2015-04-28 14:59:00 +00:00
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2015
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
"use strict";
function ZBase32Encoder() {
this.EncodingTable = "ybndrfg8ejkmcpqxot1uwisza345h769";
this.DecodingTable = ("undefined" == typeof Uint8Array) ? new Array(128) : new Uint8Array(128);
var ii = 0;
for (ii = 0; ii < 128; ii++) {
this.DecodingTable[ii] = 255;
var _len_32 = this.EncodingTable.length;
for (ii = 0; ii < _len_32; ii++) {
this.DecodingTable[this.EncodingTable.charCodeAt(ii)] = ii;
this.GetUTF16_fromUnicodeChar = function (code) {
if (code < 65536) {
return String.fromCharCode(code);
} else {
code -= 65536;
return String.fromCharCode(55296 | ((code >> 10) & 1023)) + String.fromCharCode(56320 | (code & 1023));
this.GetUTF16_fromUTF8 = function (pBuffer) {
var _res = "";
var lIndex = 0;
var lCount = pBuffer.length;
var val = 0;
while (lIndex < lCount) {
var byteMain = pBuffer[lIndex];
if (0 == (byteMain & 128)) {
_res += this.GetUTF16_fromUnicodeChar(byteMain);
} else {
if (0 == (byteMain & 32)) {
val = (((byteMain & 31) << 6) | (pBuffer[lIndex + 1] & 63));
_res += this.GetUTF16_fromUnicodeChar(val);
lIndex += 2;
} else {
if (0 == (byteMain & 16)) {
val = (((byteMain & 15) << 12) | ((pBuffer[lIndex + 1] & 63) << 6) | (pBuffer[lIndex + 2] & 63));
_res += this.GetUTF16_fromUnicodeChar(val);
lIndex += 3;
} else {
if (0 == (byteMain & 8)) {
val = (((byteMain & 7) << 18) | ((pBuffer[lIndex + 1] & 63) << 12) | ((pBuffer[lIndex + 2] & 63) << 6) | (pBuffer[lIndex + 3] & 63));
_res += this.GetUTF16_fromUnicodeChar(val);
lIndex += 4;
} else {
if (0 == (byteMain & 4)) {
val = (((byteMain & 3) << 24) | ((pBuffer[lIndex + 1] & 63) << 18) | ((pBuffer[lIndex + 2] & 63) << 12) | ((pBuffer[lIndex + 3] & 63) << 6) | (pBuffer[lIndex + 4] & 63));
_res += this.GetUTF16_fromUnicodeChar(val);
lIndex += 5;
} else {
val = (((byteMain & 1) << 30) | ((pBuffer[lIndex + 1] & 63) << 24) | ((pBuffer[lIndex + 2] & 63) << 18) | ((pBuffer[lIndex + 3] & 63) << 12) | ((pBuffer[lIndex + 4] & 63) << 6) | (pBuffer[lIndex + 5] & 63));
_res += this.GetUTF16_fromUnicodeChar(val);
lIndex += 5;
return _res;
this.GetUTF8_fromUTF16 = function (sData) {
var pCur = 0;
var pEnd = sData.length;
var result = [];
while (pCur < pEnd) {
var code = sData.charCodeAt(pCur++);
if (code >= 55296 && code <= 57343 && pCur < pEnd) {
code = 65536 + (((code & 1023) << 10) | (1023 & sData.charCodeAt(pCur++)));
if (code < 128) {
} else {
if (code < 2048) {
result.push(192 | (code >> 6));
result.push(128 | (code & 63));
} else {
if (code < 65536) {
result.push(224 | (code >> 12));
result.push(128 | ((code >> 6) & 63));
result.push(128 | (code & 63));
} else {
if (code < 2097151) {
result.push(240 | (code >> 18));
result.push(128 | ((code >> 12) & 63));
result.push(128 | ((code >> 6) & 63));
result.push(128 | (code & 63));
} else {
if (code < 67108863) {
result.push(248 | (code >> 24));
result.push(128 | ((code >> 18) & 63));
result.push(128 | ((code >> 12) & 63));
result.push(128 | ((code >> 6) & 63));
result.push(128 | (code & 63));
} else {
if (code < 2147483647) {
result.push(252 | (code >> 30));
result.push(128 | ((code >> 24) & 63));
result.push(128 | ((code >> 18) & 63));
result.push(128 | ((code >> 12) & 63));
result.push(128 | ((code >> 6) & 63));
result.push(128 | (code & 63));
return result;
this.Encode = function (sData) {
var data = this.GetUTF8_fromUTF16(sData);
var encodedResult = "";
var len = data.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 5) {
var byteCount = Math.min(5, len - i);
var buffer = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < byteCount; ++j) {
buffer *= 256;
buffer += data[i + j];
var bitCount = byteCount * 8;
while (bitCount > 0) {
var index = 0;
if (bitCount >= 5) {
var _del = Math.pow(2, bitCount - 5);
index = (buffer / _del) & 31;
} else {
index = (buffer & (31 >> (5 - bitCount)));
index <<= (5 - bitCount);
encodedResult += this.EncodingTable.charAt(index);
bitCount -= 5;
return encodedResult;
this.Decode = function (data) {
var result = [];
var _len = data.length;
var obj = {
data: data,
index: new Array(8)
var cur = 0;
while (cur < _len) {
cur = this.CreateIndexByOctetAndMovePosition(obj, cur);
var shortByteCount = 0;
var buffer = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < 8 && obj.index[j] != -1; ++j) {
buffer *= 32;
buffer += (this.DecodingTable[obj.index[j]] & 31);
var bitCount = shortByteCount * 5;
while (bitCount >= 8) {
var _del = Math.pow(2, bitCount - 8);
var _res = (buffer / _del) & 255;
bitCount -= 8;
this.CreateIndexByOctetAndMovePosition = function (obj, currentPosition) {
var j = 0;
while (j < 8) {
if (currentPosition >= obj.data.length) {
obj.index[j++] = -1;
if (this.IgnoredSymbol(obj.data.charCodeAt(currentPosition))) {
obj.index[j] = obj.data[currentPosition];
return currentPosition;
this.IgnoredSymbol = function (checkedSymbol) {
return (checkedSymbol >= 128 || this.DecodingTable[checkedSymbol] == 255);
var bIsLocalFontsUse = false;
function _is_support_cors() {
if (window["NATIVE_EDITOR_ENJINE"] === true) {
return false;
var xhrSupported = new XMLHttpRequest();
return !! xhrSupported && ("withCredentials" in xhrSupported);
var bIsSupportOriginalFormatFonts = _is_support_cors();
function postLoadScript(scriptName) {
text: scriptName
function CFontFileLoader(id) {
this.Id = id;
this.Status = -1;
this.stream_index = -1;
this.callback = null;
this.IsNeedAddJSToFontPath = true;
this.CanUseOriginalFormat = true;
var oThis = this;
this.CheckLoaded = function () {
return (0 == this.Status || 1 == this.Status);
this.LoadFontAsync = function (basePath, _callback) {
if (ASC_DOCS_API_USE_FONTS_ORIGINAL_FORMAT && this.CanUseOriginalFormat && bIsSupportOriginalFormatFonts && !window["qtDocBridge"] && !window["scriptBridge"]) {
this.LoadFontAsync2(basePath, _callback);
this.callback = _callback;
if (-1 != this.Status) {
return true;
this.Status = 2;
if (bIsLocalFontsUse) {
var scriptElem = document.createElement("script");
if (scriptElem.readyState && false) {
scriptElem.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (this.readyState == "complete" || this.readyState == "loaded") {
scriptElem.onreadystatechange = null;
setTimeout(oThis._callback_font_load, 0);
scriptElem.onload = scriptElem.onerror = oThis._callback_font_load;
if (this.IsNeedAddJSToFontPath) {
if (!window.g_fontNamesEncoder) {
window.g_fontNamesEncoder = new ZBase32Encoder();
var _name = window.g_fontNamesEncoder.Encode(this.Id + ".js") + ".js";
scriptElem.setAttribute("src", basePath + "js/" + _name);
} else {
scriptElem.setAttribute("src", basePath + this.Id + ".js");
scriptElem.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
return false;
this._callback_font_load = function () {
if (!window[oThis.Id]) {
oThis.Status = 1;
var __font_data_idx = g_fonts_streams.length;
g_fonts_streams[__font_data_idx] = CreateFontData4(window[oThis.Id]);
oThis.Status = 0;
delete window[oThis.Id];
if (null != oThis.callback) {
this.LoadFontAsync2 = function (basePath, _callback) {
this.callback = _callback;
if (-1 != this.Status) {
return true;
if (bIsLocalFontsUse) {
this.Status = 2;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (!window.g_fontNamesEncoder) {
window.g_fontNamesEncoder = new ZBase32Encoder();
var _name = window.g_fontNamesEncoder.Encode(this.Id) + ".js";
xhr.open("GET", basePath + "odttf/" + _name, true);
if (typeof ArrayBuffer !== "undefined" && !window.opera) {
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
if (xhr.overrideMimeType) {
xhr.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined");
} else {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept-Charset", "x-user-defined");
xhr.onload = function () {
if (this.status != 200) {
oThis.Status = 1;
oThis.Status = 0;
if (typeof ArrayBuffer !== "undefined" && !window.opera && this.response) {
var __font_data_idx = g_fonts_streams.length;
var _uintData = new Uint8Array(this.response);
g_fonts_streams[__font_data_idx] = new FT_Stream(_uintData, _uintData.length);
} else {
if (AscBrowser.isIE) {
var _response = new VBArray(this["responseBody"]).toArray();
var srcLen = _response.length;
var pointer = g_memory.Alloc(srcLen);
var stream = new FT_Stream(pointer.data, srcLen);
stream.obj = pointer.obj;
var dstPx = stream.data;
var index = 0;
while (index < srcLen) {
dstPx[index] = _response[index];
var __font_data_idx = g_fonts_streams.length;
g_fonts_streams[__font_data_idx] = stream;
} else {
var __font_data_idx = g_fonts_streams.length;
g_fonts_streams[__font_data_idx] = CreateFontData3(this.responseText);
var guidOdttf = [160, 102, 214, 32, 20, 150, 71, 250, 149, 105, 184, 80, 176, 65, 73, 72];
var _stream = g_fonts_streams[g_fonts_streams.length - 1];
var _data = _stream.data;
var _count_decode = Math.min(32, _stream.size);
for (var i = 0; i < _count_decode; ++i) {
_data[i] ^= guidOdttf[i % 16];
this.LoadFontNative = function () {
if (window["use_native_fonts_only"] === true) {
this.Status = 0;
var __font_data_idx = g_fonts_streams.length;
var _data = window["native"]["GetFontBinary"](this.Id);
g_fonts_streams[__font_data_idx] = new FT_Stream(_data, _data.length);
this.Status = 0;
CFontFileLoader.prototype.SetStreamIndex = function (index) {
this.stream_index = index;
var fontstyle_mask_regular = 1;
var fontstyle_mask_italic = 2;
var fontstyle_mask_bold = 4;
var fontstyle_mask_bolditalic = 8;
function GenerateMapId(api, name, style, size) {
var fontInfo = api.FontLoader.fontInfos[api.FontLoader.map_font_index[name]];
var index = -1;
var bNeedBold = false;
var bNeedItalic = false;
var index = -1;
var faceIndex = 0;
var bSrcItalic = false;
var bSrcBold = false;
switch (style) {
case FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic:
bSrcItalic = true;
bSrcBold = true;
bNeedBold = true;
bNeedItalic = true;
if (-1 != fontInfo.indexBI) {
index = fontInfo.indexBI;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexBI;
bNeedBold = false;
bNeedItalic = false;
} else {
if (-1 != fontInfo.indexB) {
index = fontInfo.indexB;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexB;
bNeedBold = false;
} else {
if (-1 != fontInfo.indexI) {
index = fontInfo.indexI;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexI;
bNeedItalic = false;
} else {
index = fontInfo.indexR;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexR;
case FontStyle.FontStyleBold:
bSrcBold = true;
bNeedBold = true;
bNeedItalic = false;
if (-1 != fontInfo.indexB) {
index = fontInfo.indexB;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexB;
bNeedBold = false;
} else {
if (-1 != fontInfo.indexR) {
index = fontInfo.indexR;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexR;
} else {
if (-1 != fontInfo.indexBI) {
index = fontInfo.indexBI;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexBI;
bNeedBold = false;
} else {
index = fontInfo.indexI;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexI;
case FontStyle.FontStyleItalic:
bSrcItalic = true;
bNeedBold = false;
bNeedItalic = true;
if (-1 != fontInfo.indexI) {
index = fontInfo.indexI;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexI;
bNeedItalic = false;
} else {
if (-1 != fontInfo.indexR) {
index = fontInfo.indexR;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexR;
} else {
if (-1 != fontInfo.indexBI) {
index = fontInfo.indexBI;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexBI;
bNeedItalic = false;
} else {
index = fontInfo.indexB;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexB;
case FontStyle.FontStyleRegular:
bNeedBold = false;
bNeedItalic = false;
if (-1 != fontInfo.indexR) {
index = fontInfo.indexR;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexR;
} else {
if (-1 != fontInfo.indexI) {
index = fontInfo.indexI;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexI;
} else {
if (-1 != fontInfo.indexB) {
index = fontInfo.indexB;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexB;
} else {
index = fontInfo.indexBI;
faceIndex = fontInfo.faceIndexBI;
var _ext = "";
if (bNeedBold) {
_ext += "nbold";
if (bNeedItalic) {
_ext += "nitalic";
var fontfile = api.FontLoader.fontFiles[index];
return fontfile.Id + faceIndex + size + _ext;
function CFontInfo(sName, thumbnail, type, indexR, faceIndexR, indexI, faceIndexI, indexB, faceIndexB, indexBI, faceIndexBI) {
this.Name = sName;
this.Thumbnail = thumbnail;
this.Type = type;
this.NeedStyles = 0;
this.indexR = indexR;
this.faceIndexR = faceIndexR;
this.needR = false;
this.indexI = indexI;
this.faceIndexI = faceIndexI;
this.needI = false;
this.indexB = indexB;
this.faceIndexB = faceIndexB;
this.needB = false;
this.indexBI = indexBI;
this.faceIndexBI = faceIndexBI;
this.needBI = false;
CFontInfo.prototype = {
CheckFontLoadStyles: function (global_loader) {
if ((this.NeedStyles & 15) == 15) {
this.needR = true;
this.needI = true;
this.needB = true;
this.needBI = true;
} else {
if ((this.NeedStyles & 1) != 0) {
if (false === this.needR) {
this.needR = true;
if (-1 == this.indexR) {
if (-1 != this.indexI) {
this.needI = true;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexB) {
this.needB = true;
} else {
this.needBI = true;
if ((this.NeedStyles & 2) != 0) {
if (false === this.needI) {
this.needI = true;
if (-1 == this.indexI) {
if (-1 != this.indexR) {
this.needR = true;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexBI) {
this.needBI = true;
} else {
this.needB = true;
if ((this.NeedStyles & 4) != 0) {
if (false === this.needB) {
this.needB = true;
if (-1 == this.indexB) {
if (-1 != this.indexR) {
this.needR = true;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexBI) {
this.needBI = true;
} else {
this.needI = true;
if ((this.NeedStyles & 8) != 0) {
if (false === this.needBI) {
this.needBI = true;
if (-1 == this.indexBI) {
if (-1 != this.indexB) {
this.needB = true;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexI) {
this.needI = true;
} else {
this.needR = true;
var fonts = (FONT_TYPE_EMBEDDED == this.Type) ? global_loader.embeddedFontFiles : global_loader.fontFiles;
var basePath = (FONT_TYPE_EMBEDDED == this.Type) ? global_loader.embeddedFilesPath : global_loader.fontFilesPath;
var isNeed = false;
if ((this.needR === true) && (-1 != this.indexR) && (fonts[this.indexR].CheckLoaded() === false)) {
fonts[this.indexR].LoadFontAsync(basePath, null);
isNeed = true;
if ((this.needI === true) && (-1 != this.indexI) && (fonts[this.indexI].CheckLoaded() === false)) {
fonts[this.indexI].LoadFontAsync(basePath, null);
isNeed = true;
if ((this.needB === true) && (-1 != this.indexB) && (fonts[this.indexB].CheckLoaded() === false)) {
fonts[this.indexB].LoadFontAsync(basePath, null);
isNeed = true;
if ((this.needBI === true) && (-1 != this.indexBI) && (fonts[this.indexBI].CheckLoaded() === false)) {
fonts[this.indexBI].LoadFontAsync(basePath, null);
isNeed = true;
return isNeed;
CheckFontLoadStylesNoLoad: function (global_loader) {
var fonts = (FONT_TYPE_EMBEDDED == this.Type) ? global_loader.embeddedFontFiles : global_loader.fontFiles;
var _isNeed = false;
if ((-1 != this.indexR) && (fonts[this.indexR].CheckLoaded() === false)) {
_isNeed = true;
if ((-1 != this.indexI) && (fonts[this.indexI].CheckLoaded() === false)) {
_isNeed = true;
if ((-1 != this.indexB) && (fonts[this.indexB].CheckLoaded() === false)) {
_isNeed = true;
if ((-1 != this.indexBI) && (fonts[this.indexBI].CheckLoaded() === false)) {
_isNeed = true;
return _isNeed;
LoadFontsFromServer: function (global_loader) {
var fonts = global_loader.fontFiles;
var basePath = global_loader.fontFilesPath;
if ((-1 != this.indexR) && (fonts[this.indexR].CheckLoaded() === false)) {
fonts[this.indexR].LoadFontAsync(basePath, null);
if ((-1 != this.indexI) && (fonts[this.indexI].CheckLoaded() === false)) {
fonts[this.indexI].LoadFontAsync(basePath, null);
if ((-1 != this.indexB) && (fonts[this.indexB].CheckLoaded() === false)) {
fonts[this.indexB].LoadFontAsync(basePath, null);
if ((-1 != this.indexBI) && (fonts[this.indexBI].CheckLoaded() === false)) {
fonts[this.indexBI].LoadFontAsync(basePath, null);
LoadFont: function (font_loader, fontManager, fEmSize, lStyle, dHorDpi, dVerDpi, transform) {
var _embedded_cur = window.g_font_loader.embedded_cut_manager;
if (_embedded_cur.bIsCutFontsUse) {
if (this.Type != FONT_TYPE_ADDITIONAL_CUT) {
var _font_info = _embedded_cur.map_name_cutindex[this.Name];
if (_font_info !== undefined) {
return _font_info.LoadFont(window.g_font_loader, fontManager, fEmSize, lStyle, dHorDpi, dVerDpi, transform);
var sReturnName = this.Name;
var bNeedBold = false;
var bNeedItalic = false;
var index = -1;
var faceIndex = 0;
var bSrcItalic = false;
var bSrcBold = false;
switch (lStyle) {
case FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic:
bSrcItalic = true;
bSrcBold = true;
bNeedBold = true;
bNeedItalic = true;
if (-1 != this.indexBI) {
index = this.indexBI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexBI;
bNeedBold = false;
bNeedItalic = false;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexB) {
index = this.indexB;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexB;
bNeedBold = false;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexI) {
index = this.indexI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexI;
bNeedItalic = false;
} else {
index = this.indexR;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexR;
case FontStyle.FontStyleBold:
bSrcBold = true;
bNeedBold = true;
bNeedItalic = false;
if (-1 != this.indexB) {
index = this.indexB;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexB;
bNeedBold = false;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexR) {
index = this.indexR;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexR;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexBI) {
index = this.indexBI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexBI;
bNeedBold = false;
} else {
index = this.indexI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexI;
case FontStyle.FontStyleItalic:
bSrcItalic = true;
bNeedBold = false;
bNeedItalic = true;
if (-1 != this.indexI) {
index = this.indexI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexI;
bNeedItalic = false;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexR) {
index = this.indexR;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexR;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexBI) {
index = this.indexBI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexBI;
bNeedItalic = false;
} else {
index = this.indexB;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexB;
case FontStyle.FontStyleRegular:
bNeedBold = false;
bNeedItalic = false;
if (-1 != this.indexR) {
index = this.indexR;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexR;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexI) {
index = this.indexI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexI;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexB) {
index = this.indexB;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexB;
} else {
index = this.indexBI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexBI;
var fontfile = null;
if (this.Type == FONT_TYPE_EMBEDDED) {
fontfile = font_loader.embeddedFontFiles[index];
} else {
if (this.Type == FONT_TYPE_ADDITIONAL_CUT) {
fontfile = font_loader.embedded_cut_manager.font_files[index];
} else {
fontfile = font_loader.fontFiles[index];
if (window["NATIVE_EDITOR_ENJINE"] === undefined) {
if (fontfile.Status != 0 && (this.Type == FONT_TYPE_STANDART || this.Type == FONT_TYPE_ADDITIONAL) && null != _embedded_cur.map_name_cutindex && undefined !== _embedded_cur.map_name_cutindex[this.Name]) {
var _font_info = _embedded_cur.map_name_cutindex[this.Name];
if (_font_info !== undefined) {
return _font_info.LoadFont(window.g_font_loader, fontManager, fEmSize, lStyle, dHorDpi, dVerDpi, transform);
} else {
if (fontfile.Status != 0) {
var _ext = "";
if (bNeedBold) {
_ext += "nbold";
if (bNeedItalic) {
_ext += "nitalic";
var pFontFile = fontManager.m_oFontsCache.LockFont(fontfile.stream_index, fontfile.Id, faceIndex, fEmSize, _ext);
if (!pFontFile) {
pFontFile = fontManager.m_oDefaultFont.GetDefaultFont(bSrcBold, bSrcItalic);
} else {
pFontFile.SetDefaultFont(fontManager.m_oDefaultFont.GetDefaultFont(bSrcBold, bSrcItalic));
if (!pFontFile) {
return false;
pFontFile.m_oFontManager = fontManager;
fontManager.m_pFont = pFontFile;
var _fEmSize = fontManager.UpdateSize(fEmSize, dVerDpi, dVerDpi);
pFontFile.SetSizeAndDpi(_fEmSize, dHorDpi, dVerDpi);
if (undefined !== transform) {
fontManager.SetTextMatrix2(transform.sx, transform.shy, transform.shx, transform.sy, transform.tx, transform.ty);
} else {
fontManager.SetTextMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
GetFontID: function (font_loader, lStyle) {
var sReturnName = this.Name;
var bNeedBold = false;
var bNeedItalic = false;
var index = -1;
var faceIndex = 0;
var bSrcItalic = false;
var bSrcBold = false;
switch (lStyle) {
case FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic:
bSrcItalic = true;
bSrcBold = true;
bNeedBold = true;
bNeedItalic = true;
if (-1 != this.indexBI) {
index = this.indexBI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexBI;
bNeedBold = false;
bNeedItalic = false;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexB) {
index = this.indexB;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexB;
bNeedBold = false;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexI) {
index = this.indexI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexI;
bNeedItalic = false;
} else {
index = this.indexR;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexR;
case FontStyle.FontStyleBold:
bSrcBold = true;
bNeedBold = true;
bNeedItalic = false;
if (-1 != this.indexB) {
index = this.indexB;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexB;
bNeedBold = false;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexR) {
index = this.indexR;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexR;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexBI) {
index = this.indexBI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexBI;
bNeedBold = false;
} else {
index = this.indexI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexI;
case FontStyle.FontStyleItalic:
bSrcItalic = true;
bNeedBold = false;
bNeedItalic = true;
if (-1 != this.indexI) {
index = this.indexI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexI;
bNeedItalic = false;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexR) {
index = this.indexR;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexR;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexBI) {
index = this.indexBI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexBI;
bNeedItalic = false;
} else {
index = this.indexB;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexB;
case FontStyle.FontStyleRegular:
bNeedBold = false;
bNeedItalic = false;
if (-1 != this.indexR) {
index = this.indexR;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexR;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexI) {
index = this.indexI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexI;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexB) {
index = this.indexB;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexB;
} else {
index = this.indexBI;
faceIndex = this.faceIndexBI;
var fontfile = (this.Type == FONT_TYPE_EMBEDDED) ? font_loader.embeddedFontFiles[index] : font_loader.fontFiles[index];
return {
id: fontfile.Id,
faceIndex: faceIndex,
file: fontfile
GetBaseStyle: function (lStyle) {
switch (lStyle) {
case FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic:
if (-1 != this.indexBI) {
return FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexB) {
return FontStyle.FontStyleBold;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexI) {
return FontStyle.FontStyleItalic;
} else {
return FontStyle.FontStyleRegular;
case FontStyle.FontStyleBold:
if (-1 != this.indexB) {
return FontStyle.FontStyleBold;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexR) {
return FontStyle.FontStyleRegular;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexBI) {
return FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic;
} else {
return FontStyle.FontStyleItalic;
case FontStyle.FontStyleItalic:
if (-1 != this.indexI) {
return FontStyle.FontStyleItalic;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexR) {
return FontStyle.FontStyleRegular;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexBI) {
return FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic;
} else {
return FontStyle.FontStyleBold;
case FontStyle.FontStyleRegular:
if (-1 != this.indexR) {
return FontStyle.FontStyleRegular;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexI) {
return FontStyle.FontStyleItalic;
} else {
if (-1 != this.indexB) {
return FontStyle.FontStyleBold;
} else {
return FontStyle.FontStyleBoldItalic;
return FontStyle.FontStyleRegular;
function CFont(name, id, type, thumbnail, style) {
this.name = name;
this.id = id;
this.type = type;
this.thumbnail = thumbnail;
if (null != style) {
this.NeedStyles = style;
} else {
this.NeedStyles = fontstyle_mask_regular | fontstyle_mask_italic | fontstyle_mask_bold | fontstyle_mask_bolditalic;
var ImageLoadStatus = {
Loading: 0,
Complete: 1
function CImage(src) {
this.src = src;
this.Image = null;
this.Status = ImageLoadStatus.Complete;
var g_fonts_streams = [];
function DecodeBase64(imData, szSrc) {
var srcLen = szSrc.length;
var nWritten = 0;
var dstPx = imData.data;
var index = 0;
if (window.chrome) {
while (index < srcLen) {
var dwCurr = 0;
var i;
var nBits = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (index >= srcLen) {
var nCh = DecodeBase64Char(szSrc.charCodeAt(index++));
if (nCh == -1) {
dwCurr <<= 6;
dwCurr |= nCh;
nBits += 6;
dwCurr <<= 24 - nBits;
for (i = 0; i < nBits / 8; i++) {
dstPx[nWritten++] = ((dwCurr & 16711680) >>> 16);
dwCurr <<= 8;
} else {
var p = b64_decode;
while (index < srcLen) {
var dwCurr = 0;
var i;
var nBits = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (index >= srcLen) {
var nCh = p[szSrc.charCodeAt(index++)];
if (nCh == undefined) {
dwCurr <<= 6;
dwCurr |= nCh;
nBits += 6;
dwCurr <<= 24 - nBits;
for (i = 0; i < nBits / 8; i++) {
dstPx[nWritten++] = ((dwCurr & 16711680) >>> 16);
dwCurr <<= 8;
} (function (document) {
if (undefined === window["__fonts_files"] && window["native"]["GenerateAllFonts"]) {
var __len_files = window["__fonts_files"].length;
window.g_font_files = new Array(__len_files);
for (var i = 0; i < __len_files; i++) {
window.g_font_files[i] = new CFontFileLoader(window["__fonts_files"][i]);
var __len_infos = window["__fonts_infos"].length;
window.g_font_infos = new Array(__len_infos);
window.g_map_font_index = {};
for (var i = 0; i < __len_infos; i++) {
var _info = window["__fonts_infos"][i];
window.g_font_infos[i] = new CFontInfo(_info[0], i, 0, _info[1], _info[2], _info[3], _info[4], _info[5], _info[6], _info[7], _info[8]);
window.g_map_font_index[_info[0]] = i;
var _wngds3 = new CFontFileLoader("ASC.ttf");
_wngds3.Status = 0;
var _ind_wngds3 = g_fonts_streams.length;
window.g_font_files[window.g_font_files.length] = _wngds3;
var _ind_info_wngds3 = window.g_font_infos.length;
window.g_font_infos[_ind_info_wngds3] = new CFontInfo("ASCW3", 0, FONT_TYPE_ADDITIONAL, window.g_font_files.length - 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);
window.g_map_font_index["ASCW3"] = _ind_info_wngds3;
delete window["__fonts_files"];
delete window["__fonts_infos"];
2014-07-05 18:22:49 +00:00