3980 lines
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3980 lines
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* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
var g_nNumsMaxId = 160;
var g_oDefaultXfId = null;
var g_oDefaultFont = null;
var g_oDefaultFill = null;
var g_oDefaultNum = null;
var g_oDefaultBorder = null;
var g_oDefaultAlign = null;
var g_oDefaultFontAbs = null;
var g_oDefaultFillAbs = null;
var g_oDefaultNumAbs = null;
var g_oDefaultBorderAbs = null;
var g_oDefaultAlignAbs = null;
var g_nColorTextDefault = 1;
var g_nColorHyperlink = 10;
var g_nColorHyperlinkVisited = 11;
var g_oThemeColorTint = [[0, -0.0499893185216834, -0.1499984740745262, -0.249977111117893, -0.3499862666707358, -0.499984740745262], [0, 0.499984740745262, 0.3499862666707358, 0.249977111117893, 0.1499984740745262, 0.0499893185216834], [0, -0.09997863704336681, -0.249977111117893, -0.499984740745262, -0.749992370372631, -0.8999908444471572], [0, 0.7999816888943144, 0.5999938962981049, 0.3999755851924192, -0.249977111117893, -0.499984740745262], [0, 0.7999816888943144, 0.5999938962981049, 0.3999755851924192, -0.249977111117893, -0.499984740745262], [0, 0.7999816888943144, 0.5999938962981049, 0.3999755851924192, -0.249977111117893, -0.499984740745262], [0, 0.7999816888943144, 0.5999938962981049, 0.3999755851924192, -0.249977111117893, -0.499984740745262], [0, 0.7999816888943144, 0.5999938962981049, 0.3999755851924192, -0.249977111117893, -0.499984740745262], [0, 0.7999816888943144, 0.5999938962981049, 0.3999755851924192, -0.249977111117893, -0.499984740745262], [0, 0.7999816888943144, 0.5999938962981049, 0.3999755851924192, -0.249977111117893, -0.499984740745262]];
var map_themeExcel_to_themePresentation = {
0: 12,
1: 8,
2: 13,
3: 9,
4: 0,
5: 1,
6: 2,
7: 3,
8: 4,
9: 5,
10: 11,
11: 10
var map_themePresentation_to_themeExcel = new Object();
for (var i in map_themeExcel_to_themePresentation) {
map_themePresentation_to_themeExcel[map_themeExcel_to_themePresentation[i]] = i - 0;
function RgbColor(rgb) {
this.Properties = {
rgb: 0
this.rgb = rgb;
RgbColor.prototype = {
getType: function () {
return UndoRedoDataTypes.RgbColor;
getProperties: function () {
return this.Properties;
getProperty: function (nType) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.rgb:
return this.rgb;
setProperty: function (nType, value) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.rgb:
this.rgb = value;
Write_ToBinary2: function (oBinaryWriter) {
Read_FromBinary2: function (oBinaryReader) {
this.rgb = oBinaryReader.GetULongLE();
getRgb: function () {
return this.rgb;
getR: function () {
return (this.rgb >> 16) & 255;
getG: function () {
return (this.rgb >> 8) & 255;
getB: function () {
return this.rgb & 255;
function ThemeColor() {
this.Properties = {
rgb: 0,
theme: 1,
tint: 2
this.rgb = null;
this.theme = null;
this.tint = null;
ThemeColor.prototype = {
getType: function () {
return UndoRedoDataTypes.ThemeColor;
getProperties: function () {
return this.Properties;
getProperty: function (nType) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.rgb:
return this.rgb;
case this.Properties.theme:
return this.theme;
case this.Properties.tint:
return this.tint;
setProperty: function (nType, value) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.rgb:
this.rgb = value;
case this.Properties.theme:
this.theme = value;
case this.Properties.tint:
this.tint = value;
Write_ToBinary2: function (oBinaryWriter) {
if (null != this.tint) {
} else {
Read_FromBinary2AndReplace: function (oBinaryReader) {
this.theme = oBinaryReader.GetUChar();
var bTint = oBinaryReader.GetBool();
if (bTint) {
this.tint = oBinaryReader.GetDoubleLE();
return g_oColorManager.getThemeColor(this.theme, this.tint);
getRgb: function () {
return this.rgb;
getR: function () {
return (this.rgb >> 16) & 255;
getG: function () {
return (this.rgb >> 8) & 255;
getB: function () {
return this.rgb & 255;
rebuild: function (theme) {
var nRes = 0;
var r = 0;
var g = 0;
var b = 0;
if (null != this.theme && null != theme) {
var oUniColor = theme.themeElements.clrScheme.colors[map_themeExcel_to_themePresentation[this.theme]];
if (null != oUniColor) {
var rgba = oUniColor.color.RGBA;
if (null != rgba) {
r = rgba.R;
g = rgba.G;
b = rgba.B;
if (null != this.tint && 0 != this.tint) {
var oCColorModifiers = new CColorModifiers();
var HSL = {
H: 0,
S: 0,
L: 0
oCColorModifiers.RGB2HSL(r, g, b, HSL);
var L = HSL.L / g_nHSLMaxValue;
if (this.tint < 0) {
L = L * (1 + this.tint);
} else {
L = L * (1 - this.tint) + (1 - 1 * (1 - this.tint));
HSL.L = Asc.floor(L * g_nHSLMaxValue);
var RGB = {
R: 0,
G: 0,
B: 0
oCColorModifiers.HSL2RGB(HSL, RGB);
r = RGB.R;
g = RGB.G;
b = RGB.B;
nRes |= b;
nRes |= g << 8;
nRes |= r << 16;
this.rgb = nRes;
function CorrectAscColor(asc_color) {
if (null == asc_color) {
return null;
var ret = null;
var _type = asc_color.get_type();
switch (_type) {
case c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME:
var _index = parseInt(asc_color.get_value());
var _id = (_index / 6) >> 0;
var _pos = _index - _id * 6;
var tint = g_oThemeColorTint[_id][_pos];
ret = g_oColorManager.getThemeColor(_id, tint);
ret = new RgbColor((asc_color.get_r() << 16) + (asc_color.get_g() << 8) + asc_color.get_b());
return ret;
function ColorManager() {
this.theme = null;
this.aColors = new Array(12);
ColorManager.prototype = {
isEqual: function (color1, color2) {
var bRes = false;
if (null == color1 && null == color2) {
bRes = true;
} else {
if (null != color1 && null != color2) {
if ((color1 instanceof ThemeColor && color2 instanceof ThemeColor) || (color1 instanceof RgbColor && color2 instanceof RgbColor)) {
bRes = color1.getRgb() == color2.getRgb();
return bRes;
setTheme: function (theme) {
this.theme = theme;
getThemeColor: function (theme, tint) {
if (null == tint) {
tint = null;
var oColorObj = this.aColors[theme];
if (null == oColorObj) {
oColorObj = new Object();
this.aColors[theme] = oColorObj;
var oThemeColor = oColorObj[tint];
if (null == oThemeColor) {
oThemeColor = new ThemeColor();
oThemeColor.theme = theme;
oThemeColor.tint = tint;
if (null != this.theme) {
oColorObj[tint] = oThemeColor;
return oThemeColor;
rebuildColors: function () {
if (null != this.theme) {
for (var i = 0, length = this.aColors.length; i < length; ++i) {
var oColorObj = this.aColors[i];
for (var j in oColorObj) {
var oThemeColor = oColorObj[j];
g_oColorManager = new ColorManager();
function Font(val) {
if (null == val) {
val = g_oDefaultFontAbs;
this.Properties = {
fn: 0,
scheme: 1,
fs: 2,
b: 3,
i: 4,
u: 5,
s: 6,
c: 7,
va: 8
this.fn = val.fn;
this.scheme = val.scheme;
this.fs = val.fs;
this.b = val.b;
this.i = val.i;
this.u = val.u;
this.s = val.s;
this.c = val.c;
this.va = val.va;
this.skip = val.skip;
this.repeat = val.repeat;
Font.prototype = {
clean: function () {
this.fn = null;
this.scheme = null;
this.fs = null;
this.b = null;
this.i = null;
this.u = null;
this.s = null;
this.c = null;
this.va = null;
this.skip = null;
this.repeat = null;
_mergeProperty: function (first, second, def) {
if (def != first) {
return first;
} else {
return second;
merge: function (font) {
var oRes = new Font();
oRes.fn = this._mergeProperty(this.fn, font.fn, g_oDefaultFontAbs.fn);
oRes.scheme = this._mergeProperty(this.scheme, font.scheme, g_oDefaultFontAbs.scheme);
oRes.fs = this._mergeProperty(this.fs, font.fs, g_oDefaultFontAbs.fs);
oRes.b = this._mergeProperty(this.b, font.b, g_oDefaultFontAbs.b);
oRes.i = this._mergeProperty(this.i, font.i, g_oDefaultFontAbs.i);
oRes.u = this._mergeProperty(this.u, font.u, g_oDefaultFontAbs.u);
oRes.s = this._mergeProperty(this.s, font.s, g_oDefaultFontAbs.s);
if (this.c instanceof ThemeColor && g_nColorTextDefault == this.c.theme && null == this.c.tint) {
oRes.c = this._mergeProperty(font.c, this.c, g_oDefaultFontAbs.c);
} else {
oRes.c = this._mergeProperty(this.c, font.c, g_oDefaultFontAbs.c);
oRes.va = this._mergeProperty(this.va, font.va, g_oDefaultFontAbs.va);
oRes.skip = this._mergeProperty(this.skip, font.skip, g_oDefaultFontAbs.skip);
oRes.repeat = this._mergeProperty(this.repeat, font.repeat, g_oDefaultFontAbs.repeat);
return oRes;
getRgbOrNull: function () {
var nRes = null;
if (null != this.c) {
nRes = this.c.getRgb();
return nRes;
getDif: function (val) {
var oRes = new Font(this);
var bEmpty = true;
if (this.fn == val.fn) {
oRes.fn = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.scheme == val.scheme) {
oRes.scheme = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.fs == val.fs) {
oRes.fs = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.b == val.b) {
oRes.b = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.i == val.i) {
oRes.i = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.u == val.u) {
oRes.u = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.s == val.s) {
oRes.s = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (g_oColorManager.isEqual(this.c, val.c)) {
oRes.c = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.va == val.va) {
oRes.va = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.skip == val.skip) {
oRes.skip = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.repeat == val.repeat) {
oRes.repeat = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (bEmpty) {
oRes = null;
return oRes;
isEqual: function (font) {
var bRes = this.fs == font.fs && this.b == font.b && this.i == font.i && this.u == font.u && this.s == font.s && g_oColorManager.isEqual(this.c, font.c) && this.va == font.va && this.skip == font.skip && this.repeat == font.repeat;
if (bRes) {
if (EFontScheme.fontschemeNone == this.scheme && EFontScheme.fontschemeNone == font.scheme) {
bRes = this.fn == font.fn;
} else {
if (EFontScheme.fontschemeNone != this.scheme && EFontScheme.fontschemeNone != font.scheme) {
bRes = this.scheme == font.scheme;
} else {
bRes = false;
return bRes;
clone: function () {
return new Font(this);
set: function (oVal) {
if (null != oVal.fn) {
this.fn = oVal.fn;
if (null != oVal.scheme) {
this.scheme = oVal.scheme;
if (null != oVal.fs) {
this.fs = oVal.fs;
if (null != oVal.b) {
this.b = oVal.b;
if (null != oVal.i) {
this.i = oVal.i;
if (null != oVal.u) {
this.u = oVal.u;
if (null != oVal.s) {
this.s = oVal.s;
if (null != oVal.c) {
this.c = oVal.c;
if (null != oVal.va) {
this.va = oVal.va;
if (null != oVal.skip) {
this.skip = oVal.skip;
if (null != oVal.repeat) {
this.repeat = oVal.repeat;
intersect: function (oFont, oDefVal) {
if (this.fn != oFont.fn) {
this.fn = oDefVal.fn;
if (this.scheme != oFont.scheme) {
this.scheme = oDefVal.scheme;
if (this.fs != oFont.fs) {
this.fs = oDefVal.fs;
if (this.b != oFont.b) {
this.b = oDefVal.b;
if (this.i != oFont.i) {
this.i = oDefVal.i;
if (this.u != oFont.u) {
this.u = oDefVal.u;
if (this.s != oFont.s) {
this.s = oDefVal.s;
if (false == g_oColorManager.isEqual(this.c, oFont.c)) {
this.c = oDefVal.c;
if (this.va != oFont.va) {
this.va = oDefVal.va;
if (this.skip != oFont.skip) {
this.skip = oDefVal.skip;
if (this.repeat != oFont.repeat) {
this.repeat = oDefVal.repeat;
getType: function () {
return UndoRedoDataTypes.StyleFont;
getProperties: function () {
return this.Properties;
getProperty: function (nType) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.fn:
return this.fn;
case this.Properties.scheme:
return this.scheme;
case this.Properties.fs:
return this.fs;
case this.Properties.b:
return this.b;
case this.Properties.i:
return this.i;
case this.Properties.u:
return this.u;
case this.Properties.s:
return this.s;
case this.Properties.c:
return this.c;
case this.Properties.va:
return this.va;
setProperty: function (nType, value) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.fn:
this.fn = value;
case this.Properties.scheme:
this.scheme = value;
case this.Properties.fs:
this.fs = value;
case this.Properties.b:
this.b = value;
case this.Properties.i:
this.i = value;
case this.Properties.u:
this.u = value;
case this.Properties.s:
this.s = value;
case this.Properties.c:
this.c = value;
case this.Properties.va:
this.va = value;
function Fill(val) {
if (null == val) {
val = g_oDefaultFillAbs;
this.Properties = {
bg: 0
this.bg = val.bg;
Fill.prototype = {
_mergeProperty: function (first, second, def) {
if (def != first) {
return first;
} else {
return second;
merge: function (fill) {
var oRes = new Fill();
oRes.bg = this._mergeProperty(this.bg, fill.bg, g_oDefaultFill.bg);
return oRes;
getRgbOrNull: function () {
var nRes = null;
if (null != this.bg) {
nRes = this.bg.getRgb();
return nRes;
getDif: function (val) {
var oRes = new Fill(this);
var bEmpty = true;
if (g_oColorManager.isEqual(this.bg, val.bg)) {
oRes.bg = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (bEmpty) {
oRes = null;
return oRes;
isEqual: function (fill) {
return g_oColorManager.isEqual(this.bg, fill.bg);
clone: function () {
return new Fill(this);
getType: function () {
return UndoRedoDataTypes.StyleFill;
getProperties: function () {
return this.Properties;
getProperty: function (nType) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.bg:
return this.bg;
setProperty: function (nType, value) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.bg:
this.bg = value;
function BorderProp() {
this.Properties = {
s: 0,
c: 1
this.s = c_oAscBorderStyles.None;
this.w = c_oAscBorderWidth.None;
this.c = g_oColorManager.getThemeColor(1);
BorderProp.prototype = {
setStyle: function (style) {
this.s = style;
switch (this.s) {
case c_oAscBorderStyles.Thin:
case c_oAscBorderStyles.DashDot:
case c_oAscBorderStyles.DashDotDot:
case c_oAscBorderStyles.Dashed:
case c_oAscBorderStyles.Dotted:
case c_oAscBorderStyles.Hair:
this.w = c_oAscBorderWidth.Thin;
case c_oAscBorderStyles.Medium:
case c_oAscBorderStyles.MediumDashDot:
case c_oAscBorderStyles.MediumDashDotDot:
case c_oAscBorderStyles.MediumDashed:
case c_oAscBorderStyles.SlantDashDot:
this.w = c_oAscBorderWidth.Medium;
case c_oAscBorderStyles.Thick:
case c_oAscBorderStyles.Double:
this.w = c_oAscBorderWidth.Thick;
this.w = c_oAscBorderWidth.None;
getRgbOrNull: function () {
var nRes = null;
if (null != this.c) {
nRes = this.c.getRgb();
return nRes;
isEmpty: function () {
return c_oAscBorderStyles.None === this.s;
isEqual: function (val) {
return this.s === val.s && g_oColorManager.isEqual(this.c, val.c);
clone: function () {
var res = new BorderProp();
return res;
merge: function (oBorderProp) {
if (null != oBorderProp.s && c_oAscBorderStyles.None !== oBorderProp.s) {
this.s = oBorderProp.s;
this.w = oBorderProp.w;
if (null != oBorderProp.c) {
this.c = oBorderProp.c;
getType: function () {
return UndoRedoDataTypes.StyleBorderProp;
getProperties: function () {
return this.Properties;
getProperty: function (nType) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.s:
return this.s;
case this.Properties.c:
return this.c;
setProperty: function (nType, value) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.s:
case this.Properties.c:
this.c = value;
function Border(val) {
if (null == val) {
val = g_oDefaultBorderAbs;
this.Properties = {
l: 0,
t: 1,
r: 2,
b: 3,
d: 4,
ih: 5,
iv: 6,
dd: 7,
du: 8
this.l = val.l.clone();
this.t = val.t.clone();
this.r = val.r.clone();
this.b = val.b.clone();
this.d = val.d.clone();
this.ih = val.ih.clone();
this.iv = val.iv.clone();
this.dd = val.dd;
this.du = val.du;
Border.prototype = {
_mergeProperty: function (first, second, def) {
if ((null != def.isEqual && false == def.isEqual(first)) || (null == def.isEqual && def != first)) {
return first;
} else {
return second;
merge: function (border) {
var oRes = new Border();
oRes.l = this._mergeProperty(this.l, border.l, g_oDefaultBorder.l).clone();
oRes.t = this._mergeProperty(this.t, border.t, g_oDefaultBorder.t).clone();
oRes.r = this._mergeProperty(this.r, border.r, g_oDefaultBorder.r).clone();
oRes.b = this._mergeProperty(this.b, border.b, g_oDefaultBorder.b).clone();
oRes.d = this._mergeProperty(this.d, border.d, g_oDefaultBorder.d).clone();
oRes.ih = this._mergeProperty(this.ih, border.ih, g_oDefaultBorder.ih).clone();
oRes.iv = this._mergeProperty(this.iv, border.iv, g_oDefaultBorder.iv).clone();
oRes.dd = this._mergeProperty(this.dd, border.dd, g_oDefaultBorder.dd);
oRes.du = this._mergeProperty(this.du, border.du, g_oDefaultBorder.du);
return oRes;
getDif: function (val) {
var oRes = new Border(this);
var bEmpty = true;
if (true == this.l.isEqual(val.l)) {
oRes.l = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (true == this.t.isEqual(val.t)) {
oRes.t = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (true == this.r.isEqual(val.r)) {
oRes.r = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (true == this.b.isEqual(val.b)) {
oRes.b = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (true == this.d.isEqual(val.d)) {
oRes.d = null;
if (true == this.ih.isEqual(val.ih)) {
oRes.ih = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (true == this.iv.isEqual(val.iv)) {
oRes.iv = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.dd == val.dd) {
oRes.dd = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.du == val.du) {
oRes.du = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (bEmpty) {
oRes = null;
return oRes;
isEqual: function (val) {
return this.l.isEqual(val.l) && this.t.isEqual(val.t) && this.r.isEqual(val.r) && this.b.isEqual(val.b) && this.d.isEqual(val.d) && this.ih.isEqual(val.ih) && this.iv.isEqual(val.iv) && this.dd == val.dd && this.du == val.du;
clone: function () {
return new Border(this);
clean: function () {
this.l = g_oDefaultBorder.l.clone();
this.t = g_oDefaultBorder.t.clone();
this.r = g_oDefaultBorder.r.clone();
this.b = g_oDefaultBorder.b.clone();
this.d = g_oDefaultBorder.d.clone();
this.ih = g_oDefaultBorder.ih.clone();
this.iv = g_oDefaultBorder.iv.clone();
this.dd = g_oDefaultBorder.dd;
this.du = g_oDefaultBorder.du;
mergeInner: function (border) {
if (border) {
if (border.l) {
if (border.t) {
if (border.r) {
if (border.b) {
if (border.d) {
if (border.ih) {
if (border.iv) {
if (null != border.dd) {
this.dd = border.dd;
if (null != border.du) {
this.du = border.du;
getType: function () {
return UndoRedoDataTypes.StyleBorder;
getProperties: function () {
return this.Properties;
getProperty: function (nType) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.l:
return this.l;
case this.Properties.t:
return this.t;
case this.Properties.r:
return this.r;
case this.Properties.b:
return this.b;
case this.Properties.d:
return this.d;
case this.Properties.ih:
return this.ih;
case this.Properties.iv:
return this.iv;
case this.Properties.dd:
return this.dd;
case this.Properties.du:
return this.du;
setProperty: function (nType, value) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.l:
this.l = value;
case this.Properties.t:
this.t = value;
case this.Properties.r:
this.r = value;
case this.Properties.b:
this.b = value;
case this.Properties.d:
this.d = value;
case this.Properties.ih:
this.ih = value;
case this.Properties.iv:
this.iv = value;
case this.Properties.dd:
this.dd = value;
case this.Properties.du:
this.du = value;
function Num(val) {
if (null == val) {
val = g_oDefaultNumAbs;
this.Properties = {
f: 0
this.f = val.f;
Num.prototype = {
merge: function (num) {
var oRes = new Num();
if (g_oDefaultNum.f != this.f) {
oRes.f = this.f;
} else {
oRes.f = num.f;
return oRes;
getDif: function (val) {
var oRes = new Num(this);
var bEmpty = true;
if (this.f == val.f) {
oRes.f = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (bEmpty) {
oRes = null;
return oRes;
isEqual: function (val) {
return this.f == val.f;
clone: function () {
return new Num(this);
getType: function () {
return UndoRedoDataTypes.StyleNum;
getProperties: function () {
return this.Properties;
getProperty: function (nType) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.f:
return this.f;
setProperty: function (nType, value) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.f:
this.f = value;
function CellXfs() {
this.Properties = {
border: 0,
fill: 1,
font: 2,
num: 3,
align: 4,
QuotePrefix: 5,
XfId: 6
this.border = null;
this.fill = null;
this.font = null;
this.num = null;
this.align = null;
this.QuotePrefix = null;
this.XfId = null;
CellXfs.prototype = {
_mergeProperty: function (first, second) {
var res = null;
if (null != first || null != second) {
if (null == first) {
res = second;
} else {
if (null == second) {
res = first;
} else {
if (null != first.merge) {
res = first.merge(second);
} else {
res = first;
return res;
merge: function (xfs) {
var oRes = new CellXfs();
oRes.border = this._mergeProperty(this.border, xfs.border);
oRes.fill = this._mergeProperty(this.fill, xfs.fill);
oRes.font = this._mergeProperty(this.font, xfs.font);
oRes.num = this._mergeProperty(this.num, xfs.num);
oRes.align = this._mergeProperty(this.align, xfs.align);
oRes.QuotePrefix = this._mergeProperty(this.QuotePrefix, xfs.QuotePrefix);
return oRes;
clone: function () {
var res = new CellXfs();
if (null != this.border) {
res.border = this.border.clone();
if (null != this.fill) {
res.fill = this.fill.clone();
if (null != this.font) {
res.font = this.font.clone();
if (null != this.num) {
res.num = this.num.clone();
if (null != this.align) {
res.align = this.align.clone();
if (null != this.QuotePrefix) {
res.QuotePrefix = this.QuotePrefix;
if (null !== this.XfId) {
res.XfId = this.XfId;
return res;
isEqual: function (xfs) {
if (false == ((null == this.border && null == xfs.border) || (null != this.border && null != xfs.border && this.border.isEqual(xfs.border)))) {
return false;
if (false == ((null == this.fill && null == xfs.fill) || (null != this.fill && null != xfs.fill && this.fill.isEqual(xfs.fill)))) {
return false;
if (false == ((null == this.font && null == xfs.font) || (null != this.font && null != xfs.font && this.font.isEqual(xfs.font)))) {
return false;
if (false == ((null == this.num && null == xfs.num) || (null != this.num && null != xfs.num && this.num.isEqual(xfs.num)))) {
return false;
if (false == ((null == this.align && null == xfs.align) || (null != this.align && null != xfs.align && this.align.isEqual(xfs.align)))) {
return false;
if (this.QuotePrefix != xfs.QuotePrefix) {
return false;
if (this.XfId != xfs.XfId) {
return false;
return true;
getType: function () {
return UndoRedoDataTypes.StyleXfs;
getProperties: function () {
return this.Properties;
getProperty: function (nType) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.border:
return this.border;
case this.Properties.fill:
return this.fill;
case this.Properties.font:
return this.font;
case this.Properties.num:
return this.num;
case this.Properties.align:
return this.align;
case this.Properties.QuotePrefix:
return this.QuotePrefix;
case this.Properties.XfId:
return this.XfId;
setProperty: function (nType, value) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.border:
this.border = value;
case this.Properties.fill:
this.fill = value;
case this.Properties.font:
this.font = value;
case this.Properties.num:
this.num = value;
case this.Properties.align:
this.align = value;
case this.Properties.QuotePrefix:
this.QuotePrefix = value;
case this.Properties.XfId:
this.XfId = value;
function Align(val) {
if (null == val) {
val = g_oDefaultAlignAbs;
this.Properties = {
hor: 0,
indent: 1,
RelativeIndent: 2,
shrink: 3,
angle: 4,
ver: 5,
wrap: 6
this.hor = val.hor;
this.indent = val.indent;
this.RelativeIndent = val.RelativeIndent;
this.shrink = val.shrink;
this.angle = val.angle;
this.ver = val.ver;
this.wrap = val.wrap;
Align.prototype = {
_mergeProperty: function (first, second, def) {
if (false == def.isEqual(first)) {
return first;
} else {
return second;
merge: function (border) {
var oRes = new Align();
oRes.hor = this._mergeProperty(this.hor, border.hor, g_oDefaultAlign.hor);
oRes.indent = this._mergeProperty(this.indent, border.indent, g_oDefaultAlign.indent);
oRes.RelativeIndent = this._mergeProperty(this.RelativeIndent, border.RelativeIndent, g_oDefaultAlign.RelativeIndent);
oRes.shrink = this._mergeProperty(this.shrink, border.shrink, g_oDefaultAlign.shrink);
oRes.angle = this._mergeProperty(this.angle, border.angle, g_oDefaultAlign.angle);
oRes.ver = this._mergeProperty(this.ver, border.ver, g_oDefaultAlign.ver);
oRes.wrap = this._mergeProperty(this.wrap, border.wrap, g_oDefaultAlign.wrap);
return oRes;
getDif: function (val) {
var oRes = new Align(this);
var bEmpty = true;
if (this.hor == val.hor) {
oRes.hor = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.indent == val.indent) {
oRes.indent = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.RelativeIndent == val.RelativeIndent) {
oRes.RelativeIndent = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.shrink == val.shrink) {
oRes.shrink = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.angle == val.angle) {
oRes.angle = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.ver == val.ver) {
oRes.ver = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (this.wrap == val.wrap) {
oRes.wrap = null;
} else {
bEmpty = false;
if (bEmpty) {
oRes = null;
return oRes;
isEqual: function (val) {
return this.hor == val.hor && this.indent == val.indent && this.RelativeIndent == val.RelativeIndent && this.shrink == val.shrink && this.angle == val.angle && this.ver == val.ver && this.wrap == val.wrap;
clone: function () {
return new Align(this);
getType: function () {
return UndoRedoDataTypes.StyleAlign;
getProperties: function () {
return this.Properties;
getProperty: function (nType) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.hor:
return this.hor;
case this.Properties.indent:
return this.indent;
case this.Properties.RelativeIndent:
return this.RelativeIndent;
case this.Properties.shrink:
return this.shrink;
case this.Properties.angle:
return this.angle;
case this.Properties.ver:
return this.ver;
case this.Properties.wrap:
return this.wrap;
setProperty: function (nType, value) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.hor:
this.hor = value;
case this.Properties.indent:
this.indent = value;
case this.Properties.RelativeIndent:
this.RelativeIndent = value;
case this.Properties.shrink:
this.shrink = value;
case this.Properties.angle:
this.angle = value;
case this.Properties.ver:
this.ver = value;
case this.Properties.wrap:
this.wrap = value;
function CCellStyles() {
this.CustomStyles = [];
this.DefaultStyles = [];
this.AllStyles = {};
CCellStyles.prototype = {
generateFontMap: function (oFontMap) {
this._generateFontMap(oFontMap, this.DefaultStyles);
this._generateFontMap(oFontMap, this.CustomStyles);
_generateFontMap: function (oFontMap, aStyles) {
var i, length, oStyle;
for (i = 0, length = aStyles.length; i < length; ++i) {
oStyle = aStyles[i];
if (null != oStyle.xfs && null != oStyle.xfs.font && null != oStyle.xfs.font.fn) {
oFontMap[oStyle.xfs.font.fn] = 1;
getDefaultStylesCount: function () {
var nCount = this.DefaultStyles.length;
for (var i = 0, length = nCount; i < length; ++i) {
if (this.DefaultStyles[i].Hidden) {
return nCount;
getCustomStylesCount: function () {
var nCount = this.CustomStyles.length;
for (var i = 0, length = nCount; i < length; ++i) {
if (this.CustomStyles[i].Hidden || null != this.CustomStyles[i].BuiltinId) {
return nCount;
getStyleByXfId: function (oXfId) {
for (var i = 0, length = this.CustomStyles.length; i < length; ++i) {
if (oXfId === this.CustomStyles[i].XfId) {
return this.CustomStyles[i];
return null;
getStyleNameByXfId: function (oXfId) {
var styleName = null;
if (null === oXfId) {
return styleName;
var style = null;
for (var i = 0, length = this.CustomStyles.length; i < length; ++i) {
style = this.CustomStyles[i];
if (oXfId === style.XfId) {
if (null !== style.BuiltinId) {
styleName = this.getDefaultStyleNameByBuiltinId(style.BuiltinId);
if (null === styleName) {
styleName = style.Name;
} else {
styleName = style.Name;
return styleName;
getDefaultStyleNameByBuiltinId: function (oBuiltinId) {
var style = null;
for (var i = 0, length = this.DefaultStyles.length; i < length; ++i) {
style = this.DefaultStyles[i];
if (style.BuiltinId === oBuiltinId) {
return style.Name;
return null;
_prepareCellStyle: function (name) {
var defaultStyle = null;
var style = null;
var i, length;
var maxXfId = -1;
for (i = 0, length = this.DefaultStyles.length; i < length; ++i) {
if (name === this.DefaultStyles[i].Name) {
defaultStyle = this.DefaultStyles[i];
if (defaultStyle) {
for (i = 0, length = this.CustomStyles.length; i < length; ++i) {
if (defaultStyle.BuiltinId === this.CustomStyles[i].BuiltinId) {
style = this.CustomStyles[i];
maxXfId = Math.max(maxXfId, this.CustomStyles[i].XfId);
} else {
for (i = 0, length = this.CustomStyles.length; i < length; ++i) {
if (name === this.CustomStyles[i].Name) {
style = this.CustomStyles[i];
maxXfId = Math.max(maxXfId, this.CustomStyles[i].XfId);
if (style) {
return style.XfId;
if (defaultStyle) {
this.CustomStyles[i] = defaultStyle.clone();
this.CustomStyles[i].XfId = ++maxXfId;
return this.CustomStyles[i].XfId;
return null;
function CCellStyle() {
this.BuiltinId = null;
this.CustomBuiltin = null;
this.Hidden = null;
this.ILevel = null;
this.Name = null;
this.XfId = null;
this.xfs = null;
this.ApplyBorder = true;
this.ApplyFill = true;
this.ApplyFont = true;
this.ApplyNumberFormat = true;
CCellStyle.prototype = {
clone: function () {
var oNewStyle = new CCellStyle();
oNewStyle.BuiltinId = this.BuiltinId;
oNewStyle.CustomBuiltin = this.CustomBuiltin;
oNewStyle.Hidden = this.Hidden;
oNewStyle.ILevel = this.ILevel;
oNewStyle.Name = this.Name;
oNewStyle.ApplyBorder = this.ApplyBorder;
oNewStyle.ApplyFill = this.ApplyFill;
oNewStyle.ApplyFont = this.ApplyFont;
oNewStyle.ApplyNumberFormat = this.ApplyNumberFormat;
oNewStyle.xfs = this.xfs.clone();
return oNewStyle;
getFill: function () {
if (null != this.xfs && null != this.xfs.fill) {
return this.xfs.fill.bg;
return g_oDefaultFill.bg;
getFontColor: function () {
if (null != this.xfs && null != this.xfs.font) {
return this.xfs.font.c;
return g_oDefaultFont.c;
getFont: function () {
if (null != this.xfs && null != this.xfs.font) {
return this.xfs.font;
return null;
getBorder: function () {
if (null != this.xfs && null != this.xfs.border) {
return this.xfs.border;
return g_oDefaultBorder;
getNumFormatStr: function () {
if (null != this.xfs && null != this.xfs.num) {
return this.xfs.num.f;
return g_oDefaultNum.f;
function StyleManager() {
this.oDefaultFont = null;
this.oDefaultAlign = null;
this.oDefaultQuotePrefix = null;
this.oDefaultXfs = new CellXfs();
StyleManager.prototype = {
init: function (oDefaultXfs) {
if (null != oDefaultXfs.font) {
g_oDefaultFont = oDefaultXfs.font.clone();
if (null != oDefaultXfs.fill) {
g_oDefaultFill = oDefaultXfs.fill.clone();
if (null != oDefaultXfs.border) {
g_oDefaultBorder = oDefaultXfs.border.clone();
if (null != oDefaultXfs.num) {
g_oDefaultNum = oDefaultXfs.num.clone();
if (null != oDefaultXfs.align) {
g_oDefaultAlign = oDefaultXfs.align.clone();
if (null !== oDefaultXfs.XfId) {
this.oDefaultXfs.XfId = oDefaultXfs.XfId;
g_oDefaultXfId = oDefaultXfs.XfId;
_prepareSet: function (oItemWithXfs) {
if (null == oItemWithXfs.xfs) {
oItemWithXfs.xfs = this.oDefaultXfs.clone();
return oItemWithXfs.xfs;
_prepareSetFont: function (oItemWithXfs) {
var xfs = this._prepareSet(oItemWithXfs);
if (null == xfs.font) {
xfs.font = new Font();
return xfs;
_prepareSetAlign: function (oItemWithXfs) {
var xfs = this._prepareSet(oItemWithXfs);
if (null == xfs.align) {
xfs.align = new Align();
return xfs;
_prepareSetCellStyle: function (oItemWithXfs) {
return this._prepareSet(oItemWithXfs);
setCellStyle: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.XfId) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.XfId;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultXfId;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs) {
xfs.XfId = g_oDefaultXfId;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSetCellStyle(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.XfId = val;
return oRes;
setNumFormat: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.num) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.num.f;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultNum.f;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs) {
xfs.num = null;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSet(oItemWithXfs);
if (null == xfs.num) {
xfs.num = new Num();
xfs.num.f = val;
return oRes;
setFont: function (oItemWithXfs, val, oHistoryObj, nHistoryId, sSheetId, oRange) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.font;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = null;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs) {
xfs.font = null;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.font = val.clone();
return oRes;
setFontname: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.fn;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.fn;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
xfs.font.fn = g_oDefaultFont.fn;
xfs.font.scheme = EFontScheme.fontschemeNone;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.font.fn = val;
xfs.font.scheme = EFontScheme.fontschemeNone;
return oRes;
setFontsize: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.fs;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.fs;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
xfs.font.fs = g_oDefaultFont.fs;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.font.fs = val;
return oRes;
setFontcolor: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.c;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.c;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
xfs.font.c = g_oDefaultFont.c;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.font.c = val;
return oRes;
setBold: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.b;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.b;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
xfs.font.b = g_oDefaultFont.b;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.font.b = val;
return oRes;
setItalic: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.i;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.i;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
xfs.font.i = g_oDefaultFont.i;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.font.i = val;
return oRes;
setUnderline: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.u;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.u;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
xfs.font.u = g_oDefaultFont.u;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.font.u = val;
return oRes;
setStrikeout: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.s;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.s;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
xfs.font.s = g_oDefaultFont.s;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.font.s = val;
return oRes;
setFontAlign: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.font.va;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFont.va;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
xfs.font.va = g_oDefaultFont.va;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSetFont(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.font.va = val;
return oRes;
setAlignVertical: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.align) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.align.ver;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultAlign.ver;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.align) {
xfs.align.ver = g_oDefaultAlign.ver;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSetAlign(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.align.ver = val;
return oRes;
setAlignHorizontal: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.align) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.align.hor;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultAlign.hor;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.align) {
xfs.align.hor = g_oDefaultAlign.hor;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSetAlign(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.align.hor = val;
return oRes;
setFill: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.fill) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.fill.bg;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultFill.bg;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.fill) {
xfs.fill.bg = g_oDefaultFill.bg;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSet(oItemWithXfs);
if (null == xfs.fill) {
xfs.fill = new Fill();
xfs.fill.bg = val;
return oRes;
setBorder: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.border) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.border;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultBorder;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.border) {
xfs.border = val;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSet(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.border = val;
return oRes;
setShrinkToFit: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.align) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.align.shrink;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultAlign.shrink;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.align) {
xfs.align.shrink = g_oDefaultAlign.shrink;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSetAlign(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.align.shrink = val;
return oRes;
setWrap: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.align) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.align.wrap;
} else {
oRes.oldVal = g_oDefaultAlign.wrap;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.align) {
xfs.align.wrap = g_oDefaultAlign.wrap;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSetAlign(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.align.wrap = val;
return oRes;
setQuotePrefix: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.QuotePrefix) {
oRes.oldVal = xfs.QuotePrefix;
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs) {
xfs.QuotePrefix = val;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSet(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.QuotePrefix = val;
return oRes;
setAngle: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
var xfs = oItemWithXfs.xfs;
var oRes = {
newVal: val,
oldVal: null
val = angleInterfaceToFormat(val);
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.align) {
oRes.oldVal = angleFormatToInterface2(xfs.align.angle);
} else {
oRes.oldVal = angleFormatToInterface2(g_oDefaultAlign.angle);
if (null == val) {
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.align) {
xfs.align.angle = g_oDefaultAlign.angle;
} else {
xfs = this._prepareSetAlign(oItemWithXfs);
xfs.align.angle = val;
return oRes;
setVerticalText: function (oItemWithXfs, val) {
if (true == val) {
return this.setAngle(oItemWithXfs, g_nVerticalTextAngle);
} else {
return this.setAngle(oItemWithXfs, 0);
function Hyperlink() {
this.Properties = {
Ref: 0,
Location: 1,
Hyperlink: 2,
Tooltip: 3
this.Ref = null;
this.Hyperlink = null;
this.Tooltip = null;
this.Location = null;
this.LocationSheet = null;
this.LocationRange = null;
this.bUpdateLocation = false;
this.bVisited = false;
Hyperlink.prototype = {
clone: function () {
var oNewHyp = new Hyperlink();
if (null !== this.Ref) {
oNewHyp.Ref = this.Ref.clone();
if (null !== this.getLocation()) {
if (null !== this.LocationSheet) {
oNewHyp.LocationSheet = this.LocationSheet;
if (null !== this.LocationRange) {
oNewHyp.LocationRange = this.LocationRange;
if (null !== this.Hyperlink) {
oNewHyp.Hyperlink = this.Hyperlink;
if (null !== this.Tooltip) {
oNewHyp.Tooltip = this.Tooltip;
if (null !== this.bVisited) {
oNewHyp.bVisited = this.bVisited;
return oNewHyp;
isEqual: function (obj) {
var bRes = (this.getLocation() == obj.getLocation() && this.Hyperlink == obj.Hyperlink && this.Tooltip == obj.Tooltip);
if (bRes) {
var oBBoxRef = this.Ref.getBBox0();
var oBBoxObj = obj.Ref.getBBox0();
bRes = (oBBoxRef.r1 == oBBoxObj.r1 && oBBoxRef.c1 == oBBoxObj.c1 && oBBoxRef.r2 == oBBoxObj.r2 && oBBoxRef.c2 == oBBoxObj.c2);
return bRes;
isValid: function () {
return null != this.Ref && (null != this.getLocation() || null != this.Hyperlink);
setLocationSheet: function (LocationSheet) {
this.LocationSheet = LocationSheet;
this.bUpdateLocation = true;
setLocationRange: function (LocationRange) {
this.LocationRange = LocationRange;
this.bUpdateLocation = true;
setLocation: function (Location) {
this.bUpdateLocation = false;
this.Location = Location;
this.LocationSheet = this.LocationRange = null;
if (null != this.Location) {
var result = parserHelp.parse3DRef(this.Location);
if (null !== result) {
this.LocationSheet = result.sheet;
this.LocationRange = result.range;
getLocation: function () {
if (this.bUpdateLocation) {
return this.Location;
_updateLocation: function () {
this.bUpdateLocation = false;
if (null === this.LocationSheet || null === this.LocationRange) {
this.Location = null;
} else {
this.Location = (false == rx_test_ws_name.test(this.LocationSheet)) ? "'" + this.LocationSheet + "'" : this.LocationSheet;
this.Location += "!" + this.LocationRange;
setVisited: function (bVisited) {
this.bVisited = bVisited;
if (this.Ref) {
getVisited: function () {
return this.bVisited;
getHyperlinkType: function () {
return null !== this.Hyperlink ? c_oAscHyperlinkType.WebLink : c_oAscHyperlinkType.RangeLink;
getType: function () {
return UndoRedoDataTypes.Hyperlink;
getProperties: function () {
return this.Properties;
getProperty: function (nType) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.Ref:
var sRes = this.Ref.worksheet.getName();
if (false == rx_test_ws_name.test(sRes)) {
sRes = "'" + sRes + "'";
sRes += "!" + this.Ref.getName();
return sRes;
case this.Properties.Location:
return this.getLocation();
case this.Properties.Hyperlink:
return this.Hyperlink;
case this.Properties.Tooltip:
return this.Tooltip;
setProperty: function (nType, value) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.Ref:
var oRefParsed = parserHelp.parse3DRef(value);
if (null !== oRefParsed) {
var ws = window["Asc"]["editor"].wbModel.getWorksheetByName(oRefParsed.sheet);
if (ws) {
this.Ref = ws.getRange2(oRefParsed.range);
case this.Properties.Location:
case this.Properties.Hyperlink:
this.Hyperlink = value;
case this.Properties.Tooltip:
this.Tooltip = value;
applyCollaborative: function (nSheetId, collaborativeEditing) {
var bbox = this.Ref.getBBox0();
var OffsetFirst = {
offsetCol: 0,
offsetRow: 0
var OffsetLast = {
offsetCol: 0,
offsetRow: 0
OffsetFirst.offsetRow = collaborativeEditing.getLockMeRow2(nSheetId, bbox.r1) - bbox.r1;
OffsetFirst.offsetCol = collaborativeEditing.getLockMeColumn2(nSheetId, bbox.c1) - bbox.c1;
OffsetLast.offsetRow = collaborativeEditing.getLockMeRow2(nSheetId, bbox.r2) - bbox.r2;
OffsetLast.offsetCol = collaborativeEditing.getLockMeColumn2(nSheetId, bbox.c2) - bbox.c2;
function Col(worksheet, index) {
this.ws = worksheet;
this.sm = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager;
this.cs = this.ws.workbook.CellStyles;
this.index = index;
this.id = this.ws.getNextColId();
this.BestFit = null;
this.hd = null;
this.CustomWidth = null;
this.width = null;
this.xfs = null;
Col.prototype = {
getId: function () {
return this.id;
moveHor: function (nDif) {
this.index += nDif;
isEqual: function (obj) {
var bRes = this.BestFit == obj.BestFit && this.hd == obj.hd && this.width == obj.width && this.CustomWidth == obj.CustomWidth;
if (bRes) {
if (null != this.xfs && null != obj.xfs) {
bRes = this.xfs.isEqual(obj.xfs);
} else {
if (null != this.xfs || null != obj.xfs) {
bRes = false;
return bRes;
isEmptyToSave: function () {
return null == this.BestFit && null == this.hd && null == this.width && null == this.xfs && null == this.CustomWidth;
isEmpty: function () {
return this.isEmptyToSave();
Remove: function () {
clone: function () {
var oNewCol = new Col(this.ws, this.index);
if (null != this.BestFit) {
oNewCol.BestFit = this.BestFit;
if (null != this.hd) {
oNewCol.hd = this.hd;
if (null != this.width) {
oNewCol.width = this.width;
if (null != this.CustomWidth) {
oNewCol.CustomWidth = this.CustomWidth;
if (null != this.xfs) {
oNewCol.xfs = this.xfs.clone();
return oNewCol;
getWidthProp: function () {
return new UndoRedoData_ColProp(this);
setWidthProp: function (prop) {
if (null != prop) {
if (null != prop.width) {
this.width = prop.width;
} else {
this.width = null;
if (null != prop.hd) {
this.hd = prop.hd;
} else {
this.hd = null;
if (null != prop.CustomWidth) {
this.CustomWidth = prop.CustomWidth;
} else {
this.CustomWidth = null;
if (null != prop.BestFit) {
this.BestFit = prop.BestFit;
} else {
this.BestFit = null;
setStyle: function (xfs) {
var oldVal = this.xfs;
var newVal = null;
this.xfs = null;
if (null != xfs) {
this.xfs = xfs.clone();
newVal = xfs;
if (History.Is_On() && false == ((null == oldVal && null == newVal) || (null != oldVal && null != newVal && true == oldVal.isEqual(newVal)))) {
if (null != oldVal) {
oldVal = oldVal.clone();
if (null != newVal) {
newVal = newVal.clone();
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_SetStyle, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oldVal, newVal));
setCellStyle: function (val) {
var newVal = this.cs._prepareCellStyle(val);
var oRes = this.sm.setCellStyle(this, newVal);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
var oldStyleName = this.cs.getStyleNameByXfId(oRes.oldVal);
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_SetCellStyle, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oldStyleName, val));
var oStyle = this.cs.getStyleByXfId(oRes.newVal);
if (oStyle.ApplyFont) {
if (oStyle.ApplyFill) {
if (oStyle.ApplyBorder) {
if (oStyle.ApplyNumberFormat) {
setNumFormat: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setNumFormat(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_NumFormat, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setFont: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setFont(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
var oldVal = null;
if (null != oRes.oldVal) {
oldVal = oRes.oldVal.clone();
var newVal = null;
if (null != oRes.newVal) {
newVal = oRes.newVal.clone();
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_SetFont, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oldVal, newVal));
setFontname: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setFontname(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Fontname, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setFontsize: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setFontsize(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Fontsize, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setFontcolor: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setFontcolor(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Fontcolor, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setBold: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setBold(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Bold, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setItalic: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setItalic(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Italic, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setUnderline: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setUnderline(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Underline, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setStrikeout: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setStrikeout(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Strikeout, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setFontAlign: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setFontAlign(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_FontAlign, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setAlignVertical: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setAlignVertical(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_AlignVertical, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setAlignHorizontal: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setAlignHorizontal(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_AlignHorizontal, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setFill: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setFill(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Fill, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setBorder: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setBorder(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
var oldVal = null;
if (null != oRes.oldVal) {
oldVal = oRes.oldVal.clone();
var newVal = null;
if (null != oRes.newVal) {
newVal = oRes.newVal.clone();
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Border, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oldVal, newVal));
setShrinkToFit: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setShrinkToFit(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_ShrinkToFit, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setWrap: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setShrinkToFit(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Wrap, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setAngle: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setAngle(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Angle, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setVerticalText: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setVerticalText(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCol, historyitem_RowCol_Angle, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, false, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
function Row(worksheet) {
this.ws = worksheet;
this.sm = this.ws.workbook.oStyleManager;
this.cs = this.ws.workbook.CellStyles;
this.c = new Object();
this.id = this.ws.getNextRowId();
this.r = null;
this.index = null;
this.xfs = null;
this.h = null;
this.hd = null;
this.CustomHeight = null;
Row.prototype = {
getCells: function () {
return this.c;
getId: function () {
return this.id;
create: function (row) {
this.index = row - 1;
this.r = row;
this.xfs = null;
moveVer: function (nDif) {
this.r += nDif;
isEmptyToSave: function () {
if (null != this.xfs || null != this.h || null != this.hd || null != this.CustomHeight) {
return false;
var bEmptyCells = true;
for (var i in this.c) {
bEmptyCells = false;
if (false == bEmptyCells) {
return false;
return true;
isEmpty: function () {
return this.isEmptyToSave();
Remove: function () {
clone: function () {
var oNewRow = new Row(this.ws);
oNewRow.r = this.r;
if (null != this.xfs) {
oNewRow.xfs = this.xfs.clone();
if (null != this.h) {
oNewRow.h = this.h;
if (null != this.CustomHeight) {
oNewRow.CustomHeight = this.CustomHeight;
if (null != this.hd) {
oNewRow.hd = this.hd;
for (var i in this.c) {
oNewRow.c[i] = this.c[i].clone();
return oNewRow;
getHeightProp: function () {
return new UndoRedoData_RowProp(this);
setHeightProp: function (prop) {
if (null != prop) {
if (null != prop.h) {
this.h = prop.h;
} else {
this.h = null;
if (null != prop.hd) {
this.hd = prop.hd;
} else {
this.hd = null;
if (null != prop.CustomHeight) {
this.CustomHeight = prop.CustomHeight;
} else {
this.CustomHeight = null;
copyProperty: function (otherRow) {
if (null != otherRow.xfs) {
this.xfs = otherRow.xfs.clone();
} else {
this.xfs = null;
this.h = otherRow.h;
this.CustomHeight = otherRow.CustomHeight;
this.hd = otherRow.hd;
setStyle: function (xfs) {
var oldVal = this.xfs;
var newVal = null;
this.xfs = null;
if (null != xfs) {
this.xfs = xfs.clone();
newVal = xfs;
if (History.Is_On() && false == ((null == oldVal && null == newVal) || (null != oldVal && null != newVal && true == oldVal.isEqual(newVal)))) {
if (null != oldVal) {
oldVal = oldVal.clone();
if (null != newVal) {
newVal = newVal.clone();
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_SetStyle, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oldVal, newVal));
setCellStyle: function (val) {
var newVal = this.cs._prepareCellStyle(val);
var oRes = this.sm.setCellStyle(this, newVal);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
var oldStyleName = this.cs.getStyleNameByXfId(oRes.oldVal);
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_SetCellStyle, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oldStyleName, val));
var oStyle = this.cs.getStyleByXfId(oRes.newVal);
if (oStyle.ApplyFont) {
if (oStyle.ApplyFill) {
if (oStyle.ApplyBorder) {
if (oStyle.ApplyNumberFormat) {
setNumFormat: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setNumFormat(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_NumFormat, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setFont: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setFont(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
var oldVal = null;
if (null != oRes.oldVal) {
oldVal = oRes.oldVal.clone();
var newVal = null;
if (null != oRes.newVal) {
newVal = oRes.newVal.clone();
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_SetFont, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oldVal, newVal));
setFontname: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setFontname(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Fontname, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setFontsize: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setFontsize(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Fontsize, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setFontcolor: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setFontcolor(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Fontcolor, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setBold: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setBold(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Bold, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setItalic: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setItalic(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Italic, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setUnderline: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setUnderline(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Underline, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setStrikeout: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setStrikeout(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Strikeout, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setFontAlign: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setFontAlign(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_FontAlign, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setAlignVertical: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setAlignVertical(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_AlignVertical, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setAlignHorizontal: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setAlignHorizontal(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_AlignHorizontal, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setFill: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setFill(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Fill, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setBorder: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setBorder(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
var oldVal = null;
if (null != oRes.oldVal) {
oldVal = oRes.oldVal.clone();
var newVal = null;
if (null != oRes.newVal) {
newVal = oRes.newVal.clone();
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Border, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oldVal, newVal));
setShrinkToFit: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setShrinkToFit(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_ShrinkToFit, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setWrap: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setShrinkToFit(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Wrap, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setAngle: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setFontname(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Angle, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
setVerticalText: function (val) {
var oRes = this.sm.setVerticalText(this, val);
if (History.Is_On() && oRes.oldVal != oRes.newVal) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoRow, historyitem_RowCol_Angle, this.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, this.index, gc_nMaxCol0, this.index), new UndoRedoData_IndexSimpleProp(this.index, true, oRes.oldVal, oRes.newVal));
function CCellValueMultiText() {
this.Properties = {
text: 0,
format: 1
this.text = null;
this.format = null;
CCellValueMultiText.prototype = {
isEqual: function (val) {
if (null == val) {
return false;
return this.text == val.text && ((null == this.format && null == val.format) || (null != this.format && null != val.format && this.format.isEqual(val.format)));
clone: function () {
var oRes = new CCellValueMultiText();
if (null != this.text) {
oRes.text = this.text;
if (null != this.format) {
oRes.format = this.format.clone();
return oRes;
getType: function () {
return UndoRedoDataTypes.ValueMultiTextElem;
getProperties: function () {
return this.Properties;
getProperty: function (nType) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.text:
return this.text;
case this.Properties.format:
return this.format;
setProperty: function (nType, value) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.text:
this.text = value;
case this.Properties.format:
this.format = value;
function CCellValue(cell) {
this.Properties = {
text: 0,
multiText: 1,
number: 2,
type: 3
this.cell = cell;
this.text = null;
this.multiText = null;
this.number = null;
this.type = CellValueType.Number;
this.textValue = null;
this.aTextValue2 = new Array();
this.textValueForEdit = null;
this.textValueForEdit2 = null;
CCellValue.prototype = {
isEmpty: function () {
if (null != this.number || (null != this.text && "" != this.text)) {
return false;
if (null != this.multiText) {
var sText = "";
for (var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; ++i) {
sText += this.multiText[i].text;
if ("" != sText) {
return false;
return true;
isEqual: function (val) {
if (null == val) {
return false;
if (this.text != val.text) {
return false;
if (this.number != val.number) {
return false;
if (this.type != val.type) {
return false;
if (null != this.multiText && null != val.multiText) {
if (this.multiText.length == val.multiText.length) {
for (var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; ++i) {
if (false == this.multiText[i].isEqual(val.multiText[i])) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
} else {
if (null == this.multiText && null == val.multiText) {
return true;
return false;
clean: function () {
this.text = null;
this.multiText = null;
this.number = null;
this.type = CellValueType.Number;
clone: function (cell) {
var oRes = new CCellValue(cell);
if (null != this.text) {
oRes.text = this.text;
if (null != this.multiText) {
oRes.multiText = this._cloneMultiText();
if (null != this.number) {
oRes.number = this.number;
if (null != this.type) {
oRes.type = this.type;
return oRes;
cleanCache: function () {
this.textValue = null;
this.aTextValue2 = new Array();
this.textValueForEdit = null;
this.textValueForEdit2 = null;
makeSimpleText: function () {
var bRes = false;
if (null != this.multiText) {
var sRes = "";
for (var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; ++i) {
sRes += this.multiText[i].text;
this.multiText = null;
this.text = sRes;
bRes = true;
return bRes;
getValueWithoutFormat: function () {
var sResult = "";
if (null != this.number) {
if (CellValueType.Bool == this.type) {
sResult = this.number == 1 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
} else {
sResult = this.number.toString();
} else {
if (null != this.text) {
sResult = this.text;
} else {
if (null != this.multiText) {
for (var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; i++) {
sResult += this.multiText[i].text;
return sResult;
getValue: function () {
if (null == this.textValue) {
this.getValue2(gc_nMaxDigCountView, function () {
return true;
this.textValue = "";
var aText = this.aTextValue2[gc_nMaxDigCountView];
for (var i = 0, length = aText.length; i < length; ++i) {
if (aText[i].format && aText[i].format.skip == false) {
this.textValue += aText[i].text;
return this.textValue;
getValueForEdit: function () {
if (null == this.textValueForEdit) {
this.textValueForEdit = "";
for (var i = 0, length = this.textValueForEdit2.length; i < length; ++i) {
this.textValueForEdit += this.textValueForEdit2[i].text;
return this.textValueForEdit;
getValue2: function (dDigitsCount, fIsFitMeasurer) {
var aRes = null;
if (null != this.aTextValue2[dDigitsCount]) {
aRes = this.aTextValue2[dDigitsCount];
if (null == aRes) {
var bNeedMeasure = true;
var sText = null;
var aText = null;
if (CellValueType.Number == this.type || CellValueType.String == this.type) {
if (null != this.text) {
sText = this.text;
} else {
if (null != this.multiText) {
aText = this.multiText;
if (CellValueType.String == this.type) {
bNeedMeasure = false;
var oNumFormat;
var xfs = this.cell.getStyle();
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.num) {
oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(xfs.num.f);
} else {
oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(g_oDefaultNum.f);
if (false == oNumFormat.isGeneralFormat()) {
var oAdditionalResult = new Object();
if (null != this.number) {
aText = oNumFormat.format(this.number, this.type, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult);
sText = null;
} else {
if (CellValueType.String == this.type) {
if (null != this.text) {
aText = oNumFormat.format(this.text, this.type, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult);
sText = null;
} else {
if (null != this.multiText) {
if ("@" != oNumFormat.sFormat) {
var sSimpleString = "";
for (var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; ++i) {
sSimpleString += this.multiText[i].text;
aText = oNumFormat.format(sSimpleString, this.type, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult);
sText = null;
} else {
if (CellValueType.Number == this.type && null != this.number) {
bNeedMeasure = false;
var bFindResult = false;
var nTempDigCount = Math.ceil(dDigitsCount);
var sOriginText = this.number;
while (nTempDigCount >= 1) {
var sGeneral = DecodeGeneralFormat(sOriginText, this.type, nTempDigCount);
if (null != sGeneral) {
oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(sGeneral);
if (null != oNumFormat) {
sText = null;
aText = oNumFormat.format(sOriginText, this.type, dDigitsCount);
if (true == oNumFormat.isTextFormat()) {
} else {
aRes = this._getValue2Result(sText, aText);
if (true == fIsFitMeasurer(aRes)) {
bFindResult = true;
aRes = null;
if (false == bFindResult) {
aRes = null;
sText = null;
if (dDigitsCount > 1) {
aText = [{
text: "#",
format: {
repeat: true
} else {
aText = [{
text: "",
format: {}
} else {
if (CellValueType.Bool == this.type) {
if (null != this.number) {
sText = (0 != this.number) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
} else {
if (CellValueType.Error == this.type) {
if (null != this.text) {
sText = this.text;
if (bNeedMeasure) {
aRes = this._getValue2Result(sText, aText);
if (false == fIsFitMeasurer(aRes)) {
aRes = null;
sText = null;
aText = [{
text: "#",
format: {
repeat: true
if (null == aRes) {
aRes = this._getValue2Result(sText, aText);
if (this.cell.sFormula) {
aRes[0].sFormula = this.cell.sFormula;
aRes[0].sId = this.cell.getName();
this.aTextValue2[dDigitsCount] = aRes;
return aRes;
getValueForEdit2: function () {
if (null == this.textValueForEdit2) {
var oValueText = null;
var oValueArray = null;
var xfs = this.cell.getStyle();
if (this.cell.sFormula) {
oValueText = "=" + this.cell.sFormula;
} else {
if (null != this.text || null != this.number) {
if (CellValueType.Bool == this.type && null != this.number) {
oValueText = (this.number == 1) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
} else {
if (null != this.text) {
oValueText = this.text;
if (CellValueType.Number == this.type || CellValueType.String == this.type) {
var oNumFormat;
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.num) {
oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(xfs.num.f);
} else {
oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(g_oDefaultNum.f);
if (CellValueType.String != this.type && null != oNumFormat && null != this.number) {
var nValue = this.number;
var oTargetFormat = oNumFormat.getFormatByValue(nValue);
if (oTargetFormat) {
if (1 == oTargetFormat.nPercent) {
oValueText = oGeneralEditFormatCache.format(nValue * 100) + "%";
} else {
if (oTargetFormat.bDateTime) {
if (false == oTargetFormat.isInvalidDateValue(nValue)) {
var bDate = oTargetFormat.bDate;
var bTime = oTargetFormat.bTime;
if (false == bDate && nValue >= 1) {
bDate = true;
if (false == bTime && Math.floor(nValue) != nValue) {
bTime = true;
if (bDate && bTime) {
oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get("m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM");
} else {
if (bTime) {
oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get("h:mm:ss AM/PM");
} else {
oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get("m/d/yyyy");
var aFormatedValue = oNumFormat.format(nValue, CellValueType.Number, gc_nMaxDigCount);
oValueText = "";
for (var i = 0, length = aFormatedValue.length; i < length; ++i) {
oValueText += aFormatedValue[i].text;
} else {
oValueText = oGeneralEditFormatCache.format(nValue);
} else {
oValueText = oGeneralEditFormatCache.format(nValue);
} else {
if (this.multiText) {
oValueArray = this.multiText;
if (null != xfs && true == xfs.QuotePrefix && CellValueType.String == this.type && false == this.cell.isFormula()) {
if (null != oValueText) {
oValueText = "'" + oValueText;
} else {
if (null != oValueArray) {
oValueArray = [{
text: "'"
this.textValueForEdit2 = this._getValue2Result(oValueText, oValueArray);
return this.textValueForEdit2;
_getValue2Result: function (sText, aText) {
var aResult = new Array();
if (null == sText && null == aText) {
sText = "";
var cellfont;
var xfs = this.cell.getStyle();
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.font) {
cellfont = xfs.font;
} else {
cellfont = g_oDefaultFont;
if (null != sText) {
var oNewItem = {
text: null,
format: null,
sFormula: null,
sId: null,
theme: null,
tint: null
oNewItem.text = sText;
oNewItem.format = cellfont.clone();
if (oNewItem.format.c instanceof ThemeColor) {
oNewItem.theme = oNewItem.format.c.theme;
oNewItem.tint = oNewItem.format.c.tint;
if (g_nColorHyperlink == oNewItem.theme && null == oNewItem.tint) {
var nRow = this.cell.oId.getRow0();
var nCol = this.cell.oId.getCol0();
var hyperlink = this.cell.ws.hyperlinkManager.getByCell(nRow, nCol);
if (null != hyperlink && hyperlink.data.getVisited()) {
oNewItem.format.c = g_oColorManager.getThemeColor(g_nColorHyperlinkVisited, null);
oNewItem.theme = g_nColorHyperlinkVisited;
oNewItem.format.c = oNewItem.format.getRgbOrNull();
oNewItem.format.skip = false;
oNewItem.format.repeat = false;
} else {
if (null != aText) {
for (var i = 0; i < aText.length; i++) {
var oNewItem = {
text: null,
format: null,
sFormula: null,
sId: null,
theme: null,
tint: null
var oCurtext = aText[i];
if (null != oCurtext.text) {
oNewItem.text = oCurtext.text;
var oCurFormat = new Font();
oCurFormat = new Font();
if (null != oCurtext.format) {
oNewItem.format = oCurFormat;
if (oNewItem.format.c instanceof ThemeColor) {
oNewItem.theme = oNewItem.format.c.theme;
oNewItem.tint = oNewItem.format.c.tint;
if (g_nColorHyperlink == oNewItem.theme && null == oNewItem.tint) {
var nRow = this.cell.oId.getRow0();
var nCol = this.cell.oId.getCol0();
var hyperlink = this.cell.ws.hyperlinkManager.getByCell(nRow, nCol);
if (null != hyperlink && hyperlink.data.getVisited()) {
oNewItem.format.c = g_oColorManager.getThemeColor(g_nColorHyperlinkVisited, null);
oNewItem.theme = g_nColorHyperlinkVisited;
oNewItem.format.c = oNewItem.format.getRgbOrNull();
return aResult;
setValue: function (val) {
if ("" == val) {
var oNumFormat;
var xfs = this.cell.getStyle();
if (null != xfs && null != xfs.num) {
oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(xfs.num.f);
} else {
oNumFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(g_oDefaultNum.f);
if (oNumFormat.isTextFormat()) {
this.type = CellValueType.String;
this.text = val;
} else {
if (Asc.isNumber(val)) {
this.type = CellValueType.Number;
this.number = parseFloat(val);
} else {
var sUpText = val.toUpperCase();
if ("TRUE" == sUpText || "FALSE" == sUpText) {
this.type = CellValueType.Bool;
this.number = ("TRUE" == sUpText) ? 1 : 0;
} else {
if ("#NULL!" == sUpText || "#DIV/0!" == sUpText || "#NAME?" == sUpText || "#NUM!" == sUpText || "#N/A" == sUpText || "#REF!" == sUpText || "#VALUE!" == sUpText) {
this.type = CellValueType.Error;
this.text = sUpText;
} else {
var bParsed = false;
var res = g_oFormatParser.parse(val);
if (null != res) {
var oTargetFormat = null;
if (null != oNumFormat) {
oTargetFormat = oNumFormat.getFormatByValue(res.value);
if (res.bDateTime) {
if (null == oTargetFormat || res.bDateTime != oTargetFormat.bDateTime) {
} else {
if (res.format != oNumFormat.sFormat) {
this.number = res.value;
this.type = CellValueType.Number;
bParsed = true;
if (false == bParsed) {
this.type = CellValueType.String;
if (val.length > 0 && "'" == val[0]) {
val = val.substring(1);
this.text = val;
if (0 == val.indexOf("http://") || 0 == val.indexOf("https://") || (0 == val.indexOf("www.") && val.length > 4)) {
var sRealUrl = val;
if (0 != val.indexOf("http://") && 0 != val.indexOf("https://")) {
sRealUrl = "http://" + sRealUrl;
var oNewHyperlink = new Hyperlink();
oNewHyperlink.Ref = this.cell.ws.getCell3(this.cell.oId.getRow0(), this.cell.oId.getCol0());
oNewHyperlink.Hyperlink = sRealUrl;
setValue2: function (aVal) {
var sSimpleText = "";
for (var i = 0, length = aVal.length; i < length; ++i) {
sSimpleText += aVal[i].text;
var nRow = this.cell.oId.getRow0();
var nCol = this.cell.oId.getCol0();
if (CellValueType.String == this.type && null == this.cell.ws.hyperlinkManager.getByCell(nRow, nCol)) {
this.type = CellValueType.String;
if (aVal.length > 0) {
this.multiText = new Array();
for (var i = 0, length = aVal.length; i < length; i++) {
var item = aVal[i];
var format = item.format;
if (null != item.theme) {
format.c = g_oColorManager.getThemeColor(item.theme, item.tint);
} else {
if (null != format && null != format.c) {
var color = format.c;
format.c = null;
if ("string" == typeof(color)) {
if (0 == color.indexOf("#")) {
var hex = color.substring(1);
if (hex.length == 3) {
hex = hex.charAt(0) + hex.charAt(0) + hex.charAt(1) + hex.charAt(1) + hex.charAt(2) + hex.charAt(2);
if (hex.length == 6) {
var r = parseInt("0x" + hex.substring(0, 2));
var g = parseInt("0x" + hex.substring(2, 4));
var b = parseInt("0x" + hex.substring(4, 6));
format.c = new RgbColor(r << 16 | g << 8 | b);
} else {
if ("number" == typeof(color)) {
format.c = new RgbColor(color);
} else {
if (color instanceof RgbColor || color instanceof ThemeColor) {
format.c = color;
var oNewElem = new CCellValueMultiText();
oNewElem.text = item.text;
oNewElem.format = new Font();
if (null != item.format) {
if (null != this.text) {
if (this.text.length > 0 && "'" == this.text[0]) {
this.text = this.text.substring(1);
} else {
if (null != this.multiText) {
if (this.multiText.length > 0) {
var oFirstItem = this.multiText[0];
if (null != oFirstItem.text && oFirstItem.text.length > 0 && "'" == oFirstItem.text[0]) {
if (1 != oFirstItem.text.length) {
oFirstItem.text = oFirstItem.text.substring(1);
} else {
if (0 == this.multiText.length) {
this.multiText = null;
this.text = "";
_cloneMultiText: function () {
var oRes = new Array();
for (var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; ++i) {
return oRes;
miminizeMultiText: function (bSetCellFont) {
var bRes = false;
if (null == bSetCellFont) {
bSetCellFont = true;
if (null != this.multiText && this.multiText.length > 0) {
var aVal = this.multiText;
var oIntersectFont = aVal[0].format.clone();
for (var i = 1, length = aVal.length; i < length; i++) {
oIntersectFont.intersect(aVal[i].format, g_oDefaultFont);
if (bSetCellFont) {
if (oIntersectFont.isEqual(g_oDefaultFont)) {
this.cell.setFont(null, false);
} else {
this.cell.setFont(oIntersectFont, false);
var bIsEqual = true;
for (var i = 0, length = aVal.length; i < length; i++) {
if (false == oIntersectFont.isEqual(aVal[i].format)) {
bIsEqual = false;
if (bIsEqual) {
bRes = true;
return bRes;
_setFontProp: function (fCheck, fAction) {
var bRes = false;
if (null != this.multiText) {
var bChange = false;
for (var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; ++i) {
if (true == fCheck(this.multiText[i].format)) {
bChange = true;
if (bChange) {
var backupObj = this.cell.getValueData();
for (var i = 0, length = this.multiText.length; i < length; ++i) {
var cell = this.cell;
if (this.miminizeMultiText(false)) {
var DataNew = cell.getValueData();
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCell, historyitem_Cell_ChangeValue, cell.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, cell.oId.getRow0(), gc_nMaxCol0, cell.oId.getRow0()), new UndoRedoData_CellSimpleData(cell.oId.getRow0(), cell.oId.getCol0(), backupObj, DataNew));
} else {
var DataNew = this._cloneMultiText();
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoCell, historyitem_Cell_ChangeArrayValueFormat, cell.ws.getId(), new Asc.Range(0, cell.oId.getRow0(), gc_nMaxCol0, cell.oId.getRow0()), new UndoRedoData_CellSimpleData(cell.oId.getRow0(), cell.oId.getCol0(), backupObj.value.multiText, DataNew));
bRes = true;
return bRes;
setFontname: function (val) {
return this._setFontProp(function (format) {
return val != format.fn;
function (format) {
format.fn = val;
setFontsize: function (val) {
return this._setFontProp(function (format) {
return val != format.fs;
function (format) {
format.fs = val;
setFontcolor: function (val) {
return this._setFontProp(function (format) {
return val != format.c;
function (format) {
format.c = val;
setBold: function (val) {
return this._setFontProp(function (format) {
return val != format.b;
function (format) {
format.b = val;
setItalic: function (val) {
return this._setFontProp(function (format) {
return val != format.i;
function (format) {
format.i = val;
setUnderline: function (val) {
return this._setFontProp(function (format) {
return val != format.u;
function (format) {
format.u = val;
setStrikeout: function (val) {
return this._setFontProp(function (format) {
return val != format.s;
function (format) {
format.s = val;
setFontAlign: function (val) {
return this._setFontProp(function (format) {
return val != format.va;
function (format) {
format.va = val;
getType: function () {
return UndoRedoDataTypes.CellValue;
getProperties: function () {
return this.Properties;
getProperty: function (nType) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.text:
return this.text;
case this.Properties.multiText:
return this.multiText;
case this.Properties.number:
return this.number;
case this.Properties.type:
return this.type;
setProperty: function (nType, value) {
switch (nType) {
case this.Properties.text:
this.text = value;
case this.Properties.multiText:
this.multiText = value;
case this.Properties.number:
this.number = value;
case this.Properties.type:
this.type = value;
function RangeDataManagerElem(bbox, data) {
this.bbox = bbox;
this.data = data;
this.id = 0;
function RangeDataManager(bAllowIntersect, fChange) {
this.oGCells = {};
this.oRows = {};
this.oCols = {};
this.oAll = null;
this.oElements = {};
this.nElementsCount = 0;
this.bbox = null;
this.nStopRecalculate = 0;
this.idGen = 0;
this.oDependenceManager = null;
this.bAllowIntersect = bAllowIntersect;
this.fChange = fChange;
RangeDataManager.prototype = {
add: function (bbox, data) {
var oNewElem = new RangeDataManagerElem(new Asc.Range(bbox.c1, bbox.r1, bbox.c2, bbox.r2), data);
oNewElem.id = this.idGen++;
var nRangeType = getRangeType(bbox);
if (c_oRangeType.Range == nRangeType) {
for (var i = bbox.r1; i <= bbox.r2; i++) {
var row = this.oGCells[i];
if (null == row) {
row = {};
this.oGCells[i] = row;
for (var j = bbox.c1; j <= bbox.c2; j++) {
if (this.bAllowIntersect) {
var elem = row[j];
if (null == elem) {
elem = [];
row[j] = elem;
} else {
row[j] = oNewElem;
} else {
if (c_oRangeType.Col == nRangeType) {
for (var i = bbox.c1; i <= bbox.c2; i++) {
if (this.bAllowIntersect) {
var elem = this.oCols[i];
if (null == elem) {
elem = [];
this.oCols[i] = elem;
} else {
this.oCols[i] = oNewElem;
} else {
if (c_oRangeType.Row == nRangeType) {
for (var i = bbox.r1; i <= bbox.r2; i++) {
if (this.bAllowIntersect) {
var elem = this.oRows[i];
if (null == elem) {
elem = [];
this.oRows[i] = elem;
} else {
this.oRows[i] = oNewElem;
} else {
if (c_oRangeType.All == nRangeType) {
if (this.bAllowIntersect) {
this.oAll = [oNewElem];
} else {
this.oAll = oNewElem;
this.oElements[this._getBBoxIndex(bbox)] = oNewElem;
if (null != this.fChange) {
this.fChange.call(this, oNewElem.data, null, oNewElem.bbox);
_getExecElem: function (elem, oFindElems) {
if (null != elem) {
if (this.bAllowIntersect) {
for (var i = 0, length = elem.length; i < length; ++i) {
var item = elem[i];
oFindElems[item.id] = item;
} else {
oFindElems[elem.id] = elem;
get: function (bbox) {
var oRes = {
all: [],
inner: [],
outer: []
if (null != this.bbox) {
bbox = this.bbox.intersectionSimple(bbox);
} else {
bbox = null;
if (null != bbox) {
var oFindElems = {};
var nRangeType = getRangeType(bbox);
if (bbox.r2 < gc_nMaxRow0 / 4) {
for (var i = bbox.r1; i <= bbox.r2; i++) {
var row = this.oGCells[i];
if (null != row) {
if (bbox.c2 < gc_nMaxCol0 / 4) {
for (var j = bbox.c1; j <= bbox.c2; j++) {
var cell = row[j];
if (null != cell) {
this._getExecElem(cell, oFindElems);
} else {
for (var j in row) {
var nIndexJ = j - 0;
if (bbox.c1 <= nIndexJ && nIndexJ <= bbox.c2) {
this._getExecElem(row[j], oFindElems);
} else {
for (var i in this.oGCells) {
var nIndexI = i - 0;
if (bbox.r1 <= nIndexI && nIndexI <= bbox.r2) {
var row = this.oGCells[i];
if (null != row) {
if (bbox.c2 < gc_nMaxCol0 / 4) {
for (var j = bbox.c1; j <= bbox.c2; j++) {
var cell = row[j];
if (null != cell) {
this._getExecElem(cell, oFindElems);
} else {
for (var j in row) {
var nIndexJ = j - 0;
if (bbox.c1 <= nIndexJ && nIndexJ <= bbox.c2) {
this._getExecElem(row[j], oFindElems);
if (bbox.c2 < gc_nMaxCol0 / 4) {
for (var i = bbox.c1; i <= bbox.c2; i++) {
this._getExecElem(this.oCols[i], oFindElems);
} else {
for (var i in this.oCols) {
var nIndex = i - 0;
if (bbox.c1 <= nIndex && nIndex <= bbox.c2) {
this._getExecElem(this.oCols[i], oFindElems);
if (bbox.r2 < gc_nMaxRow0 / 4) {
for (var i = bbox.r1; i <= bbox.r2; i++) {
this._getExecElem(this.oRows[i], oFindElems);
} else {
for (var i in this.oRows) {
var nIndex = i - 0;
if (bbox.r1 <= nIndex && nIndex <= bbox.r2) {
this._getExecElem(this.oRows[i], oFindElems);
this._getExecElem(this.oAll, oFindElems);
for (var i in oFindElems) {
var elem = oFindElems[i];
if (bbox.containsRange(elem.bbox)) {
} else {
return oRes;
_getByCellExecElem: function (elem) {
var oRes = null;
if (null != elem) {
if (this.bAllowIntersect) {
if (elem.length > 0) {
oRes = elem[0];
} else {
oRes = elem;
return oRes;
_getByCell: function (nRow, nCol) {
var oRes = null;
var row = this.oGCells[nRow];
if (null != row) {
oRes = this._getByCellExecElem(row[nCol]);
if (null == oRes) {
oRes = this._getByCellExecElem(this.oRows[nRow]);
if (null == oRes) {
oRes = this._getByCellExecElem(this.oCols[nCol]);
if (null == oRes) {
oRes = this._getByCellExecElem(this.oAll);
return oRes;
getByCell: function (nRow, nCol) {
var oRes = null;
if (null != this.bbox) {
if (this.bbox.contains(nCol, nRow)) {
oRes = this._getByCell(nRow, nCol);
if (null == oRes && null != this.oDependenceManager) {
var oDependence = this.oDependenceManager._getByCell(nRow, nCol);
if (null != oDependence) {
var oTempRes = this.get(oDependence.bbox);
if (oTempRes.all.length > 0) {
oRes = oTempRes.all[0];
return oRes;
_removeExecElem: function (container, index, elemToDelete) {
var elem = null;
if (null != index) {
elem = container[index];
} else {
elem = container;
if (null != elem) {
if (this.bAllowIntersect) {
for (var i = 0, length = elem.length; i < length; ++i) {
var item = elem[i];
if (elemToDelete.data == item.data) {
elem.splice(i, 1);
if (0 == elem.length) {
if (null != index) {
delete container[index];
} else {
container = null;
} else {
if (elemToDelete.data == elem.data) {
if (null != index) {
delete container[index];
} else {
container = null;
return container;
remove: function (bbox, elemToDelete) {
if (null != elemToDelete) {
var nRangeType = getRangeType(bbox);
if (c_oRangeType.Range == nRangeType) {
for (var i = bbox.r1; i <= bbox.r2; i++) {
var row = this.oGCells[i];
if (null != row) {
for (var j = bbox.c1; j <= bbox.c2; j++) {
this._removeExecElem(row, j, elemToDelete);
} else {
if (c_oRangeType.Col == nRangeType) {
for (var i = bbox.c1; i <= bbox.c2; i++) {
this._removeExecElem(this.oCols, i, elemToDelete);
} else {
if (c_oRangeType.Row == nRangeType) {
for (var i = bbox.r1; i <= bbox.r2; i++) {
this._removeExecElem(this.oRows, i, elemToDelete);
} else {
if (c_oRangeType.All == nRangeType) {
this.oAll = this._removeExecElem(this.oAll, null, elemToDelete);
delete this.oElements[this._getBBoxIndex(elemToDelete.bbox)];
if (null != this.fChange) {
this.fChange.call(this, elemToDelete.data, elemToDelete.bbox, null);
} else {
var aElems = this.get(bbox);
for (var i = 0, length = aElems.all.length; i < length; ++i) {
var elem = aElems.all[i];
this.remove(elem.bbox, elem);
shiftGet: function (bbox, bHor) {
var bboxGet = null;
if (bHor) {
bboxGet = Asc.Range(bbox.c1, bbox.r1, gc_nMaxCol0, bbox.r2);
} else {
bboxGet = Asc.Range(bbox.c1, bbox.r1, bbox.c2, gc_nMaxRow0);
return {
bbox: bboxGet,
elems: this.get(bboxGet)
shift: function (bbox, bAdd, bHor, oGetRes) {
if (null == oGetRes) {
oGetRes = this.shiftGet(bbox, bHor);
var aToChange = [];
var elems = oGetRes.elems;
if (elems.inner.length > 0) {
var offset = null;
if (bHor) {
offset = {
offsetRow: 0,
offsetCol: bbox.c2 - bbox.c1 + 1
} else {
offset = {
offsetRow: bbox.r2 - bbox.r1 + 1,
offsetCol: 0
if (!bAdd) {
offset.offsetRow = -offset.offsetRow;
offset.offsetCol = -offset.offsetCol;
for (var i = 0, length = elems.inner.length; i < length; i++) {
var elem = elems.inner[i];
var from = elem.bbox;
var to = null;
if (bAdd) {
to = elem.bbox.clone();
} else {
var bboxAsc = Asc.Range(bbox.c1, bbox.r1, bbox.c2, bbox.r2);
if (!bboxAsc.containsRange(from)) {
to = elem.bbox.clone();
if (bHor) {
if (to.c1 <= bbox.c2) {
offsetRow: 0,
offsetCol: bbox.c2 - to.c1 + 1
} else {
if (to.r1 <= bbox.r2) {
offsetRow: bbox.r2 - to.r1 + 1,
offsetCol: 0
elem: elem,
to: to
if (elems.outer.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0, length = elems.outer.length; i < length; i++) {
var elem = elems.outer[i];
var from = elem.bbox;
var to = null;
if (bHor) {
if (from.c1 < bbox.c1 && bbox.r1 <= from.r1 && from.r2 <= bbox.r2) {
if (bAdd) {
to = from.clone();
offsetRow: 0,
offsetCol: bbox.c2 - bbox.c1 + 1
} else {
to = from.clone();
var nTemp1 = from.c2 - bbox.c1 + 1;
var nTemp2 = bbox.c2 - bbox.c1 + 1;
offsetRow: 0,
offsetCol: -Math.min(nTemp1, nTemp2)
} else {
if (from.r1 < bbox.r1 && bbox.c1 <= from.c1 && from.c2 <= bbox.c2) {
if (bAdd) {
to = from.clone();
offsetRow: bbox.r2 - bbox.r1 + 1,
offsetCol: 0
} else {
to = from.clone();
var nTemp1 = from.r2 - bbox.r1 + 1;
var nTemp2 = bbox.r2 - bbox.r1 + 1;
offsetRow: -Math.min(nTemp1, nTemp2),
offsetCol: 0
if (null != to) {
elem: elem,
to: to
for (var i = 0, length = aToChange.length; i < length; ++i) {
var item = aToChange[i];
var elem = item.elem;
this.remove(elem.bbox, elem);
for (var i = 0, length = aToChange.length; i < length; ++i) {
var item = aToChange[i];
if (null != item.to) {
this.add(item.to, item.elem.data);
getAll: function () {
return this.oElements;
setDependenceManager: function (oDependenceManager) {
this.oDependenceManager = oDependenceManager;
stopRecalculate: function () {
startRecalculate: function () {
if (this.nStopRecalculate <= 0) {
this.nStopRecalculate = 0;
_getBBoxIndex: function (bbox) {
return bbox.r1 + "-" + bbox.c1 + "-" + bbox.r2 + "-" + bbox.c2;
_recalculate: function () {
if (0 == this.nStopRecalculate) {
this.nElementsCount = 0;
this.bbox = null;
for (var i in this.oElements) {
var elem = this.oElements[i];
if (null != elem) {
if (null == this.bbox) {
this.bbox = elem.bbox.clone();
} else {
}; |