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2014-07-05 18:22:49 +00:00
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
(function (window, undefined) {
var asc = window["Asc"];
var asc_calcnpt = asc.calcNearestPt;
var asc_n2css = asc.numberToCSSColor;
var asc_debug = asc.outputDebugStr;
var asc_typeof = asc.typeOf;
var asc_round = asc.round;
var asc_clone = asc.clone;
var asc_FP = asc.FontProperties;
var asc_TM = asc.TextMetrics;
function LineInfo(tw, th, bl, a, d) { = tw !== undefined ? tw : 0; = th !== undefined ? th : 0; = bl !== undefined ? bl : 0;
this.a = a !== undefined ? a : 0;
this.d = d !== undefined ? d : 0;
this.beg = undefined;
this.end = undefined;
this.startX = undefined;
LineInfo.prototype = {
constructor: LineInfo,
assign: function (tw, th, bl, a, d) {
if (tw !== undefined) { = tw;
if (th !== undefined) { = th;
if (bl !== undefined) { = bl;
if (a !== undefined) {
this.a = a;
if (d !== undefined) {
this.d = d;
function StringRender(drawingCtx) {
if (! (this instanceof StringRender)) {
return new StringRender(drawingCtx);
this.drawingCtx = drawingCtx;
this.defaultFont = undefined;
this.fragments = undefined;
this.flags = undefined;
this.chars = "";
this.charWidths = [];
this.charProps = [];
this.lines = [];
this.ratio = 1;
this.angle = 0;
this.fontNeedUpdate = false;
return this;
StringRender.prototype = {
constructor: StringRender,
reNL: /[\r\n]/,
reTab: /[\t\v\f]/,
reSpace: /[\n\r\u2028\u2029\t\v\f\u0020\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2008\u2009\u200A\u200B\u205F\u3000]/,
reReplaceNL: /\r?\n|\r/g,
reReplaceTab : /[\t\v\f]/g,
reHypNL: /[\n\r\u2028\u2029]/,
reHypSp: /[\t\v\f\u0020\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2008\u2009\u200A\u200B\u205F\u3000]/,
reHyphen: /[\u002D\u00AD\u2010\u2012\u2013\u2014]/,
setDefaultFont: function (font) {
this.defaultFont = font;
return this;
setDefaultFontFromFmt: function (fmt) {
if (asc_typeof(fmt.fn) !== "string" || !(fmt.fs > 0)) {
throw "Can not make font from {fmt.fn=" + fmt.fn + ", fmt.fs=" + fmt.fs + "}";
this.defaultFont = this._makeFont(fmt);
return this;
setString: function (str, flags) {
this.fragments = [];
if (asc_typeof(str) === "string") {
text: str,
format: {}
} else {
for (var i = 0, c, fmt; i < str.length; ++i) {
fmt = str[i].format;
c = fmt.c;
if (asc_typeof(c) === "number") {
fmt.c = asc_n2css(c);
text: str[i].text,
format: fmt
this.flags = flags;
this.drawingCtx.setFont(this.defaultFont, this.angle);
return this;
rotateAtPoint: function (drawingCtx, angle, x, y, dx, dy) {
var m = new asc.Matrix();
m.rotate(angle, 0);
var mbt = new asc.Matrix();
if (null === drawingCtx) {
mbt.translate(x + dx, y + dy);
this.drawingCtx.setTextTransform(, m.shy, m.shx,, m.tx, m.ty);
this.drawingCtx.setTransform(, mbt.shy, mbt.shx,, mbt.tx, mbt.ty);
} else {
mbt.translate((x + dx) * vector_koef, (y + dy) * vector_koef);
mbt.multiply(m, 0);
drawingCtx.setTransform(, mbt.shy, mbt.shx,, mbt.tx, mbt.ty);
return this;
resetTransform: function (drawingCtx) {
if (null === drawingCtx) {
} else {
var m = new asc.Matrix();
drawingCtx.setTransform(, m.shy, m.shx,, m.tx, m.ty);
this.angle = 0;
this.fontNeedUpdate = true;
getTransformBound: function (angle, x, y, w, h, textW, alignHorizontal, alignVertical, maxWidth) {
this.angle = 0;
this.fontNeedUpdate = true;
var dx = 0,
dy = 0,
sx = 0,
sw = 0;
var tm = this._doMeasure(maxWidth);
var mul = (90 - (Math.abs(angle))) / 90;
var posh = (angle === 90 || angle === -90) ? textW : Math.abs(Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180) * textW);
var posv = (angle === 90 || angle === -90) ? 0 : Math.abs(Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180) * textW);
if ("bottom" === alignVertical) {
if (angle < 0) {
if ("left" === alignHorizontal) {
dx = (1 - mul) * tm.height;
sw = x + posv + (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
} else {
if ("center" === alignHorizontal) {
dx = (w + tm.height - posv) * 0.5;
sx = x + (w - posv) * 0.5 - (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
sw = x + (w + posv) * 0.5 + (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
} else {
if ("right" === alignHorizontal) {
dx = w - posv;
sx = x + dx - (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
} else {
if ("left" === alignHorizontal) {
sw = x + posv + (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
} else {
if ("center" === alignHorizontal) {
dx = (w - tm.height - posv) * 0.5;
sx = x + (w - posv) * 0.5 - (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
sw = x + (w + posv) * 0.5 + (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
} else {
if ("right" === alignHorizontal) {
dx = w - posv - (1 - mul) * tm.height;
sx = x + dx;
if (posh < h) {
if (angle < 0) {
dy = h - (posh + mul * tm.height);
} else {
dy = h - mul * tm.height;
} else {
if (angle > 0) {
dy = h - mul * tm.height;
} else {}
} else {
if ("center" === alignVertical) {
if (angle < 0) {
if ("left" === alignHorizontal) {
dx = (1 - mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
sw = x + posv + (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
} else {
if ("center" === alignHorizontal) {
dx = (w + tm.height - posv) * 0.5;
sx = x + (w - posv) * 0.5 - (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
sw = x + (w + posv) * 0.5 + (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
} else {
if ("right" === alignHorizontal) {
dx = w - (mul * 0.5) * tm.height - posv;
sx = x + dx - (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
} else {
if ("left" === alignHorizontal) {
sw = x + posv + (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
} else {
if ("center" == alignHorizontal) {
dx = (w - tm.height - posv) * 0.5;
sx = x + (w - posv) * 0.5 - (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
sw = x + (w + posv) * 0.5 + (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
} else {
if ("right" === alignHorizontal) {
dx = w - posv - tm.height;
sx = x + dx;
sx = x + dx - (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
if (posh < h) {
if (angle < 0) {
dy = (h - posh) * 0.5;
} else {
dy = (h + posh) * 0.5;
} else {
if (angle > 0) {
dy = h - mul * tm.height;
} else {}
} else {
if ("top" === alignVertical) {
if (angle < 0) {
if ("left" === alignHorizontal) {
dx = (1 - mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
sw = x + posv + (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
} else {
if ("c" === alignHorizontal) {
dx = (w + tm.height - posv) * 0.5;
sx = x + (w - posv) * 0.5 - (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
sw = x + (w + posv) * 0.5 + (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
} else {
if ("right" === alignHorizontal) {
dx = w - (mul * 0.5) * tm.height - posv;
sx = x + dx - (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
} else {
if ("left" === alignHorizontal) {
sw = x + posv + (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
} else {
if ("c" === alignHorizontal) {
dx = (w - tm.height - posv) * 0.5;
sx = x + (w - posv) * 0.5 - (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
sw = x + (w + posv) * 0.5 + (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
} else {
if ("right" === alignHorizontal) {
dx = w - posv - tm.height;
sx = x + dx;
sx = x + dx - (mul * 0.5) * tm.height;
dy = Math.min(h + tm.height * mul, posh);
var bound = {};
bound.dx = dx;
bound.dy = dy;
bound.x = x;
bound.y = y; = sx;
bound.sw = sw;
if (angle === 90 || angle === -90) {
bound.height = textW;
} else {
bound.height = Math.abs(Math.sin(angle / 180 * Math.PI) * textW) + (mul) * tm.height;
return bound;
measure: function (maxWidth) {
return this._doMeasure(maxWidth);
render: function (x, y, maxWidth, textColor) {
this._doRender(undefined, x, y, maxWidth, textColor);
return this;
renderForPrint: function (drawingCtx, x, y, maxWidth, textColor) {
this._doRender(drawingCtx, x, y, maxWidth, textColor);
return this;
measureString: function (str, flags, maxWidth) {
if (str !== undefined) {
this.setString(str, flags);
return this._doMeasure(maxWidth);
renderString: function (str, flags, x, y, maxWidth, textColor) {
if (str !== undefined) {
this.setString(str, flags);
if (this.charWidths.length < 1 && null === this._doMeasure(maxWidth)) {
asc_debug("log", "Warning: can not measure '", str, "'");
return this;
this._doRender(undefined, x, y, maxWidth, textColor);
return this;
getWidestCharWidth: function () {
return this.charWidths.reduce(function (p, c) {
return p < c ? c : p;
_reset: function () {
this.chars = "";
this.charWidths = [];
this.charProps = [];
this.lines = [];
this.ratio = 1;
_filterText: function (fragment, wrap) {
var s = fragment;
if ( >= 0) {
s = s.replace(this.reReplaceNL, wrap ? "\n" : "\u00B6");
if ( >= 0) {
s = s.replace(this.reReplaceTab, wrap ? " " : "\u2192");
return s;
_makeFont: function (format) {
if (format !== undefined && asc_typeof(format.fn) === "string") {
var fsz = format.fs > 0 ? format.fs : this.defaultFont.FontSize;
return new asc_FP(format.fn, fsz, format.b, format.i, format.u, format.s);
return this.defaultFont;
_calcCharsWidth: function (startCh, endCh) {
for (var w = 0, i = startCh; i <= endCh; ++i) {
w += this.charWidths[i];
return w * this.ratio;
_calcLineWidth: function (startPos, endPos) {
var wrap = this.flags && this.flags.wrapText;
var wrapNL = this.flags && this.flags.wrapOnlyNL;
var isAtEnd, j, chProp, tw;
if (endPos === undefined || endPos < 0) {
for (j = startPos + 1; j < this.chars.length; ++j) {
chProp = this.charProps[j];
if (chProp && ( || chProp.hp)) {
endPos = j - 1;
for (j = endPos, tw = 0, isAtEnd = true; j >= startPos; --j) {
if (isAtEnd) {
if ((wrap || wrapNL) && this.reSpace.test(this.chars[j])) {
isAtEnd = false;
tw += this.charWidths[j];
return tw * this.ratio;
_calcLineMetrics: function (f, va, fm, ppi) {
var l = {
th: 0,
bl: 0,
bl2: 0,
a: 0,
d: 0
var hpt = f * 1.275;
var fpx = f * ppi / 72;
var topt = 72 / ppi;
var h = asc_calcnpt(hpt, ppi);
var a = asc_round(fpx) * topt;
var d = h - a;
var a_2 = asc_round(fpx / 2) * topt;
var h_2_3 = asc_calcnpt(hpt * 2 / 3, ppi);
var a_2_3 = asc_round(fpx * 2 / 3) * topt;
var d_2_3 = h_2_3 - a_2_3;
var x = a_2 + a_2_3;
if (va === "superscript") { = x + d; = x;
l.bl2 = a_2_3;
l.a = fm.ascender + a_2;
l.d = fm.descender - a_2;
} else {
if (va === "subscript") { = x + d_2_3; = a;
l.bl2 = x;
l.a = fm.ascender + a - x;
l.d = fm.descender + x - a;
} else { = a + d; = a;
l.a = fm.ascender;
l.d = fm.descender;
return l;
_calcTextMetrics: function (dontCalcRepeatChars) {
var self = this,
i, p, p_, lm, beg;
var l = new LineInfo(),
TW = 0,
TH = 0,
BL = 0,
CL = 0;
var ppi = this.drawingCtx.getPPIY();
function calcDelta(vnew, vold) {
return vnew > vold ? vnew - vold : 0;
function addLine(b, e) { += self._calcLineWidth(b, e - 1);
l.beg = b;
l.end = e - 1;
if (TW < {
TW =;
BL = TH +;
TH +=;
for (i = 0, beg = 0; i < this.chars.length; ++i) {
p = this.charProps[i];
if (p && p.font) {
lm = this._calcLineMetrics(p.fsz !== undefined ? p.fsz : p.font.FontSize,,, ppi);
if (i === 0) {
l.assign(0,,, lm.a, lm.d);
} else { += calcDelta(, + calcDelta( -, -; += calcDelta(,;
l.a += calcDelta(lm.a, l.a);
l.d += calcDelta(lm.d, l.d);
p.lm = lm;
p_ = p;
if (dontCalcRepeatChars && p && p.repeat > 0) { -= this._calcCharsWidth(i, i + p.repeat - 1);
if (p && ( || p.hp)) {
addLine(beg, i);
beg = i;
lm = this._calcLineMetrics(p_.fsz !== undefined ? p_.fsz : p_.font.FontSize,,, ppi);
l = new LineInfo(0,,, lm.a, lm.d);
if (beg < i) {
addLine(beg, i);
if (this.lines.length > 0) {
CL = (this.lines[0].bl - this.lines[0].a + BL + l.d) / 2;
return new asc_TM(TW, TH, 0, BL, 0, 0, CL);
_insertRepeatChars: function (maxWidth) {
var self = this,
width, w, pos;
function getNextRepeatCharsPos(fromPos) {
for (var i = fromPos; i < self.chars.length; ++i) {
if (self.charProps[i] && self.charProps[i].repeat > 0) {
return i;
return -1;
function calcRepeatCharsWidth(pos) {
return self._calcCharsWidth(pos, pos + self.charProps[pos].repeat - 1);
function shiftCharProps(fromPos, delta) {
for (var i = self.chars.length - 1; i >= fromPos; --i) {
if (self.charProps[i]) {
var p = self.charProps[i];
delete self.charProps[i];
self.charProps[i + delta] = p;
function insertRepeatChars(pos) {
if (self.charProps[pos].total === undefined) {
self.charProps[pos].total = self.charProps[pos].repeat;
} else {
var repeatCount = self.charProps[pos].repeat,
repeatEnd = pos + self.charProps[pos].total;
self.chars = "" + self.chars.slice(0, repeatEnd) + self.chars.slice(pos, pos + repeatCount) + self.chars.slice(repeatEnd);
self.charWidths = [].concat(self.charWidths.slice(0, repeatEnd), self.charWidths.slice(pos, pos + repeatCount), self.charWidths.slice(repeatEnd));
self.charProps[pos].total += repeatCount;
shiftCharProps(pos + 1, repeatCount);
width = this._calcTextMetrics(true).width;
pos = 0;
while (1) {
do {
pos = getNextRepeatCharsPos(pos < 0 ? 0 : pos);
} while (pos < 0);
w = calcRepeatCharsWidth(pos);
if (w + width > maxWidth) {
width += w;
this.lines = [];
_measureChars: function (maxWidth) {
var self = this;
var ctx = this.drawingCtx;
var wrap = this.flags && this.flags.wrapText;
var wrapNL = this.flags && this.flags.wrapOnlyNL;
var hasRepeats = false;
var i, j, fr, fmt, text, p, p_ = {},
pIndex, va, f, f_, eq, startCh;
var tw = 0,
nlPos = 0,
hpPos = undefined,
isSP_ = true,
delta = 0;
function charPropAt(index) {
var prop = self.charProps[index];
if (!prop) {
prop = self.charProps[index] = {};
return prop;
function measureFragment(s) {
var j, ch, chw, chPos, isNL, isSP, isHP, tm;
for (chPos = self.chars.length, j = 0; j < s.length; ++j, ++chPos) {
ch = s.charAt(j);
tm = ctx.measureChar(ch, 1);
chw = tm.width;
isNL = self.reHypNL.test(ch);
isSP = !isNL ? self.reHypSp.test(ch) : false;
if (wrap || wrapNL) {
isHP = !isSP && !isNL ? self.reHyphen.test(ch) : false;
if (isNL) {
nlPos = chPos + 1;
charPropAt(nlPos).nl = true;
charPropAt(nlPos).delta = delta;
ch = " ";
chw = 0;
tw = 0;
hpPos = undefined;
} else {
if (isSP || isHP) {
hpPos = chPos + 1;
if (wrap && tw + chw > maxWidth && chPos !== nlPos && !isSP) {
nlPos = hpPos !== undefined ? hpPos : chPos;
charPropAt(nlPos).hp = true;
charPropAt(nlPos).delta = delta;
tw = self._calcCharsWidth(nlPos, chPos - 1);
hpPos = undefined;
if (isSP_ && !isSP && !isNL) {
charPropAt(chPos).wrd = true;
tw += chw;
self.chars += ch;
isSP_ = isSP || isNL;
delta = tm.widthBB - tm.width;
for (i = 0, f_ = ctx.getFont(); i < this.fragments.length; ++i) {
startCh = this.charWidths.length;
fr = this.fragments[i];
fmt = fr.format;
text = this._filterText(fr.text, wrap || wrapNL);
if (text.length < 1) {
f = this._makeFont(fmt);
pIndex = this.chars.length;
p = asc_clone(this.charProps[pIndex] || {});
va = !== undefined ? : "";
if (va === "subscript" || va === "superscript") { = va;
p.fsz = f.FontSize;
f.FontSize *= 2 / 3;
p.font = f;
eq = f.isEqual(f_);
if (!eq || f.Underline !== f_.Underline || f.Strikeout !== f_.Strikeout || fmt.c !== p_.c) {
if (!eq) {
ctx.setFont(f, this.angle);
p.font = f;
f_ = f;
if (i === 0) {
p.font = f;
if (p.font) { = ctx.getFontMetrics();
p.c = fmt.c;
this.charProps[pIndex] = p;
p_ = p;
if (fmt.skip) {
charPropAt(pIndex).skip = text.length;
if (fmt.repeat) {
charPropAt(pIndex).repeat = text.length;
hasRepeats = true;
for (j = startCh; f_.Italic && j < this.charWidths.length; ++j) {
if (this.charProps[j] && this.charProps[j].delta && j > 0) {
if (this.charWidths[j - 1] > 0) {
this.charWidths[j - 1] += this.charProps[j].delta;
} else {
if (j > 1) {
this.charWidths[j - 2] += this.charProps[j].delta;
if (this.charProps[this.chars.length] !== undefined) {
delete this.charProps[this.chars.length];
} else {
if (f_.Italic) {
this.charWidths[this.charWidths.length - 1] += delta;
if (hasRepeats) {
if (maxWidth === undefined) {
throw "Undefined width of cell width Numeric Format";
return this._calcTextMetrics();
_doMeasure: function (maxWidth) {
var tm = this._measureChars(maxWidth);
if (this.flags && this.flags.shrinkToFit && tm.width > maxWidth) {
this.ratio = maxWidth / tm.width;
tm.width = maxWidth;
return tm;
_doRender: function (drawingCtx, x, y, maxWidth, textColor) {
var self = this;
var ctx = (undefined !== drawingCtx) ? drawingCtx : this.drawingCtx;
var ppix = ctx.getPPIX();
var ppiy = ctx.getPPIY();
var shrink = this.flags && this.flags.shrinkToFit;
var align = this.flags ? this.flags.textAlign.toLowerCase() : "";
var i, j, p, p_, f, f_, strBeg;
var n = 0,
l = this.lines[0],
x1 = l ? initX(0) : 0,
y1 = y,
dx = l ? computeWordDeltaX() : 0;
function initX(startPos) {
var x_ = x;
if (align === "right") {
x_ = asc_calcnpt(x + maxWidth - self._calcLineWidth(startPos), ppix, -1);
} else {
if (align === "center") {
x_ = asc_calcnpt(x + 0.5 * (maxWidth - self._calcLineWidth(startPos)), ppix, 0);
l.startX = x_;
return x_;
function computeWordDeltaX() {
if (align !== "justify") {
return 0;
for (var i = l.beg, c = 0; i <= l.end; ++i) {
var p = self.charProps[i];
if (p && p.wrd) {
return c > 1 ? (maxWidth - / (c - 1) : 0;
function renderFragment(begin, end, prop, angle) {
var dh = prop && prop.lm && prop.lm.bl2 > 0 ? prop.lm.bl2 - : 0;
var dw = self._calcCharsWidth(strBeg, end - 1);
var so = prop.font.Strikeout;
var ul = prop.font.Underline;
var isSO = so === true;
var isUL = ul === true || !(ul === undefined || ul === false ||\w/) < 0 ||\s*none\s*/i) >= 0);
var fsz, x2, y, lw, dy, i, b, x_, cp, w_1px, h_1px;
if (align !== "justify" || dx < 1e-06) {
ctx.fillText(self.chars.slice(begin, end), x1, y1 + + dh, undefined, self.charWidths.slice(begin, end), angle);
} else {
for (i = b = begin, x_ = x1; i < end; ++i) {
cp = self.charProps[i];
if (cp && cp.wrd && i > b) {
ctx.fillText(self.chars.slice(b, i), x_, y1 + + dh, undefined, self.charWidths.slice(b, i), angle);
x_ += self._calcCharsWidth(b, i - 1) + dx;
dw += dx;
b = i;
if (i > b) {
ctx.fillText(self.chars.slice(b, i), x_, y1 + + dh, undefined, self.charWidths.slice(b, i), angle);
if (isSO || isUL) {
x2 = asc_calcnpt(x1 + dw, ppix);
fsz = prop.font.FontSize * self.ratio;
lw = asc_round(fsz * ppiy / 72 / 18) || 1;
ctx.setStrokeStyle(prop.c || textColor).setLineWidth(lw).beginPath();
w_1px = asc_calcnpt(0, ppix, 1);
h_1px = asc_calcnpt(0, ppiy, 1);
dy = (lw / 2);
dy = dy >> 0;
if (isSO) {
dy += 1;
y = asc_calcnpt(y1 + - prop.lm.a * 0.275, ppiy);
ctx.lineHor(x1, y - dy * h_1px, x2 + w_1px);
if (isUL) {
y = asc_calcnpt(y1 + + prop.lm.d * 0.4, ppiy);
ctx.lineHor(x1, y + dy * h_1px, x2 + w_1px);
return dw;
for (i = 0, strBeg = 0, f_ = ctx.getFont(); i < this.chars.length; ++i) {
p = this.charProps[i];
if (p && (p.font || || p.hp || p.skip > 0)) {
if (strBeg < i) {
x1 += renderFragment(strBeg, i, p_, this.angle);
strBeg = i;
if (p.font) {
f = p.font.clone();
if (shrink) {
f.FontSize *= this.ratio;
if (!f.isEqual(f_) || this.fontNeedUpdate) {
ctx.setFont(f, this.angle);
f_ = f;
this.fontNeedUpdate = false;
var fillStyle;
if (null != p.c && null != p.c.getRgb) {
fillStyle = p.c.getRgb();
} else {
fillStyle = p.c || textColor;
p_ = p;
if (p.skip > 0) {
j = i + p.skip - 1;
x1 += this._calcCharsWidth(i, j);
strBeg = j + 1;
i = j;
if ( || p.hp) {
y1 +=;
l = self.lines[++n];
x1 = initX(i);
dx = computeWordDeltaX();
if (strBeg < i) {
renderFragment(strBeg, i, p_, this.angle);
getInternalState: function () {
return {
defaultFont: this.defaultFont !== undefined ? this.defaultFont.clone() : undefined,
flags: this.flags,
chars: this.chars,
charWidths: this.charWidths,
charProps: this.charProps,
lines: this.lines,
ratio: this.ratio
restoreInternalState: function (state) {
this.defaultFont = state.defaultFont;
this.flags = state.flags;
this.chars = state.chars;
this.charWidths = state.charWidths;
this.charProps = state.charProps;
this.lines = state.lines;
this.ratio = state.ratio;
return this;
window["Asc"].StringRender = StringRender;