nikolay ivanov a8be6b9e72 init repo
2014-07-05 18:22:49 +00:00

962 lines
29 KiB

* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
function CAscColorScheme() {
this.Colors = new Array();
this.Name = "";
CAscColorScheme.prototype.get_colors = function () {
return this.Colors;
CAscColorScheme.prototype.get_name = function () {
return this.Name;
function CAscTexture() {
this.Id = 0;
this.Image = "";
CAscTexture.prototype.get_id = function () {
return this.Id;
CAscTexture.prototype.get_image = function () {
return this.Image;
function CColor(r, g, b) {
this.r = (undefined == r) ? 0 : r;
this.g = (undefined == g) ? 0 : g;
this.b = (undefined == b) ? 0 : b;
CColor.prototype.get_r = function () {
return this.r;
CColor.prototype.put_r = function (v) {
this.r = v;
this.hex = undefined;
CColor.prototype.get_g = function () {
return this.g;
CColor.prototype.put_g = function (v) {
this.g = v;
this.hex = undefined;
CColor.prototype.get_b = function () {
return this.b;
CColor.prototype.put_b = function (v) {
this.b = v;
this.hex = undefined;
CColor.prototype.get_hex = function () {
if (!this.hex) {
var r = this.r.toString(16);
var g = this.g.toString(16);
var b = this.b.toString(16);
this.hex = (r.length == 1 ? "0" + r : r) + (g.length == 1 ? "0" + g : g) + (b.length == 1 ? "0" + b : b);
return this.hex;
function CAscColor() {
this.type = c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SRGB;
this.value = null;
this.r = 0;
this.g = 0;
this.b = 0;
this.a = 255;
this.Mods = new Array();
this.ColorSchemeId = -1;
CAscColor.prototype.get_r = function () {
return this.r;
CAscColor.prototype.put_r = function (v) {
this.r = v;
this.hex = undefined;
CAscColor.prototype.get_g = function () {
return this.g;
CAscColor.prototype.put_g = function (v) {
this.g = v;
this.hex = undefined;
CAscColor.prototype.get_b = function () {
return this.b;
CAscColor.prototype.put_b = function (v) {
this.b = v;
this.hex = undefined;
CAscColor.prototype.get_a = function () {
return this.a;
CAscColor.prototype.put_a = function (v) {
this.a = v;
this.hex = undefined;
CAscColor.prototype.get_type = function () {
return this.type;
CAscColor.prototype.put_type = function (v) {
this.type = v;
CAscColor.prototype.get_value = function () {
return this.value;
CAscColor.prototype.put_value = function (v) {
this.value = v;
CAscColor.prototype.get_hex = function () {
if (!this.hex) {
var a = this.a.toString(16);
var r = this.r.toString(16);
var g = this.g.toString(16);
var b = this.b.toString(16);
this.hex = (a.length == 1 ? "0" + a : a) + (r.length == 1 ? "0" + r : r) + (g.length == 1 ? "0" + g : g) + (b.length == 1 ? "0" + b : b);
return this.hex;
CAscColor.prototype.get_color = function () {
var ret = new CColor(this.r, this.g, this.b);
return ret;
function CreateAscColorCustom(r, g, b) {
var ret = new CAscColor();
ret.type = c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SRGB;
ret.r = r;
ret.g = g;
ret.b = b;
ret.a = 255;
return ret;
function CreateAscColor(unicolor) {
if (null == unicolor || null == unicolor.color) {
return new CAscColor();
var ret = new CAscColor();
ret.r = unicolor.RGBA.R;
ret.g = unicolor.RGBA.G;
ret.b = unicolor.RGBA.B;
ret.a = unicolor.RGBA.A;
var _color = unicolor.color;
switch (_color.type) {
ret.type = c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_PRST;
ret.value =;
ret.type = c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME;
ret.value =;
return ret;
function CorrectUniColor(asc_color, unicolor) {
if (null == asc_color) {
return unicolor;
var ret = unicolor;
if (null == ret) {
ret = new CUniColor();
var _type = asc_color.get_type();
switch (_type) {
case c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_PRST:
if (ret.color == null || ret.color.type != COLOR_TYPE_PRST) {
ret.color = new CPrstColor();
} = asc_color.get_value();
if (ret.Mods.Mods.length != 0) {
ret.Mods.Mods.splice(0, ret.Mods.Mods.length);
case c_oAscColor.COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME:
if (ret.color == null || ret.color.type != COLOR_TYPE_SCHEME) {
ret.color = new CSchemeColor();
var _index = parseInt(asc_color.get_value());
var _id = (_index / 6) >> 0;
var _pos = _index - _id * 6;
var array_colors_types = [6, 15, 7, 16, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; = array_colors_types[_id];
if (ret.Mods.Mods.length != 0) {
ret.Mods.Mods.splice(0, ret.Mods.Mods.length);
var __mods = g_oThemeColorsDefaultMods;
if (editor && editor.WordControl && editor.WordControl.m_oDrawingDocument && editor.WordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.GuiControlColorsMap) {
var _map = editor.WordControl.m_oDrawingDocument.GuiControlColorsMap;
var __r = _map[_id].r;
var __g = _map[_id].g;
var __b = _map[_id].b;
if (__r > 200 && __g > 200 && __b > 200) {
__mods = g_oThemeColorsDefaultMods1;
} else {
if (__r < 40 && __g < 40 && __b < 40) {
__mods = g_oThemeColorsDefaultMods2;
if (1 <= _pos && _pos <= 5) {
var _mods = __mods[_pos - 1];
var _ind = 0;
for (var k in _mods) {
ret.Mods.Mods[_ind] = new CColorMod();
ret.Mods.Mods[_ind].name = k;
ret.Mods.Mods[_ind].val = _mods[k];
if (ret.color == null || ret.color.type != COLOR_TYPE_SRGB) {
ret.color = new CRGBColor();
ret.color.RGBA.R = asc_color.get_r();
ret.color.RGBA.G = asc_color.get_g();
ret.color.RGBA.B = asc_color.get_b();
ret.color.RGBA.A = asc_color.get_a();
if (ret.Mods.Mods.length != 0) {
ret.Mods.Mods.splice(0, ret.Mods.Mods.length);
return ret;
function CAscFillBlip() {
this.type = c_oAscFillBlipType.STRETCH;
this.url = "";
this.texture_id = null;
CAscFillBlip.prototype.get_type = function () {
return this.type;
CAscFillBlip.prototype.put_type = function (v) {
this.type = v;
CAscFillBlip.prototype.get_url = function () {
return this.url;
CAscFillBlip.prototype.put_url = function (v) {
this.url = v;
CAscFillBlip.prototype.get_texture_id = function () {
return this.texture_id;
CAscFillBlip.prototype.put_texture_id = function (v) {
this.texture_id = v;
function CAscFillSolid() {
this.color = new CAscColor();
CAscFillSolid.prototype.get_color = function () {
return this.color;
CAscFillSolid.prototype.put_color = function (v) {
this.color = v;
function CAscFillHatch() {
this.PatternType = undefined;
this.fgClr = undefined;
this.bgClr = undefined;
CAscFillHatch.prototype.get_pattern_type = function () {
return this.PatternType;
CAscFillHatch.prototype.put_pattern_type = function (v) {
this.PatternType = v;
CAscFillHatch.prototype.get_color_fg = function () {
return this.fgClr;
CAscFillHatch.prototype.put_color_fg = function (v) {
this.fgClr = v;
CAscFillHatch.prototype.get_color_bg = function () {
return this.bgClr;
CAscFillHatch.prototype.put_color_bg = function (v) {
this.bgClr = v;
function CAscFillGrad() {
this.Colors = undefined;
this.Positions = undefined;
this.GradType = 0;
this.LinearAngle = undefined;
this.LinearScale = true;
this.PathType = 0;
CAscFillGrad.prototype.get_colors = function () {
return this.Colors;
CAscFillGrad.prototype.put_colors = function (v) {
this.Colors = v;
CAscFillGrad.prototype.get_positions = function () {
return this.Positions;
CAscFillGrad.prototype.put_positions = function (v) {
this.Positions = v;
CAscFillGrad.prototype.get_grad_type = function () {
return this.GradType;
CAscFillGrad.prototype.put_grad_type = function (v) {
this.GradType = v;
CAscFillGrad.prototype.get_linear_angle = function () {
return this.LinearAngle;
CAscFillGrad.prototype.put_linear_angle = function (v) {
this.LinearAngle = v;
CAscFillGrad.prototype.get_linear_scale = function () {
return this.LinearScale;
CAscFillGrad.prototype.put_linear_scale = function (v) {
this.LinearScale = v;
CAscFillGrad.prototype.get_path_type = function () {
return this.PathType;
CAscFillGrad.prototype.put_path_type = function (v) {
this.PathType = v;
function CAscFill() {
this.type = null;
this.fill = null;
this.transparent = null;
CAscFill.prototype.get_type = function () {
return this.type;
CAscFill.prototype.put_type = function (v) {
this.type = v;
CAscFill.prototype.get_fill = function () {
return this.fill;
CAscFill.prototype.put_fill = function (v) {
this.fill = v;
CAscFill.prototype.get_transparent = function () {
return this.transparent;
CAscFill.prototype.put_transparent = function (v) {
this.transparent = v;
function CreateAscFill(unifill) {
if (null == unifill || null == unifill.fill) {
return new CAscFill();
var ret = new CAscFill();
var _fill = unifill.fill;
switch (_fill.type) {
ret.type = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_SOLID;
ret.fill = new CAscFillSolid();
ret.fill.color = CreateAscColor(_fill.color);
ret.type = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT;
ret.fill = new CAscFillHatch();
ret.fill.PatternType = _fill.ftype;
ret.fill.fgClr = CreateAscColor(_fill.fgClr);
ret.fill.bgClr = CreateAscColor(_fill.bgClr);
ret.type = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD;
ret.fill = new CAscFillGrad();
for (var i = 0; i < _fill.colors.length; i++) {
if (0 == i) {
ret.fill.Colors = new Array();
ret.fill.Positions = new Array();
if (_fill.lin) {
ret.fill.GradType = c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR;
ret.fill.LinearAngle = _fill.lin.angle;
ret.fill.LinearScale = _fill.lin.scale;
} else {
ret.fill.GradType = c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_PATH;
ret.fill.PathType = 0;
ret.type = c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP;
ret.fill = new CAscFillBlip();
ret.fill.url = _fill.RasterImageId;
ret.fill.type = (_fill.tile == null) ? c_oAscFillBlipType.STRETCH : c_oAscFillBlipType.TILE;
ret.transparent = unifill.transparent;
return ret;
function CorrectUniFill(asc_fill, unifill) {
if (null == asc_fill) {
return unifill;
var ret = unifill;
if (null == ret) {
ret = new CUniFill();
var _fill = asc_fill.get_fill();
var _type = asc_fill.get_type();
if (null != _type) {
switch (_type) {
case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_NOFILL:
ret.fill = new CNoFill();
case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_BLIP:
if (ret.fill == null || ret.fill.type != FILL_TYPE_BLIP) {
ret.fill = new CBlipFill();
var _url = _fill.get_url();
var _tx_id = _fill.get_texture_id();
if (null != _tx_id && (0 <= _tx_id) && (_tx_id < g_oUserTexturePresets.length)) {
_url = g_oUserTexturePresets[_tx_id];
if (_url != null && _url !== undefined && _url != "") {
ret.fill.RasterImageId = _url;
if (ret.fill.RasterImageId == null) {
ret.fill.RasterImageId = "";
var tile = _fill.get_type();
if (tile == c_oAscFillBlipType.STRETCH) {
ret.fill.tile = null;
} else {
if (tile == c_oAscFillBlipType.TILE) {
ret.fill.tile = true;
case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_PATT:
if (ret.fill == null || ret.fill.type != FILL_TYPE_PATT) {
ret.fill = new CPattFill();
if (undefined != _fill.PatternType) {
ret.fill.ftype = _fill.PatternType;
if (undefined != _fill.fgClr) {
ret.fill.fgClr = CorrectUniColor(_fill.get_color_fg(), ret.fill.fgClr);
if (undefined != _fill.bgClr) {
ret.fill.bgClr = CorrectUniColor(_fill.get_color_bg(), ret.fill.bgClr);
case c_oAscFill.FILL_TYPE_GRAD:
if (ret.fill == null || ret.fill.type != FILL_TYPE_GRAD) {
ret.fill = new CGradFill();
var _colors = _fill.get_colors();
var _positions = _fill.get_positions();
if (undefined != _colors && undefined != _positions) {
if (_colors.length == _positions.length) {
ret.fill.colors.splice(0, ret.fill.colors.length);
for (var i = 0; i < _colors.length; i++) {
var _gs = new CGs();
_gs.color = CorrectUniColor(_colors[i], _gs.color);
_gs.pos = _positions[i];
} else {
if (undefined != _colors) {
if (_colors.length == ret.fill.colors.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < _colors.length; i++) {
ret.fill.colors[i].color = CorrectUniColor(_colors[i], ret.fill.colors[i].color);
} else {
if (undefined != _positions) {
if (_positions.length == ret.fill.colors.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < _positions.length; i++) {
ret.fill.colors[i].pos = _positions[i];
var _grad_type = _fill.get_grad_type();
if (c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_LINEAR == _grad_type) {
var _angle = _fill.get_linear_angle();
var _scale = _fill.get_linear_scale();
if (!ret.fill.lin) {
ret.fill.lin = new GradLin();
if (undefined != _angle) {
ret.fill.lin.angle = _angle;
if (undefined != _scale) {
ret.fill.lin.scale = _scale;
} else {
if (c_oAscFillGradType.GRAD_PATH == _grad_type) {
ret.fill.lin = null;
ret.fill.path = new GradPath();
if (ret.fill == null || ret.fill.type != FILL_TYPE_SOLID) {
ret.fill = new CSolidFill();
ret.fill.color = CorrectUniColor(_fill.get_color(), ret.fill.color);
var _alpha = asc_fill.get_transparent();
if (null != _alpha) {
ret.transparent = _alpha;
return ret;
function CAscSlideProps() {
this.Background = null;
CAscSlideProps.prototype.get_background = function () {
return this.Background;
CAscSlideProps.prototype.put_background = function (v) {
this.Background = v;
function CAscStroke() {
this.type = null;
this.width = null;
this.color = null;
this.LineJoin = null;
this.LineCap = null;
this.LineBeginStyle = null;
this.LineBeginSize = null;
this.LineEndStyle = null;
this.LineEndSize = null;
this.canChangeArrows = false;
CAscStroke.prototype.get_type = function () {
return this.type;
CAscStroke.prototype.put_type = function (v) {
this.type = v;
CAscStroke.prototype.get_width = function () {
return this.width;
CAscStroke.prototype.put_width = function (v) {
this.width = v;
CAscStroke.prototype.get_color = function () {
return this.color;
CAscStroke.prototype.put_color = function (v) {
this.color = v;
CAscStroke.prototype.get_linejoin = function () {
return this.LineJoin;
CAscStroke.prototype.put_linejoin = function (v) {
this.LineJoin = v;
CAscStroke.prototype.get_linecap = function () {
return this.LineCap;
CAscStroke.prototype.put_linecap = function (v) {
this.LineCap = v;
CAscStroke.prototype.get_linebeginstyle = function () {
return this.LineBeginStyle;
CAscStroke.prototype.put_linebeginstyle = function (v) {
this.LineBeginStyle = v;
CAscStroke.prototype.get_linebeginsize = function () {
return this.LineBeginSize;
CAscStroke.prototype.put_linebeginsize = function (v) {
this.LineBeginSize = v;
CAscStroke.prototype.get_lineendstyle = function () {
return this.LineEndStyle;
CAscStroke.prototype.put_lineendstyle = function (v) {
this.LineEndStyle = v;
CAscStroke.prototype.get_lineendsize = function () {
return this.LineEndSize;
CAscStroke.prototype.put_lineendsize = function (v) {
this.LineEndSize = v;
CAscStroke.prototype.get_canChangeArrows = function () {
return this.canChangeArrows;
function CreateAscStroke(ln, _canChangeArrows) {
if (null == ln || null == ln.Fill || ln.Fill.fill == null) {
return new CAscStroke();
var ret = new CAscStroke();
var _fill = ln.Fill.fill;
if (_fill != null) {
switch (_fill.type) {
ret.color = CreateAscColor(_fill.color);
ret.type = c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR;
var _c = _fill.colors;
if (_c != 0) {
ret.color = CreateAscColor(_fill.colors[0].color);
ret.type = c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR;
ret.color = CreateAscColor(_fill.fgClr);
ret.type = c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_COLOR;
ret.color = null;
ret.type = c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE;
ret.width = (ln.w == null) ? 12700 : (ln.w >> 0);
ret.width /= 36000;
if (ln.cap != null) {
if (ln.LineJoin != null) {
if (ln.headEnd != null) {
ret.put_linebeginstyle((ln.headEnd.type == null) ? LineEndType.None : ln.headEnd.type);
var _len = (null == ln.headEnd.len) ? 1 : (2 - ln.headEnd.len);
var _w = (null == ln.headEnd.w) ? 1 : (2 - ln.headEnd.w);
ret.put_linebeginsize(_w * 3 + _len);
} else {
if (ln.tailEnd != null) {
ret.put_lineendstyle((ln.tailEnd.type == null) ? LineEndType.None : ln.tailEnd.type);
var _len = (null == ln.tailEnd.len) ? 1 : (2 - ln.tailEnd.len);
var _w = (null == ln.tailEnd.w) ? 1 : (2 - ln.tailEnd.w);
ret.put_lineendsize(_w * 3 + _len);
} else {
if (true === _canChangeArrows) {
ret.canChangeArrows = true;
return ret;
function CorrectUniStroke(asc_stroke, unistroke) {
if (null == asc_stroke) {
return unistroke;
var ret = unistroke;
if (null == ret) {
ret = new CLn();
var _type = asc_stroke.get_type();
var _w = asc_stroke.get_width();
if (_w != null && _w !== undefined) {
ret.w = _w * 36000;
var _color = asc_stroke.get_color();
if (_type == c_oAscStrokeType.STROKE_NONE) {
ret.Fill = new CUniFill();
ret.Fill.fill = new CNoFill();
} else {
if (_type != null) {
if (null != _color && undefined !== _color) {
ret.Fill = new CUniFill();
ret.Fill.type = FILL_TYPE_SOLID;
ret.Fill.fill = new CSolidFill();
ret.Fill.fill.color = CorrectUniColor(_color, ret.Fill.fill.color);
var _join = asc_stroke.get_linejoin();
if (null != _join) {
ret.LineJoin = new LineJoin();
ret.LineJoin.type = _join;
var _cap = asc_stroke.get_linecap();
if (null != _cap) {
ret.cap = _cap;
var _begin_style = asc_stroke.get_linebeginstyle();
if (null != _begin_style) {
if (ret.headEnd == null) {
ret.headEnd = new EndArrow();
ret.headEnd.type = _begin_style;
var _end_style = asc_stroke.get_lineendstyle();
if (null != _end_style) {
if (ret.tailEnd == null) {
ret.tailEnd = new EndArrow();
ret.tailEnd.type = _end_style;
var _begin_size = asc_stroke.get_linebeginsize();
if (null != _begin_size) {
if (ret.headEnd == null) {
ret.headEnd = new EndArrow();
ret.headEnd.w = 2 - ((_begin_size / 3) >> 0);
ret.headEnd.len = 2 - (_begin_size % 3);
var _end_size = asc_stroke.get_lineendsize();
if (null != _end_size) {
if (ret.tailEnd == null) {
ret.tailEnd = new EndArrow();
ret.tailEnd.w = 2 - ((_end_size / 3) >> 0);
ret.tailEnd.len = 2 - (_end_size % 3);
return ret;
function CAscShapeProp() {
this.type = null;
this.fill = null;
this.stroke = null;
this.paddings = null;
this.canFill = true;
CAscShapeProp.prototype.get_type = function () {
return this.type;
CAscShapeProp.prototype.put_type = function (v) {
this.type = v;
CAscShapeProp.prototype.get_fill = function () {
return this.fill;
CAscShapeProp.prototype.put_fill = function (v) {
this.fill = v;
CAscShapeProp.prototype.get_stroke = function () {
return this.stroke;
CAscShapeProp.prototype.put_stroke = function (v) {
this.stroke = v;
CAscShapeProp.prototype.get_paddings = function () {
return this.paddings;
CAscShapeProp.prototype.put_paddings = function (v) {
this.paddings = v;
CAscShapeProp.prototype.get_CanFill = function () {
return this.canFill;
CAscShapeProp.prototype.put_CanFill = function (v) {
this.canFill = v;
function CreateAscShapeProp(shape) {
if (null == shape) {
return new CAscShapeProp();
var ret = new CAscShapeProp();
ret.fill = CreateAscFill(shape.brush);
ret.stroke = CreateAscStroke(shape.pen);
var paddings = null;
if (shape.textBoxContent) {
var body_pr = shape.bodyPr;
paddings = new CPaddings();
if (typeof body_pr.lIns === "number") {
paddings.Left = body_pr.lIns;
} else {
paddings.Left = 2.54;
if (typeof body_pr.tIns === "number") {
paddings.Top = body_pr.tIns;
} else {
paddings.Top = 1.27;
if (typeof body_pr.rIns === "number") {
paddings.Right = body_pr.rIns;
} else {
paddings.Right = 2.54;
if (typeof body_pr.bIns === "number") {
paddings.Bottom = body_pr.bIns;
} else {
paddings.Bottom = 1.27;
return ret;
function CreateAscShapePropFromProp(shapeProp) {
var obj = new CAscShapeProp();
if (!isRealObject(shapeProp)) {
return obj;
if (typeof shapeProp.type === "string") {
obj.type = shapeProp.type;
if (isRealObject(shapeProp.fill)) {
obj.fill = CreateAscFill(shapeProp.fill);
if (isRealObject(shapeProp.stroke)) {
obj.stroke = CreateAscStroke(shapeProp.stroke, shapeProp.canChangeArrows);
if (isRealObject(shapeProp.paddings)) {
obj.paddings = shapeProp.paddings;
if (shapeProp.canFill === true || shapeProp.canFill === false) {
obj.canFill = shapeProp.canFill;
return obj;
function CorrectShapeProp(asc_shape_prop, shape) {
if (null == shape || null == asc_shape_prop) {
shape.spPr.Fill = CorrectUniFill(asc_shape_prop.get_fill(), shape.spPr.Fill);
shape.spPr.ln = CorrectUniFill(asc_shape_prop.get_stroke(), shape.spPr.ln);
function CAscThemeInfo(themeInfo) {
this.Obj = themeInfo;
this.Index = -1000;
CAscThemeInfo.prototype.get_Name = function () {
return this.Obj["Name"];
CAscThemeInfo.prototype.get_Url = function () {
return this.Obj["Url"];
CAscThemeInfo.prototype.get_Image = function () {
return this.Obj["Thumbnail"];
CAscThemeInfo.prototype.get_Index = function () {
return this.Index;
function CAscThemes() {
this.EditorThemes = new Array();
this.DocumentThemes = new Array();
var _count = _presentation_editor_themes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < _count; i++) {
this.EditorThemes[i] = new CAscThemeInfo(_presentation_editor_themes[i]);
this.EditorThemes[i].Index = i;
CAscThemes.prototype.get_EditorThemes = function () {
return this.EditorThemes;
CAscThemes.prototype.get_DocumentThemes = function () {
return this.DocumentThemes;
function CAscTableStyle() {
this.Id = "";
this.Type = 0;
this.Image = "";
CAscTableStyle.prototype.get_Id = function () {
return this.Id;
CAscTableStyle.prototype.get_Image = function () {
return this.Image;
CAscTableStyle.prototype.get_Type = function () {
return this.Type;
function GenerateTableStyles(drawingDoc, logicDoc, tableLook) {
var _dst_styles = [];
var _styles = logicDoc.Styles.Get_AllTableStyles();
var _styles_len = _styles.length;
if (_styles_len == 0) {
return _dst_styles;
var _x_mar = 10;
var _y_mar = 10;
var _r_mar = 10;
var _b_mar = 10;
var _pageW = 297;
var _pageH = 210;
var W = (_pageW - _x_mar - _r_mar);
var H = (_pageH - _y_mar - _b_mar);
var Grid = [];
var Rows = 5;
var Cols = 5;
for (var i = 0; i < Cols; i++) {
Grid[i] = W / Cols;
var _canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
if (!this.m_oWordControl.bIsRetinaSupport) {
_canvas.width = TABLE_STYLE_WIDTH_PIX;
_canvas.height = TABLE_STYLE_HEIGHT_PIX;
} else {
_canvas.width = (TABLE_STYLE_WIDTH_PIX << 1);
_canvas.height = (TABLE_STYLE_HEIGHT_PIX << 1);
var ctx = _canvas.getContext("2d");
for (var i1 = 0; i1 < _styles_len; i1++) {
var i = _styles[i1];
var _style = logicDoc.Styles.Style[i];
if (!_style || _style.Type != styletype_Table) {
var table = new CTable(drawingDoc, logicDoc, true, 0, _x_mar, _y_mar, 1000, 1000, Rows, Cols, Grid);
TableStyle: i
for (var j = 0; j < Rows; j++) {
table.Content[j].Set_Height(H / Rows, heightrule_AtLeast);
ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, _canvas.width, _canvas.height);
var graphics = new CGraphics();
graphics.init(ctx, _canvas.width, _canvas.height, _pageW, _pageH);
graphics.m_oFontManager = g_fontManager;
graphics.transform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
table.Draw(0, graphics);
var _styleD = new CAscTableStyle();
_styleD.Type = 0;
_styleD.Image = _canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
_styleD.Id = i;
return _dst_styles;