8283 lines
398 KiB
8283 lines
398 KiB
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
(function ($, window, undefined) {
var asc = window["Asc"];
var asc_calcnpt = asc.calcNearestPt;
var asc_getcvt = asc.getCvtRatio;
var asc_getprop = asc.getProperty;
var asc_floor = asc.floor;
var asc_ceil = asc.ceil;
var asc_round = asc.round;
var asc_n2css = asc.numberToCSSColor;
var asc_n2Color = asc.numberToAscColor;
var asc_obj2Color = asc.colorObjToAscColor;
var asc_typeof = asc.typeOf;
var asc_incDecFonSize = asc.incDecFonSize;
var asc_debug = asc.outputDebugStr;
var asc_Range = asc.Range;
var asc_FP = asc.FontProperties;
var asc_parsecolor = asc.parseColor;
var asc_clone = asc.clone;
var asc_AF = asc.AutoFilters;
var asc_CCellFlag = asc.asc_CCellFlag;
var asc_CFont = asc.asc_CFont;
var asc_CFill = asc.asc_CFill;
var asc_CBorder = asc.asc_CBorder;
var asc_CBorders = asc.asc_CBorders;
var asc_CCellInfo = asc.asc_CCellInfo;
var asc_CCellRect = asc.asc_CCellRect;
var asc_CHyperlink = asc.asc_CHyperlink;
var asc_CPageOptions = asc.asc_CPageOptions;
var asc_CPageSetup = asc.asc_CPageSetup;
var asc_CPageMargins = asc.asc_CPageMargins;
var asc_CPagePrint = asc.CPagePrint;
var asc_CCollaborativeRange = asc.asc_CCollaborativeRange;
var asc_CCellCommentator = asc.asc_CCellCommentator;
var kHeaderDefault = 0;
var kHeaderActive = 1;
var kHeaderHighlighted = 2;
var kHeaderSelected = 3;
var khaLeft = "left";
var khaCenter = "center";
var khaRight = "right";
var khaJustify = "justify";
var kvaTop = "top";
var kvaCenter = "center";
var kvaBottom = "bottom";
var kNone = "none";
var kCurDefault = "default";
var kCurCorner = "pointer";
var kCurCells = "cell";
var kCurColSelect = "pointer";
var kCurColResize = "col-resize";
var kCurRowSelect = "pointer";
var kCurRowResize = "row-resize";
var kCurFillHandle = "crosshair";
var kCurHyperlink = "pointer";
var kCurComment = "cell";
var kCurMove = "move";
var kCurSEResize = "se-resize";
var kCurNEResize = "ne-resize";
var kcbidLeft = 1;
var kcbidRight = 2;
var kcbidTop = 3;
var kcbidBottom = 4;
var kcbidDiagonal = 5;
var kcbidDiagonalDown = 6;
var kcbidDiagonalUp = 7;
var kNewLine = "\n";
function calcDecades(num) {
return Math.abs(num) < 10 ? 1 : 1 + calcDecades(asc_floor(num * 0.1));
function CacheElement() {
if (! (this instanceof CacheElement)) {
return new CacheElement();
this.columnsWithText = {};
this.columns = {};
this.erasedRB = {};
this.erasedLB = {};
return this;
function CellBorder(style, color, width, isErased, isActive) {
if (! (this instanceof CellBorder)) {
return new CellBorder(style, color, width, isErased, isActive);
this.s = style !== undefined ? style : c_oAscBorderStyles.None;
this.c = color !== undefined ? color.getRgb() : 0;
this.w = width !== undefined ? width : 0;
this.isErased = isErased !== undefined ? isErased : false;
this.isActive = isActive !== undefined ? isActive : true;
return this;
function WorksheetViewSettings() {
if (! (this instanceof WorksheetViewSettings)) {
return new WorksheetViewSettings();
this.header = {
style: [{
background: "#F4F4F4",
border: "#D5D5D5",
color: "#363636"
background: "#C1C1C1",
border: "#929292",
color: "#363636"
background: "#DFDFDF",
border: "#AFAFAF",
color: "#656A70"
background: "#AAAAAA",
border: "#75777A",
color: "#363636"
cornerColor: "#C1C1C1"
this.cells = {
fontName: "Calibri",
fontSize: 11,
defaultState: {
background: "#FFF",
border: "#DADCDD",
color: "#000",
colorNumber: 0
padding: 2
this.activeCellBorderColor = "rgba(105,119,62,0.7)";
this.activeCellBackground = "rgba(157,185,85,.2)";
this.formulaRangeBorderColor = ["rgba(0,53,214,1)", "rgba(216,0,0,1)", "rgba(214,160,0,1)", "rgba(107,214,0,1)", "rgba(0,214,53,1)", "rgba(0,214,214,1)", "rgba(107,0,214,1)", "rgba(214,0,160,1)"];
this.fillHandleBorderColorSelect = "rgba(255,255,255,1)";
return this;
function Cache() {
if (! (this instanceof Cache)) {
return new Cache();
this.rows = {};
this.sectors = [];
this.reset = function () {
this.rows = {};
this.sectors = [];
function WorksheetView(model, buffers, stringRender, maxDigitWidth, collaborativeEditing, settings) {
if (! (this instanceof WorksheetView)) {
return new WorksheetView(model, buffers, stringRender, maxDigitWidth, collaborativeEditing, settings);
this.settings = $.extend(true, {},
this.defaults, settings);
var cells = this.settings.cells;
cells.fontName = model.workbook.getDefaultFont();
cells.fontSize = model.workbook.getDefaultSize();
this.vspRatio = 1.275;
this.model = model;
this.buffers = buffers;
this.drawingCtx = this.buffers.main;
this.overlayCtx = this.buffers.overlay;
this.shapeCtx = this.buffers.shapeCtx;
this.shapeOverlayCtx = this.buffers.shapeOverlayCtx;
this.stringRender = stringRender;
this.updateZoom = false;
var cnv = $('<canvas width="2" height="2"/>')[0];
var ctx = cnv.getContext("2d");
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 2, 2);
ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
ctx.fillRect(1, 1, 1, 1);
this.ptrnLineDotted1 = ctx.createPattern(cnv, "repeat");
this.cache = new Cache();
this.maxDigitWidth = maxDigitWidth;
this.nBaseColWidth = 8;
this.defaultColWidthChars = 0;
this.defaultColWidth = 0;
this.defaultRowHeight = 0;
this.defaultRowDescender = 0;
this.headersLeft = 0;
this.headersTop = 0;
this.headersWidth = 0;
this.headersHeight = 0;
this.headersHeightByFont = 0;
this.cellsLeft = 0;
this.cellsTop = 0;
this.cols = [];
this.rows = [];
this.width_1px = 0;
this.width_2px = 0;
this.width_3px = 0;
this.width_4px = 0;
this.width_padding = 0;
this.height_1px = 0;
this.height_2px = 0;
this.height_3px = 0;
this.height_4px = 0;
this.highlightedCol = -1;
this.highlightedRow = -1;
this.visibleRange = asc_Range(0, 0, 0, 0);
this.activeRange = asc_Range(0, 0, 0, 0);
this.activeRange.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells;
this.activeRange.startCol = 0;
this.activeRange.startRow = 0;
this.isChanged = false;
this.isCellEditMode = false;
this.isFormulaEditMode = false;
this.isChartAreaEditMode = false;
this.lockDraw = false;
this.isSelectOnShape = false;
this.isSelectionDialogMode = false;
this.copyOfActiveRange = null;
this.startCellMoveResizeRange = null;
this.startCellMoveResizeRange2 = null;
this.startCellMoveRange = null;
this.activeMoveRange = null;
this.fillHandleL = 0;
this.fillHandleT = 0;
this.fillHandleR = 0;
this.fillHandleB = 0;
this.activeFillHandle = null;
this.fillHandleDirection = -1;
this.fillHandleArea = -1;
this.nRowsCount = 0;
this.nColsCount = 0;
this.arrActiveFormulaRanges = [];
this.arrActiveChartsRanges = [];
this.collaborativeEditing = collaborativeEditing;
this.autoFilters = new asc_AF(this);
this.cellCommentator = new asc_CCellCommentator(this);
return this;
WorksheetView.prototype = {
constructor: WorksheetView,
defaults: WorksheetViewSettings(),
option: function (name, value) {
var old = asc_getprop(name, this.settings);
if (name !== undefined && value !== undefined) {
var i = name.lastIndexOf(".");
if (i < 0) {
this.settings[name] = value;
} else {
var p = asc_getprop(name.slice(0, i), this.settings);
if (p === undefined) {
return false;
p[name.slice(i + 1)] = value;
return true;
return old;
getVisibleRange: function () {
return this.visibleRange;
updateVisibleRange: function () {
return this._updateCellsRange(this.getVisibleRange());
getFirstVisibleCol: function () {
return this.visibleRange.c1;
getLastVisibleCol: function () {
return this.visibleRange.c2;
getFirstVisibleRow: function () {
return this.visibleRange.r1;
getLastVisibleRow: function () {
return this.visibleRange.r2;
getHorizontalScrollRange: function () {
var ctxW = this.drawingCtx.getWidth() - this.cellsLeft;
for (var w = 0, i = this.cols.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
w += this.cols[i].width;
if (w > ctxW) {
return i;
getVerticalScrollRange: function () {
var ctxH = this.drawingCtx.getHeight() - this.cellsTop;
for (var h = 0, i = this.rows.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
h += this.rows[i].height;
if (h > ctxH) {
return i;
getCellsOffset: function (units) {
var u = units >= 0 && units <= 3 ? units : 0;
return {
left: this.cellsLeft * asc_getcvt(1, u, this._getPPIX()),
top: this.cellsTop * asc_getcvt(1, u, this._getPPIY())
getCellLeft: function (column, units) {
if (column >= 0 && column < this.cols.length) {
var u = units >= 0 && units <= 3 ? units : 0;
return this.cols[column].left * asc_getcvt(1, u, this._getPPIX());
return null;
getCellTop: function (row, units) {
if (row >= 0 && row < this.rows.length) {
var u = units >= 0 && units <= 3 ? units : 0;
return this.rows[row].top * asc_getcvt(1, u, this._getPPIY());
return null;
getColumnWidth: function (index, units) {
if (index >= 0 && index < this.cols.length) {
var u = units >= 0 && units <= 3 ? units : 0;
return this.cols[index].width * asc_getcvt(1, u, this._getPPIX());
return null;
getColumnWidthInSymbols: function (index) {
if (index >= 0 && index < this.cols.length) {
return this.cols[index].charCount;
return null;
getRowHeight: function (index, units, isHeightReal) {
if (index >= 0 && index < this.rows.length) {
var u = units >= 0 && units <= 3 ? units : 0;
var h = isHeightReal ? this.rows[index].heightReal : this.rows[index].height;
return h * asc_getcvt(1, u, this._getPPIY());
return null;
getSelectedColumnIndex: function () {
return this.activeRange.startCol;
getSelectedRowIndex: function () {
return this.activeRange.startRow;
getSelectedRange: function () {
return this._getRange(this.activeRange.c1, this.activeRange.r1, this.activeRange.c2, this.activeRange.r2);
resize: function () {
return this;
getZoom: function () {
return this.drawingCtx.getZoom();
changeZoom: function (isUpdate) {
if (isUpdate) {
this.updateZoom = false;
} else {
this.updateZoom = true;
return this;
getCellTextMetrics: function (col, row) {
var ct = this._getCellTextCache(col, row);
return ct ? $.extend({},
ct.metrics) : undefined;
getSheetViewSettings: function () {
return this.model.getSheetViewSettings();
changeColumnWidth: function (col, x2, mouseX) {
var t = this;
x2 *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, t._getPPIX());
x2 += mouseX;
var offsetX = t.cols[t.visibleRange.c1].left - t.cellsLeft;
var x1 = t.cols[col].left - offsetX - this.width_1px;
var w = Math.max(x2 - x1, 0);
var cc = Math.min(t._colWidthToCharCount(w), 255);
var cw = t._charCountToModelColWidth(cc);
var onChangeWidthCallback = function (isSuccess) {
if (false === isSuccess) {
t.model.setColWidth(cw, col, col);
t._cleanCache(asc_Range(0, 0, t.cols.length - 1, t.rows.length - 1));
return this._isLockedAll(onChangeWidthCallback);
changeRowHeight: function (row, y2, mouseY) {
var t = this;
y2 *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, t._getPPIY());
y2 += mouseY;
var offsetY = t.rows[t.visibleRange.r1].top - t.cellsTop;
var y1 = t.rows[row].top - offsetY - this.height_1px;
var onChangeHeightCallback = function (isSuccess) {
if (false === isSuccess) {
t.model.setRowHeight(Math.min(t.maxRowHeight, Math.max(y2 - y1 + t.height_1px, 0)), row, row);
t._cleanCache(asc_Range(0, row, t.cols.length - 1, row));
return this._isLockedAll(onChangeHeightCallback);
_hasNumberValueInActiveRange: function () {
var cell, cellType, isNumberFormat;
var result = null;
if (this._rangeIsSingleCell(this.activeRange)) {
return result;
var mergedRange = this.model.getMergedByCell(this.activeRange.r1, this.activeRange.c1);
if (mergedRange && mergedRange.isEqual(this.activeRange)) {
return result;
for (var c = this.activeRange.c1; c <= this.activeRange.c2; ++c) {
for (var r = this.activeRange.r1; r <= this.activeRange.r2; ++r) {
cell = this._getCellTextCache(c, r);
if (cell) {
cellType = cell.cellType;
isNumberFormat = (null == cellType || CellValueType.Number === cellType);
if (isNumberFormat) {
if (null === result) {
result = {};
result.arrCols = [];
result.arrRows = [];
if (null !== result) {
function cmpNum(a, b) {
return a - b;
result.arrCols = result.arrCols.sort(cmpNum);
result.arrRows = result.arrRows.sort(cmpNum);
return result;
autoCompletFormula: function (functionName) {
var t = this;
var ar = this.activeRange;
var arCopy = null;
var arHistorySelect = ar.clone(true);
var vr = this.visibleRange;
var topCell = null;
var leftCell = null;
var r = ar.startRow - 1;
var c = ar.startCol - 1;
var cell, cellType, isNumberFormat;
var result = {};
var hasNumber = this._hasNumberValueInActiveRange();
var val, text;
if (hasNumber) {
var i;
var hasNumberInLastColumn = (ar.c2 === hasNumber.arrCols[hasNumber.arrCols.length - 1]);
var hasNumberInLastRow = (ar.r2 === hasNumber.arrRows[hasNumber.arrRows.length - 1]);
var startCol = hasNumber.arrCols[0];
var startRow = hasNumber.arrRows[0];
var startColOld = ar.c1;
var startRowOld = ar.r1;
var bIsUpdate = false;
if (startColOld !== startCol || startRowOld !== startRow) {
bIsUpdate = true;
if (true === hasNumberInLastRow && true === hasNumberInLastColumn) {
bIsUpdate = true;
if (bIsUpdate) {
ar.c1 = startCol;
ar.r1 = startRow;
if (false === ar.contains(ar.startCol, ar.startRow)) {
ar.startCol = startCol;
ar.startRow = startRow;
if (true === hasNumberInLastRow && true === hasNumberInLastColumn) {
if (1 === hasNumber.arrRows.length) {
ar.c2 += 1;
} else {
ar.r2 += 1;
arCopy = ar.clone(true);
var functionAction = null;
var changedRange = null;
if (false === hasNumberInLastColumn && false === hasNumberInLastRow) {
changedRange = [new asc_Range(hasNumber.arrCols[0], arCopy.r2, hasNumber.arrCols[hasNumber.arrCols.length - 1], arCopy.r2), new asc_Range(arCopy.c2, hasNumber.arrRows[0], arCopy.c2, hasNumber.arrRows[hasNumber.arrRows.length - 1])];
functionAction = function () {
for (i = 0; i < hasNumber.arrCols.length; ++i) {
c = hasNumber.arrCols[i];
cell = t._getVisibleCell(c, arCopy.r2);
text = t._getCellTitle(c, arCopy.r1) + ":" + t._getCellTitle(c, arCopy.r2 - 1);
val = "=" + functionName + "(" + text + ")";
for (i = 0; i < hasNumber.arrRows.length; ++i) {
r = hasNumber.arrRows[i];
cell = t._getVisibleCell(arCopy.c2, r);
text = t._getCellTitle(arCopy.c1, r) + ":" + t._getCellTitle(arCopy.c2 - 1, r);
val = "=" + functionName + "(" + text + ")";
cell = t._getVisibleCell(arCopy.c2, arCopy.r2);
text = t._getCellTitle(arCopy.c1, arCopy.r2) + ":" + t._getCellTitle(arCopy.c2 - 1, arCopy.r2);
val = "=" + functionName + "(" + text + ")";
} else {
if (true === hasNumberInLastRow && false === hasNumberInLastColumn) {
changedRange = new asc_Range(arCopy.c2, hasNumber.arrRows[0], arCopy.c2, hasNumber.arrRows[hasNumber.arrRows.length - 1]);
functionAction = function () {
for (i = 0; i < hasNumber.arrRows.length; ++i) {
r = hasNumber.arrRows[i];
cell = t._getVisibleCell(arCopy.c2, r);
text = t._getCellTitle(arCopy.c1, r) + ":" + t._getCellTitle(arCopy.c2 - 1, r);
val = "=" + functionName + "(" + text + ")";
} else {
if (false === hasNumberInLastRow && true === hasNumberInLastColumn) {
changedRange = new asc_Range(hasNumber.arrCols[0], arCopy.r2, hasNumber.arrCols[hasNumber.arrCols.length - 1], arCopy.r2);
functionAction = function () {
for (i = 0; i < hasNumber.arrCols.length; ++i) {
c = hasNumber.arrCols[i];
cell = t._getVisibleCell(c, arCopy.r2);
text = t._getCellTitle(c, arCopy.r1) + ":" + t._getCellTitle(c, arCopy.r2 - 1);
val = "=" + functionName + "(" + text + ")";
} else {
if (1 === hasNumber.arrRows.length) {
changedRange = new asc_Range(arCopy.c2, arCopy.r2, arCopy.c2, arCopy.r2);
functionAction = function () {
cell = t._getVisibleCell(arCopy.c2, arCopy.r2);
text = t._getCellTitle(arCopy.c1, arCopy.r2) + ":" + t._getCellTitle(arCopy.c2 - 1, arCopy.r2);
val = "=" + functionName + "(" + text + ")";
} else {
changedRange = new asc_Range(hasNumber.arrCols[0], arCopy.r2, hasNumber.arrCols[hasNumber.arrCols.length - 1], arCopy.r2);
functionAction = function () {
for (i = 0; i < hasNumber.arrCols.length; ++i) {
c = hasNumber.arrCols[i];
cell = t._getVisibleCell(c, arCopy.r2);
text = t._getCellTitle(c, arCopy.r1) + ":" + t._getCellTitle(c, arCopy.r2 - 1);
val = "=" + functionName + "(" + text + ")";
var onAutoCompletFormula = function (isSuccess) {
if (false === isSuccess) {
if ($.isFunction(functionAction)) {
this._isLockedCells(changedRange, null, onAutoCompletFormula);
result.notEditCell = true;
return result;
for (; r >= vr.r1; --r) {
cell = this._getCellTextCache(ar.startCol, r);
if (cell) {
cellType = cell.cellType;
isNumberFormat = (null === cellType || CellValueType.Number === cellType);
if (isNumberFormat) {
topCell = asc_clone(cell);
topCell.r = r;
topCell.c = ar.startCol;
if (topCell.isFormula && r - 1 >= vr.r1) {
cell = this._getCellTextCache(ar.startCol, r - 1);
if (cell && cell.isFormula) {
topCell.isFormulaSeq = true;
if (null === topCell || topCell.r !== ar.startRow - 1 || topCell.isFormula && !topCell.isFormulaSeq) {
for (; c >= vr.c1; --c) {
cell = this._getCellTextCache(c, ar.startRow);
if (cell) {
cellType = cell.cellType;
isNumberFormat = (null === cellType || CellValueType.Number === cellType);
if (isNumberFormat) {
leftCell = asc_clone(cell);
leftCell.r = ar.startRow;
leftCell.c = c;
if (null !== topCell) {
if (leftCell) {
for (; c >= 0; --c) {
cell = this._getCellTextCache(c, ar.startRow);
if (!cell) {
this._addCellTextToCache(c, ar.startRow);
cell = this._getCellTextCache(c, ar.startRow);
if (!cell) {
cellType = cell.cellType;
isNumberFormat = (null === cellType || CellValueType.Number === cellType);
if (!isNumberFormat) {
if (ar.startCol - 1 !== c) {
result = asc_Range(c, leftCell.r, ar.startCol - 1, leftCell.r);
} else {
result = asc_Range(c, leftCell.r, c, leftCell.r);
result.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells;
if (result.c1 === result.c2 && result.r1 === result.r2) {
result.text = this._getCellTitle(result.c1, result.r1);
} else {
result.text = this._getCellTitle(result.c1, result.r1) + ":" + this._getCellTitle(result.c2, result.r2);
return result;
if (topCell) {
for (; r >= 0; --r) {
cell = this._getCellTextCache(ar.startCol, r);
if (!cell) {
this._addCellTextToCache(ar.startCol, r);
cell = this._getCellTextCache(ar.startCol, r);
if (!cell) {
cellType = cell.cellType;
isNumberFormat = (null === cellType || CellValueType.Number === cellType);
if (!isNumberFormat) {
if (ar.startRow - 1 !== r) {
result = asc_Range(topCell.c, r, topCell.c, ar.startRow - 1);
} else {
result = asc_Range(topCell.c, r, topCell.c, r);
result.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells;
if (result.c1 === result.c2 && result.r1 === result.r2) {
result.text = this._getCellTitle(result.c1, result.r1);
} else {
result.text = this._getCellTitle(result.c1, result.r1) + ":" + this._getCellTitle(result.c2, result.r2);
return result;
getDrawingContextCharts: function () {
return this._trigger("getDCForCharts");
_init: function () {
_initConditionalFormatting: function () {
var oGradient = null;
var aCFs = this.model.aConditionalFormatting;
var aRules, oRule;
var oRuleElement = null;
var min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var max = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
var tmp;
var arrayCells = [];
for (var i in aCFs) {
if (!aCFs.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
aRules = aCFs[i].aRules;
if (0 >= aRules.length) {
for (var j in aRules) {
if (!aRules.hasOwnProperty(j)) {
oRule = aRules[j];
switch (oRule.Type) {
case "colorScale":
if (1 !== oRule.aRuleElements.length) {
oRuleElement = oRule.aRuleElements[0];
if (! (oRuleElement instanceof asc.CColorScale) || null === aCFs[i].SqRefRange) {
aCFs[i].SqRefRange._setPropertyNoEmpty(null, null, function (c) {
if (CellValueType.Number === c.getType() && false === c.isEmptyTextString()) {
tmp = parseFloat(c.getValueWithoutFormat());
if (isNaN(tmp)) {
cell: c,
val: tmp
min = Math.min(min, tmp);
max = Math.max(max, tmp);
if (0 < arrayCells.length && 2 === oRuleElement.aColors.length) {
oGradient = new asc.CGradient(oRuleElement.aColors[0], oRuleElement.aColors[1]);
oGradient.init(min, max);
for (var cell in arrayCells) {
if (arrayCells.hasOwnProperty(cell)) {
var dxf = new CellXfs();
dxf.fill = new Fill({
bg: oGradient.calculateColor(arrayCells[cell].val)
arrayCells.splice(0, arrayCells.length);
min = Number.MAX_VALUE;
max = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
_prepareComments: function () {
var commentList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this.model.aComments.length; i++) {
var comment = {
"Id": this.model.aComments[i].asc_getId(),
"Comment": this.model.aComments[i]
if (commentList.length) {
this.model.workbook.handlers.trigger("asc_onAddComments", commentList);
_prepareDrawingObjects: function () {
if (!this.settings.objectRender) {
this.objectRender = new DrawingObjects();
} else {
this.objectRender = this.settings.objectRender;
_initWorksheetDefaultWidth: function () {
this.nBaseColWidth = this.model.nBaseColWidth || this.nBaseColWidth;
var defaultColWidthChars = this._charCountToModelColWidth(this.nBaseColWidth);
this.defaultColWidthPx = this._modelColWidthToColWidth(defaultColWidthChars) * asc_getcvt(1, 0, 96);
this.defaultColWidthPx = asc_ceil(this.defaultColWidthPx / 8) * 8;
this.defaultColWidthChars = this._colWidthToCharCount(this.defaultColWidthPx * asc_getcvt(0, 1, 96));
gc_dDefaultColWidthCharsAttribute = this._charCountToModelColWidth(this.defaultColWidthChars, true);
this.defaultColWidth = this._modelColWidthToColWidth(gc_dDefaultColWidthCharsAttribute);
this.maxRowHeight = asc_calcnpt(409, this._getPPIY());
this.defaultRowDescender = this._calcRowDescender(this.settings.cells.fontSize);
this.defaultRowHeight = asc_calcnpt(this.settings.cells.fontSize * this.vspRatio, this._getPPIY()) + this.height_1px;
gc_dDefaultRowHeightAttribute = this.model.getDefaultHeight() || this.defaultRowHeight;
var cells = this.settings.cells;
this._setFont(undefined, cells.fontName, cells.fontSize);
var sr = this.stringRender;
var tm = this._roundTextMetrics(sr.measureString("A"));
this.headersHeightByFont = tm.height;
_initConstValues: function () {
var ppiX = this._getPPIX();
var ppiY = this._getPPIY();
this.width_1px = asc_calcnpt(0, ppiX, 1);
this.width_2px = asc_calcnpt(0, ppiX, 2);
this.width_3px = asc_calcnpt(0, ppiX, 3);
this.width_4px = asc_calcnpt(0, ppiX, 4);
this.width_padding = asc_calcnpt(0, ppiX, this.settings.cells.padding);
this.height_1px = asc_calcnpt(0, ppiY, 1);
this.height_2px = asc_calcnpt(0, ppiY, 2);
this.height_3px = asc_calcnpt(0, ppiY, 3);
this.height_4px = asc_calcnpt(0, ppiY, 4);
_initCellsArea: function (fullRecalc) {
this._calcRowHeights(fullRecalc ? 1 : 0);
this.visibleRange.r2 = 0;
this._calcColumnWidths(fullRecalc ? 1 : 0);
this.visibleRange.c2 = 0;
_charCountToModelColWidth: function (count, displayWidth) {
if (count <= 0) {
return 0;
var maxw = displayWidth ? asc_round(this.maxDigitWidth) : this.maxDigitWidth;
return asc_floor((count * maxw + 5) / maxw * 256) / 256;
_modelColWidthToColWidth: function (mcw, displayWidth) {
var maxw = displayWidth ? asc_round(this.maxDigitWidth) : this.maxDigitWidth;
var px = asc_floor(((256 * mcw + asc_floor(128 / maxw)) / 256) * maxw);
return px * asc_getcvt(0, 1, 96);
_colWidthToCharCount: function (w) {
var px = w * asc_getcvt(1, 0, 96);
return px <= 5 ? 0 : asc_floor((px - 5) / asc_round(this.maxDigitWidth) * 100 + 0.5) / 100;
_calcColWidth: function (w) {
var t = this;
var res = {};
var useDefault = w === undefined || w === null || w === -1;
var width;
res.width = useDefault ? t.defaultColWidth : (width = t._modelColWidthToColWidth(w), (width < t.width_1px ? 0 : width));
res.innerWidth = Math.max(res.width - this.width_padding * 2 - this.width_1px, 0);
res.charCount = t._colWidthToCharCount(res.width);
return res;
_calcRowDescender: function (fontSize) {
return asc_calcnpt(fontSize * (this.vspRatio - 1), this._getPPIY());
_calcHeaderColumnWidth: function () {
if (false === this.model.sheetViews[0].asc_getShowRowColHeaders()) {
this.headersWidth = 0;
} else {
var numDigit = Math.max(calcDecades(this.visibleRange.r2 + 1), 3);
var nCharCount = this._charCountToModelColWidth(numDigit);
this.headersWidth = this._modelColWidthToColWidth(nCharCount);
this.cellsLeft = this.headersLeft + this.headersWidth;
_calcHeaderRowHeight: function () {
if (false === this.model.sheetViews[0].asc_getShowRowColHeaders()) {
this.headersHeight = 0;
} else {
this.headersHeight = this.headersHeightByFont + this.height_1px;
this.cellsTop = this.headersTop + this.headersHeight;
_calcColumnWidths: function (fullRecalc) {
var x = this.cellsLeft;
var visibleW = this.drawingCtx.getWidth();
var obr = this.objectRender ? this.objectRender.getDrawingAreaMetrics() : {
maxCol: 0,
maxRow: 0
var l = Math.max(this.model.getColsCount(), this.nColsCount, obr.maxCol);
var i = 0,
w, column, isBestFit, hiddenW = 0;
var defaultWidth = this.model.getDefaultWidth();
defaultWidth = (typeof defaultWidth === "number" && defaultWidth >= 0) ? defaultWidth : -1;
if (1 === fullRecalc) {
this.cols = [];
} else {
if (2 === fullRecalc) {
i = this.cols.length;
x = this.cols[i - 1].left + this.cols[i - 1].width;
for (;
((0 !== fullRecalc) ? i < l || x + hiddenW < visibleW : i < this.cols.length) && i <= gc_nMaxCol0; ++i) {
column = this.model._getColNoEmptyWithAll(i);
if (!column) {
w = defaultWidth;
isBestFit = true;
} else {
if (column.hd) {
w = 0;
isBestFit = false;
hiddenW += this._calcColWidth(column.width).width;
} else {
w = column.width || defaultWidth;
isBestFit = !!(column.BestFit || (null === column.BestFit && null === column.CustomWidth));
this.cols[i] = this._calcColWidth(w);
this.cols[i].isCustomWidth = !isBestFit;
this.cols[i].left = x;
x += this.cols[i].width;
_calcRowHeights: function (fullRecalc) {
var y = this.cellsTop;
var visibleH = this.drawingCtx.getHeight();
var obr = this.objectRender ? this.objectRender.getDrawingAreaMetrics() : {
maxCol: 0,
maxRow: 0
var l = Math.max(this.model.getRowsCount(), this.nRowsCount, obr.maxRow);
var defaultH = this.model.getDefaultHeight() || this.defaultRowHeight;
var i = 0,
h, hR, isCustomHeight, row, hiddenH = 0;
if (1 === fullRecalc) {
this.rows = [];
} else {
if (2 === fullRecalc) {
i = this.rows.length;
y = this.rows[i - 1].top + this.rows[i - 1].height;
for (;
(0 !== fullRecalc) ? i < l || y + hiddenH < visibleH : i < this.rows.length; ++i) {
row = this.model._getRowNoEmpty(i);
if (!row) {
h = -1;
isCustomHeight = false;
} else {
if (row.hd) {
hR = h = 0;
isCustomHeight = true;
hiddenH += row.h > 0 ? row.h - this.height_1px : defaultH;
} else {
isCustomHeight = !!row.CustomHeight;
if (row.h > 0 && isCustomHeight) {
hR = row.h;
h = hR / 0.75;
h = (h | h) * 0.75;
} else {
h = -1;
h = h < 0 ? (hR = defaultH) : h;
this.rows[i] = {
top: y,
height: h,
heightReal: hR,
descender: this.defaultRowDescender,
isCustomHeight: isCustomHeight,
isDefaultHeight: !(row && row.h > 0 && isCustomHeight)
y += this.rows[i].height;
_calcVisibleColumns: function () {
var l = this.cols.length;
var w = this.drawingCtx.getWidth();
var sumW = this.cellsLeft;
for (var i = this.visibleRange.c1, f = false; i < l && sumW < w; ++i) {
sumW += this.cols[i].width;
f = true;
this.visibleRange.c2 = i - (f ? 1 : 0);
_calcVisibleRows: function () {
var l = this.rows.length;
var h = this.drawingCtx.getHeight();
var sumH = this.cellsTop;
for (var i = this.visibleRange.r1, f = false; i < l && sumH < h; ++i) {
sumH += this.rows[i].height;
f = true;
this.visibleRange.r2 = i - (f ? 1 : 0);
_updateColumnPositions: function () {
var x = this.cellsLeft;
for (var l = this.cols.length, i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
this.cols[i].left = x;
x += this.cols[i].width;
_updateRowPositions: function () {
var y = this.cellsTop;
for (var l = this.rows.length, i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
this.rows[i].top = y;
y += this.rows[i].height;
_appendColumns: function (rightSide) {
var i = this.cols.length;
var lc = this.cols[i - 1];
var done = false;
for (var x = lc.left + lc.width; x < rightSide || !done; ++i) {
if (x >= rightSide) {
done = true;
this.cols[i] = this._calcColWidth(this.model.getColWidth(i));
this.cols[i].left = x;
x += this.cols[i].width;
this.isChanged = true;
_normalizeViewRange: function () {
var t = this;
var vr = t.visibleRange;
var w = t.drawingCtx.getWidth() - t.cellsLeft;
var h = t.drawingCtx.getHeight() - t.cellsTop;
var c = t.cols;
var r = t.rows;
var vw = c[vr.c2].left + c[vr.c2].width - c[vr.c1].left;
var vh = r[vr.r2].top + r[vr.r2].height - r[vr.r1].top;
var i;
if (vw < w) {
for (i = vr.c1 - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
vw += c[i].width;
if (vw > w) {
vr.c1 = i + 1;
if (vr.c1 >= vr.c2) {
vr.c1 = vr.c2 - 1;
if (vr.c1 < 0) {
vr.c1 = 0;
if (vh < h) {
for (i = vr.r1 - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
vh += r[i].height;
if (vh > h) {
vr.r1 = i + 1;
if (vr.r1 >= vr.r2) {
vr.r1 = vr.r2 - 1;
if (vr.r1 < 0) {
vr.r1 = 0;
_shiftVisibleRange: function () {
var t = this;
var vr = t.visibleRange;
var arn = t.activeRange.clone(true);
var i;
do {
if (arn.r2 > vr.r2) {
i = arn.r2 - vr.r2;
vr.r1 += i;
vr.r2 += i;
if (t._isRowDrawnPartially(arn.r2, vr.r1)) {
vr.r1 += 1;
if (arn.r1 < vr.r1) {
i = arn.r1 - vr.r1;
vr.r1 += i;
vr.r2 += i;
} while (1);
do {
if (arn.c2 > vr.c2) {
i = arn.c2 - vr.c2;
vr.c1 += i;
vr.c2 += i;
if (t._isColDrawnPartially(arn.c2, vr.c1)) {
vr.c1 += 1;
if (arn.c1 < vr.c1) {
i = arn.c1 - vr.c1;
vr.c1 += i;
vr.c2 += i;
if (vr.c1 < 0) {
vr.c1 = 0;
vr.c2 -= vr.c1;
} while (1);
calcPagesPrint: function (pageOptions, printOnlySelection, indexWorksheet, layoutPageType) {
var range;
var maxCols = this.model.getColsCount();
var maxRows = this.model.getRowsCount();
var lastC = -1,
lastR = -1;
var activeRange = printOnlySelection ? this.activeRange : null;
if (null === activeRange) {
range = asc_Range(0, 0, maxCols, maxRows);
for (var c = 0; c < maxCols; ++c) {
for (var r = 0; r < maxRows; ++r) {
if (!this._isCellEmptyOrMergedOrBackgroundColorOrBorders(c, r)) {
var rightSide = 0;
var ct = this._getCellTextCache(c, r);
if (ct !== undefined) {
var isMerged = ct.flags.isMerged,
isWrapped = ct.flags.wrapText;
if (!isMerged && !isWrapped) {
rightSide = ct.sideR;
lastC = Math.max(lastC, c + rightSide);
lastR = Math.max(lastR, r);
maxCols = lastC + 1;
maxRows = lastR + 1;
var maxObjectsCoord = this.objectRender.getDrawingAreaMetrics();
if (maxObjectsCoord) {
maxCols = Math.max(maxCols, maxObjectsCoord.maxCol);
maxRows = Math.max(maxRows, maxObjectsCoord.maxRow);
} else {
maxCols = activeRange.c2 + 1;
maxRows = activeRange.r2 + 1;
range = asc_Range(0, 0, maxCols, maxRows);
var pageMargins, pageSetup, pageGridLines, pageHeadings;
if (pageOptions instanceof asc_CPageOptions) {
pageMargins = pageOptions.asc_getPageMargins();
pageSetup = pageOptions.asc_getPageSetup();
pageGridLines = pageOptions.asc_getGridLines();
pageHeadings = pageOptions.asc_getHeadings();
var pageWidth, pageHeight, pageOrientation;
if (pageSetup instanceof asc_CPageSetup) {
pageWidth = pageSetup.asc_getWidth();
pageHeight = pageSetup.asc_getHeight();
pageOrientation = pageSetup.asc_getOrientation();
var pageLeftField, pageRightField, pageTopField, pageBottomField;
if (pageMargins instanceof asc_CPageMargins) {
pageLeftField = pageMargins.asc_getLeft();
pageRightField = pageMargins.asc_getRight();
pageTopField = pageMargins.asc_getTop();
pageBottomField = pageMargins.asc_getBottom();
if (null === pageGridLines || undefined === pageGridLines) {
pageGridLines = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageGridLines;
if (null === pageHeadings || undefined === pageHeadings) {
pageHeadings = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageHeadings;
if (null === pageWidth || undefined === pageWidth) {
pageWidth = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageWidth;
if (null === pageHeight || undefined === pageHeight) {
pageHeight = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageHeight;
if (null === pageOrientation || undefined === pageOrientation) {
pageOrientation = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageOrientation;
if (null === pageLeftField || undefined === pageLeftField) {
pageLeftField = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageLeftField;
if (null === pageRightField || undefined === pageRightField) {
pageRightField = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageRightField;
if (null === pageTopField || undefined === pageTopField) {
pageTopField = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageTopField;
if (null === pageBottomField || undefined === pageBottomField) {
pageBottomField = c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageBottomField;
if (c_oAscPageOrientation.PageLandscape === pageOrientation) {
var tmp = pageWidth;
pageWidth = pageHeight;
pageHeight = tmp;
var arrResult = [];
if (0 === maxCols || 0 === maxRows) {
return null;
} else {
var pageWidthWithFields = pageWidth - pageLeftField - pageRightField;
var pageHeightWithFields = pageHeight - pageTopField - pageBottomField;
var leftFieldInPt = pageLeftField / vector_koef;
var topFieldInPt = pageTopField / vector_koef;
var rightFieldInPt = pageRightField / vector_koef;
var bottomFieldInPt = pageBottomField / vector_koef;
if (pageHeadings) {
leftFieldInPt += this.cellsLeft;
topFieldInPt += this.cellsTop;
var pageWidthWithFieldsHeadings = (pageWidth - pageRightField) / vector_koef - leftFieldInPt;
var pageHeightWithFieldsHeadings = (pageHeight - pageBottomField) / vector_koef - topFieldInPt;
var currentColIndex = (null !== activeRange) ? activeRange.c1 : 0;
var currentWidth = 0;
var currentRowIndex = (null !== activeRange) ? activeRange.r1 : 0;
var currentHeight = 0;
var isCalcColumnsWidth = true;
var bIsAddOffset = false;
var nCountOffset = 0;
while (true) {
if (currentColIndex === maxCols && currentRowIndex === maxRows) {
var newPagePrint = new asc_CPagePrint();
var colIndex = currentColIndex,
rowIndex = currentRowIndex;
newPagePrint.indexWorksheet = indexWorksheet;
newPagePrint.pageWidth = pageWidth;
newPagePrint.pageHeight = pageHeight;
newPagePrint.pageClipRectLeft = pageLeftField / vector_koef;
newPagePrint.pageClipRectTop = pageTopField / vector_koef;
newPagePrint.pageClipRectWidth = pageWidthWithFields / vector_koef;
newPagePrint.pageClipRectHeight = pageHeightWithFields / vector_koef;
newPagePrint.leftFieldInPt = leftFieldInPt;
newPagePrint.topFieldInPt = topFieldInPt;
newPagePrint.rightFieldInPt = rightFieldInPt;
newPagePrint.bottomFieldInPt = bottomFieldInPt;
for (rowIndex = currentRowIndex; rowIndex < maxRows; ++rowIndex) {
var currentRowHeight = this.rows[rowIndex].height;
if (currentHeight + currentRowHeight > pageHeightWithFieldsHeadings) {
if (isCalcColumnsWidth) {
for (colIndex = currentColIndex; colIndex < maxCols; ++colIndex) {
var currentColWidth = this.cols[colIndex].width;
if (bIsAddOffset) {
newPagePrint.startOffset = ++nCountOffset;
newPagePrint.startOffsetPt = (pageWidthWithFieldsHeadings * newPagePrint.startOffset);
currentColWidth -= newPagePrint.startOffsetPt;
if (c_oAscLayoutPageType.FitToWidth !== layoutPageType && currentWidth + currentColWidth > pageWidthWithFieldsHeadings && colIndex !== currentColIndex) {
currentWidth += currentColWidth;
if (c_oAscLayoutPageType.FitToWidth !== layoutPageType && currentWidth > pageWidthWithFieldsHeadings && colIndex === currentColIndex) {
bIsAddOffset = true;
} else {
bIsAddOffset = false;
isCalcColumnsWidth = false;
if (pageHeadings) {
currentWidth += this.cellsLeft;
if (c_oAscLayoutPageType.FitToWidth === layoutPageType) {
newPagePrint.pageClipRectWidth = Math.max(currentWidth, newPagePrint.pageClipRectWidth);
newPagePrint.pageWidth = newPagePrint.pageClipRectWidth * vector_koef + (pageLeftField + pageRightField);
} else {
newPagePrint.pageClipRectWidth = Math.min(currentWidth, newPagePrint.pageClipRectWidth);
currentHeight += currentRowHeight;
currentWidth = 0;
isCalcColumnsWidth = true;
if (pageGridLines) {
newPagePrint.pageGridLines = true;
if (pageHeadings) {
newPagePrint.pageHeadings = true;
newPagePrint.pageRange = asc_Range(currentColIndex, currentRowIndex, colIndex - 1, rowIndex - 1);
if (bIsAddOffset) {
colIndex -= 1;
} else {
nCountOffset = 0;
if (colIndex < maxCols) {
currentColIndex = colIndex;
currentHeight = 0;
} else {
currentColIndex = (null !== activeRange) ? activeRange.c1 : 0;
currentRowIndex = rowIndex;
currentHeight = 0;
if (rowIndex === maxRows) {
if (colIndex < maxCols) {
currentColIndex = colIndex;
currentHeight = 0;
} else {
currentColIndex = colIndex;
currentRowIndex = rowIndex;
return arrResult;
drawForPrint: function (drawingCtx, printPagesData) {
var isAppBridge = (undefined != window["appBridge"]);
if (null === printPagesData) {
drawingCtx.BeginPage(c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageWidth, c_oAscPrintDefaultSettings.PageHeight);
} else {
drawingCtx.BeginPage(printPagesData.pageWidth, printPagesData.pageHeight);
drawingCtx.AddClipRect(printPagesData.pageClipRectLeft, printPagesData.pageClipRectTop, printPagesData.pageClipRectWidth, printPagesData.pageClipRectHeight);
if (isAppBridge) {
var offsetCols = printPagesData.startOffsetPt;
var range = printPagesData.pageRange;
var offsetX = this.cols[range.c1].left - printPagesData.leftFieldInPt + offsetCols;
var offsetY = this.rows[range.r1].top - printPagesData.topFieldInPt;
var tmpVisibleRange = this.visibleRange;
this.visibleRange = range;
if (isAppBridge) {
if (printPagesData.pageHeadings) {
this._drawColumnHeaders(drawingCtx, range.c1, range.c2, undefined, offsetX, printPagesData.topFieldInPt - this.cellsTop);
this._drawRowHeaders(drawingCtx, range.r1, range.r2, undefined, printPagesData.leftFieldInPt - this.cellsLeft, offsetY);
if (isAppBridge) {
if (printPagesData.pageGridLines) {
this._drawGrid(drawingCtx, range, offsetX, offsetY, printPagesData.pageWidth / vector_koef, printPagesData.pageHeight / vector_koef);
if (isAppBridge) {
this._drawCells(drawingCtx, range, offsetX, offsetY);
if (isAppBridge) {
this._drawCellsBorders(drawingCtx, range, undefined, offsetX, offsetY);
if (isAppBridge) {
var drawingPrintOptions = {
ctx: drawingCtx,
printPagesData: printPagesData
this.objectRender.showDrawingObjectsEx(false, drawingPrintOptions);
this.visibleRange = tmpVisibleRange;
if (isAppBridge) {
draw: function (lockDraw) {
if (lockDraw) {
return this;
if (this.overlayCtx) {
return this;
_clean: function () {
this.drawingCtx.setFillStyle(this.settings.cells.defaultState.background).fillRect(0, 0, this.drawingCtx.getWidth(), this.drawingCtx.getHeight());
if (this.overlayCtx) {
drawHighlightedHeaders: function (col, row) {
if (col >= 0 && col !== this.highlightedCol) {
this.highlightedCol = col;
this._drawColumnHeaders(undefined, col, col, kHeaderHighlighted);
} else {
if (row >= 0 && row !== this.highlightedRow) {
this.highlightedRow = row;
this._drawRowHeaders(undefined, row, row, kHeaderHighlighted);
return this;
cleanHighlightedHeaders: function () {
return this;
_activateOverlayCtx: function () {
this.drawingCtx = this.buffers.overlay;
_deactivateOverlayCtx: function () {
this.drawingCtx = this.buffers.main;
_doCleanHighlightedHeaders: function () {
var hlc = this.highlightedCol,
hlr = this.highlightedRow,
arn = this.activeRange.clone(true);
var hStyle = this.objectRender.selectedGraphicObjectsExists() ? kHeaderDefault : kHeaderActive;
if (hlc >= 0) {
if (hlc >= arn.c1 && hlc <= arn.c2) {
this._drawColumnHeaders(undefined, hlc, hlc, hStyle);
} else {
if (hlc + 1 === arn.c1) {
this._drawColumnHeaders(undefined, hlc + 1, hlc + 1, kHeaderActive);
} else {
if (hlc - 1 === arn.c2) {
this._drawColumnHeaders(undefined, hlc - 1, hlc - 1, hStyle);
this.highlightedCol = -1;
if (hlr >= 0) {
if (hlr >= arn.r1 && hlr <= arn.r2) {
this._drawRowHeaders(undefined, hlr, hlr, hStyle);
} else {
if (hlr + 1 === arn.r1) {
this._drawRowHeaders(undefined, hlr + 1, hlr + 1, kHeaderActive);
} else {
if (hlr - 1 === arn.r2) {
this._drawRowHeaders(undefined, hlr - 1, hlr - 1, hStyle);
this.highlightedRow = -1;
_drawActiveHeaders: function () {
var arn = this.activeRange.clone(true),
vr = this.visibleRange,
c1 = Math.max(vr.c1, arn.c1),
c2 = Math.min(vr.c2, arn.c2),
r1 = Math.max(vr.r1, arn.r1),
r2 = Math.min(vr.r2, arn.r2);
this._drawColumnHeaders(undefined, c1, c2, kHeaderActive);
this._drawRowHeaders(undefined, r1, r2, kHeaderActive);
_drawCorner: function () {
if (false === this.model.sheetViews[0].asc_getShowRowColHeaders()) {
var x2 = this.headersLeft + this.headersWidth;
var x1 = x2 - this.headersHeight;
var y2 = this.headersTop + this.headersHeight;
var y1 = this.headersTop;
var dx = 4 * this.width_1px;
var dy = 4 * this.height_1px;
this._drawHeader(undefined, this.headersLeft, this.headersTop, this.headersWidth, this.headersHeight, kHeaderDefault, true, -1);
this.drawingCtx.beginPath().moveTo(x2 - dx, y1 + dy).lineTo(x2 - dx, y2 - dy).lineTo(x1 + dx, y2 - dy).lineTo(x2 - dx, y1 + dy).setFillPattern(this.settings.header.cornerColor).fill();
_drawColumnHeaders: function (drawingCtx, start, end, style, offsetXForDraw, offsetYForDraw) {
if (undefined === drawingCtx && false === this.model.sheetViews[0].asc_getShowRowColHeaders()) {
var cells = this.settings.cells;
var vr = this.visibleRange;
var offsetX = (offsetXForDraw) ? offsetXForDraw : this.cols[vr.c1].left - this.cellsLeft;
var offsetY = (offsetYForDraw) ? offsetYForDraw : this.headersTop;
if (asc_typeof(start) !== "number") {
start = vr.c1;
if (asc_typeof(end) !== "number") {
end = vr.c2;
if (style === undefined) {
style = kHeaderDefault;
this._setFont(drawingCtx, cells.fontName, cells.fontSize);
for (var i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
this._drawHeader(drawingCtx, this.cols[i].left - offsetX, offsetY, this.cols[i].width, this.headersHeight, style, true, i);
_drawRowHeaders: function (drawingCtx, start, end, style, offsetXForDraw, offsetYForDraw) {
if (undefined === drawingCtx && false === this.model.sheetViews[0].asc_getShowRowColHeaders()) {
var cells = this.settings.cells;
var vr = this.visibleRange;
var offsetX = (offsetXForDraw) ? offsetXForDraw : this.headersLeft;
var offsetY = (offsetYForDraw) ? offsetYForDraw : this.rows[vr.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
if (asc_typeof(start) !== "number") {
start = vr.r1;
if (asc_typeof(end) !== "number") {
end = vr.r2;
if (style === undefined) {
style = kHeaderDefault;
this._setFont(drawingCtx, cells.fontName, cells.fontSize);
for (var i = start; i <= end; ++i) {
this._drawHeader(drawingCtx, offsetX, this.rows[i].top - offsetY, this.headersWidth, this.rows[i].height, style, false, i);
_drawHeader: function (drawingCtx, x, y, w, h, style, isColHeader, index) {
var isZeroHeader = false;
if (-1 !== index) {
if (isColHeader) {
if (w < this.width_1px) {
isZeroHeader = true;
w = this.width_1px;
if (0 < index && 0 === this.cols[index - 1].width) {
} else {
if (0 < index && 0 === this.cols[index - 1].width) {
w -= this.width_1px;
x += this.width_1px;
} else {
if (h < this.height_1px) {
isZeroHeader = true;
h = this.height_1px;
if (0 < index && 0 === this.rows[index - 1].height) {
} else {
if (0 < index && 0 === this.rows[index - 1].height) {
h -= this.height_1px;
y += this.height_1px;
var ctx = (drawingCtx) ? drawingCtx : this.drawingCtx;
var st = this.settings.header.style[style];
var x2 = x + w - this.width_1px;
var y2 = y + h - this.height_1px;
if (!isZeroHeader) {
ctx.setFillStyle(st.background).fillRect(x, y, w, h);
if (style !== kHeaderDefault && !isColHeader) {
ctx.lineHor(x, y - this.height_1px, x2 + this.width_1px);
ctx.lineVer(x2, y, y2);
ctx.lineHor(x, y2, x2 + this.width_1px);
if (style !== kHeaderDefault && isColHeader) {
ctx.lineVer(x - this.width_1px, y, y2 + this.height_1px);
if (isZeroHeader || -1 === index) {
var text = isColHeader ? this._getColumnTitle(index) : this._getRowTitle(index);
var sr = this.stringRender;
var tm = this._roundTextMetrics(sr.measureString(text));
var bl = y2 - (isColHeader ? this.defaultRowDescender : this.rows[index].descender);
var textX = this._calcTextHorizPos(x, x2, tm, tm.width < w ? khaCenter : khaLeft);
var textY = this._calcTextVertPos(y, y2, bl, tm, kvaBottom);
if (drawingCtx) {
ctx.AddClipRect(x, y, w, h);
ctx.setFillStyle(st.color).fillText(text, textX, textY + tm.baseline, undefined, sr.charWidths);
} else {
ctx.save().beginPath().rect(x, y, w, h).clip().setFillStyle(st.color).fillText(text, textX, textY + tm.baseline, undefined, sr.charWidths).restore();
_cleanColumnHeaders: function (colStart, colEnd) {
var offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft;
if (colEnd === undefined) {
colEnd = colStart;
colStart = Math.max(this.visibleRange.c1, colStart);
colEnd = Math.min(this.visibleRange.c2, colEnd);
for (var i = colStart; i <= colEnd; ++i) {
this.drawingCtx.clearRect(this.cols[i].left - offsetX - this.width_1px, this.headersTop, this.cols[i].width + this.width_1px, this.headersHeight);
_cleanRowHeades: function (rowStart, rowEnd) {
var offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
if (rowEnd === undefined) {
rowEnd = rowStart;
rowStart = Math.max(this.visibleRange.r1, rowStart);
rowEnd = Math.min(this.visibleRange.r2, rowEnd);
for (var i = rowStart; i <= rowEnd; ++i) {
if (this.height_1px > this.rows[i].height) {
this.drawingCtx.clearRect(this.headersLeft, this.rows[i].top - offsetY - this.height_1px, this.headersWidth, this.rows[i].height + this.height_1px);
_cleanColumnHeadersRect: function () {
this.drawingCtx.clearRect(this.cellsLeft, this.headersTop, this.drawingCtx.getWidth() - this.cellsLeft, this.headersHeight);
_drawGrid: function (drawingCtx, range, leftFieldInPt, topFieldInPt, width, height) {
if (undefined === drawingCtx && false === this.model.sheetViews[0].asc_getShowGridLines()) {
if (range === undefined) {
range = this.visibleRange;
var ctx = (drawingCtx) ? drawingCtx : this.drawingCtx;
var widthCtx = (width) ? width : ctx.getWidth();
var heightCtx = (height) ? height : ctx.getHeight();
var offsetX = (leftFieldInPt) ? leftFieldInPt : this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft;
var offsetY = (topFieldInPt) ? topFieldInPt : this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
var x1 = this.cols[range.c1].left - offsetX;
var y1 = this.rows[range.r1].top - offsetY;
var x2 = Math.min(this.cols[range.c2].left - offsetX + this.cols[range.c2].width, widthCtx);
var y2 = Math.min(this.rows[range.r2].top - offsetY + this.rows[range.r2].height, heightCtx);
ctx.setFillStyle(this.settings.cells.defaultState.background).fillRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1).setStrokeStyle(this.settings.cells.defaultState.border).setLineWidth(1).beginPath();
var w, h;
for (var i = range.c1, x = x1 - this.width_1px; i <= range.c2 && x <= x2; ++i) {
w = this.cols[i].width;
x += w;
if (w >= this.width_1px) {
ctx.lineVer(x, y1, y2);
for (var j = range.r1, y = y1 - this.height_1px; j <= range.r2 && y <= y2; ++j) {
h = this.rows[j].height;
y += h;
if (h >= this.height_1px) {
ctx.lineHor(x1, y, x2);
_drawCells: function (drawingCtx, range, offsetX, offsetY) {
if (range === undefined) {
range = this.visibleRange;
var ctx = (undefined === drawingCtx) ? this.drawingCtx : drawingCtx;
offsetX = (undefined === offsetX) ? this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft : offsetX;
offsetY = (undefined === offsetY) ? this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop : offsetY;
var mergedCells = {},
mc, i;
if (!drawingCtx) {
ctx.save().beginPath().rect(this.cellsLeft, this.cellsTop, ctx.getWidth() - this.cellsLeft, ctx.getHeight() - this.cellsTop).clip();
for (var row = range.r1; row <= range.r2; ++row) {
$.extend(mergedCells, this._drawRowBG(drawingCtx, row, range.c1, range.c2, offsetX, offsetY, null), this._drawRowText(drawingCtx, row, range.c1, range.c2, offsetX, offsetY));
for (i in mergedCells) {
if (mergedCells.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
mc = mergedCells[i];
this._drawRowBG(drawingCtx, mc.r1, mc.c1, mc.c1, offsetX, offsetY, mc);
this._drawCellText(drawingCtx, mc.c1, mc.r1, range.c1, range.c2, offsetX, offsetY, true);
if (!drawingCtx) {
_drawRowBG: function (drawingCtx, row, colStart, colEnd, offsetX, offsetY, oMergedCell) {
if (this.rows[row].height < this.height_1px && null === oMergedCell) {
return {};
var ctx = (undefined === drawingCtx) ? this.drawingCtx : drawingCtx;
for (var mergedCells = {}, col = colStart; col <= colEnd; ++col) {
if (this.cols[col].width < this.width_1px && null === oMergedCell) {
var c = this._getVisibleCell(col, row);
if (!c) {
var bg = c.getFill();
if (null != bg) {
bg = bg.getRgb();
var mc = null;
var mwidth = 0,
mheight = 0;
if (null === oMergedCell) {
mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(row, col);
if (null !== mc) {
mergedCells[mc.r1 + "_" + mc.c1] = {
c1: mc.c1,
r1: mc.r1,
c2: mc.c2,
r2: mc.r2
col = mc.c2;
} else {
mc = oMergedCell;
if (null !== mc) {
if (col !== mc.c1 || row !== mc.r1) {
for (var i = mc.c1 + 1; i <= mc.c2 && i < this.nColsCount; ++i) {
mwidth += this.cols[i].width;
for (var j = mc.r1 + 1; j <= mc.r2 && j < this.nRowsCount; ++j) {
mheight += this.rows[j].height;
} else {
if (bg === null) {
if (col === colEnd && col < this.cols.length - 1 && row < this.rows.length - 1) {
var c2 = this._getVisibleCell(col + 1, row);
if (c2) {
var bg2 = c2.getFill();
if (bg2 !== null) {
ctx.setFillStyle(asc_n2css(bg2.getRgb())).fillRect(this.cols[col + 1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px, this.rows[row].top - offsetY - this.height_1px, this.width_1px, this.rows[row].height + this.height_1px);
var c3 = this._getVisibleCell(col, row + 1);
if (c3) {
var bg3 = c3.getFill();
if (bg3 !== null) {
ctx.setFillStyle(asc_n2css(bg3.getRgb())).fillRect(this.cols[col].left - offsetX - this.width_1px, this.rows[row + 1].top - offsetY - this.height_1px, this.cols[col].width + this.width_1px, this.height_1px);
var x = this.cols[col].left - (bg !== null ? this.width_1px : 0);
var y = this.rows[row].top - (bg !== null ? this.height_1px : 0);
var w = this.cols[col].width + this.width_1px * (bg !== null ? +1 : -1) + mwidth;
var h = this.rows[row].height + this.height_1px * (bg !== null ? +1 : -1) + mheight;
var color = bg !== null ? asc_n2css(bg) : this.settings.cells.defaultState.background;
ctx.setFillStyle(color).fillRect(x - offsetX, y - offsetY, w, h);
return mergedCells;
_drawRowText: function (drawingCtx, row, colStart, colEnd, offsetX, offsetY) {
if (this.rows[row].height < this.height_1px) {
return {};
var dependentCells = {},
mergedCells = {},
i = undefined,
for (var col = colStart; col <= colEnd; ++col) {
if (this.cols[col].width < this.width_1px) {
mc = this._drawCellText(drawingCtx, col, row, colStart, colEnd, offsetX, offsetY, false);
if (mc !== null) {
mergedCells[mc.index] = {
c1: mc.c1,
r1: mc.r1,
c2: mc.c2,
r2: mc.r2
i = this._findSourceOfCellText(col, row);
if (i >= 0) {
dependentCells[i] = (dependentCells[i] || []);
for (i in dependentCells) {
if (dependentCells.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var arr = dependentCells[i],
j = arr.length - 1;
col = parseInt(i, 10);
if (col >= arr[0] && col <= arr[j]) {
this._drawCellText(drawingCtx, col, row, arr[0], arr[j], offsetX, offsetY, false);
return mergedCells;
_drawCellText: function (drawingCtx, col, row, colStart, colEnd, offsetX, offsetY, drawMergedCells) {
var ct = this._getCellTextCache(col, row);
if (ct === undefined) {
return null;
var isMerged = ct.flags.isMerged,
range = undefined,
isWrapped = ct.flags.wrapText;
var ctx = (undefined === drawingCtx) ? this.drawingCtx : drawingCtx;
if (isMerged) {
range = ct.mc;
if (!drawMergedCells) {
return {
c1: range.c1,
r1: range.r1,
c2: range.c2,
r2: range.r2,
index: range.r1 + "_" + range.c1
if (col !== range.c1 || row !== range.r1) {
return null;
var colL = isMerged ? range.c1 : Math.max(colStart, col - ct.sideL);
var colR = isMerged ? Math.min(range.c2, this.nColsCount - 1) : Math.min(colEnd, col + ct.sideR);
var rowT = isMerged ? range.r1 : row;
var rowB = isMerged ? Math.min(range.r2, this.nRowsCount - 1) : row;
var isTrimmedR = !isMerged && colR !== col + ct.sideR;
if (! (ct.angle || 0)) {
if (!isMerged && !isWrapped) {
this._eraseCellRightBorder(drawingCtx, colL, colR + (isTrimmedR ? 1 : 0), row, offsetX, offsetY);
var x1 = this.cols[colL].left - offsetX;
var y1 = this.rows[rowT].top - offsetY;
var w = this.cols[colR].left + this.cols[colR].width - offsetX - x1;
var h = this.rows[rowB].top + this.rows[rowB].height - offsetY - y1;
var x2 = x1 + w - (isTrimmedR ? 0 : this.width_1px);
var y2 = y1 + h - this.height_1px;
var bl = !isMerged ? (y2 - this.rows[rowB].descender) : (y2 - ct.metrics.height + ct.metrics.baseline);
var x1ct = isMerged ? x1 : this.cols[col].left - offsetX;
var x2ct = isMerged ? x2 : x1ct + this.cols[col].width - this.width_1px;
var textX = this._calcTextHorizPos(x1ct, x2ct, ct.metrics, ct.cellHA);
var textY = this._calcTextVertPos(y1, y2, bl, ct.metrics, ct.cellVA);
var textW = this._calcTextWidth(x1ct, x2ct, ct.metrics, ct.cellHA);
var xb1, yb1, wb, hb, bound, colLeft, colRight, i;
var txtRotX, txtRotW, clipUse = false;
if (drawingCtx) {
if (ct.angle || 0) {
xb1 = this.cols[col].left - offsetX;
yb1 = this.rows[row].top - offsetY;
wb = this.cols[col].width;
hb = this.rows[row].height;
txtRotX = ct.textBound.sx + xb1;
txtRotW = ct.textBound.sw + xb1;
if (isMerged) {
wb = 0;
for (i = colL; i <= colR && i < this.nColsCount; ++i) {
wb += this.cols[i].width;
hb = 0;
for (i = rowT; i <= rowB && i < this.nRowsCount; ++i) {
hb += this.rows[i].height;
ctx.AddClipRect(xb1, yb1, wb, hb);
clipUse = true;
this.stringRender.angle = ct.angle;
this.stringRender.fontNeedUpdate = true;
if (90 === ct.angle || -90 === ct.angle) {
if (!isMerged) {
ctx.AddClipRect(xb1, yb1, wb, hb);
clipUse = true;
} else {
if (!isMerged) {
ctx.AddClipRect(0, yb1, this.drawingCtx.getWidth(), h);
clipUse = true;
if (!isMerged && !isWrapped) {
colLeft = col;
if (0 !== txtRotX) {
while (true) {
if (0 == colLeft) {
if (txtRotX >= this.cols[colLeft].left) {
colRight = Math.min(col, this.nColsCount - 1);
if (0 !== txtRotW) {
while (true) {
if (colRight >= this.nColsCount) {
if (txtRotW <= this.cols[colRight].left) {
colLeft = isMerged ? range.c1 : colLeft;
colRight = isMerged ? Math.min(range.c2, this.nColsCount - 1) : colRight;
this._eraseCellRightBorder(drawingCtx, colLeft, colRight + (isTrimmedR ? 1 : 0), row, offsetX, offsetY);
this.stringRender.rotateAtPoint(drawingCtx, ct.angle, xb1, yb1, ct.textBound.dx, ct.textBound.dy);
this.stringRender.restoreInternalState(ct.state).renderForPrint(drawingCtx, 0, 0, textW, ct.color);
if (clipUse) {
} else {
ctx.AddClipRect(x1, y1, w, h);
this.stringRender.restoreInternalState(ct.state).renderForPrint(drawingCtx, textX, textY, textW, ct.color);
} else {
if (ct.angle || 0) {
xb1 = this.cols[col].left - offsetX;
yb1 = this.rows[row].top - offsetY;
wb = this.cols[col].width;
hb = this.rows[row].height;
txtRotX = ct.textBound.sx + xb1;
txtRotW = ct.textBound.sw + xb1;
if (isMerged) {
wb = 0;
for (i = colL; i <= colR && i < this.nColsCount; ++i) {
wb += this.cols[i].width;
hb = 0;
for (i = rowT; i <= rowB && i < this.nRowsCount; ++i) {
hb += this.rows[i].height;
ctx.save().beginPath().rect(xb1, yb1, wb, hb).clip();
clipUse = true;
this.stringRender.angle = ct.angle;
this.stringRender.fontNeedUpdate = true;
if (90 === ct.angle || -90 === ct.angle) {
if (!isMerged) {
ctx.save().beginPath().rect(xb1, yb1, wb, hb).clip();
clipUse = true;
} else {
if (!isMerged) {
ctx.save().beginPath().rect(0, y1, this.drawingCtx.getWidth(), h).clip();
clipUse = true;
if (!isMerged && !isWrapped) {
colLeft = col;
if (0 !== txtRotX) {
while (true) {
if (0 == colLeft) {
if (txtRotX >= this.cols[colLeft].left) {
colRight = Math.min(col, this.nColsCount - 1);
if (0 !== txtRotW) {
while (true) {
if (colRight >= this.nColsCount) {
if (txtRotW <= this.cols[colRight].left) {
colLeft = isMerged ? range.c1 : colLeft;
colRight = isMerged ? Math.min(range.c2, this.nColsCount - 1) : colRight;
this._eraseCellRightBorder(drawingCtx, colLeft, colRight + (isTrimmedR ? 1 : 0), row, offsetX, offsetY);
this.stringRender.rotateAtPoint(null, ct.angle, xb1, yb1, ct.textBound.dx, ct.textBound.dy);
this.stringRender.restoreInternalState(ct.state).render(0, 0, textW, ct.color);
if (clipUse) {
} else {
ctx.save().beginPath().rect(x1, y1, w, h).clip();
this.stringRender.restoreInternalState(ct.state).render(textX, textY, textW, ct.color);
return null;
_eraseCellRightBorder: function (drawingCtx, colBeg, colEnd, row, offsetX, offsetY) {
if (colBeg >= colEnd) {
var ctx = (drawingCtx) ? drawingCtx : this.drawingCtx;
for (var col = colBeg; col < colEnd; ++col) {
var c = this._getCell(col, row);
var bg = c !== undefined ? c.getFill() : null;
if (bg !== null) {
ctx.fillRect(this.cols[col].left + this.cols[col].width - offsetX - this.width_1px, this.rows[row].top - offsetY, this.width_1px, this.rows[row].height - this.height_1px);
_drawCellsBorders: function (drawingCtx, range, mergedCellsStage, leftFieldInPt, topFieldInPt) {
if (range === undefined) {
range = this.visibleRange;
var t = this;
var ctx = (drawingCtx) ? drawingCtx : this.drawingCtx;
var offsetX = (leftFieldInPt) ? leftFieldInPt : this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft;
var offsetY = (topFieldInPt) ? topFieldInPt : this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
var bc = undefined;
var color = undefined;
function drawBorderHor(border, x1, y, x2) {
if (border.s !== c_oAscBorderStyles.None && !border.isErased) {
if (bc !== border.c) {
bc = border.c;
color = asc_n2css(bc);
ctx.setLineWidth(border.w).beginPath().lineHor(x1, y, x2).stroke();
function drawBorderVer(border, x1, y1, y2) {
if (border.s !== c_oAscBorderStyles.None && !border.isErased) {
if (bc !== border.c) {
bc = border.c;
color = asc_n2css(bc);
ctx.setLineWidth(border.w).beginPath().lineVer(x1, y1, y2).stroke();
function drawDiag(border, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (border.s !== c_oAscBorderStyles.None && !border.isErased) {
if (bc !== border.c) {
bc = border.c;
color = asc_n2css(bc);
ctx.setLineWidth(border.w).beginPath().lineDiag(x1, y1, x2, y2).stroke();
if (!drawingCtx) {
ctx.save().beginPath().rect(this.cellsLeft, this.cellsTop, ctx.getWidth() - this.cellsLeft, ctx.getHeight() - this.cellsTop).clip();
for (var row = range.r1; row <= range.r2 && row < this.nRowsCount; ++row) {
if (this.rows[row].height < this.height_1px) {
var isFirstRow = row === range.r1;
var isLastRow = row === range.r2;
var y1 = this.rows[row].top - offsetY;
var y2 = y1 + this.rows[row].height - this.height_1px;
var mc = null;
for (var isMerged = false, hasHideCol = false, col = range.c1; col <= range.c2 && col < this.nColsCount; ++col, isMerged = false) {
if (this.cols[col].width < this.width_1px) {
hasHideCol = true;
var isFirstCol = col === range.c1;
if (!mergedCellsStage) {
mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(row, col);
if (mc) {
if ((col === mc.c1 || isFirstCol) && (row === mc.r1 || isFirstRow)) {
mc = mc.intersectionSimple(this.visibleRange);
if (null === mc) {
this._drawCellsBorders(drawingCtx, mc, true, leftFieldInPt, topFieldInPt);
isMerged = true;
col = mc.c2;
if (col >= this.nColsCount) {
col = this.nColsCount - 1;
var x1 = this.cols[col].left - offsetX;
var x2 = x1 + this.cols[col].width - this.width_1px;
var dd = this._getActiveBorder(col, row, kcbidDiagonalDown);
var du = this._getActiveBorder(col, row, kcbidDiagonalUp);
var lb = (isFirstCol || hasHideCol) ? this._getActiveBorder(col, row, kcbidLeft) : rb;
var lbPrev = (isFirstCol || hasHideCol) ? this._getActiveBorder(col, row - 1, kcbidLeft) : rbPrev;
var lbNext = (isFirstCol || hasHideCol) ? this._getActiveBorder(col, row + 1, kcbidLeft) : rbNext;
var tbPrev = (isFirstCol || hasHideCol) ? this._getActiveBorder(col - 1, row, kcbidTop) : tb;
var bbPrev = (isFirstCol || hasHideCol) ? this._getActiveBorder(col - 1, row, kcbidBottom) : bb;
var tb = (isFirstCol || hasHideCol) ? this._getActiveBorder(col, row, kcbidTop) : tbNext;
var bb = (isFirstCol || hasHideCol) ? this._getActiveBorder(col, row, kcbidBottom) : bbNext;
var rb = this._getActiveBorder(col, row, kcbidRight);
var rbPrev = this._getActiveBorder(col, row - 1, kcbidRight);
var rbNext = this._getActiveBorder(col, row + 1, kcbidRight);
var tbNext = this._getActiveBorder(col + 1, row, kcbidTop);
var bbNext = this._getActiveBorder(col + 1, row, kcbidBottom);
if (isMerged || mergedCellsStage && row !== range.r1 && row !== range.r2 && col !== range.c1 && col !== range.c2) {
var hasDD = dd.w > 0 && dd.s !== c_oAscBorderStyles.None;
var hasDU = du.w > 0 && du.s !== c_oAscBorderStyles.None;
if ((hasDD || hasDU) && (!mergedCellsStage || row === range.r1 && col === range.c1)) {
ctx.save().beginPath().rect(x1 + this.width_1px * (lb.w < 1 ? -1 : (lb.w < 3 ? 0 : +1)), y1 + this.width_1px * (tb.w < 1 ? -1 : (tb.w < 3 ? 0 : +1)), this.cols[col].width + this.width_1px * (-1 + (lb.w < 1 ? +1 : (lb.w < 3 ? 0 : -1)) + (rb.w < 1 ? +1 : (rb.w < 2 ? 0 : -1))), this.rows[row].height + this.height_1px * (-1 + (tb.w < 1 ? +1 : (tb.w < 3 ? 0 : -1)) + (bb.w < 1 ? +1 : (bb.w < 2 ? 0 : -1)))).clip();
if (hasDD) {
drawDiag(dd, x1 - this.width_1px, y1 - this.height_1px, x2, y2);
if (hasDU) {
drawDiag(du, x1 - this.width_1px, y2, x2, y1 - this.height_1px);
bc = undefined;
function drawVerticalBorder(bor, tb1, tb2, bb1, bb2, x, y1, y2) {
if (bor.w < 1 || bor.isErased) {
var tbw = t._calcMaxBorderWidth(tb1, tb2);
var bbw = t._calcMaxBorderWidth(bb1, bb2);
var dy1 = tbw > bor.w ? tbw - 1 : (tbw > 1 ? -1 : 0);
var dy2 = bbw > bor.w ? -2 : (bbw > 2 ? 1 : 0);
drawBorderVer(bor, x, y1 + (-1 + dy1) * t.height_1px, y2 + (1 + dy2) * t.height_1px);
function drawHorizontalBorder(bor, lb, lbOther, rb, rbOther, x1, y, x2) {
if (bor.w > 0) {
var lbw = this._calcMaxBorderWidth(lb, lbOther);
var rbw = this._calcMaxBorderWidth(rb, rbOther);
var dx1 = bor.w > lbw ? (lbw > 1 ? -1 : 0) : (lbw > 2 ? 2 : 1);
var dx2 = bor.w > rbw ? (rbw > 2 ? 1 : 0) : (rbw > 1 ? -2 : -1);
drawBorderHor(bor, x1 + (-1 + dx1) * t.width_1px, y, x2 + (1 + dx2) * t.width_1px);
if (isFirstCol) {
drawVerticalBorder.call(this, lb, tb, tbPrev, bb, bbPrev, x1 - this.width_1px, y1, y2);
if (lb.w >= 1 && false == lb.isErased && drawingCtx && 0 === col) {
drawVerticalBorder.call(this, lb, tb, tbPrev, bb, bbPrev, x1, y1, y2);
if (!mergedCellsStage || col === range.c2) {
drawVerticalBorder.call(this, rb, tb, tbNext, bb, bbNext, x2, y1, y2);
if (isFirstRow) {
drawHorizontalBorder.call(this, tb, lb, lbPrev, rb, rbPrev, x1, y1 - this.height_1px, x2);
if (tb.w > 0 && drawingCtx && 0 === row) {
drawHorizontalBorder.call(this, tb, lb, lbPrev, rb, rbPrev, x1, y1, x2);
if (!mergedCellsStage || isLastRow) {
drawHorizontalBorder.call(this, bb, lb, lbNext, rb, rbNext, x1, y2, x2);
if (!drawingCtx) {
_drawSelection: function (range) {
if (!this.isSelectionDialogMode) {
if (this.objectRender.selectedGraphicObjectsExists()) {
} else {
_drawSelectionRange: function (range) {
if (asc["editor"].isStartAddShape || this.objectRender.selectedGraphicObjectsExists()) {
if (this.isChartAreaEditMode) {
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax === this.activeRange.type) {
this.activeRange.c2 = this.cols.length - 1;
this.activeRange.r2 = this.rows.length - 1;
} else {
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol === this.activeRange.type) {
this.activeRange.r2 = this.rows.length - 1;
} else {
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow === this.activeRange.type) {
this.activeRange.c2 = this.cols.length - 1;
if (!this.isSelectionDialogMode) {
range = this.activeRange.intersection(range !== undefined ? range : this.visibleRange);
} else {
range = this.copyOfActiveRange.intersection(range !== undefined ? range : this.visibleRange);
var aFH = null;
var aFHIntersection = null;
if (this.activeFillHandle !== null) {
aFH = this.activeFillHandle.clone(true);
aFHIntersection = this.activeFillHandle.intersection(this.visibleRange);
if (!range && !aFHIntersection && !this.isFormulaEditMode && !this.activeMoveRange && !this.isChartAreaEditMode) {
if (this.isSelectionDialogMode) {
var ctx = this.overlayCtx;
var opt = this.settings;
var offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft;
var offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
var arn = (!this.isSelectionDialogMode) ? this.activeRange.clone(true) : this.copyOfActiveRange.clone(true);
var x1 = (range) ? (this.cols[range.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px) : 0;
var x2 = (range) ? (this.cols[range.c2].left + this.cols[range.c2].width - offsetX - this.width_1px) : 0;
var y1 = (range) ? (this.rows[range.r1].top - offsetY) : 0;
var y2 = (range) ? (this.rows[range.r2].top + this.rows[range.r2].height - offsetY - this.height_1px) : 0;
var drawLeftSide = (range) ? (range.c1 === arn.c1) : false;
var drawRightSide = (range) ? (range.c2 === arn.c2) : false;
var drawTopSide = (range) ? (range.r1 === arn.r1) : false;
var drawBottomSide = (range) ? (range.r2 === arn.r2) : false;
var l, t, r, b, cr;
var fillHandleWidth = 2 * this.width_2px + this.width_1px;
var fillHandleHeight = 2 * this.height_2px + this.height_1px;
var xFH1 = 0;
var xFH2 = 0;
var yFH1 = 0;
var yFH2 = 0;
var drawLeftFillHandle;
var drawRightFillHandle;
var drawTopFillHandle;
var drawBottomFillHandle;
ctx.save().beginPath().rect(this.cellsLeft, this.cellsTop, ctx.getWidth() - this.cellsLeft, ctx.getHeight() - this.cellsTop).clip();
l = drawLeftSide ? -this.width_1px : 0;
r = drawRightSide ? this.width_1px : 0;
t = drawTopSide ? -this.height_1px : 0;
b = drawBottomSide ? this.height_2px : 0;
if (aFHIntersection) {
xFH1 = this.cols[aFHIntersection.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px;
xFH2 = this.cols[aFHIntersection.c2].left + this.cols[aFHIntersection.c2].width - offsetX - this.width_1px;
yFH1 = this.rows[aFHIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
yFH2 = this.rows[aFHIntersection.r2].top + this.rows[aFHIntersection.r2].height - offsetY - this.height_1px;
drawLeftFillHandle = aFHIntersection.c1 === aFH.c1;
drawRightFillHandle = aFHIntersection.c2 === aFH.c2;
drawTopFillHandle = aFHIntersection.r1 === aFH.r1;
drawBottomFillHandle = aFHIntersection.r2 === aFH.r2;
if (aFHIntersection.c1 !== aFHIntersection.c2 || aFHIntersection.r1 !== aFHIntersection.r2 || 2 !== this.fillHandleArea) {
if (drawTopFillHandle) {
ctx.lineHor(xFH1 + l, yFH1 - this.height_1px, xFH2 + this.width_1px + r);
if (drawBottomFillHandle) {
ctx.lineHor(xFH1 + l, yFH2, xFH2 + this.width_1px + r);
if (drawLeftFillHandle) {
ctx.lineVer(xFH1, yFH1 + t, yFH2 + b);
if (drawRightFillHandle) {
ctx.lineVer(xFH2, yFH1 + t, yFH2 + b);
switch (this.fillHandleArea) {
case 1:
switch (this.fillHandleDirection) {
case 0:
if (drawLeftSide) {
ctx.lineVer(x1, y1 + t, y2 + b);
case 1:
if (drawTopSide) {
ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + this.width_1px + r);
case 2:
if (drawTopSide) {
ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + this.width_1px + r);
if (drawBottomSide) {
ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y2, x2 + this.width_1px + r);
if (drawLeftSide) {
ctx.lineVer(x1, y1 + t, y2 + b);
if (drawRightSide) {
ctx.lineVer(x2, y1 + t, y2 + b);
case 3:
switch (this.fillHandleDirection) {
case 0:
if (range && aFH.c2 !== range.c2) {
if (drawRightSide) {
ctx.lineVer(x2, y1 + t, y2 + b);
case 1:
if (range && aFH.r2 !== range.r2) {
if (drawBottomSide) {
ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y2, x2 + this.width_1px + r);
} else {
if (drawTopSide) {
ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + this.width_1px + r);
if (drawBottomSide) {
ctx.lineHor(x1 + l, y2, x2 + this.width_1px + r - fillHandleWidth);
if (drawLeftSide) {
ctx.lineVer(x1, y1 + t, y2 + b);
if (drawRightSide) {
ctx.lineVer(x2, y1 + t, y2 + b - fillHandleHeight);
if (range) {
var lRect = x1 + (drawLeftSide ? this.width_3px : this.width_1px),
rRect = x2 - (drawRightSide ? this.width_2px : 0),
tRect = y1 + (drawTopSide ? this.height_2px : 0),
bRect = y2 - (drawBottomSide ? this.width_2px : 0);
ctx.setFillStyle(opt.activeCellBackground).fillRect(lRect, tRect, rRect - lRect, bRect - tRect);
var firstCell = (!this.isSelectionDialogMode) ? this.activeRange : this.copyOfActiveRange;
cr = this.model.getMergedByCell(firstCell.startRow, firstCell.startCol);
cr = range.intersection(null !== cr ? cr : asc_Range(firstCell.startCol, firstCell.startRow, firstCell.startCol, firstCell.startRow));
if (cr !== null) {
ctx.save().beginPath().rect(lRect, tRect, rRect - lRect, bRect - tRect).clip();
var _l = this.cols[cr.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px,
_r = this.cols[cr.c2].left + this.cols[cr.c2].width - offsetX,
_t = this.rows[cr.r1].top - offsetY - this.height_1px,
_b = this.rows[cr.r2].top + this.rows[cr.r2].height - offsetY;
ctx.clearRect(_l, _t, _r - _l, _b - _t).restore();
cr = range.intersection(asc_Range(range.c2, range.r2, range.c2, range.r2));
if (cr !== null) {
this.fillHandleL = this.cols[cr.c1].left - offsetX + this.cols[cr.c1].width - this.width_1px - this.width_2px;
this.fillHandleR = this.fillHandleL + fillHandleWidth;
this.fillHandleT = this.rows[cr.r1].top - offsetY + this.rows[cr.r1].height - this.height_1px - this.height_2px;
this.fillHandleB = this.fillHandleT + fillHandleHeight;
ctx.setFillStyle(opt.activeCellBorderColor).fillRect(this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleT, this.fillHandleR - this.fillHandleL, this.fillHandleB - this.fillHandleT);
if (this.activeFillHandle !== null) {
if (2 === this.fillHandleArea && (aFH.c1 !== aFH.c2 || aFH.r1 !== aFH.r2)) {
var lFH = xFH1 + (drawLeftFillHandle ? this.width_3px : this.width_1px),
rFH = xFH2 - (drawRightFillHandle ? this.width_2px : 0),
tFH = yFH1 + (drawTopFillHandle ? this.height_2px : 0),
bFH = yFH2 - (drawBottomFillHandle ? this.width_2px : 0);
ctx.setFillStyle(opt.activeCellBackground).fillRect(lFH, tFH, rFH - lFH, bFH - tFH);
if (aFH.c1 !== aFH.c2 || aFH.r1 !== aFH.r2 || 2 !== this.fillHandleArea) {
if (drawTopFillHandle) {
ctx.lineHor(xFH1 + l + this.width_1px, yFH1 - this.height_1px, xFH2 + r);
if (drawBottomFillHandle) {
ctx.lineHor(xFH1 + l + this.width_1px, yFH2, xFH2 + r);
if (drawLeftFillHandle) {
ctx.lineVer(xFH1, yFH1 + t + this.height_1px, yFH2 + b - this.height_1px);
if (drawRightFillHandle) {
ctx.lineVer(xFH2, yFH1 + t + this.height_1px, yFH2 + b - this.height_1px);
if (2 === this.fillHandleArea) {
if (drawTopSide) {
ctx.lineHor(x1 + l + this.width_1px, y1 - this.height_1px, x2 + r - this.width_1px);
if (drawBottomSide) {
ctx.lineHor(x1 + l + this.width_1px, y2, x2 + r - this.width_1px);
if (drawLeftSide) {
ctx.lineVer(x1, y1 + t + this.height_1px, y2 + b - this.height_1px);
if (drawRightSide) {
ctx.lineVer(x2, y1 + t + this.height_1px, y2 + b - this.height_1px);
if (this.isFormulaEditMode) {
if (this.isChartAreaEditMode) {
if (this.isSelectionDialogMode) {
if (null !== this.activeMoveRange) {
var aActiveMoveRangeIntersection = this.activeMoveRange.intersection(this.visibleRange);
if (aActiveMoveRangeIntersection) {
var drawLeftSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c1 === this.activeMoveRange.c1;
var drawRightSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c2 === this.activeMoveRange.c2;
var drawTopSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r1 === this.activeMoveRange.r1;
var drawBottomSideMoveRange = aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r2 === this.activeMoveRange.r2;
var xMoveRange1 = this.cols[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px;
var xMoveRange2 = this.cols[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c2].left + this.cols[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.c2].width - offsetX - this.width_1px;
var yMoveRange1 = this.rows[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
var yMoveRange2 = this.rows[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r2].top + this.rows[aActiveMoveRangeIntersection.r2].height - offsetY - this.height_1px;
if (drawTopSideMoveRange) {
ctx.lineHor(xMoveRange1, yMoveRange1 - this.height_1px, xMoveRange2 + this.width_1px);
if (drawBottomSideMoveRange) {
ctx.lineHor(xMoveRange1, yMoveRange2, xMoveRange2 + this.width_1px);
if (drawLeftSideMoveRange) {
ctx.lineVer(xMoveRange1, yMoveRange1, yMoveRange2);
if (drawRightSideMoveRange) {
ctx.lineVer(xMoveRange2, yMoveRange1, yMoveRange2);
if (!this.isChartAreaEditMode) {
_drawFormulaRange: function (arr) {
var ctx = this.overlayCtx,
opt = this.settings,
offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft,
offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
for (var i in arr) {
var arFormulaTmp = arr[i].clone(true);
var aFormulaIntersection = arFormulaTmp.intersection(this.visibleRange);
if (aFormulaIntersection) {
ctx.beginPath().setStrokeStyle(opt.formulaRangeBorderColor[i % opt.formulaRangeBorderColor.length]).setFillStyle(opt.formulaRangeBorderColor[i % opt.formulaRangeBorderColor.length]);
var drawLeftSideFormula = aFormulaIntersection.c1 === arFormulaTmp.c1;
var drawRightSideFormula = aFormulaIntersection.c2 === arFormulaTmp.c2;
var drawTopSideFormula = aFormulaIntersection.r1 === arFormulaTmp.r1;
var drawBottomSideFormula = aFormulaIntersection.r2 === arFormulaTmp.r2;
var xFormula1 = this.cols[aFormulaIntersection.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_1px;
var xFormula2 = this.cols[aFormulaIntersection.c2].left + this.cols[aFormulaIntersection.c2].width - offsetX - this.width_1px;
var yFormula1 = this.rows[aFormulaIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
var yFormula2 = this.rows[aFormulaIntersection.r2].top + this.rows[aFormulaIntersection.r2].height - offsetY - this.height_1px;
if (drawTopSideFormula && aFormulaIntersection.r1 != this.visibleRange.r1) {
ctx.lineHor(xFormula1 + this.width_1px, yFormula1 - this.height_1px, xFormula2 + this.width_1px);
if (drawBottomSideFormula) {
ctx.lineHor(xFormula1 + this.width_1px, yFormula2, xFormula2 + this.width_1px);
if (drawLeftSideFormula && aFormulaIntersection.c1 != this.visibleRange.c1) {
ctx.lineVer(xFormula1, yFormula1 - this.width_1px * (aFormulaIntersection.r1 != this.visibleRange.r1), yFormula2 + this.width_1px);
if (drawRightSideFormula) {
ctx.lineVer(xFormula2, yFormula1, yFormula2);
if (drawLeftSideFormula && drawTopSideFormula) {
ctx.fillRect(xFormula1 + this.width_1px, yFormula1, this.width_4px, this.height_4px);
if (drawRightSideFormula && drawTopSideFormula) {
ctx.fillRect(xFormula2 - this.width_4px, yFormula1, this.width_4px, this.height_4px);
if (drawRightSideFormula && drawBottomSideFormula) {
ctx.fillRect(xFormula2 - this.width_4px, yFormula2 - this.height_4px, this.width_4px, this.height_4px);
if (drawLeftSideFormula && drawBottomSideFormula) {
ctx.fillRect(xFormula1 + this.width_1px, yFormula2 - this.height_4px, this.width_4px, this.height_4px);
_drawSelectRange: function (oSelectRange) {
var ctx = this.overlayCtx,
offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft,
offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
var oSelectRangeIntersection = oSelectRange.intersection(this.visibleRange);
if (oSelectRangeIntersection) {
var drawLeftSideSelectRange = oSelectRangeIntersection.c1 === oSelectRange.c1;
var drawRightSideSelectRange = oSelectRangeIntersection.c2 === oSelectRange.c2;
var drawTopSideSelectRange = oSelectRangeIntersection.r1 === oSelectRange.r1;
var drawBottomSideSelectRange = oSelectRangeIntersection.r2 === oSelectRange.r2;
var xSelectRange1 = this.cols[oSelectRangeIntersection.c1].left - offsetX;
var xSelectRange2 = this.cols[oSelectRangeIntersection.c2].left + this.cols[oSelectRangeIntersection.c2].width - offsetX;
var ySelectRange1 = this.rows[oSelectRangeIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
var ySelectRange2 = this.rows[oSelectRangeIntersection.r2].top + this.rows[oSelectRangeIntersection.r2].height - offsetY;
if (drawTopSideSelectRange) {
ctx.dashLineCleverHor(xSelectRange1, ySelectRange1, xSelectRange2, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance);
if (drawBottomSideSelectRange) {
ctx.dashLineCleverHor(xSelectRange1, ySelectRange2, xSelectRange2, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance);
if (drawLeftSideSelectRange) {
ctx.dashLineCleverVer(xSelectRange1, ySelectRange1, ySelectRange2, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance);
if (drawRightSideSelectRange) {
ctx.dashLineCleverVer(xSelectRange2, ySelectRange1, ySelectRange2, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance);
_drawCollaborativeElements: function (bIsDrawObjects) {
if (this.collaborativeEditing.getCollaborativeEditing()) {
this._drawCollaborativeElementsMeOther(c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeMine, bIsDrawObjects);
this._drawCollaborativeElementsMeOther(c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther, bIsDrawObjects);
_drawCollaborativeElementsAllLock: function () {
var ctx = this.overlayCtx;
var currentSheetId = this.model.getId();
var nLockAllType = this.collaborativeEditing.isLockAllOther(currentSheetId);
if (c_oAscMouseMoveLockedObjectType.None !== nLockAllType) {
var styleColor = (c_oAscMouseMoveLockedObjectType.TableProperties === nLockAllType) ? c_oAscCoAuthoringLockTablePropertiesBorderColor : c_oAscCoAuthoringOtherBorderColor;
var offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft;
var offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
var arAllRange = asc_Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0);
var aFormulaIntersection = arAllRange.intersection(this.visibleRange);
if (aFormulaIntersection) {
var drawLeftSideFormula = aFormulaIntersection.c1 === arAllRange.c1;
var drawRightSideFormula = aFormulaIntersection.c2 === arAllRange.c2;
var drawTopSideFormula = aFormulaIntersection.r1 === arAllRange.r1;
var drawBottomSideFormula = aFormulaIntersection.r2 === arAllRange.r2;
var xFormula1 = this.cols[aFormulaIntersection.c1].left - offsetX;
var xFormula2 = this.cols[aFormulaIntersection.c2].left + this.cols[aFormulaIntersection.c2].width - offsetX;
var yFormula1 = this.rows[aFormulaIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
var yFormula2 = this.rows[aFormulaIntersection.r2].top + this.rows[aFormulaIntersection.r2].height - offsetY;
if (drawTopSideFormula) {
ctx.dashLineCleverHor(xFormula1, yFormula1, xFormula2, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance);
if (drawBottomSideFormula) {
ctx.dashLineCleverHor(xFormula1, yFormula2, xFormula2, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance);
if (drawLeftSideFormula) {
ctx.dashLineCleverVer(xFormula1, yFormula1, yFormula2, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance);
if (drawRightSideFormula) {
ctx.dashLineCleverVer(xFormula2, yFormula1, yFormula2, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance);
_drawCollaborativeElementsMeOther: function (type, bIsDrawObjects) {
var ctx = this.overlayCtx;
var offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft;
var offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
var i;
var currentSheetId = this.model.getId();
var styleColor = (c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeMine === type) ? c_oAscCoAuthoringMeBorderColor : c_oAscCoAuthoringOtherBorderColor;
var arrayCells = (c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeMine === type) ? this.collaborativeEditing.getLockCellsMe(currentSheetId) : this.collaborativeEditing.getLockCellsOther(currentSheetId);
if (c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeMine === type) {
arrayCells = arrayCells.concat(this.collaborativeEditing.getArrayInsertColumnsBySheetId(currentSheetId));
arrayCells = arrayCells.concat(this.collaborativeEditing.getArrayInsertRowsBySheetId(currentSheetId));
if (bIsDrawObjects) {
var arrayObjects = (c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeMine === type) ? this.collaborativeEditing.getLockObjectsMe(currentSheetId) : this.collaborativeEditing.getLockObjectsOther(currentSheetId);
for (i = 0; i < arrayObjects.length; ++i) {
this.objectRender.setGraphicObjectLockState(arrayObjects[i], (c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeMine === type) ? c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeMine : c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther);
ctx.save().beginPath().rect(this.cellsLeft, this.cellsTop, ctx.getWidth() - this.cellsLeft, ctx.getHeight() - this.cellsTop).clip();
for (i = 0; i < arrayCells.length; ++i) {
var arFormulaTmp = asc_Range(arrayCells[i].c1, arrayCells[i].r1, arrayCells[i].c2, arrayCells[i].r2);
var aFormulaIntersection = arFormulaTmp.intersection(this.visibleRange);
if (aFormulaIntersection) {
var drawLeftSideFormula = aFormulaIntersection.c1 === arFormulaTmp.c1;
var drawRightSideFormula = aFormulaIntersection.c2 === arFormulaTmp.c2;
var drawTopSideFormula = aFormulaIntersection.r1 === arFormulaTmp.r1;
var drawBottomSideFormula = aFormulaIntersection.r2 === arFormulaTmp.r2;
var xFormula1 = this.cols[aFormulaIntersection.c1].left - offsetX;
var xFormula2 = this.cols[aFormulaIntersection.c2].left + this.cols[aFormulaIntersection.c2].width - offsetX;
var yFormula1 = this.rows[aFormulaIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
var yFormula2 = this.rows[aFormulaIntersection.r2].top + this.rows[aFormulaIntersection.r2].height - offsetY;
if (drawTopSideFormula) {
ctx.dashLineCleverHor(xFormula1, yFormula1, xFormula2, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance);
if (drawBottomSideFormula) {
ctx.dashLineCleverHor(xFormula1, yFormula2, xFormula2, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance);
if (drawLeftSideFormula) {
ctx.dashLineCleverVer(xFormula1, yFormula1, yFormula2, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance);
if (drawRightSideFormula) {
ctx.dashLineCleverVer(xFormula2, yFormula1, yFormula2, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedWidth, c_oAscCoAuthoringDottedDistance);
_drawGraphic: function () {
cleanSelection: function () {
var ctx = this.overlayCtx;
var arn = this.activeRange.clone(true);
var arnIntersection = arn.intersectionSimple(this.visibleRange);
var width = ctx.getWidth();
var height = ctx.getHeight();
var offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft;
var offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
var x1 = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var x2 = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
var y1 = Number.MAX_VALUE;
var y2 = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
var i;
if (arnIntersection) {
x1 = this.cols[arnIntersection.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_2px;
x2 = this.cols[arnIntersection.c2].left + this.cols[arnIntersection.c2].width - offsetX + this.width_1px + this.width_2px;
y1 = this.rows[arnIntersection.r1].top - offsetY - this.height_2px;
y2 = this.rows[arnIntersection.r2].top + this.rows[arnIntersection.r2].height - offsetY + this.height_1px + this.height_2px;
this._cleanColumnHeaders(arn.c1, arn.c2);
this._cleanRowHeades(arn.r1, arn.r2);
if (this.activeFillHandle !== null) {
var activeFillClone = this.activeFillHandle.clone(true);
var xFH1 = this.cols[activeFillClone.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_2px;
var xFH2 = this.cols[activeFillClone.c2].left + this.cols[activeFillClone.c2].width - offsetX + this.width_1px + this.width_2px;
var yFH1 = this.rows[activeFillClone.r1].top - offsetY - this.height_2px;
var yFH2 = this.rows[activeFillClone.r2].top + this.rows[activeFillClone.r2].height - offsetY + this.height_1px + this.height_2px;
x1 = Math.min(x1, xFH1);
x2 = Math.max(x2, xFH2);
y1 = Math.min(y1, yFH1);
y2 = Math.max(y2, yFH2);
if (this.collaborativeEditing.getCollaborativeEditing()) {
var currentSheetId = this.model.getId();
var nLockAllType = this.collaborativeEditing.isLockAllOther(currentSheetId);
if (c_oAscMouseMoveLockedObjectType.None !== nLockAllType) {
} else {
var arrayElementsMe = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockCellsMe(currentSheetId);
var arrayElementsOther = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockCellsOther(currentSheetId);
var arrayElements = arrayElementsMe.concat(arrayElementsOther);
arrayElements = arrayElements.concat(this.collaborativeEditing.getArrayInsertColumnsBySheetId(currentSheetId));
arrayElements = arrayElements.concat(this.collaborativeEditing.getArrayInsertRowsBySheetId(currentSheetId));
for (i = 0; i < arrayElements.length; ++i) {
var arFormulaTmp = asc_Range(arrayElements[i].c1, arrayElements[i].r1, arrayElements[i].c2, arrayElements[i].r2);
var aFormulaIntersection = arFormulaTmp.intersection(this.visibleRange);
if (aFormulaIntersection) {
var xCE1 = this.cols[aFormulaIntersection.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_2px;
var xCE2 = this.cols[aFormulaIntersection.c2].left + this.cols[aFormulaIntersection.c2].width - offsetX + this.width_1px + this.width_2px;
var yCE1 = this.rows[aFormulaIntersection.r1].top - offsetY - this.height_2px;
var yCE2 = this.rows[aFormulaIntersection.r2].top + this.rows[aFormulaIntersection.r2].height - offsetY + this.height_1px + this.height_2px;
x1 = Math.min(x1, xCE1);
x2 = Math.max(x2, xCE2);
y1 = Math.min(y1, yCE1);
y2 = Math.max(y2, yCE2);
if (0 < this.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length) {
for (i = 0; i < this.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length; ++i) {
var activeFormula = this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[i].clone(true);
activeFormula = this.visibleRange.intersection(activeFormula);
if (null === activeFormula) {
var xF1 = this.cols[activeFormula.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_2px;
var xF2 = activeFormula.c2 > this.cols.length ? width : this.cols[activeFormula.c2].left + this.cols[activeFormula.c2].width - offsetX + this.width_1px;
var yF1 = this.rows[activeFormula.r1].top - offsetY - this.height_2px;
var yF2 = activeFormula.r2 > this.rows.length ? height : this.rows[activeFormula.r2].top + this.rows[activeFormula.r2].height - offsetY + this.height_1px;
x1 = Math.min(x1, xF1);
x2 = Math.max(x2, xF2);
y1 = Math.min(y1, yF1);
y2 = Math.max(y2, yF2);
if (false === this.isFormulaEditMode) {
this.arrActiveFormulaRanges = [];
if (0 < this.arrActiveChartsRanges.length) {
for (i in this.arrActiveChartsRanges) {
var activeFormula = this.arrActiveChartsRanges[i].clone(true);
activeFormula = this.visibleRange.intersection(activeFormula);
if (null === activeFormula) {
var xF1 = this.cols[activeFormula.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_2px;
var xF2 = activeFormula.c2 > this.cols.length ? width : this.cols[activeFormula.c2].left + this.cols[activeFormula.c2].width - offsetX + this.width_1px;
var yF1 = this.rows[activeFormula.r1].top - offsetY - this.height_2px;
var yF2 = activeFormula.r2 > this.rows.length ? height : this.rows[activeFormula.r2].top + this.rows[activeFormula.r2].height - offsetY + this.height_1px;
x1 = Math.min(x1, xF1);
x2 = Math.max(x2, xF2);
y1 = Math.min(y1, yF1);
y2 = Math.max(y2, yF2);
if (null !== this.activeMoveRange) {
var activeMoveRangeClone = this.activeMoveRange.clone(true);
while (!this.cols[activeMoveRangeClone.c2]) {
while (!this.rows[activeMoveRangeClone.r2]) {
var xMR1 = this.cols[activeMoveRangeClone.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_2px;
var xMR2 = this.cols[activeMoveRangeClone.c2].left + this.cols[activeMoveRangeClone.c2].width - offsetX + this.width_1px + this.width_2px;
var yMR1 = this.rows[activeMoveRangeClone.r1].top - offsetY - this.height_2px;
var yMR2 = this.rows[activeMoveRangeClone.r2].top + this.rows[activeMoveRangeClone.r2].height - offsetY + this.height_1px + this.height_2px;
x1 = Math.min(x1, xMR1);
x2 = Math.max(x2, xMR2);
y1 = Math.min(y1, yMR1);
y2 = Math.max(y2, yMR2);
if (null !== this.copyOfActiveRange) {
var xCopyAr1 = this.cols[this.copyOfActiveRange.c1].left - offsetX - this.width_2px;
var xCopyAr2 = this.cols[this.copyOfActiveRange.c2].left + this.cols[this.copyOfActiveRange.c2].width - offsetX + this.width_1px + this.width_2px;
var yCopyAr1 = this.rows[this.copyOfActiveRange.r1].top - offsetY - this.height_2px;
var yCopyAr2 = this.rows[this.copyOfActiveRange.r2].top + this.rows[this.copyOfActiveRange.r2].height - offsetY + this.height_1px + this.height_2px;
x1 = Math.min(x1, xCopyAr1);
x2 = Math.max(x2, xCopyAr2);
y1 = Math.min(y1, yCopyAr1);
y2 = Math.max(y2, yCopyAr2);
if (! (Number.MAX_VALUE === x1 && -Number.MAX_VALUE === x2 && Number.MAX_VALUE === y1 && -Number.MAX_VALUE === y2)) {
ctx.save().beginPath().rect(this.cellsLeft, this.cellsTop, ctx.getWidth() - this.cellsLeft, ctx.getHeight() - this.cellsTop).clip().clearRect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1).restore();
return this;
updateSelection: function () {
drawColumnGuides: function (col, x, y, mouseX) {
var t = this;
x *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, t._getPPIX());
x += mouseX;
var ctx = t.overlayCtx;
var offsetX = t.cols[t.visibleRange.c1].left - t.cellsLeft;
var x1 = t.cols[col].left - offsetX - this.width_1px;
var h = ctx.getHeight();
ctx.setFillPattern(t.ptrnLineDotted1).fillRect(x1, 0, this.width_1px, h).fillRect(x, 0, this.width_1px, h);
drawRowGuides: function (row, x, y, mouseY) {
var t = this;
y *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, t._getPPIY());
y += mouseY;
var ctx = t.overlayCtx;
var offsetY = t.rows[t.visibleRange.r1].top - t.cellsTop;
var y1 = t.rows[row].top - offsetY - this.height_1px;
var w = ctx.getWidth();
ctx.setFillPattern(t.ptrnLineDotted1).fillRect(0, y1, w, this.height_1px).fillRect(0, y, w, this.height_1px);
_cleanCache: function (range) {
var t = this,
r, c, row;
if (range === undefined) {
range = t.activeRange.clone(true);
for (r = range.r1; r <= range.r2; ++r) {
row = t.cache.rows[r];
for (c = range.c1; c <= range.c2; ++c) {
if (row !== undefined) {
if (row.columns[c]) {
delete row.columns[c];
if (row.columnsWithText[c]) {
delete row.columnsWithText[c];
if (row.erasedLB[c]) {
delete row.erasedLB[c];
if (row.erasedRB[c - 1]) {
delete row.erasedRB[c - 1];
if (row !== undefined) {
if (row.erasedLB[c]) {
delete row.erasedLB[c];
if (row.erasedRB[c - 1]) {
delete row.erasedRB[c - 1];
if (row.columns) {
if (row.columns[range.c1 - 1] && row.columns[range.c1 - 1].borders) {
delete row.columns[range.c1 - 1].borders.r;
if (row.columns[range.c2 + 1] && row.columns[range.c2 + 1].borders) {
delete row.columns[range.c2 + 1].borders.l;
row = t.cache.rows[range.r1 - 1];
if (row !== undefined) {
for (c = range.c1; c <= range.c2; ++c) {
if (row.columns[c] && row.columns[c].borders) {
delete row.columns[c].borders.b;
row = t.cache.rows[range.r2 + 1];
if (row !== undefined) {
for (c = range.c1; c <= range.c2; ++c) {
if (row.columns[c] && row.columns[c].borders) {
delete row.columns[c].borders.t;
_cleanCellsTextMetricsCache: function () {
var s = this.cache.sectors = [];
var vr = this.visibleRange;
var h = vr.r2 + 1 - vr.r1;
var rl = this.rows.length;
var rc = asc_floor(rl / h) + (rl % h > 0 ? 1 : 0);
var range = new asc_Range(0, 0, this.cols.length - 1, h - 1);
var j;
for (j = rc; j > 0; --j, range.r1 += h, range.r2 += h) {
if (j === 1 && rl % h > 0) {
range.r2 = rl - 1;
_prepareCellTextMetricsCache: function (range) {
var self = this;
var s = this.cache.sectors;
var isUpdateRows = false;
if (s.length < 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < s.length;) {
if (s[i].intersection(range) !== null) {
s.splice(i, 1);
isUpdateRows = true;
if (isUpdateRows) {
_calcCellsTextMetrics: function (range) {
if (range === undefined) {
range = asc_Range(0, 0, this.cols.length - 1, this.rows.length - 1);
var rowModel, rowCells, cellColl;
for (var row = range.r1; row <= range.r2; ++row) {
if (this.height_1px > this.rows[row].height) {
rowModel = this.model._getRowNoEmpty(row);
if (null === rowModel) {
rowCells = rowModel.getCells();
for (cellColl in rowCells) {
if (!rowCells.hasOwnProperty(cellColl)) {
cellColl = cellColl - 0;
if (this.width_1px > this.cols[cellColl].width) {
this._addCellTextToCache(cellColl, row);
this.isChanged = false;
_fetchRowCache: function (row) {
var rc = this.cache.rows[row] = (this.cache.rows[row] || new CacheElement());
return rc;
_fetchCellCache: function (col, row) {
var r = this._fetchRowCache(row),
c = r.columns[col] = (r.columns[col] || {});
return c;
_fetchCellCacheText: function (col, row) {
var r = this._fetchRowCache(row),
cwt = r.columnsWithText[col] = (r.columnsWithText[col] || {});
return cwt;
_getRowCache: function (row) {
return this.cache.rows[row];
_getCellCache: function (col, row) {
var r = this.cache.rows[row];
return r ? r.columns[col] : undefined;
_getCellTextCache: function (col, row, dontLookupMergedCells) {
var r = this.cache.rows[row],
c = r ? r.columns[col] : undefined;
if (c && c.text) {
return c.text;
} else {
if (!dontLookupMergedCells) {
var range = this.model.getMergedByCell(row, col);
return null !== range ? this._getCellTextCache(range.c1, range.r1, true) : undefined;
return undefined;
_addCellTextToCache: function (col, row, canChangeColWidth) {
var self = this;
function isFixedWidthCell(frag) {
for (var i = 0; i < frag.length; ++i) {
var f = frag[i].format;
if (f && f.repeat) {
return true;
return false;
function truncFracPart(frag) {
var s = frag.reduce(function (prev, val) {
return prev + val.text;
if (s.search(/E/i) >= 0) {
return frag;
var pos = s.search(/[,\.]/);
if (pos >= 0) {
frag[0].text = s.slice(0, pos);
frag.splice(1, frag.length - 1);
return frag;
function makeFnIsGoodNumFormat(flags, width) {
return function (str) {
return self.stringRender.measureString(str, flags, width).width <= width;
function changeColWidth(col, width, pad) {
var cc = Math.min(self._colWidthToCharCount(width + pad), 255);
var modelw = self._charCountToModelColWidth(cc, true);
var colw = self._calcColWidth(modelw);
if (colw.width > self.cols[col].width) {
self.cols[col].width = colw.width;
self.cols[col].innerWidth = colw.innerWidth;
self.cols[col].charCount = colw.charCount;
History.SetSelection(null, true);
self.model.setColBestFit(true, modelw, col, col);
self.isChanged = true;
var c = this._getCell(col, row);
if (c === undefined) {
return col;
var bUpdateScrollX = false;
var bUpdateScrollY = false;
if (col >= this.cols.length) {
bUpdateScrollX = this.expandColsOnScroll(false, true);
if (row >= this.rows.length) {
bUpdateScrollY = this.expandRowsOnScroll(false, true);
if (bUpdateScrollX && bUpdateScrollY) {
} else {
if (bUpdateScrollX) {
} else {
if (bUpdateScrollY) {
var mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(row, col);
var fl = this._getCellFlags(c);
var fMergedColumns = false;
var fMergedRows = false;
if (null !== mc) {
if (col !== mc.c1 || row !== mc.r1) {
return mc.c2;
if (mc.c1 !== mc.c2) {
fMergedColumns = true;
if (mc.r1 !== mc.r2) {
fMergedRows = true;
if (this._isCellEmpty(c)) {
return mc ? mc.c2 : col;
var dDigitsCount = 0;
var colWidth = 0;
var cellType = c.getType();
var isNumberFormat = (!cellType || CellValueType.Number === cellType);
var numFormatStr = c.getNumFormatStr();
var pad = this.width_padding * 2 + this.width_1px;
var sstr, sfl, stm;
if (!this.cols[col].isCustomWidth && isNumberFormat && !fMergedColumns && (c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.numbers === canChangeColWidth || c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.all === canChangeColWidth)) {
colWidth = this.cols[col].innerWidth;
sstr = c.getValue2(gc_nMaxDigCountView, function () {
return true;
if ("General" === numFormatStr) {
sstr = truncFracPart(Asc.clone(sstr));
sfl = asc_clone(fl);
sfl.wrapText = false;
stm = this._roundTextMetrics(this.stringRender.measureString(sstr, sfl, colWidth));
if (stm.width > colWidth) {
changeColWidth(col, stm.width, pad);
dDigitsCount = this.cols[col].charCount;
colWidth = this.cols[col].innerWidth;
} else {
if (null === mc) {
dDigitsCount = this.cols[col].charCount;
colWidth = this.cols[col].innerWidth;
if (!this.cols[col].isCustomWidth && !fMergedColumns && !fl.wrapText && c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.all === canChangeColWidth) {
sstr = c.getValue2(gc_nMaxDigCountView, function () {
return true;
stm = this._roundTextMetrics(this.stringRender.measureString(sstr, fl, colWidth));
if (stm.width > colWidth) {
changeColWidth(col, stm.width, pad);
dDigitsCount = this.cols[col].charCount;
colWidth = this.cols[col].innerWidth;
} else {
for (var i = mc.c1; i <= mc.c2 && i < this.nColsCount; ++i) {
colWidth += this.cols[i].width;
colWidth -= pad;
dDigitsCount = gc_nMaxDigCountView;
var str = c.getValue2(dDigitsCount, makeFnIsGoodNumFormat(fl, colWidth));
var ha = c.getAlignHorizontalByValue().toLowerCase();
var va = c.getAlignVertical().toLowerCase();
var maxW = fl.wrapText || fl.shrinkToFit || fl.isMerged || isFixedWidthCell(str) ? this._calcMaxWidth(col, row, mc) : undefined;
var tm = this._roundTextMetrics(this.stringRender.measureString(str, fl, maxW));
var angle = c.getAngle();
var cto = (fl.isMerged || fl.wrapText) ? {
maxWidth: maxW - this.cols[col].innerWidth + this.cols[col].width,
leftSide: 0,
rightSide: 0
} : this._calcCellTextOffset(col, row, ha, tm.width);
if (!fl.isMerged) {
var rside = this.cols[col - cto.leftSide].left + tm.width;
var lc = this.cols[this.cols.length - 1];
if (rside > lc.left + lc.width) {
cto = this._calcCellTextOffset(col, row, ha, tm.width);
var oFontColor = c.getFontcolor();
if (null != oFontColor) {
oFontColor = oFontColor.getRgb();
var rowInfo = this.rows[row];
var rowHeight = rowInfo.height;
var textBound = {};
if (angle) {
if (fMergedRows) {
rowHeight = 0;
for (var j = mc.r1; j <= mc.r2 && j < this.nRowsCount; ++j) {
rowHeight += this.rows[j].height;
textBound = this.stringRender.getTransformBound(angle, 0, 0, colWidth, rowHeight, tm.width, ha, va, maxW);
this._fetchCellCache(col, row).text = {
state: this.stringRender.getInternalState(),
flags: fl,
color: (oFontColor || this.settings.cells.defaultState.color),
metrics: tm,
cellW: cto.maxWidth,
cellHA: ha,
cellVA: va,
sideL: cto.leftSide,
sideR: cto.rightSide,
cellType: cellType,
isFormula: c.getFormula().length > 0,
angle: angle,
textBound: textBound,
mc: mc
this._fetchCellCacheText(col, row).hasText = true;
if (cto.leftSide !== 0 || cto.rightSide !== 0) {
this._addErasedBordersToCache(col - cto.leftSide, col + cto.rightSide, row);
if (va !== kvaTop && va !== kvaCenter && !fl.isMerged) {
rowInfo.descender = Math.max(rowInfo.descender, tm.height - tm.baseline);
rowHeight = rowInfo.height;
if (!rowInfo.isCustomHeight) {
if (!fMergedRows) {
var newHeight = tm.height;
if (angle) {
if (textBound) {
newHeight = textBound.height;
rowInfo.heightReal = rowInfo.height = Math.min(this.maxRowHeight, Math.max(rowInfo.height, newHeight));
if (rowHeight !== rowInfo.height) {
if (!rowInfo.isDefaultHeight) {
this.model.setRowHeight(rowInfo.height + this.height_1px, row, row);
if (angle) {
this._fetchCellCache(col, row).text.textBound = this.stringRender.getTransformBound(angle, 0, 0, colWidth, rowInfo.height, tm.width, ha, va, maxW);
this.isChanged = true;
return mc ? mc.c2 : col;
_calcMaxWidth: function (col, row, mc) {
if (null === mc) {
return this.cols[col].innerWidth;
var width = this.cols[mc.c1].innerWidth;
for (var c = mc.c1 + 1; c <= mc.c2 && c < this.nColsCount; ++c) {
width += this.cols[c].width;
return width;
_calcCellTextOffset: function (col, row, textAlign, textWidth) {
var sideL = [0],
sideR = [0],
var maxWidth = this.cols[col].width;
var ls = 0,
rs = 0;
var pad = this.settings.cells.padding * asc_getcvt(0, 1, this._getPPIX());
var textW = textAlign === khaCenter ? (textWidth + maxWidth) * 0.5 : textWidth + pad;
if (textAlign === khaRight || textAlign === khaCenter) {
sideL = this._calcCellsWidth(col, 0, row);
for (i = 0; i < sideL.length && textW > sideL[i]; ++i) {}
ls = i !== sideL.length ? i : i - 1;
if (textAlign !== khaRight) {
sideR = this._calcCellsWidth(col, this.cols.length - 1, row);
for (i = 0; i < sideR.length && textW > sideR[i]; ++i) {}
rs = i !== sideR.length ? i : i - 1;
if (textAlign === khaCenter) {
maxWidth = (sideL[ls] - sideL[0]) + sideR[rs];
} else {
maxWidth = textAlign === khaRight ? sideL[ls] : sideR[rs];
return {
maxWidth: maxWidth,
leftSide: ls,
rightSide: rs
_calcCellsWidth: function (colBeg, colEnd, row) {
var inc = colBeg <= colEnd ? 1 : -1,
res = [];
for (var i = colBeg;
(colEnd - i) * inc >= 0; i += inc) {
if (i !== colBeg && !this._isCellEmptyOrMerged(i, row)) {
if (res.length > 1) {
res[res.length - 1] += res[res.length - 2];
return res;
_findSourceOfCellText: function (col, row) {
var r = this._getRowCache(row);
if (r) {
for (var i in r.columnsWithText) {
if (!r.columns[i] || 0 === this.cols[i].width) {
var ct = r.columns[i].text;
if (!ct) {
i = parseInt(i);
var lc = i - ct.sideL,
rc = i + ct.sideR;
if (col >= lc && col <= rc) {
return i;
return -1;
_isMergedCells: function (range) {
return range.isEqual(this.model.getMergedByCell(range.r1, range.c1));
_addErasedBordersToCache: function (colBeg, colEnd, row) {
var rc = this._fetchRowCache(row);
for (var col = colBeg; col < colEnd; ++col) {
rc.erasedRB[col] = true;
rc.erasedLB[col + 1] = true;
_isLeftBorderErased: function (col, row) {
return this._fetchRowCache(row).erasedLB[col] === true;
_isRightBorderErased: function (col, row) {
return this._fetchRowCache(row).erasedRB[col] === true;
_getBorderPropById: function (border, border_id) {
var border_prop = undefined;
switch (border_id) {
case kcbidLeft:
border_prop = border.l;
case kcbidRight:
border_prop = border.r;
case kcbidTop:
border_prop = border.t;
case kcbidBottom:
border_prop = border.b;
case kcbidDiagonal:
border_prop = border.d;
case kcbidDiagonalDown:
border_prop = border.dd;
case kcbidDiagonalUp:
border_prop = border.du;
return border_prop;
_getBordersCache: function (col, row) {
var self = this;
if (col < 0 || row < 0) {
return {
l: new CellBorder(),
r: new CellBorder(),
t: new CellBorder(),
b: new CellBorder(),
dd: new CellBorder(),
du: new CellBorder()
function makeBorder(border, type, isActive) {
var tmpBorder = self._getBorderPropById(border, type);
return new CellBorder(tmpBorder.s, tmpBorder.c, tmpBorder.w, type === kcbidLeft ? self._isLeftBorderErased(col, row) : (type === kcbidRight ? self._isRightBorderErased(col, row) : false), isActive !== undefined ? isActive : false);
var cc = self._fetchCellCache(col, row);
var cb = cc.borders = (cc.borders || {});
var mc;
if (!cb.l || !cb.r || !cb.t || !cb.b || !cb.dd || !cb.du) {
mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(row, col);
var b = self._getVisibleCell(col, row).getBorder();
if (!cb.l) {
cb.l = !mc || col === mc.c1 ? makeBorder(b, kcbidLeft) : new CellBorder();
if (!cb.r) {
cb.r = !mc || col === mc.c2 ? makeBorder(b, kcbidRight) : new CellBorder();
if (!cb.t) {
cb.t = !mc || row === mc.r1 ? makeBorder(b, kcbidTop) : new CellBorder();
if (!cb.b) {
cb.b = !mc || row === mc.r2 ? makeBorder(b, kcbidBottom) : new CellBorder();
if (!cb.dd) {
cb.dd = !mc || col === mc.c1 && row === mc.r1 ? makeBorder(b, kcbidDiagonal, true) : new CellBorder();
if (!b.dd) {
cb.dd.w = 0;
if (!cb.du) {
cb.du = !mc || col === mc.c1 && row === mc.r1 ? makeBorder(b, kcbidDiagonal, true) : new CellBorder();
if (!b.du) {
cb.du.w = 0;
return cb;
_getActiveBorder: function (col, row, type) {
var bor = this._getBordersCache(col, row);
var border = this._getBorderPropById(bor, type);
function calcActiveBorder(prev, next) {
var ab = next && (next.s !== c_oAscBorderStyles.None || !prev) ? next : prev;
if (prev && prev !== ab) {
prev.s = ab.s;
prev.c = ab.c;
prev.w = ab.w;
prev.isActive = true;
if (next && next !== ab) {
next.s = ab.s;
next.c = ab.c;
next.w = ab.w;
next.isActive = true;
ab.isActive = true;
return ab;
if (!border.isActive && !border.isErased) {
var side = undefined;
switch (type) {
case kcbidLeft:
side = this._getBordersCache(col - 1, row).r;
calcActiveBorder(side, bor.l);
case kcbidRight:
side = this._getBordersCache(col + 1, row).l;
calcActiveBorder(bor.r, side);
case kcbidTop:
side = this._getBordersCache(col, row - 1).b;
calcActiveBorder(side, bor.t);
case kcbidBottom:
side = this._getBordersCache(col, row + 1).t;
calcActiveBorder(bor.b, side);
return this._getBorderPropById(bor, type);
_calcMaxBorderWidth: function (b1, b2) {
return Math.max(b1.isErased ? 0 : b1.w, b2.isErased ? 0 : b2.w);
_getColumnTitle: function (col) {
var q = col < 26 ? undefined : asc_floor(col / 26) - 1;
var r = col % 26;
var text = String.fromCharCode(("A").charCodeAt(0) + r);
return col < 26 ? text : this._getColumnTitle(q) + text;
_getRowTitle: function (row) {
return "" + (row + 1);
_getCellTitle: function (col, row) {
return this._getColumnTitle(col) + this._getRowTitle(row);
_getCell: function (col, row) {
this.nRowsCount = Math.max(this.model.getRowsCount(), this.rows.length);
this.nColsCount = Math.max(this.model.getColsCount(), this.cols.length);
if (col < 0 || col >= this.nColsCount || row < 0 || row >= this.nRowsCount) {
return undefined;
return this.model.getCell3(row, col);
_getVisibleCell: function (col, row) {
return this.model.getCell3(row, col);
_getCellFlags: function (col, row) {
var c = row !== undefined ? this._getCell(col, row) : col;
var fl = {
wrapText: false,
shrinkToFit: false,
isMerged: false,
textAlign: kNone
if (c !== undefined) {
fl.wrapText = c.getWrap();
fl.shrinkToFit = c.getShrinkToFit();
fl.isMerged = c.hasMerged() !== null;
fl.textAlign = c.getAlignHorizontalByValue().toLowerCase();
return fl;
_isCellEmpty: function (col, row) {
var c = row !== undefined ? this._getCell(col, row) : col;
return c === undefined || c.getValue().search(/[^ ]/) < 0;
_isCellEmptyOrMerged: function (col, row) {
var c = row !== undefined ? this._getCell(col, row) : col;
if (undefined === c) {
return true;
var fl = this._getCellFlags(c);
if (fl.isMerged) {
return false;
return c.getValue().search(/[^ ]/) < 0;
_isCellEmptyOrMergedOrBackgroundColorOrBorders: function (col, row) {
var c = row !== undefined ? this._getCell(col, row) : col;
if (undefined === c) {
return true;
var fl = this._getCellFlags(c);
if (fl.isMerged) {
return false;
var bg = c.getFill();
if (null !== bg) {
return false;
var cb = c.getBorder();
if ((cb.l && c_oAscBorderStyles.None !== cb.l.s) || (cb.r && c_oAscBorderStyles.None !== cb.r.s) || (cb.t && c_oAscBorderStyles.None !== cb.t.s) || (cb.b && c_oAscBorderStyles.None !== cb.b.s) || (cb.dd && c_oAscBorderStyles.None !== cb.dd.s) || (cb.du && c_oAscBorderStyles.None !== cb.du.s)) {
return false;
return c.getValue().search(/[^ ]/) < 0;
_getRange: function (c1, r1, c2, r2) {
return this.model.getRange3(r1, c1, r2, c2);
_selectColumnsByRange: function () {
var ar = this.activeRange;
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax === ar.type) {
} else {
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow === ar.type) {
ar.assign(0, 0, this.cols.length - 1, this.rows.length - 1);
ar.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax;
} else {
ar.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol;
ar.assign(ar.c1, 0, ar.c2, this.rows.length - 1);
_selectRowsByRange: function () {
var ar = this.activeRange;
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax === ar.type) {
} else {
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol === ar.type) {
ar.assign(0, 0, this.cols.length - 1, this.rows.length - 1);
ar.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax;
} else {
ar.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow;
ar.assign(0, ar.r1, this.cols.length - 1, ar.r2);
_isLargeRange: function (range) {
var vr = this.visibleRange;
return range.c2 - range.c1 + 1 > (vr.c2 - vr.c1 + 1) * 3 || range.r2 - range.r1 + 1 > (vr.r2 - vr.r1 + 1) * 3;
_rangeIsSingleCell: function (range) {
return range.c1 === range.c2 && range.r1 === range.r2;
drawDepCells: function () {
var ctx = this.overlayCtx,
_cc = this.cellCommentator,
c, node, that = this;
function draw_arrow(context, fromx, fromy, tox, toy) {
var headlen = 9,
showArrow = tox > that.getCellLeft(0, 0) && toy > that.getCellTop(0, 0),
dx = tox - fromx,
dy = toy - fromy,
tox = tox > that.getCellLeft(0, 0) ? tox : that.getCellLeft(0, 0),
toy = toy > that.getCellTop(0, 0) ? toy : that.getCellTop(0, 0),
angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx),
_a = Math.PI / 18;
context.save().setLineWidth(1).beginPath().lineDiag.moveTo(_cc.pxToPt(fromx), _cc.pxToPt(fromy)).lineTo(_cc.pxToPt(tox), _cc.pxToPt(toy));
if (showArrow) {
context.moveTo(_cc.pxToPt(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle - _a)), _cc.pxToPt(toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle - _a))).lineTo(_cc.pxToPt(tox), _cc.pxToPt(toy)).lineTo(_cc.pxToPt(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle + _a)), _cc.pxToPt(toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle + _a))).lineTo(_cc.pxToPt(tox - headlen * Math.cos(angle - _a)), _cc.pxToPt(toy - headlen * Math.sin(angle - _a)));
function gCM(_this, col, row) {
var metrics = {
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: 0,
height: 0,
result: false
var fvr = _this.getFirstVisibleRow();
var fvc = _this.getFirstVisibleCol();
var mergedRange = _this.model.getMergedByCell(row, col);
if (mergedRange && (fvc < mergedRange.c2) && (fvr < mergedRange.r2)) {
var startCol = (mergedRange.c1 > fvc) ? mergedRange.c1 : fvc;
var startRow = (mergedRange.r1 > fvr) ? mergedRange.r1 : fvr;
metrics.top = _this.getCellTop(startRow, 0) - _this.getCellTop(fvr, 0) + _this.getCellTop(0, 0);
metrics.left = _this.getCellLeft(startCol, 0) - _this.getCellLeft(fvc, 0) + _this.getCellLeft(0, 0);
for (var i = startCol; i <= mergedRange.c2; i++) {
metrics.width += _this.getColumnWidth(i, 0);
for (var i = startRow; i <= mergedRange.r2; i++) {
metrics.height += _this.getRowHeight(i, 0);
metrics.result = true;
} else {
metrics.top = _this.getCellTop(row, 0) - _this.getCellTop(fvr, 0) + _this.getCellTop(0, 0);
metrics.left = _this.getCellLeft(col, 0) - _this.getCellLeft(fvc, 0) + _this.getCellLeft(0, 0);
metrics.width = _this.getColumnWidth(col, 0);
metrics.height = _this.getRowHeight(row, 0);
metrics.result = true;
return metrics;
for (var id in this.depDrawCells) {
c = this.depDrawCells[id].from;
node = this.depDrawCells[id].to;
var mainCellMetrics = gCM(this, c.getCellAddress().getCol0(), c.getCellAddress().getRow0()),
for (var id in node) {
if (!node[id].isArea) {
_t1 = gCM(this, node[id].returnCell().getCellAddress().getCol0(), node[id].returnCell().getCellAddress().getRow0());
nodeCellMetrics = {
t: _t1.top,
l: _t1.left,
w: _t1.width,
h: _t1.height,
apt: _t1.top + _t1.height / 2,
apl: _t1.left + _t1.width / 4
} else {
var _t1 = gCM(_wsV, me[id].firstCellAddress.getCol0(), me[id].firstCellAddress.getRow0()),
_t2 = gCM(_wsV, me[id].lastCellAddress.getCol0(), me[id].lastCellAddress.getRow0());
nodeCellMetrics = {
t: _t1.top,
l: _t1.left,
w: _t2.left + _t2.width - _t1.left,
h: _t2.top + _t2.height - _t1.top,
apt: _t1.top + _t1.height / 2,
apl: _t1.left + _t1.width / 4
var x1 = Math.floor(nodeCellMetrics.apl),
y1 = Math.floor(nodeCellMetrics.apt),
x2 = Math.floor(mainCellMetrics.left + mainCellMetrics.width / 4),
y2 = Math.floor(mainCellMetrics.top + mainCellMetrics.height / 2);
if (x1 < 0 && x2 < 0 || y1 < 0 && y2 < 0) {
if (y1 < this.getCellTop(0, 0)) {
y1 -= this.getCellTop(0, 0);
if (y1 < 0 && y2 > 0) {
var _x1 = Math.floor(Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) * y1 * y1 / ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1))));
if (x1 > x2) {
x1 -= _x1;
} else {
if (x1 < x2) {
x1 += _x1;
} else {
if (y1 > 0 && y2 < 0) {
var _x2 = Math.floor(Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) * y2 * y2 / ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1))));
if (x2 > x1) {
x2 -= _x2;
} else {
if (x2 < x1) {
x2 += _x2;
if (x1 < 0 && x2 > 0) {
var _y1 = Math.floor(Math.sqrt((y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2) * x1 * x1 / ((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1))));
if (y1 > y2) {
y1 -= _y1;
} else {
if (y1 < y2) {
y1 += _y1;
} else {
if (x1 > 0 && x2 < 0) {
var _y2 = Math.floor(Math.sqrt((y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2) * x2 * x2 / ((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1))));
if (y2 > y1) {
y2 -= _y2;
} else {
if (y2 < y1) {
y2 += _y2;
draw_arrow(ctx, x1 < this.getCellLeft(0, 0) ? this.getCellLeft(0, 0) : x1, y1 < this.getCellTop(0, 0) ? this.getCellTop(0, 0) : y1, x2, y2);
if (nodeCellMetrics.apl > this.getCellLeft(0, 0) && nodeCellMetrics.apt > this.getCellTop(0, 0)) {
ctx.save().beginPath().arc(_cc.pxToPt(Math.floor(nodeCellMetrics.apl)), _cc.pxToPt(Math.floor(nodeCellMetrics.apt)), 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false, -0.5, -0.5).setFillStyle("#0000FF").fill().closePath().setLineWidth(1).setStrokeStyle("#0000FF").rect(_cc.pxToPt(nodeCellMetrics.l), _cc.pxToPt(nodeCellMetrics.t), _cc.pxToPt(nodeCellMetrics.w - 1), _cc.pxToPt(nodeCellMetrics.h - 1)).stroke().restore();
prepareDepCells: function (se) {
var activeCell = this.activeRange,
mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(activeCell.startRow, activeCell.startCol),
c1 = mc ? mc.c1 : activeCell.startCol,
r1 = mc ? mc.r1 : activeCell.startRow,
c = this._getVisibleCell(c1, r1),
nodes = (se == c_oAscDrawDepOptions.Master) ? this.model.workbook.dependencyFormulas.getMasterNodes(this.model.getId(), c.getName()) : this.model.workbook.dependencyFormulas.getSlaveNodes(this.model.getId(), c.getName());
if (!nodes) {
if (!this.depDrawCells) {
this.depDrawCells = {};
if (se == c_oAscDrawDepOptions.Master) {
c = c.getCells()[0];
var id = getVertexId(this.model.getId(), c.getName());
this.depDrawCells[id] = {
from: c,
to: nodes
} else {
var to = {},
to1, id = getVertexId(this.model.getId(), c.getName());
to[getVertexId(this.model.getId(), c.getName())] = this.model.workbook.dependencyFormulas.getNode(this.model.getId(), c.getName());
to1 = this.model.workbook.dependencyFormulas.getNode(this.model.getId(), c.getName());
for (var id2 in nodes) {
if (this.depDrawCells[id2]) {
$.extend(this.depDrawCells[id2].to, to);
} else {
this.depDrawCells[id2] = {};
this.depDrawCells[id2].from = nodes[id2].returnCell();
this.depDrawCells[id2].to = {};
this.depDrawCells[id2].to[id] = to1;
cleanDepCells: function () {
this.depDrawCells = null;
_getPPIX: function () {
return this.drawingCtx.getPPIX();
_getPPIY: function () {
return this.drawingCtx.getPPIY();
_setFont: function (drawingCtx, name, size) {
var ctx = (drawingCtx) ? drawingCtx : this.drawingCtx;
ctx.setFont(new asc_FP(name, size));
_roundTextMetrics: function (tm) {
tm.width = asc_calcnpt(tm.width, this._getPPIX());
tm.height = asc_calcnpt(tm.height, this._getPPIY());
tm.baseline = asc_calcnpt(tm.baseline, this._getPPIY());
if (tm.centerline !== undefined) {
tm.centerline = asc_calcnpt(tm.centerline, this._getPPIY());
return tm;
_calcTextHorizPos: function (x1, x2, tm, halign) {
switch (halign) {
case khaCenter:
return asc_calcnpt(0.5 * (x1 + x2 + this.width_1px - tm.width), this._getPPIX());
case khaRight:
return x2 + this.width_1px - this.width_padding - tm.width;
case khaJustify:
return x1 + this.width_padding;
_calcTextVertPos: function (y1, y2, baseline, tm, valign) {
switch (valign) {
case kvaCenter:
return asc_calcnpt(0.5 * (y1 + y2 - tm.height), this._getPPIY()) - this.height_1px;
case kvaTop:
return y1 - this.height_1px;
return baseline - tm.baseline;
_calcTextWidth: function (x1, x2, tm, halign) {
switch (halign) {
case khaJustify:
return x2 + this.width_1px - this.width_padding * 2 - x1;
return tm.width;
_trigger: function (eventName) {
var f = this.settings[eventName];
return f && asc_typeof(f) === "function" ? f.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1)) : undefined;
_calcCellPosition: function (c, r, dc, dr) {
var t = this;
var vr = t.visibleRange;
function findNextCell(col, row, dx, dy) {
var state = t._isCellEmpty(col, row);
var i = col + dx;
var j = row + dy;
while (i >= 0 && i < t.cols.length && j >= 0 && j < t.rows.length) {
var newState = t._isCellEmpty(i, j);
if (newState !== state) {
var ret = {};
ret.col = state ? i : i - dx;
ret.row = state ? j : j - dy;
if (ret.col !== col || ret.row !== row || state) {
return ret;
state = newState;
i += dx;
j += dy;
return {
col: i - dx,
row: j - dy
function findEnd(col, row) {
var nc1, nc2 = col;
do {
nc1 = nc2;
nc2 = findNextCell(nc1, row, +1, 0).col;
} while (nc1 !== nc2);
return nc2;
function findEOT() {
var obr = t.objectRender ? t.objectRender.getDrawingAreaMetrics() : {
maxCol: 0,
maxRow: 0
var maxCols = t.model.getColsCount();
var maxRows = t.model.getRowsCount();
var lastC = -1,
lastR = -1;
for (var col = 0; col < maxCols; ++col) {
for (var row = 0; row < maxRows; ++row) {
if (!t._isCellEmpty(col, row)) {
lastC = Math.max(lastC, col);
lastR = Math.max(lastR, row);
return {
col: Math.max(lastC, obr.maxCol),
row: Math.max(lastR, obr.maxRow)
var eot = dc > +2.0001 && dc < +2.9999 && dr > +2.0001 && dr < +2.9999 ? findEOT() : null;
var newCol = (function () {
if (dc > +0.0001 && dc < +0.9999) {
return c + (vr.c2 - vr.c1 + 1);
if (dc < -0.0001 && dc > -0.9999) {
return c - (vr.c2 - vr.c1 + 1);
if (dc > +1.0001 && dc < +1.9999) {
return findNextCell(c, r, +1, 0).col;
if (dc < -1.0001 && dc > -1.9999) {
return findNextCell(c, r, -1, 0).col;
if (dc > +2.0001 && dc < +2.9999) {
return !eot ? findEnd(c, r) : eot.col;
if (dc < -2.0001 && dc > -2.9999) {
return 0;
return c + dc;
var newRow = (function () {
if (dr > +0.0001 && dr < +0.9999) {
return r + (vr.r2 - vr.r1 + 1);
if (dr < -0.0001 && dr > -0.9999) {
return r - (vr.r2 - vr.r1 + 1);
if (dr > +1.0001 && dr < +1.9999) {
return findNextCell(c, r, 0, +1).row;
if (dr < -1.0001 && dr > -1.9999) {
return findNextCell(c, r, 0, -1).row;
if (dr > +2.0001 && dr < +2.9999) {
return !eot ? 0 : eot.row;
if (dr < -2.0001 && dr > -2.9999) {
return 0;
return r + dr;
if (newCol >= t.cols.length && newCol <= gc_nMaxCol0) {
t.nColsCount = newCol + 1;
if (newRow >= t.rows.length && newRow <= gc_nMaxRow0) {
t.nRowsCount = newRow + 1;
return {
col: newCol < 0 ? 0 : Math.min(newCol, t.cols.length - 1),
row: newRow < 0 ? 0 : Math.min(newRow, t.rows.length - 1)
_isColDrawnPartially: function (col, leftCol) {
if (col <= leftCol || col >= this.nColsCount) {
return false;
var c = this.cols;
return c[col].left + c[col].width - c[leftCol].left + this.cellsLeft > this.drawingCtx.getWidth();
_isRowDrawnPartially: function (row, topRow) {
if (row <= topRow || row >= this.nRowsCount) {
return false;
var r = this.rows;
return r[row].top + r[row].height - r[topRow].top + this.cellsTop > this.drawingCtx.getHeight();
_isVisibleX: function (x, leftCol) {
var c = this.cols;
return x - c[leftCol].left + this.cellsLeft < this.drawingCtx.getWidth();
_isVisibleY: function (y, topRow) {
var r = this.rows;
return y - r[topRow].top + this.cellsTop < this.drawingCtx.getHeight();
_updateVisibleRowsCount: function (skipScrolReinit) {
var vr = this.visibleRange;
if (this._isVisibleY(this.rows[vr.r2].top + this.rows[vr.r2].height, vr.r1)) {
do {
if (this.rows[this.rows.length - 1].height < 1e-06) {
} while (this._isVisibleY(this.rows[vr.r2].top + this.rows[vr.r2].height, vr.r1));
if (!skipScrolReinit) {
_updateVisibleColsCount: function (skipScrolReinit) {
var vr = this.visibleRange;
if (this._isVisibleX(this.cols[vr.c2].left + this.cols[vr.c2].width, vr.c1)) {
do {
if (this.cols[this.cols.length - 1].width < 1e-06) {
} while (this._isVisibleX(this.cols[vr.c2].left + this.cols[vr.c2].width, vr.c1));
if (!skipScrolReinit) {
scrollVertical: function (delta, editor) {
var vr = this.visibleRange;
var start = this._calcCellPosition(vr.c1, vr.r1, 0, delta).row;
var fixStartRow = asc_Range(vr.c1, start, vr.c2, start);
fixStartRow.startCol = vr.c1;
fixStartRow.startRow = start;
this._fixSelectionOfHiddenCells(0, delta >= 0 ? +1 : -1, fixStartRow);
var reinitScrollY = start !== fixStartRow.r1;
if (reinitScrollY && 0 > delta) {
delta += fixStartRow.r1 - start;
start = fixStartRow.r1;
if (start === vr.r1) {
return this;
var ctx = this.drawingCtx;
var ctxW = ctx.getWidth();
var ctxH = ctx.getHeight();
var dy = this.rows[start].top - this.rows[vr.r1].top;
var oldEnd = vr.r2;
var oldDec = Math.max(calcDecades(oldEnd + 1), 3);
var oldVRE_isPartial = this._isRowDrawnPartially(vr.r2, vr.r1);
if (this.isCellEditMode && editor) {
editor.move(0, -dy);
vr.r1 = start;
var oldH = ctxH - this.cellsTop - Math.abs(dy);
var y = this.cellsTop + (dy > 0 && oldH > 0 ? dy : 0);
var oldW, x, dx;
var widthChanged = Math.max(calcDecades(vr.r2 + 1), 3) !== oldDec;
if (widthChanged) {
x = this.cellsLeft;
dx = this.cellsLeft - x;
oldW = ctxW - x - Math.abs(dx);
} else {
dx = 0;
x = this.headersLeft;
oldW = ctxW;
if (oldH > 0) {
ctx.drawImage(ctx.getCanvas(), x, y, oldW, oldH, x + dx, y - dy, oldW, oldH);
ctx.setFillStyle(this.settings.cells.defaultState.background).fillRect(this.headersLeft, y + (dy > 0 && oldH > 0 ? oldH - dy : 0), ctxW, ctxH - this.cellsTop - (oldH > 0 ? oldH : 0));
if (! (dy > 0 && vr.r2 === oldEnd && !oldVRE_isPartial && dx === 0)) {
var c1 = vr.c1;
var r1 = dy > 0 && oldH > 0 ? oldEnd + (oldVRE_isPartial ? 0 : 1) : vr.r1;
var c2 = vr.c2;
var r2 = dy > 0 || oldH <= 0 ? vr.r2 : vr.r1 - 1 - delta;
var range = asc_Range(c1, r1, c2, r2);
if (dx === 0) {
this._drawRowHeaders(undefined, r1, r2);
} else {
if (dx < 0) {
var r1_ = dy > 0 ? vr.r1 : r2 + 1;
var r2_ = dy > 0 ? r1 - 1 : vr.r2;
var r_ = asc_Range(c2, r1_, c2, r2_);
if (r2_ >= r1_) {
this._drawGrid(undefined, r_);
this._drawCells(undefined, r_);
this._drawCellsBorders(undefined, r_);
this._drawGrid(undefined, range);
this._drawCells(undefined, range);
this._drawCellsBorders(undefined, range);
if (widthChanged) {
if (reinitScrollY) {
return this;
scrollHorizontal: function (delta, editor) {
var vr = this.visibleRange;
var start = this._calcCellPosition(vr.c1, vr.r1, delta, 0).col;
var fixStartCol = asc_Range(start, vr.r1, start, vr.r2);
fixStartCol.startCol = start;
fixStartCol.startRow = vr.r1;
this._fixSelectionOfHiddenCells(delta >= 0 ? +1 : -1, 0, fixStartCol);
var reinitScrollX = start !== fixStartCol.c1;
if (reinitScrollX && 0 > delta) {
delta += fixStartCol.c1 - start;
start = fixStartCol.c1;
if (start === vr.c1) {
return this;
var ctx = this.drawingCtx;
var ctxW = ctx.getWidth();
var ctxH = ctx.getHeight();
var dx = this.cols[start].left - this.cols[vr.c1].left;
var oldEnd = vr.c2;
var oldVCE_isPartial = this._isColDrawnPartially(vr.c2, vr.c1);
if (this.isCellEditMode && editor) {
editor.move(-dx, 0);
vr.c1 = start;
var oldW = ctxW - this.cellsLeft - Math.abs(dx);
var x = this.cellsLeft + (dx > 0 && oldW > 0 ? dx : 0);
var y = this.headersTop;
if (oldW > 0) {
ctx.drawImage(ctx.getCanvas(), x, y, oldW, ctxH, x - dx, y, oldW, ctxH);
ctx.setFillStyle(this.settings.cells.defaultState.background).fillRect(x + (dx > 0 && oldW > 0 ? oldW - dx : 0), y, ctxW - this.cellsLeft - (oldW > 0 ? oldW : 0), ctxH);
if (! (dx > 0 && vr.c2 === oldEnd && !oldVCE_isPartial)) {
var c1 = dx > 0 && oldW > 0 ? oldEnd + (oldVCE_isPartial ? 0 : 1) : vr.c1;
var r1 = vr.r1;
var c2 = dx > 0 || oldW <= 0 ? vr.c2 : vr.c1 - 1 - delta;
var r2 = vr.r2;
var range = asc_Range(c1, r1, c2, r2);
this._drawColumnHeaders(undefined, c1, c2);
this._drawGrid(undefined, range);
this._drawCells(undefined, range);
this._drawCellsBorders(undefined, range);
if (reinitScrollX) {
return this;
_findColUnderCursor: function (x, canReturnNull, dX) {
var c = this.visibleRange.c1;
var offset = this.cols[c].left - this.cellsLeft;
var c2, x1, x2;
if (x >= this.cellsLeft) {
for (x1 = this.cellsLeft, c2 = this.cols.length - 1; c <= c2; ++c, x1 = x2) {
x2 = x1 + this.cols[c].width;
if (x1 <= x && x < x2) {
if (dX) {
if (x1 <= x && x < x1 + this.cols[c].width / 2) {
return {
col: c,
left: x1,
right: x2
if (!canReturnNull) {
return {
col: c2,
left: this.cols[c2].left - offset,
right: x2
} else {
for (x2 = this.cellsLeft + this.cols[c].width, c2 = 0; c >= c2; --c, x2 = x1) {
x1 = this.cols[c].left - offset;
if (x1 <= x && x < x2) {
if (dX) {
if (x1 <= x && x < x1 + this.cols[c].width / 2) {
return {
col: c,
left: x1,
right: x2
if (!canReturnNull) {
if (dX) {
return {
col: c2
return {
col: c2,
left: x1,
right: x1 + this.cols[c2].width
return null;
_findRowUnderCursor: function (y, canReturnNull, dY) {
var r = this.visibleRange.r1,
offset = this.rows[r].top - this.cellsTop,
if (y >= this.cellsTop) {
for (y1 = this.cellsTop, r2 = this.rows.length - 1; r <= r2; ++r, y1 = y2) {
y2 = y1 + this.rows[r].height;
if (y1 <= y && y < y2) {
if (dY) {
if (y1 <= y && y < y1 + this.rows[r].height / 2) {
return {
row: r,
top: y1,
bottom: y2
if (!canReturnNull) {
return {
row: r2,
top: this.rows[r2].top - offset,
bottom: y2
} else {
for (y2 = this.cellsTop + this.rows[r].height, r2 = 0; r >= r2; --r, y2 = y1) {
y1 = this.rows[r].top - offset;
if (y1 <= y && y < y2) {
if (dY) {
if (y1 <= y && y < y1 + this.rows[r].height / 2) {
return {
row: r,
top: y1,
bottom: y2
if (!canReturnNull) {
if (dY) {
return {
row: r2
return {
row: r2,
top: y1,
bottom: y1 + this.rows[r2].height
return null;
getCursorTypeFromXY: function (x, y, isViewerMode) {
var c, r, f, i, offsetX, offsetY, arNorm, arIntersection;
var left, top, right, bottom;
var sheetId = this.model.getId();
var userId = undefined;
var lockRangePosLeft = undefined;
var lockRangePosTop = undefined;
var lockInfo = undefined;
var isLocked = false;
var drawingInfo = this.objectRender.checkCursorDrawingObject(x, y);
if (asc["editor"].isStartAddShape && CheckIdSatetShapeAdd(this.objectRender.controller.curState.id)) {
return {
cursor: kCurFillHandle,
target: "shape",
col: -1,
row: -1
if (drawingInfo && drawingInfo.id) {
lockInfo = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockInfo(c_oAscLockTypeElem.Object, null, sheetId, drawingInfo.id);
isLocked = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection(lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther, false);
if (false !== isLocked) {
userId = isLocked.UserId;
lockRangePosLeft = drawingInfo.object.getVisibleLeftOffset(true);
lockRangePosTop = drawingInfo.object.getVisibleTopOffset(true);
if (drawingInfo.hyperlink && (drawingInfo.hyperlink instanceof ParaHyperlinkStart)) {
var oHyperlink = new Hyperlink();
oHyperlink.Tooltip = drawingInfo.hyperlink.ToolTip;
var spl = drawingInfo.hyperlink.Value.split("!");
if (spl.length === 2) {
} else {
oHyperlink.Hyperlink = drawingInfo.hyperlink.Value;
var _r = this.activeRange.clone(true);
oHyperlink.Ref = this.model.getRange3(_r.r1, _r.c1, _r.r2, _r.c2);
var cellCursor = {
cursor: drawingInfo.cursor,
target: "cells",
col: (c ? c.col : -1),
row: (r ? r.row : -1),
userId: userId,
lockRangePosLeft: undefined,
lockRangePosTop: undefined,
userIdAllProps: undefined,
lockAllPosLeft: undefined,
lockAllPosTop: undefined,
userIdAllSheet: undefined,
commentIndexes: undefined,
commentCoords: undefined
return {
cursor: kCurHyperlink,
target: "hyperlink",
hyperlink: new asc_CHyperlink(oHyperlink),
cellCursor: cellCursor,
userId: userId,
lockRangePosLeft: undefined,
lockRangePosTop: undefined,
userIdAllProps: undefined,
userIdAllSheet: undefined,
lockAllPosLeft: undefined,
lockAllPosTop: undefined,
commentIndexes: undefined,
commentCoords: undefined
return {
cursor: drawingInfo.cursor,
target: "shape",
drawingId: drawingInfo.id,
col: -1,
row: -1,
userId: userId,
lockRangePosLeft: lockRangePosLeft,
lockRangePosTop: lockRangePosTop
var autoFilterCursor = this.autoFilters.isButtonAFClick(x, y);
if (autoFilterCursor) {
return {
cursor: autoFilterCursor,
target: "aFilterObject",
col: -1,
row: -1
x *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, this._getPPIX());
y *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, this._getPPIY());
offsetX = this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft;
offsetY = this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop;
if (this.isFormulaEditMode || this.isChartAreaEditMode) {
var arr = this.isFormulaEditMode ? this.arrActiveFormulaRanges : this.arrActiveChartsRanges,
targetArr = this.isFormulaEditMode ? 0 : -1;
for (i in arr) {
if (!arr.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var arFormulaTmp = arr[i].clone(true);
var aFormulaIntersection = arFormulaTmp.intersection(this.visibleRange);
if (aFormulaIntersection) {
var xFormula1 = this.cols[aFormulaIntersection.c1].left - offsetX;
var xFormula2 = this.cols[aFormulaIntersection.c2].left + this.cols[aFormulaIntersection.c2].width - offsetX;
var yFormula1 = this.rows[aFormulaIntersection.r1].top - offsetY;
var yFormula2 = this.rows[aFormulaIntersection.r2].top + this.rows[aFormulaIntersection.r2].height - offsetY;
if ((x >= xFormula1 + 5 && x <= xFormula2 - 5) && ((y >= yFormula1 - this.height_2px && y <= yFormula1 + this.height_2px) || (y >= yFormula2 - this.height_2px && y <= yFormula2 + this.height_2px)) || (y >= yFormula1 + 5 && y <= yFormula2 - 5) && ((x >= xFormula1 - this.width_2px && x <= xFormula1 + this.width_2px) || (x >= xFormula2 - this.width_2px && x <= xFormula2 + this.width_2px))) {
return {
cursor: kCurMove,
target: "moveResizeRange",
col: -1,
row: -1,
formulaRange: arFormulaTmp,
indexFormulaRange: i,
targetArr: targetArr
} else {
if (x >= xFormula1 && x < xFormula1 + 5 && y >= yFormula1 && y < yFormula1 + 5) {
return {
cursor: kCurSEResize,
target: "moveResizeRange",
col: aFormulaIntersection.c2,
row: aFormulaIntersection.r2,
formulaRange: arFormulaTmp,
indexFormulaRange: i,
targetArr: targetArr
} else {
if (x > xFormula2 - 5 && x <= xFormula2 && y > yFormula2 - 5 && y <= yFormula2) {
return {
cursor: kCurSEResize,
target: "moveResizeRange",
col: aFormulaIntersection.c1,
row: aFormulaIntersection.r1,
formulaRange: arFormulaTmp,
indexFormulaRange: i,
targetArr: targetArr
} else {
if (x > xFormula2 - 5 && x <= xFormula2 && y >= yFormula1 && y < yFormula1 + 5) {
return {
cursor: kCurNEResize,
target: "moveResizeRange",
col: aFormulaIntersection.c1,
row: aFormulaIntersection.r2,
formulaRange: arFormulaTmp,
indexFormulaRange: i,
targetArr: targetArr
} else {
if (x >= xFormula1 && x < xFormula1 + 5 && y > yFormula2 - 5 && y <= yFormula2) {
return {
cursor: kCurNEResize,
target: "moveResizeRange",
col: aFormulaIntersection.c2,
row: aFormulaIntersection.r1,
formulaRange: arFormulaTmp,
indexFormulaRange: i,
targetArr: targetArr
do {
var fillHandleEpsilon = this.width_1px;
if (!isViewerMode && !this.isChartAreaEditMode && x >= (this.fillHandleL - fillHandleEpsilon) && x <= (this.fillHandleR + fillHandleEpsilon) && y >= (this.fillHandleT - fillHandleEpsilon) && y <= (this.fillHandleB + fillHandleEpsilon)) {
if (!this.objectRender.selectedGraphicObjectsExists()) {
return {
cursor: kCurFillHandle,
target: "fillhandle",
col: -1,
row: -1
var xWithOffset = x + offsetX;
var yWithOffset = y + offsetY;
arNorm = this.activeRange.clone(true);
arIntersection = arNorm.intersectionSimple(this.visibleRange);
if (arIntersection) {
left = arNorm.c1 === arIntersection.c1 ? this.cols[arNorm.c1].left : null;
right = arNorm.c2 === arIntersection.c2 ? this.cols[arNorm.c2].left + this.cols[arNorm.c2].width : null;
top = arNorm.r1 === arIntersection.r1 ? this.rows[arNorm.r1].top : null;
bottom = arNorm.r2 === arIntersection.r2 ? this.rows[arNorm.r2].top + this.rows[arNorm.r2].height : null;
if (!isViewerMode && ((((null !== left && xWithOffset >= left - this.width_2px && xWithOffset <= left + this.width_2px) || (null !== right && xWithOffset >= right - this.width_2px && xWithOffset <= right + this.width_2px)) && null !== top && null !== bottom && yWithOffset >= top - this.height_2px && yWithOffset <= bottom + this.height_2px) || (((null !== top && yWithOffset >= top - this.height_2px && yWithOffset <= top + this.height_2px) || (null !== bottom && yWithOffset >= bottom - this.height_2px && yWithOffset <= bottom + this.height_2px)) && null !== left && null !== right && xWithOffset >= left - this.width_2px && xWithOffset <= right + this.width_2px))) {
if (!this.objectRender.selectedGraphicObjectsExists()) {
return {
cursor: kCurMove,
target: "moveRange",
col: -1,
row: -1
if (x < this.cellsLeft && y < this.cellsTop) {
return {
cursor: kCurCorner,
target: "corner",
col: -1,
row: -1
if (x > this.cellsLeft && y > this.cellsTop) {
c = this._findColUnderCursor(x, true);
r = this._findRowUnderCursor(y, true);
if (c === null || r === null) {
var lockRange = undefined;
var lockAllPosLeft = undefined;
var lockAllPosTop = undefined;
var userIdAllProps = undefined;
var userIdAllSheet = undefined;
if (!isViewerMode && this.collaborativeEditing.getCollaborativeEditing()) {
var c1Recalc = null,
r1Recalc = null;
var selectRangeRecalc = asc_Range(c.col, r.row, c.col, r.row);
var isIntersection = this._recalcRangeByInsertRowsAndColumns(sheetId, selectRangeRecalc);
if (false === isIntersection) {
lockInfo = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockInfo(c_oAscLockTypeElem.Range, null, sheetId, new asc_CCollaborativeRange(selectRangeRecalc.c1, selectRangeRecalc.r1, selectRangeRecalc.c2, selectRangeRecalc.r2));
isLocked = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection(lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther, false);
if (false !== isLocked) {
userId = isLocked.UserId;
lockRange = isLocked.Element["rangeOrObjectId"];
c1Recalc = this.collaborativeEditing.m_oRecalcIndexColumns[sheetId].getLockOther(lockRange["c1"], c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther);
r1Recalc = this.collaborativeEditing.m_oRecalcIndexRows[sheetId].getLockOther(lockRange["r1"], c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther);
if (null !== c1Recalc && null !== r1Recalc) {
lockRangePosLeft = this.getCellLeft(c1Recalc, 1);
lockRangePosTop = this.getCellTop(r1Recalc, 1);
lockRangePosLeft -= (this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft);
lockRangePosTop -= (this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop);
lockRangePosLeft *= asc_getcvt(1, 0, this._getPPIX());
lockRangePosTop *= asc_getcvt(1, 0, this._getPPIY());
} else {
lockInfo = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockInfo(c_oAscLockTypeElem.Range, null, sheetId, null);
lockInfo["type"] = c_oAscLockTypeElem.Sheet;
isLocked = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection(lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther, true);
if (false !== isLocked) {
userIdAllSheet = isLocked.UserId;
lockAllPosLeft = this.cellsLeft * asc_getcvt(1, 0, this._getPPIX());
lockAllPosTop = this.cellsTop * asc_getcvt(1, 0, this._getPPIY());
if (undefined === userIdAllSheet) {
lockInfo["type"] = c_oAscLockTypeElem.Range;
lockInfo["subType"] = c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.InsertRows;
isLocked = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection(lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther, true);
if (false !== isLocked) {
userIdAllProps = isLocked.UserId;
lockAllPosLeft = this.cellsLeft * asc_getcvt(1, 0, this._getPPIX());
lockAllPosTop = this.cellsTop * asc_getcvt(1, 0, this._getPPIY());
var comments = this.cellCommentator.asc_getComments(c.col, r.row);
var coords = undefined;
var indexes = undefined;
if (0 < comments.length) {
indexes = [];
for (i = 0; i < comments.length; ++i) {
coords = this.cellCommentator.getCommentsCoords(comments);
var oHyperlink = this.model.getHyperlinkByCell(r.row, c.col);
var cellCursor = {
cursor: kCurCells,
target: "cells",
col: (c ? c.col : -1),
row: (r ? r.row : -1),
userId: userId,
lockRangePosLeft: lockRangePosLeft,
lockRangePosTop: lockRangePosTop,
userIdAllProps: userIdAllProps,
lockAllPosLeft: lockAllPosLeft,
lockAllPosTop: lockAllPosTop,
userIdAllSheet: userIdAllSheet,
commentIndexes: indexes,
commentCoords: coords
if (null !== oHyperlink) {
return {
cursor: kCurHyperlink,
target: "hyperlink",
hyperlink: new asc_CHyperlink(oHyperlink),
cellCursor: cellCursor,
userId: userId,
lockRangePosLeft: lockRangePosLeft,
lockRangePosTop: lockRangePosTop,
userIdAllProps: userIdAllProps,
userIdAllSheet: userIdAllSheet,
lockAllPosLeft: lockAllPosLeft,
lockAllPosTop: lockAllPosTop,
commentIndexes: indexes,
commentCoords: coords
return cellCursor;
if (x <= this.cellsLeft && y >= this.cellsTop) {
r = this._findRowUnderCursor(y, true);
if (r === null) {
f = !isViewerMode && (r.row !== this.visibleRange.r1 && y < r.top + 3 || y >= r.bottom - 3);
return {
cursor: f ? kCurRowResize : kCurRowSelect,
target: f ? "rowresize" : "rowheader",
col: -1,
row: r.row + (r.row !== this.visibleRange.r1 && f && y < r.top + 3 ? -1 : 0),
mouseY: f ? ((y < r.top + 3) ? (r.top - y - this.height_1px) : (r.bottom - y - this.height_1px)) : null
if (y <= this.cellsTop && x >= this.cellsLeft) {
c = this._findColUnderCursor(x, true);
if (c === null) {
f = !isViewerMode && (c.col !== this.visibleRange.c1 && x < c.left + 3 || x >= c.right - 3);
return {
cursor: f ? kCurColResize : kCurColSelect,
target: f ? "colresize" : "colheader",
col: c.col + (c.col !== this.visibleRange.c1 && f && x < c.left + 3 ? -1 : 0),
row: -1,
mouseX: f ? ((x < c.left + 3) ? (c.left - x - this.width_1px) : (c.right - x - this.width_1px)) : null
} while (0);
return {
cursor: kCurDefault,
target: "none",
col: -1,
row: -1
_fixSelectionOfMergedCells: function (fixedRange) {
var t = this;
var ar = fixedRange ? fixedRange : ((this.isFormulaEditMode) ? t.arrActiveFormulaRanges[t.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length - 1] : t.activeRange);
if (!ar) {
if (ar.type && ar.type !== c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells) {
var res = this.model.expandRangeByMerged(ar.clone(true));
if (ar.c1 !== res.c1 && ar.c1 !== res.c2) {
ar.c1 = ar.c1 <= ar.c2 ? res.c1 : res.c2;
ar.c2 = ar.c1 === res.c1 ? res.c2 : (res.c1);
if (ar.r1 !== res.r1 && ar.r1 !== res.r2) {
ar.r1 = ar.r1 <= ar.r2 ? res.r1 : res.r2;
ar.r2 = ar.r1 === res.r1 ? res.r2 : res.r1;
_fixSelectionOfHiddenCells: function (dc, dr, range) {
var t = this,
ar = (range) ? range : t.activeRange,
arn = ar.clone(true);
if (dc === undefined) {
dc = +1;
if (dr === undefined) {
dr = +1;
function findVisibleCol(from, dc, flag) {
var to = dc < 0 ? -1 : t.cols.length,
for (c = from; c !== to; c += dc) {
if (t.cols[c].width > t.width_1px) {
return c;
return flag ? -1 : findVisibleCol(from, dc * -1, true);
function findVisibleRow(from, dr, flag) {
var to = dr < 0 ? -1 : t.rows.length,
for (r = from; r !== to; r += dr) {
if (t.rows[r].height > t.height_1px) {
return r;
return flag ? -1 : findVisibleRow(from, dr * -1, true);
if (ar.c2 === ar.c1) {
if (t.cols[ar.c1].width < t.width_1px) {
c1 = c2 = findVisibleCol(ar.c1, dc);
} else {
if (0 !== dc && t.nColsCount > ar.c2 && t.cols[ar.c2].width < t.width_1px) {
for (mc = null, i = arn.r1; i <= arn.r2; ++i) {
mc = t.model.getMergedByCell(i, ar.c2);
if (mc) {
if (!mc) {
c2 = findVisibleCol(ar.c2, dc);
if (c1 < 0 || c2 < 0) {
throw "Error: all columns are hidden";
if (ar.r2 === ar.r1) {
if (t.rows[ar.r1].height < t.height_1px) {
r1 = r2 = findVisibleRow(ar.r1, dr);
} else {
if (0 !== dr && t.nRowsCount > ar.r2 && t.rows[ar.r2].height < t.height_1px) {
for (mc = null, i = arn.c1; i <= arn.c2; ++i) {
mc = t.model.getMergedByCell(ar.r2, i);
if (mc) {
if (!mc) {
r2 = findVisibleRow(ar.r2, dr);
if (r1 < 0 || r2 < 0) {
throw "Error: all rows are hidden";
ar.assign(c1 !== undefined ? c1 : ar.c1, r1 !== undefined ? r1 : ar.r1, c2 !== undefined ? c2 : ar.c2, r2 !== undefined ? r2 : ar.r2);
if (c1 >= 0) {
ar.startCol = c1;
if (r1 >= 0) {
ar.startRow = r1;
if (t.cols[ar.startCol].width < t.width_1px) {
c1 = findVisibleCol(ar.startCol, dc);
if (c1 >= 0) {
ar.startCol = c1;
if (t.rows[ar.startRow].height < t.height_1px) {
r1 = findVisibleRow(ar.startRow, dr);
if (r1 >= 0) {
ar.startRow = r1;
_moveActiveCellToXY: function (x, y) {
var c, r;
var ar = (this.isFormulaEditMode) ? this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[this.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length - 1] : this.activeRange;
x *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, this._getPPIX());
y *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, this._getPPIY());
if (x < this.cellsLeft && y < this.cellsTop) {
ar.assign(0, 0, this.cols.length - 1, this.rows.length - 1);
ar.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax;
ar.startCol = 0;
ar.startRow = 0;
} else {
if (x < this.cellsLeft) {
r = this._findRowUnderCursor(y).row;
ar.assign(0, r, this.cols.length - 1, r);
ar.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow;
ar.startCol = 0;
ar.startRow = r;
} else {
if (y < this.cellsTop) {
c = this._findColUnderCursor(x).col;
ar.assign(c, 0, c, this.rows.length - 1);
ar.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol;
ar.startCol = c;
ar.startRow = 0;
} else {
c = this._findColUnderCursor(x).col;
r = this._findRowUnderCursor(y).row;
ar.assign(c, r, c, r);
ar.startCol = c;
ar.startRow = r;
ar.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells;
_moveActiveCellToOffset: function (dc, dr) {
var ar = (this.isFormulaEditMode) ? this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[this.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length - 1] : this.activeRange;
var mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(ar.startRow, ar.startCol);
var c = mc ? (dc < 0 ? mc.c1 : dc > 0 ? Math.min(mc.c2, this.nColsCount - 1 - dc) : ar.startCol) : ar.startCol;
var r = mc ? (dr < 0 ? mc.r1 : dr > 0 ? Math.min(mc.r2, this.nRowsCount - 1 - dr) : ar.startRow) : ar.startRow;
var p = this._calcCellPosition(c, r, dc, dr);
ar.assign(p.col, p.row, p.col, p.row);
ar.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells;
ar.startCol = p.col;
ar.startRow = p.row;
this._fixSelectionOfHiddenCells(dc >= 0 ? +1 : -1, dr >= 0 ? +1 : -1);
_moveActivePointInSelection: function (dc, dr) {
var ar = this.activeRange;
var arn = this.activeRange.clone(true);
ar.startCol += dc;
ar.startRow += dr;
do {
var done = true;
if (ar.startCol < arn.c1) {
ar.startCol = arn.c2;
ar.startRow -= 1;
if (ar.startRow < arn.r1) {
ar.startRow = arn.r2;
} else {
if (ar.startCol > arn.c2) {
ar.startCol = arn.c1;
ar.startRow += 1;
if (ar.startRow > arn.r2) {
ar.startRow = arn.r1;
if (ar.startRow < arn.r1) {
ar.startRow = arn.r2;
ar.startCol -= 1;
if (ar.startCol < arn.c1) {
ar.startCol = arn.c2;
} else {
if (ar.startRow > arn.r2) {
ar.startRow = arn.r1;
ar.startCol += 1;
if (ar.startCol > arn.c2) {
ar.startCol = arn.c1;
var mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(ar.startRow, ar.startCol);
if (mc) {
if (dc > 0 && (ar.startCol > mc.c1 || ar.startRow !== mc.r1)) {
ar.startCol = mc.c2 + 1;
done = false;
} else {
if (dc < 0 && (ar.startCol < mc.c2 || ar.startRow !== mc.r1)) {
ar.startCol = mc.c1 - 1;
done = false;
if (dr > 0 && (ar.startRow > mc.r1 || ar.startCol !== mc.c1)) {
ar.startRow = mc.r2 + 1;
done = false;
} else {
if (dr < 0 && (ar.startRow < mc.r2 || ar.startCol !== mc.c1)) {
ar.startRow = mc.r1 - 1;
done = false;
if (!done) {
while (ar.startCol >= arn.c1 && ar.startCol <= arn.c2 && this.cols[ar.startCol].width < 1e-06) {
ar.startCol += dc || (dr > 0 ? +1 : -1);
done = false;
if (!done) {
while (ar.startRow >= arn.r1 && ar.startRow <= arn.r2 && this.rows[ar.startRow].height < 1e-06) {
ar.startRow += dr || (dc > 0 ? +1 : -1);
done = false;
} while (!done);
_calcSelectionEndPointByXY: function (x, y) {
var ar = (this.isFormulaEditMode) ? this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[this.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length - 1] : this.activeRange;
x *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, this._getPPIX());
y *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, this._getPPIY());
return {
c2: ar.type === c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol || ar.type === c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells ? this._findColUnderCursor(x).col : ar.c2,
r2: ar.type === c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow || ar.type === c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells ? this._findRowUnderCursor(y).row : ar.r2
_calcSelectionEndPointByOffset: function (dc, dr) {
var ar = (this.isFormulaEditMode) ? this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[this.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length - 1] : this.activeRange;
var mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(ar.r2, ar.c2);
var c = mc ? (dc <= 0 ? mc.c1 : mc.c2) : ar.c2;
var r = mc ? (dr <= 0 ? mc.r1 : mc.r2) : ar.r2;
var p = this._calcCellPosition(c, r, dc, dr);
return {
c2: p.col,
r2: p.row
_calcActiveRangeOffset: function () {
var vr = this.visibleRange;
var ar = (this.isFormulaEditMode) ? this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[this.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length - 1] : this.activeRange;
if (this.isFormulaEditMode) {
if (ar.c2 >= this.nColsCount || ar.r2 >= this.nRowsCount) {
ar = ar.clone(true);
ar.c2 = (ar.c2 >= this.nColsCount) ? this.nColsCount - 1 : ar.c2;
ar.r2 = (ar.r2 >= this.nRowsCount) ? this.nRowsCount - 1 : ar.r2;
var arn = ar.clone(true);
var isMC = this._isMergedCells(arn);
var adjustRight = ar.c2 >= vr.c2 || ar.c1 >= vr.c2 && isMC;
var adjustBottom = ar.r2 >= vr.r2 || ar.r1 >= vr.r2 && isMC;
var incX = ar.c1 < vr.c1 && isMC ? arn.c1 - vr.c1 : ar.c2 < vr.c1 ? ar.c2 - vr.c1 : 0;
var incY = ar.r1 < vr.r1 && isMC ? arn.r1 - vr.r1 : ar.r2 < vr.r1 ? ar.r2 - vr.r1 : 0;
if (adjustRight) {
while (this._isColDrawnPartially(isMC ? arn.c2 : ar.c2, vr.c1 + incX)) {
if (adjustBottom) {
while (this._isRowDrawnPartially(isMC ? arn.r2 : ar.r2, vr.r1 + incY)) {
return {
deltaX: ar.type === c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol || ar.type === c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells ? incX : 0,
deltaY: ar.type === c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow || ar.type === c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells ? incY : 0
_calcActiveCellOffset: function () {
var vr = this.visibleRange;
var ar = this.activeRange;
var arn = ar.clone(true);
var isMC = this._isMergedCells(arn);
var adjustRight = ar.startCol >= vr.c2 || ar.startCol >= vr.c2 && isMC;
var adjustBottom = ar.startRow >= vr.r2 || ar.startRow >= vr.r2 && isMC;
var incX = ar.startCol < vr.c1 && isMC ? arn.startCol - vr.c1 : ar.startCol < vr.c1 ? ar.startCol - vr.c1 : 0;
var incY = ar.startRow < vr.r1 && isMC ? arn.startRow - vr.r1 : ar.startRow < vr.r1 ? ar.startRow - vr.r1 : 0;
if (adjustRight) {
while (this._isColDrawnPartially(isMC ? arn.startCol : ar.startCol, vr.c1 + incX)) {
if (adjustBottom) {
while (this._isRowDrawnPartially(isMC ? arn.startRow : ar.startRow, vr.r1 + incY)) {
return {
deltaX: ar.type === c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol || ar.type === c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells ? incX : 0,
deltaY: ar.type === c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow || ar.type === c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells ? incY : 0
_calcFillHandleOffset: function (range) {
var vr = this.visibleRange;
var ar = range ? range : this.activeFillHandle;
var arn = ar.clone(true);
var isMC = this._isMergedCells(arn);
var adjustRight = ar.c2 >= vr.c2 || ar.c1 >= vr.c2 && isMC;
var adjustBottom = ar.r2 >= vr.r2 || ar.r1 >= vr.r2 && isMC;
var incX = ar.c1 < vr.c1 && isMC ? arn.c1 - vr.c1 : ar.c2 < vr.c1 ? ar.c2 - vr.c1 : 0;
var incY = ar.r1 < vr.r1 && isMC ? arn.r1 - vr.r1 : ar.r2 < vr.r1 ? ar.r2 - vr.r1 : 0;
if (adjustRight) {
try {
while (this._isColDrawnPartially(isMC ? arn.c2 : ar.c2, vr.c1 + incX)) {
} catch(e) {
if (adjustBottom) {
try {
while (this._isRowDrawnPartially(isMC ? arn.r2 : ar.r2, vr.r1 + incY)) {
} catch(e) {
return {
deltaX: incX,
deltaY: incY
getSelectionMergeInfo: function (options) {
var t = this;
var arn = t.activeRange.clone(true);
var notEmpty = false;
var r, c;
switch (options) {
case c_oAscMergeOptions.Merge:
case c_oAscMergeOptions.MergeCenter:
for (r = arn.r1; r <= arn.r2; ++r) {
for (c = arn.c1; c <= arn.c2; ++c) {
if (false === this._isCellEmpty(c, r)) {
if (notEmpty) {
return true;
notEmpty = true;
case c_oAscMergeOptions.MergeAcross:
for (r = arn.r1; r <= arn.r2; ++r) {
notEmpty = false;
for (c = arn.c1; c <= arn.c2; ++c) {
if (false === this._isCellEmpty(c, r)) {
if (notEmpty) {
return true;
notEmpty = true;
return false;
getSelectionName: function (bRangeText) {
if (this.isSelectOnShape) {
return " ";
var ar = this.activeRange;
var mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(ar.startRow, ar.startCol);
var c1 = mc ? mc.c1 : ar.startCol;
var r1 = mc ? mc.r1 : ar.startRow;
var selectionSize = !bRangeText ? "" : (function (r) {
var rc = Math.abs(r.r2 - r.r1) + 1;
var cc = Math.abs(r.c2 - r.c1) + 1;
switch (r.type) {
case c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells:
return rc + "R x " + cc + "C";
case c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol:
return cc + "C";
case c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow:
return rc + "R";
case c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax:
return gc_nMaxRow + "R x " + gc_nMaxCol + "C";
return "";
var cellName = this._getColumnTitle(c1) + this._getRowTitle(r1);
return selectionSize || cellName;
getSelectionRangeValue: function () {
var sListName = this.model.getName();
return sListName + "!" + this.getActiveRange(this.activeRange.clone(true));
getSelectionInfo: function (bExt) {
return this.objectRender.selectedGraphicObjectsExists() ? this._getSelectionInfoObject(bExt) : this._getSelectionInfoCell(bExt);
_getSelectionInfoCell: function (bExt) {
var c_opt = this.settings.cells;
var activeCell = this.activeRange;
var mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(activeCell.startRow, activeCell.startCol);
var c1 = mc ? mc.c1 : activeCell.startCol;
var r1 = mc ? mc.r1 : activeCell.startRow;
var c = this._getVisibleCell(c1, r1);
if (c === undefined) {
asc_debug("log", "Unknown cell's info: col = " + c1 + ", row = " + r1);
return {};
var fc = c.getFontcolor();
var bg = c.getFill();
var b = this._getBordersCache(c1, r1);
var fa = c.getFontAlign().toLowerCase();
var cellType = c.getType();
var isNumberFormat = (!cellType || CellValueType.Number === cellType);
var cell_info = new asc_CCellInfo();
cell_info.name = this._getColumnTitle(c1) + this._getRowTitle(r1);
cell_info.formula = c.getFormula();
cell_info.text = c.getValueForEdit();
cell_info.halign = c.getAlignHorizontalByValue().toLowerCase();
cell_info.valign = c.getAlignVertical().toLowerCase();
cell_info.isFormatTable = this.autoFilters.searchRangeInTableParts(activeCell);
cell_info.styleName = c.getStyleName();
cell_info.angle = c.getAngle();
cell_info.flags = new asc_CCellFlag();
cell_info.flags.shrinkToFit = c.getShrinkToFit();
cell_info.flags.wrapText = c.getWrap();
cell_info.flags.selectionType = this.activeRange.type;
cell_info.flags.lockText = ("" !== cell_info.text && (isNumberFormat || "" !== cell_info.formula));
cell_info.font = new asc_CFont();
cell_info.font.name = c.getFontname();
cell_info.font.size = c.getFontsize();
cell_info.font.bold = c.getBold();
cell_info.font.italic = c.getItalic();
cell_info.font.underline = ("none" !== c.getUnderline());
cell_info.font.strikeout = c.getStrikeout();
cell_info.font.subscript = fa === "subscript";
cell_info.font.superscript = fa === "superscript";
cell_info.font.color = (fc ? asc_obj2Color(fc) : asc_n2Color(c_opt.defaultState.colorNumber));
cell_info.fill = new asc_CFill((null !== bg && undefined !== bg) ? asc_obj2Color(bg) : bg);
cell_info.border = new asc_CBorders();
cell_info.border.left = new asc_CBorder(b.l.s, b.l.c);
cell_info.border.top = new asc_CBorder(b.t.s, b.t.c);
cell_info.border.right = new asc_CBorder(b.r.s, b.r.c);
cell_info.border.bottom = new asc_CBorder(b.b.s, b.b.c);
cell_info.border.diagDown = new asc_CBorder(b.dd.s, b.dd.c);
cell_info.border.diagUp = new asc_CBorder(b.du.s, b.du.c);
cell_info.numFormatType = c.getNumFormatType();
var ar = this.activeRange.clone();
var range = this.model.getRange3(ar.r1, ar.c1, ar.r2, ar.c2);
var hyperlink = range.getHyperlink();
var oHyperlink;
if (null !== hyperlink) {
oHyperlink = new asc_CHyperlink(hyperlink);
cell_info.hyperlink = oHyperlink;
} else {
cell_info.hyperlink = null;
cell_info.comments = this.cellCommentator.asc_getComments(ar.c1, ar.r1);
cell_info.flags.merge = null !== range.hasMerged();
if (bExt) {
cell_info.innertext = c.getValue();
cell_info.numFormat = c.getNumFormatStr();
if (false !== this.collaborativeEditing.isCoAuthoringExcellEnable()) {
var sheetId = this.model.getId();
var isIntersection = this._recalcRangeByInsertRowsAndColumns(sheetId, ar);
if (false === isIntersection) {
var lockInfo = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockInfo(c_oAscLockTypeElem.Range, null, sheetId, new asc_CCollaborativeRange(ar.c1, ar.r1, ar.c2, ar.r2));
if (false !== this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection(lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther, false)) {
cell_info.isLocked = true;
return cell_info;
_getSelectionInfoObject: function (bExt) {
var objectInfo = new asc_CCellInfo();
var defaults = this.settings.cells;
var selectionType = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeShape;
objectInfo.flags = new asc_CCellFlag();
var graphicObjects = this.objectRender.getSelectedGraphicObjects();
if (graphicObjects.length) {
selectionType = objectInfo.flags.selectionType = this.objectRender.getGraphicSelectionType(graphicObjects[0].Id);
var textPr = this.objectRender.controller.getParagraphTextPr();
var paraPr = this.objectRender.controller.getParagraphParaPr();
if (textPr && paraPr) {
objectInfo.text = this.objectRender.controller.Get_SelectedText();
var horAlign = "center";
switch (paraPr.Jc) {
case align_Left:
horAlign = "left";
case align_Right:
horAlign = "right";
case align_Center:
horAlign = "center";
case align_Justify:
horAlign = "justify";
var vertAlign = "center";
switch (paraPr.anchor) {
vertAlign = "bottom";
vertAlign = "center";
vertAlign = "top";
objectInfo.halign = horAlign;
objectInfo.valign = vertAlign;
objectInfo.font = new asc_CFont();
objectInfo.font.name = textPr.FontFamily ? textPr.FontFamily.Name : "";
objectInfo.font.size = textPr.FontSize;
objectInfo.font.bold = textPr.Bold;
objectInfo.font.italic = textPr.Italic;
objectInfo.font.underline = textPr.Underline;
objectInfo.font.strikeout = textPr.Strikeout;
objectInfo.font.subscript = textPr.VertAlign == vertalign_SubScript;
objectInfo.font.superscript = textPr.VertAlign == vertalign_SuperScript;
if (textPr.Color) {
objectInfo.font.color = CreateAscColorCustom(textPr.Color.r, textPr.Color.g, textPr.Color.b);
var shapeHyperlink = this.objectRender.controller.getHyperlinkInfo();
if (shapeHyperlink && (shapeHyperlink instanceof ParaHyperlinkStart)) {
var hyperlink = new Hyperlink();
hyperlink.Tooltip = shapeHyperlink.ToolTip;
var spl = shapeHyperlink.Value.split("!");
if (spl.length === 2) {
} else {
hyperlink.Hyperlink = shapeHyperlink.Value;
objectInfo.hyperlink = new asc_CHyperlink(hyperlink);
} else {
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeShape == selectionType) {
objectInfo.font = new asc_CFont();
objectInfo.font.name = defaults.fontName;
objectInfo.font.size = defaults.fontSize;
objectInfo.fill = new asc_CFill(asc_n2Color(0));
return objectInfo;
getActiveCellCoord: function () {
var xL = this.getCellLeft(this.activeRange.startCol, 1);
var yL = this.getCellTop(this.activeRange.startRow, 1);
xL -= (this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft);
yL -= (this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop);
xL *= asc_getcvt(1, 0, this._getPPIX());
yL *= asc_getcvt(1, 0, this._getPPIY());
var width = this.getColumnWidth(this.activeRange.startCol, 0);
var height = this.getRowHeight(this.activeRange.startRow, 0);
return new asc_CCellRect(xL, yL, width, height);
_checkSelectionShape: function () {
var isSelectOnShape = this.isSelectOnShape;
if (this.isSelectOnShape) {
this.isSelectOnShape = false;
return isSelectOnShape;
_updateSelectionNameAndInfo: function () {
this._trigger("selectionNameChanged", this.getSelectionName(false));
this._trigger("selectionChanged", this.getSelectionInfo());
getSelectionShape: function () {
return this.isSelectOnShape;
setSelectionShape: function (isSelectOnShape) {
this.isSelectOnShape = isSelectOnShape;
this._trigger("selectionNameChanged", this.getSelectionName());
this._trigger("selectionChanged", this.getSelectionInfo());
setSelection: function (range, validRange) {
if (validRange && (range.c2 >= this.nColsCount || range.r2 >= this.nRowsCount)) {
if (range.c2 >= this.nColsCount) {
this.expandColsOnScroll(false, true, range.c2 + 1);
if (range.r2 >= this.nRowsCount) {
this.expandRowsOnScroll(false, true, range.r2 + 1);
if (! (range instanceof asc_Range)) {
range = asc_Range(range.c1, range.r1, range.c2, range.r2);
if (gc_nMaxCol0 === range.c2 || gc_nMaxRow0 === range.r2) {
range = range.clone();
if (gc_nMaxCol0 === range.c2) {
range.c2 = this.cols.length - 1;
if (gc_nMaxRow0 === range.r2) {
range.r2 = this.rows.length - 1;
this.activeRange = range;
this.activeRange.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells;
this.activeRange.startCol = range.c1;
this.activeRange.startRow = range.r1;
this._trigger("selectionNameChanged", this.getSelectionName(false));
this._trigger("selectionChanged", this.getSelectionInfo());
return this._calcActiveCellOffset();
changeSelectionStartPoint: function (x, y, isCoord, isSelectMode) {
var ar = (this.isFormulaEditMode) ? this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[this.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length - 1] : this.activeRange;
var sc = ar.startCol,
sr = ar.startRow,
ret = {};
var isChangeSelectionShape = false;
var commentList = this.cellCommentator.getCommentsXY(x, y);
if (!commentList.length) {
if (isCoord) {
this._moveActiveCellToXY(x, y);
isChangeSelectionShape = this._checkSelectionShape();
} else {
this._moveActiveCellToOffset(x, y);
ret = this._calcActiveRangeOffset();
if (!this.isCellEditMode && (sc !== ar.startCol || sr !== ar.startRow || isChangeSelectionShape)) {
if (!this.isSelectionDialogMode) {
this._trigger("selectionNameChanged", this.getSelectionName(false));
if (!isSelectMode) {
this._trigger("selectionChanged", this.getSelectionInfo());
} else {
this._trigger("selectionRangeChanged", this.getSelectionRangeValue());
if (!isChangeSelectionShape) {
return ret;
changeSelectionStartPointRightClick: function (x, y) {
var ar = this.activeRange;
var isChangeSelectionShape = this._checkSelectionShape();
var xL = this.getCellLeft(ar.c1, 1);
var yL = this.getCellTop(ar.r1, 1);
var xR = this.getCellLeft(ar.c2, 1) + this.cols[ar.c2].width;
var yR = this.getCellTop(ar.r2, 1) + this.rows[ar.r2].height;
var _x = x * asc_getcvt(0, 1, this._getPPIX());
var _y = y * asc_getcvt(0, 1, this._getPPIY());
var isInSelection = false;
if ((_x < this.cellsLeft || _y < this.cellsTop) && c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax === ar.type) {
isInSelection = true;
} else {
if (_x > this.cellsLeft && _y > this.cellsTop) {
_x += (this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft);
_y += (this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop);
if (xL <= _x && _x <= xR && yL <= _y && _y <= yR) {
isInSelection = true;
} else {
if (_x <= this.cellsLeft && _y >= this.cellsTop && c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow === ar.type) {
_y += (this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop);
if (yL <= _y && _y <= yR) {
isInSelection = true;
} else {
if (_y <= this.cellsTop && _x >= this.cellsLeft && c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol === ar.type) {
_x += (this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft);
if (xL <= _x && _x <= xR) {
isInSelection = true;
if (!isInSelection) {
this._moveActiveCellToXY(x, y);
return false;
} else {
if (isChangeSelectionShape) {
return true;
changeSelectionEndPoint: function (x, y, isCoord, isSelectMode) {
var isChangeSelectionShape = false;
if (isCoord) {
isChangeSelectionShape = this._checkSelectionShape();
var ar = (this.isFormulaEditMode) ? this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[this.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length - 1] : this.activeRange;
var arOld = ar.clone();
var arnOld = ar.clone(true);
var ep = isCoord ? this._calcSelectionEndPointByXY(x, y) : this._calcSelectionEndPointByOffset(x, y);
var epOld, ret;
if (ar.c2 !== ep.c2 || ar.r2 !== ep.r2 || isChangeSelectionShape) {
ar.assign(ar.startCol, ar.startRow, ep.c2, ep.r2);
if (ar.type === c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells) {
while (!isCoord && arnOld.isEqual(ar.clone(true))) {
ar.c2 = ep.c2;
ar.r2 = ep.r2;
epOld = $.extend({},
ep = this._calcSelectionEndPointByOffset(x < 0 ? -1 : x > 0 ? +1 : 0, y < 0 ? -1 : y > 0 ? +1 : 0);
ar.assign(ar.startCol, ar.startRow, ep.c2, ep.r2);
if (ep.c2 === epOld.c2 && ep.r2 === epOld.r2) {
if (!isCoord) {
this._fixSelectionOfHiddenCells(ar.c2 - arOld.c2 >= 0 ? +1 : -1, ar.r2 - arOld.r2 >= 0 ? +1 : -1);
ret = this._calcActiveRangeOffset();
if (!this.isCellEditMode && !arnOld.isEqual(ar.clone(true))) {
if (!this.isSelectionDialogMode) {
this._trigger("selectionNameChanged", this.getSelectionName(true));
if (!isSelectMode) {
this._trigger("selectionChanged", this.getSelectionInfo(false));
} else {
this._trigger("selectionRangeChanged", this.getSelectionRangeValue());
return ret;
changeSelectionDone: function () {
if (this.isFormulaEditMode && this.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length > 0) {
this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[this.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length - 1].normalize();
} else {
changeSelectionActivePoint: function (dc, dr) {
var ret;
var ar = this.activeRange;
var mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(ar.r1, ar.c1);
if (ar.c1 === ar.c2 && ar.r1 === ar.r2 || mc && ar.isEqual(mc)) {
return this.changeSelectionStartPoint(dc, dr, false, false);
this._moveActivePointInSelection(dc, dr);
ret = this._calcActiveCellOffset();
this._trigger("selectionNameChanged", this.getSelectionName(false));
this._trigger("selectionChanged", this.getSelectionInfo());
return ret;
changeSelectionFillHandle: function (x, y) {
var ret = null;
if (null === this.activeFillHandle) {
this.activeFillHandle = this.activeRange.clone(true);
return ret;
x *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, this._getPPIX());
y *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, this._getPPIY());
var ar = this.activeRange.clone(true);
var xL = this.getCellLeft(ar.c1, 1);
var yL = this.getCellTop(ar.r1, 1);
var xR = this.getCellLeft(ar.c2, 1) + this.cols[ar.c2].width;
var yR = this.getCellTop(ar.r2, 1) + this.rows[ar.r2].height;
var activeFillHandleCopy;
var colByX = this._findColUnderCursor(x, false, true).col;
var rowByY = this._findRowUnderCursor(y, false, true).row;
var colByXNoDX = this._findColUnderCursor(x, false, false).col;
var rowByYNoDY = this._findRowUnderCursor(y, false, false).row;
var dCol;
var dRow;
x += (this.cols[this.visibleRange.c1].left - this.cellsLeft);
y += (this.rows[this.visibleRange.r1].top - this.cellsTop);
var dXL = x - xL;
var dYL = y - yL;
var dXR = x - xR;
var dYR = y - yR;
var dXRMod;
var dYRMod;
var _tmpArea = 0;
if (dXR <= 0) {
if (dXL <= 0) {
if (dYR <= 0) {
if (dYL <= 0) {
_tmpArea = 1;
} else {
_tmpArea = 4;
} else {
_tmpArea = 7;
} else {
if (dYR <= 0) {
if (dYL <= 0) {
_tmpArea = 2;
} else {
_tmpArea = 5;
} else {
_tmpArea = 8;
} else {
if (dYR <= 0) {
if (dYL <= 0) {
_tmpArea = 3;
} else {
_tmpArea = 6;
} else {
_tmpArea = 9;
switch (_tmpArea) {
case 2:
case 8:
this.fillHandleDirection = 1;
case 4:
case 6:
this.fillHandleDirection = 0;
case 1:
dXRMod = Math.abs(x - xL);
dYRMod = Math.abs(y - yL);
dCol = Math.abs(colByX - ar.c1);
dRow = Math.abs(rowByY - ar.r1);
this.fillHandleDirection = -1;
case 3:
dXRMod = Math.abs(x - xR);
dYRMod = Math.abs(y - yL);
dCol = Math.abs(colByX - ar.c2);
dRow = Math.abs(rowByY - ar.r1);
this.fillHandleDirection = -1;
case 7:
dXRMod = Math.abs(x - xL);
dYRMod = Math.abs(y - yR);
dCol = Math.abs(colByX - ar.c1);
dRow = Math.abs(rowByY - ar.r2);
this.fillHandleDirection = -1;
case 5:
case 9:
dXRMod = Math.abs(dXR);
dYRMod = Math.abs(dYR);
dCol = Math.abs(colByX - ar.c2);
dRow = Math.abs(rowByY - ar.r2);
this.fillHandleDirection = -1;
if (-1 === this.fillHandleDirection) {
if (0 === dCol && 0 !== dRow) {
this.fillHandleDirection = 1;
} else {
if (0 !== dCol && 0 === dRow) {
this.fillHandleDirection = 0;
} else {
if (dXRMod >= dYRMod) {
this.fillHandleDirection = 0;
} else {
this.fillHandleDirection = 1;
if (0 === this.fillHandleDirection) {
if (dXR <= 0) {
if (dXL <= 0) {
this.fillHandleArea = 1;
} else {
this.fillHandleArea = 2;
} else {
this.fillHandleArea = 3;
this.activeFillHandle.c2 = colByX;
switch (this.fillHandleArea) {
case 1:
this.activeFillHandle.c1 = ar.c2;
this.activeFillHandle.r1 = ar.r2;
this.activeFillHandle.r2 = ar.r1;
this.activeFillHandle.c2 += 1;
if (this.activeFillHandle.c2 == ar.c1) {
this.fillHandleArea = 2;
case 2:
this.activeFillHandle.c1 = ar.c2;
this.activeFillHandle.r1 = ar.r2;
this.activeFillHandle.r2 = ar.r1;
this.activeFillHandle.c2 += 1;
if (this.activeFillHandle.c2 > this.activeFillHandle.c1) {
this.activeFillHandle.c1 = ar.c1;
this.activeFillHandle.r1 = ar.r1;
this.activeFillHandle.c2 = ar.c1;
this.activeFillHandle.r2 = ar.r1;
case 3:
this.activeFillHandle.c1 = ar.c1;
this.activeFillHandle.r1 = ar.r1;
this.activeFillHandle.r2 = ar.r2;
activeFillHandleCopy = this.activeFillHandle.clone();
activeFillHandleCopy.c2 = colByXNoDX;
} else {
if (dYR <= 0) {
if (dYL <= 0) {
this.fillHandleArea = 1;
} else {
this.fillHandleArea = 2;
} else {
this.fillHandleArea = 3;
this.activeFillHandle.r2 = rowByY;
switch (this.fillHandleArea) {
case 1:
this.activeFillHandle.c1 = ar.c2;
this.activeFillHandle.r1 = ar.r2;
this.activeFillHandle.c2 = ar.c1;
this.activeFillHandle.r2 += 1;
if (this.activeFillHandle.r2 == ar.r1) {
this.fillHandleArea = 2;
case 2:
this.activeFillHandle.c1 = ar.c2;
this.activeFillHandle.r1 = ar.r2;
this.activeFillHandle.c2 = ar.c1;
this.activeFillHandle.r2 += 1;
if (this.activeFillHandle.r2 > this.activeFillHandle.r1) {
this.activeFillHandle.c1 = ar.c1;
this.activeFillHandle.r1 = ar.r1;
this.activeFillHandle.c2 = ar.c1;
this.activeFillHandle.r2 = ar.r1;
case 3:
this.activeFillHandle.c1 = ar.c1;
this.activeFillHandle.r1 = ar.r1;
this.activeFillHandle.c2 = ar.c2;
activeFillHandleCopy = this.activeFillHandle.clone();
activeFillHandleCopy.r2 = rowByYNoDY;
ret = this._calcFillHandleOffset(activeFillHandleCopy);
return ret;
applyFillHandle: function (x, y, ctrlPress) {
var t = this;
var arn = t.activeRange.clone(true);
var range = t.model.getRange3(arn.r1, arn.c1, arn.r2, arn.c2);
var bIsHaveChanges = false;
var nIndex = 0;
if (0 === this.fillHandleDirection) {
nIndex = this.activeFillHandle.c2 - arn.c1;
if (2 === this.fillHandleArea) {
bIsHaveChanges = arn.c2 !== (this.activeFillHandle.c2 - 1);
} else {
bIsHaveChanges = arn.c2 !== this.activeFillHandle.c2;
} else {
nIndex = this.activeFillHandle.r2 - arn.r1;
if (2 === this.fillHandleArea) {
bIsHaveChanges = arn.r2 !== (this.activeFillHandle.r2 - 1);
} else {
bIsHaveChanges = arn.r2 !== this.activeFillHandle.r2;
if (bIsHaveChanges && (this.activeFillHandle.r1 !== this.activeFillHandle.r2 || this.activeFillHandle.c1 !== this.activeFillHandle.c2)) {
var changedRange = this.activeRange.clone(true);
if (2 === this.fillHandleArea) {
this.activeRange.startCol = this.activeRange.c1;
this.activeRange.startRow = this.activeRange.r1;
if (arn.c1 !== this.activeFillHandle.c2 || arn.r1 !== this.activeFillHandle.r2) {
if (0 === this.fillHandleDirection) {
this.activeRange.c2 = this.activeFillHandle.c2 - 1;
changedRange.c1 = changedRange.c2;
changedRange.c2 = this.activeFillHandle.c2;
} else {
this.activeRange.r2 = this.activeFillHandle.r2 - 1;
changedRange.r1 = changedRange.r2;
changedRange.r2 = this.activeFillHandle.r2;
} else {
if (0 === this.fillHandleDirection) {
if (1 === this.fillHandleArea) {
this.activeRange.c1 = this.activeFillHandle.c2;
changedRange.c2 = changedRange.c1 - 1;
changedRange.c1 = this.activeFillHandle.c2;
} else {
this.activeRange.c2 = this.activeFillHandle.c2;
changedRange.c1 = changedRange.c2 + 1;
changedRange.c2 = this.activeFillHandle.c2;
} else {
if (1 === this.fillHandleArea) {
this.activeRange.r1 = this.activeFillHandle.r2;
changedRange.r2 = changedRange.r1 - 1;
changedRange.r1 = this.activeFillHandle.r2;
} else {
this.activeRange.r2 = this.activeFillHandle.r2;
changedRange.r1 = changedRange.r2 + 1;
changedRange.r2 = this.activeFillHandle.r2;
arn = this.activeRange.clone(true);
var applyFillHandleCallback = function (res) {
if (res) {
range.promote(ctrlPress, (1 === t.fillHandleDirection), nIndex);
t.activeFillHandle = null;
t.fillHandleDirection = -1;
arn.c1 = 0;
arn.c2 = gc_nMaxCol0;
t.isChanged = true;
this._isLockedCells(changedRange, null, applyFillHandleCallback);
} else {
this.activeFillHandle = null;
this.fillHandleDirection = -1;
changeSelectionMoveRangeHandle: function (x, y, ctrlKey) {
var ret = null;
x *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, this._getPPIX());
y *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, this._getPPIY());
var ar = this.activeRange.clone(true);
var colByX = this._findColUnderCursor(x, false, false).col;
var rowByY = this._findRowUnderCursor(y, false, false).row;
if (null === this.startCellMoveRange) {
if (colByX < ar.c1) {
colByX = ar.c1;
} else {
if (colByX > ar.c2) {
colByX = ar.c2;
if (rowByY < ar.r1) {
rowByY = ar.r1;
} else {
if (rowByY > ar.r2) {
rowByY = ar.r2;
this.startCellMoveRange = asc_Range(colByX, rowByY, colByX, rowByY);
this.startCellMoveRange.isChanged = false;
return ret;
var colDelta = colByX - this.startCellMoveRange.c1;
var rowDelta = rowByY - this.startCellMoveRange.r1;
if (false === this.startCellMoveRange.isChanged && 0 === colDelta && 0 === rowDelta) {
return ret;
this.startCellMoveRange.isChanged = true;
this.activeMoveRange = ar;
this.activeMoveRange.c1 += colDelta;
if (0 > this.activeMoveRange.c1) {
colDelta -= this.activeMoveRange.c1;
this.activeMoveRange.c1 = 0;
this.activeMoveRange.c2 += colDelta;
this.activeMoveRange.r1 += rowDelta;
if (0 > this.activeMoveRange.r1) {
rowDelta -= this.activeMoveRange.r1;
this.activeMoveRange.r1 = 0;
this.activeMoveRange.r2 += rowDelta;
while (!this.cols[this.activeMoveRange.c2]) {
while (!this.rows[this.activeMoveRange.r2]) {
var d = {
deltaX: this.activeMoveRange.c1 < this.visibleRange.c1 ? this.activeMoveRange.c1 - this.visibleRange.c1 : this.activeMoveRange.c2 > this.visibleRange.c2 ? this.activeMoveRange.c2 - this.visibleRange.c2 : 0,
deltaY: this.activeMoveRange.r1 < this.visibleRange.r1 ? this.activeMoveRange.r1 - this.visibleRange.r1 : this.activeMoveRange.r2 > this.visibleRange.r2 ? this.activeMoveRange.r2 - this.visibleRange.r2 : 0
while (this._isColDrawnPartially(this.activeMoveRange.c2, this.visibleRange.c1 + d.deltaX)) {
while (this._isRowDrawnPartially(this.activeMoveRange.r2, this.visibleRange.r1 + d.deltaY)) {
return d;
changeSelectionMoveResizeRangeHandle: function (x, y, targetInfo) {
if (!targetInfo) {
return null;
var indexFormulaRange = targetInfo.indexFormulaRange,
d, ret;
x *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, this._getPPIX());
y *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, this._getPPIY());
var ar = 0 == targetInfo.targetArr ? this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[indexFormulaRange].clone(true) : this.arrActiveChartsRanges[indexFormulaRange].clone(true);
var colByX = this._findColUnderCursor(x, false, false).col;
var rowByY = this._findRowUnderCursor(y, false, false).row;
if (null === this.startCellMoveResizeRange) {
if ((targetInfo.cursor == kCurNEResize || targetInfo.cursor == kCurSEResize)) {
this.startCellMoveResizeRange = ar.clone(true);
this.startCellMoveResizeRange2 = asc_Range(targetInfo.col, targetInfo.row, targetInfo.col, targetInfo.row, true);
} else {
this.startCellMoveResizeRange = ar.clone(true);
if (colByX < ar.c1) {
colByX = ar.c1;
} else {
if (colByX > ar.c2) {
colByX = ar.c2;
if (rowByY < ar.r1) {
rowByY = ar.r1;
} else {
if (rowByY > ar.r2) {
rowByY = ar.r2;
this.startCellMoveResizeRange2 = asc_Range(colByX, rowByY, colByX, rowByY);
return null;
if (targetInfo.cursor == kCurNEResize || targetInfo.cursor == kCurSEResize) {
if (colByX < this.startCellMoveResizeRange2.c1) {
ar.c2 = this.startCellMoveResizeRange2.c1;
ar.c1 = colByX;
} else {
if (colByX > this.startCellMoveResizeRange2.c1) {
ar.c1 = this.startCellMoveResizeRange2.c1;
ar.c2 = colByX;
} else {
ar.c1 = this.startCellMoveResizeRange2.c1;
ar.c2 = this.startCellMoveResizeRange2.c1;
if (rowByY < this.startCellMoveResizeRange2.r1) {
if (this.visibleRange.r2 > ar.r2) {
ar.r2 = this.startCellMoveResizeRange2.r2;
ar.r1 = rowByY;
} else {
if (rowByY > this.startCellMoveResizeRange2.r1) {
if (this.visibleRange.r1 < ar.r1) {
ar.r1 = this.startCellMoveResizeRange2.r1;
if (this.visibleRange.r2 > ar.r2) {
ar.r2 = rowByY;
} else {
ar.r1 = this.startCellMoveResizeRange2.r1;
ar.r2 = this.startCellMoveResizeRange2.r1;
} else {
var colDelta = colByX - this.startCellMoveResizeRange2.c1;
var rowDelta = rowByY - this.startCellMoveResizeRange2.r1;
ar.c1 = this.startCellMoveResizeRange.c1 + colDelta;
if (0 > ar.c1) {
colDelta -= ar.c1;
ar.c1 = 0;
ar.c2 = this.startCellMoveResizeRange.c2 + colDelta;
ar.r1 = this.startCellMoveResizeRange.r1 + rowDelta;
if (0 > ar.r1) {
rowDelta -= ar.r1;
ar.r1 = 0;
ar.r2 = this.startCellMoveResizeRange.r2 + rowDelta;
d = {
deltaX: ar.c1 <= this.visibleRange.c1 ? ar.c1 - this.visibleRange.c1 : ar.c2 >= this.visibleRange.c2 ? ar.c2 - this.visibleRange.c2 : 0,
deltaY: ar.r1 <= this.visibleRange.r1 ? ar.r1 - this.visibleRange.r1 : ar.r2 >= this.visibleRange.r2 ? ar.r2 - this.visibleRange.r2 : 0
if (0 == targetInfo.targetArr) {
var _p = this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[indexFormulaRange].cursorePos,
_l = this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[indexFormulaRange].formulaRangeLength,
_a = this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[indexFormulaRange].isAbsolute;
this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[indexFormulaRange] = ar.clone(true);
this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[indexFormulaRange].cursorePos = _p;
this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[indexFormulaRange].formulaRangeLength = _l;
this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[indexFormulaRange].isAbsolute = _a;
ret = this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[indexFormulaRange];
} else {
this.arrActiveChartsRanges[indexFormulaRange] = ar.clone(true);
this.moveRangeDrawingObjectTo = ar;
return {
ar: ret,
d: d
applyMoveRangeHandle: function (ctrlKey) {
var t = this;
if (null === t.activeMoveRange) {
t.startCellMoveRange = null;
var arnFrom = t.activeRange.clone(true);
var arnTo = t.activeMoveRange.clone(true);
var resmove = t.model._prepareMoveRange(arnFrom, arnTo);
if (resmove == -2) {
t.model.workbook.handlers.trigger("asc_onError", c_oAscError.ID.CannotMoveRange, c_oAscError.Level.NoCritical);
t.activeMoveRange = null;
t.startCellMoveRange = null;
t.isChanged = true;
t._updateCellsRange(new Range(0, 0, arnFrom.c2 > arnTo.c2 ? arnFrom.c2 : arnTo.c2, arnFrom.r2 > arnTo.r2 ? arnFrom.r2 : arnTo.r2), c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.none);
return false;
} else {
if (resmove == -1) {
t.model.workbook.handlers.trigger("asc_onConfirmAction", c_oAscConfirm.ConfirmReplaceRange, function (can) {
t.moveRangeHandle(arnFrom, arnTo, can, ctrlKey);
} else {
t.moveRangeHandle(arnFrom, arnTo, true, ctrlKey);
applyMoveResizeRangeHandle: function (target) {
if (-1 == target.targetArr) {
this.objectRender.moveRangeDrawingObject(this.startCellMoveResizeRange, this.moveRangeDrawingObjectTo, true);
this.startCellMoveResizeRange = null;
this.startCellMoveResizeRange2 = null;
moveRangeHandle: function (arnFrom, arnTo, can, copyRange) {
var t = this;
var onApplyMoveRangeHandleCallback = function (isSuccess) {
if (true === isSuccess && !arnFrom.isEqual(arnTo) && can) {
t.model._moveRange(arnFrom, arnTo, copyRange);
t.activeRange = arnTo.clone(true);
t.activeRange.startRow = t.activeRange.r1;
t.activeRange.startCol = t.activeRange.c1;
t.cellCommentator.moveRangeComments(arnFrom, arnTo);
t.objectRender.moveRangeDrawingObject(arnFrom, arnTo, false);
t.autoFilters._moveAutoFilters(arnTo, arnFrom);
t.activeMoveRange = null;
t.startCellMoveRange = null;
t.isChanged = true;
t._updateCellsRange(new Range(0, 0, arnFrom.c2 > arnTo.c2 ? arnFrom.c2 : arnTo.c2, arnFrom.r2 > arnTo.r2 ? arnFrom.r2 : arnTo.r2), c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.none);
this._isLockedCells([arnFrom, arnTo], null, onApplyMoveRangeHandleCallback);
emptySelection: function (options) {
if (this.objectRender.selectedGraphicObjectsExists()) {
} else {
this.setSelectionInfo("empty", options);
setSelectionInfo: function (prop, val, onlyActive, isLocal) {
if (this.collaborativeEditing.getGlobalLock()) {
var t = this;
var checkRange = null;
var arn = t.activeRange.clone(true);
arn.startCol = t.activeRange.startCol;
arn.startRow = t.activeRange.startRow;
arn.type = t.activeRange.type;
if (onlyActive) {
checkRange = new asc_Range(arn.startCol, arn.startRow, arn.startCol, arn.startRow);
} else {
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax === arn.type) {
checkRange = new asc_Range(0, 0, gc_nMaxCol0, gc_nMaxRow0);
} else {
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol === arn.type) {
checkRange = new asc_Range(arn.c1, 0, arn.c2, gc_nMaxRow0);
} else {
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow === arn.type) {
checkRange = new asc_Range(0, arn.r1, gc_nMaxCol0, arn.r2);
} else {
checkRange = arn;
var onSelectionCallback = function (isSuccess) {
if (false === isSuccess) {
var range;
var canChangeColWidth = c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.none;
var selectionRange;
var bIsUpdate = true;
if (onlyActive) {
range = t.model.getRange3(arn.startRow, arn.startCol, arn.startRow, arn.startCol);
} else {
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeMax === arn.type) {
range = t.model.getRange3(0, 0, gc_nMaxRow0, gc_nMaxCol0);
} else {
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCol === arn.type) {
range = t.model.getRange3(0, arn.c1, gc_nMaxRow0, arn.c2);
} else {
if (c_oAscSelectionType.RangeRow === arn.type) {
range = t.model.getRange3(arn.r1, 0, arn.r2, gc_nMaxCol0);
} else {
range = t.model.getRange3(arn.r1, arn.c1, arn.r2, arn.c2);
var isLargeRange = t._isLargeRange(range),
callTrigger = false;
var res;
var mc, r, c, cell;
function makeBorder(b) {
var border = new BorderProp();
if (b === false) {
} else {
if (b) {
if (b.style !== null && b.style !== undefined) {
if (b.color !== null && b.color !== undefined) {
if (b.color instanceof CAscColor) {
border.c = CorrectAscColor(b.color);
return border;
selectionRange = arn.clone();
switch (prop) {
case "fn":
canChangeColWidth = c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.numbers;
case "fs":
canChangeColWidth = c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.numbers;
case "b":
case "i":
case "u":
case "s":
case "fa":
case "a":
case "va":
case "c":
case "bc":
range.setFill((val) ? (val) : null);
case "wrap":
case "shrink":
case "value":
case "format":
canChangeColWidth = c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.numbers;
case "angle":
case "border":
if (isLargeRange) {
callTrigger = true;
t._trigger("slowOperation", true);
if (val.length < 1) {
res = new Border();
res.d = makeBorder(val[c_oAscBorderOptions.DiagD] || val[c_oAscBorderOptions.DiagU]);
res.dd = val[c_oAscBorderOptions.DiagD] ? true : false;
res.du = val[c_oAscBorderOptions.DiagU] ? true : false;
res.l = makeBorder(val[c_oAscBorderOptions.Left]);
res.iv = makeBorder(val[c_oAscBorderOptions.InnerV]);
res.r = makeBorder(val[c_oAscBorderOptions.Right]);
res.t = makeBorder(val[c_oAscBorderOptions.Top]);
res.ih = makeBorder(val[c_oAscBorderOptions.InnerH]);
res.b = makeBorder(val[c_oAscBorderOptions.Bottom]);
case "merge":
if (isLargeRange) {
callTrigger = true;
t._trigger("slowOperation", true);
switch (val) {
case c_oAscMergeOptions.Unmerge:
case c_oAscMergeOptions.MergeCenter:
case c_oAscMergeOptions.MergeAcross:
for (res = arn.r1; res <= arn.r2; ++res) {
t.model.getRange3(res, arn.c1, res, arn.c2).merge(val);
case c_oAscMergeOptions.Merge:
arn.c1 = 0;
arn.c2 = gc_nMaxCol0;
case "sort":
if (isLargeRange) {
callTrigger = true;
t._trigger("slowOperation", true);
var changes = range.sort(val, arn.startCol);
t.cellCommentator.sortComments(arn, changes);
case "empty":
if (isLargeRange) {
callTrigger = true;
t._trigger("slowOperation", true);
if (val === c_oAscCleanOptions.All) {
if (val & c_oAscCleanOptions.Text || val & c_oAscCleanOptions.Formula) {
if (val & c_oAscCleanOptions.Format) {
arn.c1 = t.visibleRange.c1;
arn.c2 = t.visibleRange.c2;
case "changeDigNum":
res = t.cols.slice(arn.c1, arn.c2 + 1).reduce(function (r, c) {
return r;
range.shiftNumFormat(val, res);
canChangeColWidth = c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.numbers;
case "changeFontSize":
mc = t.model.getMergedByCell(arn.startRow, arn.startCol);
c = mc ? mc.c1 : arn.startCol;
r = mc ? mc.r1 : arn.startRow;
cell = t._getVisibleCell(c, r);
if (undefined !== cell) {
var oldFontSize = cell.getFontsize();
var newFontSize = asc_incDecFonSize(val, oldFontSize);
if (null !== newFontSize) {
canChangeColWidth = c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.numbers;
case "style":
canChangeColWidth = c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.numbers;
case "paste":
var pasteLocal = function () {
if (isLargeRange) {
callTrigger = true;
t._trigger("slowOperation", true);
var selectData;
if (isLocal) {
selectData = t._pasteFromLS(val);
} else {
selectData = t._setInfoAfterPaste(val, onlyActive);
if (!selectData) {
bIsUpdate = false;
var arrFormula = selectData[1];
for (var i = 0; i < arrFormula.length; ++i) {
var rangeF = arrFormula[i].range;
var valF = arrFormula[i].val;
if (rangeF.isOneCell()) {
} else {
var oBBox = rangeF.getBBox0();
t.model._getCell(oBBox.r1, oBBox.c1).setValue(valF);
arn = selectData[0];
selectionRange = arn.clone(true);
if (isLocal && val.lStorage && val.lStorage.autoFilters && val.lStorage.autoFilters.length) {
var aFilters = val.lStorage.autoFilters;
var range;
for (var aF = 0; aF < aFilters.length; aF++) {
range = t.model.getRange3(aFilters[aF].range.r1 + selectionRange.r1, aFilters[aF].range.c1 + selectionRange.c1, aFilters[aF].range.r2 + selectionRange.r1, aFilters[aF].range.c2 + selectionRange.c1);
if (aFilters[aF].style) {
t.autoFilters.addAutoFilter(aFilters[aF].style, range.bbox, null, null, true);
if (!aFilters[aF].autoFilter) {
t.autoFilters.addAutoFilter(null, range.bbox, null, null, true);
arn.c1 = 0;
arn.c2 = gc_nMaxCol0;
if (bIsUpdate) {
if (callTrigger) {
t._trigger("slowOperation", false);
t.isChanged = true;
t._updateCellsRange(arn, canChangeColWidth);
var pasteNoLocal = function () {
t._loadFonts(val.fontsNew, function () {
var a_drawings = [];
if (val.addImages && val.addImages.length != 0) {
var api = asc["editor"];
var aImagesSync = [];
for (var im = 0; im < val.addImages.length; im++) {
t.objectRender.asyncImagesDocumentEndLoaded = function () {
for (var im = 0; im < val.addImages.length; im++) {
var src = val.addImages[im].tag.src;
var binary_shape = val.addImages[im].tag.getAttribute("alt");
var sub;
if (typeof binary_shape === "string") {
sub = binary_shape.substr(0, 18);
if (typeof binary_shape === "string" && (sub === "TeamLabShapeSheets" || sub === "TeamLabImageSheets" || sub === "TeamLabChartSheets" || sub === "TeamLabGroupSheets")) {
var reader = CreateBinaryReader(binary_shape, 18, binary_shape.length);
if (isRealObject(reader)) {
reader.oImages = this.oImages;
var first_string = null;
if (reader !== null && typeof reader === "object") {
first_string = sub;
var positionX = null;
var positionY = null;
if (t.cols && val.addImages[im].curCell && val.addImages[im].curCell.col != undefined && t.cols[val.addImages[im].curCell.col].left != undefined) {
positionX = t.cols[val.addImages[im].curCell.col].left - t.getCellLeft(0, 1);
if (t.rows && val.addImages[im].curCell && val.addImages[im].curCell.row != undefined && t.rows[val.addImages[im].curCell.row].top != undefined) {
positionY = t.rows[val.addImages[im].curCell.row].top - t.getCellTop(0, 1);
var Drawing;
switch (first_string) {
case "TeamLabImageSheets":
Drawing = new CImageShape(null, t.objectRender);
case "TeamLabShapeSheets":
Drawing = new CShape(null, t.objectRender);
case "TeamLabGroupSheets":
Drawing = new CGroupShape(null, t.objectRender);
case "TeamLabChartSheets":
Drawing = new CChartAsGroup(null, t.objectRender);
Drawing = CreateImageFromBinary(src);
if (positionX && positionY && t.objectRender) {
Drawing.readFromBinaryForCopyPaste(reader, null, t.objectRender, t.objectRender.convertMetric(positionX, 1, 3), t.objectRender.convertMetric(positionY, 1, 3));
} else {
Drawing.readFromBinaryForCopyPaste(reader, null, t.objectRender);
Drawing.drawingObjects = t.objectRender;
} else {
if (src && 0 != src.indexOf("file://")) {
var drawing = CreateImageDrawingObject(src, {
cell: val.addImages[im].curCell,
width: val.addImages[im].tag.width,
height: val.addImages[im].tag.height
if (drawing && drawing.graphicObject) {
function callbackUngroupedObjects(result) {
if (result) {
for (var j = 0; j < a_drawings.length; ++j) {
History.Add(g_oUndoRedoGraphicObjects, historyitem_AutoShapes_RecalculateTransformUndo, null, null, new UndoRedoDataGraphicObjects(a_drawings[j].Get_Id(), new UndoRedoDataGOSingleProp(null, null)));
for (var j = 0; j < a_drawings.length; ++j) {
isLocal ? pasteLocal() : pasteNoLocal();
case "hyperlink":
if (val && val.hyperlinkModel) {
if (c_oAscHyperlinkType.RangeLink === val.asc_getType()) {
var hyperlinkRangeTmp = t.model.getRange2(val.asc_getRange());
if (null === hyperlinkRangeTmp) {
bIsUpdate = false;
val.hyperlinkModel.Ref = range;
mc = t.model.getMergedByCell(arn.startRow, arn.startCol);
c = mc ? mc.c1 : arn.startCol;
r = mc ? mc.r1 : arn.startRow;
if (null !== val.asc_getText()) {
t.model.getRange3(r, c, r, c).setValue(val.asc_getText());
} else {
bIsUpdate = false;
bIsUpdate = false;
if (bIsUpdate) {
if (callTrigger) {
t._trigger("slowOperation", false);
t.isChanged = true;
t._updateCellsRange(arn, canChangeColWidth);
if ("paste" === prop && val.onlyImages !== true) {
if (isLocal) {
checkRange = t._pasteFromLS(val, true);
} else {
checkRange = t._setInfoAfterPaste(val, onlyActive, true);
if ("paste" === prop && val.onlyImages === true) {
} else {
this._isLockedCells(checkRange, null, onSelectionCallback);
_setInfoAfterPaste: function (values, clipboard, isCheckSelection) {
var t = this;
var arn = t.activeRange.clone(true);
var arrFormula = [];
var numFor = 0;
var rMax = values.length + values.rowSpanSpCount;
if (values.rowCount && values.rowCount !== 0 && values.isOneTable) {
rMax = values.rowCount + arn.r1;
var cMax = values.cellCount + arn.c1;
var isMultiple = false;
var firstCell = t.model.getRange3(arn.r1, arn.c1, arn.r1, arn.c1);
var isMergedFirstCell = firstCell.hasMerged();
var rangeUnMerge = t.model.getRange3(arn.r1, arn.c1, rMax - 1, cMax - 1);
var isOneMerge = false;
if (arn.c2 >= cMax - 1 && arn.r2 >= rMax - 1 && isMergedFirstCell && isMergedFirstCell.c1 === arn.c1 && isMergedFirstCell.c2 === arn.c2 && isMergedFirstCell.r1 === arn.r1 && isMergedFirstCell.r2 === arn.r2 && cMax - arn.c1 === values[arn.r1][arn.c1][0].colSpan && rMax - arn.r1 === values[arn.r1][arn.c1][0].rowSpan) {
if (!isCheckSelection) {
values[arn.r1][arn.c1][0].colSpan = isMergedFirstCell.c2 - isMergedFirstCell.c1 + 1;
values[arn.r1][arn.c1][0].rowSpan = isMergedFirstCell.r2 - isMergedFirstCell.r1 + 1;
isOneMerge = true;
} else {
if (arn.c2 >= cMax - 1 && arn.r2 >= rMax - 1 && values.isOneTable) {
var widthArea = arn.c2 - arn.c1 + 1;
var heightArea = arn.r2 - arn.r1 + 1;
var widthPasteFr = cMax - arn.c1;
var heightPasteFr = rMax - arn.r1;
if (widthArea % widthPasteFr === 0 && heightArea % heightPasteFr === 0) {
isMultiple = true;
} else {
if (firstCell.hasMerged() !== null) {
if (isCheckSelection) {
return arn;
} else {
this._trigger("onError", c_oAscError.ID.PastInMergeAreaError, c_oAscError.Level.NoCritical);
} else {
for (var rFirst = arn.r1; rFirst < rMax; ++rFirst) {
for (var cFirst = arn.c1; cFirst < cMax; ++cFirst) {
range = t.model.getRange3(rFirst, cFirst, rFirst, cFirst);
var merged = range.hasMerged();
if (merged) {
if (merged.r1 < arn.r1 || merged.r2 > rMax - 1 || merged.c1 < arn.c1 || merged.c2 > cMax - 1) {
if (isCheckSelection) {
return arn;
} else {
this._trigger("onErrorEvent", c_oAscError.ID.PastInMergeAreaError, c_oAscError.Level.NoCritical);
var rMax2 = rMax;
var cMax2 = cMax;
var rMax = values.length;
var trueArn = t.activeRange;
if (isCheckSelection) {
var newArr = arn.clone(true);
newArr.r2 = rMax2 - 1;
newArr.c2 = cMax2 - 1;
if (isMultiple || isOneMerge) {
newArr.r2 = trueArn.r2;
newArr.c2 = trueArn.c2;
return newArr;
if (!isOneMerge) {
arn.r2 = (rMax2 - 1 > 0) ? (rMax2 - 1) : 0;
arn.c2 = (cMax2 - 1 > 0) ? (cMax2 - 1) : 0;
var mergeArr = [];
var n = 0;
if (isMultiple) {
t.model.getRange3(trueArn.r1, trueArn.c1, trueArn.r2, trueArn.c2).unmerge();
var maxARow = heightArea / heightPasteFr;
var maxACol = widthArea / widthPasteFr;
var plRow = (rMax2 - arn.r1);
var plCol = (arn.c2 - arn.c1) + 1;
} else {
var maxARow = 1;
var maxACol = 1;
var plRow = 0;
var plCol = 0;
if (isMultiple) {
var currentObj = values[arn.r1][arn.c1][0];
var valFormat = "";
if (currentObj[0] !== undefined) {
valFormat = currentObj[0].text;
if (currentObj.format !== null && currentObj.format !== "" && currentObj.format !== undefined) {
var nameFormat = clipboard._decode(currentObj.format.split(";")[0]);
valFormat = clipboard._decode(currentObj.format.split(";")[1]);
for (var autoR = 0; autoR < maxARow; ++autoR) {
for (var autoC = 0; autoC < maxACol; ++autoC) {
for (var r = arn.r1; r < rMax; ++r) {
for (var c = arn.c1; c < values[r].length; ++c) {
if (undefined !== values[r][c]) {
var range = t.model.getRange3(r + autoR * plRow, c + autoC * plCol, r + autoR * plRow, c + autoC * plCol);
var currentObj = values[r][c][0];
if (currentObj.length === 1) {
var valFormat = currentObj[0].text;
var nameFormat = false;
if (currentObj.format !== null && currentObj.format !== "" && currentObj.format !== undefined) {
nameFormat = clipboard._decode(currentObj.format.split(";")[0]);
valFormat = clipboard._decode(currentObj.format.split(";")[1]);
if (currentObj[0].cellFrom) {
var offset = range.getCells()[0].getOffset2(currentObj[0].cellFrom),
_p_ = new parserFormula(currentObj[0].text.substring(1), "", range.worksheet);
if (_p_.parse()) {
assemb = _p_.changeOffset(offset).assemble();
arrFormula[numFor] = {};
arrFormula[numFor].range = range;
arrFormula[numFor].val = "=" + assemb;
delete _p_;
} else {
delete _p_;
} else {
if (nameFormat) {
if (!isOneMerge && currentObj[0].format && currentObj[0].format.c != null && currentObj[0].format.c != undefined && asc_parsecolor(currentObj[0].format.c) != null) {
range.setFontcolor(new RgbColor(asc_parsecolor(currentObj[0].format.c).binary));
} else {
if (currentObj.length === 1 && currentObj[0].format.fs !== "" && currentObj[0].format.fs !== null && currentObj[0].format.fs !== undefined) {
if (!isOneMerge) {
var isMerged = false;
for (var mergeCheck = 0; mergeCheck < mergeArr.length; ++mergeCheck) {
if (r + 1 + autoR * plRow <= mergeArr[mergeCheck].r2 && r + 1 + autoR * plRow >= mergeArr[mergeCheck].r1 && c + autoC * plCol + 1 <= mergeArr[mergeCheck].c2 && c + 1 + autoC * plCol >= mergeArr[mergeCheck].c1) {
isMerged = true;
if ((currentObj.colSpan > 1 || currentObj.rowSpan > 1) && !isMerged) {
offsetCol: currentObj.colSpan - 1,
offsetRow: currentObj.rowSpan - 1
mergeArr[n] = {
r1: range.first.row,
r2: range.last.row,
c1: range.first.col,
c2: range.last.col
if (currentObj[0] == undefined) {
if (!isOneMerge) {
if (currentObj.bc && currentObj.bc != "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" && currentObj.bc != "transparent" && "" != currentObj.bc && !isOneMerge) {
range.setFill(new RgbColor(asc_parsecolor(currentObj.bc).binary));
var link = values[r][c][0].hyperLink;
if (link) {
var newHyperlink = new Hyperlink();
if (values[r][c][0].hyperLink.search("#") === 0) {
newHyperlink.setLocation(link.replace("#", ""));
} else {
newHyperlink.Hyperlink = link;
newHyperlink.Ref = range;
newHyperlink.Tooltip = values[r][c][0].toolTip;
if (isMultiple) {
arn.r2 = trueArn.r2;
arn.c2 = trueArn.c2;
t.isChanged = true;
t.activeRange.c2 = arn.c2;
t.activeRange.r2 = arn.r2;
var arnFor = [];
arnFor[0] = arn;
arnFor[1] = arrFormula;
return arnFor;
_pasteFromLS: function (val, isCheckSelection) {
var t = this;
var arn = t.activeRange.clone(true);
var arrFormula = [];
var numFor = 0;
var rMax = val.lStorage.length + arn.r1;
var cMax = val.lStorage[0].length + arn.c1;
var values = val.lStorage;
var isMultiple = false;
var firstCell = t.model.getRange3(arn.r1, arn.c1, arn.r1, arn.c1);
var isMergedFirstCell = firstCell.hasMerged();
var rangeUnMerge = t.model.getRange3(arn.r1, arn.c1, rMax - 1, cMax - 1);
var isOneMerge = false;
var firstValuesCol;
var firstValuesRow;
if (values[0][0].merge != null) {
firstValuesCol = values[0][0].merge.c2 - values[0][0].merge.c1;
firstValuesRow = values[0][0].merge.r2 - values[0][0].merge.r1;
} else {
firstValuesCol = 0;
firstValuesRow = 0;
if (arn.c2 >= cMax - 1 && arn.r2 >= rMax - 1 && isMergedFirstCell && isMergedFirstCell.c1 === arn.c1 && isMergedFirstCell.c2 === arn.c2 && isMergedFirstCell.r1 === arn.r1 && isMergedFirstCell.r2 === arn.r2 && cMax - arn.c1 === (firstValuesCol + 1) && rMax - arn.r1 === (firstValuesRow + 1)) {
if (!isCheckSelection) {}
isOneMerge = true;
} else {
if (arn.c2 >= cMax - 1 && arn.r2 >= rMax - 1) {
var widthArea = arn.c2 - arn.c1 + 1;
var heightArea = arn.r2 - arn.r1 + 1;
var widthPasteFr = cMax - arn.c1;
var heightPasteFr = rMax - arn.r1;
if (widthArea % widthPasteFr === 0 && heightArea % heightPasteFr === 0) {
isMultiple = true;
} else {
if (firstCell.hasMerged() !== null) {
if (isCheckSelection) {
return arn;
} else {
this._trigger("onError", c_oAscError.ID.PastInMergeAreaError, c_oAscError.Level.NoCritical);
} else {
for (var rFirst = arn.r1; rFirst < rMax; ++rFirst) {
for (var cFirst = arn.c1; cFirst < cMax; ++cFirst) {
range = t.model.getRange3(rFirst, cFirst, rFirst, cFirst);
var merged = range.hasMerged();
if (merged) {
if (merged.r1 < arn.r1 || merged.r2 > rMax - 1 || merged.c1 < arn.c1 || merged.c2 > cMax - 1) {
if (isCheckSelection) {
return arn;
} else {
this._trigger("onErrorEvent", c_oAscError.ID.PastInMergeAreaError, c_oAscError.Level.NoCritical);
var rMax2 = rMax;
var cMax2 = cMax;
var trueArn = t.activeRange;
if (isCheckSelection) {
var newArr = arn.clone(true);
newArr.r2 = rMax2 - 1;
newArr.c2 = cMax2 - 1;
if (isMultiple || isOneMerge) {
newArr.r2 = trueArn.r2;
newArr.c2 = trueArn.c2;
return newArr;
if (!isOneMerge) {
arn.r2 = rMax2 - 1;
arn.c2 = cMax2 - 1;
var mergeArr = [];
var n = 0;
if (isMultiple) {
t.model.getRange3(trueArn.r1, trueArn.c1, trueArn.r2, trueArn.c2).unmerge();
var maxARow = heightArea / heightPasteFr;
var maxACol = widthArea / widthPasteFr;
var plRow = (rMax2 - arn.r1);
var plCol = (arn.c2 - arn.c1) + 1;
} else {
var maxARow = 1;
var maxACol = 1;
var plRow = 0;
var plCol = 0;
for (var autoR = 0; autoR < maxARow; ++autoR) {
for (var autoC = 0; autoC < maxACol; ++autoC) {
for (var r = arn.r1; r < rMax; ++r) {
for (var c = arn.c1; c < cMax; ++c) {
var newVal = values[r - arn.r1][c - arn.c1];
if (undefined !== newVal) {
var isMerged = false;
var range = t.model.getRange3(r + autoR * plRow, c + autoC * plCol, r + autoR * plRow, c + autoC * plCol);
if (!isOneMerge) {
for (mergeCheck = 0; mergeCheck < mergeArr.length; ++mergeCheck) {
if (r + autoR * plRow <= mergeArr[mergeCheck].r2 && r + autoR * plRow >= mergeArr[mergeCheck].r1 && c + autoC * plCol <= mergeArr[mergeCheck].c2 && c + autoC * plCol >= mergeArr[mergeCheck].c1) {
isMerged = true;
if (newVal.merge != null && !isMerged) {
offsetCol: (newVal.merge.c2 - newVal.merge.c1),
offsetRow: (newVal.merge.r2 - newVal.merge.r1)
mergeArr[n] = {
r1: newVal.merge.r1 + arn.r1 - values.fromRow + autoR * plRow,
r2: newVal.merge.r2 + arn.r1 - values.fromRow + autoR * plRow,
c1: newVal.merge.c1 + arn.c1 - values.fromCol + autoC * plCol,
c2: newVal.merge.c2 + arn.c1 - values.fromCol + autoC * plCol
} else {
for (mergeCheck = 0; mergeCheck < mergeArr.length; ++mergeCheck) {
if (r + autoR * plRow <= mergeArr[mergeCheck].r2 && r + autoR * plRow >= mergeArr[mergeCheck].r1 && c + autoC * plCol <= mergeArr[mergeCheck].c2 && c + autoC * plCol >= mergeArr[mergeCheck].c1) {
isMerged = true;
if (!isMerged) {
offsetCol: (isMergedFirstCell.c2 - isMergedFirstCell.c1),
offsetRow: (isMergedFirstCell.r2 - isMergedFirstCell.r1)
mergeArr[n] = {
r1: isMergedFirstCell.r1,
r2: isMergedFirstCell.r2,
c1: isMergedFirstCell.c1,
c2: isMergedFirstCell.c2
var numFormula = null;
var skipFormat = null;
var noSkipVal = null;
for (var nF = 0; nF < newVal.value2.length; nF++) {
if (newVal.value2[nF] && newVal.value2[nF].sId) {
numFormula = nF;
} else {
if (newVal.value2[nF] && newVal.value2[nF].format && newVal.value2[nF].format.skip) {
skipFormat = true;
} else {
if (newVal.value2[nF] && newVal.value2[nF].format && !newVal.value2[nF].format.skip) {
noSkipVal = nF;
if (newVal.value2.length == 1 || numFormula != null || (skipFormat != null && noSkipVal != null)) {
if (numFormula == null) {
numFormula = 0;
var numStyle = 0;
if (skipFormat != null && noSkipVal != null) {
numStyle = noSkipVal;
if (newVal.value2[numFormula].sId) {
var offset = range.getCells()[numFormula].getOffset2(newVal.value2[numFormula].sId),
_p_ = new parserFormula(newVal.value2[numFormula].sFormula, "", range.worksheet);
if (_p_.parse()) {
assemb = _p_.changeOffset(offset).assemble();
arrFormula[numFor] = {};
arrFormula[numFor].range = range;
arrFormula[numFor].val = "=" + assemb;
delete _p_;
} else {
delete _p_;
} else {
if (newVal.valWithoutFormat) {
} else {
if (!isOneMerge && newVal.value2[numStyle].format && newVal.value2[numStyle].format.c != null && newVal.value2[numStyle].format.c != undefined) {
range.setFontcolor(new RgbColor(asc_parsecolor(newVal.value2[numStyle].format.c).binary));
} else {
if (!isOneMerge) {
if (!isOneMerge) {
var nameFormat;
if (newVal.format && newVal.format.sFormat) {
nameFormat = newVal.format.sFormat;
if (nameFormat) {
if (newVal.angle) {
if (newVal.hyperlink != null) {
newVal.hyperlink.Ref = range;
if (isMultiple) {
arn.r2 = trueArn.r2;
arn.c2 = trueArn.c2;
t.isChanged = true;
t.activeRange.c2 = arn.c2;
t.activeRange.r2 = arn.r2;
var arnFor = [];
arnFor[0] = arn;
arnFor[1] = arrFormula;
return arnFor;
_isLockedAll: function (callback) {
if (false === this.collaborativeEditing.isCoAuthoringExcellEnable()) {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
var sheetId = this.model.getId();
var subType = c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.ChangeProperties;
var ar = this.activeRange;
var lockInfo = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockInfo(c_oAscLockTypeElem.Range, subType, sheetId, new asc_CCollaborativeRange(ar.c1, ar.r1, ar.c2, ar.r2));
if (false === this.collaborativeEditing.getCollaborativeEditing()) {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
callback = undefined;
if (false !== this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection(lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeMine, true)) {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
} else {
if (false !== this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection(lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther, true)) {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
_recalcRangeByInsertRowsAndColumns: function (sheetId, ar) {
var isIntersection = false,
isIntersectionC1 = true,
isIntersectionC2 = true,
isIntersectionR1 = true,
isIntersectionR2 = true;
do {
if (isIntersectionC1 && this.collaborativeEditing.isIntersectionInCols(sheetId, ar.c1)) {
ar.c1 += 1;
} else {
isIntersectionC1 = false;
if (isIntersectionR1 && this.collaborativeEditing.isIntersectionInRows(sheetId, ar.r1)) {
ar.r1 += 1;
} else {
isIntersectionR1 = false;
if (isIntersectionC2 && this.collaborativeEditing.isIntersectionInCols(sheetId, ar.c2)) {
ar.c2 -= 1;
} else {
isIntersectionC2 = false;
if (isIntersectionR2 && this.collaborativeEditing.isIntersectionInRows(sheetId, ar.r2)) {
ar.r2 -= 1;
} else {
isIntersectionR2 = false;
if (ar.c1 > ar.c2 || ar.r1 > ar.r2) {
isIntersection = true;
} while (isIntersectionC1 || isIntersectionC2 || isIntersectionR1 || isIntersectionR2);
if (false === isIntersection) {
ar.c1 = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockMeColumn(sheetId, ar.c1);
ar.c2 = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockMeColumn(sheetId, ar.c2);
ar.r1 = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockMeRow(sheetId, ar.r1);
ar.r2 = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockMeRow(sheetId, ar.r2);
return isIntersection;
_isLockedCells: function (range, subType, callback) {
if (false === this.collaborativeEditing.isCoAuthoringExcellEnable()) {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
return true;
var sheetId = this.model.getId();
var isIntersection = false;
var newCallback = callback;
var t = this;
var nLength = ("array" === asc_typeof(range)) ? range.length : 1;
var nIndex = 0;
var ar = null;
for (; nIndex < nLength; ++nIndex) {
ar = ("array" === asc_typeof(range)) ? range[nIndex].clone(true) : range.clone(true);
if (c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.InsertColumns !== subType && c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.InsertRows !== subType) {
isIntersection = this._recalcRangeByInsertRowsAndColumns(sheetId, ar);
if (false === isIntersection) {
var lockInfo = this.collaborativeEditing.getLockInfo(c_oAscLockTypeElem.Range, subType, sheetId, new asc_CCollaborativeRange(ar.c1, ar.r1, ar.c2, ar.r2));
if (false !== this.collaborativeEditing.getLockIntersection(lockInfo, c_oAscLockTypes.kLockTypeOther, false)) {
if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
return false;
} else {
if (c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.InsertColumns === subType) {
newCallback = function (isSuccess) {
if (isSuccess) {
t.collaborativeEditing.addColsRange(sheetId, range.clone(true));
t.collaborativeEditing.addCols(sheetId, range.c1, range.c2 - range.c1 + 1);
} else {
if (c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.InsertRows === subType) {
newCallback = function (isSuccess) {
if (isSuccess) {
t.collaborativeEditing.addRowsRange(sheetId, range.clone(true));
t.collaborativeEditing.addRows(sheetId, range.r1, range.r2 - range.r1 + 1);
} else {
if (c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.DeleteColumns === subType) {
newCallback = function (isSuccess) {
if (isSuccess) {
t.collaborativeEditing.removeColsRange(sheetId, range.clone(true));
t.collaborativeEditing.removeCols(sheetId, range.c1, range.c2 - range.c1 + 1);
} else {
if (c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.DeleteRows === subType) {
newCallback = function (isSuccess) {
if (isSuccess) {
t.collaborativeEditing.removeRowsRange(sheetId, range.clone(true));
t.collaborativeEditing.removeRows(sheetId, range.r1, range.r2 - range.r1 + 1);
} else {
if (c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.InsertColumns === subType) {
t.collaborativeEditing.addColsRange(sheetId, range.clone(true));
t.collaborativeEditing.addCols(sheetId, range.c1, range.c2 - range.c1 + 1);
} else {
if (c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.InsertRows === subType) {
t.collaborativeEditing.addRowsRange(sheetId, range.clone(true));
t.collaborativeEditing.addRows(sheetId, range.r1, range.r2 - range.r1 + 1);
} else {
if (c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.DeleteColumns === subType) {
t.collaborativeEditing.removeColsRange(sheetId, range.clone(true));
t.collaborativeEditing.removeCols(sheetId, range.c1, range.c2 - range.c1 + 1);
} else {
if (c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.DeleteRows === subType) {
t.collaborativeEditing.removeRowsRange(sheetId, range.clone(true));
t.collaborativeEditing.removeRows(sheetId, range.r1, range.r2 - range.r1 + 1);
if (false === this.collaborativeEditing.getCollaborativeEditing()) {
newCallback = undefined;
return true;
changeWorksheet: function (prop, val) {
if (this.collaborativeEditing.getGlobalLock()) {
var t = this;
var arn = t.activeRange.clone(true);
var range;
var fullRecalc = undefined;
var pad, cw;
var isUpdateCols = false,
isUpdateRows = false;
var cleanCacheCols = false,
cleanCacheRows = false;
var _updateRangeIns, _updateRangeDel, bUndoRedo;
var functionModelAction = null;
var lockDraw = false;
var onChangeWorksheetCallback = function (isSuccess) {
if (false === isSuccess) {
if ($.isFunction(functionModelAction)) {
if (fullRecalc) {
} else {
if (cleanCacheCols) {
t._cleanCache(asc_Range(arn.c1, 0, arn.c2, t.rows.length - 1));
if (cleanCacheRows) {
t._cleanCache(asc_Range(0, arn.r1, t.cols.length - 1, arn.r2));
if (isUpdateCols) {
if (isUpdateRows) {
switch (prop) {
case "colWidth":
functionModelAction = function () {
pad = t.width_padding * 2 + t.width_1px;
cw = t._charCountToModelColWidth(val, true);
t.model.setColWidth(cw, arn.c1, arn.c2);
isUpdateCols = true;
fullRecalc = true;
return this._isLockedAll(onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case "insColBefore":
functionModelAction = function () {
fullRecalc = true;
t.autoFilters.insertColumn(prop, val, arn);
t.model.insertColsBefore(arn.c1, val);
return this._isLockedCells(new asc_Range(arn.c1, 0, arn.c1 + val - 1, gc_nMaxRow0), c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.InsertColumns, onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case "insColAfter":
functionModelAction = function () {
fullRecalc = true;
t.autoFilters.insertColumn(prop, val, arn);
t.model.insertColsAfter(arn.c2, val);
return this._isLockedCells(new asc_Range(arn.c2, 0, arn.c2 + val - 1, gc_nMaxRow0), c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.InsertColumns, onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case "delCol":
functionModelAction = function () {
fullRecalc = true;
t.model.removeCols(arn.c1, arn.c2);
return this._isLockedCells(new asc_Range(arn.c1, 0, arn.c2, gc_nMaxRow0), c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.DeleteColumns, onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case "showCols":
functionModelAction = function () {
t.model.setColHidden(false, arn.c1, arn.c2);
fullRecalc = true;
return this._isLockedAll(onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case "hideCols":
functionModelAction = function () {
t.model.setColHidden(true, arn.c1, arn.c2);
fullRecalc = true;
return this._isLockedAll(onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case "rowHeight":
functionModelAction = function () {
val = val / 0.75;
val = (val | val) * 0.75;
t.model.setRowHeight(Math.min(val, t.maxRowHeight), arn.r1, arn.r2);
isUpdateRows = true;
fullRecalc = true;
return this._isLockedAll(onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case "insRowBefore":
functionModelAction = function () {
fullRecalc = true;
t.model.insertRowsBefore(arn.r1, val);
return this._isLockedCells(new asc_Range(0, arn.r1, gc_nMaxCol0, arn.r1 + val - 1), c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.InsertRows, onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case "insRowAfter":
functionModelAction = function () {
fullRecalc = true;
t.model.insertRowsAfter(arn.r2, val);
return this._isLockedCells(new asc_Range(0, arn.r2, gc_nMaxCol0, arn.r2 + val - 1), c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.InsertRows, onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case "delRow":
functionModelAction = function () {
fullRecalc = true;
t.model.removeRows(arn.r1, arn.r2);
return this._isLockedCells(new asc_Range(0, arn.r1, gc_nMaxCol0, arn.r1), c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.DeleteRows, onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case "showRows":
functionModelAction = function () {
t.model.setRowHidden(false, arn.r1, arn.r2);
fullRecalc = true;
return this._isLockedAll(onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case "hideRows":
functionModelAction = function () {
t.model.setRowHidden(true, arn.r1, arn.r2);
fullRecalc = true;
return this._isLockedAll(onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case "insCell":
bUndoRedo = val.range != undefined;
if (val && val.range) {
_updateRangeIns = val.range;
val = val.val;
} else {
_updateRangeIns = arn;
range = t.model.getRange3(_updateRangeIns.r1, _updateRangeIns.c1, _updateRangeIns.r2, _updateRangeIns.c2);
switch (val) {
case c_oAscInsertOptions.InsertCellsAndShiftRight:
functionModelAction = function () {
var isCheckChangeAutoFilter = t.autoFilters.isActiveCellsCrossHalfFTable(_updateRangeIns, c_oAscInsertOptions.InsertCellsAndShiftRight, prop, bUndoRedo);
if (!isCheckChangeAutoFilter) {
if (range.addCellsShiftRight()) {
fullRecalc = true;
if (isCheckChangeAutoFilter == "changeAutoFilter") {
if (gUndoInsDelCellsFlag == true) {
t.autoFilters.insertColumn(prop, _updateRangeIns, arn);
} else {
if (gUndoInsDelCellsFlag && typeof gUndoInsDelCellsFlag == "object" && gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg1 && gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg2 && gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.data) {
t.autoFilters._setColorStyleTable(gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg1, gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg2, gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.data, null, true);
gUndoInsDelCellsFlag = true;
t.cellCommentator.updateCommentsDependencies(true, val, _updateRangeIns);
t.objectRender.updateDrawingObject(true, val, _updateRangeIns);
if (bUndoRedo) {
} else {
this._isLockedCells(new asc_Range(_updateRangeIns.c1, _updateRangeIns.r1, gc_nMaxCol0, _updateRangeIns.r2), null, onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case c_oAscInsertOptions.InsertCellsAndShiftDown:
functionModelAction = function () {
var isCheckChangeAutoFilter = t.autoFilters.isActiveCellsCrossHalfFTable(_updateRangeIns, c_oAscInsertOptions.InsertCellsAndShiftDown, prop, bUndoRedo);
if (!isCheckChangeAutoFilter) {
if (range.addCellsShiftBottom()) {
fullRecalc = true;
if (isCheckChangeAutoFilter == "changeAutoFilter") {
if (gUndoInsDelCellsFlag == true) {
t.autoFilters.insertRows(prop, _updateRangeIns, _updateRangeIns);
} else {
if (gUndoInsDelCellsFlag && typeof gUndoInsDelCellsFlag == "object" && gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg1 && gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg2 && gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.data) {
t.autoFilters._setColorStyleTable(gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg1, gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg2, gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.data, null, true);
gUndoInsDelCellsFlag = true;
t.cellCommentator.updateCommentsDependencies(true, val, _updateRangeIns);
t.objectRender.updateDrawingObject(true, val, _updateRangeIns);
if (bUndoRedo) {
} else {
this._isLockedCells(new asc_Range(_updateRangeIns.c1, _updateRangeIns.r1, _updateRangeIns.c2, gc_nMaxRow0), null, onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case c_oAscInsertOptions.InsertColumns:
functionModelAction = function () {
fullRecalc = true;
t.model.insertColsBefore(_updateRangeIns.c1, _updateRangeIns.c2 - _updateRangeIns.c1 + 1);
if (gUndoInsDelCellsFlag == true) {
t.autoFilters.insertColumn(prop, _updateRangeIns, arn);
} else {
if (gUndoInsDelCellsFlag && typeof gUndoInsDelCellsFlag == "object" && gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg1 && gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg2 && gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.data) {
t.autoFilters._setColorStyleTable(gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg1, gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg2, gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.data, null, true);
gUndoInsDelCellsFlag = true;
t.objectRender.updateDrawingObject(true, val, _updateRangeIns);
t.cellCommentator.updateCommentsDependencies(true, val, _updateRangeIns);
if (bUndoRedo) {
} else {
this._isLockedCells(new asc_Range(_updateRangeIns.c1, 0, _updateRangeIns.c2, gc_nMaxRow0), c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.InsertColumns, onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case c_oAscInsertOptions.InsertRows:
functionModelAction = function () {
fullRecalc = true;
t.model.insertRowsBefore(_updateRangeIns.r1, _updateRangeIns.r2 - _updateRangeIns.r1 + 1);
if (gUndoInsDelCellsFlag == true) {
t.autoFilters.insertRows(prop, _updateRangeIns, arn);
} else {
if (gUndoInsDelCellsFlag && typeof gUndoInsDelCellsFlag == "object" && gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg1 && gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg2 && gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.data) {
t.autoFilters._setColorStyleTable(gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg1, gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.arg2, gUndoInsDelCellsFlag.data, null, true);
gUndoInsDelCellsFlag = true;
t.objectRender.updateDrawingObject(true, val, _updateRangeIns);
t.cellCommentator.updateCommentsDependencies(true, val, _updateRangeIns);
if (bUndoRedo) {
} else {
this._isLockedCells(new asc_Range(0, _updateRangeIns.r1, gc_nMaxCol0, _updateRangeIns.r2), c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.InsertRows, onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case "delCell":
bUndoRedo = val.range != undefined;
if (val && val.range) {
_updateRangeDel = val.range;
val = val.val;
} else {
_updateRangeDel = arn;
range = t.model.getRange3(_updateRangeDel.r1, _updateRangeDel.c1, _updateRangeDel.r2, _updateRangeDel.c2);
switch (val) {
case c_oAscDeleteOptions.DeleteCellsAndShiftLeft:
var isCheckChangeAutoFilter = t.autoFilters.isActiveCellsCrossHalfFTable(_updateRangeDel, c_oAscDeleteOptions.DeleteCellsAndShiftLeft, prop, bUndoRedo);
if (!isCheckChangeAutoFilter) {
functionModelAction = function () {
History.SetSelection(new asc_Range(_updateRangeDel.c1, 0, _updateRangeDel.c2, gc_nMaxRow0));
if (range.deleteCellsShiftLeft()) {
fullRecalc = true;
if (isCheckChangeAutoFilter == "changeAutoFilter") {
t.autoFilters.insertColumn(prop, _updateRangeDel, arn, c_oAscDeleteOptions.DeleteCellsAndShiftLeft);
t.cellCommentator.updateCommentsDependencies(false, val, _updateRangeDel);
t.objectRender.updateDrawingObject(false, val, _updateRangeDel);
if (bUndoRedo) {
} else {
this._isLockedCells(new asc_Range(_updateRangeDel.c1, _updateRangeDel.r1, gc_nMaxCol0, _updateRangeDel.r2), null, onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case c_oAscDeleteOptions.DeleteCellsAndShiftTop:
var isCheckChangeAutoFilter = t.autoFilters.isActiveCellsCrossHalfFTable(_updateRangeDel, c_oAscDeleteOptions.DeleteCellsAndShiftTop, prop, bUndoRedo);
if (!isCheckChangeAutoFilter) {
functionModelAction = function () {
History.SetSelection(new asc_Range(_updateRangeDel.c1, _updateRangeDel.r1, _updateRangeDel.c2, _updateRangeDel.r2));
if (range.deleteCellsShiftUp()) {
fullRecalc = true;
if (isCheckChangeAutoFilter == "changeAutoFilter") {
t.autoFilters.insertRows(prop, _updateRangeDel, _updateRangeDel, c_oAscDeleteOptions.DeleteCellsAndShiftTop);
t.cellCommentator.updateCommentsDependencies(false, val, _updateRangeDel);
t.objectRender.updateDrawingObject(false, val, _updateRangeDel);
if (bUndoRedo) {
} else {
this._isLockedCells(new asc_Range(_updateRangeDel.c1, _updateRangeDel.r1, _updateRangeDel.c2, gc_nMaxRow0), null, onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case c_oAscDeleteOptions.DeleteColumns:
var isCheckChangeAutoFilter = t.autoFilters.isActiveCellsCrossHalfFTable(_updateRangeDel, c_oAscDeleteOptions.DeleteColumns, prop, bUndoRedo);
if (!isCheckChangeAutoFilter) {
functionModelAction = function () {
fullRecalc = true;
History.SetSelection(new asc_Range(_updateRangeDel.c1, 0, _updateRangeDel.c2, gc_nMaxRow0));
t.model.removeCols(_updateRangeDel.c1, _updateRangeDel.c2);
t.autoFilters.insertColumn(prop, _updateRangeDel, arn, c_oAscDeleteOptions.DeleteColumns);
t.objectRender.updateDrawingObject(false, val, _updateRangeDel);
t.cellCommentator.updateCommentsDependencies(false, val, _updateRangeDel);
if (bUndoRedo) {
} else {
this._isLockedCells(new asc_Range(_updateRangeDel.c1, 0, _updateRangeDel.c2, gc_nMaxRow0), c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.DeleteColumns, onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case c_oAscDeleteOptions.DeleteRows:
var isCheckChangeAutoFilter = t.autoFilters.isActiveCellsCrossHalfFTable(_updateRangeDel, c_oAscDeleteOptions.DeleteRows, prop, bUndoRedo);
if (!isCheckChangeAutoFilter) {
functionModelAction = function () {
fullRecalc = true;
History.SetSelection(new asc_Range(0, _updateRangeDel.r1, gc_nMaxCol0, _updateRangeDel.r2));
t.model.removeRows(_updateRangeDel.r1, _updateRangeDel.r2);
t.autoFilters.insertRows(prop, _updateRangeDel, arn, c_oAscDeleteOptions.DeleteRows);
t.objectRender.updateDrawingObject(false, val, _updateRangeDel);
t.cellCommentator.updateCommentsDependencies(false, val, _updateRangeDel);
if (bUndoRedo) {
} else {
this._isLockedCells(new asc_Range(0, _updateRangeDel.r1, gc_nMaxCol0, _updateRangeDel.r2), c_oAscLockTypeElemSubType.DeleteRows, onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case "sheetViewSettings":
functionModelAction = function () {
isUpdateCols = true;
isUpdateRows = true;
fullRecalc = true;
return this._isLockedAll(onChangeWorksheetCallback);
case "update":
if (val !== undefined) {
fullRecalc = !!val.fullRecalc;
lockDraw = true === val.lockDraw;
case "updateRange":
if (val && val.range) {
t._updateCellsRange(val.range, val.canChangeColWidth, val.isLockDraw);
if (fullRecalc) {
} else {
if (cleanCacheCols) {
t._cleanCache(asc_Range(arn.c1, 0, arn.c2, t.rows.length - 1));
if (cleanCacheRows) {
t._cleanCache(asc_Range(0, arn.r1, t.cols.length - 1, arn.r2));
if (isUpdateCols) {
if (isUpdateRows) {
if (false === lockDraw) {
expandColsOnScroll: function (isNotActive, updateColsCount, newColsCount) {
var t = this;
var arn;
var bIsMaxCols = false;
var obr = this.objectRender ? this.objectRender.getDrawingAreaMetrics() : {
maxCol: 0,
maxRow: 0
var maxc = Math.max(this.model.getColsCount(), this.cols.length, obr.maxCol);
if (newColsCount) {
maxc = Math.max(maxc, newColsCount);
var nLastCols = this.nColsCount;
if (isNotActive) {
this.nColsCount = maxc + 1;
} else {
if (updateColsCount) {
this.nColsCount = maxc;
if (this.cols.length < this.nColsCount) {
nLastCols = this.cols.length;
} else {
arn = t.activeRange.clone(true);
if (arn.c2 >= t.cols.length - 1) {
this.nColsCount = maxc;
if (arn.c2 >= this.nColsCount - 1) {
this.nColsCount = arn.c2 + 2;
if (gc_nMaxCol < this.nColsCount) {
this.nColsCount = gc_nMaxCol;
bIsMaxCols = true;
return (nLastCols !== this.nColsCount || bIsMaxCols);
expandRowsOnScroll: function (isNotActive, updateRowsCount, newRowsCount) {
var t = this;
var arn;
var bIsMaxRows = false;
var obr = this.objectRender ? this.objectRender.getDrawingAreaMetrics() : {
maxCol: 0,
maxRow: 0
var maxr = Math.max(this.model.getRowsCount(), this.rows.length, obr.maxRow);
if (newRowsCount) {
maxr = Math.max(maxr, newRowsCount);
var nLastRows = this.nRowsCount;
if (isNotActive) {
this.nRowsCount = maxr + 1;
} else {
if (updateRowsCount) {
this.nRowsCount = maxr;
if (this.rows.length < this.nRowsCount) {
nLastRows = this.rows.length;
} else {
arn = t.activeRange.clone(true);
if (arn.r2 >= t.rows.length - 1) {
this.nRowsCount = maxr;
if (arn.r2 >= this.nRowsCount - 1) {
this.nRowsCount = arn.r2 + 2;
if (gc_nMaxRow < this.nRowsCount) {
this.nRowsCount = gc_nMaxRow;
bIsMaxRows = true;
return (nLastRows !== this.nRowsCount || bIsMaxRows);
optimizeColWidth: function (col) {
var t = this;
var onChangeWidthCallback = function (isSuccess) {
if (false === isSuccess) {
var width = null;
var row, ct, c, fl, str, maxW, tm, mc;
var oldWidth;
var lastHeight = null;
var filterButton = null;
for (row = 0; row < t.rows.length; ++row) {
ct = t._getCellTextCache(col, row);
if (ct === undefined) {
if (ct.flags.isMerged) {
mc = ct.mc;
if (mc.c1 !== mc.c2) {
t.cols[col].isCustomWidth = false;
t._addCellTextToCache(col, row, c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.all);
ct = t._getCellTextCache(col, row);
if (ct.metrics.height > t.maxRowHeight) {
oldWidth = ct.metrics.width;
lastHeight = null;
c = t._getCell(col, row);
fl = t._getCellFlags(c);
if (fl.isMerged) {
str = c.getValue2();
maxW = ct.metrics.width + t.maxDigitWidth;
while (1) {
tm = t._roundTextMetrics(t.stringRender.measureString(str, fl, maxW));
if (tm.height <= t.maxRowHeight) {
if (lastHeight === tm.height) {
tm.width = oldWidth;
lastHeight = tm.height;
maxW += t.maxDigitWidth;
width = Math.max(width, tm.width);
} else {
filterButton = t.autoFilters.getSizeButton({
c1: col,
r1: row
if (null !== filterButton && CellValueType.String === ct.cellType) {
width = Math.max(width, ct.metrics.width + filterButton.width);
} else {
width = Math.max(width, ct.metrics.width);
if (width > 0) {
var pad = t.width_padding * 2 + t.width_1px;
var cc = Math.min(t._colWidthToCharCount(width + pad), 255);
var cw = t._charCountToModelColWidth(cc, true);
} else {
cw = gc_dDefaultColWidthCharsAttribute;
History.SetSelection(null, true);
t.model.setColBestFit(true, cw, col, col);
t.nColsCount = 0;
t._cleanCache(asc_Range(col, 0, col, t.rows.length - 1));
return this._isLockedAll(onChangeWidthCallback);
optimizeRowHeight: function (row) {
var t = this;
var onChangeHeightCallback = function (isSuccess) {
if (false === isSuccess) {
var height = t.defaultRowHeight;
var col, ct, mc;
for (col = 0; col < t.rows.length; ++col) {
ct = t._getCellTextCache(col, row);
if (ct === undefined) {
if (ct.flags.isMerged) {
mc = ct.mc;
if (mc.r1 !== mc.r2) {
height = Math.max(height, ct.metrics.height);
History.SetSelection(null, true);
t.model.setRowBestFit(true, Math.min(height + t.height_1px, t.maxRowHeight), row, row);
t.nRowsCount = 0;
t._cleanCache(asc_Range(0, row, t.cols.length - 1, row));
return this._isLockedAll(onChangeHeightCallback);
_setActiveCell: function (col, row) {
var ar = this.activeRange,
sc = ar.startCol,
sr = ar.startRow,
ar.assign(col, row, col, row);
ar.type = c_oAscSelectionType.RangeCells;
ar.startCol = col;
ar.startRow = row;
offs = this._calcActiveRangeOffset();
if (sc !== ar.startCol || sr !== ar.startRow) {
this._trigger("selectionNameChanged", this.getSelectionName(false));
this._trigger("selectionChanged", this.getSelectionInfo());
return offs;
findCellText: function (options) {
var self = this;
if (true !== options.isMatchCase) {
options.text = options.text.toLowerCase();
var ar = options.activeRange ? options.activeRange : this.activeRange;
var c = ar.startCol;
var r = ar.startRow;
var minC = 0;
var minR = 0;
var maxC = this.cols.length - 1;
var maxR = this.rows.length - 1;
var inc = options.scanForward ? +1 : -1;
var ct, mc, excluded = [];
var _tmpCell, cellText;
function isExcluded(col, row) {
for (var i = 0; i < excluded.length; ++i) {
if (excluded[i].contains(col, row)) {
return true;
return false;
function findNextCell() {
var ct = undefined;
do {
do {
mc = self.model.getMergedByCell(r, c);
if (mc) {
if (options.scanByRows) {
c += mc ? (options.scanForward ? mc.c2 + 1 - c : mc.c1 - 1 - c) : inc;
if (c < minC || c > maxC) {
c = options.scanForward ? minC : maxC;
r += inc;
} else {
r += mc ? (options.scanForward ? mc.r2 + 1 - r : mc.r1 - 1 - r) : inc;
if (r < minR || r > maxR) {
r = options.scanForward ? minR : maxR;
c += inc;
if (c < minC || c > maxC || r < minR || r > maxR) {
return undefined;
} while (isExcluded(c, r));
ct = self._getCellTextCache(c, r);
} while (!ct);
return ct;
for (ct = findNextCell(); ct; ct = findNextCell()) {
mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(r, c);
if (mc) {
_tmpCell = this.model.getCell(new CellAddress(mc.r1, mc.c1, 0));
} else {
_tmpCell = this.model.getCell(new CellAddress(r, c, 0));
cellText = _tmpCell.getValueForEdit();
if (true !== options.isMatchCase) {
cellText = cellText.toLowerCase();
if (cellText.indexOf(options.text) >= 0) {
if (true !== options.isWholeCell || options.text.length === cellText.length) {
return (options.isNotSelect) ? (mc ? new asc_Range(mc.c1, mc.r1, mc.c1, mc.r1) : new asc_Range(c, r, c, r)) : this._setActiveCell(c, r);
excluded = [];
if (options.scanForward) {
minC = 0;
minR = 0;
if (options.scanByRows) {
c = -1;
r = 0;
maxC = this.cols.length - 1;
maxR = ar.startRow;
} else {
c = 0;
r = -1;
maxC = ar.startCol;
maxR = this.rows.length - 1;
} else {
c = this.cols.length - 1;
r = this.rows.length - 1;
if (options.scanByRows) {
minC = 0;
minR = ar.startRow;
} else {
minC = ar.startCol;
minR = 0;
maxC = this.cols.length - 1;
maxR = this.rows.length - 1;
for (ct = findNextCell(); ct; ct = findNextCell()) {
mc = this.model.getMergedByCell(r, c);
if (mc) {
_tmpCell = this.model.getCell(new CellAddress(mc.r1, mc.c1, 0));
} else {
_tmpCell = this.model.getCell(new CellAddress(r, c, 0));
cellText = _tmpCell.getValueForEdit();
if (true !== options.isMatchCase) {
cellText = cellText.toLowerCase();
if (cellText.indexOf(options.text) >= 0) {
if (true !== options.isWholeCell || options.text.length === cellText.length) {
return (options.isNotSelect) ? (mc ? new asc_Range(mc.c1, mc.r1, mc.c1, mc.r1) : new asc_Range(c, r, c, r)) : this._setActiveCell(c, r);
return undefined;
replaceCellText: function (options) {
var findFlags = "g";
if (true !== options.isMatchCase) {
findFlags += "i";
var valueForSearching = options.findWhat.replace(/(\\)/g, "\\").replace(/(\^)/g, "\\^").replace(/(\()/g, "\\(").replace(/(\))/g, "\\)").replace(/(\+)/g, "\\+").replace(/(\[)/g, "\\[").replace(/(\])/g, "\\]").replace(/(\{)/g, "\\{").replace(/(\})/g, "\\}").replace(/(\$)/g, "\\$").replace(/(~)?\*/g, function ($0, $1) {
return $1 ? $0 : "(.*)";
}).replace(/(~)?\?/g, function ($0, $1) {
return $1 ? $0 : ".";
}).replace(/(~\*)/g, "\\*").replace(/(~\?)/g, "\\?");
valueForSearching = new RegExp(valueForSearching, findFlags);
var t = this;
var ar = this.activeRange.clone();
ar.startCol = this.activeRange.startCol;
ar.startRow = this.activeRange.startRow;
var aReplaceCells = [];
if (options.isReplaceAll) {
t._trigger("slowOperation", true);
var aReplaceCellsIndex = {};
var optionsFind = {
text: options.findWhat,
scanByRows: true,
scanForward: true,
isMatchCase: options.isMatchCase,
isWholeCell: options.isWholeCell,
isNotSelect: true,
activeRange: ar
var findResult, index;
while (true) {
findResult = t.findCellText(optionsFind);
if (undefined === findResult) {
index = findResult.c1 + "-" + findResult.r1;
if (aReplaceCellsIndex[index]) {
aReplaceCellsIndex[index] = true;
ar.startCol = findResult.c1;
ar.startRow = findResult.r1;
} else {
var mc = t.model.getMergedByCell(ar.startRow, ar.startCol);
var c1 = mc ? mc.c1 : ar.startCol;
var r1 = mc ? mc.r1 : ar.startRow;
var c = t._getVisibleCell(c1, r1);
if (c === undefined) {
asc_debug("log", "Unknown cell's info: col = " + c1 + ", row = " + r1);
t._trigger("onRenameCellTextEnd", 0, 0);
var cellValue = c.getValueForEdit();
if ((true === options.isWholeCell && cellValue.length !== options.findWhat.length) || 0 > cellValue.search(valueForSearching)) {
t._trigger("onRenameCellTextEnd", 0, 0);
aReplaceCells.push(new asc_Range(c1, r1, c1, r1));
if (0 > aReplaceCells.length) {
t._trigger("onRenameCellTextEnd", 0, 0);
this._replaceCellsText(aReplaceCells, valueForSearching, options);
_replaceCellsText: function (aReplaceCells, valueForSearching, options) {
var oSelectionHistory = this.activeRange.clone();
options.indexInArray = 0;
options.countFind = aReplaceCells.length;
options.countReplace = 0;
this._replaceCellText(aReplaceCells, valueForSearching, options);
_replaceCellText: function (aReplaceCells, valueForSearching, options) {
var t = this;
if (options.indexInArray >= aReplaceCells.length) {
if (options.isReplaceAll) {
t._trigger("slowOperation", false);
t._trigger("onRenameCellTextEnd", options.countFind, options.countReplace);
var onReplaceCallback = function (isSuccess) {
var cell = aReplaceCells[options.indexInArray];
if (false !== isSuccess) {
var c = t._getVisibleCell(cell.c1, cell.r1);
if (c === undefined) {
asc_debug("log", "Unknown cell's info: col = " + cell.c1 + ", row = " + cell.r1);
} else {
var cellValue = c.getValueForEdit();
cellValue = cellValue.replace(valueForSearching, options.replaceWith);
var oCellEdit = new asc_Range(cell.c1, cell.r1, cell.c1, cell.r1);
var v, newValue;
v = c.getValueForEdit2().slice(0, 1);
newValue = [];
newValue[0] = {
text: cellValue,
format: v[0].format.clone()
t._saveCellValueAfterEdit(oCellEdit, c, newValue, undefined, false, true);
window.setTimeout(function () {
t._replaceCellText(aReplaceCells, valueForSearching, options);
this._isLockedCells(aReplaceCells[options.indexInArray], null, onReplaceCallback);
findCell: function (reference) {
var t = this;
var match = (/(?:R(\d+)C(\d+)|([A-Z]+[0-9]+))(?::(?:R(\d+)C(\d+)|([A-Z]+[0-9]+)))?/i).exec(reference);
if (!match) {
return null;
function _findCell(match1, match2, match3) {
var addr = typeof match1 === "string" ? new CellAddress(parseInt(match1), parseInt(match2)) : typeof match3 === "string" ? new CellAddress(match3) : null;
if (addr && addr.isValid() && addr.getRow0() >= t.rows.length) {
t.nRowsCount = addr.getRow0() + 1;
if (addr && addr.isValid() && addr.getCol0() >= t.cols.length) {
t.nColsCount = addr.getCol0() + 1;
return addr && addr.isValid() ? addr : null;
var addr1 = _findCell(match[1], match[2], match[3]);
var addr2 = _findCell(match[4], match[5], match[6]);
if (!addr1 && !addr2) {
return {};
var delta = t._setActiveCell(addr1.getCol0(), addr1.getRow0());
return !addr2 ? delta : t.changeSelectionEndPoint(addr2.getCol0() - addr1.getCol0(), addr2.getRow0() - addr1.getRow0(), false, false);
setCellEditMode: function (isCellEditMode) {
this.isCellEditMode = isCellEditMode;
setFormulaEditMode: function (isFormulaEditMode) {
this.isFormulaEditMode = isFormulaEditMode;
getFormulaEditMode: function () {
return this.isFormulaEditMode;
setSelectionDialogMode: function (isSelectionDialogMode, selectRange) {
if (isSelectionDialogMode === this.isSelectionDialogMode) {
this.isSelectionDialogMode = isSelectionDialogMode;
if (false === this.isSelectionDialogMode) {
if (null !== this.copyOfActiveRange) {
this.activeRange = this.copyOfActiveRange.clone(true);
this.activeRange.startCol = this.copyOfActiveRange.startCol;
this.activeRange.startRow = this.copyOfActiveRange.startRow;
this.copyOfActiveRange = null;
} else {
this.copyOfActiveRange = this.activeRange.clone(true);
this.copyOfActiveRange.startCol = this.activeRange.startCol;
this.copyOfActiveRange.startRow = this.activeRange.startRow;
if (selectRange) {
selectRange = parserHelp.parse3DRef(selectRange);
if (selectRange) {
selectRange = this.model.getRange2(selectRange.range);
if (null !== selectRange) {
this.activeRange = selectRange.getBBox0();
this.activeRange.startCol = this.activeRange.c1;
this.activeRange.startRow = this.activeRange.r1;
getCellEditMode: function () {
return this.isCellEditMode;
_isFormula: function (val) {
return val.length > 0 && val[0].text.length > 1 && val[0].text.charAt(0) === "=" ? true : false;
getActiveCell: function (x, y, isCoord) {
var t = this;
var col, row;
if (isCoord) {
x *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, t._getPPIX());
y *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, t._getPPIY());
col = t._findColUnderCursor(x, true);
row = t._findRowUnderCursor(y, true);
if (!col || !row) {
return false;
col = col.col;
row = row.row;
} else {
col = t.activeRange.startCol;
row = t.activeRange.startRow;
var mergedRange = this.model.getMergedByCell(row, col);
return mergedRange ? mergedRange : asc_Range(col, row, col, row);
_saveCellValueAfterEdit: function (oCellEdit, c, val, flags, skipNLCheck, isNotHistory) {
var t = this;
var oldMode = t.isFormulaEditMode;
t.isFormulaEditMode = false;
if (!isNotHistory) {
var isFormula = t._isFormula(val);
if (isFormula) {
var ftext = val.reduce(function (pv, cv) {
return pv + cv.text;
var ret = true;
c.setValue(ftext, function (r) {
ret = r;
if (!ret) {
t.isFormulaEditMode = oldMode;
return false;
isFormula = c.isFormula();
} else {
if (!isFormula) {
var bIsSetWrap = false;
if (!skipNLCheck) {
for (var key in val) {
if (val[key].text.indexOf(kNewLine) >= 0) {
bIsSetWrap = true;
if (bIsSetWrap) {
t._updateCellsRange(oCellEdit, c_oAscCanChangeColWidth.numbers);
if (!isNotHistory) {
return true;
openCellEditor: function (editor, x, y, isCoord, fragments, cursorPos, isFocus, isClearCell, isHideCursor, activeRange) {
var t = this,
vr = t.visibleRange,
tc = t.cols,
tr = t.rows,
col, row, c, fl, mc, bg;
var ar = t.activeRange;
if (activeRange) {
t.activeRange.c1 = activeRange.c1;
t.activeRange.c2 = activeRange.c2;
t.activeRange.r1 = activeRange.r1;
t.activeRange.r2 = activeRange.r2;
t.activeRange.startCol = activeRange.startCol;
t.activeRange.startRow = activeRange.startRow;
t.activeRange.type = activeRange.type;
if (t.objectRender.checkCursorDrawingObject(x, y)) {
return false;
function getLeftSide(col) {
var i, res = [],
offs = t.cols[vr.c1].left - t.cols[0].left;
for (i = col; i >= vr.c1; --i) {
res.push(t.cols[i].left - offs);
return res;
function getRightSide(col) {
var i, w, res = [],
offs = t.cols[vr.c1].left - t.cols[0].left;
if (fl.isMerged && col > vr.c2) {
col = vr.c2;
for (i = col; i <= vr.c2; ++i) {
res.push(t.cols[i].left + t.cols[i].width - offs);
w = t.drawingCtx.getWidth();
if (res[res.length - 1] > w) {
res[res.length - 1] = w;
return res;
function getBottomSide(row) {
var i, h, res = [],
offs = t.rows[vr.r1].top - t.rows[0].top;
if (fl.isMerged && row > vr.r2) {
row = vr.r2;
for (i = row; i <= vr.r2; ++i) {
res.push(t.rows[i].top + t.rows[i].height - offs);
h = t.drawingCtx.getHeight();
if (res[res.length - 1] > h) {
res[res.length - 1] = h;
return res;
if (isCoord) {
x *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, t._getPPIX());
y *= asc_getcvt(0, 1, t._getPPIY());
col = t._findColUnderCursor(x, true);
row = t._findRowUnderCursor(y, true);
if (!col || !row) {
return false;
col = col.col;
row = row.row;
} else {
col = ar.startCol;
row = ar.startRow;
c = t._getVisibleCell(col, row);
if (!c) {
throw "Can not get cell data (col=" + col + ", row=" + row + ")";
fl = t._getCellFlags(c);
if (fl.isMerged) {
mc = t.model.getMergedByCell(row, col);
c = t._getVisibleCell(mc.c1, mc.r1);
if (!c) {
throw "Can not get merged cell data (col=" + mc.c1 + ", row=" + mc.r1 + ")";
fl = t._getCellFlags(c);
var bIsUpdateX = false;
var bIsUpdateY = false;
if (mc.c1 < vr.c1) {
vr.c1 = mc.c1;
bIsUpdateX = true;
if (mc.r1 < vr.r1) {
vr.r1 = mc.r1;
bIsUpdateY = true;
if (bIsUpdateX && bIsUpdateY) {
} else {
if (bIsUpdateX) {
} else {
if (bIsUpdateY) {
if (bIsUpdateX || bIsUpdateY) {
bg = c.getFill();
if (null != bg) {
bg = bg.getRgb();
t.isFormulaEditMode = false;
t.arrActiveFormulaRanges = [];
var oFontColor = c.getFontcolor();
if (null != oFontColor) {
oFontColor = oFontColor.getRgb();
cellX: t.cellsLeft + tc[!fl.isMerged ? col : mc.c1].left - tc[vr.c1].left,
cellY: t.cellsTop + tr[!fl.isMerged ? row : mc.r1].top - tr[vr.r1].top,
leftSide: getLeftSide(!fl.isMerged ? col : mc.c1),
rightSide: getRightSide(!fl.isMerged ? col : mc.c2),
bottomSide: getBottomSide(!fl.isMerged ? row : mc.r2),
fragments: fragments !== undefined ? fragments : c.getValueForEdit2(),
flags: fl,
font: new asc_FP(c.getFontname(), c.getFontsize()),
background: bg !== null ? asc_n2css(bg) : t.settings.cells.defaultState.background,
hasBackground: bg !== null,
textColor: oFontColor || t.settings.cells.defaultState.color,
cursorPos: cursorPos,
zoom: t.getZoom(),
focus: isFocus,
isClearCell: isClearCell,
isHideCursor: isHideCursor,
saveValueCallback: function (val, flags, skipNLCheck) {
var oCellEdit = fl.isMerged ? new asc_Range(0, mc.r1, gc_nMaxCol0, mc.r1) : new asc_Range(0, row, gc_nMaxCol0, row);
return t._saveCellValueAfterEdit(oCellEdit, c, val, flags, skipNLCheck, false);
return true;
openCellEditorWithText: function (editor, text, cursorPos, isFocus, activeRange) {
var t = this;
var ar = (activeRange) ? activeRange : t.activeRange;
var c = t._getVisibleCell(ar.startCol, ar.startRow);
var v, copyValue;
if (!c) {
throw "Can not get cell data (col=" + ar.startCol + ", row=" + ar.startCol + ")";
v = c.getValueForEdit2().slice(0, 1);
copyValue = [];
copyValue[0] = {
text: text,
format: v[0].format.clone()
var bSuccess = t.openCellEditor(editor, 0, 0, false, undefined, undefined, isFocus, true, false, activeRange);
if (bSuccess) {
editor.paste(copyValue, cursorPos);
return bSuccess;
_updateCellsRange: function (range, canChangeColWidth, lockDraw) {
var t = this,
r, c, h, d, ct;
var mergedRange, bUpdateRowHeight;
if (range === undefined) {
range = t.activeRange.clone(true);
if (gc_nMaxCol0 === range.c2 || gc_nMaxRow0 === range.r2) {
range = range.clone();
if (gc_nMaxCol0 === range.c2) {
range.c2 = this.cols.length - 1;
if (gc_nMaxRow0 === range.r2) {
range.r2 = this.rows.length - 1;
if (t._isLargeRange(range)) {
t.changeWorksheet("update", {
lockDraw: lockDraw
for (r = range.r1; r <= range.r2; ++r) {
if (t.height_1px > t.rows[r].height) {
for (c = range.c1; c <= range.c2; ++c) {
if (t.width_1px > t.cols[c].width) {
c = t._addCellTextToCache(c, r, canChangeColWidth);
for (h = t.defaultRowHeight, d = t.defaultRowDescender, c = 0; c < t.cols.length; ++c) {
ct = t._getCellTextCache(c, r, true);
if (!ct) {
if (!ct.flags.isMerged) {
bUpdateRowHeight = true;
} else {
mergedRange = ct.mc;
bUpdateRowHeight = mergedRange.r1 === mergedRange.r2;
if (bUpdateRowHeight) {
h = Math.max(h, ct.metrics.height);
if (ct.cellVA !== kvaTop && ct.cellVA !== kvaCenter && !ct.flags.isMerged) {
d = Math.max(d, ct.metrics.height - ct.metrics.baseline);
if (Math.abs(h - t.rows[r].height) > 1e-06 && !t.rows[r].isCustomHeight) {
t.rows[r].heightReal = t.rows[r].height = Math.min(h, t.maxRowHeight);
if (!t.rows[r].isDefaultHeight) {
t.model.setRowHeight(t.rows[r].height + this.height_1px, r, r);
t.isChanged = true;
if (Math.abs(d - t.rows[r].descender) > 1e-06) {
t.rows[r].descender = d;
t.isChanged = true;
if (t.isChanged) {
t.isChanged = false;
t._trigger("selectionNameChanged", this.getSelectionName(false));
t._trigger("selectionChanged", t.getSelectionInfo());
enterCellRange: function (editor) {
var t = this;
if (!t.isFormulaEditMode) {
var ar = t.arrActiveFormulaRanges[t.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length - 1];
var s = t.getActiveRange(ar);
return true;
changeCellRange: function (editor, range) {
var s = this.getActiveRange(range);
if (range.isAbsolute) {
var ra = range.isAbsolute.split(":"),
if (ra.length >= 1) {
var sa = s.split(":");
for (var ind = 0; ind < sa.length; ind++) {
if (ra[ra.length > 1 ? ind : 0].indexOf("$") == 0) {
sa[ind] = "$" + sa[ind];
if (ra[ra.length > 1 ? ind : 0].lastIndexOf("$") != 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < sa[ind].length; i++) {
if (sa[ind].charAt(i).match(/[0-9]/gi)) {
_s = i;
sa[ind] = sa[ind].substr(0, _s) + "$" + sa[ind].substr(_s, sa[ind].length);
s = "";
sa.forEach(function (e, i) {
s += (i != 0 ? ":": "");
s += e;
editor.changeCellRange(range, s);
return true;
getActiveRange: function (ar) {
if (ar.c1 === ar.c2 && ar.r1 === ar.r2) {
return this._getCellTitle(ar.c1, ar.r1);
if (ar.c1 === ar.c2 && ar.r1 === 0 && ar.r2 === this.rows.length - 1) {
var ct = this._getColumnTitle(ar.c1);
return ct + ":" + ct;
if (ar.r1 === ar.r2 && ar.c1 === 0 && ar.c2 === this.cols.length - 1) {
var rt = this._getRowTitle(ar.r1);
return rt + ":" + rt;
if (ar.r1 === 0 && ar.r2 === gc_nMaxRow0 || ar.r1 === 1 && ar.r2 === gc_nMaxRow) {
return this._getColumnTitle(ar.c1) + ":" + this._getColumnTitle(ar.c2);
if (ar.c1 === 0 && ar.c2 === gc_nMaxCol0 || ar.c1 === 1 && ar.c2 === gc_nMaxCol) {
return this._getRowTitle(ar.r1) + ":" + this._getRowTitle(ar.r2);
return this._getCellTitle(ar.c1, ar.r1) + ":" + this._getCellTitle(ar.c2, ar.r2);
addFormulaRange: function (range) {
var r = range !== undefined ? range : this.activeRange.clone(true);
if (r.startCol === undefined || r.startRow === undefined) {
r.startCol = r.c1;
r.startRow = r.r1;
changeFormulaRange: function (range) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.arrActiveFormulaRanges.length; ++i) {
if (this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[i].isEqual(range)) {
var r = this.arrActiveFormulaRanges[i];
this.arrActiveFormulaRanges.splice(i, 1);
cleanFormulaRanges: function () {
this.arrActiveFormulaRanges = [];
addAutoFilter: function (lTable, addFormatTableOptionsObj) {
var t = this;
var ar = t.activeRange.clone(true);
var onChangeAutoFilterCallback = function (isSuccess) {
if (false === isSuccess) {
return t.autoFilters.addAutoFilter(lTable, ar, undefined, false, addFormatTableOptionsObj);
applyAutoFilter: function (type, autoFilterObject) {
var t = this;
var ar = t.activeRange.clone(true);
var onChangeAutoFilterCallback = function (isSuccess) {
if (false === isSuccess) {
t.autoFilters.applyAutoFilter(type, autoFilterObject, ar);
sortColFilter: function (type, cellId) {
var t = this;
var ar = this.activeRange.clone(true);
var onChangeAutoFilterCallback = function (isSuccess) {
if (false === isSuccess) {
return t.autoFilters.sortColFilter(type, cellId, ar);
getAddFormatTableOptions: function (nameOption) {
var ar = this.activeRange.clone(true);
var t = this;
var result = t.autoFilters.getAddFormatTableOptions(ar);
return result;
_loadFonts: function (fontArr, callback) {
var originFonts = [];
var i, n, k = 0;
for (i = 0; i < fontArr.length; ++i) {
for (n = 0; n < fontArr[i].length; ++n) {
if (-1 == $.inArray(fontArr[i][n], originFonts)) {
originFonts[k] = fontArr[i][n];
var api = window["Asc"]["editor"];
api._loadFonts(originFonts, callback);
window["Asc"].WorksheetView = WorksheetView;
})(jQuery, window); |