2015-04-28 17:59:00 +03:00

3692 lines
175 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2015
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
"use strict";
var gc_sFormatDecimalPoint = ".";
var gc_sFormatThousandSeparator = ",";
var numFormat_Text = 0;
var numFormat_TextPlaceholder = 1;
var numFormat_Bracket = 2;
var numFormat_Digit = 3;
var numFormat_DigitNoDisp = 4;
var numFormat_DigitSpace = 5;
var numFormat_DecimalPoint = 6;
var numFormat_DecimalFrac = 7;
var numFormat_Thousand = 8;
var numFormat_Scientific = 9;
var numFormat_Repeat = 10;
var numFormat_Skip = 11;
var numFormat_Year = 12;
var numFormat_Month = 13;
var numFormat_Minute = 14;
var numFormat_Hour = 15;
var numFormat_Day = 16;
var numFormat_Second = 17;
var numFormat_Milliseconds = 18;
var numFormat_AmPm = 19;
var numFormat_DateSeparator = 20;
var numFormat_TimeSeparator = 21;
var numFormat_DecimalPointText = 22;
var numFormat_MonthMinute = 101;
var numFormat_Percent = 102;
var oNumFormatCache;
var FormatStates = {
Decimal: 1,
Frac: 2,
Scientific: 3,
Slash: 4
var SignType = {
Positive: 1,
Negative: 2,
Null: 3
var gc_nMaxDigCount = 15;
var gc_nMaxDigCountView = 11;
var gc_nMaxMantissa = Math.pow(10, gc_nMaxDigCount);
var NumComporationOperators = {
equal: 1,
greater: 2,
less: 3,
greaterorequal: 4,
lessorequal: 5,
notequal: 6
function getNumberParts(x) {
var sig = SignType.Null;
if (!isFinite(x)) {
x = 0;
if (x > 0) {
sig = SignType.Positive;
} else {
if (x < 0) {
sig = SignType.Negative;
x = Math.abs(x);
var exp = -gc_nMaxDigCount;
var man = 0;
if (SignType.Null != sig) {
exp = Math.floor(Math.log(x) * Math.LOG10E) - gc_nMaxDigCount + 1;
man = Math.round(x / Math.pow(10, exp));
if (man >= gc_nMaxMantissa) {
man /= 10;
return {
mantissa: man,
exponent: exp,
sign: sig
function NumFormatFont() {
this.skip = null;
this.repeat = null;
this.c = null;
NumFormatFont.prototype.isEqual = function (val) {
return this.skip == val.skip && this.repeat == val.repeat && this.c == val.c;
function FormatObj(type, val) {
this.type = type;
this.val = val;
function FormatObjScientific(val, format, sign) {
this.type = numFormat_Scientific;
this.val = val;
this.format = format;
this.sign = sign;
function FormatObjDecimalFrac(aLeft, aRight) {
this.type = numFormat_DecimalFrac;
this.aLeft = aLeft;
this.aRight = aRight;
this.bNumRight = false;
function FormatObjDateVal(type, nCount, bElapsed) {
this.type = type;
this.val = nCount;
this.bElapsed = bElapsed;
function FormatObjBracket(sData) {
this.type = numFormat_Bracket;
this.val = sData;
this.parse = function (data) {
var length = data.length;
if (length > 0) {
var first = data[0];
if ("$" == first) {
var aParams = data.substring(1).split("-");
if (2 == aParams.length) {
var sFirstParam = aParams[0];
var sSecondParam = aParams[1];
if (null != sFirstParam && sFirstParam.length > 0 && null != sSecondParam && sSecondParam.length > 0) {
this.CurrencyString = sFirstParam;
this.Lid = sSecondParam;
} else {
if ("y" == first || "m" == first || "d" == first || "h" == first || "s" == first || "Y" == first || "M" == first || "D" == first || "H" == first || "S" == first) {
var bSame = true;
var nCount = 1;
for (var i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
if (first != data[i]) {
bSame = false;
if (true == bSame) {
switch (first) {
case "Y":
case "y":
this.dataObj = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Year, nCount, true);
case "M":
case "m":
this.dataObj = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_MonthMinute, nCount, true);
case "D":
case "d":
this.dataObj = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Day, nCount, true);
case "H":
case "h":
this.dataObj = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Hour, nCount, true);
case "S":
case "s":
this.dataObj = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Second, nCount, true);
} else {
if ("=" == first || ">" == first || "<" == first) {
var nIndex = 1;
var sOperator = first;
if (length > 1 && (">" == first || "<" == first)) {
var second = data[1];
if ("=" == second || (">" == second && "<" == first)) {
sOperator += second;
nIndex = 2;
switch (sOperator) {
case "=":
this.operator = NumComporationOperators.equal;
case ">":
this.operator = NumComporationOperators.greater;
case "<":
this.operator = NumComporationOperators.less;
case ">=":
this.operator = NumComporationOperators.greaterorequal;
case "<=":
this.operator = NumComporationOperators.lessorequal;
case "<>":
this.operator = NumComporationOperators.notequal;
this.operatorValue = parseInt(data.substring(nIndex));
} else {
var sLowerColor = data.toLowerCase();
if ("black" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 0;
} else {
if ("blue" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 255;
} else {
if ("cyan" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 65535;
} else {
if ("green" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 65280;
} else {
if ("magenta" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 16711935;
} else {
if ("red" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 16711680;
} else {
if ("white" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 16777215;
} else {
if ("yellow" == sLowerColor) {
this.color = 16776960;
function NumFormat(bAddMinusIfNes) {
this.formatString = "";
this.length = this.formatString.length;
this.index = 0;
this.EOF = -1;
this.aRawFormat = [];
this.aDecFormat = [];
this.aFracFormat = [];
this.bDateTime = false;
this.bDate = false;
this.bTime = false;
this.bDay = false;
this.nPercent = 0;
this.bScientific = false;
this.bThousandSep = false;
this.nThousandScale = 0;
this.bTextFormat = false;
this.bTimePeriod = false;
this.bMillisec = false;
this.bSlash = false;
this.bWhole = false;
this.bCurrency = false;
this.bNumber = false;
this.bInteger = false;
this.bRepeat = false;
this.Color = -1;
this.ComporationOperator = null;
this.bGeneralChart = false;
this.bGeneral = false;
this.bAddMinusIfNes = bAddMinusIfNes;
NumFormat.prototype = {
_getChar: function () {
if (this.index < this.length) {
return this.formatString[this.index];
return this.EOF;
_readChar: function () {
var curChar = this._getChar();
if (this.index < this.length) {
return curChar;
_skip: function (val) {
var nNewIndex = this.index + val;
if (nNewIndex >= 0 && nNewIndex < this.length) {
this.index = nNewIndex;
_addToFormat: function (type, val) {
var oFormatObj = new FormatObj(type, val);
_addToFormat2: function (oFormatObj) {
_ReadText: function () {
var sText = "";
while (true) {
var next = this._readChar();
if (this.EOF == next || '"' == next) {
} else {
sText += next;
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Text, sText);
_ReadChar: function () {
var next = this._readChar();
if (this.EOF != next) {
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Text, next);
_ReadBracket: function () {
var sBracket = "";
while (true) {
var next = this._readChar();
if (this.EOF == next || "]" == next) {
} else {
sBracket += next;
var oFormatObjBracket = new FormatObjBracket(sBracket);
if (null != oFormatObjBracket.operator) {
this.ComporationOperator = oFormatObjBracket;
_ReadAmPm: function (next) {
var sAm = next;
var sPm = "";
var bAm = true;
while (true) {
next = this._readChar();
if (this.EOF == next) {
} else {
if ("/" == next) {
bAm = false;
} else {
if ("A" == next || "a" == next || "P" == next || "p" == next || "M" == next || "m" == next) {
if (true == bAm) {
sAm += next;
} else {
sPm += next;
} else {
if ("" != sAm && "" != sPm) {
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObj(numFormat_AmPm));
this.bTimePeriod = true;
this.bDateTime = true;
_parseFormat: function (format) {
this.bGeneralChart = true;
while (true) {
var next = this._readChar();
var bNoFormat = false;
if (this.EOF == next) {
} else {
if ("[" == next) {
} else {
if ('"' == next) {
} else {
if ("\\" == next) {
} else {
if ("%" == next) {
} else {
if ("$" == next || "+" == next || "-" == next || "(" == next || ")" == next || " " == next) {
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Text, next);
} else {
if (":" == next) {
} else {
if (0 <= next && next <= 9) {
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Digit, next - 0);
} else {
if ("#" == next) {
} else {
if ("?" == next) {
} else {
if (gc_sFormatDecimalPoint == next) {
} else {
if ("/" == next) {
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObjDecimalFrac([], []));
} else {
if (gc_sFormatThousandSeparator == next) {
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Thousand, 1);
} else {
if ("E" == next || "e" == next) {
var nextnext = this._readChar();
if (this.EOF != nextnext && "+" == nextnext || "-" == nextnext) {
var sign = ("+" == nextnext) ? SignType.Positive : SignType.Negative;
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObjScientific(next, "", sign));
} else {
if ("*" == next) {
var nextnext = this._readChar();
if (this.EOF != nextnext) {
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Repeat, nextnext);
} else {
if ("_" == next) {
var nextnext = this._readChar();
if (this.EOF != nextnext) {
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Skip, nextnext);
} else {
if ("@" == next) {
} else {
if ("Y" == next || "y" == next) {
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Year, 1, false));
} else {
if ("M" == next || "m" == next) {
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_MonthMinute, 1, false));
} else {
if ("D" == next || "d" == next) {
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Day, 1, false));
} else {
if ("H" == next || "h" == next) {
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Hour, 1, false));
} else {
if ("S" == next || "s" == next) {
this._addToFormat2(new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Second, 1, false));
} else {
if ("A" == next || "a" == next) {
} else {
bNoFormat = true;
this._addToFormat(numFormat_Text, next);
if (!bNoFormat) {
this.bGeneralChart = false;
return true;
_getDateTimeBracket: function (val) {
var res = null;
var length = val.length;
if (length > 0) {
var first = val[0];
if ("y" == first || "m" == first || "d" == first || "h" == first || "s" == first) {
var bSame = true;
var nCount = 1;
for (var i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
if (first != val[i]) {
bSame = false;
if (true == bSame) {
switch (first) {
case "y":
res = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Year, nCount, true);
case "m":
res = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_MonthMinute, nCount, true);
case "d":
res = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Day, nCount, true);
case "h":
res = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Hour, nCount, true);
case "s":
res = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Second, nCount, true);
return res;
_prepareFormat: function () {
for (var i = 0, length = this.aRawFormat.length; i < length; ++i) {
var oCurItem = this.aRawFormat[i];
if (numFormat_Bracket == oCurItem.type && null != oCurItem.color) {
this.Color = oCurItem.color;
this.bRepeat = false;
var nFormatLength = this.aRawFormat.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nFormatLength; ++i) {
var item = this.aRawFormat[i];
if (numFormat_Repeat == item.type) {
if (false == this.bRepeat) {
this.bRepeat = true;
} else {
this.aRawFormat.splice(i, 1);
} else {
if (numFormat_Bracket == item.type) {
var oNewObj = item.dataObj;
if (null != oNewObj) {
this.aRawFormat.splice(i, 1, oNewObj);
this.bDateTime = true;
if (numFormat_Hour == oNewObj.type || numFormat_Minute == oNewObj.type || numFormat_Second == oNewObj.type || numFormat_Milliseconds == oNewObj.type) {
this.bTime = true;
} else {
if (numFormat_Year == oNewObj.type || numFormat_Month == oNewObj.type || numFormat_Day == oNewObj.type) {
this.bDate = true;
if (numFormat_Day == oNewObj.type) {
this.bDay = true;
} else {
if (numFormat_Year == item.type || numFormat_MonthMinute == item.type || numFormat_Day == item.type || numFormat_Hour == item.type || numFormat_Second == item.type || numFormat_Thousand == item.type) {
var nStartType = item.type;
var nEndIndex = i;
for (var j = i + 1; j < nFormatLength; ++j) {
if (nStartType == this.aRawFormat[j].type) {
nEndIndex = j;
} else {
if (i != nEndIndex) {
item.val = nEndIndex - i + 1;
var nDelCount = item.val - 1;
this.aRawFormat.splice(i + 1, nDelCount);
nFormatLength -= nDelCount;
if (numFormat_Thousand != item.type) {
this.bDateTime = true;
if (numFormat_Hour == item.type || numFormat_Minute == item.type || numFormat_Second == item.type || numFormat_Milliseconds == item.type) {
this.bTime = true;
} else {
if (numFormat_Year == item.type || numFormat_Month == item.type || numFormat_Day == item.type) {
this.bDate = true;
if (numFormat_Day == item.type) {
this.bDay = true;
} else {
if (numFormat_Scientific == item.type) {
var bAsText = false;
if (true == this.bScientific) {
bAsText = true;
} else {
var aDigitArray = [];
for (var j = i + 1; j < nFormatLength; ++j) {
var nextItem = this.aRawFormat[j];
if (numFormat_Digit == nextItem.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == nextItem.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == nextItem.type) {
if (aDigitArray.length > 0) {
item.format = aDigitArray;
this.bScientific = true;
} else {
bAsText = true;
if (false != bAsText) {
item.type = numFormat_Text;
item.val = item.val + "+";
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalFrac == item.type) {
var bValid = false;
var nLeft = i;
for (var j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
var subitem = this.aRawFormat[j];
if (numFormat_Digit == subitem.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == subitem.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == subitem.type) {
nLeft = j;
} else {
var nRight = i;
if (nLeft < i) {
for (var j = i + 1; j < nFormatLength; ++j) {
var subitem = this.aRawFormat[j];
if (numFormat_Digit == subitem.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == subitem.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == subitem.type) {
nRight = j;
} else {
if (nRight > i) {
bValid = true;
item.aRight = this.aRawFormat.splice(i + 1, nRight - i);
item.aLeft = this.aRawFormat.splice(nLeft, i - nLeft);
nFormatLength -= nRight - nLeft;
i -= i - nLeft;
this.bSlash = true;
var flag = (item.aRight.length > 0) && (item.aRight[0].type == numFormat_Digit) && (item.aRight[0].val > 0);
if (flag) {
var rPart = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < item.aRight.length; j++) {
if (item.aRight[j].type == numFormat_Digit) {
rPart = rPart * 10 + item.aRight[j].val;
} else {
bValid = false;
this.bSlash = false;
if (bValid == true) {
item.aRight = [];
item.aRight.push(new FormatObj(numFormat_Digit, rPart));
item.bNumRight = true;
if (false == bValid) {
item.type = numFormat_DateSeparator;
var nReadState = FormatStates.Decimal;
var bDecimal = true;
nFormatLength = this.aRawFormat.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nFormatLength; ++i) {
var item = this.aRawFormat[i];
if (numFormat_DecimalPoint == item.type) {
if (this.bDateTime) {
var nStartIndex = i;
var nEndIndex = nStartIndex;
for (var j = i + 1; j < nFormatLength; ++j) {
var subItem = this.aRawFormat[j];
if (numFormat_Digit == subItem.type) {
nEndIndex = j;
} else {
if (nStartIndex < nEndIndex) {
var nDigCount = nEndIndex - nStartIndex;
var oNewItem = new FormatObjDateVal(numFormat_Milliseconds, nDigCount, false);
var nDelCount = nDigCount;
oNewItem.format = this.aRawFormat.splice(i + 1, nDelCount, oNewItem);
nFormatLength -= (nDigCount - 1);
this.bMillisec = true;
item.type = numFormat_DecimalPointText;
item.val = null;
} else {
if (FormatStates.Decimal == nReadState) {
nReadState = FormatStates.Frac;
} else {
if (numFormat_MonthMinute == item.type) {
var bRightCond = false;
for (var j = i + 1; j < nFormatLength; ++j) {
var subItem = this.aRawFormat[j];
if (numFormat_Year == subItem.type || numFormat_Month == subItem.type || numFormat_Day == subItem.type || numFormat_MonthMinute == subItem.type || numFormat_Hour == subItem.type || numFormat_Minute == subItem.type || numFormat_Second == subItem.type || numFormat_Milliseconds == subItem.type) {
if (numFormat_Second == subItem.type) {
bRightCond = true;
var bLeftCond = false;
if (false == bRightCond) {
var bFindSec = false;
for (var j = i - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
var subItem = this.aRawFormat[j];
if (numFormat_Hour == subItem.type) {
bLeftCond = true;
} else {
if (numFormat_Second == subItem.type) {
bFindSec = true;
} else {
if (numFormat_Minute == subItem.type || numFormat_Month == subItem.type || numFormat_MonthMinute == subItem.type) {
if (true == bFindSec && numFormat_Minute == subItem.type) {
bFindSec = false;
} else {
if (numFormat_Year == subItem.type || numFormat_Day == subItem.type || numFormat_Hour == subItem.type || numFormat_Second == subItem.type || numFormat_Milliseconds == subItem.type) {
if (true == bFindSec) {
if (true == bFindSec) {
bLeftCond = true;
if (true == bLeftCond || true == bRightCond) {
item.type = numFormat_Minute;
this.bTime = true;
} else {
item.type = numFormat_Month;
this.bDate = true;
} else {
if (numFormat_Percent == item.type) {
item.type = numFormat_Text;
item.val = "%";
} else {
if (numFormat_Thousand == item.type) {
if (FormatStates.Decimal == nReadState) {
var bStartCondition = false;
if (i > 0) {
var prevItem = this.aRawFormat[i - 1];
if (numFormat_Digit == prevItem.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == prevItem.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == prevItem.type) {
bStartCondition = true;
var bEndCondition = false;
if (i + 1 < nFormatLength) {
var nextItem = this.aRawFormat[i + 1];
if (numFormat_Digit == nextItem.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == nextItem.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == nextItem.type) {
bEndCondition = true;
if (true == bStartCondition && true == bEndCondition) {
this.bThousandSep = true;
} else {
if (bEndCondition == true) {
item.type = numFormat_Text;
item.val = gc_sFormatThousandSeparator;
var bStartCondition = false;
if (i > 0) {
var prevItem = this.aRawFormat[i - 1];
if (numFormat_Digit == prevItem.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == prevItem.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == prevItem.type) {
bStartCondition = true;
var bEndCondition = true;
for (var j = i + 1; j < nFormatLength; ++j) {
var nextItem = this.aRawFormat[j];
if (numFormat_Digit == nextItem.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == nextItem.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == nextItem.type || numFormat_DecimalPoint == nextItem.type) {
bEndCondition = false;
if (true == bStartCondition && true == bEndCondition) {
this.nThousandScale = item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_Digit == item.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == item.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == item.type) {
if (FormatStates.Decimal == nReadState) {
if (this.bSlash === true) {
this.bWhole = true;
} else {
if (FormatStates.Frac == nReadState) {
} else {
if (numFormat_Scientific == item.type) {
nReadState = FormatStates.Scientific;
} else {
if (numFormat_TextPlaceholder == item.type) {
this.bTextFormat = true;
return true;
_calsScientific: function (nDecLen, nRealExp) {
var nKoef = 0;
if (true == this.bThousandSep) {
nKoef = 4;
if (nDecLen > nKoef) {
nKoef = nDecLen;
if (nRealExp > 0 && nKoef > 0) {
var nTemp = nRealExp % nKoef;
if (0 == nTemp) {
nTemp = nKoef;
nKoef = nTemp;
return nKoef;
_parseNumber: function (number, aDecFormat, nFracLen, nValType, cultureInfo) {
var res = {
bDigit: false,
dec: 0,
frac: 0,
exponent: 0,
exponentFrac: 0,
scientific: 0,
sign: SignType.Positive,
date: {}
if (CellValueType.String != nValType) {
res.bDigit = (number == number - 0);
if (res.bDigit) {
var parts = getNumberParts(number);
res.sign = parts.sign;
var nRealExp = gc_nMaxDigCount + parts.exponent;
if (SignType.Null != parts.sign) {
if (true == this.bScientific) {
var nKoef = this._calsScientific(aDecFormat.length, nRealExp);
res.scientific = nRealExp - nKoef;
nRealExp = nKoef;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < this.nPercent; ++i) {
nRealExp += 2;
for (var i = 0; i < this.nThousandScale; ++i) {
nRealExp -= 3;
if (false == this.bSlash) {
var nOldRealExp = nRealExp;
var dTemp = parts.mantissa * Math.pow(10, nFracLen + nRealExp - gc_nMaxDigCount);
dTemp = Math.round(dTemp);
dTemp /= Math.pow(10, nFracLen);
parts = getNumberParts(dTemp);
if (SignType.Null != parts.sign) {
nRealExp = gc_nMaxDigCount + parts.exponent;
if (nOldRealExp != nRealExp && true == this.bScientific) {
var nKoef = this._calsScientific(aDecFormat.length, nRealExp);
res.scientific += nRealExp - nOldRealExp;
nRealExp = nKoef;
res.exponent = nRealExp;
res.exponentFrac = nRealExp;
if (nRealExp > 0 && nRealExp < gc_nMaxDigCount) {
var sNumber = parts.mantissa.toString();
var nExponentFrac = 0;
for (var i = nRealExp, length = sNumber.length; i < length; ++i) {
if ("0" == sNumber[i]) {
} else {
if (nRealExp + nExponentFrac < sNumber.length) {
res.exponentFrac = -nExponentFrac;
if (SignType.Null != parts.sign) {
if (nRealExp <= 0) {
if (this.bSlash == true) {
res.dec = 0;
res.frac = parts.mantissa;
} else {
if (nFracLen > 0) {
res.dec = 0;
res.frac = 0;
if (nFracLen + nRealExp > 0) {
var sTemp = parts.mantissa.toString();
res.frac = sTemp.substring(0, nFracLen + nRealExp) - 0;
} else {
res.dec = 0;
res.frac = 0;
} else {
if (nRealExp >= gc_nMaxDigCount) {
res.dec = parts.mantissa;
res.frac = 0;
} else {
var sTemp = parts.mantissa.toString();
if (this.bSlash == true) {
res.dec = sTemp.substring(0, nRealExp) - 0;
if (nRealExp < sTemp.length) {
res.frac = sTemp.substring(nRealExp) - 0;
} else {
res.frac = 0;
} else {
if (nFracLen > 0) {
res.dec = sTemp.substring(0, nRealExp) - 0;
res.frac = 0;
var nStart = nRealExp;
var nEnd = nRealExp + nFracLen;
if (nStart < sTemp.length) {
res.frac = sTemp.substring(nStart, nEnd) - 0;
} else {
res.dec = sTemp.substring(0, nRealExp) - 0;
res.frac = 0;
if (0 == res.frac && 0 == res.dec) {
res.sign = SignType.Null;
if (this.bDateTime === true) { = this.parseDate(number);
return res;
parseDate: function (number) {
var d = {
val: 0,
coeff: 1
h = {
val: 0,
coeff: 24
min = {
val: 0,
coeff: 60
s = {
val: 0,
coeff: 60
ms = {
val: 0,
coeff: 1000
var tmp = +number;
var ttimes = [d, h, min, s, ms];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
var v = tmp * ttimes[i].coeff;
ttimes[i].val = Math.floor(v);
tmp = v - ttimes[i].val;
ms.val = Math.round(tmp * 1000);
for (i = 4; i > 0 && (ttimes[i].val === ttimes[i].coeff); i--) {
ttimes[i].val = 0;
ttimes[i - 1].val++;
var stDate, day, month, year, dayWeek;
if (g_bDate1904) {
stDate = new Date(Date.UTC(1904, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0));
if (d.val) {
stDate.setUTCDate(stDate.getUTCDate() + d.val);
day = stDate.getUTCDate();
dayWeek = (stDate.getUTCDay() > 0) ? stDate.getUTCDay() - 1 : 6;
month = stDate.getUTCMonth();
year = stDate.getUTCFullYear();
} else {
if (number === 60) {
day = 29;
month = 1;
year = 1900;
dayWeek = 3;
} else {
if (number < 60) {
stDate = new Date(Date.UTC(1899, 11, 31, 0, 0, 0));
if (d.val) {
stDate.setUTCDate(stDate.getUTCDate() + d.val);
day = stDate.getUTCDate();
dayWeek = (stDate.getUTCDay() > 0) ? stDate.getUTCDay() - 1 : 6;
month = stDate.getUTCMonth();
year = stDate.getUTCFullYear();
} else {
stDate = new Date(Date.UTC(1899, 11, 30, 0, 0, 0));
if (d.val) {
stDate.setUTCDate(stDate.getUTCDate() + d.val);
day = stDate.getUTCDate();
dayWeek = stDate.getUTCDay();
month = stDate.getUTCMonth();
year = stDate.getUTCFullYear();
return {
d: day,
month: month,
year: year,
dayWeek: dayWeek,
hour: h.val,
min: min.val,
sec: s.val,
ms: ms.val,
countDay: d.val
_FormatNumber: function (number, exponent, format, nReadState, cultureInfo) {
var aRes = [];
var nFormatLen = format.length;
if (nFormatLen > 0) {
if (FormatStates.Frac != nReadState) {
var sNumber = number + "";
var nNumberLen = sNumber.length;
if (exponent > nNumberLen) {
for (var i = 0; i < exponent - nNumberLen; ++i) {
sNumber += "0";
nNumberLen = sNumber.length;
var bIsNUll = false;
if ("0" == sNumber) {
bIsNUll = true;
if (nNumberLen > nFormatLen) {
if (false == bIsNUll) {
var nSplitIndex = nNumberLen - nFormatLen + 1;
aRes.push(new FormatObj(numFormat_Text, sNumber.slice(0, nSplitIndex)));
sNumber = sNumber.substring(nSplitIndex);
} else {
if (nNumberLen < nFormatLen) {
for (var i = 0, length = nFormatLen - nNumberLen; i < length; ++i) {
var item = format.shift();
aRes.push(new FormatObj(item.type));
for (var i = 0, length = sNumber.length; i < length; ++i) {
var sCurNumber = sNumber[i];
var numFormat = numFormat_Text;
var item = format.shift();
if (true == bIsNUll && null != item && FormatStates.Scientific != nReadState) {
if (numFormat_DigitNoDisp == item.type) {
sCurNumber = "";
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitSpace == item.type) {
numFormat = numFormat_DigitSpace;
sCurNumber = null;
aRes.push(new FormatObj(numFormat, sCurNumber));
if (true == this.bThousandSep && FormatStates.Slash != nReadState) {
var sThousandSep = cultureInfo.NumberGroupSeparator;
var aGroupSize = cultureInfo.NumberGroupSizes;
var nCurGroupIndex = 0;
var nCurGroupSize = 0;
if (nCurGroupIndex < aGroupSize.length) {
nCurGroupSize = aGroupSize[nCurGroupIndex++];
} else {
nCurGroupSize = 0;
var nIndex = 0;
for (var i = aRes.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var item = aRes[i];
if (numFormat_Text == item.type) {
var aNewText = [];
var nTextLength = item.val.length;
for (var j = nTextLength - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
if (nCurGroupSize == nIndex) {
if (0 != j) {
if (nCurGroupSize + 1 == nIndex) {
nIndex = 1;
if (nCurGroupIndex < aGroupSize.length) {
nCurGroupSize = aGroupSize[nCurGroupIndex++];
if (nTextLength > 1) {
item.val = aNewText.join("");
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitNoDisp != item.type) {
if (nCurGroupSize == nIndex) {
item.val = sThousandSep;
aRes[i] = item;
if (nCurGroupSize + 1 == nIndex) {
nIndex = 1;
if (nCurGroupIndex < aGroupSize.length) {
nCurGroupSize = aGroupSize[nCurGroupIndex++];
} else {
var val = number;
var exp = exponent;
var nStartNulls = 0;
if (exp < 0) {
nStartNulls = Math.abs(exp);
var sNumber = val.toString();
var nNumberLen = sNumber.length;
var nLastNoNull = nNumberLen;
for (var i = nNumberLen - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if ("0" != sNumber[i]) {
nLastNoNull = i;
if (nLastNoNull < nNumberLen) {
sNumber = sNumber.substring(0, nLastNoNull);
nNumberLen = sNumber.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nStartNulls; ++i) {
aRes.push(new FormatObj(numFormat_Text, "0"));
for (var i = 0, length = nNumberLen; i < length; ++i) {
aRes.push(new FormatObj(numFormat_Text, sNumber[i]));
for (var i = nNumberLen + nStartNulls; i < nFormatLen; ++i) {
var item = format[i];
aRes.push(new FormatObj(item.type));
return aRes;
_AddDigItem: function (res, oCurText, item) {
if (numFormat_Text == item.type) {
oCurText.text += item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_Digit == item.type) {
oCurText.text += "0";
if (null != item.val) {
oCurText.text += item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitNoDisp == item.type) {
oCurText.text += "";
if (null != item.val) {
oCurText.text += item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitSpace == item.type) {
var oNewFont = new NumFormatFont();
oNewFont.skip = true;
this._CommitText(res, oCurText, "0", oNewFont);
if (null != item.val) {
oCurText.text += item.val;
_ZeroPad: function (n) {
return (n < 10) ? "0" + n : n;
_CommitText: function (res, oCurText, textVal, format) {
if (null != oCurText && oCurText.text.length > 0) {
this._CommitText(res, null, oCurText.text, null);
oCurText.text = "";
if (null != textVal && textVal.length > 0) {
var length = res.length;
var prev = null;
if (length > 0) {
prev = res[length - 1];
if (-1 != this.Color) {
if (null == format) {
format = new NumFormatFont();
format.c = new RgbColor(this.Color);
if (null != prev && ((null == prev.format && null == format) || (null != prev.format && null != format && format.isEqual(prev.format)))) {
prev.text += textVal;
} else {
if (null == format) {
prev = {
text: textVal
} else {
prev = {
text: textVal,
format: format
setFormat: function (format, cultureInfo) {
if (null == cultureInfo) {
cultureInfo = g_oDefaultCultureInfo;
this.formatString = format;
this.length = this.formatString.length;
if ("general" == this.formatString.toLowerCase()) {
this.valid = true;
this.bGeneral = true;
return true;
} else {
this.valid = this._parseFormat();
if (true == this.valid) {
this.valid = this._prepareFormat();
if (this.valid) {
var aCurrencySymbols = ["$", "€", "£", "¥", "р.", cultureInfo.CurrencySymbol];
var sText = "";
for (var i = 0, length = this.aRawFormat.length; i < length; ++i) {
var item = this.aRawFormat[i];
if (numFormat_Text == item.type) {
sText += item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_Bracket == item.type) {
if (null != item.CurrencyString) {
sText += item.CurrencyString;
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalPoint == item.type) {
sText += gc_sFormatDecimalPoint;
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalPointText == item.type) {
sText += gc_sFormatDecimalPoint;
if ("" != sText) {
for (var i = 0, length = aCurrencySymbols.length; i < length; ++i) {
if (-1 != sText.indexOf(aCurrencySymbols[i])) {
this.bCurrency = true;
var rxNumber = new RegExp("^[0#?]+(" + escapeRegExp(gc_sFormatDecimalPoint) + "[0#?]+)?$");
var match = this.formatString.match(rxNumber);
if (null != match) {
if (null != match[1]) {
this.bNumber = true;
} else {
this.bInteger = true;
return this.valid;
isInvalidDateValue: function (number) {
return (number == number - 0) && ((number < 0 && false == g_bDate1904) || number > 2958465.9999884);
format: function (number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult, cultureInfo, bChart) {
if (null == cultureInfo) {
cultureInfo = g_oDefaultCultureInfo;
if (null == nValType) {
nValType = CellValueType.Number;
var res = [];
var oCurText = {
text: ""
if (true == this.valid) {
if (true === this.bDateTime) {
if (this.isInvalidDateValue(number)) {
var oNewFont = new NumFormatFont();
oNewFont.repeat = true;
this._CommitText(res, null, "#", oNewFont);
return res;
var oParsedNumber = this._parseNumber(number, this.aDecFormat, this.aFracFormat.length, nValType, cultureInfo);
if (true == this.bGeneral || (true == oParsedNumber.bDigit && true == this.bTextFormat) || (false == oParsedNumber.bDigit && false == this.bTextFormat) || (bChart && this.bGeneralChart)) {
if (null != oAdditionalResult) {
oAdditionalResult.bGeneral = true;
var sGeneral = DecodeGeneralFormat(number, nValType, dDigitsCount);
if (null != sGeneral) {
var numFormat = oNumFormatCache.get(sGeneral);
if (null != numFormat) {
return numFormat.format(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult);
return [{
text: number
var aDec = [];
var aFrac = [];
var aScientific = [];
if (true == oParsedNumber.bDigit) {
aDec = this._FormatNumber(oParsedNumber.dec, oParsedNumber.exponent, this.aDecFormat.concat(), FormatStates.Decimal, cultureInfo);
aFrac = this._FormatNumber(oParsedNumber.frac, oParsedNumber.exponentFrac, this.aFracFormat.concat(), FormatStates.Frac, cultureInfo);
if (true == this.bAddMinusIfNes && SignType.Negative == oParsedNumber.sign) {
oCurText.text += "-";
var bNoDecFormat = false;
if ((null == aDec || 0 == aDec.length) && 0 != oParsedNumber.dec) {
bNoDecFormat = true;
var nReadState = FormatStates.Decimal;
var nFormatLength = this.aRawFormat.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nFormatLength; ++i) {
var item = this.aRawFormat[i];
if (numFormat_Bracket == item.type) {
if (null != item.CurrencyString) {
oCurText.text += item.CurrencyString;
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalPoint == item.type) {
if (bNoDecFormat && null != oParsedNumber.dec && FormatStates.Decimal == nReadState) {
oCurText.text += oParsedNumber.dec;
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator;
nReadState = FormatStates.Frac;
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalPointText == item.type) {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator;
} else {
if (numFormat_Digit == item.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == item.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == item.type) {
var text = null;
if (nReadState == FormatStates.Decimal) {
text = aDec.shift();
} else {
if (nReadState == FormatStates.Frac) {
text = aFrac.shift();
} else {
if (nReadState == FormatStates.Scientific) {
text = aScientific.shift();
if (null != text) {
this._AddDigItem(res, oCurText, text);
} else {
if (numFormat_Text == item.type) {
oCurText.text += item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_TextPlaceholder == item.type) {
oCurText.text += number;
} else {
if (numFormat_Scientific == item.type) {
if (null != item.format) {
oCurText.text += item.val;
if (oParsedNumber.scientific < 0) {
oCurText.text += "-";
} else {
if (item.sign == SignType.Positive) {
oCurText.text += "+";
aScientific = this._FormatNumber(Math.abs(oParsedNumber.scientific), 0, item.format.concat(), FormatStates.Scientific, cultureInfo);
nReadState = FormatStates.Scientific;
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalFrac == item.type) {
if (oParsedNumber.frac !== 0 || this.bWhole === false) {
var frac = oParsedNumber.frac;
var fracExp = -frac.toString().length;
if (oParsedNumber.exponent < 0) {
fracExp -= oParsedNumber.exponent;
frac *= Math.pow(10, fracExp);
var numerator;
var denominator;
if (item.bNumRight === true) {
denominator = item.aRight[0].val;
numerator = Math.round(denominator * frac);
if (this.bWhole === false) {
numerator += denominator * oParsedNumber.dec;
} else {
if (frac == 0) {
numerator = oParsedNumber.dec;
denominator = 1;
} else {
var d = frac,
n = frac;
var a0 = 0,
a1 = 1;
var b0 = 1,
b1 = 0;
var eps = Math.pow(10, -15),
arr = Math.pow(10, item.aRight.length),
delta = 1,
a = 0,
b = 0;
while ((b < arr) && (delta > eps)) {
var N = Math.floor(d);
a = N * a1 + a0;
b = N * b1 + b0;
a0 = a1;
a1 = a;
b0 = b1;
b1 = b;
d = 1 / (d - N);
delta = Math.abs(n - a / b);
if (b > arr || b == arr) {
numerator = a0;
denominator = b0;
} else {
numerator = a;
denominator = b;
if (this.bWhole === false) {
numerator += denominator * oParsedNumber.dec;
var aLeft = this._FormatNumber(numerator, 0, item.aLeft.concat(), FormatStates.Slash, cultureInfo);
for (var j = 0, length = aLeft.length; j < length; ++j) {
var subitem = aLeft[j];
if (numFormat_Text == subitem.type) {
oCurText.text += subitem.val;
} else {
this._AddDigItem(res, oCurText, subitem);
oCurText.text += "/";
if (item.bNumRight === true) {
oCurText.text += item.aRight[0].val;
} else {
var aRight = this._FormatNumber(denominator, 0, item.aRight.concat(), FormatStates.Slash, cultureInfo);
for (var j = 0, length = aRight.length; j < length; ++j) {
var subitem = aRight[j];
if (numFormat_Text == subitem.type) {
oCurText.text += subitem.val;
} else {
this._AddDigItem(res, oCurText, subitem);
} else {
if (numFormat_Repeat == item.type) {
var oNewFont = new NumFormatFont();
oNewFont.repeat = true;
this._CommitText(res, oCurText, item.val, oNewFont);
} else {
if (numFormat_Skip == item.type) {
var oNewFont = new NumFormatFont();
oNewFont.skip = true;
this._CommitText(res, oCurText, item.val, oNewFont);
} else {
if (numFormat_DateSeparator == item.type) {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.DateSeparator;
} else {
if (numFormat_TimeSeparator == item.type) {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.TimeSeparator;
} else {
if (numFormat_Year == item.type) {
if (item.val == 2) {
oCurText.text += ( + "").substring(2);
} else {
if (item.val == 4) {
oCurText.text +=;
} else {
if (numFormat_Month == item.type) {
var m =;
if (item.val == 1) {
oCurText.text += m + 1;
} else {
if (item.val == 2) {
oCurText.text += this._ZeroPad(m + 1);
} else {
if (item.val == 3) {
if (this.bDay && cultureInfo.AbbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames.length > 0) {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.AbbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames[m];
} else {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.AbbreviatedMonthNames[m];
} else {
if (item.val == 4) {
if (this.bDay && cultureInfo.MonthGenitiveNames.length > 0) {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.MonthGenitiveNames[m];
} else {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.MonthNames[m];
} else {
if (item.val == 5) {
var sMonthName = cultureInfo.MonthNames[m];
if (sMonthName.length > 0) {
oCurText.text += sMonthName[0];
} else {
if (numFormat_Day == item.type) {
if (item.val == 1) {
oCurText.text +=;
} else {
if (item.val == 2) {
oCurText.text += this._ZeroPad(;
} else {
if (item.val == 3) {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.AbbreviatedDayNames[];
} else {
if (item.val == 4) {
oCurText.text += cultureInfo.DayNames[];
} else {
if (numFormat_Hour == item.type) {
var h =;
if (item.bElapsed === true) {
h = * 24 +;
if (this.bTimePeriod === true) {
h = h % 12 || 12;
if (item.val == 1) {
oCurText.text += h;
} else {
if (item.val == 2) {
oCurText.text += this._ZeroPad(h);
} else {
if (numFormat_Minute == item.type) {
var min =;
if (item.bElapsed === true) {
min = * 24 * 60 + * 60 +;
if (item.val == 1) {
oCurText.text += min;
} else {
if (item.val == 2) {
oCurText.text += this._ZeroPad(min);
} else {
if (numFormat_Second == item.type) {
var s =;
if (this.bMillisec === false) {
s = + Math.round( / 1000);
if (item.bElapsed === true) {
s = * 24 * 60 * 60 + * 60 * 60 + * 60 + s;
if (item.val == 1) {
oCurText.text += s;
} else {
if (item.val == 2) {
oCurText.text += this._ZeroPad(s);
} else {
if (numFormat_AmPm == item.type) {
if (cultureInfo.AMDesignator.length > 0 && cultureInfo.PMDesignator.length > 0) {
oCurText.text += ( < 12) ? cultureInfo.AMDesignator : cultureInfo.PMDesignator;
} else {
oCurText.text += ( < 12) ? "AM" : "PM";
} else {
if (numFormat_Milliseconds == item.type) {
var nMsFormatLength = item.format.length;
var dMs =;
if (nMsFormatLength < 3) {
var dTemp = dMs / Math.pow(10, 3 - nMsFormatLength);
dTemp = Math.round(dTemp);
dMs = dTemp * Math.pow(10, 3 - nMsFormatLength);
var nExponent = 0;
if (0 == dMs) {
nExponent = -1;
} else {
if (dMs < 10) {
nExponent = -2;
} else {
if (dMs < 100) {
nExponent = -1;
var aMilSec = this._FormatNumber(dMs, nExponent, item.format.concat(), FormatStates.Frac, cultureInfo);
for (var k = 0; k < aMilSec.length; k++) {
this._AddDigItem(res, oCurText, aMilSec[k]);
this._CommitText(res, oCurText, null, null);
if (0 == res.length) {
res = [{
text: ""
} else {
if (0 == res.length) {
res = [{
text: number
return res;
toString: function (output, nShift) {
var bRes = true;
if (this.bDateTime || this.bSlash || this.bTextFormat || (nShift < 0 && 0 == this.aFracFormat.length)) {
return false;
var nDecLength = this.aDecFormat.length;
var nDecIndex = 0;
var nFracLength = this.aFracFormat.length;
var nFracIndex = 0;
var nNewFracLength = nFracLength + nShift;
if (nNewFracLength < 0) {
nNewFracLength = 0;
var nReadState = FormatStates.Decimal;
var res = "";
var fFormatToString = function (aFormat) {
var res = "";
for (var i = 0, length = aFormat.length; i < length; ++i) {
var item = aFormat[i];
if (numFormat_Digit == item.type) {
if (null != item.val) {
res += item.val;
} else {
res += "0";
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitNoDisp == item.type) {
res += "#";
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitSpace == item.type) {
res += "?";
return res;
if (null != this.Color) {
switch (this.Color) {
case 0:
res += "[Black]";
case 255:
res += "[Blue]";
case 65535:
res += "[Cyan]";
case 65280:
res += "[Green]";
case 16711935:
res += "[Magenta]";
case 16711680:
res += "[Red]";
case 16777215:
res += "[White]";
case 16776960:
res += "[Yellow]";
if (null != this.ComporationOperator) {
switch (this.ComporationOperator.operator) {
case NumComporationOperators.equal:
res += "[=" + this.ComporationOperator.operatorValue + "]";
case NumComporationOperators.greater:
res += "[>" + this.ComporationOperator.operatorValue + "]";
case NumComporationOperators.less:
res += "[<" + this.ComporationOperator.operatorValue + "]";
case NumComporationOperators.greaterorequal:
res += "[>=" + this.ComporationOperator.operatorValue + "]";
case NumComporationOperators.lessorequal:
res += "[<=" + this.ComporationOperator.operatorValue + "]";
case NumComporationOperators.notequal:
res += "[<>" + this.ComporationOperator.operatorValue + "]";
var bAddThousandSep = this.bThousandSep;
var nThousandScale = this.nThousandScale;
var nFormatLength = this.aRawFormat.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nFormatLength; ++i) {
var item = this.aRawFormat[i];
if (numFormat_Bracket == item.type) {
if (null != item.CurrencyString || null != item.Lid) {
res += "[$";
if (null != item.CurrencyString) {
res += item.CurrencyString;
res += "-";
if (null != item.Lid) {
res += item.Lid;
res += "]";
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalPoint == item.type) {
nReadState = FormatStates.Frac;
if (0 != nNewFracLength && 0 != nShift) {
res += gc_sFormatDecimalPoint;
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalPointText == item.type) {
res += gc_sFormatDecimalPoint;
} else {
if (numFormat_Thousand == item.type) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.val; ++j) {
res += gc_sFormatThousandSeparator;
} else {
if (numFormat_Digit == item.type || numFormat_DigitNoDisp == item.type || numFormat_DigitSpace == item.type) {
if (FormatStates.Decimal == nReadState) {
} else {
if (nReadState == FormatStates.Frac && nFracIndex > nNewFracLength) {} else {
var sCurSimbol;
if (numFormat_Digit == item.type) {
sCurSimbol = "0";
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitNoDisp == item.type) {
sCurSimbol = "#";
} else {
if (numFormat_DigitSpace == item.type) {
sCurSimbol = "?";
res += sCurSimbol;
if (nReadState == FormatStates.Frac && nFracIndex == nFracLength) {
for (var j = 0; j < nShift; ++j) {
res += sCurSimbol;
if (0 == nFracLength && nShift > 0 && FormatStates.Decimal == nReadState && nDecIndex == nDecLength) {
res += gc_sFormatDecimalPoint;
for (var j = 0; j < nShift; ++j) {
res += "0";
} else {
if (numFormat_Text == item.type) {
if ("%" == item.val) {
res += item.val;
} else {
res += '"' + item.val + '"';
} else {
if (numFormat_TextPlaceholder == item.type) {
res += "@";
} else {
if (numFormat_Scientific == item.type) {
nReadState = FormatStates.Scientific;
res += item.val;
if (item.sign == SignType.Positive) {
res += "+";
} else {
res += "-";
} else {
if (numFormat_DecimalFrac == item.type) {
res += fFormatToString(item.aLeft);
res += "/";
res += fFormatToString(item.aRight);
} else {
if (numFormat_Repeat == item.type) {
res += "*" + item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_Skip == item.type) {
res += "_" + item.val;
} else {
if (numFormat_DateSeparator == item.type) {
res += "/";
} else {
if (numFormat_TimeSeparator == item.type) {
res += ":";
} else {
if (numFormat_Year == item.type) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.val; ++j) {
res += "y";
} else {
if (numFormat_Month == item.type) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.val; ++j) {
res += "m";
} else {
if (numFormat_Day == item.type) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.val; ++j) {
res += "d";
} else {
if (numFormat_Hour == item.type) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.val; ++j) {
res += "h";
} else {
if (numFormat_Minute == item.type) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.val; ++j) {
res += "m";
} else {
if (numFormat_Second == item.type) {
for (var j = 0; j < item.val; ++j) {
res += "s";
} else {
if (numFormat_AmPm == item.type) {
res += "AM/PM";
} else {
if (numFormat_Milliseconds == item.type) {
res += fFormatToString(item.format);
output.format = res;
return true;
getType: function () {
var nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Custom;
if (this.bGeneral) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.General;
} else {
if (this.bTextFormat) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Text;
} else {
if (this.bDateTime) {
if (this.bDate) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Date;
} else {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Time;
} else {
if (this.nPercent > 0) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Percent;
} else {
if (this.bScientific) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Scientific;
} else {
if (this.bCurrency) {
if (this.bRepeat) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Accounting;
} else {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Currency;
} else {
if (this.bSlash) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Fraction;
} else {
if (this.bNumber) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Number;
} else {
if (this.bInteger) {
nType = c_oAscNumFormatType.Integer;
return nType;
function NumFormatCache() {
this.oNumFormats = {};
NumFormatCache.prototype = {
get: function (format) {
var res = this.oNumFormats[format];
if (null == res) {
res = new CellFormat(format);
this.oNumFormats[format] = res;
return res;
set: function (format) {
var res = new CellFormat(format);
this.oNumFormats[format] = res;
oNumFormatCache = new NumFormatCache();
function CellFormat(format) {
this.sFormat = format;
this.oPositiveFormat = null;
this.oNegativeFormat = null;
this.oNullFormat = null;
this.oTextFormat = null;
this.aComporationFormats = null;
var aFormats = format.split(";");
var nFormatsLength = aFormats.length;
var aParsedFormats = [];
for (var i = 0; i < nFormatsLength; ++i) {
var oNewFormat = new NumFormat(false);
var bComporationOperator = false;
if (nFormatsLength > 0) {
var oFirstFormat = aParsedFormats[0];
if (null != oFirstFormat.ComporationOperator) {
bComporationOperator = true;
if (3 == nFormatsLength) {
var oPositive = null;
var oNegative = null;
var oNull = null;
for (var i = 0; i < nFormatsLength; ++i) {
var oCurFormat = aParsedFormats[i];
if (null == oCurFormat.ComporationOperator) {
if (null == oPositive) {
oPositive = oCurFormat;
} else {
if (null == oNegative) {
oNegative = oCurFormat;
} else {
if (null == oNull) {
oNull = oCurFormat;
} else {
var oComporationOperator = oCurFormat.ComporationOperator;
if (0 == oComporationOperator.operatorValue) {
switch (oComporationOperator.operator) {
case NumComporationOperators.greater:
oPositive = oCurFormat;
case NumComporationOperators.less:
oNegative = oCurFormat;
case NumComporationOperators.equal:
oNull = oCurFormat;
} else {
oPositive = oNegative = oNull = null;
this.oTextFormat = new NumFormat(false);
if (null == oPositive || null == oNegative || null == oNull) {
for (var i = 0, length = aParsedFormats.length; i < length; ++i) {
var oCurFormat = aParsedFormats[i];
if (null == oCurFormat.ComporationOperator) {
oCurFormat.bAddMinusIfNes = true;
} else {
var oComporationOperator = oCurFormat.ComporationOperator;
if (0 < oComporationOperator.operatorValue && (oComporationOperator.operator == NumComporationOperators.less || oComporationOperator.operator == NumComporationOperators.lessorequal)) {
oCurFormat.bAddMinusIfNes = true;
} else {
if (0 > oComporationOperator.operatorValue && (oComporationOperator.operator == NumComporationOperators.greater || oComporationOperator.operator == NumComporationOperators.greaterorequal)) {
oCurFormat.bAddMinusIfNes = true;
this.aComporationFormats = aParsedFormats;
} else {
this.oPositiveFormat = oPositive;
this.oNegativeFormat = oNegative;
this.oNullFormat = oNull;
if (false == bComporationOperator) {
if (4 <= nFormatsLength) {
this.oPositiveFormat = aParsedFormats[0];
this.oNegativeFormat = aParsedFormats[1];
this.oNullFormat = aParsedFormats[2];
this.oTextFormat = aParsedFormats[3];
} else {
if (3 == nFormatsLength) {
this.oPositiveFormat = aParsedFormats[0];
this.oNegativeFormat = aParsedFormats[1];
this.oNullFormat = aParsedFormats[2];
this.oTextFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
if (this.oNullFormat.bTextFormat) {
this.oTextFormat = this.oNullFormat;
this.oNullFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
} else {
if (2 == nFormatsLength) {
this.oPositiveFormat = aParsedFormats[0];
this.oNegativeFormat = aParsedFormats[1];
this.oNullFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
this.oTextFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
if (this.oNegativeFormat.bTextFormat) {
this.oTextFormat = this.oNegativeFormat;
this.oNegativeFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
} else {
this.oPositiveFormat = aParsedFormats[0];
this.oPositiveFormat.bAddMinusIfNes = true;
this.oNegativeFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
this.oNullFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
this.oTextFormat = this.oPositiveFormat;
this.formatCache = {};
CellFormat.prototype = {
isTextFormat: function () {
if (null != this.oPositiveFormat) {
return this.oPositiveFormat.bTextFormat;
} else {
if (null != this.aComporationFormats && this.aComporationFormats.length > 0) {
return this.aComporationFormats[0].bTextFormat;
return false;
isGeneralFormat: function () {
if (null != this.oPositiveFormat) {
return this.oPositiveFormat.bGeneral;
} else {
if (null != this.aComporationFormats && this.aComporationFormats.length > 0) {
return this.aComporationFormats[0].bGeneral;
return false;
isDateTimeFormat: function () {
if (null != this.oPositiveFormat) {
return this.oPositiveFormat.bDateTime;
} else {
if (null != this.aComporationFormats && this.aComporationFormats.length > 0) {
return this.aComporationFormats[0].bDateTime;
return false;
getTextFormat: function () {
var oRes = null;
if (null == this.aComporationFormats) {
if (null != this.oTextFormat && this.oTextFormat.bTextFormat) {
oRes = this.oTextFormat;
} else {
for (var i = 0, length = this.aComporationFormats.length; i < length; ++i) {
var oCurFormat = this.aComporationFormats[i];
if (null == oCurFormat.ComporationOperator && oCurFormat.bTextFormat) {
oRes = oCurFormat;
return oRes;
getFormatByValue: function (dNumber) {
var oRes = null;
if (null == this.aComporationFormats) {
if (dNumber > 0 && null != this.oPositiveFormat) {
oRes = this.oPositiveFormat;
} else {
if (dNumber < 0 && null != this.oNegativeFormat) {
oRes = this.oNegativeFormat;
} else {
if (null != this.oNullFormat) {
oRes = this.oNullFormat;
} else {
var nLength = this.aComporationFormats.length;
var oDefaultComporationFormat = null;
for (var i = 0, length = nLength; i < length; ++i) {
var oCurFormat = this.aComporationFormats[i];
if (null != oCurFormat.ComporationOperator) {
var bOperationResult = false;
var oOperationValue = oCurFormat.ComporationOperator.operatorValue;
switch (oCurFormat.ComporationOperator.operator) {
case NumComporationOperators.equal:
bOperationResult = (dNumber == oOperationValue);
case NumComporationOperators.greater:
bOperationResult = (dNumber > oOperationValue);
case NumComporationOperators.less:
bOperationResult = (dNumber < oOperationValue);
case NumComporationOperators.greaterorequal:
bOperationResult = (dNumber >= oOperationValue);
case NumComporationOperators.lessorequal:
bOperationResult = (dNumber <= oOperationValue);
case NumComporationOperators.notequal:
bOperationResult = (dNumber != oOperationValue);
if (true == bOperationResult) {
oRes = oCurFormat;
} else {
if (null == oDefaultComporationFormat) {
oDefaultComporationFormat = oCurFormat;
if (null == oRes && null != oDefaultComporationFormat) {
oRes = oDefaultComporationFormat;
return oRes;
format: function (number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult, bChart) {
var res = null;
if (null == bChart) {
bChart = false;
var cacheVal = this.formatCache[number];
var cacheType = null;
var cacheRes = null;
if (null != cacheVal) {
cacheType = cacheVal[nValType];
if (null != cacheType) {
cacheRes = cacheType[dDigitsCount];
if (null != cacheRes) {
if (bChart) {
res = cacheRes.chart;
} else {
res = cacheRes.nochart;
if (null != res) {
return res;
res = [{
text: number
var dNumber = number - 0;
var oFormat = null;
if (CellValueType.String != nValType && number == dNumber) {
oFormat = this.getFormatByValue(dNumber);
if (null != oFormat) {
res = oFormat.format(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult, null, bChart);
} else {
if (null != this.aComporationFormats) {
var oNewFont = new NumFormatFont();
oNewFont.repeat = true;
res = [{
text: "#",
format: oNewFont
} else {
if (null != this.oTextFormat) {
oFormat = this.oTextFormat;
res = oFormat.format(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, oAdditionalResult, null, bChart);
if (null == cacheVal) {
cacheVal = {};
this.formatCache[number] = cacheVal;
if (null == cacheType) {
cacheType = {};
cacheVal[nValType] = cacheType;
if (null == cacheRes) {
cacheRes = {
chart: null,
nochart: null
cacheType[dDigitsCount] = cacheRes;
if (null != oFormat && oFormat.bGeneralChart) {
if (bChart) {
cacheRes.chart = res;
} else {
cacheRes.nochart = res;
} else {
cacheRes.chart = res;
cacheRes.nochart = res;
return res;
shiftFormat: function (output, nShift) {
var bRes = false;
var bCurRes = true;
if (null == this.aComporationFormats) {
bCurRes = this.oPositiveFormat.toString(output, nShift);
if (false == bCurRes) {
output.format = this.oPositiveFormat.formatString;
bRes |= bCurRes;
if (null != this.oNegativeFormat && this.oPositiveFormat != this.oNegativeFormat) {
var oTempOutput = {};
bCurRes = this.oNegativeFormat.toString(oTempOutput, nShift);
if (false == bCurRes) {
output.format += ";" + this.oNegativeFormat.formatString;
} else {
output.format += ";" + oTempOutput.format;
bRes |= bCurRes;
if (null != this.oNullFormat && this.oPositiveFormat != this.oNullFormat) {
var oTempOutput = {};
bCurRes = this.oNullFormat.toString(oTempOutput, nShift);
if (false == bCurRes) {
output.format += ";" + this.oNullFormat.formatString;
} else {
output.format += ";" + oTempOutput.format;
bRes |= bCurRes;
if (null != this.oTextFormat && this.oPositiveFormat != this.oTextFormat) {
var oTempOutput = {};
bCurRes = this.oTextFormat.toString(oTempOutput, nShift);
if (false == bCurRes) {
output.format += ";" + this.oTextFormat.formatString;
} else {
output.format += ";" + oTempOutput.format;
bRes |= bCurRes;
} else {
var length = this.aComporationFormats.length;
output.format = "";
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
var oTempOutput = {};
var oCurFormat = this.aComporationFormats[i];
var bCurRes = oCurFormat.toString(oTempOutput, nShift);
if (0 != i) {
output.format += ";";
if (false == bCurRes) {
output.format += oCurFormat.formatString;
} else {
output.format += oTempOutput.format;
bRes |= bCurRes;
return bRes;
formatToMathInfo: function (number, nValType, dDigitsCount) {
return this._formatToText(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, false);
formatToChart: function (number) {
return this._formatToText(number, CellValueType.Number, gc_nMaxDigCount, true);
_formatToText: function (number, nValType, dDigitsCount, bChart) {
var result = "";
var arrFormat = this.format(number, nValType, dDigitsCount, null, bChart);
for (var i = 0, item; i < arrFormat.length; ++i) {
item = arrFormat[i];
if (item.format) {
if (item.format.repeat) {
if (item.format.skip) {
result += " ";
if (item.text) {
result += item.text;
return result;
getType: function () {
if (null != this.oPositiveFormat) {
return this.oPositiveFormat.getType();
} else {
if (null != this.aComporationFormats && this.aComporationFormats.length > 0) {
return this.aComporationFormats[0].getType();
return c_oAscNumFormatType.General;
var oDecodeGeneralFormatCache = {};
function DecodeGeneralFormat(val, nValType, dDigitsCount) {
var cacheVal = oDecodeGeneralFormatCache[val];
if (null != cacheVal) {
cacheVal = cacheVal[nValType];
if (null != cacheVal) {
cacheVal = cacheVal[dDigitsCount];
if (null != cacheVal) {
return cacheVal;
var res = DecodeGeneralFormat_Raw(val, nValType, dDigitsCount);
var cacheVal = oDecodeGeneralFormatCache[val];
if (null == cacheVal) {
cacheVal = {};
oDecodeGeneralFormatCache[val] = cacheVal;
var cacheType = cacheVal[nValType];
if (null == cacheType) {
cacheType = {};
cacheVal[nValType] = cacheType;
cacheType[dDigitsCount] = res;
return res;
function DecodeGeneralFormat_Raw(val, nValType, dDigitsCount) {
if (CellValueType.String == nValType) {
return "@";
var number = val - 0;
if (number != val) {
return "@";
if (0 == number) {
return "0";
var nDigitsCount;
if (null == dDigitsCount || dDigitsCount > gc_nMaxDigCountView) {
nDigitsCount = gc_nMaxDigCountView;
} else {
nDigitsCount = parseInt(dDigitsCount);
if (number < 0) {
number = -number;
if (nDigitsCount < 1) {
return "0";
var bContinue = true;
var parts = getNumberParts(number);
while (bContinue) {
bContinue = false;
var nRealExp = gc_nMaxDigCount + parts.exponent;
var nRealExpAbs = Math.abs(nRealExp);
var nExpMinDigitsCount;
if (nRealExpAbs < 100) {
nExpMinDigitsCount = 4;
} else {
nExpMinDigitsCount = 2 + nRealExpAbs.toString().length;
var suffix = "";
if (nRealExp > 0) {
if (nRealExp > nDigitsCount) {
if (nDigitsCount >= nExpMinDigitsCount + 1) {
suffix = "E+";
for (var i = 2; i < nExpMinDigitsCount; ++i) {
suffix += "0";
nDigitsCount -= nExpMinDigitsCount;
} else {
return "0";
} else {
var nVarian1 = nDigitsCount - 2 + nRealExp;
var nVarian2 = nDigitsCount - nExpMinDigitsCount;
if (nVarian2 > 2) {
} else {
if (nVarian2 > 0) {
nVarian2 = 1;
if (nVarian1 <= 0 && nVarian2 <= 0) {
return "0";
if (nVarian1 < nVarian2) {
var bUseVarian1 = false;
if (nVarian1 > 0 && 0 == (parts.mantissa % Math.pow(10, gc_nMaxDigCount - nVarian1))) {
bUseVarian1 = true;
if (false == bUseVarian1) {
if (nDigitsCount >= nExpMinDigitsCount + 1) {
suffix = "E+";
for (var i = 2; i < nExpMinDigitsCount; ++i) {
suffix += "0";
nDigitsCount -= nExpMinDigitsCount;
} else {
return "0";
var dec_num_digits = nRealExp;
if (suffix) {
dec_num_digits = 1;
var nRoundDigCount = 0;
if (dec_num_digits <= 0) {
var nTemp = nDigitsCount + dec_num_digits - 2;
if (nTemp > 0) {
nRoundDigCount = nTemp;
} else {
if (dec_num_digits < gc_nMaxDigCount) {
if (dec_num_digits <= nDigitsCount) {
if (dec_num_digits + 1 < nDigitsCount) {
nRoundDigCount = nDigitsCount - 1;
} else {
nRoundDigCount = dec_num_digits;
if (nRoundDigCount > 0) {
var nTemp = Math.pow(10, gc_nMaxDigCount - nRoundDigCount);
number = Math.round(parts.mantissa / nTemp) * nTemp * Math.pow(10, parts.exponent);
var oNewParts = getNumberParts(number);
if (oNewParts.exponent != parts.exponent) {
bContinue = true;
} else {
bContinue = false;
parts = oNewParts;
var frac_num_digits;
if (dec_num_digits > 0) {
frac_num_digits = nDigitsCount - 1 - dec_num_digits;
} else {
frac_num_digits = nDigitsCount - 2 + dec_num_digits;
if (frac_num_digits > 0) {
var sTempNumber = parts.mantissa.toString();
var sTempNumber;
if (dec_num_digits > 0) {
sTempNumber = sTempNumber.substring(dec_num_digits, dec_num_digits + frac_num_digits);
} else {
sTempNumber = sTempNumber.substring(0, frac_num_digits);
var nTempNumberLength = sTempNumber.length;
var nreal_frac_num_digits = frac_num_digits;
for (var i = frac_num_digits - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if ("0" == sTempNumber[i]) {
} else {
frac_num_digits = nreal_frac_num_digits;
if (dec_num_digits < 0) {
frac_num_digits += (-dec_num_digits);
if (frac_num_digits <= 0) {
return "0" + suffix;
var number_format_string = "0" + gc_sFormatDecimalPoint;
for (var i = 0; i < frac_num_digits; ++i) {
number_format_string += "0";
number_format_string += suffix;
return number_format_string;
function GeneralEditFormatCache() {
this.oCache = {};
GeneralEditFormatCache.prototype = {
format: function (number, cultureInfo) {
if (null == cultureInfo) {
cultureInfo = g_oDefaultCultureInfo;
var value = this.oCache[number];
if (null == value) {
if (0 == number) {
value = "0";
} else {
var sRes = "";
var parts = getNumberParts(number);
var nRealExp = gc_nMaxDigCount + parts.exponent;
if (parts.exponent >= 0) {
if (nRealExp <= 21) {
sRes = parts.mantissa.toString();
for (var i = 0; i < parts.exponent; ++i) {
sRes += "0";
} else {
sRes = this._removeTileZeros(parts.mantissa.toString(), cultureInfo);
if (sRes.length > 1) {
var temp = sRes.substring(0, 1);
temp += cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator;
temp += sRes.substring(1);
sRes = temp;
sRes += "E+" + (nRealExp - 1);
} else {
if (nRealExp > 0) {
sRes = parts.mantissa.toString();
if (sRes.length > nRealExp) {
var temp = sRes.substring(0, nRealExp);
temp += cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator;
temp += sRes.substring(nRealExp);
sRes = temp;
sRes = this._removeTileZeros(sRes, cultureInfo);
} else {
if (nRealExp >= -18) {
sRes = "0";
sRes += cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator;
for (var i = 0; i < -nRealExp; ++i) {
sRes += "0";
var sTemp = parts.mantissa.toString();
sTemp = sTemp.substring(0, 19 + nRealExp);
sRes += this._removeTileZeros(sTemp, cultureInfo);
} else {
sRes = parts.mantissa.toString();
if (sRes.length > 1) {
var temp = sRes.substring(0, 1);
temp += cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator;
temp += sRes.substring(1);
temp = this._removeTileZeros(temp, cultureInfo);
sRes = temp;
sRes += "E-" + (1 - nRealExp);
if (SignType.Negative == parts.sign) {
value = "-" + sRes;
} else {
value = sRes;
this.oCache[number] = value;
return value;
_removeTileZeros: function (val, cultureInfo) {
var res = val;
var nLength = val.length;
var nLastNoZero = nLength - 1;
for (var i = val.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
nLastNoZero = i;
if ("0" != val[i]) {
if (nLastNoZero != nLength - 1) {
if (cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator == res[nLastNoZero]) {
res = res.substring(0, nLastNoZero);
} else {
res = res.substring(0, nLastNoZero + 1);
return res;
var oGeneralEditFormatCache = new GeneralEditFormatCache();
function FormatParser() {
this.aCurrencyRegexp = {};
this.aThouthandRegexp = {};
this.days = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
this.daysLeap = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
this.bFormatMonthFirst = true;
FormatParser.prototype = {
isLocaleNumber: function (val, cultureInfo) {
if (null == cultureInfo) {
cultureInfo = g_oDefaultCultureInfo;
if ("." != cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator) {
val = val.replace(".", "q");
val = val.replace(cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator, ".");
return Asc.isNumberInfinity(val);
parseLocaleNumber: function (val, cultureInfo) {
if (null == cultureInfo) {
cultureInfo = g_oDefaultCultureInfo;
if ("." != cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator) {
val = val.replace(".", "q");
val = val.replace(cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator, ".");
return val - 0;
parse: function (value, cultureInfo) {
if (null == cultureInfo) {
cultureInfo = g_oDefaultCultureInfo;
var res = null;
var bError = false;
if (" " == cultureInfo.NumberGroupSeparator) {
value = value.replace(new RegExp(String.fromCharCode(160), "g"));
var rx_thouthand = this.aThouthandRegexp[cultureInfo.LCID];
if (null == rx_thouthand) {
rx_thouthand = new RegExp("^(([ \\+\\-%\\$€£¥\\(]|" + escapeRegExp(cultureInfo.CurrencySymbol) + ")*)((\\d+" + escapeRegExp(cultureInfo.NumberGroupSeparator) + "\\d+)*\\d*" + escapeRegExp(cultureInfo.NumberDecimalSeparator) + "?\\d*)(([ %\\)]|р.|" + escapeRegExp(cultureInfo.CurrencySymbol) + ")*)$");
this.aThouthandRegexp[cultureInfo.LCID] = rx_thouthand;
var match = value.match(rx_thouthand);
if (null != match) {
var sBefore = match[1];
var sVal = match[3];
var sAfter = match[5];
var oChartCount = {};
if (null != sBefore) {
this._parseStringLetters(sBefore, cultureInfo.CurrencySymbol, true, oChartCount);
if (null != sAfter) {
this._parseStringLetters(sAfter, cultureInfo.CurrencySymbol, false, oChartCount);
var bMinus = false;
var bPercent = false;
var sCurrency = null;
var oCurrencyElem = null;
var nBracket = 0;
for (var sChar in oChartCount) {
var elem = oChartCount[sChar];
if (" " == sChar) {
} else {
if ("+" == sChar) {
if (elem.all > 1) {
bError = true;
} else {
if ("-" == sChar) {
if (elem.all > 1) {
bError = true;
} else {
bMinus = true;
} else {
if ("-" == sChar) {
if (elem.all > 1) {
bError = true;
} else {
bMinus = true;
} else {
if ("(" == sChar) {
if (1 == elem.all && 1 == elem.before) {
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
if (")" == sChar) {
if (1 == elem.all && 1 == elem.after) {
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
if ("%" == sChar) {
if (1 == elem.all) {
bPercent = true;
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
if (null == sCurrency && 1 == elem.all) {
sCurrency = sChar;
oCurrencyElem = elem;
} else {
bError = true;
if (nBracket > 0) {
if (2 == nBracket) {
bMinus = true;
} else {
bError = true;
var CurrencyNegativePattern = cultureInfo.CurrencyNegativePattern;
if (null != sCurrency) {
if (sCurrency == cultureInfo.CurrencySymbol) {
var nPattern = cultureInfo.CurrencyNegativePattern;
if (0 == nPattern || 1 == nPattern || 2 == nPattern || 3 == nPattern || 9 == nPattern || 11 == nPattern || 12 == nPattern || 14 == nPattern) {
if (1 != oCurrencyElem.before) {
bError = true;
} else {
if (1 != oCurrencyElem.after) {
bError = true;
} else {
if (-1 != "$€£¥".indexOf(sCurrency)) {
if (1 == oCurrencyElem.before) {
CurrencyNegativePattern = 0;
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
if (-1 != "р.".indexOf(sCurrency)) {
if (1 == oCurrencyElem.after) {
CurrencyNegativePattern = 5;
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
bError = true;
if (!bError) {
var oVal = this._parseThouthand(sVal, cultureInfo);
if (oVal) {
res = {
format: null,
value: null,
bDateTime: false,
bDate: false,
bTime: false,
bPercent: false,
bCurrency: false
var dVal = oVal.number;
if (bMinus) {
dVal = -dVal;
var sFracFormat = "";
if (parseInt(dVal) != dVal) {
sFracFormat = gc_sFormatDecimalPoint + "00";
var sFormat = null;
if (bPercent) {
res.bPercent = true;
dVal /= 100;
sFormat = "0" + sFracFormat + "%";
} else {
if (sCurrency) {
res.bCurrency = true;
var sNumberFormat = "#" + gc_sFormatThousandSeparator + "##0" + sFracFormat;
var sCurrencyFormat;
if (sCurrency.length > 1) {
sCurrencyFormat = '"' + sCurrency + '"';
} else {
sCurrencyFormat = "\\" + sCurrency;
var sPositivePattern;
var sNegativePattern;
switch (CurrencyNegativePattern) {
case 0:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + sNumberFormat + "_)";
sNegativePattern = "[Red](" + sCurrencyFormat + sNumberFormat + ")";
case 1:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + sNumberFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]-" + sCurrencyFormat + sNumberFormat;
case 2:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + sNumberFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sCurrencyFormat + "-" + sNumberFormat;
case 3:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + sNumberFormat + "_-";
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sCurrencyFormat + sNumberFormat + "-";
case 4:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + sCurrencyFormat + "_)";
sNegativePattern = "[Red](" + sNumberFormat + sCurrencyFormat + ")";
case 5:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + sCurrencyFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]-" + sNumberFormat + sCurrencyFormat;
case 6:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + "-" + sCurrencyFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sNumberFormat + "-" + sCurrencyFormat;
case 7:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + sCurrencyFormat + "_-";
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sNumberFormat + sCurrencyFormat + "-";
case 8:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + " " + sCurrencyFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]-" + sNumberFormat + " " + sCurrencyFormat;
case 9:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + " " + sNumberFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]-" + sCurrencyFormat + " " + sNumberFormat;
case 10:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + " " + sCurrencyFormat + "_-";
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sNumberFormat + " " + sCurrencyFormat + "-";
case 11:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + " " + sNumberFormat + "_-";
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sCurrencyFormat + " " + sNumberFormat + "-";
case 12:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + " " + sNumberFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sCurrencyFormat + " -" + sNumberFormat;
case 13:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + " " + sCurrencyFormat;
sNegativePattern = "[Red]" + sNumberFormat + "- " + sCurrencyFormat;
case 14:
sPositivePattern = sCurrencyFormat + " " + sNumberFormat + "_)";
sNegativePattern = "[Red](" + sCurrencyFormat + " " + sNumberFormat + ")";
case 15:
sPositivePattern = sNumberFormat + " " + sCurrencyFormat + "_)";
sNegativePattern = "[Red](" + sNumberFormat + " " + sCurrencyFormat + ")";
sFormat = sPositivePattern + ";" + sNegativePattern;
} else {
if (oVal.thouthand) {
sFormat = "#" + gc_sFormatThousandSeparator + "##0" + sFracFormat;
} else {
sFormat = "General";
res.format = sFormat;
res.value = dVal;
if (null == res && !bError) {
res = this.parseDate(value, cultureInfo);
return res;
_parseStringLetters: function (sVal, currencySymbol, bBefore, oRes) {
var aTemp = ["р.", currencySymbol];
for (var i = 0, length = aTemp.length; i < length; i++) {
var sChar = aTemp[i];
var nIndex = -1;
var nCount = 0;
while (-1 != (nIndex = sVal.indexOf(sChar, nIndex + 1))) {
if (nCount > 0) {
sVal = sVal.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(sChar), "g"), "");
var elem = oRes[sChar];
if (!elem) {
elem = {
before: 0,
after: 0,
all: 0
oRes[sChar] = elem;
if (bBefore) {
elem.before += nCount;
} else {
elem.after += nCount;
elem.all += nCount;
for (var i = 0, length = sVal.length; i < length; i++) {
var sChar = sVal[i];
var elem = oRes[sChar];
if (!elem) {
elem = {
before: 0,
after: 0,
all: 0
oRes[sChar] = elem;
if (bBefore) {
} else {
_parseThouthand: function (val, cultureInfo) {
var oRes = null;
var bThouthand = false;
var sReverseVal = "";
for (var i = val.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
sReverseVal += val[i];
var nGroupSizeIndex = 0;
var nGroupSize = cultureInfo.NumberGroupSizes[nGroupSizeIndex];
var nPrevIndex = 0;
var nIndex = -1;
var bError = false;
while (-1 != (nIndex = sReverseVal.indexOf(cultureInfo.NumberGroupSeparator, nIndex + 1))) {
var nCurLength = nIndex - nPrevIndex;
if (nCurLength < nGroupSize) {
bError = true;
if (nGroupSizeIndex < cultureInfo.NumberGroupSizes.length - 1) {
nGroupSize = cultureInfo.NumberGroupSizes[nGroupSizeIndex];
nPrevIndex = nIndex + 1;
if (!bError) {
if (0 != nPrevIndex) {
if (nPrevIndex < val.length && parseInt(val.substr(0, val.length - nPrevIndex)) > 0) {
val = val.replace(new RegExp(escapeRegExp(cultureInfo.NumberGroupSeparator), "g"), "");
bThouthand = true;
if (Asc.isNumber(val)) {
var dNumber = parseFloat(val);
if (!isNaN(dNumber)) {
oRes = {
number: dNumber,
thouthand: bThouthand
return oRes;
_parseDateFromArray: function (match, oDataTypes, cultureInfo) {
var res = null;
var bError = false;
for (var i = 0, length = match.length; i < length; i++) {
var elem = match[i];
if (elem.type == oDataTypes.delimiter) {
bError = true;
if (i - 1 >= 0 && i + 1 < length) {
var prev = match[i - 1];
var next = match[i + 1];
if (prev.type != oDataTypes.delimiter && next.type != oDataTypes.delimite) {
if (cultureInfo.TimeSeparator == elem.val || (":" == elem.val && cultureInfo.DateSeparator != elem.val)) {
if (false == && false == {
bError = false;
prev.time = true;
next.time = true;
} else {
if (false == prev.time && false == next.time) {
bError = false; = true; = true;
} else {
if (i - 1 >= 0 && i + 1 == length) {
var prev = match[i - 1];
if (prev.type != oDataTypes.delimiter) {
if (cultureInfo.TimeSeparator == elem.val || (":" == elem.val && cultureInfo.DateSeparator != elem.val)) {
if (false == {
bError = false;
prev.time = true;
if (bError) {
if (!bError) {
for (var i = 0, length = match.length; i < length; i++) {
var elem = match[i];
if (elem.type == oDataTypes.letter) {
var valLower = elem.val.toLowerCase();
if ( || {
if (i - 1 >= 0) {
var prev = match[i - 1];
if (oDataTypes.digit == prev.type && false == {
prev.time = true;
if (i + 1 != length) {
bError = true;
} else {
if (null != elem.month) {
if (i - 1 >= 0) {
var prev = match[i - 1];
if (oDataTypes.digit == prev.type && false == prev.time) { = true;
if (i + 1 < length) {
var next = match[i + 1];
if (oDataTypes.digit == next.type && false == next.time) { = true;
} else {
bError = true;
if (bError) {
if (!bError) {
var aDate = [];
var nMonthIndex = null;
var sMonthFormat = null;
var aTime = [];
var am = false;
var pm = false;
for (var i = 0, length = match.length; i < length; i++) {
var elem = match[i];
if ( {
if (elem.type == oDataTypes.digit) {
} else {
if (elem.type == oDataTypes.letter && null != elem.month) {
nMonthIndex = aDate.length;
sMonthFormat = elem.month.format;
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
if (elem.time) {
if (elem.type == oDataTypes.digit) {
} else {
if (elem.type == oDataTypes.letter && ( || {
am =;
pm =;
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
if (oDataTypes.digit == elem.type) {
bError = true;
var nDateLength = aDate.length;
if (nDateLength > 0 && !(2 <= nDateLength && nDateLength <= 3 && (null == nMonthIndex || (3 == nDateLength && 1 == nMonthIndex) || 2 == nDateLength))) {
bError = true;
var nTimeLength = aTime.length;
if (nTimeLength > 3) {
bError = true;
if (!bError) {
res = {
d: null,
m: null,
y: null,
h: null,
min: null,
s: null,
am: am,
pm: pm,
sDateFormat: null
if (nDateLength > 0) {
var nIndexD = cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern.indexOf("0");
var nIndexM = cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern.indexOf("1");
var nIndexY = cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern.indexOf("2");
if (null != nMonthIndex) {
if (2 == nDateLength) {
res.d = aDate[nDateLength - 1 - nMonthIndex];
res.m = aDate[nMonthIndex];
if (this.isValidDate((new Date()).getFullYear(), res.m - 1, res.d)) {
res.sDateFormat = "d-mmm";
} else {
if ("012" != cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern && this.isValidDate((new Date()).getFullYear(), res.d - 1, res.m)) {
res.sDateFormat = "d-mmm";
var temp = res.d;
res.d = res.m;
res.m = temp;
} else {
if (0 == nMonthIndex) {
res.sDateFormat = "mmm-yy";
res.d = null;
res.m = aDate[0];
res.y = aDate[1];
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
res.sDateFormat = "d-mmm-yy";
res.d = aDate[0];
res.m = aDate[1];
res.y = aDate[2];
} else {
if (2 == nDateLength) {
if (nIndexD < nIndexM) {
res.d = aDate[0];
res.m = aDate[1];
} else {
res.m = aDate[0];
res.d = aDate[1];
if (this.isValidDate((new Date()).getFullYear(), res.m - 1, res.d)) {
res.sDateFormat = "d-mmm";
} else {
if ("210" == cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern && this.isValidDate((new Date()).getFullYear(), res.d - 1, res.m)) {
res.sDateFormat = "d-mmm";
var temp = res.d;
res.d = res.m;
res.m = temp;
} else {
res.sDateFormat = "mmm-yy";
res.d = null;
if (nIndexM < nIndexY) {
res.m = aDate[0];
res.y = aDate[1];
} else {
res.y = aDate[0];
res.m = aDate[1];
} else {
var sFormat = "";
for (var i = 0, length = cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern.length; i < length; i++) {
var nIndex = cultureInfo.ShortDatePattern[i] - 0;
var val = aDate[i];
if (0 != i) {
sFormat += "/";
if (0 == nIndex) {
res.d = val;
sFormat += "d";
} else {
if (1 == nIndex) {
res.m = val;
sFormat += "m";
} else {
if (2 == nIndex) {
res.y = val;
sFormat += "yyyy";
res.sDateFormat = sFormat;
if (null != res.y) {
if (res.y < 30) {
res.y = 2000 + res.y;
} else {
if (res.y < 100) {
res.y = 1900 + res.y;
if (nTimeLength > 0) {
res.h = aTime[0];
if (nTimeLength > 1) {
res.min = aTime[1];
if (nTimeLength > 2) {
res.s = aTime[2];
if (bError) {
res = null;
return res;
strcmp: function (s1, s2, index1, length, index2) {
if (null == index2) {
index2 = 0;
var bRes = true;
for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (s1[index1 + i] != s2[index2 + i]) {
bRes = false;
return bRes;
parseDate: function (value, cultureInfo) {
var res = null;
var match = [];
var sCurValue = null;
var oCurDataType = null;
var oPrevType = null;
var bAmPm = false;
var bMonth = false;
var bError = false;
var oDataTypes = {
letter: {
id: 0,
min: 2,
max: 9
digit: {
id: 1,
min: 1,
max: 4
delimiter: {
id: 2,
min: 1,
max: 1
space: {
id: 3,
min: null,
max: null
var valueLower = value.toLowerCase();
for (var i = 0, length = value.length; i < length; i++) {
var sChar = value[i];
var oDataType = null;
if ("0" <= sChar && sChar <= "9") {
oDataType = oDataTypes.digit;
} else {
if (" " == sChar) {
oDataType =;
} else {
if ("/" == sChar || "-" == sChar || ":" == sChar || cultureInfo.DateSeparator == sChar || cultureInfo.TimeSeparator == sChar) {
oDataType = oDataTypes.delimiter;
} else {
oDataType = oDataTypes.letter;
if (null != oDataType) {
if (null == oCurDataType) {
sCurValue = sChar;
} else {
if (oCurDataType == oDataType) {
if (null == oCurDataType.max || sCurValue.length < oCurDataType.max) {
sCurValue += sChar;
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
if (null == oCurDataType.min || sCurValue.length >= oCurDataType.min) {
if ( != oCurDataType) {
var oNewElem = {
val: sCurValue,
type: oCurDataType,
month: null,
am: false,
pm: false,
date: false,
time: false
if (oDataTypes.digit == oCurDataType) {
oNewElem.val = oNewElem.val - 0;
sCurValue = sChar;
oPrevType = oCurDataType;
} else {
bError = true;
oCurDataType = oDataType;
} else {
bError = true;
if (oDataTypes.letter == oDataType) {
var oNewElem = {
val: sCurValue,
type: oCurDataType,
month: null,
am: false,
pm: false,
date: false,
time: false
var bAm = false;
var bPm = false;
if (!bAmPm && ((bAm = this.strcmp(valueLower, "am", i, 2)) || (bPm = this.strcmp(valueLower, "pm", i, 2)))) {
bAmPm = true; = bAm; = bPm;
oNewElem.time = true;
i += 2 - 1;
if (oPrevType != {
bError = true;
} else {
if (!bMonth) {
bMonth = true;
var aArraysToCheck = [{
arr: cultureInfo.AbbreviatedMonthNames,
format: "mmm"
arr: cultureInfo.MonthNames,
format: "mmmm"
var bFound = false;
for (var index in aArraysToCheck) {
var aArrayTemp = aArraysToCheck[index];
for (var j = 0, length2 = aArrayTemp.arr.length; j < length2; j++) {
var sCmpVal = aArrayTemp.arr[j].toLowerCase();
var sCmpValCrop = sCmpVal.replace(/\./g, "");
var bCrop = false;
if (this.strcmp(valueLower, sCmpVal, i, sCmpVal.length) || (bCrop = (sCmpVal != sCmpValCrop && this.strcmp(valueLower, sCmpValCrop, i, sCmpValCrop.length)))) {
bFound = true;
oNewElem.month = {
val: j + 1,
format: aArrayTemp.format
}; = true;
if (bCrop) {
i += sCmpValCrop.length - 1;
} else {
i += sCmpVal.length - 1;
if (bFound) {
if (bFound) {
} else {
bError = true;
} else {
bError = true;
oCurDataType = null;
sCurValue = null;
if (bError) {
match = null;
if (null != match && null != sCurValue) {
if ( != oCurDataType) {
var oNewElem = {
val: sCurValue,
type: oCurDataType,
month: null,
am: false,
pm: false,
date: false,
time: false
if (oDataTypes.digit == oCurDataType) {
oNewElem.val = oNewElem.val - 0;
if (null != match && match.length > 0) {
var oParsedDate = this._parseDateFromArray(match, oDataTypes, cultureInfo);
if (null != oParsedDate) {
var d = oParsedDate.d;
var m = oParsedDate.m;
var y = oParsedDate.y;
var h = oParsedDate.h;
var min = oParsedDate.min;
var s = oParsedDate.s;
var am =;
var pm =;
var sDateFormat = oParsedDate.sDateFormat;
var bDate = false;
var bTime = false;
var nDay;
var nMounth;
var nYear;
if (g_bDate1904) {
nDay = 1;
nMounth = 0;
nYear = 1904;
} else {
nDay = 31;
nMounth = 11;
nYear = 1899;
var nHour = 0;
var nMinute = 0;
var nSecond = 0;
var dValue = 0;
var bValidDate = true;
if (null != m && (null != d || null != y)) {
bDate = true;
var oNowDate;
if (null != d) {
nDay = d - 0;
} else {
nDay = 1;
nMounth = m - 1;
if (null != y) {
nYear = y - 0;
} else {
oNowDate = new Date();
nYear = oNowDate.getFullYear();
bValidDate = this.isValidDate(nYear, nMounth, nDay);
if (null != h) {
bTime = true;
nHour = h - 0;
if (am || pm) {
if (nHour <= 23) {
nHour = nHour % 12;
if (pm) {
nHour += 12;
} else {
bValidDate = false;
if (null != min) {
nMinute = min - 0;
if (nMinute > 59) {
bValidDate = false;
if (null != s) {
nSecond = s - 0;
if (nSecond > 59) {
bValidDate = false;
if (true == bValidDate && (true == bDate || true == bTime)) {
if (g_bDate1904) {
dValue = (Date.UTC(nYear, nMounth, nDay, nHour, nMinute, nSecond) - Date.UTC(1904, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)) / (86400 * 1000);
} else {
if (1900 < nYear || (1900 == nYear && 1 < nMounth)) {
dValue = (Date.UTC(nYear, nMounth, nDay, nHour, nMinute, nSecond) - Date.UTC(1899, 11, 30, 0, 0, 0)) / (86400 * 1000);
} else {
if (1900 == nYear && 1 == nMounth && 29 == nDay) {
dValue = 60;
} else {
dValue = (Date.UTC(nYear, nMounth, nDay, nHour, nMinute, nSecond) - Date.UTC(1899, 11, 31, 0, 0, 0)) / (86400 * 1000);
if (dValue > 0) {
var sFormat;
if (true == bDate && true == bTime) {
sFormat = sDateFormat + " h:mm:ss";
if (am || pm) {
sFormat += " AM/PM";
} else {
if (true == bDate) {
sFormat = sDateFormat;
} else {
if (dValue > 1) {
sFormat = "[h]:mm:ss";
} else {
if (am || pm) {
sFormat = "h:mm:ss AM/PM";
} else {
sFormat = "h:mm:ss";
res = {
format: sFormat,
value: dValue,
bDateTime: true,
bDate: bDate,
bTime: bTime,
bPercent: false,
bCurrency: false
return res;
isValidDate: function (nYear, nMounth, nDay) {
if (nYear < 1900) {
return false;
} else {
if (nMounth < 0 || nMounth > 11) {
return false;
} else {
if (this.isValidDay(nYear, nMounth, nDay)) {
return true;
} else {
if (1900 == nYear && 1 == nMounth && 29 == nDay) {
return true;
return false;
isValidDay: function (nYear, nMounth, nDay) {
if (this.isLeapYear(nYear)) {
if (nDay <= 0 || nDay > this.daysLeap[nMounth]) {
return false;
} else {
if (nDay <= 0 || nDay > this.days[nMounth]) {
return false;
return true;
isLeapYear: function (year) {
return (0 == (year % 4)) && (0 != (year % 100) || 0 == (year % 400));
var g_oFormatParser = new FormatParser();
function escapeRegExp(string) {
return string.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");
var g_aCultureInfos = {
1033: {
LCID: 1033,
Name: "en-US",
CurrencyNegativePattern: 0,
CurrencySymbol: "$",
NumberDecimalSeparator: ".",
NumberGroupSeparator: ",",
NumberGroupSizes: [3],
DayNames: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
AbbreviatedDayNames: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
MonthNames: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December", ""],
AbbreviatedMonthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", ""],
MonthGenitiveNames: [],
AbbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames: [],
AMDesignator: "AM",
PMDesignator: "PM",
DateSeparator: "/",
TimeSeparator: ":",
ShortDatePattern: "102"
var g_oDefaultCultureInfo = g_aCultureInfos[1033];