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2014-07-05 18:22:49 +00:00
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
(function (window, undefined) {
if (!window["Asc"]) {
window["Asc"] = {};
var prot;
function asc_CCellFlag(m, s, w, t, l) {
this.merge = !!m;
this.shrinkToFit = !!s;
this.wrapText = !!w;
this.selectionType = t;
this.lockText = !!l;
asc_CCellFlag.prototype = {
asc_getMerge: function () {
return this.merge;
asc_getShrinkToFit: function () {
return this.shrinkToFit;
asc_getWrapText: function () {
return this.wrapText;
asc_getSelectionType: function () {
return this.selectionType;
asc_getLockText: function () {
return this.lockText;
window["Asc"].asc_CCellFlag = window["Asc"]["asc_CCellFlag"] = asc_CCellFlag;
prot = asc_CCellFlag.prototype;
prot["asc_getMerge"] = prot.asc_getMerge;
prot["asc_getShrinkToFit"] = prot.asc_getShrinkToFit;
prot["asc_getWrapText"] = prot.asc_getWrapText;
prot["asc_getSelectionType"] = prot.asc_getSelectionType;
prot["asc_getLockText"] = prot.asc_getLockText;
function asc_CFont(name, size, color, b, i, u, s, sub, sup) { = name !== undefined ? name : "Arial";
this.size = size !== undefined ? size : 10;
this.color = color !== undefined ? color : null;
this.bold = !!b;
this.italic = !!i;
this.underline = !!u;
this.strikeout = !!s;
this.subscript = !!sub;
this.superscript = !!sup;
asc_CFont.prototype = {
asc_getName: function () {
asc_getSize: function () {
return this.size;
asc_getBold: function () {
return this.bold;
asc_getItalic: function () {
return this.italic;
asc_getUnderline: function () {
return this.underline;
asc_getStrikeout: function () {
return this.strikeout;
asc_getSubscript: function () {
return this.subscript;
asc_getSuperscript: function () {
return this.superscript;
asc_getColor: function () {
return this.color;
window["Asc"].asc_CFont = window["Asc"]["asc_CFont"] = asc_CFont;
prot = asc_CFont.prototype;
prot["asc_getName"] = prot.asc_getName;
prot["asc_getSize"] = prot.asc_getSize;
prot["asc_getBold"] = prot.asc_getBold;
prot["asc_getItalic"] = prot.asc_getItalic;
prot["asc_getUnderline"] = prot.asc_getUnderline;
prot["asc_getStrikeout"] = prot.asc_getStrikeout;
prot["asc_getSubscript"] = prot.asc_getSubscript;
prot["asc_getSuperscript"] = prot.asc_getSuperscript;
prot["asc_getColor"] = prot.asc_getColor;
function asc_CFill(color) {
this.color = color !== undefined ? color : null;
asc_CFill.prototype = {
asc_getColor: function () {
return this.color;
window["Asc"].asc_CFill = window["Asc"]["asc_CFill"] = asc_CFill;
prot = asc_CFill.prototype;
prot["asc_getColor"] = prot.asc_getColor;
function asc_CBorder(style, color) {
if (typeof style === "string") {
switch (style) {
case "thin": = c_oAscBorderStyles.Thin;
case "medium": = c_oAscBorderStyles.Medium;
case "thick": = c_oAscBorderStyles.Thick;
default: = c_oAscBorderStyles.None;
} else { = style !== undefined ? style : c_oAscBorderStyles.None;
this.color = color !== undefined ? color : null;
asc_CBorder.prototype = {
asc_getStyle: function () {
asc_getColor: function () {
return this.color;
window["Asc"].asc_CBorder = window["Asc"]["asc_CBorder"] = asc_CBorder;
prot = asc_CBorder.prototype;
prot["asc_getStyle"] = prot.asc_getStyle;
prot["asc_getColor"] = prot.asc_getColor;
function asc_CBorders() {
this.left = null; = null;
this.right = null;
this.bottom = null;
this.diagDown = null;
this.diagUp = null;
asc_CBorders.prototype = {
asc_getLeft: function () {
return this.left;
asc_getTop: function () {
asc_getRight: function () {
return this.right;
asc_getBottom: function () {
return this.bottom;
asc_getDiagDown: function () {
return this.diagDown;
asc_getDiagUp: function () {
return this.diagUp;
window["Asc"].asc_CBorders = window["Asc"]["asc_CBorders"] = asc_CBorders;
prot = asc_CBorders.prototype;
prot["asc_getLeft"] = prot.asc_getLeft;
prot["asc_getTop"] = prot.asc_getTop;
prot["asc_getRight"] = prot.asc_getRight;
prot["asc_getBottom"] = prot.asc_getBottom;
prot["asc_getDiagDown"] = prot.asc_getDiagDown;
prot["asc_getDiagUp"] = prot.asc_getDiagUp;
function asc_CCellInfo() { = null;
this.formula = "";
this.text = "";
this.halign = "left";
this.valign = "top";
this.flags = null;
this.font = null;
this.fill = null;
this.border = null;
this.innertext = null;
this.numFormat = null;
this.hyperlink = null;
this.comments = [];
this.isLocked = false;
this.isFormatTable = false;
this.styleName = null;
this.numFormatType = null;
this.angle = null;
asc_CCellInfo.prototype = {
asc_getName: function () {
asc_getFormula: function () {
return this.formula;
asc_getText: function () {
return this.text;
asc_getHorAlign: function () {
return this.halign;
asc_getVertAlign: function () {
return this.valign;
asc_getFlags: function () {
return this.flags;
asc_getFont: function () {
return this.font;
asc_getFill: function () {
return this.fill;
asc_getBorders: function () {
return this.border;
asc_getInnerText: function () {
return this.innertext;
asc_getNumFormat: function () {
return this.numFormat;
asc_getHyperlink: function () {
return this.hyperlink;
asc_getComments: function () {
return this.comments;
asc_getLocked: function () {
return this.isLocked;
asc_getIsFormatTable: function () {
return this.isFormatTable;
asc_getStyleName: function () {
return this.styleName;
asc_getNumFormatType: function () {
return this.numFormatType;
asc_getAngle: function () {
return this.angle;
window["Asc"].asc_CCellInfo = window["Asc"]["asc_CCellInfo"] = asc_CCellInfo;
prot = asc_CCellInfo.prototype;
prot["asc_getName"] = prot.asc_getName;
prot["asc_getFormula"] = prot.asc_getFormula;
prot["asc_getText"] = prot.asc_getText;
prot["asc_getHorAlign"] = prot.asc_getHorAlign;
prot["asc_getVertAlign"] = prot.asc_getVertAlign;
prot["asc_getFlags"] = prot.asc_getFlags;
prot["asc_getFont"] = prot.asc_getFont;
prot["asc_getFill"] = prot.asc_getFill;
prot["asc_getBorders"] = prot.asc_getBorders;
prot["asc_getInnerText"] = prot.asc_getInnerText;
prot["asc_getNumFormat"] = prot.asc_getNumFormat;
prot["asc_getHyperlink"] = prot.asc_getHyperlink;
prot["asc_getComments"] = prot.asc_getComments;
prot["asc_getLocked"] = prot.asc_getLocked;
prot["asc_getIsFormatTable"] = prot.asc_getIsFormatTable;
prot["asc_getStyleName"] = prot.asc_getStyleName;
prot["asc_getNumFormatType"] = prot.asc_getNumFormatType;
prot["asc_getAngle"] = prot.asc_getAngle;
function asc_CCellRect(x, y, width, height) {
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
this._width = width;
this._height = height;
asc_CCellRect.prototype = {
asc_getX: function () {
return this._x;
asc_getY: function () {
return this._y;
asc_getWidth: function () {
return this._width;
asc_getHeight: function () {
return this._height;
window["Asc"].asc_CCellRect = asc_CCellRect;
prot = asc_CCellRect.prototype;
prot["asc_getX"] = prot.asc_getX;
prot["asc_getY"] = prot.asc_getY;
prot["asc_getWidth"] = prot.asc_getWidth;
prot["asc_getHeight"] = prot.asc_getHeight;