[4], YY[4]);
pGraphics._m(XX[5], YY[5]);
pGraphics._l(XX[6], YY[6]);
pGraphics._l(XX[7], YY[7]);
pGraphics._l(XX[8], YY[8]);
pGraphics._l(XX[9], YY[9]);
function CSingleArrow() {;
Asc.extendClass(CSingleArrow, CGlyphOperator);
CSingleArrow.prototype.calcSize = function () {
var betta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 36;
var height = 5.946923828125 * betta;
var width = 10.6412109375 * betta;
return {
width: width,
height: height
CSingleArrow.prototype.calcCoord = function (stretch) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
X[0] = 56138;
Y[0] = 12300;
X[1] = 8363;
Y[1] = 12300;
X[2] = 16313;
Y[2] = 2212;
X[3] = 13950;
Y[3] = 0;
X[4] = 0;
Y[4] = 13650;
X[5] = 0;
Y[5] = 16238;
X[6] = 13950;
Y[6] = 29925;
X[7] = 16313;
Y[7] = 27712;
X[8] = 8363;
Y[8] = 17625;
X[9] = 56138;
Y[9] = 17625;
X[10] = 56138;
Y[10] = 12300;
var textScale = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 1000;
var alpha = textScale * 25.4 / 96 / 64;
var XX = [],
YY = [];
for (var i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
XX[i] = X[i] * alpha;
YY[i] = Y[i] * alpha;
var lng = stretch;
if (lng > XX[9]) {
XX[0] = lng;
XX[9] = lng;
XX[10] = lng;
var W = XX[9],
H = YY[6];
return {
W: W,
H: H
CSingleArrow.prototype.drawPath = function (pGraphics, XX, YY) {
pGraphics._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
pGraphics._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
pGraphics._l(XX[2], YY[2]);
pGraphics._l(XX[3], YY[3]);
pGraphics._l(XX[4], YY[4]);
pGraphics._l(XX[5], YY[5]);
pGraphics._l(XX[6], YY[6]);
pGraphics._l(XX[7], YY[7]);
pGraphics._l(XX[8], YY[8]);
pGraphics._l(XX[9], YY[9]);
pGraphics._l(XX[10], YY[10]);
function CLeftRightArrow() {;
Asc.extendClass(CLeftRightArrow, CGlyphOperator);
CLeftRightArrow.prototype.calcSize = function () {
var betta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 36;
var height = 5.946923828125 * betta;
var width = 11.69541015625 * betta;
return {
width: width,
height: height
CLeftRightArrow.prototype.calcCoord = function (stretch) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
X[0] = 16950;
Y[0] = 28912;
X[1] = 14738;
Y[1] = 30975;
X[2] = 0;
Y[2] = 16687;
X[3] = 0;
Y[3] = 14287;
X[4] = 14738;
Y[4] = 0;
X[5] = 16950;
Y[5] = 2062;
X[6] = 8363;
Y[6] = 12975;
X[7] = 53738;
Y[7] = 12975;
X[8] = 45150;
Y[8] = 2062;
X[9] = 47363;
Y[9] = 0;
X[10] = 62100;
Y[10] = 14287;
X[11] = 62100;
Y[11] = 16687;
X[12] = 47363;
Y[12] = 30975;
X[13] = 45150;
Y[13] = 28912;
X[14] = 53738;
Y[14] = 17962;
X[15] = 8363;
Y[15] = 17962;
X[16] = 16950;
Y[16] = 28912;
var textScale = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 1000;
var alpha = textScale * 25.4 / 96 / 64;
var XX = [],
YY = [];
for (var i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
XX[i] = X[i] * alpha;
YY[i] = Y[i] * alpha;
var w = X[10] * alpha;
var lng = stretch - w;
if (lng > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
XX[7 + i] += lng;
var W = XX[10],
H = YY[1];
return {
W: W,
H: H
CLeftRightArrow.prototype.drawPath = function (pGraphics, XX, YY) {
pGraphics._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
pGraphics._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
pGraphics._l(XX[2], YY[2]);
pGraphics._l(XX[3], YY[3]);
pGraphics._l(XX[4], YY[4]);
pGraphics._l(XX[5], YY[5]);
pGraphics._l(XX[6], YY[6]);
pGraphics._l(XX[7], YY[7]);
pGraphics._l(XX[8], YY[8]);
pGraphics._l(XX[9], YY[9]);
pGraphics._l(XX[10], YY[10]);
pGraphics._l(XX[11], YY[11]);
pGraphics._l(XX[12], YY[12]);
pGraphics._l(XX[13], YY[13]);
pGraphics._l(XX[14], YY[14]);
pGraphics._l(XX[15], YY[15]);
pGraphics._l(XX[16], YY[16]);
function CDoubleArrow() {;
Asc.extendClass(CDoubleArrow, CGlyphOperator);
CDoubleArrow.prototype.calcSize = function () {
var betta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 36;
var height = 6.702777777777778 * betta;
var width = 10.994677734375 * betta;
return {
width: width,
height: height
CDoubleArrow.prototype.calcCoord = function (stretch) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
X[0] = 14738;
Y[0] = 29764;
X[1] = 20775;
Y[1] = 37002;
X[2] = 18338;
Y[2] = 39064;
X[3] = 0;
Y[3] = 20731;
X[4] = 0;
Y[4] = 18334;
X[5] = 18338;
Y[5] = 0;
X[6] = 20775;
Y[6] = 2063;
X[7] = 14775;
Y[7] = 9225;
X[8] = 57600;
Y[8] = 9225;
X[9] = 57600;
Y[9] = 14213;
X[10] = 10950;
Y[10] = 14213;
X[11] = 6638;
Y[11] = 19532;
X[12] = 10875;
Y[12] = 24777;
X[13] = 57600;
Y[13] = 24777;
X[14] = 57600;
Y[14] = 29764;
X[15] = 14738;
Y[15] = 29764;
X[16] = 58950;
Y[16] = 19495;
X[17] = 58950;
Y[17] = 19495;
var textScale = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 1000;
var alpha = textScale * 25.4 / 96 / 64;
var XX = [],
YY = [];
for (var i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
XX[i] = X[i] * alpha;
YY[i] = Y[i] * alpha;
var lng = stretch - 10000 * alpha;
if (lng > XX[16]) {
XX[8] = lng;
XX[9] = lng;
XX[13] = lng;
XX[14] = lng;
XX[16] = lng;
XX[17] = lng;
var W = XX[16],
H = YY[2];
return {
W: W,
H: H
CDoubleArrow.prototype.drawPath = function (pGraphics, XX, YY) {
pGraphics._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
pGraphics._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
pGraphics._l(XX[2], YY[2]);
pGraphics._l(XX[3], YY[3]);
pGraphics._l(XX[4], YY[4]);
pGraphics._l(XX[5], YY[5]);
pGraphics._l(XX[6], YY[6]);
pGraphics._l(XX[7], YY[7]);
pGraphics._l(XX[8], YY[8]);
pGraphics._l(XX[9], YY[9]);
pGraphics._l(XX[10], YY[10]);
pGraphics._l(XX[11], YY[11]);
pGraphics._l(XX[12], YY[12]);
pGraphics._l(XX[13], YY[13]);
pGraphics._l(XX[14], YY[14]);
pGraphics._l(XX[15], YY[15]);
pGraphics._m(XX[16], YY[16]);
pGraphics._l(XX[17], YY[17]);
function CLR_DoubleArrow() {;
Asc.extendClass(CLR_DoubleArrow, CGlyphOperator);
CLR_DoubleArrow.prototype.calcSize = function () {
var betta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 36;
var height = 6.702777777777778 * betta;
var width = 13.146484375 * betta;
return {
width: width,
height: height
CLR_DoubleArrow.prototype.calcCoord = function (stretch) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
X[0] = 14775;
Y[0] = 9225;
X[1] = 56063;
Y[1] = 9225;
X[2] = 50100;
Y[2] = 2063;
X[3] = 52538;
Y[3] = 0;
X[4] = 70875;
Y[4] = 18334;
X[5] = 70875;
Y[5] = 20731;
X[6] = 52538;
Y[6] = 39064;
X[7] = 50100;
Y[7] = 37002;
X[8] = 56138;
Y[8] = 29764;
X[9] = 14738;
Y[9] = 29764;
X[10] = 20775;
Y[10] = 37002;
X[11] = 18338;
Y[11] = 39064;
X[12] = 0;
Y[12] = 20731;
X[13] = 0;
Y[13] = 18334;
X[14] = 18338;
Y[14] = 0;
X[15] = 20775;
Y[15] = 2063;
X[16] = 14775;
Y[16] = 9225;
X[17] = 10950;
Y[17] = 14213;
X[18] = 6638;
Y[18] = 19532;
X[19] = 10875;
Y[19] = 24777;
X[20] = 59963;
Y[20] = 24777;
X[21] = 64238;
Y[21] = 19532;
X[22] = 59925;
Y[22] = 14213;
X[23] = 59925;
Y[23] = 14213;
var textScale = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 1000;
var alpha = textScale * 25.4 / 96 / 64;
var XX = [],
YY = [];
for (var i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
XX[i] = X[i] * alpha;
YY[i] = Y[i] * alpha;
var w = XX[4];
var lng = stretch - 10000 * alpha - w;
for (var i = 1; i < 9; i++) {
XX[i] += lng;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
XX[20 + i] += lng;
var W = XX[4],
H = YY[11];
return {
W: W,
H: H
CLR_DoubleArrow.prototype.drawPath = function (pGraphics, XX, YY, PDSE) {
pGraphics._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
pGraphics._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
pGraphics._l(XX[2], YY[2]);
pGraphics._l(XX[3], YY[3]);
pGraphics._l(XX[4], YY[4]);
pGraphics._l(XX[5], YY[5]);
pGraphics._l(XX[6], YY[6]);
pGraphics._l(XX[7], YY[7]);
pGraphics._l(XX[8], YY[8]);
pGraphics._l(XX[9], YY[9]);
pGraphics._l(XX[10], YY[10]);
pGraphics._l(XX[11], YY[11]);
pGraphics._l(XX[12], YY[12]);
pGraphics._l(XX[13], YY[13]);
pGraphics._l(XX[14], YY[14]);
pGraphics._l(XX[15], YY[15]);
pGraphics._l(XX[16], YY[16]);
var BgColor = this.Parent.Make_ShdColor(PDSE);
pGraphics.b_color1(BgColor.r, BgColor.g, BgColor.b, 255);
pGraphics._m(XX[17], YY[17]);
pGraphics._l(XX[18], YY[18]);
pGraphics._l(XX[19], YY[19]);
pGraphics._l(XX[20], YY[20]);
pGraphics._l(XX[21], YY[21]);
pGraphics._l(XX[22], YY[22]);
pGraphics._l(XX[23], YY[23]);
function CCombiningArrow() {;
Asc.extendClass(CCombiningArrow, CGlyphOperator);
CCombiningArrow.prototype.calcSize = function () {
var betta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 36;
var height = 3.9 * betta;
var width = 4.938 * betta;
return {
width: width,
height: height
CCombiningArrow.prototype.calcCoord = function (stretch) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
X[0] = 0;
Y[0] = 8137;
X[1] = 9413;
Y[1] = 0;
X[2] = 11400;
Y[2] = 2250;
X[3] = 5400;
Y[3] = 7462;
X[4] = 28275;
Y[4] = 7462;
X[5] = 28275;
Y[5] = 10987;
X[6] = 5400;
Y[6] = 10987;
X[7] = 11400;
Y[7] = 16200;
X[8] = 9413;
Y[8] = 18450;
X[9] = 0;
Y[9] = 10312;
X[10] = 0;
Y[10] = 8137;
var textScale = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 1000;
var alpha = textScale * 25.4 / 96 / 64;
var XX = [],
YY = [];
for (var i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
XX[i] = X[i] * alpha;
YY[i] = Y[i] * alpha;
XX[4] = XX[5] = stretch;
var W = XX[4],
H = YY[8];
return {
W: W,
H: H
CCombiningArrow.prototype.drawPath = function (pGraphics, XX, YY) {
pGraphics._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
pGraphics._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
pGraphics._l(XX[2], YY[2]);
pGraphics._l(XX[3], YY[3]);
pGraphics._l(XX[4], YY[4]);
pGraphics._l(XX[5], YY[5]);
pGraphics._l(XX[6], YY[6]);
pGraphics._l(XX[7], YY[7]);
pGraphics._l(XX[8], YY[8]);
pGraphics._l(XX[9], YY[9]);
pGraphics._l(XX[10], YY[10]);
function CCombiningHalfArrow() {;
Asc.extendClass(CCombiningHalfArrow, CGlyphOperator);
CCombiningHalfArrow.prototype.calcSize = function () {
var betta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 36;
var height = 3.88 * betta;
var width = 4.938 * betta;
return {
width: width,
height: height
CCombiningHalfArrow.prototype.drawPath = function (pGraphics, XX, YY) {
pGraphics._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
pGraphics._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
pGraphics._l(XX[2], YY[2]);
pGraphics._l(XX[3], YY[3]);
pGraphics._l(XX[4], YY[4]);
pGraphics._l(XX[5], YY[5]);
pGraphics._l(XX[6], YY[6]);
pGraphics._l(XX[7], YY[7]);
CCombiningHalfArrow.prototype.calcCoord = function (stretch) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
X[0] = 0;
Y[0] = 8137;
X[1] = 9413;
Y[1] = 0;
X[2] = 11400;
Y[2] = 2250;
X[3] = 5400;
Y[3] = 7462;
X[4] = 28275;
Y[4] = 7462;
X[5] = 28275;
Y[5] = 10987;
X[6] = 0;
Y[6] = 10987;
X[7] = 0;
Y[7] = 8137;
var textScale = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 1000;
var alpha = textScale * 25.4 / 96 / 64;
var XX = [],
YY = [];
for (var i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
XX[i] = X[i] * alpha;
YY[i] = Y[i] * alpha;
XX[4] = XX[5] = stretch;
var W = XX[4],
H = YY[5];
return {
W: W,
H: H
function CCombining_LR_Arrow() {;
Asc.extendClass(CCombining_LR_Arrow, CGlyphOperator);
CCombining_LR_Arrow.prototype.calcSize = function () {
var betta = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 36;
var height = 3.88 * betta;
var width = 4.938 * betta;
return {
width: width,
height: height
CCombining_LR_Arrow.prototype.drawPath = function (pGraphics, XX, YY) {
pGraphics._m(XX[0], YY[0]);
pGraphics._l(XX[1], YY[1]);
pGraphics._l(XX[2], YY[2]);
pGraphics._l(XX[3], YY[3]);
pGraphics._l(XX[4], YY[4]);
pGraphics._l(XX[5], YY[5]);
pGraphics._l(XX[6], YY[6]);
pGraphics._l(XX[7], YY[7]);
pGraphics._l(XX[8], YY[8]);
pGraphics._l(XX[9], YY[9]);
pGraphics._l(XX[10], YY[10]);
pGraphics._l(XX[11], YY[11]);
pGraphics._l(XX[12], YY[12]);
pGraphics._l(XX[13], YY[13]);
pGraphics._l(XX[14], YY[14]);
pGraphics._l(XX[15], YY[15]);
pGraphics._l(XX[16], YY[16]);
CCombining_LR_Arrow.prototype.calcCoord = function (stretch) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
X[0] = 0;
Y[0] = 8137;
X[1] = 9413;
Y[1] = 0;
X[2] = 11400;
Y[2] = 2250;
X[3] = 5400;
Y[3] = 7462;
X[4] = 42225;
Y[4] = 7462;
X[5] = 36225;
Y[5] = 2250;
X[6] = 38213;
Y[6] = 0;
X[7] = 47625;
Y[7] = 8137;
X[8] = 47625;
Y[8] = 10312;
X[9] = 38213;
Y[9] = 18450;
X[10] = 36225;
Y[10] = 16200;
X[11] = 42225;
Y[11] = 10987;
X[12] = 5400;
Y[12] = 10987;
X[13] = 11400;
Y[13] = 16200;
X[14] = 9413;
Y[14] = 18450;
X[15] = 0;
Y[15] = 10312;
X[16] = 0;
Y[16] = 8137;
var textScale = this.getCtrPrp().FontSize / 1000;
var alpha = textScale * 25.4 / 96 / 64;
var XX = [],
YY = [];
for (var i = 0; i < X.length; i++) {
XX[i] = X[i] * alpha;
YY[i] = Y[i] * alpha;
var lng = stretch - XX[7];
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
XX[4 + i] += lng;
var W = XX[7],
H = YY[9];
return {
W: W,
H: H
function COperator(type) {
this.ParaMath = null;
this.type = type;
this.operator = null;
this.code = null;
this.typeOper = null;
this.defaultType = null;
this.grow = true;
this.Positions = [];
this.coordGlyph = null;
this.size = new CMathSize();
COperator.prototype.mergeProperties = function (properties, defaultProps) {
var props = this.getProps(properties, defaultProps);
this.grow = properties.grow;
var operator = null,
typeOper = null,
codeChr = null;
var type = props.type,
location = props.loc,
code = props.code;
var prp = {};
if (code === 40 || type === PARENTHESIS_LEFT) {
codeChr = 40;
operator = new COperatorParenthesis();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 41 || type === PARENTHESIS_RIGHT) {
codeChr = 41;
operator = new COperatorParenthesis();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
} else {
if (code == 123 || type === BRACKET_CURLY_LEFT) {
codeChr = 123;
operator = new COperatorBracket();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 125 || type === BRACKET_CURLY_RIGHT) {
codeChr = 125;
operator = new COperatorBracket();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
} else {
if (code === 91 || type === BRACKET_SQUARE_LEFT) {
codeChr = 91;
operator = new CSquareBracket();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 93 || type === BRACKET_SQUARE_RIGHT) {
codeChr = 93;
operator = new CSquareBracket();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
} else {
if (code === 10216 || type === BRACKET_ANGLE_LEFT) {
codeChr = 10216;
operator = new COperatorAngleBracket();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 10217 || type === BRACKET_ANGLE_RIGHT) {
codeChr = 10217;
operator = new COperatorAngleBracket();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
} else {
if (code === 124 || type === DELIMITER_LINE) {
codeChr = 124;
operator = new COperatorLine();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 8970 || type === HALF_SQUARE_LEFT) {
codeChr = 8970;
operator = new CHalfSquareBracket();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 8971 || type == HALF_SQUARE_RIGHT) {
codeChr = 8971;
operator = new CHalfSquareBracket();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
} else {
if (code === 8968 || type == HALF_SQUARE_LEFT_UPPER) {
codeChr = 8968;
operator = new CHalfSquareBracket();
prp = {
location: location,
} else {
if (code === 8969 || type == HALF_SQUARE_RIGHT_UPPER) {
codeChr = 8969;
operator = new CHalfSquareBracket();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_MIRROR_180
} else {
if (code === 8214 || type == DELIMITER_DOUBLE_LINE) {
codeChr = 8214;
operator = new COperatorDoubleLine();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 10214 || type == WHITE_SQUARE_LEFT) {
codeChr = 10214;
operator = new CWhiteSquareBracket();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 10215 || type == WHITE_SQUARE_RIGHT) {
codeChr = 10215;
operator = new CWhiteSquareBracket();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
} else {
if (type === OPERATOR_EMPTY) {
operator = -1;
} else {
if (code === 8406 || type === ACCENT_ARROW_LEFT) {
codeChr = 8406;
operator = new CCombiningArrow();
prp = {
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 8407 || type === ACCENT_ARROW_RIGHT) {
codeChr = 8407;
operator = new CCombiningArrow();
prp = {
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_180
} else {
if (code === 8417 || type === ACCENT_ARROW_LR) {
codeChr = 8417;
operator = new CCombining_LR_Arrow();
prp = {
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 8400 || type === ACCENT_HALF_ARROW_LEFT) {
codeChr = 8400;
operator = new CCombiningHalfArrow();
prp = {
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 8401 || type === ACCENT_HALF_ARROW_RIGHT) {
codeChr = 8401;
operator = new CCombiningHalfArrow();
prp = {
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_180
} else {
if (code === 770 || type === ACCENT_CIRCUMFLEX) {
codeChr = 770;
operator = new CAccentCircumflex();
prp = {
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_MIRROR_0,
bStretch: false
} else {
if (code === 780 || type === ACCENT_COMB_CARON) {
codeChr = 780;
operator = new CAccentCircumflex();
prp = {
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_0,
bStretch: false
} else {
if (code === 773 || type === ACCENT_LINE) {
typeOper = ACCENT_LINE;
codeChr = 773;
operator = new CAccentLine();
prp = {
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 831 || type === ACCENT_DOUBLE_LINE) {
codeChr = 831;
operator = new CAccentDoubleLine();
prp = {
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 771 || type === ACCENT_TILDE) {
typeOper = ACCENT_TILDE;
codeChr = 771;
operator = new CAccentTilde();
prp = {
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_0,
bStretch: false
} else {
if (code === 774 || type === ACCENT_BREVE) {
typeOper = ACCENT_BREVE;
codeChr = 774;
operator = new CAccentBreve();
prp = {
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_MIRROR_0,
bStretch: false
} else {
if (code == 785 || type == ACCENT_INVERT_BREVE) {
codeChr = 785;
operator = new CAccentBreve();
prp = {
location: LOCATION_TOP,
turn: TURN_0,
bStretch: false
} else {
if (code === 9182 || type == BRACKET_CURLY_TOP) {
codeChr = 9182;
operator = new COperatorBracket();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 9183 || type === BRACKET_CURLY_BOTTOM) {
codeChr = 9183;
operator = new COperatorBracket();
prp = {
location: location,
} else {
if (code === 9180 || type === PARENTHESIS_TOP) {
codeChr = 9180;
operator = new COperatorParenthesis();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 9181 || type === PARENTHESIS_BOTTOM) {
codeChr = 9181;
operator = new COperatorParenthesis();
prp = {
location: location,
} else {
if (code === 9184 || type === BRACKET_SQUARE_TOP) {
codeChr = 9184;
operator = new CSquareBracket();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 8592 || type === ARROW_LEFT) {
codeChr = 8592;
typeOper = ARROW_LEFT;
operator = new CSingleArrow();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 8594 || type === ARROW_RIGHT) {
codeChr = 8594;
typeOper = ARROW_RIGHT;
operator = new CSingleArrow();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
} else {
if (code === 8596 || type === ARROW_LR) {
codeChr = 8596;
typeOper = ARROW_LR;
operator = new CLeftRightArrow();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 8656 || type === DOUBLE_LEFT_ARROW) {
codeChr = 8656;
operator = new CDoubleArrow();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code === 8658 || type === DOUBLE_RIGHT_ARROW) {
codeChr = 8658;
operator = new CDoubleArrow();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_180
} else {
if (code === 8660 || type === DOUBLE_ARROW_LR) {
codeChr = 8660;
operator = new CLR_DoubleArrow();
prp = {
location: location,
turn: TURN_0
} else {
if (code !== null) {
codeChr = code;
operator = new CMathText(true);
} else {
operator = -1;
this.operator = operator;
this.code = codeChr;
this.typeOper = typeOper;
COperator.prototype.getProps = function (props, defaultProps) {
var location = props.loc,
chr = props.chr,
type = props.type;
var code = props.chr;
this.defaultType = defaultProps.type;
var bDelimiter = this.type == OPER_DELIMITER || this.type == OPER_SEPARATOR,
bNotType = typeof(props.type) == "undefined" || props.type == null,
bUnicodeChr = props.chr !== null && props.chr + 0 == props.chr;
if (bDelimiter && props.chr == -1) {
} else {
if (bNotType && !bUnicodeChr) {
type = defaultProps.type;
var bLoc = props.loc !== null && typeof(props.loc) !== "undefined";
var bDefaultLoc = defaultProps.loc !== null && typeof(defaultProps.loc) !== "undefined";
if (!bLoc && bDefaultLoc) {
location = defaultProps.loc;
return {
loc: location,
type: type,
code: code
COperator.prototype.draw = function (x, y, pGraphics, PDSE) {
if (this.typeOper === OPERATOR_TEXT) {
var ctrPrp = this.Get_TxtPrControlLetter();
var Font = {
FontSize: ctrPrp.FontSize,
FontFamily: {
Name: ctrPrp.FontFamily.Name,
Index: ctrPrp.FontFamily.Index
Italic: false,
Bold: false
this.operator.draw(x, y, pGraphics, PDSE);
} else {
if (this.IsLineGlyph()) {
this.drawLines(x, y, pGraphics, PDSE);
} else {
if (this.type === OPER_SEPARATOR) {
this.drawSeparator(x, y, pGraphics, PDSE);
} else {
this.drawOperator(x, y, pGraphics, PDSE);
COperator.prototype.Make_ShdColor = function (PDSE) {
return this.Parent.Make_ShdColor(PDSE, this.Parent.Get_CompiledCtrPrp());
COperator.prototype.drawOperator = function (absX, absY, pGraphics, PDSE) {
if (this.typeOper !== OPERATOR_EMPTY) {
var lng = this.coordGlyph.XX.length;
var X = [],
Y = [];
var PosOper = this.Positions[0];
for (var j = 0; j < lng; j++) {
X.push(PosOper.x + absX + this.coordGlyph.XX[j]);
Y.push(PosOper.y + absY + this.coordGlyph.YY[j]);
this.operator.draw(pGraphics, X, Y, PDSE);
COperator.prototype.drawSeparator = function (absX, absY, pGraphics, PDSE) {
if (this.typeOper !== OPERATOR_EMPTY) {
var lng = this.coordGlyph.XX.length;
for (var i = 0; i < this.Positions.length; i++) {
var X = [],
Y = [];
var PosOper = this.Positions[i];
for (var j = 0; j < lng; j++) {
X.push(PosOper.x + absX + this.coordGlyph.XX[j]);
Y.push(PosOper.y + absY + this.coordGlyph.YY[j]);
this.operator.draw(pGraphics, X, Y, PDSE);
COperator.prototype.drawLines = function (absX, absY, pGraphics, PDSE) {
if (this.typeOper !== OPERATOR_EMPTY) {
var PosOper = this.Positions[0];
this.operator.drawOnlyLines(PosOper.x + absX, PosOper.y + absY, pGraphics, PDSE);
COperator.prototype.IsLineGlyph = function () {
return this.typeOper == ACCENT_LINE || this.typeOper == ACCENT_DOUBLE_LINE;
COperator.prototype.fixSize = function (oMeasure, stretch) {
if (this.typeOper !== OPERATOR_EMPTY) {
var width, height, ascent;
var dims;
var ctrPrp = this.Get_TxtPrControlLetter();
var Font = {
FontSize: ctrPrp.FontSize,
FontFamily: {
Name: ctrPrp.FontFamily.Name,
Index: ctrPrp.FontFamily.Index
Italic: false,
Bold: false
var bLine = this.IsLineGlyph();
var bTopBot = this.operator.loc == LOCATION_TOP || this.operator.loc == LOCATION_BOT;
if (this.typeOper == OPERATOR_TEXT) {
this.operator.Resize(oMeasure, this);
width = this.operator.size.width;
} else {
if (bLine) {
width = this.operator.size.width;
} else {
var bNotStretchDelim = (this.type == OPER_DELIMITER || this.type == OPER_SEPARATOR) && this.grow == false;
var StretchLng = bNotStretchDelim ? 0 : stretch;
dims = this.operator.getCoordinateGlyph();
this.coordGlyph = {
XX: dims.XX,
YY: dims.YY
width = bTopBot ? dims.Width : this.operator.size.width;
var letterOperator = new CMathText(true);
letterOperator.Resize(oMeasure, null);
if (this.type === OPER_ACCENT) {
var letterX = new CMathText(true);
letterX.Resize(oMeasure, null);
height = letterOperator.size.ascent - letterX.size.ascent;
} else {
if (this.typeOper == OPERATOR_TEXT) {
height = this.operator.size.height;
} else {
if (bTopBot) {
height = this.operator.size.height;
} else {
height = dims.Height;
var mgCtrPrp = this.Parent.Get_TxtPrControlLetter();
var shCenter = this.ParaMath.GetShiftCenter(oMeasure, mgCtrPrp);
if (!bLine && (this.operator.loc == LOCATION_TOP || this.operator.loc == LOCATION_BOT)) {
ascent = dims.Height / 2;
} else {
ascent = height / 2 + shCenter;
this.size.width = width;
this.size.height = height;
this.size.ascent = ascent;
COperator.prototype.setPosition = function (Positions) {
if (this.type == OPER_SEPARATOR) {
this.Positions = Positions;
} else {
this.Positions.length = 0;
this.Positions[0] = Positions;
if (this.typeOper == OPERATOR_TEXT) {
var NewPos = new CMathPosition();
NewPos.x = this.Positions[0].x;
NewPos.y = this.Positions[0].y;
COperator.prototype._setPosition = function (Positions) {
if (this.type == OPER_SEPARATOR) {
this.Positions = Positions;
} else {
this.Positions.length = 0;
this.Positions[0] = Positions;
if (this.typeOper == OPERATOR_TEXT) {
var NewPos = new CMathPosition();
NewPos.x = this.Positions[0].x;
if (this.type == OPER_ACCENT) {
NewPos.y = this.Positions[0].y + this.operator.size.height;
} else {
NewPos.y = this.Positions[0].y;
COperator.prototype.IsJustDraw = function () {
return true;
COperator.prototype.Resize = function (oMeasure) {
if (this.typeOper !== OPERATOR_EMPTY) {
var bHor = this.operator.loc == 0 || this.operator.loc == 1;
if (bHor) {
this.fixSize(oMeasure, this.size.width);
} else {
this.fixSize(oMeasure, this.size.height);
COperator.prototype.PreRecalc = function (Parent, ParaMath) {
this.Parent = Parent;
this.ParaMath = ParaMath;
if (this.typeOper !== OPERATOR_EMPTY) {
COperator.prototype.Get_TxtPrControlLetter = function () {
return this.Parent.Get_TxtPrControlLetter();
COperator.prototype.getChr = function () {
var chr = null;
if (this.code !== null) {
chr = this.typeOper == this.defaultType ? null : String.fromCharCode(this.code);
if (this.operator == OPERATOR_EMPTY) {
chr = "";
return chr;
COperator.prototype.IsArrow = function () {
var bArrow = this.typeOper == ARROW_LEFT || this.typeOper == ARROW_RIGHT || this.typeOper == ARROW_LR,
bDoubleArrow = this.typeOper == DOUBLE_LEFT_ARROW || this.typeOper == DOUBLE_RIGHT_ARROW || this.typeOper == DOUBLE_ARROW_LR,
bAccentArrow = his.typeOper == ACCENT_ARROW_LEFT || this.typeOper == ACCENT_ARROW_RIGHT || this.typeOper == ACCENT_ARROW_LR || this.typeOper == ACCENT_HALF_ARROW_LEFT || this.typeOper == ACCENT_HALF_ARROW_RIGHT;
return bArrow || bDoubleArrow;
function CMathDelimiterPr() {
this.begChr = undefined;
this.begChrType = undefined;
this.endChr = undefined;
this.endChrType = undefined;
this.sepChr = undefined;
this.sepChrType = undefined;
this.grow = true;
this.column = 0;
CMathDelimiterPr.prototype.Set_FromObject = function (Obj) {
this.begChr = Obj.begChr;
this.begChrType = Obj.begChrType;
this.endChr = Obj.endChr;
this.endChrType = Obj.endChrType;
this.sepChr = Obj.sepChr;
this.sepChrType = Obj.sepChrType;
this.shp = Obj.shp;
if (false === Obj.grow || 0 === Obj.grow) {
this.grow = false;
if (undefined !== Obj.column && null !== Obj.column) {
this.column = Obj.column;
} else {
this.column = 1;
CMathDelimiterPr.prototype.Copy = function () {
var NewPr = new CMathDelimiterPr();
NewPr.begChr = this.begChr;
NewPr.begChrType = this.begChrType;
NewPr.endChr = this.endChr;
NewPr.endChrType = this.endChrType;
NewPr.sepChr = this.sepChr;
NewPr.sepChrType = this.sepChrType;
NewPr.shp = this.shp;
NewPr.grow = this.grow;
NewPr.column = this.column;
return NewPr;
CMathDelimiterPr.prototype.Write_ToBinary = function (Writer) {
var StartPos = Writer.GetCurPosition();
var Flags = 0;
if (undefined !== this.begChr && this.begChr !== null) {
Flags |= 1;
if (undefined !== this.begChrType && this.begChrType !== null) {
Flags |= 2;
if (undefined !== this.endChr && this.endChr !== null) {
Flags |= 4;
if (undefined !== this.endChrType && this.endChrType !== null) {
Flags |= 8;
if (undefined !== this.sepChr && this.sepChr !== null) {
Flags |= 16;
if (undefined !== this.sepChrType && this.sepChrType !== null) {
Flags |= 32;
var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition();
CMathDelimiterPr.prototype.Read_FromBinary = function (Reader) {
var Flags = Reader.GetLong();
if (Flags & 1) {
this.begChr = Reader.GetLong();
} else {
this.begChr = undefined;
if (Flags & 2) {
this.begChrType = Reader.GetLong();
} else {
this.begChrType = undefined;
if (Flags & 4) {
this.endChr = Reader.GetLong();
} else {
this.endChr = undefined;
if (Flags & 8) {
this.endChrType = Reader.GetLong();
} else {
this.endChrType = undefined;
if (Flags & 16) {
this.sepChr = Reader.GetLong();
} else {
this.sepChr = undefined;
if (Flags & 32) {
this.sepChrType = Reader.GetLong();
} else {
this.sepChrType = undefined;
this.shp = Reader.GetLong();
this.grow = Reader.GetBool();
this.column = Reader.GetLong();
function CDelimiter(props) {;
this.Id = g_oIdCounter.Get_NewId();
this.begOper = new COperator(OPER_DELIMITER);
this.endOper = new COperator(OPER_DELIMITER);
this.sepOper = new COperator(OPER_SEPARATOR);
this.Pr = new CMathDelimiterPr();
this.TextInContent = true;
if (props !== null && typeof(props) !== "undefined") {
g_oTableId.Add(this, this.Id);
Asc.extendClass(CDelimiter, CMathBase);
CDelimiter.prototype.ClassType = historyitem_type_delimiter;
CDelimiter.prototype.kind = MATH_DELIMITER;
CDelimiter.prototype.init = function (props) {
CDelimiter.prototype.getColumnsCount = function () {
return this.Pr.column;
CDelimiter.prototype.fillContent = function () {
var nColumnsCount = this.getColumnsCount();
this.setDimension(1, nColumnsCount);
for (var nIndex = 0; nIndex < nColumnsCount; nIndex++) {
this.elements[0][nIndex] = this.Content[nIndex];
CDelimiter.prototype.ApplyProperties = function (RPI) {
if (this.RecalcInfo.bProps == true) {
var begPrp = {
chr: this.Pr.begChr,
type: this.Pr.begChrType,
grow: this.Pr.grow,
var begDefaultPrp = {
chr: 40
this.begOper.mergeProperties(begPrp, begDefaultPrp);
var endPrp = {
chr: this.Pr.endChr,
type: this.Pr.endChrType,
grow: this.Pr.grow,
var endDefaultPrp = {
chr: 41
this.endOper.mergeProperties(endPrp, endDefaultPrp);
var sepPrp = {
chr: this.Pr.sepChr,
type: this.Pr.sepChrType,
grow: this.Pr.grow,
var sepDefaultPrp = {
chr: 124
if (this.nCol == 1) {
sepPrp.type = OPERATOR_EMPTY;
this.sepOper.mergeProperties(sepPrp, sepDefaultPrp);
this.RecalcInfo.bProps = false;
CDelimiter.prototype.PreRecalc = function (Parent, ParaMath, ArgSize, RPI, GapsInfo) {
this.begOper.PreRecalc(this, ParaMath);
this.endOper.PreRecalc(this, ParaMath);
this.sepOper.PreRecalc(this, ParaMath);, Parent, ParaMath, ArgSize, RPI, GapsInfo);
CDelimiter.prototype.Resize = function (oMeasure, RPI) {
var heightG = 0,
widthG = 0,
ascentG = 0,
descentG = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < this.nCol; j++) {
this.elements[0][j].Resize(oMeasure, RPI);
var content = this.elements[0][j].size;
widthG += content.width;
ascentG = content.ascent > ascentG ? content.ascent : ascentG;
descentG = content.height - content.ascent > descentG ? content.height - content.ascent : descentG;
heightG = ascentG + descentG;
var mgCtrPrp = this.Get_TxtPrControlLetter();
var shCenter = this.ParaMath.GetShiftCenter(oMeasure, mgCtrPrp);
var maxAD = ascentG - shCenter > descentG + shCenter ? ascentG - shCenter : descentG + shCenter;
var plH = this.ParaMath.GetPlh(oMeasure, mgCtrPrp);
var bTextContent = ascentG < 1.01 * plH && (heightG - ascentG) < 0.4 * plH;
var bCentered = this.Pr.shp == DELIMITER_SHAPE_CENTERED,
b2Max = bCentered && (2 * maxAD - heightG > 0.001);
this.TextInContent = bTextContent;
var heightStretch = b2Max && !bTextContent ? 2 * maxAD : ascentG + descentG;
this.begOper.fixSize(oMeasure, heightStretch);
this.endOper.fixSize(oMeasure, heightStretch);
this.sepOper.fixSize(oMeasure, heightStretch);
var width = widthG + this.begOper.size.width + this.endOper.size.width + (this.nCol - 1) * this.sepOper.size.width;
width += this.GapLeft + this.GapRight;
var maxDimOper;
if (this.begOper.size.height > this.endOper.size.height && this.begOper.size.height > this.sepOper.size.height) {
maxDimOper = this.begOper.size;
} else {
if (this.endOper.size.height > this.sepOper.size.height) {
maxDimOper = this.endOper.size;
} else {
maxDimOper = this.sepOper.size;
var height, ascent, descent;
if (this.Pr.shp == DELIMITER_SHAPE_CENTERED) {
var deltaHeight = heightG - maxDimOper.height;
if (deltaHeight < 0) {
deltaHeight = -deltaHeight;
var deltaMaxAD = maxAD - maxDimOper.height / 2;
if (deltaMaxAD < 0) {
deltaMaxAD = -deltaMaxAD;
var deltaMinAD = (heightG - maxAD) - maxDimOper.height / 2;
var bLHeight = deltaHeight < 0.001,
bLMaxAD = deltaMaxAD > 0.001,
bLMinAD = deltaMinAD > 0.001,
bLText = deltaMinAD < -0.001;
var bEqualOper = bLHeight,
bMiddleOper = bLMaxAD && !bLMinAD,
bLittleOper = bLMinAD,
bText = bLText;
if (bEqualOper) {
height = 2 * maxAD;
ascent = maxAD + shCenter;
} else {
if (bText) {
ascent = ascentG > maxDimOper.ascent ? ascentG : maxDimOper.ascent;
height = maxDimOper.height;
} else {
if (bMiddleOper) {
height = maxDimOper.height / 2 + maxAD;
ascent = ascentG > maxDimOper.ascent ? ascentG : maxDimOper.ascent;
} else {
ascent = ascentG;
height = ascentG + descentG;
} else {
var Height = g_oTextMeasurer.GetHeight();
if (heightG < Height) {
ascent = ascentG > maxDimOper.ascent ? ascentG : maxDimOper.ascent;
height = maxDimOper.height;
} else {
ascent = ascentG;
height = ascentG + descentG;
this.size = {
width: width,
height: height,
ascent: ascent
CDelimiter.prototype.alignOperator = function (operator) {
var align = 0;
var dimOper = operator.size;
var bAlign = this.size.height - dimOper.height > 0.001;
if (bAlign) {
if (this.Pr.shp == DELIMITER_SHAPE_CENTERED) {
align = this.size.ascent > dimOper.ascent ? this.size.ascent - dimOper.ascent : 0;
} else {
if (this.Pr.shp === DELIMITER_SHAPE_MATH) {
var shCenter = dimOper.ascent - dimOper.height / 2;
var k = 2 * (this.size.ascent - shCenter) / this.size.height;
k = k > 1 / 4 ? k : 1 / 4;
align = this.size.ascent - shCenter - k * (dimOper.ascent - shCenter);
return align;
CDelimiter.prototype.setPosition = function (position, PosInfo) {
this.pos.x = position.x;
this.pos.y = position.y - this.size.ascent;
var x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft,
y = this.pos.y;
var PosBegOper = new CMathPosition();
PosBegOper.x = x;
PosBegOper.y = y + this.alignOperator(this.begOper);
x += this.begOper.size.width;
var content = this.elements[0][0];
var PosContent = new CMathPosition();
PosContent.x = x;
PosContent.y = y + this.align_2(content);
x += content.size.width;
content.setPosition(PosContent, PosInfo);
var Positions = [];
for (var j = 1; j < this.nCol; j++) {
var PosSep = new CMathPosition();
PosSep.x = x;
PosSep.y = y + this.alignOperator(this.sepOper);
x += this.sepOper.size.width;
content = this.elements[0][j];
var NewPosContent = new CMathPosition();
NewPosContent.x = x;
NewPosContent.y = y + this.align_2(content);
content.setPosition(NewPosContent, PosInfo);
x += content.size.width;
var PosEndOper = new CMathPosition();
PosEndOper.x = x;
PosEndOper.y = y + this.alignOperator(this.endOper);
CDelimiter.prototype.draw = function (x, y, pGraphics, PDSE) {
this.begOper.draw(x, y, pGraphics, PDSE);
this.sepOper.draw(x, y, pGraphics, PDSE);
this.endOper.draw(x, y, pGraphics, PDSE);
for (var j = 0; j < this.nCol; j++) {
this.elements[0][j].draw(x, y, pGraphics, PDSE);
CDelimiter.prototype.align_2 = function (element) {
var align = 0;
if (!element.IsJustDraw()) {
align = this.size.ascent - element.size.ascent;
} else {
align = (this.size.height - element.size.height) / 2;
return align;
CDelimiter.prototype.getBase = function (numb) {
if (numb !== numb - 0) {
numb = 0;
return this.elements[0][numb];
CDelimiter.prototype.getElementMathContent = function (Index) {
return this.Content[Index];
CDelimiter.prototype.Document_UpdateInterfaceState = function (MathProps) {
MathProps.Type = c_oAscMathInterfaceType.Delimiter;
MathProps.Pr = null;
CDelimiter.prototype.GetLastElement = function () {
var Result;
var IsEndOper = this.endOper.typeOper !== OPERATOR_EMPTY;
var growLast = IsEndOper && this.Pr.grow == true && this.TextInContent,
smallLast = IsEndOper && this.Pr.grow == false;
if (growLast || smallLast || this.endOper.typeOper == OPERATOR_TEXT) {
Result = this.endOper;
} else {
Result = this;
return Result;
CDelimiter.prototype.GetFirstElement = function () {
var Result;
var IsStrartOper = this.begOper.typeOper !== OPERATOR_EMPTY;
var growLast = IsStrartOper && this.Pr.grow == true && this.TextInContent,
smallLast = IsStrartOper && this.Pr.grow == false;
if (growLast || smallLast || this.begOper.typeOper == OPERATOR_TEXT) {
Result = this.begOper;
} else {
Result = this;
return Result;
function CCharacter() {
this.operator = new COperator(OPER_GROUP_CHAR);;
Asc.extendClass(CCharacter, CMathBase);
CCharacter.prototype.setCharacter = function (props, defaultProps) {
this.operator.mergeProperties(props, defaultProps);
CCharacter.prototype.Resize = function (oMeasure, RPI) {
var base = this.elements[0][0];
base.Resize(oMeasure, RPI);
this.operator.fixSize(oMeasure, base.size.width);
var width = base.size.width > this.operator.size.width ? base.size.width : this.operator.size.width,
height = base.size.height + this.operator.size.height,
ascent = this.getAscent(oMeasure);
width += this.GapLeft + this.GapRight;
this.size = {
height: height,
width: width,
ascent: ascent
CCharacter.prototype.setPosition = function (pos, PosInfo) {
this.pos.x = pos.x;
this.pos.y = pos.y - this.size.ascent;
var width = this.size.width - this.GapLeft - this.GapRight;
var alignOp = (width - this.operator.size.width) / 2,
alignCnt = (width - this.elements[0][0].size.width) / 2;
var PosOper = new CMathPosition(),
PosBase = new CMathPosition();
if (this.Pr.pos === LOCATION_TOP) {
PosOper.x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft + alignOp;
PosOper.y = this.pos.y;
PosBase.x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft + alignCnt;
PosBase.y = this.pos.y + this.operator.size.height;
this.elements[0][0].setPosition(PosBase, PosInfo);
} else {
if (this.Pr.pos === LOCATION_BOT) {
PosBase.x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft + alignCnt;
PosBase.y = this.pos.y;
this.elements[0][0].setPosition(PosBase, PosInfo);
PosOper.x = this.pos.x + this.GapLeft + alignOp;
PosOper.y = this.pos.y + this.elements[0][0].size.height;
CCharacter.prototype.draw = function (x, y, pGraphics, PDSE) {
this.elements[0][0].draw(x, y, pGraphics, PDSE);
var ctrPrp = this.Get_TxtPrControlLetter();
var Font = {
FontSize: ctrPrp.FontSize,
FontFamily: {
Name: ctrPrp.FontFamily.Name,
Index: ctrPrp.FontFamily.Index
Italic: false,
Bold: false
this.operator.draw(x, y, pGraphics, PDSE);
CCharacter.prototype.getBase = function () {
return this.elements[0][0];
function CMathGroupChrPr() {
this.chr = undefined;
this.chrType = undefined;
this.vertJc = VJUST_TOP;
this.pos = LOCATION_BOT;
CMathGroupChrPr.prototype.Set_FromObject = function (Obj) {
this.chr = Obj.chr;
this.chrType = Obj.chrType;
if (VJUST_TOP === Obj.vertJc || VJUST_BOT === Obj.vertJc) {
this.vertJc = Obj.vertJc;
if (LOCATION_TOP === Obj.pos || LOCATION_BOT === Obj.pos) {
this.pos = Obj.pos;
CMathGroupChrPr.prototype.Copy = function () {
var NewPr = new CMathGroupChrPr();
NewPr.chr = this.chr;
NewPr.chrType = this.chrType;
NewPr.vertJc = this.vertJc;
NewPr.pos = this.pos;
return NewPr;
CMathGroupChrPr.prototype.Write_ToBinary = function (Writer) {
var StartPos = Writer.GetCurPosition();
var Flags = 0;
if (undefined !== this.chr) {
Flags |= 1;
if (undefined !== this.chrType) {
Flags |= 2;
var EndPos = Writer.GetCurPosition();
CMathGroupChrPr.prototype.Read_FromBinary = function (Reader) {
var Flags = Reader.GetLong();
if (Flags & 1) {
this.chr = Reader.GetLong();
} else {
this.chr = undefined;
if (Flags & 2) {
this.chrType = Reader.GetLong();
} else {
this.chrType = undefined;
this.vertJc = Reader.GetLong();
this.pos = Reader.GetLong();
function CGroupCharacter(props) {;
this.Id = g_oIdCounter.Get_NewId();
this.Pr = new CMathGroupChrPr();
if (props !== null && typeof(props) !== "undefined") {
g_oTableId.Add(this, this.Id);
Asc.extendClass(CGroupCharacter, CCharacter);
CGroupCharacter.prototype.ClassType = historyitem_type_groupChr;
CGroupCharacter.prototype.kind = MATH_GROUP_CHARACTER;
CGroupCharacter.prototype.init = function (props) {
CGroupCharacter.prototype.ApplyProperties = function (RPI) {
if (this.RecalcInfo.bProps == true) {
var operDefaultPrp = {
var operProps = {
type: this.Pr.chrType,
chr: this.Pr.chr,
loc: this.Pr.pos
this.setCharacter(operProps, operDefaultPrp);
this.RecalcInfo.bProps = false;
if (this.Pr.pos == this.Pr.vertJc) {
var Iterator;
if (this.Pr.pos == LOCATION_TOP) {
Iterator = new CDenominator(this.getBase());
} else {
Iterator = new CNumerator(this.getBase());
this.elements[0][0] = Iterator;
} else {
this.elements[0][0] = this.getBase();
CGroupCharacter.prototype.PreRecalc = function (Parent, ParaMath, ArgSize, RPI, GapsInfo) {
this.operator.PreRecalc(this, ParaMath);
var ArgSz = ArgSize.Copy();
if (this.Pr.pos == this.Pr.vertJc) {
}, Parent, ParaMath, ArgSz, RPI, GapsInfo);
CGroupCharacter.prototype.getBase = function () {
return this.Content[0];
CGroupCharacter.prototype.fillContent = function () {
this.setDimension(1, 1);
this.elements[0][0] = this.getBase();
CGroupCharacter.prototype.getAscent = function (oMeasure) {
var ascent;
var ctrPrp = this.Get_TxtPrControlLetter();
var shCent = this.ParaMath.GetShiftCenter(oMeasure, ctrPrp);
if (this.Pr.vertJc === VJUST_TOP && this.Pr.pos === LOCATION_TOP) {
ascent = this.operator.size.ascent + shCent;
} else {
if (this.Pr.vertJc === VJUST_BOT && this.Pr.pos === LOCATION_TOP) {
ascent = this.operator.size.height + this.elements[0][0].size.ascent;
} else {
if (this.Pr.vertJc === VJUST_TOP && this.Pr.pos === LOCATION_BOT) {
ascent = this.elements[0][0].size.ascent;
} else {
if (this.Pr.vertJc === VJUST_BOT && this.Pr.pos === LOCATION_BOT) {
ascent = this.elements[0][0].size.height + shCent + this.operator.size.height - this.operator.size.ascent;
return ascent;
CGroupCharacter.prototype.Document_UpdateInterfaceState = function (MathProps) {
MathProps.Type = c_oAscMathInterfaceType.GroupChar;
MathProps.Pr = null;