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<title>An example of the Scatter chart</title>
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<meta name="description" content="An example of the type of Scatter chart that OfficeExcel can produce" />
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var original_data = [
[0.5,[0,3,4,5,7, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[1.5,[2,3,5,6,9, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[2.5,[0,2,5.6,6.2,9, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[3.5,[2,4.8,6.1,6.5,9, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[4.5,[1.1,5.2,5.9,6.5,7.6, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[5.5,[0.8,3.9,7,7.5,7.99, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[6.5,[2,2.9,4,4.5,5.3, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[7.5,[2.5,3.0,4,4.9,5.5, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[8.5,[3,3.3,5,6.5,6.9, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[9.5,[1.1,3.3,6,6.5,6.9, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[10.5,[0.7,3.1,5,5.9,6.9, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[11.5,[0.3,2.5,3,4.5,4.9, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[12.5,[0.9,2.7,4.9,5.5,6.3, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[13.5,[0.7,3.0,3.8,4.2,4.9, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[14.5,[0.8,2.1,5.2,6.1,7.2, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[15.5,[0.9,2.2,3.8,5.5,6.2, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[16.5,[1.2,2.3,3.9,5.2,6, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[17.5,[0.8,2.2,4.1,5.2,5.9, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[18.5,[0.9,3.1,4.2,5.5,6.1, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[19.5,[0.9,2.9,4.9,5.5,6.2, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[20.5,[0.9,2.9,4.9,5.22,6.3, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[21.5,[1.7,2.9,5,5.4,6.3, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[22.5,[1.7,3.1,5.1,6.1,6.8, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[23.5,[1.9,2.5,4.3,5.5,6.6, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[24.5,[0.7,1.6,2.1,3.4,4.2, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[25.5,[0.8,1.5,2,3.6,4.2, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[26.5,[0.9,2,3,4.2,5.1, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[27.5,[0.6,2,2.7,3.6,5.5, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[28.5,[0.9,2,3,4.5,9, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[29.5,[1.1,3,4.5,5.1,10, 'red', 'red'], 'black'],
[30.5,[1.8,3,4.4,5.5,9, 'red', 'red'], 'black']
window.onload = function ()
var data = [
[12,4],[13,12],[11,16],[4,19],[4,3],[5,6],[1,9],[4,12],[6,12],[8,8],[16,6],[13,5],[15,13],[23,23,'red'], [1,1, 'gray'],
[1,4,'gray'], [2,3,'gray'], [1,6,'gray'], [2,3,'gray'], [2,5,'gray'], [3,7,'gray'], [1,4,'gray'], [2,7,'gray']
* This facilitates the selector changing
function SelectorChange()
var selector = document.getElementById("chartSelector");
var canvas = document.getElementById("scatter2");
if (selector.options[selector.selectedIndex].value == 'high/low') {
} else {
* This shows the box plot of stock prices
function ShowBoxplot ()
var scatter = new OfficeExcel.Scatter('scatter2', OfficeExcel.array_clone(original_data));
scatter._chartTitle._text = 'High/low daily stock prices';
scatter._otherProps._boxplot_width = 0.5;
scatter._otherProps._boxplot.capped = false;
scatter._otherProps._labels = ['Week 1', 'Week 2', 'Week 3', 'Week 4'];
scatter._otherProps._xmax = 31;
scatter._otherProps._ymax = 10;
scatter._otherProps._scale_decimals = 1;
scatter._otherProps._units_post = 'p';
scatter._chartGutter._left = 40;
* This shows the average line of stock prices
function ShowAverage ()
var data = OfficeExcel.array_clone(original_data);
for (var i=0; i<data.length; ++i) {
data[i][1] = data[i][1][3];
var scatter = new OfficeExcel.Scatter('scatter2', data);
scatter.Set('chart.title', 'Average daily stock prices');
scatter.Set('chart.labels', ['Week 1', 'Week 2', 'Week 3', 'Week 4']);
scatter.Set('chart.xmax', 31);
scatter.Set('chart.ymax', 10);
scatter.Set('chart.scale.decimals', 1);
scatter.Set('chart.units.post', 'p');
scatter.Set('chart.gutter.left', 40);
scatter.Set('chart.line', true);
scatter.Set('chart.line.colors', ['red']);
scatter.Set('chart.tickmarks', null);
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<div id="breadcrumb">
<a href="../index.html">OfficeExcel: HTML5 Javascript charts library</a>
<a href="./index.html">Examples</a>
Scatter charts example
<h1>Scatter <span>charts</span></h1>
if (OfficeExcel.isOld()) {
document.write('<div style="background-color: #fee; border: 2px dashed red; padding: 5px"><b>Important</b><br /><br /> Internet Explorer does not natively support the HTML5 canvas tag, so if you want to see the charts, you can either:<ul><li>Install <a href="http://code.google.com/chrome/chromeframe/">Google Chrome Frame</a></li><li>Use ExCanvas. This is provided in the OfficeExcel Archive.</li><li>Use another browser entirely. Your choices are Firefox 3.5+, Chrome 2+, Safari 4+ or Opera 10.5+. </li></ul> <b>Note:</b> Internet Explorer 9 fully supports the canvas tag.</div>');
Scatter charts use two variables to plot points and makes it clear where there are congregations. The data points
make up the X and Y coordinates. The labels on the X axis are separate from the X units, allowing you to to have
lots of points, but only a few labels. The Scatter is a good chart to use if you want to show stock prices and
it also supports high/low charts - as shown below.
<li><a href="../docs/scatter.html">Scatter charts API documentation</a></li>
<div style="text-align: center">
<canvas id="scatter2" width="850" height="200">[No canvas support]</canvas><br />
Chart type:
<select id="chartSelector" onchange="SelectorChange()">
<option value="high/low">High/low</option>
<option value="average">Average</option>
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