nikolay ivanov a8be6b9e72 init repo
2014-07-05 18:22:49 +00:00

279 lines
15 KiB

* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
function XYAdjustmentTrack(originalShape, adjIndex) {
this.originalShape = originalShape;
this.geometry = originalShape.spPr.geometry.createDuplicate();
this.adjastment = this.geometry.ahXYLst[adjIndex];
this.shapeWidth = this.originalShape.extX;
this.shapeHeight = this.originalShape.extY;
this.xFlag = false;
this.yFlag = false;
this.refX = null;
this.refY = null;
if (this.adjastment !== null && typeof this.adjastment === "object") {
var _ref_x = this.adjastment.gdRefX;
var _gd_lst = this.geometry.gdLst;
if (typeof _ref_x === "string" && typeof _gd_lst[_ref_x] === "number" && typeof this.adjastment.minX === "number" && typeof this.adjastment.maxX === "number") {
_gd_lst[_ref_x] = this.adjastment.minX;
this.geometry.Recalculate(this.shapeWidth, this.shapeHeight);
this.minRealX = this.adjastment.posX;
_gd_lst[_ref_x] = this.adjastment.maxX;
this.geometry.Recalculate(this.shapeWidth, this.shapeHeight);
this.maxRealX = this.adjastment.posX;
this.maximalRealX = Math.max(this.maxRealX, this.minRealX);
this.minimalRealX = Math.min(this.maxRealX, this.minRealX);
this.minimalRealativeX = Math.min(this.adjastment.minX, this.adjastment.maxX);
this.maximalRealativeX = Math.max(this.adjastment.minX, this.adjastment.maxX);
if (this.maximalRealX - this.minimalRealX > 0) {
this.coeffX = (this.adjastment.maxX - this.adjastment.minX) / (this.maxRealX - this.minRealX);
this.xFlag = true;
var _ref_y = this.adjastment.gdRefY;
if (typeof _ref_y === "string" && typeof _gd_lst[_ref_y] === "number" && typeof this.adjastment.minY === "number" && typeof this.adjastment.maxY === "number") {
_gd_lst[_ref_y] = this.adjastment.minY;
this.geometry.Recalculate(this.shapeWidth, this.shapeHeight);
this.minRealY = this.adjastment.posY;
_gd_lst[_ref_y] = this.adjastment.maxY;
this.geometry.Recalculate(this.shapeWidth, this.shapeHeight);
this.maxRealY = this.adjastment.posY;
this.maximalRealY = Math.max(this.maxRealY, this.minRealY);
this.minimalRealY = Math.min(this.maxRealY, this.minRealY);
this.minimalRealativeY = Math.min(this.adjastment.minY, this.adjastment.maxY);
this.maximalRealativeY = Math.max(this.adjastment.minY, this.adjastment.maxY);
if (this.maximalRealY - this.minimalRealY > 0) {
this.coeffY = (this.adjastment.maxY - this.adjastment.minY) / (this.maxRealY - this.minRealY);
this.yFlag = true;
if (this.xFlag) {
this.refX = _ref_x;
if (this.yFlag) {
this.refY = _ref_y;
this.overlayObject = new OverlayObject(this.geometry, originalShape.extX, originalShape.extY, originalShape.brush, originalShape.pen, originalShape.transform);
this.draw = function (overlay) {
this.getBounds = function () {
var bounds_checker = new CSlideBoundsChecker();
bounds_checker.init(Page_Width, Page_Height, Page_Width, Page_Height);
return {
l: bounds_checker.Bounds.min_x,
t: bounds_checker.Bounds.min_y,
r: bounds_checker.Bounds.max_x,
b: bounds_checker.Bounds.max_y
this.track = function (posX, posY) {
var invert_transform = this.originalShape.invertTransform;
var _relative_x = invert_transform.TransformPointX(posX, posY);
var _relative_y = invert_transform.TransformPointY(posX, posY);
var bRecalculate = false;
if (this.xFlag) {
var _new_x = this.adjastment.minX + this.coeffX * (_relative_x - this.minRealX);
if (_new_x <= this.maximalRealativeX && _new_x >= this.minimalRealativeX) {
if (this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefX] !== _new_x) {
bRecalculate = true;
this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefX] = _new_x;
} else {
if (_new_x > this.maximalRealativeX) {
if (this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefX] !== this.maximalRealativeX) {
bRecalculate = true;
this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefX] = this.maximalRealativeX;
} else {
if (this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefX] !== this.minimalRealativeX) {
bRecalculate = true;
this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefX] = this.minimalRealativeX;
if (this.yFlag) {
var _new_y = this.adjastment.minY + this.coeffY * (_relative_y - this.minRealY);
if (_new_y <= this.maximalRealativeY && _new_y >= this.minimalRealativeY) {
if (this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefY] !== _new_y) {
bRecalculate = true;
this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefY] = _new_y;
} else {
if (_new_y > this.maximalRealativeY) {
if (this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefY] !== this.maximalRealativeY) {
bRecalculate = true;
this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefY] = this.maximalRealativeY;
} else {
if (this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefY] !== this.minimalRealativeY) {
bRecalculate = true;
this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefY] = this.minimalRealativeY;
if (bRecalculate) {
this.geometry.Recalculate(this.shapeWidth, this.shapeHeight);
this.trackEnd = function () {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_RecalculateAfterParagraphAddUndo, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.originalShape.Get_Id(), new UndoRedoDataGOSingleProp(null, null)));
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_RecalculateGeometry_Undo, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.originalShape.Id, new UndoRedoDataShapeRecalc()), null);
this.originalShape.setAdjustmentValue(this.refX, this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefX], this.refY, this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefY]);
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_RecalculateGeometry_Redo, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.originalShape.Id, new UndoRedoDataShapeRecalc()), null);
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_RecalculateAfterParagraphAddRedo, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.originalShape.Get_Id(), new UndoRedoDataGOSingleProp(null, null)));
function PolarAdjustmentTrack(originalShape, adjIndex) {
this.originalShape = originalShape;
this.geometry = originalShape.spPr.geometry.createDuplicate();
this.adjastment = this.geometry.ahPolarLst[adjIndex];
this.shapeWidth = this.originalShape.extX;
this.shapeHeight = this.originalShape.extY;
this.radiusFlag = false;
this.angleFlag = false;
this.refR = null;
this.refAng = null;
if (this.adjastment !== null && typeof this.adjastment === "object") {
var _ref_r = this.adjastment.gdRefR;
var _gd_lst = this.geometry.gdLst;
if (typeof _ref_r === "string" && typeof _gd_lst[_ref_r] === "number" && typeof this.adjastment.minR === "number" && typeof this.adjastment.maxR === "number") {
_gd_lst[_ref_r] = this.adjastment.minR;
this.geometry.Recalculate(this.shapeWidth, this.shapeHeight);
var _dx = this.adjastment.posX - this.shapeWidth * 0.5;
var _dy = this.adjastment.posY - this.shapeWidth * 0.5;
this.minRealR = Math.sqrt(_dx * _dx + _dy * _dy);
_gd_lst[_ref_r] = this.adjastment.maxR;
this.geometry.Recalculate(this.shapeWidth, this.shapeHeight);
_dx = this.adjastment.posX - this.shapeWidth * 0.5;
_dy = this.adjastment.posY - this.shapeHeight * 0.5;
this.maxRealR = Math.sqrt(_dx * _dx + _dy * _dy);
this.maximalRealRadius = Math.max(this.maxRealR, this.minRealR);
this.minimalRealRadius = Math.min(this.maxRealR, this.minRealR);
this.minimalRealativeRadius = Math.min(this.adjastment.minR, this.adjastment.maxR);
this.maximalRealativeRadius = Math.max(this.adjastment.minR, this.adjastment.maxR);
if (this.maximalRealRadius - this.minimalRealRadius > 0) {
this.coeffR = (this.adjastment.maxR - this.adjastment.minR) / (this.maxRealR - this.minRealR);
this.radiusFlag = true;
var _ref_ang = this.adjastment.gdRefAng;
if (typeof _ref_ang === "string" && typeof _gd_lst[_ref_ang] === "number" && typeof this.adjastment.minAng === "number" && typeof this.adjastment.maxAng === "number") {
this.angleFlag = true;
this.minimalAngle = Math.min(this.adjastment.minAng, this.adjastment.maxAng);
this.maximalAngle = Math.max(this.adjastment.minAng, this.adjastment.maxAng);
if (this.radiusFlag) {
this.refR = _ref_r;
if (this.angleFlag) {
this.refAng = _ref_ang;
this.overlayObject = new OverlayObject(this.geometry, this.originalShape.extX, this.originalShape.extY, this.originalShape.brush, this.originalShape.pen, this.originalShape.transform);
this.draw = function (overlay) {
this.getBounds = function () {
var bounds_checker = new CSlideBoundsChecker();
bounds_checker.init(Page_Width, Page_Height, Page_Width, Page_Height);
return {
l: bounds_checker.Bounds.min_x,
t: bounds_checker.Bounds.min_y,
r: bounds_checker.Bounds.max_x,
b: bounds_checker.Bounds.max_y
this.track = function (posX, posY) {
var _temp_x = posX - this.xLT;
var _temp_y = posY - this.yLT;
var _sin = this.sin;
var _cos = this.cos;
var invert_transform = this.originalShape.invertTransform;
var _relative_x = invert_transform.TransformPointX(posX, posY);
var _relative_y = invert_transform.TransformPointY(posX, posY);
var _pos_x_relative_center = _relative_x - this.shapeHeight * 0.5;
var _pos_y_relative_center = _relative_y - this.shapeWidth * 0.5;
if (this.radiusFlag) {
var _radius = Math.sqrt(_pos_x_relative_center * _pos_x_relative_center + _pos_y_relative_center * _pos_y_relative_center);
var _new_radius = this.adjastment.minR + this.coeffR * (_radius - this.minRealR);
if (_new_radius <= this.maximalRealativeRadius && _new_radius >= this.minimalRealativeRadius) {
this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefR] = _new_radius;
} else {
if (_new_radius > this.maximalRealativeRadius) {
this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefR] = this.maximalRealativeRadius;
} else {
this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefR] = this.minimalRealativeRadius;
if (this.angleFlag) {
var _angle = Math.atan2(_pos_y_relative_center, _pos_x_relative_center);
while (_angle < 0) {
_angle += 2 * Math.PI;
while (_angle >= 2 * Math.PI) {
_angle -= 2 * Math.PI;
_angle *= cToDeg;
if (_angle >= this.minimalAngle && _angle <= this.maximalAngle) {
this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefAng] = _angle;
} else {
if (_angle >= this.maximalAngle) {
this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefAng] = this.maximalAngle;
} else {
if (_angle <= this.minimalAngle) {
this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefAng] = this.minimalAngle;
this.geometry.Recalculate(this.shapeWidth, this.shapeHeight);
this.trackEnd = function () {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_RecalculateAfterParagraphAddUndo, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.originalShape.Get_Id(), new UndoRedoDataGOSingleProp(null, null)));
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_RecalculateGeometry_Undo, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.originalShape.Id, new UndoRedoDataShapeRecalc()), null);
this.originalShape.setAdjustmentValue(this.refR, this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefR], this.refAng, this.geometry.gdLst[this.adjastment.gdRefAng]);
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_RecalculateAfterParagraphAddRedo, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.originalShape.Get_Id(), new UndoRedoDataGOSingleProp(null, null)));
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_RecalculateGeometry_Redo, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(this.originalShape.Id, new UndoRedoDataShapeRecalc()), null);