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<title>Information about how you can update your charts dynamically</title>
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<a href="../index.html">OfficeExcel: HTML5 Javascript charts library</a>
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Updating your charts dynamically
<h1>Updating <span>your charts dynamically</span></h1>
if (OfficeExcel.isOld()) {
document.write('<div style="background-color: #fee; border: 2px dashed red; padding: 5px"><b>Important</b><br /><br /> Internet Explorer does not natively support the HTML5 canvas tag, so if you want to see the charts, you can either:<ul><li>Install <a href="http://code.google.com/chrome/chromeframe/">Google Chrome Frame</a></li><li>Use ExCanvas. This is provided in the OfficeExcel Archive.</li><li>Use another browser entirely. Your choices are Firefox 3.5+, Chrome 2+, Safari 4+ or Opera 10.5+. </li></ul> <b>Note:</b> Internet Explorer 9 fully supports the canvas tag.</div>');
<canvas id="cvs" width="600" height="250" style="float: right">[No canvas support]</canvas>
window.onload = function (e)
d1 = [];
d2 = [];
l = 0;
// Pre-pad the arrays with 250 null values
for (var i=0; i<250; ++i) {
function getGraph(id, d1, d2)
var graph = new OfficeExcel.Line(id, d1, d2);
graph.Set('chart.xticks', 100);
graph.Set('chart.background.barcolor1', 'white');
graph.Set('chart.background.barcolor2', 'white');
graph.Set('chart.title.xaxis', 'Time >>>');
graph.Set('chart.title.yaxis', 'Bandwidth (MB/s)');
graph.Set('chart.title.vpos', 0.5);
graph.Set('chart.title', 'Bandwidth used by servers 1 and 2');
graph.Set('chart.title.yaxis.pos', 0.5);
graph.Set('chart.title.xaxis.pos', 0.5);
graph.Set('chart.filled', true);
graph.Set('chart.fillstyle', ['#daf1fa', '#faa']);
graph.Set('chart.colors', ['rgb(169, 222, 244)', 'red']);
graph.Set('chart.linewidth', 1);
//graph.Set('chart.ylabels.inside', true);
graph.Set('chart.yaxispos', 'right');
graph.Set('chart.ymax', 20);
graph.Set('chart.xticks', 25);
return graph;
function drawGraph ()
var graph = getGraph('cvs', d1, d2);
// Add some data to the data arrays
var r1 = OfficeExcel.random(7, 9);
var r2 = OfficeExcel.random(7, 10);
if (d1.length > 250) {
d1 = OfficeExcel.array_shift(d1);
d2 = OfficeExcel.array_shift(d2);
if (document.all && OfficeExcel.isIE8()) {
alert('[MSIE] Sorry, Internet Explorer 8 is not fast enough to support animated charts');
} else {
// This is an alternative to setTimeout() which uses the newer requestAnimationFrame() function
The example on the right shows a line chart that automatically updates itself every 25 milliseconds. An ideal
use for this could be showing a networks bandwidth usage, or a servers load value.
This particular example shows a stacked line chart with two data series, though if you're showing load/stress values, a
non-filled chart might be a better choice.
To get up-to-date data from your server you could simply have the page refresh itself, storing the data on the server,
or use <a href="index.html#ajax">AJAX</a> if you want the data stored client-side.
If you're refreshing the chart often, as it is here, refreshing the whole page probably isn't the best idea, so AJAX may be
the better choice.
Be careful of the data types you use to pass the data to OfficeExcel - you should use numbers to represent values, not strings.
<br clear="all" />
<pre class="code">
<canvas id="cvs" width="600" height="250">[No canvas support]</canvas>
d1 = [];
d2 = [];
// Pre-pad the arrays with 250 null values
for (var i=0; i< 250; ++i) {
function getGraph(id, d1, d2)
var graph = new OfficeExcel.Line(id, d1, d2);
graph.Set('chart.background.barcolor1', 'white');
graph.Set('chart.background.barcolor2', 'white');
graph.Set('chart.title.xaxis', 'Time');
graph.Set('chart.filled', true);
graph.Set('chart.fillstyle', ['#daf1fa', '#faa']);
graph.Set('chart.colors', ['rgb(169, 222, 244)', 'red']);
graph.Set('chart.linewidth', 3);
graph.Set('chart.ymax', 20);
graph.Set('chart.xticks', 25);
return graph;
function drawGraph (e)
// Clear the canvas and redraw the chart
var graph = getGraph('cvs', d1, d2);
// Add some data to the data arrays
d1.push(OfficeExcel.random(5, 10));
d2.push(OfficeExcel.random(5, 10));
// Get rid of the first values of the arrays
if (d1.length > 250) {
d1 = OfficeExcel.array_shift(d1);
d2 = OfficeExcel.array_shift(d2);
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