2015-04-28 17:59:00 +03:00

578 lines
26 KiB

$(document).ready(function() {
test("keys", function() {
equal(_.keys({one : 1, two : 2}).join(', '), 'one, two', 'can extract the keys from an object');
// the test above is not safe because it relies on for-in enumeration order
var a = []; a[1] = 0;
equal(_.keys(a).join(', '), '1', 'is not fooled by sparse arrays; see issue #95');
raises(function() { _.keys(null); }, TypeError, 'throws an error for `null` values');
raises(function() { _.keys(void 0); }, TypeError, 'throws an error for `undefined` values');
raises(function() { _.keys(1); }, TypeError, 'throws an error for number primitives');
raises(function() { _.keys('a'); }, TypeError, 'throws an error for string primitives');
raises(function() { _.keys(true); }, TypeError, 'throws an error for boolean primitives');
test("values", function() {
equal(_.values({one: 1, two: 2}).join(', '), '1, 2', 'can extract the values from an object');
equal(_.values({one: 1, two: 2, length: 3}).join(', '), '1, 2, 3', '... even when one of them is "length"');
test("pairs", function() {
deepEqual(_.pairs({one: 1, two: 2}), [['one', 1], ['two', 2]], 'can convert an object into pairs');
deepEqual(_.pairs({one: 1, two: 2, length: 3}), [['one', 1], ['two', 2], ['length', 3]], '... even when one of them is "length"');
test("invert", function() {
var obj = {first: 'Moe', second: 'Larry', third: 'Curly'};
equal(_.keys(_.invert(obj)).join(' '), 'Moe Larry Curly', 'can invert an object');
ok(_.isEqual(_.invert(_.invert(obj)), obj), 'two inverts gets you back where you started');
var obj = {length: 3};
ok(_.invert(obj)['3'] == 'length', 'can invert an object with "length"')
test("functions", function() {
var obj = {a : 'dash', b :, c : (/yo/), d : _.reduce};
ok(_.isEqual(['b', 'd'], _.functions(obj)), 'can grab the function names of any passed-in object');
var Animal = function(){}; = function(){};
equal(_.functions(new Animal).join(''), 'run', 'also looks up functions on the prototype');
test("extend", function() {
var result;
equal(_.extend({}, {a:'b'}).a, 'b', 'can extend an object with the attributes of another');
equal(_.extend({a:'x'}, {a:'b'}).a, 'b', 'properties in source override destination');
equal(_.extend({x:'x'}, {a:'b'}).x, 'x', "properties not in source don't get overriden");
result = _.extend({x:'x'}, {a:'a'}, {b:'b'});
ok(_.isEqual(result, {x:'x', a:'a', b:'b'}), 'can extend from multiple source objects');
result = _.extend({x:'x'}, {a:'a', x:2}, {a:'b'});
ok(_.isEqual(result, {x:2, a:'b'}), 'extending from multiple source objects last property trumps');
result = _.extend({}, {a: void 0, b: null});
equal(_.keys(result).join(''), 'ab', 'extend copies undefined values');
try {
result = {};
_.extend(result, null, undefined, {a:1});
} catch(ex) {}
equal(result.a, 1, 'should not error on `null` or `undefined` sources');
test("pick", function() {
var result;
result = _.pick({a:1, b:2, c:3}, 'a', 'c');
ok(_.isEqual(result, {a:1, c:3}), 'can restrict properties to those named');
result = _.pick({a:1, b:2, c:3}, ['b', 'c']);
ok(_.isEqual(result, {b:2, c:3}), 'can restrict properties to those named in an array');
result = _.pick({a:1, b:2, c:3}, ['a'], 'b');
ok(_.isEqual(result, {a:1, b:2}), 'can restrict properties to those named in mixed args');
var Obj = function(){};
Obj.prototype = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};
ok(_.isEqual(_.pick(new Obj, 'a', 'c'), {a:1, c: 3}), 'include prototype props');
test("omit", function() {
var result;
result = _.omit({a:1, b:2, c:3}, 'b');
ok(_.isEqual(result, {a:1, c:3}), 'can omit a single named property');
result = _.omit({a:1, b:2, c:3}, 'a', 'c');
ok(_.isEqual(result, {b:2}), 'can omit several named properties');
result = _.omit({a:1, b:2, c:3}, ['b', 'c']);
ok(_.isEqual(result, {a:1}), 'can omit properties named in an array');
var Obj = function(){};
Obj.prototype = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};
ok(_.isEqual(_.omit(new Obj, 'b'), {a:1, c: 3}), 'include prototype props');
test("defaults", function() {
var result;
var options = {zero: 0, one: 1, empty: "", nan: NaN, nothing: null};
_.defaults(options, {zero: 1, one: 10, twenty: 20, nothing: 'str'});
equal(, 0, 'value exists');
equal(, 1, 'value exists');
equal(options.twenty, 20, 'default applied');
equal(options.nothing, null, "null isn't overridden");
_.defaults(options, {empty: "full"}, {nan: "nan"}, {word: "word"}, {word: "dog"});
equal(options.empty, "", 'value exists');
ok(_.isNaN(options.nan), "NaN isn't overridden");
equal(options.word, "word", 'new value is added, first one wins');
try {
options = {};
_.defaults(options, null, undefined, {a:1});
} catch(ex) {}
equal(options.a, 1, 'should not error on `null` or `undefined` sources');
test("clone", function() {
var moe = {name : 'moe', lucky : [13, 27, 34]};
var clone = _.clone(moe);
equal(, 'moe', 'the clone as the attributes of the original'); = 'curly';
ok( == 'curly' && == 'moe', 'clones can change shallow attributes without affecting the original');
equal(_.last(moe.lucky), 101, 'changes to deep attributes are shared with the original');
equal(_.clone(undefined), void 0, 'non objects should not be changed by clone');
equal(_.clone(1), 1, 'non objects should not be changed by clone');
equal(_.clone(null), null, 'non objects should not be changed by clone');
test("isEqual", function() {
function First() {
this.value = 1;
First.prototype.value = 1;
function Second() {
this.value = 1;
Second.prototype.value = 2;
// Basic equality and identity comparisons.
ok(_.isEqual(null, null), "`null` is equal to `null`");
ok(_.isEqual(), "`undefined` is equal to `undefined`");
ok(!_.isEqual(0, -0), "`0` is not equal to `-0`");
ok(!_.isEqual(-0, 0), "Commutative equality is implemented for `0` and `-0`");
ok(!_.isEqual(null, undefined), "`null` is not equal to `undefined`");
ok(!_.isEqual(undefined, null), "Commutative equality is implemented for `null` and `undefined`");
// String object and primitive comparisons.
ok(_.isEqual("Curly", "Curly"), "Identical string primitives are equal");
ok(_.isEqual(new String("Curly"), new String("Curly")), "String objects with identical primitive values are equal");
ok(_.isEqual(new String("Curly"), "Curly"), "String primitives and their corresponding object wrappers are equal");
ok(_.isEqual("Curly", new String("Curly")), "Commutative equality is implemented for string objects and primitives");
ok(!_.isEqual("Curly", "Larry"), "String primitives with different values are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(new String("Curly"), new String("Larry")), "String objects with different primitive values are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(new String("Curly"), {toString: function(){ return "Curly"; }}), "String objects and objects with a custom `toString` method are not equal");
// Number object and primitive comparisons.
ok(_.isEqual(75, 75), "Identical number primitives are equal");
ok(_.isEqual(new Number(75), new Number(75)), "Number objects with identical primitive values are equal");
ok(_.isEqual(75, new Number(75)), "Number primitives and their corresponding object wrappers are equal");
ok(_.isEqual(new Number(75), 75), "Commutative equality is implemented for number objects and primitives");
ok(!_.isEqual(new Number(0), -0), "`new Number(0)` and `-0` are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(0, new Number(-0)), "Commutative equality is implemented for `new Number(0)` and `-0`");
ok(!_.isEqual(new Number(75), new Number(63)), "Number objects with different primitive values are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(new Number(63), {valueOf: function(){ return 63; }}), "Number objects and objects with a `valueOf` method are not equal");
// Comparisons involving `NaN`.
ok(_.isEqual(NaN, NaN), "`NaN` is equal to `NaN`");
ok(!_.isEqual(61, NaN), "A number primitive is not equal to `NaN`");
ok(!_.isEqual(new Number(79), NaN), "A number object is not equal to `NaN`");
ok(!_.isEqual(Infinity, NaN), "`Infinity` is not equal to `NaN`");
// Boolean object and primitive comparisons.
ok(_.isEqual(true, true), "Identical boolean primitives are equal");
ok(_.isEqual(new Boolean, new Boolean), "Boolean objects with identical primitive values are equal");
ok(_.isEqual(true, new Boolean(true)), "Boolean primitives and their corresponding object wrappers are equal");
ok(_.isEqual(new Boolean(true), true), "Commutative equality is implemented for booleans");
ok(!_.isEqual(new Boolean(true), new Boolean), "Boolean objects with different primitive values are not equal");
// Common type coercions.
ok(!_.isEqual(true, new Boolean(false)), "Boolean objects are not equal to the boolean primitive `true`");
ok(!_.isEqual("75", 75), "String and number primitives with like values are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(new Number(63), new String(63)), "String and number objects with like values are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(75, "75"), "Commutative equality is implemented for like string and number values");
ok(!_.isEqual(0, ""), "Number and string primitives with like values are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(1, true), "Number and boolean primitives with like values are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(new Boolean(false), new Number(0)), "Boolean and number objects with like values are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(false, new String("")), "Boolean primitives and string objects with like values are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(12564504e5, new Date(2009, 9, 25)), "Dates and their corresponding numeric primitive values are not equal");
// Dates.
ok(_.isEqual(new Date(2009, 9, 25), new Date(2009, 9, 25)), "Date objects referencing identical times are equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(new Date(2009, 9, 25), new Date(2009, 11, 13)), "Date objects referencing different times are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(new Date(2009, 11, 13), {
getTime: function(){
return 12606876e5;
}), "Date objects and objects with a `getTime` method are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(new Date("Curly"), new Date("Curly")), "Invalid dates are not equal");
// Functions.
ok(!_.isEqual(First, Second), "Different functions with identical bodies and source code representations are not equal");
// RegExps.
ok(_.isEqual(/(?:)/gim, /(?:)/gim), "RegExps with equivalent patterns and flags are equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(/(?:)/g, /(?:)/gi), "RegExps with equivalent patterns and different flags are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(/Moe/gim, /Curly/gim), "RegExps with different patterns and equivalent flags are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(/(?:)/gi, /(?:)/g), "Commutative equality is implemented for RegExps");
ok(!_.isEqual(/Curly/g, {source: "Larry", global: true, ignoreCase: false, multiline: false}), "RegExps and RegExp-like objects are not equal");
// Empty arrays, array-like objects, and object literals.
ok(_.isEqual({}, {}), "Empty object literals are equal");
ok(_.isEqual([], []), "Empty array literals are equal");
ok(_.isEqual([{}], [{}]), "Empty nested arrays and objects are equal");
ok(!_.isEqual({length: 0}, []), "Array-like objects and arrays are not equal.");
ok(!_.isEqual([], {length: 0}), "Commutative equality is implemented for array-like objects");
ok(!_.isEqual({}, []), "Object literals and array literals are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual([], {}), "Commutative equality is implemented for objects and arrays");
// Arrays with primitive and object values.
ok(_.isEqual([1, "Larry", true], [1, "Larry", true]), "Arrays containing identical primitives are equal");
ok(_.isEqual([(/Moe/g), new Date(2009, 9, 25)], [(/Moe/g), new Date(2009, 9, 25)]), "Arrays containing equivalent elements are equal");
// Multi-dimensional arrays.
var a = [new Number(47), false, "Larry", /Moe/, new Date(2009, 11, 13), ['running', 'biking', new String('programming')], {a: 47}];
var b = [new Number(47), false, "Larry", /Moe/, new Date(2009, 11, 13), ['running', 'biking', new String('programming')], {a: 47}];
ok(_.isEqual(a, b), "Arrays containing nested arrays and objects are recursively compared");
// Overwrite the methods defined in ES 5.1 section 15.4.4.
a.forEach = = a.filter = a.every = a.indexOf = a.lastIndexOf = a.some = a.reduce = a.reduceRight = null;
b.join = b.pop = b.reverse = b.shift = b.slice = b.splice = b.concat = b.sort = b.unshift = null;
// Array elements and properties.
ok(_.isEqual(a, b), "Arrays containing equivalent elements and different non-numeric properties are equal");
a.push("White Rocks");
ok(!_.isEqual(a, b), "Arrays of different lengths are not equal");
a.push("East Boulder");
b.push("Gunbarrel Ranch", "Teller Farm");
ok(!_.isEqual(a, b), "Arrays of identical lengths containing different elements are not equal");
// Sparse arrays.
ok(_.isEqual(Array(3), Array(3)), "Sparse arrays of identical lengths are equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(Array(3), Array(6)), "Sparse arrays of different lengths are not equal when both are empty");
// Simple objects.
ok(_.isEqual({a: "Curly", b: 1, c: true}, {a: "Curly", b: 1, c: true}), "Objects containing identical primitives are equal");
ok(_.isEqual({a: /Curly/g, b: new Date(2009, 11, 13)}, {a: /Curly/g, b: new Date(2009, 11, 13)}), "Objects containing equivalent members are equal");
ok(!_.isEqual({a: 63, b: 75}, {a: 61, b: 55}), "Objects of identical sizes with different values are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual({a: 63, b: 75}, {a: 61, c: 55}), "Objects of identical sizes with different property names are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual({a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 1}), "Objects of different sizes are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual({a: 1}, {a: 1, b: 2}), "Commutative equality is implemented for objects");
ok(!_.isEqual({x: 1, y: undefined}, {x: 1, z: 2}), "Objects with identical keys and different values are not equivalent");
// `A` contains nested objects and arrays.
a = {
name: new String("Moe Howard"),
age: new Number(77),
stooge: true,
hobbies: ["acting"],
film: {
name: "Sing a Song of Six Pants",
release: new Date(1947, 9, 30),
stars: [new String("Larry Fine"), "Shemp Howard"],
minutes: new Number(16),
seconds: 54
// `B` contains equivalent nested objects and arrays.
b = {
name: new String("Moe Howard"),
age: new Number(77),
stooge: true,
hobbies: ["acting"],
film: {
name: "Sing a Song of Six Pants",
release: new Date(1947, 9, 30),
stars: [new String("Larry Fine"), "Shemp Howard"],
minutes: new Number(16),
seconds: 54
ok(_.isEqual(a, b), "Objects with nested equivalent members are recursively compared");
// Instances.
ok(_.isEqual(new First, new First), "Object instances are equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(new First, new Second), "Objects with different constructors and identical own properties are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual({value: 1}, new First), "Object instances and objects sharing equivalent properties are not equal");
ok(!_.isEqual({value: 2}, new Second), "The prototype chain of objects should not be examined");
// Circular Arrays.
(a = []).push(a);
(b = []).push(b);
ok(_.isEqual(a, b), "Arrays containing circular references are equal");
a.push(new String("Larry"));
b.push(new String("Larry"));
ok(_.isEqual(a, b), "Arrays containing circular references and equivalent properties are equal");
ok(!_.isEqual(a, b), "Arrays containing circular references and different properties are not equal");
// More circular arrays #767.
a = ["everything is checked but", "this", "is not"];
a[1] = a;
b = ["everything is checked but", ["this", "array"], "is not"];
ok(!_.isEqual(a, b), "Comparison of circular references with non-circular references are not equal");
// Circular Objects.
a = {abc: null};
b = {abc: null}; = a; = b;
ok(_.isEqual(a, b), "Objects containing circular references are equal");
a.def = 75;
b.def = 75;
ok(_.isEqual(a, b), "Objects containing circular references and equivalent properties are equal");
a.def = new Number(75);
b.def = new Number(63);
ok(!_.isEqual(a, b), "Objects containing circular references and different properties are not equal");
// More circular objects #767.
a = {everything: "is checked", but: "this", is: "not"};
a.but = a;
b = {everything: "is checked", but: {that:"object"}, is: "not"};
ok(!_.isEqual(a, b), "Comparison of circular references with non-circular object references are not equal");
// Cyclic Structures.
a = [{abc: null}];
b = [{abc: null}];
(a[0].abc = a).push(a);
(b[0].abc = b).push(b);
ok(_.isEqual(a, b), "Cyclic structures are equal");
a[0].def = "Larry";
b[0].def = "Larry";
ok(_.isEqual(a, b), "Cyclic structures containing equivalent properties are equal");
a[0].def = new String("Larry");
b[0].def = new String("Curly");
ok(!_.isEqual(a, b), "Cyclic structures containing different properties are not equal");
// Complex Circular References.
a = {foo: {b: {foo: {c: {foo: null}}}}};
b = {foo: {b: {foo: {c: {foo: null}}}}}; = a; = b;
ok(_.isEqual(a, b), "Cyclic structures with nested and identically-named properties are equal");
// Chaining.
ok(!_.isEqual(_({x: 1, y: undefined}).chain(), _({x: 1, z: 2}).chain()), 'Chained objects containing different values are not equal');
a = _({x: 1, y: 2}).chain();
b = _({x: 1, y: 2}).chain();
equal(_.isEqual(a.isEqual(b), _(true)), true, '`isEqual` can be chained');
// Objects from another frame.
ok(_.isEqual({}, iObject));
test("isEmpty", function() {
ok(!_([1]).isEmpty(), '[1] is not empty');
ok(_.isEmpty([]), '[] is empty');
ok(!_.isEmpty({one : 1}), '{one : 1} is not empty');
ok(_.isEmpty({}), '{} is empty');
ok(_.isEmpty(new RegExp('')), 'objects with prototype properties are empty');
ok(_.isEmpty(null), 'null is empty');
ok(_.isEmpty(), 'undefined is empty');
ok(_.isEmpty(''), 'the empty string is empty');
ok(!_.isEmpty('moe'), 'but other strings are not');
var obj = {one : 1};
ok(_.isEmpty(obj), 'deleting all the keys from an object empties it');
// Setup remote variables for iFrame tests.
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
var iDoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
parent.iElement = document.createElement('div');\
parent.iArguments = (function(){ return arguments; })(1, 2, 3);\
parent.iArray = [1, 2, 3];\
parent.iString = new String('hello');\
parent.iNumber = new Number(100);\
parent.iFunction = (function(){});\
parent.iDate = new Date();\
parent.iRegExp = /hi/;\
parent.iNaN = NaN;\
parent.iNull = null;\
parent.iBoolean = new Boolean(false);\
parent.iUndefined = undefined;\
parent.iObject = {};\
test("isElement", function() {
ok(!_.isElement('div'), 'strings are not dom elements');
ok(_.isElement($('html')[0]), 'the html tag is a DOM element');
ok(_.isElement(iElement), 'even from another frame');
test("isArguments", function() {
var args = (function(){ return arguments; })(1, 2, 3);
ok(!_.isArguments('string'), 'a string is not an arguments object');
ok(!_.isArguments(_.isArguments), 'a function is not an arguments object');
ok(_.isArguments(args), 'but the arguments object is an arguments object');
ok(!_.isArguments(_.toArray(args)), 'but not when it\'s converted into an array');
ok(!_.isArguments([1,2,3]), 'and not vanilla arrays.');
ok(_.isArguments(iArguments), 'even from another frame');
test("isObject", function() {
ok(_.isObject(arguments), 'the arguments object is object');
ok(_.isObject([1, 2, 3]), 'and arrays');
ok(_.isObject($('html')[0]), 'and DOM element');
ok(_.isObject(iElement), 'even from another frame');
ok(_.isObject(function () {}), 'and functions');
ok(_.isObject(iFunction), 'even from another frame');
ok(!_.isObject(null), 'but not null');
ok(!_.isObject(undefined), 'and not undefined');
ok(!_.isObject('string'), 'and not string');
ok(!_.isObject(12), 'and not number');
ok(!_.isObject(true), 'and not boolean');
ok(_.isObject(new String('string')), 'but new String()');
test("isArray", function() {
ok(!_.isArray(undefined), 'undefined vars are not arrays');
ok(!_.isArray(arguments), 'the arguments object is not an array');
ok(_.isArray([1, 2, 3]), 'but arrays are');
ok(_.isArray(iArray), 'even from another frame');
test("isString", function() {
var obj = new String("I am a string object");
ok(!_.isString(document.body), 'the document body is not a string');
ok(_.isString([1, 2, 3].join(', ')), 'but strings are');
ok(_.isString(iString), 'even from another frame');
ok(_.isString("I am a string literal"), 'string literals are');
ok(_.isString(obj), 'so are String objects');
test("isNumber", function() {
ok(!_.isNumber('string'), 'a string is not a number');
ok(!_.isNumber(arguments), 'the arguments object is not a number');
ok(!_.isNumber(undefined), 'undefined is not a number');
ok(_.isNumber(3 * 4 - 7 / 10), 'but numbers are');
ok(_.isNumber(NaN), 'NaN *is* a number');
ok(_.isNumber(Infinity), 'Infinity is a number');
ok(_.isNumber(iNumber), 'even from another frame');
ok(!_.isNumber('1'), 'numeric strings are not numbers');
test("isBoolean", function() {
ok(!_.isBoolean(2), 'a number is not a boolean');
ok(!_.isBoolean("string"), 'a string is not a boolean');
ok(!_.isBoolean("false"), 'the string "false" is not a boolean');
ok(!_.isBoolean("true"), 'the string "true" is not a boolean');
ok(!_.isBoolean(arguments), 'the arguments object is not a boolean');
ok(!_.isBoolean(undefined), 'undefined is not a boolean');
ok(!_.isBoolean(NaN), 'NaN is not a boolean');
ok(!_.isBoolean(null), 'null is not a boolean');
ok(_.isBoolean(true), 'but true is');
ok(_.isBoolean(false), 'and so is false');
ok(_.isBoolean(iBoolean), 'even from another frame');
test("isFunction", function() {
ok(!_.isFunction(undefined), 'undefined vars are not functions');
ok(!_.isFunction([1, 2, 3]), 'arrays are not functions');
ok(!_.isFunction('moe'), 'strings are not functions');
ok(_.isFunction(_.isFunction), 'but functions are');
ok(_.isFunction(iFunction), 'even from another frame');
ok(_.isFunction(function(){}), 'even anonymous ones');
test("isDate", function() {
ok(!_.isDate(100), 'numbers are not dates');
ok(!_.isDate({}), 'objects are not dates');
ok(_.isDate(new Date()), 'but dates are');
ok(_.isDate(iDate), 'even from another frame');
test("isRegExp", function() {
ok(!_.isRegExp(_.identity), 'functions are not RegExps');
ok(_.isRegExp(/identity/), 'but RegExps are');
ok(_.isRegExp(iRegExp), 'even from another frame');
test("isFinite", function() {
ok(!_.isFinite(undefined), 'undefined is not Finite');
ok(!_.isFinite(null), 'null is not Finite');
ok(!_.isFinite(NaN), 'NaN is not Finite');
ok(!_.isFinite(Infinity), 'Infinity is not Finite');
ok(!_.isFinite(-Infinity), '-Infinity is not Finite');
ok(_.isFinite('12'), 'Numeric strings are numbers');
ok(!_.isFinite('1a'), 'Non numeric strings are not numbers');
ok(!_.isFinite(''), 'Empty strings are not numbers');
var obj = new Number(5);
ok(_.isFinite(obj), 'Number instances can be finite');
ok(_.isFinite(0), '0 is Finite');
ok(_.isFinite(123), 'Ints are Finite');
ok(_.isFinite(-12.44), 'Floats are Finite');
test("isNaN", function() {
ok(!_.isNaN(undefined), 'undefined is not NaN');
ok(!_.isNaN(null), 'null is not NaN');
ok(!_.isNaN(0), '0 is not NaN');
ok(_.isNaN(NaN), 'but NaN is');
ok(_.isNaN(iNaN), 'even from another frame');
ok(_.isNaN(new Number(NaN)), 'wrapped NaN is still NaN');
test("isNull", function() {
ok(!_.isNull(undefined), 'undefined is not null');
ok(!_.isNull(NaN), 'NaN is not null');
ok(_.isNull(null), 'but null is');
ok(_.isNull(iNull), 'even from another frame');
test("isUndefined", function() {
ok(!_.isUndefined(1), 'numbers are defined');
ok(!_.isUndefined(null), 'null is defined');
ok(!_.isUndefined(false), 'false is defined');
ok(!_.isUndefined(NaN), 'NaN is defined');
ok(_.isUndefined(), 'nothing is undefined');
ok(_.isUndefined(undefined), 'undefined is undefined');
ok(_.isUndefined(iUndefined), 'even from another frame');
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
test("IE host objects", function() {
var xml = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.3.0");
test("tap", function() {
var intercepted = null;
var interceptor = function(obj) { intercepted = obj; };
var returned = _.tap(1, interceptor);
equal(intercepted, 1, "passes tapped object to interceptor");
equal(returned, 1, "returns tapped object");
returned = _([1,2,3]).chain().
map(function(n){ return n * 2; }).
ok(returned == 6 && intercepted == 6, 'can use tapped objects in a chain');
test("has", function () {
var obj = {foo: "bar", func: function () {} };
ok (_.has(obj, "foo"), "has() checks that the object has a property.");
ok (_.has(obj, "baz") == false, "has() returns false if the object doesn't have the property.");
ok (_.has(obj, "func"), "has() works for functions too.");
obj.hasOwnProperty = null;
ok (_.has(obj, "foo"), "has() works even when the hasOwnProperty method is deleted.");
var child = {};
child.prototype = obj;
ok (_.has(child, "foo") == false, "has() does not check the prototype chain for a property.")