1479 lines
55 KiB
1479 lines
55 KiB
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
var numbering_numfmt_None = 0;
var numbering_numfmt_Bullet = 4097;
var numbering_numfmt_Decimal = 8194;
var numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman = 8195;
var numbering_numfmt_UpperRoman = 8196;
var numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter = 8197;
var numbering_numfmt_UpperLetter = 8198;
var numbering_numfmt_DecimalZero = 8199;
var numbering_lvltext_Text = 1;
var numbering_lvltext_Num = 2;
var numbering_suff_Tab = 1;
var numbering_suff_Space = 2;
var numbering_suff_Nothing = 3;
function Numbering_Number_To_Alpha(Num, bLowerCase) {
var _Num = Num - 1;
var Count = (_Num - _Num % 26) / 26;
var Ost = _Num % 26;
var T = "";
var Letter;
if (true === bLowerCase) {
Letter = String.fromCharCode(Ost + 97);
} else {
Letter = String.fromCharCode(Ost + 65);
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < Count + 1; Index2++) {
T += Letter;
return T;
function Numbering_Number_To_String(Num) {
return "" + Num;
function Numbering_Number_To_Roman(Num, bLowerCase) {
var Rims;
if (true === bLowerCase) {
Rims = ["m", "cm", "d", "cd", "c", "xc", "l", "xl", "x", "ix", "v", "iv", "i", " "];
} else {
Rims = ["M", "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X", "IX", "V", "IV", "I", " "];
var Vals = [1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1, 0];
var T = "";
var Index2 = 0;
while (Num > 0) {
while (Vals[Index2] <= Num) {
T += Rims[Index2];
Num -= Vals[Index2];
if (Index2 >= Rims.length) {
return T;
function LvlText_Read_FromBinary(Reader) {
var ElementType = Reader.GetLong();
var Element = null;
if (numbering_lvltext_Num === ElementType) {
Element = new CLvlText_Num();
} else {
if (numbering_lvltext_Text === ElementType) {
Element = new CLvlText_Text();
return Element;
function CLvlText_Text(Val) {
if ("string" == typeof(Val)) {
this.Value = Val;
} else {
this.Value = "";
this.Type = numbering_lvltext_Text;
CLvlText_Text.prototype = {
Copy: function () {
var Obj = new CLvlText_Text(this.Value);
return Obj;
Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) {
Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) {
this.Value = Reader.GetString2();
function CLvlText_Num(Lvl) {
if ("number" == typeof(Lvl)) {
this.Value = Lvl;
} else {
this.Value = 0;
this.Type = numbering_lvltext_Num;
CLvlText_Num.prototype = {
Copy: function () {
var Obj = new CLvlText_Num(this.Value);
return Obj;
Write_ToBinary: function (Writer) {
Read_FromBinary: function (Reader) {
this.Value = Reader.GetLong();
function CAbstractNum(Type) {
this.Id = g_oIdCounter.Get_NewId();
if ("undefined" == typeof(Type)) {
Type = numbering_numfmt_Bullet;
this.Lock = new CLock();
if (false === g_oIdCounter.m_bLoad) {
this.Lock.Set_Type(locktype_Mine, false);
this.Lvl = new Array();
for (var Index = 0; Index < 9; Index++) {
this.Lvl[Index] = new Object();
var Lvl = this.Lvl[Index];
Lvl.PStyle = undefined;
Lvl.Start = 1;
Lvl.Restart = -1;
Lvl.Suff = numbering_suff_Tab;
var Left = 36 * (Index + 1) * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
var FirstLine = -18 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
Lvl.Jc = align_Left;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_Bullet;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
Lvl.ParaPr = new CParaPr();
Lvl.ParaPr.Ind.Left = Left;
Lvl.ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine = FirstLine;
var TextPr = new CTextPr();
if (0 == Index % 3) {
TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Symbol",
Index: -1
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(String.fromCharCode(183)));
} else {
if (1 == Index % 3) {
TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Courier New",
Index: -1
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text("o"));
} else {
TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Wingdings",
Index: -1
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(String.fromCharCode(167)));
Lvl.TextPr = TextPr;
g_oTableId.Add(this, this.Id);
CAbstractNum.prototype = {
Set_Id: function (newId) {
g_oTableId.Reset_Id(this, newId, this.Id);
this.Id = newId;
Get_Id: function () {
return this.Id;
Copy: function (AbstractNum) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < 9; Index++) {
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(AbstractNum.Lvl[Index]);
var Lvl_old = this.Lvl[Index];
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: Index,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
this.Lvl[Index] = Lvl_new;
Get_LvlByStyle: function (StyleId) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < 9; Index++) {
var Lvl = this.Lvl[Index];
if (StyleId === Lvl.PStyle) {
return Index;
return -1;
Get_Lvl: function (Lvl) {
if (undefined === this.Lvl[Lvl]) {
return this.Lvl[0];
return this.Lvl[Lvl];
Create_Default_Numbered: function () {
for (var Index = 0; Index < 9; Index++) {
var Lvl_old = this.Internal_CopyLvl(this.Lvl[Index]);
this.Lvl[Index] = new Object();
var Lvl = this.Lvl[Index];
Lvl.Start = 1;
Lvl.Restart = -1;
Lvl.Suff = numbering_suff_Tab;
var Left = 36 * (Index + 1) * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
var FirstLine = -18 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
if (0 == Index % 3) {
Lvl.Jc = align_Left;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_Decimal;
} else {
if (1 == Index % 3) {
Lvl.Jc = align_Left;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter;
} else {
Lvl.Jc = align_Right;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman;
FirstLine = -9 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Num(Index));
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text("."));
Lvl.ParaPr = new CParaPr();
Lvl.ParaPr.Ind.Left = Left;
Lvl.ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine = FirstLine;
var TextPr = new CTextPr();
TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Times New Roman",
Index: -1
Lvl.TextPr = TextPr;
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: Index,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
Create_Default_Multilevel_1: function () {
for (var Index = 0; Index < 9; Index++) {
var Lvl_old = this.Internal_CopyLvl(this.Lvl[Index]);
this.Lvl[Index] = new Object();
var Lvl = this.Lvl[Index];
Lvl.Start = 1;
Lvl.Restart = -1;
Lvl.Suff = numbering_suff_Tab;
var Left = 18 * (Index + 1) * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
var FirstLine = -18 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
Lvl.Jc = align_Left;
if (0 == Index % 3) {
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_Decimal;
} else {
if (1 == Index % 3) {
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter;
} else {
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Num(Index));
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(")"));
Lvl.ParaPr = new CParaPr();
Lvl.ParaPr.Ind.Left = Left;
Lvl.ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine = FirstLine;
var TextPr = new CTextPr();
TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Times New Roman",
Index: -1
Lvl.TextPr = TextPr;
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: Index,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
Create_Default_Multilevel_2: function () {
for (var Index = 0; Index < 9; Index++) {
var Lvl_old = this.Internal_CopyLvl(this.Lvl[Index]);
this.Lvl[Index] = new Object();
var Lvl = this.Lvl[Index];
Lvl.Start = 1;
Lvl.Restart = -1;
Lvl.Suff = numbering_suff_Tab;
var Left = 0;
var FirstLine = 0;
switch (Index) {
case 0:
Left = 18 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
FirstLine = -18 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
case 1:
Left = 39.6 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
FirstLine = -21.6 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
case 2:
Left = 61.2 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
FirstLine = -25.2 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
case 3:
Left = 86.40000000000001 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
FirstLine = -32.4 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
case 4:
Left = 111.6 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
FirstLine = -39.6 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
case 5:
Left = 136.8 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
FirstLine = -46.8 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
case 6:
Left = 162 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
FirstLine = -54 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
case 7:
Left = 187.2 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
FirstLine = -61.2 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
case 8:
Left = 216 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
FirstLine = -72 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
Lvl.Jc = align_Left;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_Decimal;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 <= Index; Index2++) {
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Num(Index2));
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text("."));
Lvl.ParaPr = new CParaPr();
Lvl.ParaPr.Ind.Left = Left;
Lvl.ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine = FirstLine;
var TextPr = new CTextPr();
TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Times New Roman",
Index: -1
Lvl.TextPr = TextPr;
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: Index,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
Create_Default_Multilevel_3: function () {
for (var Index = 0; Index < 9; Index++) {
var Lvl_old = this.Internal_CopyLvl(this.Lvl[Index]);
this.Lvl[Index] = new Object();
var Lvl = this.Lvl[Index];
Lvl.Start = 1;
Lvl.Restart = -1;
Lvl.Suff = numbering_suff_Tab;
var Left = 18 * (Index + 1) * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
var FirstLine = -18 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_Bullet;
Lvl.Jc = align_Left;
if (0 == Index % 3) {
Lvl.Jc = align_Left;
} else {
if (1 == Index % 3) {
Lvl.Jc = align_Left;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter;
} else {
Lvl.Jc = align_Right;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman;
FirstLine = -9 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
switch (Index) {
case 0:
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(String.fromCharCode(118)));
case 1:
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(String.fromCharCode(216)));
case 2:
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(String.fromCharCode(167)));
case 3:
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(String.fromCharCode(183)));
case 4:
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(String.fromCharCode(168)));
case 5:
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(String.fromCharCode(216)));
case 6:
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(String.fromCharCode(167)));
case 7:
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(String.fromCharCode(183)));
case 8:
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(String.fromCharCode(168)));
Lvl.ParaPr = new CParaPr();
Lvl.ParaPr.Ind.Left = Left;
Lvl.ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine = FirstLine;
var TextPr = new CTextPr();
if (3 === Index || 4 === Index || 7 === Index || 8 === Index) {
TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Times New Roman",
Index: -1
} else {
TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Wingdings",
Index: -1
Lvl.TextPr = TextPr;
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: Index,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
Create_Default_Bullet: function () {
for (var Index = 0; Index < 9; Index++) {
var Lvl_old = this.Internal_CopyLvl(this.Lvl[Index]);
this.Lvl[Index] = new Object();
var Lvl = this.Lvl[Index];
Lvl.Start = 1;
Lvl.Restart = -1;
Lvl.Suff = numbering_suff_Tab;
var Left = 36 * (Index + 1) * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
var FirstLine = -18 * g_dKoef_pt_to_mm;
Lvl.Jc = align_Left;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_Bullet;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
Lvl.ParaPr = new CParaPr();
Lvl.ParaPr.Ind.Left = Left;
Lvl.ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine = FirstLine;
var TextPr = new CTextPr();
if (0 == Index % 3) {
TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Symbol",
Index: -1
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(String.fromCharCode(183)));
} else {
if (1 == Index % 3) {
TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Courier New",
Index: -1
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text("o"));
} else {
TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Wingdings",
Index: -1
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(String.fromCharCode(167)));
Lvl.TextPr = TextPr;
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: Index,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
Set_Lvl_Bullet: function (iLvl, LvlText, TextPr) {
if ("number" != typeof(iLvl) || iLvl < 0 || iLvl >= 9) {
var Lvl = this.Lvl[iLvl];
var Lvl_old = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_Bullet;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(LvlText));
Lvl.TextPr = TextPr;
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: iLvl,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
Set_Lvl_Numbered_1: function (iLvl) {
if ("number" != typeof(iLvl) || iLvl < 0 || iLvl >= 9) {
var Lvl = this.Lvl[iLvl];
var Lvl_old = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
Lvl.Jc = align_Right;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_Decimal;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Num(iLvl));
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(")"));
Lvl.TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Times New Roman",
Index: -1
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: iLvl,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
Set_Lvl_Numbered_2: function (iLvl) {
if ("number" != typeof(iLvl) || iLvl < 0 || iLvl >= 9) {
var Lvl = this.Lvl[iLvl];
var Lvl_old = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
Lvl.Jc = align_Right;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_Decimal;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Num(iLvl));
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text("."));
Lvl.TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Times New Roman",
Index: -1
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: iLvl,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
Set_Lvl_Numbered_3: function (iLvl) {
if ("number" != typeof(iLvl) || iLvl < 0 || iLvl >= 9) {
var Lvl = this.Lvl[iLvl];
var Lvl_old = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
Lvl.Jc = align_Left;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_Decimal;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Num(iLvl));
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text("."));
Lvl.TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Times New Roman",
Index: -1
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: iLvl,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
Set_Lvl_Numbered_4: function (iLvl) {
if ("number" != typeof(iLvl) || iLvl < 0 || iLvl >= 9) {
var Lvl = this.Lvl[iLvl];
var Lvl_old = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
Lvl.Jc = align_Left;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_Decimal;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Num(iLvl));
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(")"));
Lvl.TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Times New Roman",
Index: -1
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: iLvl,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
Set_Lvl_Numbered_5: function (iLvl) {
if ("number" != typeof(iLvl) || iLvl < 0 || iLvl >= 9) {
var Lvl = this.Lvl[iLvl];
var Lvl_old = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
Lvl.Jc = align_Right;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_UpperRoman;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Num(iLvl));
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text("."));
Lvl.TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Times New Roman",
Index: -1
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: iLvl,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
Set_Lvl_Numbered_6: function (iLvl) {
if ("number" != typeof(iLvl) || iLvl < 0 || iLvl >= 9) {
var Lvl = this.Lvl[iLvl];
var Lvl_old = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
Lvl.Jc = align_Left;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_UpperLetter;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Num(iLvl));
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text("."));
Lvl.TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Times New Roman",
Index: -1
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: iLvl,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
Set_Lvl_Numbered_7: function (iLvl) {
if ("number" != typeof(iLvl) || iLvl < 0 || iLvl >= 9) {
var Lvl = this.Lvl[iLvl];
var Lvl_old = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
Lvl.Jc = align_Left;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Num(iLvl));
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text(")"));
Lvl.TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Times New Roman",
Index: -1
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: iLvl,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
Set_Lvl_Numbered_8: function (iLvl) {
if ("number" != typeof(iLvl) || iLvl < 0 || iLvl >= 9) {
var Lvl = this.Lvl[iLvl];
var Lvl_old = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
Lvl.Jc = align_Left;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Num(iLvl));
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text("."));
Lvl.TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Times New Roman",
Index: -1
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: iLvl,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
Set_Lvl_Numbered_9: function (iLvl) {
if ("number" != typeof(iLvl) || iLvl < 0 || iLvl >= 9) {
var Lvl = this.Lvl[iLvl];
var Lvl_old = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
Lvl.Jc = align_Right;
Lvl.Format = numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman;
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Num(iLvl));
Lvl.LvlText.push(new CLvlText_Text("."));
Lvl.TextPr.FontFamily = {
Name: "Times New Roman",
Index: -1
var Lvl_new = this.Internal_CopyLvl(Lvl);
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange,
Index: iLvl,
Old: Lvl_old,
New: Lvl_new
Draw: function (X, Y, Context, Lvl, NumInfo, NumTextPr) {
var Text = this.Lvl[Lvl].LvlText;
var OldFont = Context.GetFont();
var OldFont2 = g_oTextMeasurer.GetFont();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Text.length; Index++) {
switch (Text[Index].Type) {
case numbering_lvltext_Text:
Context.FillText(X, Y, Text[Index].Value);
X += g_oTextMeasurer.Measure(Text[Index].Value).Width;
case numbering_lvltext_Num:
var CurLvl = Text[Index].Value;
switch (this.Lvl[CurLvl].Format) {
case numbering_numfmt_Bullet:
case numbering_numfmt_Decimal:
if (CurLvl < NumInfo.length) {
var T = "" + (this.Lvl[CurLvl].Start - 1 + NumInfo[CurLvl]);
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < T.length; Index2++) {
var Char = T.charAt(Index2);
Context.FillText(X, Y, Char);
X += g_oTextMeasurer.Measure(Char).Width;
case numbering_numfmt_DecimalZero:
if (CurLvl < NumInfo.length) {
var T = "" + (this.Lvl[CurLvl].Start - 1 + NumInfo[CurLvl]);
if (1 === T.length) {
Context.FillText(X, Y, "0");
X += g_oTextMeasurer.Measure("0").Width;
var Char = T.charAt(0);
Context.FillText(X, Y, Char);
X += g_oTextMeasurer.Measure(Char).Width;
} else {
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < T.length; Index2++) {
var Char = T.charAt(Index2);
Context.FillText(X, Y, Char);
X += g_oTextMeasurer.Measure(Char).Width;
case numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter:
case numbering_numfmt_UpperLetter:
if (CurLvl < NumInfo.length) {
var Num = this.Lvl[CurLvl].Start - 1 + NumInfo[CurLvl] - 1;
var Count = (Num - Num % 26) / 26;
var Ost = Num % 26;
var T = "";
var Letter;
if (numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter === this.Lvl[CurLvl].Format) {
Letter = String.fromCharCode(Ost + 97);
} else {
Letter = String.fromCharCode(Ost + 65);
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < Count + 1; Index2++) {
T += Letter;
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < T.length; Index2++) {
var Char = T.charAt(Index2);
Context.FillText(X, Y, Char);
X += g_oTextMeasurer.Measure(Char).Width;
case numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman:
case numbering_numfmt_UpperRoman:
if (CurLvl < NumInfo.length) {
var Num = this.Lvl[CurLvl].Start - 1 + NumInfo[CurLvl];
var Rims;
if (numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman === this.Lvl[CurLvl].Format) {
Rims = ["m", "cm", "d", "cd", "c", "xc", "l", "xl", "x", "ix", "v", "iv", "i", " "];
} else {
Rims = ["M", "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X", "IX", "V", "IV", "I", " "];
var Vals = [1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1, 0];
var T = "";
var Index2 = 0;
while (Num > 0) {
while (Vals[Index2] <= Num) {
T += Rims[Index2];
Num -= Vals[Index2];
if (Index2 >= Rims.length) {
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < T.length; Index2++) {
var Char = T.charAt(Index2);
Context.FillText(X, Y, Char);
X += g_oTextMeasurer.Measure(T.charAt(Index2)).Width;
Measure: function (Context, Lvl, NumInfo, NumTextPr) {
var X = 0;
var Text = this.Lvl[Lvl].LvlText;
var OldFont = Context.GetFont();
var Ascent = Context.GetAscender();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Text.length; Index++) {
switch (Text[Index].Type) {
case numbering_lvltext_Text:
X += Context.Measure(Text[Index].Value).Width;
case numbering_lvltext_Num:
var CurLvl = Text[Index].Value;
switch (this.Lvl[CurLvl].Format) {
case numbering_numfmt_Bullet:
case numbering_numfmt_Decimal:
if (CurLvl < NumInfo.length) {
var T = "" + (this.Lvl[CurLvl].Start - 1 + NumInfo[CurLvl]);
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < T.length; Index2++) {
var Char = T.charAt(Index2);
X += Context.Measure(Char).Width;
case numbering_numfmt_DecimalZero:
if (CurLvl < NumInfo.length) {
var T = "" + (this.Lvl[CurLvl].Start - 1 + NumInfo[CurLvl]);
if (1 === T.length) {
X += Context.Measure("0").Width;
var Char = T.charAt(0);
X += Context.Measure(Char).Width;
} else {
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < T.length; Index2++) {
var Char = T.charAt(Index2);
X += Context.Measure(Char).Width;
case numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter:
case numbering_numfmt_UpperLetter:
if (CurLvl < NumInfo.length) {
var Num = this.Lvl[CurLvl].Start - 1 + NumInfo[CurLvl] - 1;
var Count = (Num - Num % 26) / 26;
var Ost = Num % 26;
var T = "";
var Letter;
if (numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter === this.Lvl[CurLvl].Format) {
Letter = String.fromCharCode(Ost + 97);
} else {
Letter = String.fromCharCode(Ost + 65);
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < Count + 1; Index2++) {
T += Letter;
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < T.length; Index2++) {
var Char = T.charAt(Index2);
X += Context.Measure(Char).Width;
case numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman:
case numbering_numfmt_UpperRoman:
if (CurLvl < NumInfo.length) {
var Num = this.Lvl[CurLvl].Start - 1 + NumInfo[CurLvl];
var Rims;
if (numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman === this.Lvl[CurLvl].Format) {
Rims = ["m", "cm", "d", "cd", "c", "xc", "l", "xl", "x", "ix", "v", "iv", "i", " "];
} else {
Rims = ["M", "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X", "IX", "V", "IV", "I", " "];
var Vals = [1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1, 0];
var T = "";
var Index2 = 0;
while (Num > 0) {
while (Vals[Index2] <= Num) {
T += Rims[Index2];
Num -= Vals[Index2];
if (Index2 >= Rims.length) {
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < T.length; Index2++) {
var Char = T.charAt(Index2);
X += Context.Measure(T.charAt(Index2)).Width;
return {
Width: X,
Ascent: Ascent
Document_CreateFontCharMap: function (FontCharMap, Lvl, NumInfo, NumTextPr) {
FontCharMap.StartFont(NumTextPr.FontFamily.Name, NumTextPr.Bold, NumTextPr.Italic, NumTextPr.FontSize);
var Text = this.Lvl[Lvl].LvlText;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Text.length; Index++) {
switch (Text[Index].Type) {
case numbering_lvltext_Text:
case numbering_lvltext_Num:
var CurLvl = Text[Index].Value;
switch (this.Lvl[CurLvl].Format) {
case numbering_numfmt_Bullet:
case numbering_numfmt_Decimal:
if (CurLvl < NumInfo.length) {
var T = "" + (this.Lvl[CurLvl].Start - 1 + NumInfo[CurLvl]);
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < T.length; Index2++) {
var Char = T.charAt(Index2);
case numbering_numfmt_DecimalZero:
if (CurLvl < NumInfo.length) {
var T = "" + (this.Lvl[CurLvl].Start - 1 + NumInfo[CurLvl]);
if (1 === T.length) {
var Char = T.charAt(0);
} else {
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < T.length; Index2++) {
var Char = T.charAt(Index2);
case numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter:
case numbering_numfmt_UpperLetter:
if (CurLvl < NumInfo.length) {
var Num = this.Lvl[CurLvl].Start - 1 + NumInfo[CurLvl] - 1;
var Count = (Num - Num % 26) / 26;
var Ost = Num % 26;
var T = "";
var Letter;
if (numbering_numfmt_LowerLetter === this.Lvl[CurLvl].Format) {
Letter = String.fromCharCode(Ost + 97);
} else {
Letter = String.fromCharCode(Ost + 65);
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < Count + 1; Index2++) {
T += Letter;
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < T.length; Index2++) {
var Char = T.charAt(Index2);
case numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman:
case numbering_numfmt_UpperRoman:
if (CurLvl < NumInfo.length) {
var Num = this.Lvl[CurLvl].Start - 1 + NumInfo[CurLvl];
var Rims;
if (numbering_numfmt_LowerRoman === this.Lvl[CurLvl].Format) {
Rims = ["m", "cm", "d", "cd", "c", "xc", "l", "xl", "x", "ix", "v", "iv", "i", " "];
} else {
Rims = ["M", "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X", "IX", "V", "IV", "I", " "];
var Vals = [1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1, 0];
var T = "";
var Index2 = 0;
while (Num > 0) {
while (Vals[Index2] <= Num) {
T += Rims[Index2];
Num -= Vals[Index2];
if (Index2 >= Rims.length) {
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < T.length; Index2++) {
var Char = T.charAt(Index2);
Document_Get_AllFontNames: function (AllFonts) {
var Count = this.Lvl.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
var Lvl = this.Lvl[Index];
if (undefined != Lvl.TextPr && undefined != Lvl.TextPr.FontFamily) {
AllFonts[Lvl.TextPr.FontFamily.Name] = true;
DocumentStatistics: function (Lvl, Stats) {
var Text = this.Lvl[Lvl].LvlText;
var bWord = false;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Text.length; Index++) {
var bSymbol = false;
var bSpace = false;
var bNewWord = false;
if (numbering_lvltext_Text === Text[Index].Type && (sp_string === Text[Index].Value || nbsp_string === Text[Index].Value)) {
bWord = false;
bSymbol = true;
bSpace = true;
} else {
if (false === bWord) {
bNewWord = true;
bWord = true;
bSymbol = true;
bSpace = false;
if (true === bSymbol) {
if (true === bNewWord) {
if (numbering_suff_Tab === this.Lvl[Lvl].Suff || numbering_suff_Space === this.Lvl[Lvl].Suff) {
Apply_TextPr: function (Lvl, TextPr) {
var CurTextPr = this.Lvl[Lvl].TextPr;
var TextPr_old = CurTextPr.Copy();
var TextPr_new = CurTextPr.Copy();
History.Add(this, {
Type: historyitem_AbstractNum_TextPrChange,
Index: Lvl,
Old: TextPr_old,
New: TextPr_new
Internal_CopyLvl: function (Lvl) {
var Lvl_new = new Object();
Lvl_new.Start = Lvl.Start;
Lvl_new.Restart = Lvl.Restart;
Lvl_new.Suff = Lvl.Suff;
Lvl_new.Jc = Lvl.Jc;
Lvl_new.Format = Lvl.Format;
Lvl_new.LvlText = new Array();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Lvl.LvlText.length; Index++) {
var Item = Lvl.LvlText[Index];
Lvl_new.TextPr = Lvl.TextPr.Copy();
Lvl_new.ParaPr = Lvl.ParaPr.Copy();
return Lvl_new;
Internal_SetLvl: function (iLvl, Lvl_new) {
var Lvl = this.Lvl[iLvl];
Lvl.Jc = Lvl_new.Jc;
Lvl.Format = Lvl_new.Format;
Lvl.LvlText = Lvl_new.LvlText;
Lvl.TextPr = Lvl_new.TextPr;
Lvl.ParaPr = Lvl_new.ParaPr;
Write_Lvl_ToBinary: function (Lvl, Writer) {
var Count = Lvl.LvlText.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
Read_Lvl_FromBinary: function (Lvl, Reader) {
Lvl.Jc = Reader.GetLong();
Lvl.Format = Reader.GetLong();
Lvl.TextPr = new CTextPr();
Lvl.ParaPr = new CParaPr();
var Count = Reader.GetLong();
Lvl.LvlText = new Array();
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
var Element = LvlText_Read_FromBinary(Reader);
Undo: function (Data) {
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange:
this.Internal_SetLvl(Data.Index, Data.Old);
case historyitem_AbstractNum_TextPrChange:
this.Lvl[Data.Index].TextPr = Data.Old;
Redo: function (Data) {
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange:
this.Internal_SetLvl(Data.Index, Data.New);
case historyitem_AbstractNum_TextPrChange:
this.Lvl[Data.Index].TextPr = Data.New;
Refresh_RecalcData: function (Data) {
var NumPr = new CNumPr();
NumPr.NumId = this.Id;
NumPr.Lvl = Data.Index;
var LogicDocument = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument;
var AllParagraphs = LogicDocument.Get_AllParagraphs_ByNumbering(NumPr);
var Count = AllParagraphs.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
var Para = AllParagraphs[Index];
Type: historyitem_Paragraph_Numbering
Document_Is_SelectionLocked: function (CheckType) {
switch (CheckType) {
case changestype_Paragraph_Content:
case changestype_Paragraph_Properties:
case changestype_Document_Content:
case changestype_Document_Content_Add:
case changestype_Image_Properties:
case changestype_Remove:
Save_Changes: function (Data, Writer) {
var Type = Data.Type;
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange:
this.Write_Lvl_ToBinary(Data.New, Writer);
case historyitem_AbstractNum_TextPrChange:
return Writer;
Save_Changes2: function (Data, Writer) {
return false;
Load_Changes: function (Reader, Reader2) {
var ClassType = Reader.GetLong();
if (historyitem_type_AbstractNum != ClassType) {
var Type = Reader.GetLong();
switch (Type) {
case historyitem_AbstractNum_LvlChange:
var iLvl = Reader.GetLong();
this.Read_Lvl_FromBinary(this.Lvl[iLvl], Reader);
case historyitem_AbstractNum_TextPrChange:
var iLvl = Reader.GetLong();
this.Lvl[iLvl].TextPr = new CTextPr();
Write_ToBinary2: function (Writer) {
for (var Index = 0; Index < 9; Index++) {
this.Write_Lvl_ToBinary(this.Lvl[Index], Writer);
Read_FromBinary2: function (Reader) {
this.Id = Reader.GetString2();
for (var Index = 0; Index < 9; Index++) {
this.Read_Lvl_FromBinary(this.Lvl[Index], Reader);
var Numbering = editor.WordControl.m_oLogicDocument.Get_Numbering();
Numbering.AbstractNum[this.Id] = this;
Load_LinkData: function (LinkData) {}
function CNumbering() {
this.AbstractNum = new Array();
this.Num = new Array();
CNumbering.prototype = {
Create_AbstractNum: function (Type) {
var AbstractNum = new CAbstractNum(Type);
var Id = AbstractNum.Get_Id();
this.AbstractNum[Id] = AbstractNum;
return Id;
Get_AbstractNum: function (Id) {
return this.AbstractNum[Id];
Get_ParaPr: function (NumId, Lvl) {
var AbstractId = this.AbstractNum[NumId];
if (undefined != AbstractId) {
return AbstractId.Lvl[Lvl].ParaPr;
return new CParaPr();
Get_Format: function (NumId, Lvl) {
var AbstractId = this.AbstractNum[NumId];
if (undefined != AbstractId) {
return AbstractId.Lvl[Lvl].Format;
return numbering_numfmt_Bullet;
Check_Format: function (NumId, Lvl, Type) {
var Format = this.Get_Format(NumId, Lvl);
if ((4096 & Format && 4096 & Type) || (8192 & Format && 8192 & Type)) {
return true;
return false;
Draw: function (NumId, Lvl, X, Y, Context, NumInfo, TextPr) {
var AbstractId = this.AbstractNum[NumId];
return AbstractId.Draw(X, Y, Context, Lvl, NumInfo, TextPr);
Measure: function (NumId, Lvl, Context, NumInfo, TextPr) {
var AbstractId = this.AbstractNum[NumId];
return AbstractId.Measure(Context, Lvl, NumInfo, TextPr);
Document_CreateFontCharMap: function (FontCharMap, NumTextPr, NumPr, NumInfo) {
var AbstractId = this.AbstractNum[NumPr.NumId];
AbstractId.Document_CreateFontCharMap(FontCharMap, NumPr.Lvl, NumInfo, NumTextPr);
Document_Get_AllFontNames: function (AllFonts) {
for (var Id in this.AbstractNum) {
var AbstractNum = this.AbstractNum[Id];
AllFonts["Symbol"] = true;
AllFonts["Courier New"] = true;
AllFonts["Wingdings"] = true;
AllFonts["Times New Roman"] = true;
var numbering_presentationnumfrmt_None = 0;
var numbering_presentationnumfrmt_Char = 1;
var numbering_presentationnumfrmt_ArabicPeriod = 100;
var numbering_presentationnumfrmt_ArabicParenR = 101;
var numbering_presentationnumfrmt_RomanUcPeriod = 102;
var numbering_presentationnumfrmt_RomanLcPeriod = 103;
var numbering_presentationnumfrmt_AlphaLcParenR = 104;
var numbering_presentationnumfrmt_AlphaLcPeriod = 105;
var numbering_presentationnumfrmt_AlphaUcParenR = 106;
var numbering_presentationnumfrmt_AlphaUcPeriod = 107;
function CPresentationBullet() {
this.m_nType = numbering_presentationnumfrmt_None;
this.m_nStartAt = null;
this.m_sChar = null;
this.m_oColor = {
r: 0,
g: 0,
b: 0
this.m_bColorTx = true;
this.m_sFont = "Arial";
this.m_bFontTx = true;
this.m_dSize = 1;
this.m_bSizeTx = false;
this.m_bSizePct = true;
this.m_oTextPr = null;
this.m_nNum = null;
this.m_sString = null;
this.Get_Type = function () {
return this.m_nType;
this.Get_StartAt = function () {
return this.m_nStartAt;
this.Measure = function (Context, FirstTextPr, _Num) {
var dFontSize = FirstTextPr.FontSize;
if (false === this.m_bSizeTx) {
if (true === this.m_bSizePct) {
dFontSize *= this.m_dSize;
} else {
dFontSize = this.m_dSize;
var sFontName = (true === this.m_bFontTx ? FirstTextPr.FontFamily.Name : this.m_sFont);
this.m_oTextPr = {
FontFamily: {
Name: sFontName,
Index: -1
FontSize: dFontSize,
Bold: (this.m_nType >= numbering_presentationnumfrmt_ArabicPeriod ? FirstTextPr.Bold : false),
Italic: (this.m_nType >= numbering_presentationnumfrmt_ArabicPeriod ? FirstTextPr.Italic : false)
var Num = _Num + this.m_nStartAt - 1;
this.m_nNum = Num;
var X = 0;
var OldFont = Context.GetFont();
var sT = "";
switch (this.m_nType) {
case numbering_presentationnumfrmt_Char:
if (null != this.m_sChar) {
sT = this.m_sChar;
case numbering_presentationnumfrmt_AlphaLcParenR:
sT = Numbering_Number_To_Alpha(Num, true) + ")";
case numbering_presentationnumfrmt_AlphaLcPeriod:
sT = Numbering_Number_To_Alpha(Num, true) + ".";
case numbering_presentationnumfrmt_AlphaUcParenR:
sT = Numbering_Number_To_Alpha(Num, false) + ")";
case numbering_presentationnumfrmt_AlphaUcPeriod:
sT = Numbering_Number_To_Alpha(Num, false) + ".";
case numbering_presentationnumfrmt_ArabicParenR:
sT += Numbering_Number_To_String(Num) + ")";
case numbering_presentationnumfrmt_ArabicPeriod:
sT += Numbering_Number_To_String(Num) + ".";
case numbering_presentationnumfrmt_RomanLcPeriod:
sT += Numbering_Number_To_Roman(Num, true) + ".";
case numbering_presentationnumfrmt_RomanUcPeriod:
sT += Numbering_Number_To_Roman(Num, false) + ".";
this.m_sString = sT;
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < sT.length; Index2++) {
var Char = sT.charAt(Index2);
X += Context.Measure(Char).Width;
return {
Width: X
this.Copy = function () {
var Bullet = new CPresentationBullet();
Bullet.m_nType = this.m_nType;
Bullet.m_nStartAt = this.m_nStartAt;
Bullet.m_sChar = this.m_sChar;
Bullet.m_oColor.r = this.m_oColor.r;
Bullet.m_oColor.g = this.m_oColor.g;
Bullet.m_oColor.b = this.m_oColor.b;
Bullet.m_bColorTx = this.m_bColorTx;
Bullet.m_sFont = this.m_sFont;
Bullet.m_bFontTx = this.m_bFontTx;
Bullet.m_dSize = this.m_dSize;
Bullet.m_bSizeTx = this.m_bSizeTx;
Bullet.m_bSizePct = this.m_bSizePct;
return Bullet;
this.Draw = function (X, Y, Context, FirstTextPr) {
if (null === this.m_oTextPr || null === this.m_nNum) {
var oColor = {
r: this.m_oColor.r,
g: this.m_oColor.g,
b: this.m_oColor.b
if (true === this.m_bColorTx) {
oColor.r = FirstTextPr.Color.r;
oColor.g = FirstTextPr.Color.g;
oColor.b = FirstTextPr.Color.b;
Context.p_color(oColor.r, oColor.g, oColor.b, 255);
Context.b_color1(oColor.r, oColor.g, oColor.b, 255);
var OldFont = Context.GetFont();
var OldFont2 = g_oTextMeasurer.GetFont();
var sT = this.m_sString;
for (var Index2 = 0; Index2 < sT.length; Index2++) {
var Char = sT.charAt(Index2);
Context.FillText(X, Y, Char);
X += g_oTextMeasurer.Measure(Char).Width;
this.Write_ToBinary = function (Writer) {
Writer.WriteLong((null != this.m_nStartAt ? this.m_nStartAt : -1));
Writer.WriteString2((null != this.m_sChar ? this.m_sChar : ""));
this.Read_FromBinary = function (Reader) {
this.m_nType = Reader.GetLong();
this.m_nStartAt = Reader.GetLong();
if (-1 === this.m_nStartAt) {
this.m_nStartAt = null;
this.m_sChar = Reader.GetString2();
if ("" === this.m_sChar) {
this.m_sChar = null;
this.m_oColor.r = Reader.GetByte();
this.m_oColor.g = Reader.GetByte();
this.m_oColor.b = Reader.GetByte();
this.m_bColorTx = Reader.GetBool();
this.m_sFont = Reader.GetString2();
this.m_bFontTx = Reader.GetBool();
this.m_dSize = Reader.GetDouble();
this.m_bSizeTx = Reader.GetBool();
this.m_bSizePct = Reader.GetBool();
} |