nikolay ivanov a8be6b9e72 init repo
2014-07-05 18:22:49 +00:00

282 lines
9 KiB

* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "CallTraits.h"
#include "Exception/not_init_nullable.h"
#include "../../../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/Base/SmartPtr.h"
template<typename T> class nullable__
typedef typename NSCallTraits<T>::param_type Parameter;
template<class T, bool big_type> class InternalNullable
typedef typename NSCallTraits<T>::param_type Parameter;
InternalNullable() {}
InternalNullable(Parameter value) : _value(new T(value)) {}
inline void operator =(Parameter value) { _value.reset(new T(value));}
inline void operator =(const nullable__<T>& value)
if (value.is_init())
_value.reset(new T(value));
_value = NSCommon::smart_ptr<T>();
inline Parameter get() const {return *_value;}
inline Parameter get_value_or(Parameter value) const {return is_init() ? get() : value;}
inline T const* get_ptr() const {return _value.operator->();}
inline T* get_ptr() {return _value.operator->();}
inline T const* operator->() const {return _value.operator->();}
inline T* operator->() {return _value.operator->();}
inline const T& operator*() const {return (_value.operator*());}
inline T& operator*() {return (_value.operator*());}
inline const bool is_init() const {return _value.is_init();}
inline void reset() {_value.reset();}
NSCommon::smart_ptr<T> _value;
template<class T> class InternalNullable<T, false>
typedef typename NSCallTraits<T>::param_type Parameter;
InternalNullable() {}
InternalNullable(Parameter value) : _value(new T(value)) {}
inline void operator =(Parameter value) {_value = value;}
inline void operator =(const nullable__<T>& value)
if (value.is_init())
_value.reset(new T(value));
_value = NSCommon::smart_ptr<T>();
inline Parameter get() const {return *_value;}
inline Parameter get_value_or(Parameter value) const {return is_init() ? get() : value;}
inline T const* get_ptr() const {return _value.operator->();}
inline T* get_ptr() {return _value.operator->();}
inline T const* operator->() const {return _value.operator->();}
inline T* operator->() {return _value.operator->();}
inline const T& operator*() const {return (_value.operator*());}
inline T& operator*() {return (_value.operator*());}
inline const bool is_init() const {return _value.is_init();}
inline void reset() {_value.reset();}
NSCommon::smart_ptr<T> _value;
nullable__() {}
nullable__(Parameter value) : _value(value) {}
template<typename U>
const nullable__<T>& operator =(const U& value)
return ::nullable_setter(*this, value);
template<typename U>
const nullable__<T>& nullable_setter(const U& value)
_value = static_cast<T>(value);
return *this;
inline const nullable__<T>& nullable_setter(const nullable__<T>& value)
_value = value;
return *this;
inline operator Parameter() const {return _value.get();}
inline Parameter get() const
if (!is_init())
throw not_init_nullable();
return _value.get();
inline Parameter get_value_or(Parameter value) const
return _value.get_value_or(value);
inline const T get_value_or_default() const
return get_value_or(T());
inline T const* operator->() const
if (!is_init())
throw not_init_nullable();
return _value.get_ptr();
inline T* operator->()
if (!is_init())
throw not_init_nullable();
return _value.get_ptr();
inline T const* get_ptr() const
if (!is_init())
throw not_init_nullable();
return _value.get_ptr();
inline T* get_ptr()
if (!is_init())
throw not_init_nullable();
return _value.get_ptr();
inline T const& operator*() const
if (!is_init())
throw not_init_nullable();
return *_value;
inline T& operator*()
if (!is_init())
throw not_init_nullable();
return *_value;
inline const bool is_init() const
return _value.is_init();
inline void reset()
inline void init()
if (!is_init())
_value = T();
inline const std::string ToString() const
return ::ToString(get());
inline const bool operator ==(nullable__<T> const& rhs) const {return _value.get() == rhs._value.get();}
inline const bool operator !=(nullable__<T> const& rhs) const {return _value.get() != rhs._value.get();}
inline const bool operator < (nullable__<T> const& rhs) const {return _value.get() < rhs._value.get();}
inline const bool operator > (nullable__<T> const& rhs) const {return _value.get() > rhs._value.get();}
inline const bool operator <=(nullable__<T> const& rhs) const {return _value.get() <= rhs._value.get();}
inline const bool operator >=(nullable__<T> const& rhs) const {return _value.get() >= rhs._value.get();}
inline const bool operator ==(Parameter rhs) const {return _value.get() == rhs;}
inline const bool operator !=(Parameter rhs) const {return _value.get() != rhs;}
inline const bool operator < (Parameter rhs) const {return _value.get() < rhs;}
inline const bool operator > (Parameter rhs) const {return _value.get() > rhs;}
inline const bool operator <=(Parameter rhs) const {return _value.get() <= rhs;}
inline const bool operator >=(Parameter rhs) const {return _value.get() >= rhs;}
template<typename T> const bool operator ==(const T rhs) const {return _value.get() == rhs;}
template<typename T> const bool operator !=(const T rhs) const {return _value.get() != rhs;}
template<typename T> const bool operator < (const T rhs) const {return _value.get() < rhs;}
template<typename T> const bool operator > (const T rhs) const {return _value.get() > rhs;}
template<typename T> const bool operator <=(const T rhs) const {return _value.get() <= rhs;}
template<typename T> const bool operator >=(const T rhs) const {return _value.get() >= rhs;}
static const int size_of_big_object = 128;
InternalNullable<T, sizeof(T) / (size_of_big_object + 1) >= 1> _value;
template<class T> const bool operator== (const T x, nullable__<T> const& y) {return y == x;}
template<class T> const bool operator!= (const T x, nullable__<T> const& y) {return y != x;}
template<class T> const bool operator< (const T x, nullable__<T> const& y) {return y >= x;}
template<class T> const bool operator> (const T x, nullable__<T> const& y) {return y <= x;}
template<class T> const bool operator<= (const T x, nullable__<T> const& y) {return y > x;}
template<class T> const bool operator>= (const T x, nullable__<T> const& y) {return y < x;}
template<typename V, class T> const bool operator ==(const V x, nullable__<T> const& y) {return y == x;}
template<typename V, class T> const bool operator !=(const V x, nullable__<T> const& y) {return y != x;}
template<typename V, class T> const bool operator < (const V x, nullable__<T> const& y) {return y < x;}
template<typename V, class T> const bool operator > (const V x, nullable__<T> const& y) {return y > x;}
template<typename V, class T> const bool operator <=(const V x, nullable__<T> const& y) {return y <= x;}
template<typename V, class T> const bool operator >=(const V x, nullable__<T> const& y) {return y >= x;}
template<typename T, typename U> const nullable__<T>& nullable_setter(nullable__<T>& lhs, const U& rhs)
return lhs.nullable_setter(rhs);
template<typename T> const std::string ToString(const nullable__<T>& value)
return value.ToString();