1528 lines
59 KiB
1528 lines
59 KiB
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2015
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
"use strict";
Paragraph.prototype.Recalculate_FastWholeParagraph = function () {
if (true === this.Parent.Is_HdrFtr(false)) {
return [];
if (undefined === this.Parent || true === this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent()) {
return [];
if (this.LogicDocument && true === this.LogicDocument.Pages[this.Get_StartPage_Absolute()].Check_EndSectionPara(this)) {
return [];
if (1 === this.Lines.length && true !== this.Is_Inline()) {
return [];
if (1 === this.Pages.length) {
var PageNum = this.Get_StartPage_Relative();
var OldBounds = this.Pages[0].Bounds;
var FastRecalcResult = this.Recalculate_Page(PageNum, true);
if (FastRecalcResult === recalcresult_NextElement && 1 === this.Pages.length && true === this.Pages[0].Bounds.Compare(OldBounds)) {
var PageNum_abs = this.Get_StartPage_Absolute();
return [PageNum_abs];
} else {
if (2 === this.Pages.length) {
var OldBounds_0 = this.Pages[0].Bounds;
var OldBounds_1 = this.Pages[1].Bounds;
var OldStartFromNewPage = this.Pages[0].StartLine < 0 ? true : false;
var OldLinesCount_0 = this.Pages[0].EndLine - this.Pages[0].StartLine + 1;
var OldLinesCount_1 = this.Pages[1].EndLine - this.Pages[1].StartLine + 1;
var PageNum = this.Get_StartPage_Relative();
var FastRecalcResult = this.Recalculate_Page(PageNum, true);
if (FastRecalcResult !== recalcresult_NextPage) {
return [];
FastRecalcResult = this.Recalculate_Page(PageNum + 1);
if (FastRecalcResult !== recalcresult_NextElement) {
return [];
if (2 !== this.Pages.length || true !== this.Pages[0].Bounds.Compare(OldBounds_0) || true !== this.Pages[1].Bounds.Compare(OldBounds_1)) {
return [];
var StartFromNewPage = this.Pages[0].StartLine < 0 ? true : false;
if (StartFromNewPage !== OldStartFromNewPage) {
return [];
if (true !== StartFromNewPage) {
var LinesCount_0 = this.Pages[0].EndLine - this.Pages[0].StartLine + 1;
var LinesCount_1 = this.Pages[1].EndLine - this.Pages[1].StartLine + 1;
if ((OldLinesCount_0 <= 2 || LinesCount_0 <= 2) && OldLinesCount_0 !== LinesCount_0) {
return [];
if ((OldLinesCount_1 <= 2 || LinesCount_1 <= 2) && OldLinesCount_1 !== LinesCount_1) {
return [];
var PageNum_abs = this.Get_StartPage_Absolute();
if (true === StartFromNewPage) {
return [PageNum_abs + 1];
} else {
return [PageNum_abs, PageNum_abs + 1];
return [];
Paragraph.prototype.Recalculate_FastRange = function (SimpleChanges) {
if (true === this.Parent.Is_HdrFtr(false)) {
return -1;
var Run = SimpleChanges[0].Class;
var ParaPos = Run.Get_SimpleChanges_ParaPos(SimpleChanges);
if (null === ParaPos) {
return -1;
var Line = ParaPos.Line;
var Range = ParaPos.Range;
if (undefined === this.Parent || true === this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent()) {
return -1;
if (true === this.Lines[Line].RangeY) {
return -1;
if (this.Lines[Line].Info & paralineinfo_BreakPage || (this.Lines[Line].Info & paralineinfo_Empty && this.Lines[Line].Info & paralineinfo_End)) {
return -1;
var NumPr = this.Get_CompiledPr2(false).ParaPr.NumPr;
if (null !== this.Numbering.Item && (Line < this.Numbering.Line || (Line === this.Numbering.Line && Range <= this.Numbering.Range)) && (undefined !== NumPr && undefined !== NumPr.NumId && 0 !== NumPr.NumId && "0" !== NumPr.NumId)) {
return -1;
if (0 === Line && 0 === Range && undefined !== this.Get_SectionPr()) {
return -1;
if (1 === this.Lines.length && true !== this.Is_Inline()) {
return -1;
var PrevLine = Line;
var PrevRange = Range;
while (PrevLine >= 0) {
if (PrevRange < 0) {
if (PrevLine < 0) {
PrevRange = this.Lines[PrevLine].Ranges.length - 1;
if (true === this.Is_EmptyRange(PrevLine, PrevRange)) {
} else {
if (PrevLine < 0) {
PrevLine = Line;
PrevRange = Range;
var NextLine = Line;
var NextRange = Range;
var LinesCount = this.Lines.length;
while (NextLine <= LinesCount - 1) {
if (NextRange > this.Lines[NextLine].Ranges.length - 1) {
if (NextLine > LinesCount - 1) {
NextRange = 0;
if (true === this.Is_EmptyRange(NextLine, NextRange)) {
} else {
if (NextLine > LinesCount - 1) {
NextLine = Line;
NextRange = Range;
var CurLine = PrevLine;
var CurRange = PrevRange;
var Result;
while ((CurLine < NextLine) || (CurLine === NextLine && CurRange <= NextRange)) {
var TempResult = this.private_RecalculateFastRange(CurRange, CurLine);
if (-1 === TempResult) {
return -1;
if (CurLine === Line && CurRange === Range) {
Result = TempResult;
if (CurRange > this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges.length - 1) {
CurRange = 0;
this.CurPos.Line = -1;
this.CurPos.Range = -1;
return Result;
Paragraph.prototype.Recalculate_Page = function (PageIndex) {
this.CurPos.Line = -1;
this.CurPos.Range = -1;
this.FontMap.NeedRecalc = true;
var CurPage = PageIndex - this.PageNum;
var RecalcResult = this.private_RecalculatePage(CurPage);
if (true === this.Parent.RecalcInfo.WidowControlReset) {
return RecalcResult;
Paragraph.prototype.Save_RecalculateObject = function () {
var RecalcObj = new CParagraphRecalculateObject();
return RecalcObj;
Paragraph.prototype.Load_RecalculateObject = function (RecalcObj) {
Paragraph.prototype.Prepare_RecalculateObject = function () {
this.Pages = [];
this.Lines = [];
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
Paragraph.prototype.Start_FromNewPage = function () {
this.Pages.length = 1;
this.Lines[-1] = new CParaLine(0);
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateFastRange = function (CurRange, CurLine) {
var PRS = this.m_oPRSW;
var XStart, YStart, XLimit, YLimit;
var CurPage = 0;
var PagesLen = this.Pages.length;
for (var TempPage = 0; TempPage < PagesLen; TempPage++) {
var __Page = this.Pages[TempPage];
if (CurLine <= __Page.EndLine && CurLine >= __Page.FirstLine) {
CurPage = TempPage;
if (-1 === CurPage) {
return -1;
var ParaPr = this.Get_CompiledPr2(false).ParaPr;
if (0 === CurPage) {
XStart = this.X;
YStart = this.Y;
XLimit = this.XLimit;
YLimit = this.YLimit;
} else {
var PageStart = this.Parent.Get_PageContentStartPos(this.PageNum + CurPage, this.Index);
XStart = PageStart.X;
YStart = PageStart.Y;
XLimit = PageStart.XLimit;
YLimit = PageStart.YLimit;
PRS.XStart = XStart;
PRS.YStart = YStart;
PRS.XLimit = XLimit - ParaPr.Ind.Right;
PRS.YLimit = YLimit;
PRS.Page = 0;
PRS.Line = CurLine;
PRS.Range = CurRange;
PRS.RangesCount = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges.length - 1;
PRS.Paragraph = this;
var RangesCount = PRS.RangesCount;
var Line = this.Lines[CurLine];
var Range = Line.Ranges[CurRange];
var StartPos = Range.StartPos;
var EndPos = Range.EndPos;
PRS.Reset_Range(Range.X, Range.XEnd);
var ContentLen = this.Content.length;
for (var Pos = StartPos; Pos <= EndPos; Pos++) {
var Item = this.Content[Pos];
if (para_Math === Item.Type) {
Item.Set_Inline(true === this.Check_MathPara(Pos) ? false : true);
PRS.Update_CurPos(Pos, 0);
var SavedLines = Item.Save_RecalculateObject(true);
Item.Recalculate_Range(PRS, ParaPr, 1);
if ((true === PRS.NewRange && Pos !== EndPos) || (Pos === EndPos && true !== PRS.NewRange)) {
return -1;
} else {
if (Pos === EndPos && true === PRS.NewRange && true === PRS.MoveToLBP) {
var BreakPos = PRS.LineBreakPos.Get(0);
if (BreakPos !== Pos) {
return -1;
} else {
Item.Recalculate_Set_RangeEndPos(PRS, PRS.LineBreakPos, 1);
if (false === SavedLines.Compare(CurLine, CurRange, Item)) {
return -1;
Item.Load_RecalculateObject(SavedLines, this);
if (recalcresult_NextElement !== this.private_RecalculateLineAlign(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr, true)) {
return -1;
return this.Get_StartPage_Absolute() + CurPage;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculatePage = function (CurPage) {
var PRS = this.m_oPRSW;
PRS.Page = CurPage;
PRS.RunRecalcInfoLast = (0 === CurPage ? null : this.Pages[CurPage - 1].EndInfo.RunRecalcInfo);
PRS.RunRecalcInfoBreak = PRS.RunRecalcInfoLast;
var Pr = this.Get_CompiledPr();
var ParaPr = Pr.ParaPr;
var CurLine = (CurPage > 0 ? this.Pages[CurPage - 1].EndLine + 1 : 0);
if (false === this.private_RecalculatePageKeepNext(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr)) {
return PRS.RecalcResult;
this.private_RecalculatePageXY(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr);
if (false === this.private_RecalculatePageBreak(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr)) {
return PRS.RecalcResult;
var RecalcResult;
while (true) {
PRS.Line = CurLine;
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_NextLine;
this.private_RecalculateLine(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr);
RecalcResult = PRS.RecalcResult;
if (recalcresult_NextLine === RecalcResult) {
} else {
if (recalcresult_CurLine === RecalcResult) {
} else {
if (recalcresult_NextElement === RecalcResult || recalcresult_NextPage === RecalcResult) {
} else {
if (recalcresult_CurPagePara === RecalcResult) {
RecalcResult = this.private_RecalculatePage(CurPage);
} else {
return RecalcResult;
this.Recalculate_PageEndInfo(PRS, CurPage);
return RecalcResult;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculatePageKeepNext = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
if (1 === CurPage && this.Pages[0].EndLine < 0 && this.Parent instanceof CDocument && false === ParaPr.PageBreakBefore) {
var Curr = this.Get_DocumentPrev();
while (null != Curr && type_Paragraph === Curr.GetType() && undefined === Curr.Get_SectionPr()) {
var CurrKeepNext = Curr.Get_CompiledPr2(false).ParaPr.KeepNext;
if ((true === CurrKeepNext && Curr.Pages.length > 1) || false === CurrKeepNext || true !== Curr.Is_Inline() || true === Curr.Check_PageBreak()) {
} else {
var Prev = Curr.Get_DocumentPrev();
if (null === Prev || type_Paragraph != Prev.GetType() || undefined !== Prev.Get_SectionPr()) {
var PrevKeepNext = Prev.Get_CompiledPr2(false).ParaPr.KeepNext;
if (false === PrevKeepNext) {
if (true === this.Parent.RecalcInfo.Can_RecalcObject()) {
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_PrevPage;
return false;
} else {
} else {
Curr = Prev;
return true;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculatePageXY = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
var XStart, YStart, XLimit, YLimit;
if (0 === CurPage || (undefined != this.Get_FramePr() && this.LogicDocument === this.Parent)) {
XStart = this.X;
YStart = this.Y;
XLimit = this.XLimit;
YLimit = this.YLimit;
} else {
var PageStart = this.Parent.Get_PageContentStartPos(this.PageNum + CurPage, this.Index);
XStart = PageStart.X;
YStart = PageStart.Y;
XLimit = PageStart.XLimit;
YLimit = PageStart.YLimit;
PRS.XStart = XStart;
PRS.YStart = YStart;
PRS.XLimit = XLimit - ParaPr.Ind.Right;
PRS.YLimit = YLimit;
PRS.Y = YStart;
this.Pages.length = CurPage + 1;
this.Pages[CurPage] = new CParaPage(XStart, YStart, XLimit, YLimit, CurLine);
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculatePageBreak = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
if (this.Parent instanceof CDocument) {
if (0 === CurPage && true === ParaPr.PageBreakBefore) {
var bNeedPageBreak = true;
var Prev = this.Get_DocumentPrev();
if ((true === this.IsEmpty() && undefined !== this.Get_SectionPr()) || null === Prev) {
bNeedPageBreak = false;
} else {
if (this.Parent === this.LogicDocument && type_Paragraph === Prev.GetType() && undefined !== Prev.Get_SectionPr()) {
var PrevSectPr = Prev.Get_SectionPr();
var CurSectPr = this.LogicDocument.SectionsInfo.Get_SectPr(this.Index).SectPr;
if (section_type_Continuous !== CurSectPr.Get_Type() || true !== CurSectPr.Compare_PageSize(PrevSectPr)) {
bNeedPageBreak = false;
if (true === bNeedPageBreak) {
this.Pages[CurPage].Set_EndLine(CurLine - 1);
if (0 === CurLine) {
this.Lines[-1] = new CParaLine(0);
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_NextPage;
return false;
} else {
if (true === this.Parent.RecalcInfo.Check_KeepNext(this) && 0 === CurPage && null != this.Get_DocumentPrev()) {
this.Pages[CurPage].Set_EndLine(CurLine - 1);
if (0 === CurLine) {
this.Lines[-1] = new CParaLine(0);
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_NextPage;
return false;
if (PRS.YStart > PRS.YLimit - 0.001 && (CurLine != this.Pages[CurPage].FirstLine || (0 === CurPage && (null != this.Get_DocumentPrev() || true === this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent()))) && true === this.Use_YLimit()) {
this.Pages[CurPage].Set_EndLine(CurLine - 1);
if (0 === CurLine) {
this.Lines[-1] = new CParaLine(0);
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_NextPage;
return false;
return true;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateLine = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
this.ParaEnd.Line = -1;
this.ParaEnd.Range = -1;
this.Lines.length = CurLine + 1;
this.Lines[CurLine] = new CParaLine();
if (false === this.private_RecalculateLineWidow(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr)) {
this.private_RecalculateLineFillRanges(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr);
if (false === this.private_RecalculateLineRanges(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr)) {
this.private_RecalculateLineInfo(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr);
this.private_RecalculateLineMetrics(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr);
this.private_RecalculateLinePosition(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr);
if (false === this.private_RecalculateLineBottomBound(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr)) {
if (false === this.private_RecalculateLineCheckRanges(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr)) {
if (false === this.private_RecalculateLineBreakPageEnd(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr)) {
this.private_RecalculateLineBaseLine(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr);
if (false === this.private_RecalculateLineCheckRangeY(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr)) {
if (recalcresult_NextElement !== this.private_RecalculateLineAlign(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr, false)) {
if (false === this.private_RecalculateLineEnd(CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr)) {
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateLineWidow = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
if (this.Parent instanceof CDocument && true === this.Parent.RecalcInfo.Check_WidowControl(this, CurLine)) {
this.Pages[CurPage].Set_EndLine(CurLine - 1);
if (0 === CurLine) {
this.Lines[-1] = new CParaLine(0);
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_NextPage;
return false;
return true;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateLineFillRanges = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
this.Lines[CurLine].Info = 0;
var Ranges = PRS.Ranges;
var RangesCount = PRS.RangesCount;
var UseFirstLine = true;
for (var TempCurLine = CurLine - 1; TempCurLine >= 0; TempCurLine--) {
var TempInfo = this.Lines[TempCurLine].Info;
if (! (TempInfo & paralineinfo_BreakPage) || !(TempInfo & paralineinfo_Empty)) {
UseFirstLine = false;
PRS.UseFirstLine = UseFirstLine;
this.Lines[CurLine].Add_Range((true === UseFirstLine ? PRS.XStart + ParaPr.Ind.Left + ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine : PRS.XStart + ParaPr.Ind.Left), (RangesCount == 0 ? PRS.XLimit : Ranges[0].X0));
for (var Index = 1; Index < Ranges.length + 1; Index++) {
this.Lines[CurLine].Add_Range(Ranges[Index - 1].X1, (RangesCount == Index ? PRS.XLimit : Ranges[Index].X0));
if (true === PRS.RangeY) {
PRS.RangeY = false;
this.Lines[CurLine].Info |= paralineinfo_RangeY;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateLineRanges = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
var RangesCount = PRS.RangesCount;
var CurRange = 0;
while (CurRange <= RangesCount) {
PRS.Range = CurRange;
this.private_RecalculateRange(CurRange, CurLine, CurPage, RangesCount, PRS, ParaPr);
if (true === PRS.ForceNewPage || true === PRS.NewPage) {
this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges.length = CurRange + 1;
if (-1 === this.ParaEnd.Line && true === PRS.End) {
this.ParaEnd.Line = CurLine;
this.ParaEnd.Range = CurRange;
if (recalcresult_NextPage === PRS.RecalcResult) {
return false;
return true;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateLineInfo = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
if (true === PRS.BreakPageLine || true === PRS.SkipPageBreak) {
this.Lines[CurLine].Info |= paralineinfo_BreakPage;
if (true === PRS.EmptyLine) {
this.Lines[CurLine].Info |= paralineinfo_Empty;
if (true === PRS.End) {
this.Lines[CurLine].Info |= paralineinfo_End;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateLineMetrics = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
if (true === PRS.EmptyLine || PRS.LineAscent < 0.001) {
var LastItem = (true === PRS.End ? this.Content[this.Content.length - 1] : this.Content[this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges.length - 1].EndPos]);
if (true === PRS.End) {
var EndTextPr = this.Get_CompiledPr2(false).TextPr.Copy();
g_oTextMeasurer.SetTextPr(EndTextPr, this.Get_Theme());
var EndTextHeight = g_oTextMeasurer.GetHeight();
var EndTextDescent = Math.abs(g_oTextMeasurer.GetDescender());
var EndTextAscent = EndTextHeight - EndTextDescent;
var EndTextAscent2 = g_oTextMeasurer.GetAscender();
PRS.LineTextAscent = EndTextAscent;
PRS.LineTextAscent2 = EndTextAscent2;
PRS.LineTextDescent = EndTextDescent;
if (PRS.LineAscent < EndTextAscent) {
PRS.LineAscent = EndTextAscent;
if (PRS.LineDescent < EndTextDescent) {
PRS.LineDescent = EndTextDescent;
} else {
if (undefined !== LastItem) {
var LastRun = LastItem.Get_LastRunInRange(PRS.Line, PRS.Range);
if (undefined !== LastRun && null !== LastRun) {
if (PRS.LineTextAscent < LastRun.TextAscent) {
PRS.LineTextAscent = LastRun.TextAscent;
if (PRS.LineTextAscent2 < LastRun.TextAscent2) {
PRS.LineTextAscent2 = LastRun.TextAscent2;
if (PRS.LineTextDescent < LastRun.TextDescent) {
PRS.LineTextDescent = LastRun.TextDescent;
if (PRS.LineAscent < LastRun.TextAscent) {
PRS.LineAscent = LastRun.TextAscent;
if (PRS.LineDescent < LastRun.TextDescent) {
PRS.LineDescent = LastRun.TextDescent;
this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.Update(PRS.LineTextAscent, PRS.LineTextAscent2, PRS.LineTextDescent, PRS.LineAscent, PRS.LineDescent, ParaPr);
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateLinePosition = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
var BaseLineOffset = 0;
if (CurLine === this.Pages[CurPage].FirstLine) {
BaseLineOffset = this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.Ascent;
if (0 === CurLine) {
if (0 === CurPage || true === this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent() || true === ParaPr.PageBreakBefore) {
BaseLineOffset += ParaPr.Spacing.Before;
if ((true === ParaPr.Brd.First || 1 === CurPage) && border_Single === ParaPr.Brd.Top.Value) {
BaseLineOffset += ParaPr.Brd.Top.Size + ParaPr.Brd.Top.Space;
} else {
if (false === ParaPr.Brd.First && border_Single === ParaPr.Brd.Between.Value) {
BaseLineOffset += ParaPr.Brd.Between.Size + ParaPr.Brd.Between.Space;
PRS.BaseLineOffset = BaseLineOffset;
} else {
BaseLineOffset = PRS.BaseLineOffset;
var Top, Bottom;
var Top2, Bottom2;
var PrevBottom = this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Bottom;
if (this.Lines[CurLine].Info & paralineinfo_RangeY) {
Top = PRS.Y;
Top2 = PRS.Y;
if (0 === CurLine) {
if (0 === CurPage || true === this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent()) {
Top2 = Top + ParaPr.Spacing.Before;
Bottom2 = Top + ParaPr.Spacing.Before + this.Lines[0].Metrics.Ascent + this.Lines[0].Metrics.Descent;
if (true === ParaPr.Brd.First && border_Single === ParaPr.Brd.Top.Value) {
Top2 += ParaPr.Brd.Top.Size + ParaPr.Brd.Top.Space;
Bottom2 += ParaPr.Brd.Top.Size + ParaPr.Brd.Top.Space;
} else {
if (false === ParaPr.Brd.First && border_Single === ParaPr.Brd.Between.Value) {
Top2 += ParaPr.Brd.Between.Size + ParaPr.Brd.Between.Space;
Bottom2 += ParaPr.Brd.Between.Size + ParaPr.Brd.Between.Space;
} else {
Bottom2 = Top + this.Lines[0].Metrics.Ascent + this.Lines[0].Metrics.Descent;
if (border_Single === ParaPr.Brd.Top.Value) {
Top2 += ParaPr.Brd.Top.Size + ParaPr.Brd.Top.Space;
Bottom2 += ParaPr.Brd.Top.Size + ParaPr.Brd.Top.Space;
} else {
Bottom2 = Top + this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.Ascent + this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.Descent;
} else {
if (0 !== CurLine) {
if (CurLine !== this.Pages[CurPage].FirstLine) {
Top = PRS.Y + BaseLineOffset + this.Lines[CurLine - 1].Metrics.Descent + this.Lines[CurLine - 1].Metrics.LineGap;
Top2 = Top;
Bottom2 = Top + this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.Ascent + this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.Descent;
} else {
Top = this.Pages[CurPage].Y;
Top2 = Top;
Bottom2 = Top + this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.Ascent + this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.Descent;
} else {
Top = PRS.Y;
Top2 = PRS.Y;
if (0 === CurPage || true === this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent() || true === ParaPr.PageBreakBefore) {
Top2 = Top + ParaPr.Spacing.Before;
Bottom2 = Top + ParaPr.Spacing.Before + this.Lines[0].Metrics.Ascent + this.Lines[0].Metrics.Descent;
if (true === ParaPr.Brd.First && border_Single === ParaPr.Brd.Top.Value) {
Top2 += ParaPr.Brd.Top.Size + ParaPr.Brd.Top.Space;
Bottom2 += ParaPr.Brd.Top.Size + ParaPr.Brd.Top.Space;
} else {
if (false === ParaPr.Brd.First && border_Single === ParaPr.Brd.Between.Value) {
Top2 += ParaPr.Brd.Between.Size + ParaPr.Brd.Between.Space;
Bottom2 += ParaPr.Brd.Between.Size + ParaPr.Brd.Between.Space;
} else {
Bottom2 = Top + this.Lines[0].Metrics.Ascent + this.Lines[0].Metrics.Descent;
if (border_Single === ParaPr.Brd.Top.Value) {
Top2 += ParaPr.Brd.Top.Size + ParaPr.Brd.Top.Space;
Bottom2 += ParaPr.Brd.Top.Size + ParaPr.Brd.Top.Space;
Bottom = Bottom2;
Bottom += this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.LineGap;
if (true === PRS.End) {
Bottom += ParaPr.Spacing.After;
if (true === ParaPr.Brd.Last && border_Single === ParaPr.Brd.Bottom.Value) {
Bottom += ParaPr.Brd.Bottom.Size + ParaPr.Brd.Bottom.Space;
} else {
if (border_Single === ParaPr.Brd.Between.Value) {
Bottom += ParaPr.Brd.Between.Space;
if (false === this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent() && Bottom > this.YLimit && Bottom - this.YLimit <= ParaPr.Spacing.After) {
Bottom = this.YLimit;
if (CurLine === this.Pages[CurPage].FirstLine && !(this.Lines[CurLine].Info & paralineinfo_RangeY)) {
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Top = Top;
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Bottom = Bottom;
this.Lines[CurLine].Top = Top - this.Pages[CurPage].Y;
this.Lines[CurLine].Bottom = Bottom - this.Pages[CurPage].Y;
PRS.LineTop = Top;
PRS.LineBottom = Bottom;
PRS.LineTop2 = Top2;
PRS.LineBottom2 = Bottom2;
PRS.LinePrevBottom = PrevBottom;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateLineBottomBound = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
var Top = PRS.LineTop;
var Bottom2 = PRS.LineBottom;
if (true === this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent()) {
Bottom2 = PRS.LineBottom;
var LineInfo = this.Lines[CurLine].Info;
var BreakPageLineEmpty = (LineInfo & paralineinfo_BreakPage && LineInfo & paralineinfo_Empty && !(LineInfo & paralineinfo_End) ? true : false);
PRS.BreakPageLineEmpty = BreakPageLineEmpty;
if (true === this.Use_YLimit() && (Top > this.YLimit || Bottom2 > this.YLimit) && (CurLine != this.Pages[CurPage].FirstLine || (0 === CurPage && (null != this.Get_DocumentPrev() || true === this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent()))) && false === BreakPageLineEmpty) {
if (this.Parent instanceof CDocument && true === this.Parent.RecalcInfo.Can_RecalcObject() && true === ParaPr.WidowControl && CurLine - this.Pages[CurPage].StartLine <= 1 && CurLine >= 1 && true != PRS.BreakPageLine && (0 === CurPage && null != this.Get_DocumentPrev())) {
this.Recalculate_Drawing_AddPageBreak(0, 0, true);
this.Parent.RecalcInfo.Set_WidowControl(this, CurLine - 1);
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_CurPage;
return false;
} else {
if (true === ParaPr.KeepLines && null != this.Get_DocumentPrev() && true != this.Parent.Is_TableCellContent() && 0 === CurPage) {
CurLine = 0;
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Bottom = PRS.LinePrevBottom;
this.Pages[CurPage].Set_EndLine(CurLine - 1);
if (0 === CurLine) {
this.Lines[-1] = new CParaLine(0);
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_NextPage;
return false;
return true;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateLineCheckRanges = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
var Left = (0 !== CurLine ? this.X + ParaPr.Ind.Left : this.X + ParaPr.Ind.Left + ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine);
var Right = this.XLimit - ParaPr.Ind.Right;
var Top = PRS.LineTop;
var Bottom = PRS.LineBottom;
var Top2 = PRS.LineTop2;
var Bottom2 = PRS.LineBottom2;
var PageFields = this.Parent.Get_PageFields(this.PageNum + CurPage);
var Ranges = PRS.Ranges;
var Ranges2;
if (true === this.Use_Wrap()) {
Ranges2 = this.Parent.CheckRange(Left, Top, Right, Bottom, Top2, Bottom2, PageFields.X, PageFields.XLimit, this.PageNum + CurPage, true);
} else {
Ranges2 = [];
if (-1 === FlowObjects_CompareRanges(Ranges, Ranges2) && true === FlowObjects_CheckInjection(Ranges, Ranges2) && false === PRS.BreakPageLineEmpty) {
PRS.Ranges = Ranges2;
PRS.RangesCount = Ranges2.length;
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_CurLine;
if (this.Lines[CurLine].Info & paralineinfo_RangeY) {
PRS.RangeY = true;
return false;
return true;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateLineBaseLine = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
if (this.Lines[CurLine].Info & paralineinfo_RangeY) {
this.Lines[CurLine].Y = PRS.Y - this.Pages[CurPage].Y;
PRS.BaseLineOffset = this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.Ascent;
} else {
if (CurLine > 0) {
if (CurLine != this.Pages[CurPage].FirstLine && (true === PRS.End || true !== PRS.EmptyLine || PRS.RangesCount <= 0 || true === PRS.NewPage)) {
PRS.Y += this.Lines[CurLine - 1].Metrics.Descent + this.Lines[CurLine - 1].Metrics.LineGap + this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.Ascent;
this.Lines[CurLine].Y = PRS.Y - this.Pages[CurPage].Y;
} else {
this.Lines[0].Y = 0;
this.Lines[CurLine].Y += PRS.BaseLineOffset;
if (this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.LineGap < 0) {
this.Lines[CurLine].Y += this.Lines[CurLine].Metrics.LineGap;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateLineCheckRangeY = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
if (recalcresult_NextPage === PRS.RecalcResult) {
return false;
if (true !== PRS.End && true === PRS.EmptyLine && PRS.RangesCount > 0) {
var Ranges = PRS.Ranges;
var RangesMaxY = Ranges[0].Y1;
for (var Index = 1; Index < Ranges.length; Index++) {
if (RangesMaxY > Ranges[Index].Y1) {
RangesMaxY = Ranges[Index].Y1;
if (Math.abs(RangesMaxY - PRS.Y) < 0.001) {
PRS.Y = RangesMaxY + 1;
} else {
PRS.Y = RangesMaxY + 0.001;
PRS.RangeY = true;
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_CurLine;
return false;
return true;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateLineBreakPageEnd = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
if (true === PRS.NewPage && true === this.Check_BreakPageEnd(PRS.PageBreak)) {
PRS.PageBreak.Flags.NewLine = false;
PRS.ExtendBoundToBottom = true;
PRS.SkipPageBreak = true;
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_CurLine;
return false;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateLineEnd = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr) {
if (true === PRS.NewPage) {
if (true === this.Check_BreakPageEnd(PRS.PageBreak)) {
PRS.PageBreak.Flags.NewLine = false;
PRS.ExtendBoundToBottom = true;
PRS.SkipPageBreak = true;
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_CurLine;
return false;
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_NextPage;
return false;
if (true !== PRS.End) {
if (true === PRS.ForceNewPage) {
this.Pages[CurPage].Set_EndLine(CurLine - 1);
if (0 === CurLine) {
this.Lines[-1] = new CParaLine();
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_NextPage;
return false;
} else {
if (PRS.Range < PRS.RangesCount) {
this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges.length = PRS.Range + 1;
if (true === ParaPr.WidowControl && CurLine === this.Pages[CurPage].StartLine && CurLine >= 1) {
var BreakPagePrevLine = (this.Lines[CurLine - 1].Info & paralineinfo_BreakPage) | 0;
if (this.Parent instanceof CDocument && true === this.Parent.RecalcInfo.Can_RecalcObject() && 0 === BreakPagePrevLine && (1 === CurPage && null != this.Get_DocumentPrev()) && this.Lines[CurLine - 1].Ranges.length <= 1) {
this.Recalculate_Drawing_AddPageBreak(0, 0, true);
this.Parent.RecalcInfo.Set_WidowControl(this, (CurLine > 2 ? CurLine - 1 : 0));
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_PrevPage;
return false;
if (true === PRS.ExtendBoundToBottom) {
this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Bottom = this.Pages[CurPage].YLimit;
if (para_End === this.Numbering.Item.Type) {
this.Numbering.Item = null;
this.Numbering.Run = null;
this.Numbering.Line = -1;
this.Numbering.Range = -1;
PRS.RecalcResult = recalcresult_NextElement;
return true;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateLineAlign = function (CurLine, CurPage, PRS, ParaPr, Fast) {
var PRSW = PRS;
var PRSC = this.m_oPRSC;
var PRSA = this.m_oPRSA;
PRSA.Paragraph = this;
PRSA.LastW = 0;
PRSA.RecalcFast = Fast;
PRSA.RecalcResult = recalcresult_NextElement;
PRSA.PageY = this.Pages[CurPage].Bounds.Top;
var Line = this.Lines[CurLine];
var RangesCount = Line.Ranges.length;
for (var CurRange = 0; CurRange < RangesCount; CurRange++) {
var Range = Line.Ranges[CurRange];
var StartPos = Range.StartPos;
var EndPos = Range.EndPos;
PRSC.Reset(this, Range);
PRSC.Range.W = 0;
if (true === this.Numbering.Check_Range(CurRange, CurLine)) {
PRSC.Range.W += this.Numbering.WidthVisible;
for (var Pos = StartPos; Pos <= EndPos; Pos++) {
var Item = this.Content[Pos];
Item.Recalculate_Range_Width(PRSC, CurLine, CurRange);
var JustifyWord = 0;
var JustifySpace = 0;
var RangeWidth = Range.XEnd - Range.X;
var X = 0;
var ParaMath = this.Check_Range_OnlyMath(CurRange, CurLine);
if (null !== ParaMath) {
var Math_Jc = ParaMath.Get_Align();
var Math_X = (1 === RangesCount ? this.Pages[CurPage].X + ParaPr.Ind.Left : Range.X);
var Math_XLimit = (1 === RangesCount ? this.Pages[CurPage].XLimit - ParaPr.Ind.Right : Range.XEnd);
switch (Math_Jc) {
case align_Left:
X = Math_X;
case align_Right:
X = Math_XLimit - ParaMath.Width;
case align_Center:
X = Math.max(Math_X + (Math_XLimit - Math_X - ParaMath.Width) / 2, Math_X);
} else {
switch (ParaPr.Jc) {
case align_Left:
X = Range.X;
case align_Right:
X = Math.max(Range.X + RangeWidth - Range.W, Range.X);
case align_Center:
X = Math.max(Range.X + (RangeWidth - Range.W) / 2, Range.X);
case align_Justify:
X = Range.X;
if (1 == PRSC.Words) {
if (1 == RangesCount && !(Line.Info & paralineinfo_End)) {
if (RangeWidth - Range.W <= 0.05 * RangeWidth && PRSC.Letters > 1) {
JustifyWord = (RangeWidth - Range.W) / (PRSC.Letters - 1);
} else {
if (0 == CurRange || (Line.Info & paralineinfo_End && CurRange == RangesCount - 1)) {} else {
if (CurRange == RangesCount - 1) {
X = Range.X + RangeWidth - Range.W;
} else {
X = Range.X + (RangeWidth - Range.W) / 2;
} else {
if (PRSC.Spaces > 0 && (!(Line.Info & paralineinfo_End) || CurRange != Line.Ranges.length - 1)) {
JustifySpace = (RangeWidth - Range.W) / PRSC.Spaces;
} else {
JustifySpace = 0;
X = Range.X;
if (CurLine === this.ParaEnd.Line && CurRange === this.ParaEnd.Range) {
JustifyWord = 0;
JustifySpace = 0;
Range.Spaces = PRSC.Spaces + PRSC.SpacesSkip;
PRSA.Y = this.Pages[CurPage].Y + this.Lines[CurLine].Y;
PRSA.XEnd = Range.XEnd;
PRSA.JustifyWord = JustifyWord;
PRSA.JustifySpace = JustifySpace;
PRSA.SpacesCounter = PRSC.Spaces;
PRSA.SpacesSkip = PRSC.SpacesSkip;
PRSA.LettersSkip = PRSC.LettersSkip;
PRSA.RecalcResult = recalcresult_NextElement;
this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange].XVisible = X;
if (0 === CurRange) {
this.Lines[CurLine].X = X - PRSW.XStart;
if (true === this.Numbering.Check_Range(CurRange, CurLine)) {
PRSA.X += this.Numbering.WidthVisible;
for (var Pos = StartPos; Pos <= EndPos; Pos++) {
var Item = this.Content[Pos];
Item.Recalculate_Range_Spaces(PRSA, CurLine, CurRange, CurPage);
if (recalcresult_NextElement !== PRSA.RecalcResult) {
PRSW.RecalcResult = PRSA.RecalcResult;
return PRSA.RecalcResult;
return PRSA.RecalcResult;
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateRange = function (CurRange, CurLine, CurPage, RangesCount, PRS, ParaPr) {
var StartPos = 0;
if (0 === CurLine && 0 === CurRange) {
StartPos = 0;
} else {
if (CurRange > 0) {
StartPos = this.Lines[CurLine].Ranges[CurRange - 1].EndPos;
} else {
StartPos = this.Lines[CurLine - 1].Ranges[this.Lines[CurLine - 1].Ranges.length - 1].EndPos;
var Line = this.Lines[CurLine];
var Range = Line.Ranges[CurRange];
this.Lines[CurLine].Set_RangeStartPos(CurRange, StartPos);
if (true === PRS.UseFirstLine && 0 !== CurRange && true === PRS.EmptyLine) {
if (ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine < 0) {
Range.X += ParaPr.Ind.Left + ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine;
} else {
Range.X += ParaPr.Ind.FirstLine;
var X = Range.X;
var XEnd = (CurRange == RangesCount ? PRS.XLimit : PRS.Ranges[CurRange].X0);
PRS.Reset_Range(X, XEnd);
var ContentLen = this.Content.length;
var Pos = StartPos;
for (; Pos < ContentLen; Pos++) {
var Item = this.Content[Pos];
if (para_Math === Item.Type) {
Item.Set_Inline(true === this.Check_MathPara(Pos) ? false : true);
if ((0 === Pos && 0 === CurLine && 0 === CurRange) || Pos !== StartPos) {
Item.Recalculate_Reset(CurRange, CurLine);
PRS.Update_CurPos(Pos, 0);
Item.Recalculate_Range(PRS, ParaPr, 1);
if (true === PRS.NewRange) {
if (Pos >= ContentLen) {
Pos = ContentLen - 1;
if (recalcresult_NextLine === PRS.RecalcResult) {
if (true === PRS.MoveToLBP) {
this.private_RecalculateRangeEndPos(PRS, PRS.LineBreakPos, 0);
} else {
this.Lines[CurLine].Set_RangeEndPos(CurRange, Pos);
Paragraph.prototype.private_RecalculateRangeEndPos = function (PRS, PRP, Depth) {
var CurLine = PRS.Line;
var CurRange = PRS.Range;
var CurPos = PRP.Get(Depth);
this.Content[CurPos].Recalculate_Set_RangeEndPos(PRS, PRP, Depth + 1);
this.Lines[CurLine].Set_RangeEndPos(CurRange, CurPos);
var ERecalcPageType = {
Y: 2
function CRecalcPageType() {
this.Type = ERecalcPageType.START;
this.Element = null;
this.Y = -1;
CRecalcPageType.prototype.Reset = function () {
this.Type = ERecalcPageType.START;
this.Element = null;
this.Y = -1;
CRecalcPageType.prototype.Set_Element = function (Element) {
this.Type = ERecalcPageType.Element;
this.Element = Element;
CRecalcPageType.prototype.Set_Y = function (Y) {
this.Type = ERecalcPageType.Y;
this.Y = Y;
var paralineinfo_BreakPage = 1;
var paralineinfo_Empty = 2;
var paralineinfo_End = 4;
var paralineinfo_RangeY = 8;
function CParaLine() {
this.Y = 0;
this.Top = 0;
this.Bottom = 0;
this.Metrics = new CParaLineMetrics();
this.Ranges = [];
this.Info = 0;
CParaLine.prototype = {
Add_Range: function (X, XEnd) {
this.Ranges.push(new CParaLineRange(X, XEnd));
Shift: function (Dx, Dy) {
for (var CurRange = 0, RangesCount = this.Ranges.length; CurRange < RangesCount; CurRange++) {
this.Ranges[CurRange].Shift(Dx, Dy);
Get_StartPos: function () {
return this.Ranges[0].StartPos;
Get_EndPos: function () {
return this.Ranges[this.Ranges.length - 1].EndPos;
Set_RangeStartPos: function (CurRange, StartPos) {
this.Ranges[CurRange].StartPos = StartPos;
Set_RangeEndPos: function (CurRange, EndPos) {
this.Ranges[CurRange].EndPos = EndPos;
Copy: function () {
var NewLine = new CParaLine();
NewLine.Y = this.Y;
NewLine.Top = this.Top;
NewLine.Bottom = this.Bottom;
NewLine.Metrics.Ascent = this.Ascent;
NewLine.Metrics.Descent = this.Descent;
NewLine.Metrics.TextAscent = this.TextAscent;
NewLine.Metrics.TextAscent2 = this.TextAscent2;
NewLine.Metrics.TextDescent = this.TextDescent;
NewLine.Metrics.LineGap = this.LineGap;
for (var CurRange = 0, RangesCount = this.Ranges.length; CurRange < RangesCount; CurRange++) {
NewLine.Ranges[CurRange] = this.Ranges[CurRange].Copy();
NewLine.Info = this.Info;
return NewLine;
Reset: function () {
this.Top = 0;
this.Bottom = 0;
this.Metrics = new CParaLineMetrics();
this.Ranges = [];
this.Info = 0;
function CParaLineMetrics() {
this.Ascent = 0;
this.Descent = 0;
this.TextAscent = 0;
this.TextAscent2 = 0;
this.TextDescent = 0;
this.LineGap = 0;
CParaLineMetrics.prototype = {
Update: function (TextAscent, TextAscent2, TextDescent, Ascent, Descent, ParaPr) {
if (TextAscent > this.TextAscent) {
this.TextAscent = TextAscent;
if (TextAscent2 > this.TextAscent2) {
this.TextAscent2 = TextAscent2;
if (TextDescent > this.TextDescent) {
this.TextDescent = TextDescent;
if (Ascent > this.Ascent) {
this.Ascent = Ascent;
if (Descent > this.Descent) {
this.Descent = Descent;
if (this.Ascent < this.TextAscent) {
this.Ascent = this.TextAscent;
if (this.Descent < this.TextDescent) {
this.Descent = this.TextDescent;
this.LineGap = this.Recalculate_LineGap(ParaPr, this.TextAscent, this.TextDescent);
if (linerule_AtLeast === ParaPr.Spacing.LineRule && (this.Ascent + this.Descent + this.LineGap) > (this.TextAscent + this.TextDescent)) {
this.Ascent = this.Ascent + this.LineGap;
this.LineGap = 0;
Recalculate_LineGap: function (ParaPr, TextAscent, TextDescent) {
var LineGap = 0;
switch (ParaPr.Spacing.LineRule) {
case linerule_Auto:
LineGap = (TextAscent + TextDescent) * (ParaPr.Spacing.Line - 1);
case linerule_Exact:
var ExactValue = Math.max(25.4 / 72, ParaPr.Spacing.Line);
LineGap = ExactValue - (TextAscent + TextDescent);
var Gap = this.Ascent + this.Descent - ExactValue;
if (Gap > 0) {
var DescentDiff = this.Descent - this.TextDescent;
if (DescentDiff > 0) {
if (DescentDiff < Gap) {
this.Descent = this.TextDescent;
Gap -= DescentDiff;
} else {
this.Descent -= Gap;
Gap = 0;
var AscentDiff = this.Ascent - this.TextAscent;
if (AscentDiff > 0) {
if (AscentDiff < Gap) {
this.Ascent = this.TextAscent;
Gap -= AscentDiff;
} else {
this.Ascent -= Gap;
Gap = 0;
if (Gap > 0) {
var OldTA = this.TextAscent;
var OldTD = this.TextDescent;
var Sum = OldTA + OldTD;
this.Ascent = OldTA * (Sum - Gap) / Sum;
this.Descent = OldTD * (Sum - Gap) / Sum;
} else {
this.Ascent -= Gap;
LineGap = 0;
case linerule_AtLeast:
var LineGap1 = ParaPr.Spacing.Line;
var LineGap2 = TextAscent + TextDescent;
if (Math.abs(LineGap2) < 0.001) {
LineGap = 0;
} else {
LineGap = Math.max(LineGap1, LineGap2) - (TextAscent + TextDescent);
return LineGap;
function CParaLineRange(X, XEnd) {
this.X = X;
this.XVisible = 0;
this.XEnd = XEnd;
this.StartPos = 0;
this.EndPos = 0;
this.W = 0;
this.Spaces = 0;
CParaLineRange.prototype = {
Shift: function (Dx, Dy) {
this.X += Dx;
this.XEnd += Dx;
this.XVisible += Dx;
Copy: function () {
var NewRange = new CParaLineRange();
NewRange.X = this.X;
NewRange.XVisible = this.XVisible;
NewRange.XEnd = this.XEnd;
NewRange.StartPos = this.StartPos;
NewRange.EndPos = this.EndPos;
NewRange.W = this.W;
NewRange.Spaces = this.Spaces;
return NewRange;
function CParaPage(X, Y, XLimit, YLimit, FirstLine) {
this.X = X;
this.Y = Y;
this.XLimit = XLimit;
this.YLimit = YLimit;
this.FirstLine = FirstLine;
this.Bounds = new CDocumentBounds(X, Y, XLimit, Y);
this.StartLine = FirstLine;
this.EndLine = FirstLine;
this.TextPr = null;
this.Drawings = [];
this.EndInfo = new CParagraphPageEndInfo();
CParaPage.prototype = {
Reset: function (X, Y, XLimit, YLimit, FirstLine) {
this.X = X;
this.Y = Y;
this.XLimit = XLimit;
this.YLimit = YLimit;
this.FirstLine = FirstLine;
this.Bounds = new CDocumentBounds(X, Y, XLimit, Y);
this.StartLine = FirstLine;
this.Drawings = [];
Shift: function (Dx, Dy) {
this.X += Dx;
this.Y += Dy;
this.XLimit += Dx;
this.YLimit += Dy;
this.Bounds.Shift(Dx, Dy);
Set_EndLine: function (EndLine) {
this.EndLine = EndLine;
Add_Drawing: function (Item) {
Copy: function () {
var NewPage = new CParaPage();
NewPage.X = this.X;
NewPage.Y = this.Y;
NewPage.XLimit = this.XLimit;
NewPage.YLimit = this.YLimit;
NewPage.FirstLine = this.FirstLine;
NewPage.Bounds.Left = this.Bounds.Left;
NewPage.Bounds.Right = this.Bounds.Right;
NewPage.Bounds.Top = this.Bounds.Top;
NewPage.Bounds.Bottom = this.Bounds.Bottom;
NewPage.StartLine = this.StartLine;
NewPage.EndLine = this.EndLine;
var Count = this.Drawings.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
NewPage.EndInfo = this.EndInfo.Copy();
return NewPage;
function CParagraphRecalculateTabInfo() {
this.TabPos = 0;
this.X = 0;
this.Value = -1;
this.Item = null;
CParagraphRecalculateTabInfo.prototype = {
Reset: function () {
this.TabPos = 0;
this.X = 0;
this.Value = -1;
this.Item = null;
function CParagraphRecalculateStateWrap(Para) {
this.Paragraph = Para;
this.Page = 0;
this.Line = 0;
this.Range = 0;
this.Ranges = [];
this.RangesCount = 0;
this.FirstItemOnLine = true;
this.EmptyLine = true;
this.StartWord = false;
this.Word = false;
this.AddNumbering = true;
this.BreakPageLine = false;
this.UseFirstLine = false;
this.BreakPageLineEmpty = false;
this.ExtendBoundToBottom = false;
this.WordLen = 0;
this.SpaceLen = 0;
this.SpacesCount = 0;
this.LastTab = new CParagraphRecalculateTabInfo();
this.LineTextAscent = 0;
this.LineTextDescent = 0;
this.LineTextAscent2 = 0;
this.LineAscent = 0;
this.LineDescent = 0;
this.LineTop = 0;
this.LineBottom = 0;
this.LineTop2 = 0;
this.LineBottom2 = 0;
this.LinePrevBottom = 0;
this.X = 0;
this.XEnd = 0;
this.Y = 0;
this.XStart = 0;
this.YStart = 0;
this.XLimit = 0;
this.YLimit = 0;
this.NewPage = false;
this.NewRange = false;
this.End = false;
this.RangeY = false;
this.CurPos = new CParagraphContentPos();
this.NumberingPos = new CParagraphContentPos();
this.MoveToLBP = false;
this.LineBreakPos = new CParagraphContentPos();
this.PageBreak = null;
this.SkipPageBreak = false;
this.RunRecalcInfoLast = null;
this.RunRecalcInfoBreak = null;
this.BaseLineOffset = 0;
this.RecalcResult = 0;
CParagraphRecalculateStateWrap.prototype = {
Reset_Line: function () {
this.RecalcResult = recalcresult_NextLine;
this.EmptyLine = true;
this.BreakPageLine = false;
this.End = false;
this.UseFirstLine = false;
this.LineTextAscent = 0;
this.LineTextAscent2 = 0;
this.LineTextDescent = 0;
this.LineAscent = 0;
this.LineDescent = 0;
this.NewPage = false;
this.ForceNewPage = false;
Reset_Range: function (X, XEnd) {
this.SpaceLen = 0;
this.WordLen = 0;
this.SpacesCount = 0;
this.Word = false;
this.FirstItemOnLine = true;
this.StartWord = false;
this.NewRange = false;
this.X = X;
this.XEnd = XEnd;
this.MoveToLBP = false;
this.LineBreakPos = new CParagraphContentPos();
Set_LineBreakPos: function (PosObj) {
Set_NumberingPos: function (PosObj, Item) {
this.Paragraph.Numbering.Pos = this.NumberingPos;
this.Paragraph.Numbering.Item = Item;
Update_CurPos: function (PosObj, Depth) {
this.CurPos.Update(PosObj, Depth);
Reset_Ranges: function () {
this.Ranges = [];
this.RangesCount = 0;
Reset_PageBreak: function () {
this.PageBreak = null;
this.SkipPageBreak = false;
this.ExtendBoundToBottom = false;
Reset_RunRecalcInfo: function () {
this.RunRecalcInfoBreak = this.RunRecalcInfoLast;
Restore_RunRecalcInfo: function () {
this.RunRecalcInfoLast = this.RunRecalcInfoBreak;
function CParagraphRecalculateStateCounter() {
this.Paragraph = undefined;
this.Range = undefined;
this.Word = false;
this.SpaceLen = 0;
this.SpacesCount = 0;
this.Words = 0;
this.Spaces = 0;
this.Letters = 0;
this.SpacesSkip = 0;
this.LettersSkip = 0;
CParagraphRecalculateStateCounter.prototype = {
Reset: function (Paragraph, Range) {
this.Paragraph = Paragraph;
this.Range = Range;
this.Word = false;
this.SpaceLen = 0;
this.SpacesCount = 0;
this.Words = 0;
this.Spaces = 0;
this.Letters = 0;
this.SpacesSkip = 0;
this.LettersSkip = 0;
function CParagraphRecalculateStateAlign() {
this.X = 0;
this.Y = 0;
this.XEnd = 0;
this.JustifyWord = 0;
this.JustifySpace = 0;
this.SpacesCounter = 0;
this.SpacesSkip = 0;
this.LettersSkip = 0;
this.LastW = 0;
this.Paragraph = undefined;
this.RecalcResult = 0;
this.CurPage = 0;
this.PageY = 0;
this.RecalcFast = false;
this.RecalcFast2 = false;
function CParagraphRecalculateStateInfo() {
this.Comments = [];
CParagraphRecalculateStateInfo.prototype = {
Reset: function (PrevInfo) {
if (null !== PrevInfo && undefined !== PrevInfo) {
this.Comments = PrevInfo.Comments;
} else {
this.Comments = [];
Add_Comment: function (Id) {
Remove_Comment: function (Id) {
var CommentsLen = this.Comments.length;
for (var CurPos = 0; CurPos < CommentsLen; CurPos++) {
if (this.Comments[CurPos] === Id) {
this.Comments.splice(CurPos, 1);
function CParagraphRecalculateObject() {
this.X = 0;
this.Y = 0;
this.XLimit = 0;
this.YLimit = 0;
this.Pages = [];
this.Lines = [];
this.Content = [];
CParagraphRecalculateObject.prototype = {
Save: function (Para) {
this.X = Para.X;
this.Y = Para.Y;
this.XLimit = Para.XLimit;
this.YLimit = Para.YLimit;
this.Pages = Para.Pages;
this.Lines = Para.Lines;
var Content = Para.Content;
var Count = Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
this.Content[Index] = Content[Index].Save_RecalculateObject();
Load: function (Para) {
Para.X = this.X;
Para.Y = this.Y;
Para.XLimit = this.XLimit;
Para.YLimit = this.YLimit;
Para.Pages = this.Pages;
Para.Lines = this.Lines;
var Count = Para.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
Para.Content[Index].Load_RecalculateObject(this.Content[Index], Para);
Get_DrawingFlowPos: function (FlowPos) {
var Count = this.Content.length;
for (var Index = 0; Index < Count; Index++) {
}; |